Homemade tomato paste, prepared with your own hands, unlike the store-bought counterpart, is useful because it retains the taste and aroma of fresh tomatoes. This is a concentrated mass obtained by boiling and rubbing ripe tomatoes, and preserving a lot of useful substances during the heat treatment. There are two types of tomato preparation: simple, unsalted paste, and with the addition of salt.

IN different countries The taste of the pasta is different. Italians add hot seasonings to tomatoes - garlic, basil, red pepper, oregano. The Greeks have a milder taste; they strive to preserve the taste of natural tomatoes. In the tomato paste of Caucasians, you can detect the characteristic nutty notes inherent in their cuisine.

How to prepare tomatoes at home

Here are some tips for making your own tomato paste.

  • For preparation, select the most ripe tomatoes, not too juicy, meaty.
  • If you use your own tomatoes grown on the plot, try to process them on the day of picking; more lycopene, a substance valuable for health, will remain in the vegetables.
  • To spend less time boiling the tomato, be sure to drain the excess juice. If possible, place the mass obtained after grinding into a gauze bag. Hang and let the juice drain naturally.
  • You can grind tomatoes into puree in any way, in an accessible way. Use an electric meat grinder, juicer, blender or regular sieve.

What can be added to the preparation:

Simple pasta is good on its own; made from ripe tomatoes, it will turn out aromatic and tasty. Many housewives, using concentrated tomato to restore tomato juice, prepare sauce for spaghetti, pizza, and borscht, add various spices and herbs to the product in advance. Add basil, dill, hot and black pepper, and garlic.

Advice! In an open jar, tomato paste quickly becomes moldy. To avoid wasting any leftovers, once you have used some, smooth out the top. And then sprinkle with salt or add vegetable oil.

A simple recipe for tomato paste through a meat grinder

The easiest way to prepare tomatoes at home. It is considered classic because it does not contain any additives.

You will need:

  • Red tomatoes – 10 kg.

How to prepare homemade tomato:

Divide the tomatoes into halves and quarters. Cut out the whitish part from the stalk.

Scroll through a meat grinder, or punch with a blender.

Drain off excess juice. Pass through a sieve, removing seeds and skin.

Place the bowl with the puree on the stove. Over low heat, begin to simmer the contents.

Soon the liquid will begin to evaporate and the paste will begin to thicken. The thicker the tomato, the more often it needs to be stirred.

Boil the mixture to the required thickness. Depending on the juiciness of the tomatoes, this will take up to an hour, sometimes up to 1.5 hours. The product will darken and change color.

Fill the jars and roll them up. Cool upside down under a towel.

The most delicious tomato paste - homemade recipe

According to GOST, tomato contains only tomatoes and salt. A small addition and change in cooking technology can turn ordinary pasta into an amazingly tasty sauce.


  • Tomatoes – 4 kg.
  • Salt – 4 large spoons.
  • Olive oil - ½ cup (can be replaced with vegetable oil).

How to preserve for the winter:

  1. Select the tomatoes and wash them. Cut into pieces and place in a saucepan.
  2. Boil for 20-30 minutes. Count the time from the moment of boiling. The pieces will become soft.
  3. Remove the pan from the heat. Cool the contents slightly, then chop, rubbing through a sieve or colander.
  4. Add salt to the remaining mixture, add oil and stir.
  5. Pour onto a baking sheet or wide, high-sided pan.
  6. Place it on maximum temperature(preferably 300 o C).
  7. Check the oven periodically; if the top begins to darken quickly, lower the temperature. At the same time, stir the mixture. Soon the pulp will thicken.
  8. Simmer the paste for 1 hour, then moderate the heat intensity to 250 o C. Continue evaporating the liquid for another hour and a half.

How to store the workpiece

  1. Place the hot paste into jars, pour a layer of oil on top, and roll under an iron lid.
  2. Pour the tomato into small containers, cool, and place in the freezer. Frozen pasta can be stored for a very long time without losing its taste and quality.

Tomato paste – finger licking recipe

The spicy paste can be served with meat, cabbage rolls, lasagna, or added to borscht, rassolnik, or kharcho.


  • Tomatoes – 4 kg.
  • Salt – 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • Ground coriander, black pepper, cinnamon - a teaspoon each.
  • Clove sticks – 10-12 pcs.
  • Dill, celery leaves, parsley, basil.


  1. Cut from tomatoes white place in the area of ​​the stalks. Cut into 4 pieces.
  2. Place in a sieve and place in a pan of boiling water. When the pieces become soft, wipe them into a separate bowl. Do it in several stages, as it is more convenient to blanch in small portions.
  3. After collecting the entire mass, set it to cook. After an hour, add spices and herbs.
  4. Continue cooking until the puree is reduced to a thick paste. Methods for storing workpieces in winter are described above.

Video with a step-by-step recipe for preparing homemade tomato paste from tomatoes for the winter.

