All seasons are good in their own way, but bright, varied colors and mystery are unique to autumn. Autumn has its own unusual scent, and the early twilight evokes a romantic mood. All kinds of autumn signs are another remarkable property of this amazing time.

About the weather for all the superstitious

According to the calendar, autumn begins on the day when children go to school for the first time. At this time, birds gather to the south, and leaves fall from the trees. So what are these signs about autumn?

  • Rainy summer and warm autumn days foretell a long winter.
  • If there is heavy winter precipitation in early autumn, spring will be early.
  • Frost in the fall - expect sunny and dry weather.
  • The dim shine of the stars means rain, and the clear shine means good weather.
  • If there are a lot of cobwebs during Indian summer, autumn will be sunny and warm, and winter will be cold.
  • Autumn starfall warns of a bad harvest next year.
  • The web lies low - the winter will be cold and snowy.
  • If late autumn suddenly the mosquitoes came to life - the winter will be warm.

Signs of autumn for schoolchildren

In the fall, children together with their teachers go to the forest to study nature not from textbooks, but in natural environment. In such an environment, it is easier for the teacher to explain basic natural phenomena to students, and the children learn the material better.

  • If snow covers the ground and there are still leaves hanging on the trees, it means it will melt soon.
  • Low clouds foreshadow the approach of rain and cold.
  • Thunder struck in the fall, which means the warmth will last for a long time.
  • A mild winter can be determined by the late departure of migratory birds.
  • If you see a mushroom in late autumn, it means there won’t be any snow soon.
  • Scattered clouds promise clear but cold days.
  • Late leaf fall indicates a cold next year.
  • Birch trees turn yellow from below - late spring, from above - early.
  • Ants make huge piles - the winter will be cold.
  • About the harsh and snowy winter can be judged by the abundance of nuts and lack of mushrooms.
  • If the birds fly away together, it means that winter is coming soon and cold.
  • Among the prolonged rains, birds suddenly began to sing - warm days are coming.
  • ABOUT warm winter evidenced by the behavior of bees that leave their entrance open. If they seal the hole of the hive with wax, the winter will be cold.
  • Thunder in October - there will be a lot of snow in winter.
  • The hares have changed their gray fur to white - they are expecting a quick winter.
  • The oak tree is covered with acorns - expect a harsh winter.
  • Fallen leaves lie face up - the harvest will be poor and vice versa.
  • Squirrels are intensively stocking up on nuts - in anticipation of a harsh winter.

Folk signs autumn is known to most people. They are not perceived as superstitions, rather they are a reference book folk wisdom. They were collected by our ancestors for hundreds of years and passed on as experience accumulated over many years of observation; many came into use from folklore.

Autumn signs are especially important, since they were used to determine the forecast for the future harvest, the beginning of preparations (wetting apples, chopping cabbage, drying mushrooms), the time of storing vegetables in the cellars. This is the time of necessary preparations for winter.

The autumn months are the best for forecasts for the coming winter period. They quite accurately determine what kind of autumn and winter it will be, how much snowfall will fall, and when to expect the bitterest frosty days.


September begins autumn, it is he who usheres in a wonderful time in nature: golden leaf fall, the last warmth of Indian summer, schools of cranes flying south in a clear sky.

This is the time of grain harvest, an abundance of fruits and vegetables, it is not for nothing that this period is considered the “blush of autumn”. But at the same time, the first drizzling rains begin, thick fogs fall on the fields in the morning, the air becomes cooler, the sky becomes cloudy, which is why the month was called “gloomy”, “rainbell”.

By September, they determine what to expect from the other autumn months, what the winter will be like, and when to prepare for the spring plowing of the land and the first sowings. September forecasts are considered the most reliable.

About autumn:

  1. There are a lot of rowan berries in the forest - autumn time it will be rainy.
  2. Autumn time will bring warmth and sunny days, if thunder thunders and peas bloom in the gardens.
  3. As is the first day of September, so will autumn be.
  4. Lots of cobwebs for Indian summer, get ready for the cold autumn months.
  5. The dandelion has bloomed, wait for the warmth in the fall.


The month of October is characterized by rainy and chilly weather, the first frosts occur at night, and the days become shorter. They say about this month: “In October, before lunch, it’s autumn, after lunch, it’s winter.”

October is the middle of the autumn season and it was called differently: bread-bloomer, leaf-faller, mud-bloomer, kiselnik.

About autumn:

  1. There are many stars - it will be warm for a long time.
  2. Birds fly high and scream - for a long autumn season.
  3. The late mushrooms have arrived - the autumn is long and sunny.
  4. Frost on the trees - warm, sunny days are expected.
  5. It will thunder in the sky - don’t expect snowdrifts.


November is considered the twilight of the year; it is popularly called “leafy”. Snow has not yet covered the ground with a permanent carpet, but it is falling more often and melting more slowly. November - Lately living water, a little more and the rivers will be covered with ice, it’s not for nothing that it is called the “pre-winter road”, the gates of winter.

According to the signs of November, you can understand not only what kind of winter it will be, but also what to expect in the spring and summer.

  1. Rain in November - winter will come soon.
  2. Mosquitoes have appeared - it won’t be cold in winter.
  3. Hares come into the gardens - in winter, expect many frosty days and it will be stormy for weeks.
  4. The leaves do not fly off - to the winter cold.
  5. Cold November – bitter winter.

Wedding in autumn

In the autumn months, weddings were always held in Rus'. October is called the “wedding month”; wedding celebrations were timed to coincide with it. have a good month November is also the month for marriage.

