On the topic of compilation the right plans running workouts written a large number of books, manuals and scientific works. We have collected for you the most basic points, something without which it is impossible to understand the basic principles of creating running plans, something that will help you comprehend the idea that the organization of the training process should be approached consciously, that on the one hand it is incredibly simple, but also at the same time, it is difficult to do responsibly.

The goal of any training plan is the development and improvement of very specific physiological parameters, physical and mental qualities. Well, since there is a meaningful “goal”, then it is obvious that there is a certain starting point - something from which you begin your path to the goal. In order to understand what state you are in, why you “start”, what you need to train, we recommend that you undergo special testing - a treadmill test in the laboratory or medical center, which objectively, in numbers, will show what state your body is in. A treadmill test is testing an athlete on a treadmill with an assessment of the functional state of his cardiovascular system, the level of MOC (maximum oxygen consumption), the distribution of pulse zones and determining the ANNO (anaerobic metabolic threshold or lactate threshold).

Such testing allows us to detect dangerous pathology from the cardiovascular system even before the start of intense running exercises, since it is carried out at the limit of the body’s functional capabilities. Lactate threshold testing (LTT) allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of training over time, avoiding overtraining and “functional pitfalls”.

Based on the test results, a “digital” picture of your condition is obtained. Based on this data, your training plan is built.

1. Basic, basic principles of training.


Every workout is for a reason. Each of your actions should be the development of a certain quality: strength, endurance, speed, etc.


Your cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system, on the quality of which your progress depends, cannot change instantly in two or three workouts. In order for ligaments, blood vessels, and muscles to withstand a certain, increasing amount of work, they need time. The load must be increased gradually so that the body can adapt.


Running should be like brushing your teeth in the morning. In order for your sports activities to be useful, you need to exercise regularly. It's like going to school - if you don't go to "classes" regularly, then there won't be any progress towards your goal.


Most experienced and trained athletes begin to lose physical fitness after a break of 2-3 weeks without training. If you haven't exercised for three months, then you lose 50% of your endurance. You can only get back into shape by resuming training, and you won’t be able to compensate for losses physical fitness increasing the number or duration of training by the planned date. Trying to fit missed workouts into a shorter amount of time can lead to overtraining and injury.


The training process should be systematic: from simple to complex, from easy to difficult, from short distances and low pace to long runs at high speed.


Head of the corner. In the first place should be such training that will improve your health and move you towards achieving your goals. Training should be designed in such a way that, on the one hand, you do not end up in a situation of overtraining, and on the other hand, so that you are in optimal shape for the target race for which you are preparing. Attempts to train with injuries, at volumes that go beyond the plan, may not lead to an increase in the level of training, but to an even greater aggravation of injuries and loss of motivation.

2. What types of running training are there?

Functional training.

Complex workouts that are aimed at developing all kinds of muscle groups, not just the legs. These can be exercises with your own weight or with a load: push-ups, lunges, abdominal exercises, pull-ups. Functional training should definitely be included in your training schedule and done at least once a week, gradually increasing the number of “sets” and the weight you work with.

Special running exercises (SBU).

Necessary for training the muscles and ligaments that are directly involved in the running movement. SBU is an excellent tool for polishing technique and is “sharpened” for training legs.

Tempo workouts.

Tempo training is a fast run with a uniform, fairly high intensity at the level of the anaerobic threshold. The correct pace for such training is in the range of 85% of your maximum oxygen consumption (VO2) or 90% of your maximum heart rate.

Tempo training develops the ability to run faster and longer at a certain speed. Tempo training is used to improve endurance and increase the amount of time you can maintain your desired competitive pace.

Long workouts.

With long training, the body's endurance increases, the habit of enduring long-term loads is developed, the runner's ability to effectively use fats as fuel is trained, and the efficiency and rationality of the technique increases. In addition, during long training sessions, specific muscle groups and ligaments that are used in running are strengthened and stability training occurs. nervous system for long-term work.

Interval training.