I don't regret at all the time I spent making the tomato paste. I will even say bolder - not at all! Firstly, I put to good use the happiness that unexpectedly fell upon me in the form of a whole box of different sizes of overripe tomatoes. Secondly, this is a good reason to refuse store-bought products, which, as you know, contain everything except natural tomatoes. Fourthly (don’t pay attention, I’ve never been good at math), the dishes will now be tastier and healthier. I share my find with you. Here are 2 simple culinary instructions for making real, aromatic, tasty tomato paste that smells like fresh vegetables at home. I also described the recipes for preparing them for the winter and decided to put them out in a separate block. Choose!

Cooking classic tomato paste in a saucepan (roasting pan)

The preparation contains neither salt, nor vinegar, nor (God forbid) starch. The vegetable mass is slowly (yes, patience is required at this stage) boiled down to a paste. But at the same time, maximum taste and color are preserved. You can save the product until the onset of the autumn-winter period. different ways- freeze, put in the refrigerator, roll into small jars.

Required ingredients:

It turns out: about 1 kg.

How to prepare delicious tomato paste for future use (for the winter) at home:

The shape and size of the vegetable, of course, do not matter. Slightly spoiled tomatoes after removing the substandard area are also suitable. It is important that they are ripe and not watery. I cooked, one might say, from waste. The day before, after which there were several kilograms of unnecessary centers left. They, of course, are not as fleshy as whole fruits, but still the paste turned out tasty, bright and thick. But this is a special case, so I am describing a recipe for whole tomatoes.

Sort them and wash them well. Remove rotten or dented sides. Cut each tomato into several slices.

Second the most important task- separate tomato seeds and skin from the pulp from which tomato paste will be prepared. There are several possible solutions. Choose.

  1. Transfer the chopped fruit to a large saucepan. Place on medium heat. After boiling, reduce it to minimum. Cover with a lid. Simmer for 15-20 minutes until soft. Immediately drain any liquid juice that has formed. It will not bring any benefit, it will only increase the boiling time. Rub the rest through a metal sieve. The result will be a not too thick tomato puree, which we will turn into a concentrated paste by boiling.
  2. You'll be able to separate what you need from what you don't need faster if you have a juicer. Process tomato pieces with it. The result is a saturated liquid mass that will also have to be boiled.
  3. To shorten the heat treatment stage, the puree juice obtained by the first or second method can be weighed out (to remove excess liquid). To do this, transfer the tomato without skin and seeds into a fabric bag (unnecessary pillowcase). Tie the ends together. Hang over the container. Wait a few hours for the liquid to drain. Only a thick preparation will remain.

Transfer the puree into a heatproof bowl with a thick bottom. Cook over low heat for 2-3 hours. Stir every 15-20 minutes. Cook the paste until it thickens. It will also become darker during cooking. To taste and desire, season it with salt, ground black pepper and other spices. After adding seasonings, return to a boil and remove from heat.

Delicious tomato homemade pasta can be used immediately or prepared for the winter with one of.

Tomato paste in the oven

Using an oven allows you to reduce the active cooking stage to a minimum. But the taste of the product only benefits from this. Appetizing and rich, bright and healthy. The culinary area of ​​use of such pasta is practically unlimited - any dish turns out tasty and nutritious.


Result: approximately 1.5 kg.

How to prepare tomato paste (step-by-step recipe for the winter):

Select the ripest, largest and not very beautiful tomatoes. Make a puree out of them, as I told you. I steam the tomatoes and then puree them. This is more convenient for me than washing the fine strainer of the juicer later. That's why I only take it out on special occasions. Wash the vegetable. Remove the hard part of the fruit - the rest of the stalk. Cut each tomato into 6-10 pieces (depending on size). Place in a saucepan. No need to add water.

Cook tomatoes under closed lid 15-25 minutes. Periodically open the pan and stir its contents. The tomatoes should be steamed well over low heat so that the tomato pulp can be easily separated from the skin and hard seeds. Drain the liquid before wiping. Rub the rest through a fine sieve.

Pour the resulting puree into a baking dish. Pour in the oil. Add salt and ground spices if desired. Stir.

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. Put the form there. Cook for 1.5-2 hours until desired thickness is achieved. If it starts to burn, lower the temperature a little. Once every 20-30 minutes, remove the mold and stir.

If the mixture boils too much and splatters inside the oven, cover it with foil.

If you want a completely smooth consistency, puree the paste with an immersion blender. Then return to the oven. After boiling again, proceed.

Methods for preparing tomato paste for storage until winter

Homemade canned food is low in preservatives and other additives. Tomato paste can be made from tomatoes alone, without adding salt, spices or vinegar. But he demands special conditions storage

  1. It is recommended to store completely natural pasta (without adding salt, sugar, vinegar) in the freezer. It can be kept at such low temperatures up to 6-8 months. To properly freeze the workpiece, use special dishes and bags. Place the finished product silicone molds. The approximate serving size is 70-150 ml (enough for approximately 1 meal preparation). Place in a quick freezer for 30-40 minutes. Remove the frozen tomato mass. Pack in special heat-resistant bags. Secure the ends. Store in a shared freezer until use. Freezing in special disposable containers with lids is also possible.
  2. The main compartment of the refrigerator is suitable for storage for up to 3 months. Place the hot paste into dry, sterile jars. It is convenient to use containers with lids with metal fasteners. They provide high level tightness and do not allow foreign odors to pass through. Cool. Top with a thin, even layer of deodorized vegetable oil. It will prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Close with nylon or screw caps. Store at a temperature no higher than +8 degrees.
  3. Another option is blockage using a seaming wrench. It is recommended to use salt, vinegar and sugar as natural preservatives and flavor enhancers. The amount of granulated sugar can be adjusted to taste. For reference - 1/2 tbsp. l. for 1 kg of tomatoes. table vinegar(9%) for the same amount of vegetables you will need approximately 1.5 tbsp. l. It is added 2-3 minutes before readiness. Place the hot tomato paste into sterilized and dried jars (capacity up to 0.5 l). Cover with special lids (pre-boiled). Cork it. Cover with an unnecessary blanket. Cool. Hide it until winter.