During these months, all field work ended, the harvest was harvested for storage, preparations were made, and it was time for rest.

Weddings took place on Pokrov in October Holy Mother of God(October 14), it was believed that a wedding on this day would bring happiness and prosperity to the newlyweds.

In November, the day of Kazan was considered a good day. Mother of God(November 4). The saint will protect the young, bring happiness and many years of marriage.

You can schedule a wedding on Zinovy ​​(November 12), or on Nicodemus Day (November 13). These saints protect the family hearth from grief and misfortune.

If newlyweds want to have children quickly, then it is better to have a wedding on November 22, the day of Matrona of Moscow. Unfavorable days Thursday and Friday are considered.

The weather on the wedding day predicts the future of the newlyweds:

Pregnancy in autumn

Autumn - perfect time for pregnancy, the time of spring flowering of allergenic plants has already passed, the summer heat has gone, a lot of fruits and vegetables for good nutrition expectant mother and the time for runny noses and colds has not yet come.

According to popular belief, in order to get pregnant, you need to go to church on the Intercession, light a candle and give the woman serving in the church a scarf.

Childbirth in autumn

For babies born in the autumn months, there are signs directly related to the weather. If the sun shines, the child will have happy family when he grows up. If at the moment of birth it's raining, then in his adult years he will be rich, if snow - a scientist. They were afraid to give birth on October 20; this day predicted a difficult fate for the child.


Sayings about autumn are associated with the bounty of this time of year, the harvest, the abundance of fruits and weather nuances.

  • In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
  • In autumn even the sparrow is rich.
  • In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weather changes in the yard.
  • Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and nourishing.
  • Autumn stores, winter collects supplies.
  • The first snowball doesn't last long.

Children begin to get acquainted with important signs with proverbs; matinees for preschoolers are held on such topics in kindergartens and cool watch for schoolchildren.

Signs on animals

It has long been noted that animals better than man sense weather changes; they, like living barometers, can warn of climate fluctuations.

People have long learned to decipher these signals:

  • The ducks are left to spend the winter – the winter will be warm.
  • The squirrel carries a lot of nuts into the hollow - for a long winter.
  • The hare has changed its skin - it’s snowing, winter is just around the corner.
  • Chickens close their wings on the roost - there will be frost.
  • The higher the ant heaps, the harsher the frosts will be.

Birds are the messengers of autumn

At the beginning of autumn, birds begin to flock to distant lands; they are much more before man feel the approaching change of season. Man noticed this long ago and accurately determined what autumn would be like, when the cold weather began and the first snow fell.

Signs - messengers:

  • The rooks flew away early, snow will fall soon.
  • Wild geese gather in flocks for migration - the autumn rains begin and the cold weather sets in.
  • Migratory birds fly low - towards a short autumn.
  • Crows sit on the tops of trees - it means frost.
  • Cranes fly high - for a warm, sunny autumn.
  • There are a lot of titmice near human habitation – it’s getting cold.

Signs of the harvest

The main concern of people at all times concerned the harvest. A person, at the level of genetic memory, knows what hunger is, and therefore looks for signs and signs of a future harvest and, above all, bread in natural phenomena. This is the key to a satisfying year and a prosperous life.

Autumn harvest signs:

Golden autumn is a dull time... This is what many poets call a wonderful time of year. How many poems, sayings, proverbs and riddles have been invented on At the beginning of September it is colorful, lush, warm. There is no such sultry heat anymore. Agree that after summer you want a little coolness. In November, the sun appears less and less often, the sky darkens, frequent rains and a lot of clothes begin. However, each season has its own unique charm. Kids also learn all the delights of nature. In this article you will find new proverbs, sayings, and signs about autumn.

Autumn time - kids are having fun

The nights have become cooler, the days are no longer so hot, and the morning smells like autumn. Adults and children are tired of the heat and dream that it will become at least a little cooler. However, no one wants a period of rain or frost. After all, this makes everyday life gray and dull and lasts until spring. I just want to plunge into hibernation, like a bear in a den, and sleep through all the dull days. And if you don’t think like that, but remember that in the fall there is a great opportunity to enjoy the last warmth. Only at this time can you see multi-colored, bizarrely shaped leaves. Children in kindergartens and schools make wonderful applications with them. First, they go with their teachers to the park, where there are a lot of bright and beautiful leaves, collect bouquets from them, make herbariums, and then crafts. How kids love to jump into mountains of leaves or simply rustle them as they walk.

Some people believe that autumn is when the body relaxes after a stormy and emotional summer. As they say, to each his own.

Autumn signs

In ancient times, many different signs about autumn appeared. From here we can say whether winter will be early or late, what kind of autumn it will be, etc. There are also ones for preschoolers 4 and 5 years old. They are written in accessible and understandable language.

Here are some of them:

  • If the leaves fall early, the winter days will begin early.
  • Thunder in September - a warm and long autumn for children.
  • What is the first day of December - this is how the earth will be in winter.
  • The indoor parrot is silent - the blizzard is knocking on our window.
  • The cat is curled up in a ball - the potatoes will be dear.
  • There are a lot of cones on the pine tree - the winter is three times cold.
  • Rainy days in September - the whole of January is silver.
  • In autumn there are few mushrooms, but a lot of nuts - in winter it will be no laughing matter.
  • The squirrel has a lot of reserves in the hollow - for a fierce winter.
  • Birds fly low - they want rain to come to us.
  • The cat hid her face - the cold weather arrived.