Intervals are short distance running (from 200 m to 1 km) with a heart rate in the region of 90–95% of the maximum heart rate and active rest medium intensity - in the aerobic zone, with a pulse of about 120–140 beats/min. Such training develops speed-strength abilities for covering long distances and adaptation to stress of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system in the form of variable loads on difficult terrain. Interval training should not be done more than 2 times a week, as this can overload the heart.

To develop speed, run short segments of 30-300 m at full speed, resting after each such acceleration. Endurance is trained through long cross-country runs, 10 km or more. For speed endurance, run segments of 200-1000 m at a fairly high pace, switching to a jog between them.

Recovery training.

Typically followed the next day or every other day by long training sessions or competitions. Despite the popular belief among runners that “recovery” training allows the body to better rid itself of accumulated lactic acid, this is not true. The main benefit of such training is improving your physical fitness due to the fact that the body gets used to working in a state of fatigue.

Training needs to be varied. This is due to the fact that with monotonous training, the body gets used to certain loads, adapts and stops developing. Good workouts need variety. Of course, at the very beginning, small cross-training and strengthening exercises may be enough, but the longer a person trains, the better his body adapts to the loads received. If the load for a long time remain the same, their effectiveness decreases. Besides, monotonous workouts are just boring. When you wind kilometers around a stadium or a park, sooner or later you will definitely want some variety.

3. Load and rest. How often should you train and how long should you rest? When exactly should you not go to training?

  • Rest is no less important part of the training process than the load.
  • A reasonable combination of relaxation and tension is a good basis for progress or maintaining high-quality physical shape, without getting injured.
  • The training and rest schedule is a purely individual thing and almost entirely depends on the level of training of the athletes. For a professional runner, a “2 workouts per day” schedule with one “fasting” day with one workout is considered normal. For a beginner who is just getting used to running loads, training 3-4 times a week is enough.

4. Signs that you shouldn’t continue training, even if you really want to.

By training regularly throughout the year, you will definitely achieve some success, but sooner or later you should take a break and stop training for a while (usually several days). This is explained by the need for psychological or physical recovery.

If the following reasons occur, you should interrupt your training cycle and rest:

Very high or very low resting heart rate.

Fatigue of the body, cramps, an imbalance of minerals necessary for the body, a disorder of the nervous system, which is most often expressed in the form of insomnia - signs that you have definitely gone too far with training and you need to give the body a rest for at least a few days. As soon as your resting heart rate returns to stable levels, you can start training again.

Unusually high irritability.

Strenuous and frequent training affects emotional condition runner. Mood swings, irritation over trifles - all this comes into the training process due to the fact that the runner’s body secretes the stress hormone cortisol, the more of which, the more frequent and difficult the training. Bad mood There is only one treatment - days of rest, during which the hormonal level will return to normal. Start running again as soon as your emotional background levels out and you want to put on your sneakers again.

Muscle pain.

They can be both a source of injury and accumulated fatigue of muscles and ligaments. If the pain does not go away within two days, this means that you need to stop training and let your muscles rest. Eat well, get enough sleep, walk a little, if the pain does not go away, go to the doctor.

Frequent colds and upper respiratory tract diseases.

Each workout is a blow, albeit a small one, to the immune system, alas! Excessive amounts of training can lead to a serious decrease in immunity and frequent acute respiratory infections. In addition, a clear indicator of overtraining is that you often get sick in an unusual period - not in the fall / spring, but in the summer, for example.

5. Duration of training.

Most often, training fits into a time limit of 40 minutes to 1.5 - 2 hours. By distance - from 4 km to 20-30 km. Less is pointless, because... there will simply be no development, and more than 20-30 training kilometers are run extremely rarely, most often in the form of control training before long distances, for example, a marathon or trails. “Long” workouts > 20 km are run by well-prepared, experienced athletes. It is not recommended for beginners to run them often, as this can lead to injuries or a long recovery period.