Good afternoon.

The other day I was planning to make a small batch of homemade tomato paste, so I went online and looked for it. simple ways and came across an interesting phenomenon: there are hundreds of recipes, all called tomato paste, but in fact they are ordinary thin sauces like or.

But it should be thick. Such that you can scoop it into a spoon and it won’t spread. Only this consistency can be called a paste.

Also, I noticed one more thing: there are recipes for making tomato paste in a slow cooker. You open it, and there is again liquid sauce. And this is actually understandable - after all, the yield of product from tomatoes is not at all large, only about 700 g from 5 kg of tomatoes and, given the small bowl of the multicooker, you will simply get tired of cooking these tiny portions.

Someone will say, what difference does it make what it’s called? And I will say that it is huge. Pasta is a concentrate and from a small amount of it you can at the right time prepare a lot of the same sauce or tomato juice, which, in turn, can be diluted with spices and seasoned pasta with it, added while stewing meat, used as pizza sauce and a lot what else delicious to do.

In general, I won’t bother you anymore with idle talk and let’s look at the ways in which you can prepare real thick tomato paste.

Thick homemade tomato paste for the winter without vinegar

As you study the recipes, you will see that the differences between them are not so much in the ingredients (after all, the classic recipe involves using only tomatoes and salt), but in the preliminary preparation. So first go through all the recipes, and then choose the one that suits you.

For example, this method is for those who have a juicer.

The yield of the product directly depends on the fleshiness of the tomatoes, but on average, 9-10 kg of tomatoes will yield 1.5 liters of paste.


1. Cut 10 kg of juicy fleshy tomatoes into 2-4 slices, cut off the stems, remove broken damaged areas and place in a deep pan. You will need 2 pans, since the volume raw vegetables quite big.

2. Place the pots on low heat, bring the tomatoes to a boil, and then cook them for half an hour, stirring occasionally until completely softened.

3. After this, remove the mixture from the heat, wait until it cools slightly and pass it through a juicer.

Juice can be squeezed directly from raw tomatoes, but then there will be less pulp in the juice. I don’t know why this happens, but it is so.

You can pass the pulp through the juicer 2-3 times so that as little pulp as possible remains.

4. By the way, you don’t have to throw away the remaining cake, because it contains a lot of healthy fiber. It can be blended with a blender and used in cooking, for example.

Of the 9 kg of tomatoes after processing, 900 g of cake remained.

After about 1.5 hours, approximately half of the liquid will have boiled out of the pans and it will be possible to pour everything into one pan for the convenience of further cooking.

6. We continue to cook and stir once every 3-5 minutes for about 40-50 minutes, until the amount of liquid has decreased by about 2 times.

7. After this, you need to stir the paste continuously so that it does not burn. You can also add 2 tablespoons of salt at this point. But I don’t add it, so that when it comes time to prepare dishes with tomato paste, I don’t have to worry about how much salt to add.

We continue to cook until large and frequent air bubbles from the bottom of the pan begin to float and burst. By this point, the paste will have reached the correct thickness and can be transferred to jars.

8. You need to put the paste into pre-sterilized jars, filling them to the very top and immediately screwing them or rolling them with metal lids, then leave them to cool upside down, wrapped in a blanket.

Store the cooled jars in the cellar or refrigerator.

Tomato paste for the winter: a simple recipe at home

The boiling time can be significantly reduced if you use one trick based on the laws of physics. As they say, watch your hands.


1. To prepare, take 5 kg of tomatoes, wash them thoroughly, remove the stems and cut off the damaged areas.

Then we divide them into slices and beat them in a blender or food processor.

2. And now the promised trick: add 2 tablespoons of salt to the chopped vegetables and mix well. We wait 5 minutes for the salt to dissolve, and then carefully pour the puree with a ladle into a metal sieve with a fine mesh.

If there is no such sieve, then you can use gauze folded 3-4 times.

3. Salt has the property of pushing out liquid, so the puree, once in the strainer, will begin to release water and after 20-25 minutes, mostly only pulp will remain in it, and the water will drain.

This will save about 1-1.5 hours that would have been spent on evaporating this liquid on the stove.

4. Place the resulting pulp in a saucepan, bring to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat to low and cook for 5 minutes until the puree softens.

Then we beat it with a submersible blender until it has a homogeneous consistency and put it back into the sieve to get rid of the skin and seeds.

Due to the fact that the tomatoes were pre-cooked, there is no need to grind them; just vigorously shake the sieve back and forth so that the pulp flows into a substitute container, and all large particles remain in the sieve.