Autumn sayings

Teachers and parents tell children many sayings. This gives an idea of ​​the tricks of nature, the weather, animals, etc. There is no better way to tell a child about the seasons than folk sayings. Thanks to them, he understands nature and simple phrases more. Sayings about autumn for children say that it does not happen bad weather.

Each time of year pleases adults and children in its own way. Read the autumn and ask how they understand them.

  • Autumn is the time of eating (the proverb speaks of the harvest).
  • Autumn is rich - winter is satisfying (if a lot of harvest is harvested, it means winter time food will be available).
  • In autumn, any bird is rich (there is something to eat in the fields).
  • A few hours of rain mean the ground dries out for many days.
  • September - farewell to summer, welcome to cold weather.
  • The day did not work - the harvest failed.
  • November is the winter threshold (ready for winter).
  • November - frost is upon us.

It is better to tell sayings about autumn for children in a group. This way they learn the material faster.

Autumn proverbs

Proverbs tell children about natural phenomena and the habits of animals. Signs of autumn for preschoolers are found in almost every proverb.

Therefore, it is useful to tell them to kids. Exactly at short proverbs there is all the information:

  • In the fall, everyone knows that it doesn’t rain.
  • In September there are a lot of apples, in October there is cabbage as a gift.
  • Colorful autumn has arrived and brought joy to the children.
  • The autumn palette is used to the herbarium.
  • When they cut the hay, they didn’t ask for rain.
  • Plant a tree - don’t expect a harvest now.
  • In September it is cold, but satisfying.
  • What you collect from the harvest is what you live on in the winter.
  • The bread that is in the field cannot be put into your mouth.
  • There is no such thing as bad land; there are owners who don’t understand anything about the harvest.
  • In November, winter and autumn argue.
  • If you dig in the fall, you won’t go hungry in the winter.
  • Those who didn’t work in the fall have nothing in the winter.
  • Autumn has come and brought rain with it.

Tell proverbs and sayings about autumn for children in an accessible language. They must understand what exactly they say. If children ask questions, then explain what the phrases or words in proverbs or sayings mean.

Poems about autumn

Many poets write short quatrains for children about this time. Why specifically about autumn? Probably because nature is very beautiful, it plays with a multi-colored palette. If everything is green in the spring, then in the fall you can see bright red, yellow, orange and other colors.

Leaves are falling, covering the roads,

It's nice to walk on them

All our worries fade away

We really want to have fun.

Leaves are flying and circling above us,

What a beauty this is

Can't put it into words

The autumn dream has arrived.

Birds fly to warmer climes,

I look at them, frozen,

How they wag their tails

Take me with you.

The birdhouses are empty,

I see birds flying past,

We didn’t even finish the songs,

With a feeling that snowstorms will begin soon.

Autumn has come,

The rains have started

We'll ask her

Don't go yet.

Riddles about autumn

After stories or poems for children, it is best to reinforce the material with riddles.

From these, you can also determine some signs of autumn for preschoolers. Here are some of them:

  1. We're walking in the yard

It's fun for our kids,

When does this happen? … (In November).

2. She brought a lot of harvest to people,

This... (autumn) has come to us.

3. There are no brushes or paints,

And it’s decorated like in a fairy tale (autumn).

4. When do we harvest potatoes? (autumn).

5. The rain is pouring down like buckets,

the whole earth was wet.

When does this happen? (autumn).

6. It flies, but not a bird, howls, but not a wolf (the wind).

7. They were afraid of the cold weather and flew away to where it was warm.

They stopped singing and having fun,

These are migratory... (birds).

What a child needs to know about autumn

Before asking the kids questions about the time of year, first tell them a little. Show the children the pictures. or riddles will be more understandable if they see with their own eyes what is meant. Tell them what cold days there are, wind, frequent rain, leaves different colors and shades. Children should understand that in the fall you can make wonderful crafts not only from leaves, but also from chestnuts, acorns, etc.

Show the kids with a clear example. Let them run over the leaves, touch them with their hands, and collect them for crafts. From the pictures you can see how a flock of birds flies south. You can go on an excursion to the fields with children aged 5-6 years. Let them watch how people harvest, while listening to the teacher talk about what it is for and what will be done with it next. Make up some autumn-themed sentences with your children. Make sure they learn the poems. At the same time, memory, attention, and thinking will develop. Ask them to come up with signs of fall for preschoolers. From their observations, they can teach adults a lot.

All seasons are good in their own way, but bright, varied colors and mystery are unique to autumn. Autumn has its own unusual scent, and the early twilight evokes a romantic mood. All kinds of autumn signs are another remarkable property of this amazing time.

About the weather for all the superstitious

According to the calendar, autumn begins on the day when children go to school for the first time. At this time, birds gather to the south, and leaves fall from the trees. So what are these signs about autumn?

  • Rainy summers and warm autumn days foreshadow a long winter.
  • If there is heavy winter precipitation in early autumn, spring will be early.
  • Frost in the fall - expect sunny and dry weather.
  • The dim shine of the stars means rain, and the clear shine means good weather.
  • If there are a lot of cobwebs during Indian summer, autumn will be sunny and warm, and winter will be cold.
  • Autumn starfall warns of a bad harvest next year.
  • The web lies low - the winter will be cold and snowy.
  • If mosquitoes suddenly come to life in late autumn, the winter will be warm.

Signs of autumn for schoolchildren

In the fall, children and their teachers go to the forest to study nature not from textbooks, but in the natural environment. In such an environment, it is easier for the teacher to explain basic natural phenomena to students, and the children learn the material better.