6. Using gadgets for training.

We dwelled in detail on the issue of using gadgets during running training or competitions in a special article:

Here we will only briefly highlight the main points:

  • Gadgets are a must if you want to get a quality workout.
  • Gadgets are not suitable for fully planning the training process. Reasons: their functionality is simply not enough to take into account all the features. They are excellent assistants in recording results, in calendar planning, but as definitions: what and when to train? How to redistribute the load in case of missing training or feeling unwell - they are not suitable.
  • Gadgets can be used to track your planned workout schedule.
  • The functionality of the gadgets allows you to connect a “physical” trainer so that he can track your training plan even remotely and give recommendations on changing, maintaining, increasing or decreasing the load.
  • Gadgets without a statistics system are not needed and only the combination of “gadget (as a mechanism for recording information) + a statistics system, where data received from gadgets is processed and visualized,” actually works.
  • Average combination “smartphone with installed program+ chest heart rate sensor (heart rate)”, a good combination of “watch with a heart rate sensor”, an ideal combination is “a watch with a chest heart rate sensor”.

7. Do you need a coach to organize your training plan? In what cases is it impossible to do without it?

The right running coach can significantly reduce the number of mistakes runners, especially new runners, make. Training without a coach is the same as going to school without a teacher.

What should lessons with a trainer provide?:

  • Building a cycle of your training depending on your goals: losing weight, staying in shape, achieving a certain sports result - for example, running a marathon in 3 hours 30 minutes.
  • Correcting your technique. The coach should give special exercises that will help make your technique correct.
  • The coach should have professional answers to your personal questions about racing, equipment, health, and nutrition.
  • Voltage. Most often, a training runner does not have enough willpower to train with tension, and without tension there is no progress.
  • Your trainer should tailor your workouts depending on your condition.
  • Complexity of training. Special running exercises, functional and strength training.

There are several options for organizing training:

Without a coach at all.

Training without a coach is the same as going to school without a teacher. All your opinions about your level of fitness will be exclusively subjective, based not on professional experience, but on feelings. Even Olympic champions train with coaches, which means this is really necessary.

Group classes with a trainer.

It’s a good option if the trainer knows your data from the treadmill test and tries to take into account, even during group classes, your individual characteristics and goals. With group classes, it is almost impossible to adjust your plan due to illness or other reasons.

Individual training.

The ideal option is for the trainer to build an individual training plan for you depending on your goals, taking into account both your test data and free time opportunities.

Coach's choice. What criteria must it meet?

  • Have a professional physical education education
  • Have sports experience of at least a candidate master of sports in the particular type of running in which you want to specialize - sprint, long sprint, middle or distance distance.
  • Must be active in training. The difference in training methods, even among amateurs, has changed a lot over the past 5 years, and if the trainer you want to trust has had a long break in his practice, it is better not to use this option.

8. Structure of any workout:

  • Light warm-up or warm-up run. It is necessary for your body to “start up” so that the cardiovascular system adapts to the increasing volume of blood that the body begins to produce to supply it with oxygen. This will prepare the body for the upcoming load, allowing it to be better perceived and absorbed.
  • Main part.
  • Cool down, stretching, slow running, “cooling down the body.” It must be done until the pulse returns to normal. An important part that allows you to smoothly and carefully “slow down” the body, gently returning all its systems to a state of rest.

It's never too late and never too early to start training through running. Running is an extremely democratic sport, accessible at any age. Before starting any training cycle, be sure to consult a doctor, get examined and get clearance to run.

Running training plan

The running training plan is divided into several subtypes. Each workout takes from 40 to 60 minutes. Intensive, cyclical. Running training plan includes strength training, jumping and directly running.

Day one – cross-country

Depending on your . IN the best option run a 5-10 km cross-country race.

Day two – strength exercises:

  1. Warm-up – cross-country 800 – 1000 m;
  2. Warming up the whole body (stretching);
  3. Deep squat with toes – 3 sets of 15-20 times, rest 30-40 seconds;
  4. Raising on toes – 3 sets of 15-20 times, rest 30-40 seconds;
  5. Pistol squats (squats on one leg) – 3 sets of 8-10 times, rest 30-40 seconds;
  6. Lunges – 3 sets of 12-15 reps, rest 30-40 seconds;
  7. Cross 800 – 1000 m;

Day three – jumping exercises:

  1. Warm-up 800 – 1000 m run;
  2. Running with hip lift, shin sweep, straight leg running;
  3. Warming up the whole body;
  4. Jumping knees to chest – 3 sets of 15-20 times, rest 30-40 seconds;
  5. Frog jumps – 3 sets, distance 15 meters, rest 1-3 minutes;
  6. Jumping over an obstacle about 0.5-1 m high (previously, KAMAZ wheels were dug into school sports fields - an ideal solution for this activity) - 3 sets of 10-12 times, rest 30-40 seconds;
  7. Jumping from foot to foot (deer) – 3 sets of 15 meters, rest 30-40 seconds;
  8. Jumping on one leg - 3 sets of 15 meters, rest 30-40 seconds;
  9. Running 800 – 1000 m;
  10. Press, push-ups, pull-ups - optional.

On the fourth day you must complete:

  1. Warm-up 800 – 1000 m run;
  2. Running with hip lift, shin sweep, straight leg running;
  3. Warming up the whole body;
  4. Running with acceleration for 60 meters, 10-15 approaches - rest 1-3 minutes, maximum pace;
  5. Running on toes 100 m 8-10 approaches;
  6. Running 800 – 1000 m;
  7. Press, push-ups, pull-ups.

Day five – cross-country

Depending on your physical fitness. The best option is to run a cross-country race of 5-10 km.

Sixth and seventh days

These are the days when you do not exercise. However, depending on your physical characteristics and desire, the running training plan can be adjusted to suit you, diluting them with days without sports, or running cross-country on rest days.

The secret to wellness

The secret to looking and feeling good is simple. This is sports. During sports, additional areas of the brain are activated, and hormones of happiness are released - endorphins, which are similar in action to opiates. Running is ideal for everyone: the most accessible of all sports, nature itself has prepared a person for it. This running training plan for beginners is also suitable. The exercises described in this article will help you create a training plan for running “for yourself.” In conclusion I will say the following. The program must be completed within 30 days. After which you need to spend several days of rest. You should enter the training cycle through cross-country running.

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But it was always to no avail: I couldn’t last even a week. In 2012, I came across the Couch to 5k training plan for beginners. A year later I ran my first top ten, and two years later I ran my first half marathon.

Now every spring I open the street running season with this program. It helps to gently enter the regime, gradually develops endurance and smoothly prepares for heavy loads.

How to start running from scratch

The Couch to 5k (C25k) training plan was created by Josh Clark in 1996 when he first started running. As a new runner, he experienced all the difficulties that beginners face:

  • stabbing in the side;
  • all muscles hurt;
  • the heart jumps out of the chest;
  • lungs are burning.

during this time you can learn to run without stopping for 30 minutes

Clark was not used to backing down, so he was able to overcome the initial discomfort and did not quit training. However, he understood that these difficulties would scare off most beginning runners: some would decide that running was not for them, others would give up without seeing rapid progress.

Then he decided to develop a training plan that would help him smoothly transition from brisk walking to running, develop endurance and overcome the fear of failure. This is how the Couch to 5k program appeared - “From the couch to 5 km.”

C25k program creator Josh Clark after the Verrazano Half Marathon on April 28, 2018 in New York City. Since 1996, Clark has been regularly training and participating in races.

What sets this program apart from others is the focus on time rather than distance. The beginner is not faced with the task of running as quickly as possible in order to end the torture as quickly as possible. You need to run for a minute, two, five, and it doesn’t matter at what speed, so there’s no point in chasing records.

When the body becomes toned and endurance increases, the running speed will increase by itself.

The benefits of running

Of course, you can just take it and run 5 km. But there will be little benefit from such a feat: there will certainly be injuries. Therefore, it is very important to follow the principle of measured exercise, especially if you have never played sports before.

The C25k is based on this principle. The first week consists mainly of walking: in 20 minutes of training you will only have to run 8 minutes. At first, it seems like you can’t learn to run at all. Where is the pain? Where is self-overcoming? Where is the way out of your comfort zone?

However, with each passing week, the running intervals increase and the walking intervals decrease. And the magic begins.

Develops endurance

Each workout will be hard, but a little easier than the last. Ideally, every first workout of the week is difficult, every third is comfortable. This is achieved through a gradual increase in aerobic exercise: the volume of the lungs increases, the heart muscle begins to pump blood more efficiently.