The output is a smooth and even mass.

5. Which we put on low heat and boil to the desired thickness, stirring constantly. This will take a maximum of 40 minutes.

Place the prepared tomato paste into sterilized jars and close with sterilized lids.

About 800 ml of paste comes out of 5 kg of tomatoes.

Turn the jars over, cover with a towel and leave in this form until completely cooled, after which we store in a cool place.

Step-by-step preparation of tomato paste without sterilization

As you probably noticed, the main task when making pasta is to get rid of excess moisture. The first time we evaporated it, the second time we squeezed it out, and now we’ll strain it. This is the longest method, but it allows you to work with a large volume of products at once.


1. We will study the method using the example of processing 5 kg of tomatoes. The yield will be 1 jar with a volume of 0.7 liters.

2. Wash the tomatoes, peel them and pass them through the juicer several times, trying to extract as much pulp and juice from the vegetables as possible.

Throw the resulting juice onto big piece gauze, folded 3 times. Instead of gauze, you can take a carefully washed white cotton T-shirt, size 54, and tie the neck and sleeves.

3. And hang the resulting bag over the basin. The juice will flow out simply under the influence of gravity and this will take at least 3 hours. But you can leave it overnight. The longer it hangs, the more it will drain.

4. Then transfer the settled mass into a saucepan, not forgetting to carefully scrape the pulp from the gauze (a lot of it will collect there).

5. Place the pan on low heat, add 1 tablespoon of sugar, 0.5 tablespoon of salt, mix thoroughly and cook the pasta until tender, stirring occasionally.

It’s easy to determine readiness: we run a spoon along the bottom of the pan and if we see that no liquid collects at the bottom, then the pasta is ready.

6. All that remains is to put the hot paste in a hot sterilized jar, roll it up with a sterilized lid and cool it upside down under a blanket.

Video on how to make and freeze tomato paste for the winter

The previous method, like everything before it, does not require sterilization of the finished product, but preliminary sterilization of the jars is mandatory. But if you are too lazy to carry out this procedure and you have a large freezer, then you can simply freeze the finished pasta.

I suggest you watch a very informative video on this topic.

Finger-licking hot pepper and garlic pasta recipe

And finally, I left an awesome recipe for spicy lovers.


  • 6 liters of tomato juice
  • 200 g hot capsicum
  • 300 g (net weight) garlic
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp.


1. Wash all the vegetables, cut off the excess and grind everything together in a food processor or pass through a meat grinder.

2. Grind the resulting puree through a metal sieve to remove the peel and seeds.

3. Now all that remains is to pour the juice into the pan, put it on medium heat, add salt and cook for 1.5-2 hours, stirring occasionally until about 30 percent of the initial amount of juice remains in the pan. Or a little longer if you need a thicker consistency.

4. Well, then transfer the finished tomato paste into sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids and cool at room temperature upside down under a blanket.

We store the finished pasta in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

These are the recipes I managed to find. I don’t know which one you liked best, but I like the last one. I love it spicy.

I also like that these recipes do not contain vinegar, which, whatever one may say, adds its own specific flavor. For marinades, this is, of course, not bad, but in this case it is clearly unnecessary.

Well, that’s all for today, thank you for your attention.

According to GOST, tomato paste is a product made from ground tomatoes, which contains at least 25% and no more than 40% dry matter. If the water content exceeds 40%, it is tomato puree, not paste. A good paste-like product is easy to check: the spoon sticks in well and does not fall to the side.

Preliminary calculations

Before preparing tomato paste from fresh tomatoes, you should make calculations to understand how many ingredients will be needed for the desired volume. Usually, during the cooking process, boiling occurs twice. Excess moisture evaporates, leaving only thick tomato pulp in the pan. The table calculates the amount of ingredients from which you can get half a liter, a liter or 2 liters of finished paste.

Table - Calculation of ingredients depending on the volume of containers

Calculations are approximate, the final yield depends on ripeness, fleshiness, quality of the fruit and recipe. The proportions of additional ingredients can be adjusted to suit your taste, for example, to make the pasta more salty. It is recommended to sweeten well the sour tomatoes, and take a little more watery fruits. Don't forget that additional vegetables also add volume to the final product.

Cooking features

Before you start following the recipe step by step, you need to familiarize yourself with the cooking features so as not to be disappointed with the result. If the housewife has never cooked pasta and has little understanding of what exactly should turn out in the end, six main nuances will give an idea of ​​the cooking process.