  • If snow covers the ground and there are still leaves hanging on the trees, it means it will melt soon.
  • Low clouds foreshadow the approach of rain and cold.
  • Thunder struck in the fall, which means the warmth will last for a long time.
  • A mild winter can be determined by the late departure of migratory birds.
  • If you see a mushroom in late autumn, it means there won’t be any snow soon.
  • Scattered clouds promise clear but cold days.
  • Late leaf fall indicates a cold next year.
  • Birch trees turn yellow from below - late spring, from above - early.
  • Ants make huge piles - the winter will be cold.
  • A harsh and snowy winter can be judged by the abundance of nuts and the lack of mushrooms.
  • If the birds fly away together, it means that winter is coming soon and cold.
  • Among the prolonged rains, birds suddenly began to sing - warm days are coming.
  • A warm winter is indicated by the behavior of bees that leave their entrance open. If they seal the hole of the hive with wax, the winter will be cold.
  • Thunder in October - there will be a lot of snow in winter.
  • The hares have changed their gray fur to white - they are expecting a quick winter.
  • The oak tree is covered with acorns - expect a harsh winter.
  • Fallen leaves lie face up - the harvest will be poor and vice versa.
  • Squirrels are intensively stocking up on nuts - in anticipation of a harsh winter.

In ancient times, people noticed everything connected with nature. This is how many signs about autumn appeared. From them one could find out what kind of autumn it would be: early or late, rainy or dry, cold or quite warm. Also, by folk signs of autumn one could judge the coming winter.

Now the weather has changed in many ways, but folk signs still continue to work. We have prepared an article about golden autumn for preschoolers and schoolchildren in grades 1-2, 3-4, where you will find folk and modern signs.

In September there are a lot of apples - in October there is cabbage as a gift

Signs of golden autumn for preschoolers

Thunder in September – a warm and long autumn for children.
In September there are a lot of apples, in October there is cabbage as a gift.
The drier and warmer September is, the later the arrival of winter.
The rowan tree's heaviness bends its branches to the ground - it predicts a rainy autumn.
Mosquitoes will not calm down even at the end of autumn - which means you don’t have to be afraid of extreme cold, they will pass by.
Frost in the fall foretells good weather.
Rare clouds in the autumn sky mean warmth.
The autumn sunset turns golden - good weather foreshadows the next day.
Autumn will be warm if pansies, buttercups, daisies, yarrow, and clover bloom until late summer.
If birds stay in their native lands longer than usual, then the cold will not come soon.
If the duck is still sitting on the water and does not fly away even in cold rain, then good weather will still last a long time.
When there are few rowan trees in the forest, the autumn will be dry, and when there are many, it will be rainy.
Indian summer is stormy - autumn is dry.
Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet.
If the first day of Indian summer is clear, then autumn will be warm.
A bird landing on the roof means bad weather.
The clouds are descending - to bad weather.
The afternoon rain is long.
After the icy conditions, expect rain.
If migratory birds fly high in the fall, there will be a lot of snow, and if they fly low, there will be little snow.
Squirrels make a large supply of nuts - wait for a cold winter.
October thunder - for a snow-white winter.
Large ant heaps mean a harsh winter.
A lot of cones on pines and spruces - to cold winter.
If many stars fall in the fall, there will be a crop failure next year.
If the first snow falls so much that it hangs from the roofs, then it will melt.
Rainy days in September - the whole of January is silver.
The viburnum is ripe, and the leaves on it are green - the autumn will be warm.
Late fungus - late snow.

Rowan, viburnum, and black elderberry ripened early - expect a harsh and snowy winter.
Sparrows hide in brushwood - in the cold or before a snowstorm.

Smells like autumn. Something unusually sad, welcoming and beautiful. I would take it and fly away somewhere with the cranes.
Anton Chekhov

Quiet flight of cranes towards a warm, good autumn

Signs of autumn for schoolchildren in grades 1-2

Late leaf fall foreshadows a difficult, hungry and cold winter.
If leaves fall from trees early (especially oak and birch leaves), then the year promises to be rich in harvest and soil fertility.
Most of the fallen leaves lie face up - the harvest will be small; purl - large.
On a birch tree, the leaves begin to turn yellow from below - spring is expected to be late; if the top turns yellow first, then it is early.
All the leaves flew off quickly - a harsh, blizzard winter is approaching.
The leaves are in no hurry to fall and turn yellow slowly and gradually - severe frosts are not expected, and winter will pass quickly.
If you see the quiet flight of cranes in the sky, as if communicating with each other, you can expect a warm, good autumn.
Rowan has given a good harvest - expect severe frosts.
When starlings are in no hurry to fly away, and hares are in no hurry to change their gray fur coat to white, you should be prepared for a long, windy and stormy autumn.
When mushroom pickers come out with empty baskets in the fall, the winter is expected to be harsh;
If the snow that falls at night remains on the branches of trees, then it will not melt on the ground.
By autumn, bees cover the hive entrances with wax, leaving a barely visible hole - the winter will be cold; leave the entrance open - warm.
If in rainy weather an owl often hoots, the weather is good.
If frogs jump onto the shore and croak, and fish are thrown out of the water, it will rain.
The leech lies calmly at the bottom - a sign of good, clear weather.
Midges hover over the coastal bushes - sure sign clear weather tomorrow.

The first breath of autumn is a fresh breeze after the hot summer. In September you can still feel the summer aftertaste.