This is what my heart rate graph looks like during interval training. Peaks - heart rate in the running interval. Each subsequent running segment increases your heart rate slightly. Due to this, endurance develops.

Ligaments and muscles are strengthened

By gradually increasing the load, you prepare your joints and ligaments for longer workouts. The elasticity of ligaments increases, blood supply to muscles and joints improves. Oxygen and nutrients are becoming more accessible.

Motivation is maintained

When you see only 8 minutes of running in the plan, there are no “I can’t” or “this is not for me.” The fear of not being able to cope recedes, and is replaced by the desire to quickly tick off the training box.

C25k training plan

The program is designed for 9 weeks of regular training 3 times a week. By the end of this period, you will be able to run for half an hour without breaking a step - this will be approximately 5 km.

Before the start of the workout and at the very end, a warm-up and cool-down is expected - walking at a brisk pace for 5 minutes. Don't neglect warming up: brisk walking increases your heart rate, prepares your body for further stress and reduces the risk of injury.

Green segments are running, yellow segments are walking, blue segments are warm-up and cool-down.

How to train

When I first started training with this program in 2012, I ran with a sports timer. At home, I had a training program hanging on the wall, in which I noted each run. At the beginning of each week, I set the intervals on the timer according to my training plan. Then I got tired of fiddling with the timer, and for some time I just ran by the clock.

Sports timer for interval training. It is inconvenient that it needs to be re-programmed every time.

Later, I started training with the C25k phone app. It is free, there is a paid version for 379 rubles without advertising. The application is much more convenient than a simple timer, because it does not need to be specially programmed. There are voice instructions in English: the application will tell you when to start running and when to take a step. The only inconvenience is that you have to run around with your phone.

The first screen of the application. At the bottom you can select a training day, and at the top it will appear short description workout.

The app will tell you when to start running and when to take a step. Warm-up and cool-down are also included in the workout.

Completed workouts are marked with check marks. If necessary (for example, if you get sick), they can be repeated again: then the new workout will be recorded over the old one.

Running heart rate

  1. Start of training usually takes place in the fat-burning zone - approx. 50-70% from maximum heart rate. This is the warm-up and cool-down area.
  2. running training, adequate to your level of training should take place in the aerobic zone - this is approximately 70-85% from your maximum heart rate. This is a good working workout when you exercise with effort, but not to the point of stars in your eyes.
  3. Maximum effort occur at moments when the pulse rises to 85-90% from the maximum - this is the anaerobic zone in which you progress. Such peaks should not be frequent, and under no circumstances should the heart rate be allowed to remain in this zone throughout the entire workout.

When working out I use the FitBit Charge 2 fitness tracker

It tracks heart rate, distance, average speed and number of steps

After each workout, the FitBit app syncs with the tracker and shows statistics

Track your progress: mark the days you trained on your calendar, record your distance, monitor your heart rate. This way you will see how much easier it is for you to do things that previously seemed impossible. There is no such thing as too much motivation.

Running shoes

If you decide to start running, spare no expense and buy special running sneakers. This way you will protect your knees from injury and be able to progress faster.

I started running at Reebok, continued at Nike and eventually came to Asics. I currently have three pairs of running shoes.

Multi-colored Asics Noosa Tri 10 - triathlon shoes. I liked it because of the hard heel that perfectly holds the heel. Now I run in them if I have a muddy race ahead: through the forest or through the sand. They are old, don't feel sorry for them.

The blue Asics Gel-Kayano 23 has excellent cushioning and fit. When the time comes to change sneakers, I will first consider this newer model.

The black and orange Asics Gel-Cumulis 18 G-TX is an all-weather running shoe with a waterproof Goro-Tex membrane. I bought these for rainy days. In addition to running, I often wear them in the off-season: the membrane protects from rain and wind. It is not recommended to run in them all the time, because the protective membrane prevents the foot from breathing, but it is an excellent option for bad weather.

Blue ones are the most favorite running shoes for running on clean trails - asphalt, tiles, rubber tracks in parks. The black and orange ones are stiffer than the Kayano, but just as comfortable.