  1. Selection of fruits. For the paste, select fleshy and ripe tomatoes. Green or dense fruits with a lot of seeds and liquid are not suitable - they will have to be boiled for a long time. In addition, ripe fleshy fruits are much more aromatic and tastier. Rotten, overripe, or burst tomatoes should also be removed.
  2. Preparing tomatoes. Skins and seeds are not needed in tomato paste. You need to get rid of them. To do this, the fruits, cut crosswise, are blanched - scalded with boiling water, or dipped in boiling water for three minutes. After this procedure, the skin is easily removed. There is another way to get rid of the skin: boil the tomato slices, then grind them through a sieve.
  3. Grinding. Peeled tomatoes are ground together with seeds using a juicer, blender, meat grinder, food processor, and grated. The resulting puree is passed through a sieve to remove large particles and seeds.
  4. Selection of herbs and spices. Everything here is purely individual. Tomato paste, unlike ketchup, does not require additional spices and seasonings. It is not even necessary to sweeten or add salt to it. If you want to add a spicy aroma to the dressing, it is recommended to take oregano, coriander, basil, parsley, paprika, and ground red pepper.
  5. Getting rid of fluid. The most difficult thing in formulating tomato paste is achieving thickness. To achieve the required consistency, you can use one of the methods to get rid of excess moisture. The easiest way is to boil the tomato puree in a saucepan, remembering to stir, or evaporate in the oven (it will take one and a half to two hours). You can also hang the puree in a thick gauze bag over a container and leave it overnight. Excess moisture will drain off on its own.
  6. Sterilization. Not everyone likes to sterilize jars - it takes time and effort, and in the summer heat it adds discomfort. However, without sterilization, the workpieces will not be stored for long. It is necessary to at least scald the jars with boiling water several times and dry them. You can sterilize using an oven or microwave oven. Just pour some water into the container and let it heat for a few minutes.

Tomato paste takes a long time to prepare. Therefore, it is recommended to set aside a special day for preparations. There is no point in standing over the stove for half a day, but you should periodically keep an eye on the contents of the pan and stir with a spatula.

Classic tomato paste recipe and original variations

Below are recipes for homemade tomato paste for the winter in the classic version and with the addition of various seasonings, vegetables, and fruits. Having understood the principle of cooking, cooks can experiment with the ingredients themselves.


Description. This is the “basic” way to cook tomato paste at home. If desired, the workpiece can be salted, but it is recommended to do without any spices. The result is a 100% natural product.

What is necessary:

  • tomatoes - depending on the volume of the container;
  • salt - optional.

How to do

  1. Cut into large slices (cut into four pieces is enough).
  2. Place tightly in a saucepan to the very top and place over medium heat.
  3. Wait for it to boil, boil for about half an hour (make sure that the juice does not run away).
  4. Place a sieve over a clean saucepan.
  5. Place boiled tomatoes in small portions and rub through a sieve with a spoon.
  6. Throw away the resulting pulp, and put the pureed pulp on the fire.
  7. Boil for about three hours, stirring occasionally.
  8. When the liquid is reduced by half, continue cooking, stirring constantly so that the juice does not burn.
  9. Having achieved the desired consistency, remove the pan from the stove and pour the contents into prepared sterile containers.
  10. Leave to cool upside down.

The more thoroughly the tomatoes are ground, the greater the final product. There should only be a few grams of cake left. For example, eight kilos yields approximately 800 g of pasta.


Description. The tomato paste turns out aromatic and spicy. You can salt and sweeten the preparation at your discretion, focusing on the calculation table and the type of fruit.

What is necessary:

  • tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • onion - 500 g;
  • 3% grape vinegar - 100 ml;
  • bay leaf - four pieces.

How to do

  1. Cut the tomatoes and onions into slices and place in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  2. Add the laurel and turn on the stove.
  3. Boil for about an hour, making sure that the vegetables do not burn to the bottom.
  4. Let cool until room temperature, wipe with a sieve.
  5. Simmer until desired thickness (may take two to three hours).
  6. Season as desired and simmer for another ten minutes.
  7. Pour into prepared containers and roll up.


Description. There are several recipes for tomato paste made from tomatoes and apples for the winter. In one case, fresh fruits are taken, cut into slices and ground together with tomatoes.

What is necessary:

  • tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • sour apples - two pieces;
  • onion - one head;
  • 6% vinegar - 30 ml.

How to do

  1. Prepare a small piece of linen fabric.
  2. Cut the fruit into pieces and pass through a juicer.
  3. Wrap the resulting liquid puree in a cloth and tie tightly.
  4. Hang over the container and leave overnight.
  5. In the morning, drain the liquid and transfer the mass from the cloth to a saucepan.
  6. Add salt and boil for half an hour.
  7. Add the vinegar solution and leave for another five minutes.
  8. Pour into jars, cover with lids.
  9. Sterilize in a saucepan or oven.
  10. Roll up, turn over, wrap until cool.

If desired, you can add celery root. It must first be cleaned, boiled and ground. A garlic clove or pod will also add some piquancy. hot pepper. You can put them in whole, and after boiling, take them out and throw them away. The longer the spices are in the tomato mass, the spicier the sauce will be.


Description. A simple recipe that makes the pasta aromatic, smooth and tasty.

What is necessary:

  • tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • onion - one piece;
  • 3% apple cider vinegar - one glass;
  • black peas - 20 pieces;
  • rosemary - 10 g;
  • cinnamon stick - four pieces;
  • laurel - four leaves.

How to do

  1. Cut vegetables into piles.
  2. Place in a saucepan and cook for half an hour.
  3. Rub through a sieve.
  4. Let it simmer on low heat.
  5. Wrap the spices in a small piece of gauze and place them in the pan.
  6. Wait for it to boil, cook for about half an hour.
  7. Remove the gauze bag.
  8. Add salt, sweeten, and boil to the required consistency.
  9. Pour in the vinegar ten minutes before it’s ready.
  10. Pour into jars, roll up the lids.