It's a gray morning in autumn, so wait for a red day

Folk signs of autumn

There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, few - dry.
If the cranes fly high, slowly and “talk,” it will be a good autumn.
Until the leaves fall from the cherries, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.
Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold.
If there are a lot of nuts but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
If birch trees turn yellow from the top in autumn, next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.
A lot of shading in the Indian summer - for a clear autumn and cold winter.
If in October a leaf from a birch or oak falls uncleanly, expect a harsh winter.
The moon has turned red - wait for the wind to blow.
Autumn frost - to dry, sunny weather.
If there are a lot of nuts and few mushrooms, the winter will be harsh.
If on October 3rd the northern, angry wind blows, there will be cold, the southern wind blows - towards warmth, the western - towards phlegm, the eastern - towards a bucket.
If Sergius (October 20) is covered with snow, then from the November Matryona winter will rise to its feet.
If the sky cries in November, then winter will follow the rain.
In the fall, moles pull a lot of straw into their holes - they are preparing for a harsh winter.
During flax harvesting there are many mouse nests - in winter there will be a lot of snowdrifts.
Chickens moult at the very beginning of autumn - the winter is expected to be warm.
Bright stars mean good weather, dim stars mean rain.
Before the rain the moon is cloudy or pale, but before the wind it is clear and bright.
Fat Cumulus clouds walk low - to bad weather, high - to a bucket.
Frost on the trees means frost, fog means thaw.
The sunset is yellow, golden or pink - the weather will be good.
In autumn the morning is gray, so wait for a red day.
In autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it swirls, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below.
The bugs came together in one heap - it was bad weather.
Poultry hides its head under its wing - to the cold.
From what date in October there will be a year (good, clear weather), from that date spring will open in April.

September, October and November are traditionally considered the autumn months, but according to the popular calendar, the “autumn equinox” falling on September 22 or 23 is taken as the beginning of autumn. But our agricultural ancestors believed that autumn came much earlier. Already among the people it was recognized as a pre-autumn holiday - the day of the turning point of summer and the turn to autumn. In central and northern Russia, summer haymaking ended by this day, and horses stopped bathing in rivers and lakes.

August 7th was celebrated. This saint is considered the herald of the first autumn cold. It was noticed that on the day of her veneration, cold matinees begin (i.e., morning frosts). In August the air and water begin to get colder.

We spent the summer at First Spas (). The bee stops wearing honey, and in the northern regions the swallows are preparing to fly away. By popular belief, swallows fly away three times in three Spas (August 14, 19 and 29).

Autumn is coming into its own almost everywhere. On this day, people celebrated Ivan Lenten, who was also called “the godfather of autumn.”

With Ivan Lent, a man welcomes autumn, and a woman sees off summer.

Almost always in the second and third weeks of September there are clear and warm autumn days, which are also called Indian summer. By the end of September, real autumn usually sets in. The weather is cold and changeable, with frequent rain and cold September winds. The winds usually reach particular strength and sharpness around the days of the autumn equinox. Then they are also called “equinox storms”.

People have sayings about changeable autumn weather:

In autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it tears, it pours from above and sweeps from below.

The wind in autumn becomes cold and blows from the north or northwest:

Winds blew from the north, oh my goodness, it’s September.

The north wind will pull and pull the fur coat and caftan into one place.

Although it is cold in September, there is plenty of everything:

September is cold, but satisfying.

It was not for nothing that they said that at this time the peasant’s pockets and barns are full.

September drove the working people into the huts. The field work was coming to an end, the garden was harvested, you could sit at home without your shoes, that’s why they said: “ Baba, count autumn from September - by hats and bast shoes».

The second autumn month, October, was popularly called differently: leaf fall, breastfeeding, jelly, half-winter, etc. The weather in October is even more changeable than in September. It happens that snow will fall, and sometimes the sled track will be established for a while, and then it will melt again and there will be dirt on the roads again.

October is a dirtbag: he doesn’t like wheels or runners.

In October, neither on wheels nor on a sleigh.

Know autumn in October by mud.

According to popular belief, if the roads are completely muddy, then in four weeks real winter will set in.

After October comes November - the month of peasant feasts and weddings. There were especially many weddings on the day), and all because:

It’s good to accept an honest crown for the autumn Kazan.

Whoever marries Kazanskaya will be happy.

But we tried not to travel long distances at this time, because “ you'll leave on wheels and arrive on runners"(i.e. on a sleigh). If it was necessary to go on business, then the runners were put in the cart.

After Kazan, the Orthodox people did not forget to celebrate the “Dmitrov Memorial” Saturday. On this day, deceased parents and grandfathers were remembered. It was noted that if there is a thaw during Dmitrov week, then the whole winter will be with thaws. In November, a toboggan track is often installed, but in most cases it is fragile. Thaws that occur often drive away the snow and destroy this early sled route.

Autumn signs

Throughout the fall, people watch different natural phenomena characterizing the onset of winter, and the struggle of summer warmth with winter cold, and using a wide variety of signs they try to predict the future. The main signs that people pay attention to are the falling of leaves from trees, the flight of birds to warmer regions, the behavior of animals preparing for winter, the fall of snow, the appearance of frost and fog, and the freezing of rivers. Special attention devoted to the weather:

  1. Warm autumn means a long winter.
  2. A stormy autumn promises a rainy spring.
  3. Autumn cold without snow means black soil (dry and black soil).
  4. If the ground and winter crops freeze well in the fall, then even without snow the grain will grow. If it’s warm and damp in the fall, then the winter root will grow and don’t expect a harvest.