What else to pay attention to

Excess weight

if you have excess weight more than 10 kg, start with regular brisk walks. Walking will also increase your endurance without stressing your joints and increase your lung capacity.

Proper breathing when running

Try to breathe deeply and slowly - three to four steps. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. If you have a tingling sensation in your side, slow down, breathe even slower and deeper, and massage your sore side. This sensation occurs when the liver and spleen become engorged due to increased circulation. Due to deep breathing, the lungs open up more and put pressure on the organs, promoting the outflow of blood.

My trainer gave me another piece of advice to avoid pain in my side: you need to inhale for three counts and exhale for four counts. So you inhale first on the right and then on the left leg, and while inhaling, the lungs press on the liver and spleen alternately.

Warm up before running

In addition to 5 minutes of brisk walking before training, be sure to do a joint warm-up:

  • rotation of the head, arms, pelvis;
  • circular movements of the knees and feet - everything that we did at school in physical education.

This will prepare your joints for impact and reduce the likelihood of injury.

Post-workout stretching

After walking for 5 minutes at a brisk pace, you need to do some stretching. Any routine for runners or yoga exercises will do. Focus on the front and back of your thighs, bend forward, and pull your toes toward you. The more you stretch, the faster muscles will return to normal after training.

If you get sick

Take a break from training for a week or two. During this time, the body will recover from the effects of the disease, and you will be able to train at full strength. In your training plan, go back a week and repeat lighter workouts to gradually adapt to the load. If the illness is prolonged, it would be better to start the program again.

Run at a convenient time

I trained hard in the morning for a long time, and every run was hard labor for me. Over the past few years, I have been running in the evenings: the heat of the day has subsided, there is no scorching sun, running is easy and pleasant. If you're just starting to run, never run in the heat at midday, even if that's the only time possible.

Don't shorten the program

Don't try to fit your program into less time by eliminating rest days between running sessions. The body needs to recover after training, and the most that can be done is to add other workouts in between running days: yoga, Gym, physical training, cycling, swimming.


  1. Before starting exercise, consult your doctor.
  2. The training plan is yours best friend. Stick to it: don’t skip rest days, don’t chase speed.
  3. Track your progress: mark your running days on your calendar and monitor your heart rate.
  4. Don't neglect warming up before and cooling down after training. Warming up will prepare your joints before running, and stretching will help your muscles recover faster.
  5. During training, try to stick to the same running pace: suppress the desire to start running quickly. To increase endurance, it is better for your heart rate to rise gradually.
  6. For running on the street, be sure to purchase running shoes: every manufacturer has models for running.
  7. Incorporate other types of activity between workouts. Strengthen your back and abdominal muscles: all kinds of planks, crunches and push-ups will do.

Do you want to have a beautiful body? Then, in addition to jogging, you need training. Especially for this we have collected simple and effective complexes exercises on the street and in the hall.

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MKOU "Novoduginskaya Secondary School"


Healthy running is the most important component of a healthy lifestyle

Completed by: Ruslan Baranov

(6th grade student)

Head: Kolyshkina I.S.

Novodugino, 2016


Main part

  • General information about health running
  • Positive effects of recreational running
  • Health running technique
  • Rules for healthy running

Practical part



Objective of the project: find out what effect health jogging brings.

Tasks project:

  • study the theory on this issue
  • test the effects of health running in practice
  • attract the attention of classmates to recreational running.

Work plan:

1) Selecting a topic and discussing it with the project manager

2) Collection of theoretical material

3) Selection of training intensity level (for beginners)

4) Monitoring the state of the body during training

5) Design of the project (presentation and report)

General information about recreational running

Healthy running is the most accessible natural exercise that does not require special equipment, inventory, or sports facilities. To use it, you need to have only one thing - desire. With the help of running, you can strengthen your health, improve the functioning of the body's main systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, etc.

Positive effects of recreational running.

  • Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • Positive effect on the functions of internal organs;
  • Strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • Increased immunity (hardening effect);
  • Improved emotional state

Health running technique

  • The position of the body is 85-90 º relative to the track;
  • Look ahead 30-40 m;
  • The arms are bent at the elbows, working along the body, the hands are relaxed;
  • The leg is placed on the support of the entire foot;
  • Step length 0.5-1.5 m;
  • Movements are smooth and free;
  • Breathing is deep and spontaneous

Types of loads

  • Low load - accompanied by a small number of exercises, approximately 25% of the volume of work.
  • Average load - the number of exercises is 50% of the volume of work before the onset of fatigue.
  • Heavy load - accompanied by a large number of exercises 70-80% volume of work

A runner's training should consist of the following parts:

  • Light jogging or jogging alternating with brisk walking until you warm up.
  • Gymnastics with a comprehensive study of all major joints with flexibility exercises.
  • Strength exercises (5-6) for the muscles of the arms, torso and legs.
  • Exercises (2-3) to relax and stretch the muscles.
  • The actual running workout.
  • Exercises (5-6) to relax and lightly stretch the muscles.

Unpleasant sensations while running

Unpleasant sensations while running:

  • Pain in ankle and knee joints, shins (improper foot placement, wide stride, hard path, unsuitable shoes);
  • Pain in the abdominal area (high running speed, insufficient time after eating);
  • Pain in the chest area (high running speed, tight arm muscles, incorrect body position);
  • Excessive fatigue (general fatigue, improper training regimen)

When starting running training, you should remember and follow the following rules:

  • Choosing a convenient time for classes (morning-evening, 2-4 times a week);
  • Compliance with temperature conditions (not higher than +30 º C and not lower than -10 º C);
  • Choosing a place for classes;
  • Selection of comfortable shoes and clothes for running;
  • Doing a warm-up before running;
  • Compliance with hygiene requirements;
  • Constant monitoring of health status

While running, a person's heart rate always increases!


Rules for training at the first stage.

  • In the beginning, run only for a set amount of time, without aiming to cover any specific distance. Start with 5 min. If this is not difficult for you, then next time add a minute. Increase the duration of your run only if it was easy for you during the previously set time!
  • Monitor the correctness and uniformity of the running pace along the route you run. Having run exactly half the time, turn back and cover the second part of the distance in the same period of time. You won't be able to do this if the initial tempo is too high. Then the second half will always be “slow” because you are tired. The first stage can be considered completed if you run the entire route within the set time. Or, for example, 50 meters of running alternates with 100 meters of walking.

Choosing a running distance.

  • Where should the running distance be?
  • It is best to train where the distance passes through a forest, park or field, that is, where there is a lot of greenery. During endurance running, the body requires much more oxygen than usual. And, as you know, plant leaves secrete this important chemical element.
  • But what about those who don’t have a forest or anything like that nearby? In this case, you need to use, first of all, numerous side streets where few cars drive. It is very important that the start and finish are close to your home: after all, after running you will sweat and therefore you should not be outside for a long time, otherwise you can catch a cold, especially in cold weather


For my training, I chose the second half of the day, when my head was already tired from schoolwork and I needed a little rest. For several days in a row, I ran along the road for 5-10 minutes and tried to place my feet correctly, ran slowly so as not to strain my muscles too much, because they are not very trained.

I measured my heart rate before and after running and got the following results.

My heart rate before running averaged 75 beats per minute. After the run, the heart rate increased to an average of 110 beats (this is normal). This means blood circulation improves, organs are better saturated with oxygen.

Health running is the best remedy combating neurasthenia and insomnia caused by nervous overstrain and an abundance of incoming information. As a result, it is removed nervous tension, sleep and well-being improve, performance increases. Evening running is especially useful in this regard, as it removes negative emotions accumulated during the day and “burns” excess adrenaline released as a result of stress. Thus, running is the best natural tranquilizer - more effective than drugs.

Health running is one of the best and most accessible forms of exercise. physical culture, which does not require large material costs, and its positive effect is enormous.

The objectives of my project have been completed, the goal has been achieved. I will try to continue running, especially since it doesn’t take much time, but it helps to stay in good shape. DO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY!!!


  • http://argosport.ru/sport/ozdorov_beg.html
  • http://medicinform.net/fitness/fit/fit6.htm
  • http://biofile.ru/chel/864.html
  • http://sportwiki.to/%D0%9E%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0 %BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%B3:_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1 %80%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BC%D1%8B_%D0%B8_%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BA %D0%B8

Objective of the project.
Project task.
What is running?
Types of running.
The importance of running in sports.