With horseradish

Description. The recipe is convenient because it does not require cooking. Therefore, if you plan to prepare a savory snack for the winter, be sure to sterilize the jars. The result will be not just tomato paste for the winter, but a real horseradish or horloger.

What is necessary:

  • horseradish root - 300 g;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil.

How to do

  1. Peel the root and cut into small pieces.
  2. Blanch the tomatoes, cut the pulp into slices.
  3. Peel the garlic cloves.
  4. Grind the ingredients into a paste, for example using a food processor.
  5. Add salt to taste.
  6. Wrap in a clean cotton or linen cloth and leave it hanging overnight to drain off excess moisture.
  7. Transfer the paste into a sterile jar, leaving a little space up to the edge of the neck.
  8. Fill with oil about a centimeter.
  9. Close it and store it.

It is better to use small jars to consume the snack immediately after opening. Containers without lids can be closed cling film in several layers.

In a slow cooker

Description. The recipe for tomato paste in a slow cooker for the winter is simple. It is enough to set the “Stewing” and “Baking” modes.

What is necessary:

  • tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • dried herbs - to taste.

How to do

  1. Cut the fruit into slices.
  2. Place in the multicooker bowl.
  3. Set the “Stew” mode and cook for half an hour.
  4. Press the resulting puree through a sieve to separate the seeds and skin.
  5. Place back into bowl.
  6. Add dried herbs.
  7. Set the "Baking" mode.
  8. Open the lid and cook for another 40 minutes.
  9. Don't forget to stir.
  10. After acquiring the desired thickness, pour the paste into jars.

From yellow fruits

Description. You can quickly prepare a delicious paste from yellow tomatoes using a blender. Unlike their red counterparts, yellow fruits are fleshier, softer and sweeter.

What is necessary:

  • yellow tomatoes - by eye;
  • 9% vinegar - a teaspoon for every 0.5 liters.

How to do

  1. Cut the fruit into slices.
  2. Grind in a blender bowl or with an immersion device in a saucepan.
  3. Place the resulting puree on low heat.
  4. Bring to a boil, leave for 40 minutes.
  5. Pass through a fine sieve and cook again.
  6. Boil the paste to the desired consistency, remembering to stir.
  7. Pour into jars.
  8. Pour vinegar on top.
  9. Seal and turn over.
  10. Wait until it cools down and store it.

In the oven

Description. One of the options is how to make tomato paste without vinegar in the oven. It is convenient to evaporate the liquid in this way: you can go about your business while the paste is slowly simmering. Seasonings are added to taste and are not required components.

What is necessary:

  • tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • ground coriander, cinnamon - a teaspoon;
  • cloves - ten buds;
  • fresh herbs - parsley, celery, dill.

How to do

  1. Blanch and peel the fruits.
  2. Grind the pulp into a puree and pass through a sieve to remove the seeds.
  3. Pour into a deep container (for example, a baking dish), add salt, and place in the oven.
  4. Set the temperature to 200°C and leave for two hours.
  5. Check the consistency of the paste during cooking and stir occasionally.
  6. Add ground seasonings, tie the greens in a bunch and drown in the sauce.
  7. Cook for another half hour.
  8. Remove from the oven and remove the green “bouquet”.
  9. Pour into containers, roll up, turn over.
  10. Take to storage when the pieces have cooled down.

It is not necessary to roll the paste into jars. You can do without preserving it or not add vinegar, preserving the freshness of the food throughout the winter. Pour the prepared paste into silicone muffin molds and place in the freezer. Place frozen briquettes in ziplock bags and store.

The preparation can be cooked in winter delicious soups, sauces, vitamin juice. Adhering to the basic principles, the cook can come up with his own recipe for tomato paste from tomatoes for the winter, experimenting with oil, spices, vinegar, and aromatic herbs.

Reviews: “It takes a long time to boil”

I did it recently, I wanted volume. pasta, then I decided to experiment. You need to boil the tomatoes for a long time. Tomatoes through a juicer, then the pulp with seeds was rubbed through a fine sieve so that the seeds did not get in. I boiled this whole mass in an enamel pan over low heat. From 4 liters of juice with pulp, an incomplete liter turned out - 800-900 grams. When it was reduced by half, added sugar and salt to taste. In a gauze I put 4 cloves, three cloves of garlic, a little bitter red pepper - I used dry ground about 1/3 teaspoon, black peas, you can also use any seasonings you like) and cook in there. At the end I poured 0.5 tsp. vinegar 90%. You can put it in jars and sterilize it, but I do it so that I can eat it right away. The more you reduce it, the more it will resemble ketchup.