Autumn signs of leaf fall

Our ancestors carefully watched leaf fall to predict what winter and spring would be like. Signs of leaf fall unanimously indicated that late falling of leaves on trees promises a difficult and harsh winter, and a late onset of spring. Late leaf fall still foreshadowed the winter cold.

  1. If the leaves on the trees turn yellow early in the summer, then it will be early autumn.
  2. Premature leaf fall means early winter.
  3. If the leaves fall off the trees quickly in the fall, then expect a harsh winter.
  4. Late leaf fall means a difficult year: the winter will be long and protracted.
  5. If the leaves from the trees fall uncleanly (i.e., part of the foliage remains on the branches), then the winter will be cold.
  6. If the leaves fall cleanly from the birch and aspen, then next year will be fruitful.
  7. Before the cherry leaves fall, no matter how much snow falls, it will melt.
  8. If the snow has fallen, but the leaves have not yet fallen from the branches, then next year will be difficult.

However, in Rus' they watched not only how and when leaf fall began, but also watched how a falling leaf lays on the ground:

  1. If autumn leaf lies on the ground face up, then the winter will be cold; inside out – warm; half face - the winter will be moderate, and cold and warmth will alternate.
  2. If in the fall birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top of the tree, then spring will be early, and if from below, it will be late.

Autumn signs of the harvest

  1. The harvest of acorns is a sign that there will be a lot of bread next year.
  2. An abundance of acorns on an oak tree means a warm winter and a fertile summer.
  3. A lot of hazelnuts promises a harvest of cereal crops.
  4. If nuts are abundant, but there are few mushrooms, then the winter will be snowy and cold.
  5. Late mushroom - to late snow.
  6. Lots of berries - for a cold winter.

Autumn signs of birds flying away

Our ancestors carefully observed the behavior of birds in the fall. It has long been noticed that before flying, every bird gathers (flocks) into a flock. Therefore, if migratory birds If they flock together, they will soon take off. They also monitored when the birds would fly to warm countries:

  1. If the birds fly away before then, the autumn will be short; if after the Intercession - long.
  2. If the rooks fly away early, then snow will soon fall and winter will come early.
  3. The wild geese flew away early - for early winter.
  4. If geese fly high when flying south, the winter will be cold.
  5. Migratory birds fly low - for a short autumn.
  6. The crane flies away late - winter will not set in soon.
  7. A swan flies in the fall towards snow, a goose flies towards rain.

In general, it is believed that the early departure of migratory birds foreshadows the rapid onset of cold weather and early, short autumn. If the birds fly away late and not together, then the autumn will be warm and protracted, and winter will come late.

Autumn signs based on animals

Peasants prescribed the gift of foreseeing the nature of the coming winter to many animals and insects. Therefore, we carefully monitored how animals arrange and adapt their homes, arrange supplies, grow hair and accumulate fat in their bodies:

  1. If the hares' fur coat turns white in the fall, then winter will come soon.
  2. In autumn, hares have a lot of fat - winter will be cold.
  3. If the ermine turns white early in the fall, then winter will soon come and snow will fall.
  4. Since the fall, moles have been dragging a lot of straw into their burrows - the winter will be cold.
  5. Squirrels make large reserves in their hollows - in anticipation of a frosty and protracted winter.
  6. Field mice collect dry grass inside their burrows for cold winters, and outside for warm ones.

Many animals, in preparation for winter, change the color of their outer coat. For example, the white hare and partridge turn white by winter. In addition, we looked at when the domestic and wild bird: if it’s early, then winter will be early.

Signs of autumn by month

Each autumn month has its own signs.

For a long time, according to the farmer, September served as the beginning of the annual cycle. Therefore, this month was considered favorable for all kinds of forecasts, which were considered especially reliable. They predicted the onset of cold weather and the nature of the coming winter:

  1. Cobwebs have appeared on the plants - there are many warm and sunny days ahead.
  2. Thunder in September - for a warm autumn.
  3. Frequent and severe fogs in September bring many diseases to people.
  4. The warmer and drier September is, the later winter will come.
  5. Cold September – in spring the snow may melt earlier than usual.
  6. Ants run along the tops of grasses - to a cold and early winter, along the bottom - to a long one.
  7. Large ant heaps mean a harsh winter.
  8. Lots of mushrooms - the winter will be snowy.

The second month of autumn is famous for cold and damp weather, mud on the roads and the first frosts. will tell you what autumn and winter will be like:

  1. Thunder - for a snowless winter.
  2. Frost - to dry and sunny weather.
  3. The willow was covered with frost early - for a long winter.
  4. Tall weeds - a lot of snow will fall in winter.
  5. The moon in a circle means a dry summer.
  6. If the first snow falls, then winter will set in in forty days.
  7. Dry October foreshadows a snowless January.
  8. Frost in October promises precipitation in ninety days.

November is the twilight of the year. The lack of snow makes November nights very dark. During this period, winter fights with autumn, trying to defend its rights, birds fly in for the winter. They will also tell you a lot of interesting things:

  1. Snow falling at the beginning of the month heralds early spring.
  2. A lot of snow in November promises a rich harvest of bread.
  3. Snow fell on the damp ground and did not melt - snowdrops will bloom together in the spring.
  4. Rain in November foreshadows the imminent onset of winter.
  5. The appearance of mosquitoes at this time means a mild winter.
  6. Clear weather means cold weather.
  7. By November weather they are judging what April will be like.
  8. A dry and clear November means a lean year.