Objective of the project.

IN modern world running has a huge
meaning. This kind of sports
demonstrated in competitions, in
including the Olympics. Objective of the project
is that everyone should be
I am familiar with this sport - running.

Project task.

1. Find out what running is. And study in detail
2. Varieties of running.
3. Its importance in sports.

What is running?

Running is one of the ways a person moves
and animals; distinguished by the presence of
called the “flight phase” and is carried out
as a result of complex coordinated
skeletal muscle activity and
limbs. In general, running is characterized by
the same cycle of movements as when walking, those
same acting forces and functional
muscle groups. The difference between running and walking
is the absence of a double phase when running

Types of running.

1. Jogging.
2. Interval running.
3. Sprint running.
4. Fartlek.
1. Cross.
2. Barrier.
3. With obstacles.


Many people associate running in the aerobic heart rate zone with jogging.
A trained person can run at an aerobic pace
for a long time, maintaining high speed. This kind
running will help you get rid of extra calories and intensify your work
body, strengthen the joint and skeletal systems. This run will do
for those who cannot overcome marathon distances. Can
combine aerobic running with strength training, but only under strict supervision
the guidance of the coach.
The favorite type of training for most of the population is
jogging. The pace is moderate, the steps are not very wide. Jogging
can be used after strength training the day before, or as
the beginning stage of running load. This type of running is often practiced in
parks, streets, embankments: outdoor activities nourish
oxygen to all organs of the body. By the way, during training there is a chance
make new acquaintances, as the slow running pace allows
consider those around you.

Interval running.

Interval running can be practiced
experienced runners who know their
body, have a good command of technique,
are working according to plan. Excessive excitement in
activities can lead to injury and
fatigue. Alternating fast running with
walking or jogging helps develop
endurance and strength.

Sprint running.

Sprint running is short
distances from thirty to four hundred
meters. The goal is to run a given path as
as quickly as possible. Many people believe
sprint training ideal
option for burning fat in the body. Not
it is worth combining sprint running with
lunges, squats and deadlifts,
otherwise the joints simply won’t be able to withstand such

10. Fartlek.

Fartlek means game in Swedish.
speeds Alternating between different speeds
training modes can be developed
dexterity, strengthen the ankle. Not worth it
confuse fartlek with interval running, so
as there are no cycles of repetition and rest.
Step, fast pace, slow pace, again
step - no stops. Fartlek
It’s interesting to exercise both on a treadmill and
on natural surface.

11. Cross.

Cross running is fast
and some extreme sports like running
I'm on an unfamiliar road. Back
the path will be an excellent workout cool-down.

12. Barrier.

Hurdling is a type of easy
athletics. This type of running is quite difficult
for non-professionals, as it requires
flexibility, good coordination of movements and
jumping ability.

13. With obstacles.

Steeplechase is a race with obstacles. This kind
running is practiced exclusively in summer
stadiums, as it involves running between
obstacles, overcoming a water hole and
obstacles. This type of running is included in
Olympic disciplines, therefore requires
special strength and correct tactics.

14. Running as an element of general physical training

Not a single program aimed at testing
athlete or ordinary person regarding him
general physical fitness is not complete without running.
And it doesn’t matter what distance. For example,
the hundred-meter dash determines, first of all, his
strength and coordination qualities. The more
distance, the greater the emphasis
shifts to endurance, here we are too
We will not open America.
You can't do without running in CrossFit either. What's wrong
crossfit - many famous chess players
keep yourself in shape through regular

15. Conclusion.

Whatever you do, whatever your passion is,
periodic, or better yet, regular jogging
They definitely won’t become redundant. Just don't forget about
the quality of the air you breathe, the covering, the
which you run, and the shoes you do it in.
Watch out for possible side effects
the effects did not tip the scales favorably.
Running is the most affordable way keep yourself in
form, and believe me, it is not so difficult to insert it into
your daily routine. The most important -

16. Thank you for your attention!

17. Literature.