Dreams come true, https://mnogodetok. ru/viewtopic. php? t=23832

I did it with benefit... two in one: D Tomatoes - 4 kg, coarse salt (rock salt) - 3 tbsp. l., 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, olive oil - 0.5 cups. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces and cook for 20-30 minutes until they are soft. Then pass all the tomatoes through a sieve or special device. Collect the tomato pulp in one container, add salt, sugar, butter. Cook tomato paste until desired thickness, approximately 1.5 - 2 hours. Pour into sterilized jars and seal. While the pasta is cooking, we take the mass that remains from rubbing and add grated carrots there, onion. Add sugar, salt, butter and cook for 20 minutes, place in sterilized jars, add 1 tbsp to each jar. l. 9% vinegar and roll up. Here you have a ready-to-cook for the winter.

Verunya, http://www. tomato-tomato. com/newforum/index. php? topic=1037.0

Every real housewife should know the secrets of how to cook a tomato for the winter, because for such preparation you need to choose special tomatoes, and in addition spices and other vegetables. The cooking process can last from several minutes to 1-2 hours, depending on the ingredients and consistency, and also on what you want to get as a result. Let's look at the rules for choosing tomatoes for juice, recommendations for preparing them, and the best proven sauce recipes for the winter.

How to choose tomatoes for cooking

There are few selection rules. They are simple, but the result depends on compliance. So, let's begin:

  • Depending on what consistency of juice is desired, it is worth selecting the varieties of tomatoes. If you take the “Bull’s Heart” variety, the drink for the winter will turn out to be very thick and rich. And the Tsar Bell tomato variety will give a lot of water, so the juice will be liquid, like apple juice.
  • Even the ripest vegetables are suitable for cooking tomatoes. Slightly soft, crushed, overripe ones will also be ideal for sauces.
  • Green tomato fruits should not be used for juice, as they will spoil the color of the product and its taste. Unripe vegetables do not provide much water, so their use is not advisable.
  • The format of tomatoes for making juice does not matter. These can be small cherries, medium cream or large fruits. They will still be cut into pieces during cooking.
  • Tomatoes grown in the open sun in garden beds are considered ideal for making tomato juice. Fruits that ripen in greenhouses do not have a large volume of water for such preparation and have a noticeable sourness.

What kind of container to cook tomatoes in?

A caring housewife will definitely ask herself the question: is it possible to cook a tomato in an aluminum pan? There is no definite answer here: if utensils made of such material are used for 1-3 hours, then oxidation will not occur, but if the juice is infused and then only boiled, then it is better to choose other types of utensils. No chemical processes occur in an iron, enameled or cast iron pan, so they are recommended for cooking tomatoes. Here is a list of utensils that may be needed for cooking tomatoes:

  • Juicer for quickly removing the pulp and veins of tomatoes from the juice.
  • A saucepan or large deep bowl for cooking juice.
  • Colander or sieve (for straining the sauce after cooking, if a juicer was not used before).
  • Storage containers (jars with screws or tin lids).
  • A scoop or large mug for pouring tomato juice into jars.
  • Seaming key (if classic tin lids for jars are used).

How long to cook the sauce for the winter

To understand how many minutes you need to cook the juice until it is ready, it is worth analyzing the entire cooking process. If heat treatment is carried out with vegetables for the first time, it can last up to 1 hour, but in classic versions, after boiling, you need to wait 5-15 minutes and pour the juice into jars. If the cooking takes place a second time (at the first stage, pieces of tomatoes were boiled, then they were rubbed through a sieve and put on the stove again), then 2-5 minutes will be enough to boil the dish and place it in containers.

Recipes for making tomato paste at home with photos

To understand how to cook tomatoes for the winter, you should consider several recipe options and choose the most suitable one for yourself. The difference lies not only in the process of obtaining the juice, but also in the additives that are added to the drink or sauce. Let's look at a few classic recipes and unusual ways of preparing tomatoes for the winter. All the options considered are proven, so they are easy to use independently even for beginners.

Tomato paste on the stove

If you don’t use a juicer to prepare tomato juice, the process will take a little longer, but you won’t have to wash a lot of dishes and waste electricity. The task is to cut the vegetables into large pieces, boil them a little and rub through a sieve. This method helps to obtain a thick tomato with a small amount of grains and pulp. Let's consider a simple proven recipe for the dish.


  • Ripe red tomatoes – 2 kg.
  • Sweet red pepper – 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt, sugar - according to tomato varieties and taste preferences.
  • Black peppercorns, bay leaf.


  1. Rinse all the tomatoes under running water and remove excess water.
  2. Do the same with pepper.
  3. In a large (preferably cast iron) container, cut the tomatoes into large pieces, cutting out the roots and veins.
  4. Along with the tomatoes, cut into small pieces Bell pepper meaty varieties.
  5. Place the bowl with chopped vegetables on the stove over low heat, and when a little liquid appears at the bottom, increase the power of the burner.
  6. After the fruits have boiled for up to 5 minutes, they should be set aside and cooled to room temperature.
  7. Through a sieve or colander, strain the boiled tomatoes and peppers, crushing them with a spoon or silicone spatula. Excess skins and veins should be removed.
  8. The resulting paste must be salted, sugar, spices and a few leaves of bay pepper added. Place it all on the stove, boil for 3-5 minutes, then pour it into jars and roll up the lids.
  9. This tomato paste can be stored for 1 to 5 years in a cool, dark place.