Signs of autumn for every day


Autumn is perhaps the most mysterious and romantic time of the year. It is not for nothing that autumn has always been glorified by poets and artists of various eras: they wrote poems about it, and also described its beauty in numerous works. In the folk calendar, signs about autumn were quite popular, which were compiled on the basis of observations of the patterns of the surrounding nature, as well as connections with specific events.

Our ancestors were far from science and technology, but they tried to explain all the events of the surrounding life with the help of signs and beliefs, which they completely trusted.

Signs about autumn

With the help of folk signs about autumn, our ancestors could successfully predict the upcoming weather, as well as find out what kind of spring or winter was predicted, whether the next year would bring a fertile harvest or not.

It should be noted that predicting the weather using ancient signs is hot topic and for many people today. We will try to find out which of the autumn signs will tell us in as much detail as possible about the upcoming changes in weather conditions.

Everyone knows that according to the calendar, the beginning of autumn falls on September 1 and the first signs of autumn tell us about the fall of leaves, as well as the flight of birds. For example, if the leaves began to fall early, you should wait early winter. The appearance of late leaf fall always foreshadowed the beginning of an early, very cold and severe winter.

If by the end of September all the leaves have fallen from the aspen and birch trees, the coming year promises to be very fertile. And if an apple tree suddenly blooms in the fall, then in this case the belief does not bode well - it indicates the imminent death of a person whose home is located nearby.

If migratory birds fly high above the ground, excellent weather is expected. And if, on the contrary, the birds strive to fly as close to the ground as possible, severe frosts are coming soon.

You can learn that rainy days will come very soon from the following beliefs:

  1. A thick skin forms on the acorns - this means that it will get very cold very soon.
  2. Brightly twinkling stars in the sky in November indicate a sharp deterioration in the weather and the appearance of strong winds.
  3. If there are a lot of berries on the rowan tree, autumn promises to be very rainy.
  4. If the clouds are low in September, it will be time for prolonged rains and cold weather.
  5. To see a swan flying over the ground means snow will fall soon, and a flying goose portends rain.
  6. If a white cloud appears in the sky after sunset big sizeweather will get much worse over a few weeks.

The following folk signs indicate good weather:

  1. If the sunset is bright red, there will be almost no rain in the fall.
  2. If in the early morning the sky is very clear and there are no clouds, the weather will be sunny and without rain in the near future.
  3. The appearance of bright stars in the sky in October foreshadows warm and sunny days.
  4. Do you hear the sounds of thunder in September? Expect warm and sunny days soon.

And by these signs you can find out that the winter will be warm:

  1. Until the leaves fall from the cherries, you should not be afraid of snow and frost, the weather will remain warm.
  2. Appearance large quantity mosquitoes in late autumn indicate a mild winter.
  3. If chickens start molting early, the cold will not come to your area this year.
  4. If on the morning of November 9 (the day of the winter Matrona) heavy fog– You should expect warm weather in December.

Folk signs that foretell that the winter will be harsh:

  1. There are few mushrooms in the forest - stock up on warm clothes, the winter will be very frosty.
  2. Severe frosts are also indicated by the appearance of large anthills.
  3. If squirrels try to stock up on as many nuts as possible, it’s worth waiting for a long and frosty winter.
  4. The hares' fur began to turn white - a very cold winter is approaching.
  5. Availability is very big harvest rowan indicates that the cold will come early and will be especially severe.

Signs of inanimate nature

Also, some autumn signs are interpreted by changes that occur in inanimate nature. Our ancestors knew how to predict the weather by strength and direction autumn winds, dispersing golden leaves, the amount of precipitation, as well as the state of the clouds in the sky. If you are more attentive and take a closer look at the surrounding objects and phenomena, you will learn a lot of interesting things for yourself and solve numerous mysteries of nature.

  • starlings are in no hurry to fly to warmer climes, and hares do not change their coats for a long time - prepare for the fact that the autumn will be long, windy and stormy;
  • during Indian summer there are a lot of cobwebs hanging - expect a warm autumn and a stormy winter;
  • in autumn, birds fly low above the ground - a sign indicating that the winter will be cold;
  • the plants are heavily braided with cobwebs - this portends imminent warming.

Having learned to correctly read and interpret autumn signs with proverbs, you will definitely follow the following pattern: everything in surrounding nature certainly takes its course and the change of one event invariably heralds the beginning of the next stage. By considering proverbs along with signs, you can reveal for yourself many mysteries of the surrounding reality.

With their help, you can intelligently characterize various weather phenomena, as well as associate them with certain events. Many signs refer to phenomena such as thunder and lightning, and this is quite easily explained. Thunder always scared people, and lightning could even take a life. And the predicted appearance of thunder and lightning on time made it possible to avoid misfortune. The sudden appearance of thunderstorms also indicates some kind of sign.

Belief in omens is, of course, an absolutely personal matter for each person. Signs appeared due to the fact that over the centuries people have observed certain patterns of living and inanimate nature, as well as animal behavior and other things. In our world, nothing happens for nothing, and if, after thousands of years, signs have been able to reach our days, it means that they still have some meaning.

Autumn is perhaps the most mysterious and romantic time of the year; it is not for nothing that poets and artists of different eras dedicated their numerous works to this golden time. Only autumn first gives a person a harvest, and then plunges all nature into sleep. Folk calendar is full of a huge number of autumn ones, which were based on observations of natural patterns and their connection with certain events. Centuries ago, when people were not yet familiar with science, only signs and beliefs, which our ancestors completely trusted, could predict and explain certain phenomena.

Folk signs of autumn could tell in detail about the upcoming weather, what winter and spring would be like, whether the next year would bring a good harvest or not.

Many people to this day predict the weather based only on ancient beliefs. Let's try to find out exactly what signs of autumn can most accurately tell us about upcoming weather changes.

What do the signs of early autumn mean?

As everyone knows, according to the calendar, this time of year begins on September 1, and the first signs of autumn are associated with the fall of leaves and the flight of birds. So, if the leaves begin to fall early, then winter will not be long in coming. Severe cold and a harsh winter were promised by rapid and late leaf fall.

If at the end of September the aspen and birch trees have lost all their leaves, then the coming year will be fertile. But if an apple tree blooms in the fall, then the omen does not bode well, because this foreshadows the imminent death of a person whose house is located not far from this tree.

Migratory birds fly high, so expect great weather. And if at this time of year birds fly close to the ground, it will be cold.

Weather signs in autumn

The following beliefs can warn about rainy days:

  1. The acorns have developed a thick skin, which means that severe cold snaps are coming.
  2. The leaves on the birch have turned yellow - frost is approaching.
  3. If stars twinkle in the sky in November, the weather will sharply worsen and the wind will increase.
  4. If there are a lot of berries on the rowan tree, autumn will be very rainy.
  5. In September there will be low clouds long rains and cold.
  6. If you see a flying swan, it means snow, and a flying goose means rain.
  7. After sunset, a large white cloud appears - severe bad weather will come for several weeks.

Good weather can be predicted by the following signs:

  1. If it is sunset, then autumn will not be rainy.
  2. Early in the morning the sky is clear, without clouds - the coming days will be sunny and dry.
  3. In October there are bright stars in the sky - expect a sunny and warm day.
  4. If thunder rumbles in September, then autumn promises to be long and warm.
  5. Frost at this time of year predicts the onset of warm sunny days.

Folk signs of autumn, foreshadowing a warm winter:

  1. Until the leaves fall from the cherry tree, snow will not fall and frost will not break out.
  2. At the end of autumn, mosquitoes appeared, which means that the winter will be mild.
  3. Chickens begin to molt early - the winter is expected to be warm.
  4. If there is heavy fog in the morning on the holiday of the Winter Matrona (November 9), then it will be warm in December.

Folk signs of autumn, foreshadowing a harsh winter:

To believe or not in folk signs is a personal matter for everyone. Beliefs exist because people have observed and noted certain patterns in nature, in the behavior of animals, etc. for centuries. It is worth remembering that nothing happens for nothing, and if, after thousands of years, signs have reached our days, it means that they still contributed contribution to human life.

  • Flocks of crows and jackdaws are flying high - rain or snow is expected.
  • If the crows look into different sides- a sign of a quiet day, and if all the crows on the tree are looking in the same direction, there will probably be wind soon.
  • If crows bathe in dust or gather in flocks, it means inclement weather.
  • If the crows have settled on the treetops, there will soon be frost.
  • Crows sit on the lower branches - a sign of a fast wind.
  • Hoarse and muffled cries of crows - windy weather is expected.
  • Sparrows always hide their heads in their tails before frost.
  • Before the rain, sparrows bathe in dust and chirp loudly.
  • If sparrows climb into puddles, this is a sign of upcoming warm weather.

Weather signs in autumn with a long-term forecast

  • A large harvest of rowan promises a rainy autumn.
  • If the rowan tree does not grow, the autumn will be dry.
  • September thunder speaks of a warm autumn.
  • October thunder predicts a winter with little snow.
  • Dry September predicts a late winter.
  • If September is cold, the snow will melt early in the spring.
  • If the cherry leaves have fallen completely, snow cover is expected soon.
  • A large harvest of nuts and a lack of mushrooms is a sign of a future cold and snowy winter.
  • If the leaves of a birch tree turn yellow from the top, it is expected early spring and, conversely, if the leaves below turn yellow, this is a sign of late spring.
  • A large harvest of acorns is a clear sign of a cold winter.
  • Friendly and rapid leaf fall is a harbinger of a fierce winter.
  • If mosquitoes appear at the end of autumn, a mild winter is expected.
  • Warm autumn foreshadows a long winter.
  • Rainy autumn means a stormy spring.
  • If a lot of web spiders appear in Indian summer, the autumn will be clear and the winter will be frosty.
  • If the cones on the spruce trees grow low, early frosts will come, and if the cones grow high, frosty weather will come only in January.

Autumn weather signs based on the moon and stars

  • If the moon is pale, rain is expected.
  • If the moon is bright, the next day will be sunny.
  • When a new month is born, there is a change in weather.
  • If the stars twinkle in November, this is a sign of impending bad weather with increased wind.
  • Bright stars foretell good weather.
  • If the stars are dim, there is rain or snow ahead.

Weather signs in autumn: sun, fog and frost

  • A yellow sunset is a harbinger of good weather.
  • A circle around the sun is a harbinger of rain and wind.
  • If at sunset the sky is covered with northern clouds, wind is expected.
  • The fog is falling down - a thaw is expected.
  • Frost in autumn is a sign of sunny weather.
  • If frost falls on the trees, it is a sign of approaching frost.
  • Frost has covered the grass - rain is possible.

Autumn weather signs from snow and clouds

  • If the first snow falls during the day, it will soon melt; lasting snow always falls at night.
  • If overnight snow covers the branches of the trees, it will last for a long time.
  • Low clouds foreshadow the coming frosts.
  • If the clouds move against the wind, rain is possible in a few hours.
  • Rare autumn clouds foreshadow clear and cold weather.