Homemade tomato for the winter, just like fresh

There is nothing better in winter than homemade tomato juice. This dish is allowed to be consumed as an independent unit or added to borscht, cabbage, soups or other types of food. In order for homemade tomato juice to turn out as fresh, you need to add a minimum of spices and additional vegetables to it, but to increase the shelf life, it is worth cooking well. Let's consider quick recipe such a blank.


  • Red tomatoes of fleshy varieties - 3 kg.
  • Parsley, dill - a few fresh sprigs.
  • Salt, pepper, white sugar - according to taste preferences.


  1. Rinse vegetables and herbs thoroughly.
  2. Dry them in a colander or using paper towels.
  3. Cut out the inner root of the tomatoes and run the vegetables through a juicer.
  4. Pour all the resulting juice into a large enamel container.
  5. Place the liquid on the stove and bring to a boil.
  6. Add sugar, salt, ground pepper, constantly tasting the future dish. You shouldn’t put too many spices, it will enhance the taste, but it will lose its naturalness.
  7. Place parsley and dill leaves into boiling liquid.
  8. Boil the juice until the sugar finishes melting. Total The time when the tomato boils should be about 20-25 minutes.
  9. Pour the liquid into sterilized jars and seal the tin lids very tightly.

Pepper Bulgarian tomato without sterilization

Sweet bell peppers are often added to tomato juice. This addition gives an unusual taste and makes the consistency thicker. Peppers can be placed cut into pieces, whole or grated through a grater or blender. Let's consider a simple recipe for tomato juice with other vegetables and fruits, which will certainly be appreciated by all household members and guests.


  • Red and yellow tomatoes – 3 kg in total.
  • Bell pepper – 1.5 kg.
  • Plum with a well-separable stone - 0.5 kg.
  • Sour apples – 300 g.
  • Sugar, salt - according to tastes.


  1. Rinse under clean water all vegetables, fruits. Leave them for a few minutes to drain excess water.
  2. Peel the pepper, cut into quarters, place in a large cauldron, where the whole dish will be cooked.
  3. Pass the tomatoes through a juicer, pour the resulting liquid into bell pepper.
  4. Peel plums and apples, pass through a juicer, add this liquid to the main tomato juice.
  5. Immediately put a little salt, sugar, and spices if you want.
  6. Bring tomato juice to a boil, stir it, taste.
  7. Adjust the dish according to your own taste (add salt, sugar, apple cider vinegar).
  8. Boil the tomato for 5-10 minutes and pour into glass jars. Bon appetit in winter!

Tomato juice recipe

A good housewife knows that making tomato juice takes a lot of time. But how to cook tomatoes for the winter using new kitchen appliances? Such devices can simplify the cooking process and even reduce the time it takes to create an excellent dish. Let's consider step by step recipes tomato juice in a slow cooker and pressure cooker for preparing for the winter.

In a slow cooker

To quickly prepare delicious tomato juice at home, you should use a slow cooker. This popular device will help you by telling you not to stand at the stove for a long time, but start up the equipment and go somewhere on your own issues. In addition, there is no risk that the contents of the pan will leak, boil over or burn. Here is an excellent recipe for rich tomato juice in a slow cooker.


  • Cherry tomatoes or other small varieties of tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Ripe pear – 300 g.
  • Sour apple – 300 g.
  • Cloves, cinnamon, black pepper, allspice, salt, sugar - according to taste.

Preparing tomato juice in a slow cooker:

  1. Rinse all fruits and vegetables.
  2. Separate the excess parts from them: tails, veins, seeds, core.
  3. Using a juicer, chop tomatoes, pears, and apples.
  4. Pour the resulting juice into the multicooker bowl and add spices.
  5. Turn on the “Cooking” mode for 30 minutes and wait for cooking.
  6. In the meantime, you need to sterilize the jars in a water bath and prepare the lids.
  7. When the multicooker announces the end of the program, pour the tomato juice into containers and close tightly.

In a steamer

The main advantage of a double boiler is that it allows you not only to quickly cook food, but to do it while preserving all possible vitamins and minerals. Tomato juice, adjika, sauce or other product cooked in a double boiler has the best taste qualities, it is most beneficial for the body. We'll tell you perfect recipe tomato dishes.


  • Red tomatoes – 2.5 kg.
  • Yellow tomatoes – 0.5 kg.
  • Tomatoes “Black Prince” - 0.5 kg.
  • Parsley, dill, basil.
  • Salt, sugar and pepper - according to taste preferences.


  1. Wash and dry all vegetables and herbs.
  2. Peel the ends of the tomatoes, cut each of them into 2 parts.
  3. Pass the tomatoes through the juicer, setting the appropriate mode to obtain juice from maximum number pulp.
  4. Add greens to the liquid.
  5. Place everything in a double boiler and bring to a boil.
  6. Remove from heat, open the lid slightly, add spices.
  7. Boil the juice in a double boiler for another 5 minutes and pour into jars.

Video recipe: how to twist a tomato for the winter

So that beginners don’t have any questions about creating the perfect tomato dish, they should watch training videos. In such materials, famous and popular chefs advise how to choose the right vegetables, how to process them, and what additional ingredients to add to the juice. Here is a short video that demonstrates the correct approaches to growing tomatoes for the winter.