In December 2016, the zodiac sign Gemini will have to relax and have fun. Exactly in this sequence. The natural question is – what’s the catch? In fact, everything is simple: the final month of 2016 will indeed be extremely positive for representatives of this zodiac sign. But what is much more important is that your current position will become a natural result of your activities at previous stages of life. That is, December will largely depend on, let’s say, “karmic” developments, so if something goes wrong, you can safely blame yourself, and only yourself. As for astral support, now Saturn, your traditional exaltant, will receive a good ally - Venus, which in its usual position is responsible for the “fall” of the sign Gemini. The result of the activity of this tandem may well be a total positive, an exclusively positive set of circumstances. But you shouldn’t count too much on such an outcome, because, firstly, your ruler, Mercury, will not be able to support you at this stage, and secondly, Jupiter, which is responsible for the “expulsion” of Gemini, on the contrary, will receive a qualitative strengthening due to its planetary position.

If we dwell in more detail on the work area, then in December 2016 the Gemini sign will reap the fruits of its own successes. If you don’t find any, that is, if since the last summer month you have openly “forgotten” about everything and everyone, then don’t blame me - in the end of the year there will be little positive awaiting you. However, knowing Gemini, this is an unlikely outcome, so it's best to focus on points that will fit most situations. Probably, now someone from your immediate environment (directly at your workplace) will greatly disappoint you. In fact, this will not lead to any detrimental consequences in terms of production mechanics, but a residue will remain, moreover, it (the sediment) will be large enough to seriously undermine your emotional condition. That is why you will have to try hard to pull yourself together as soon as possible. At the same time, there is no need to isolate yourself from your own emotions; what is happening must be experienced and felt in its full sense. But at the same time, there is no need to make mental anguish an end in itself. Focus on what you want to achieve. Just work, do yours job responsibilities and try to be distracted as little as possible, even if something that, in your opinion, is extremely important is happening nearby.

In December 2016, many interesting moments await Gemini on the “love front”. And although it is unlikely that any of current events were fundamental in nature, however, one should not treat what is happening too carelessly. IN family circle, just like in the company of friends, there will not be any special, vivid experiences (compared to what awaits you at work). However, you will have a chance to get to know better those with whom you, as they say, go through life. First of all, this applies to the oldest and most faithful friends, as well as your sweetheart, if there is one. Do not force events under any circumstances, do not rush to interfere in what is happening. Firstly, because you personally will not always have all the necessary, and most importantly, objective information. And secondly, sometimes it’s really better to look at everything from the outside. Watch and learn, while at the same time providing your loved ones with the opportunity to gain important experience. Perhaps Nietzsche was much closer to the truth than we think when he said: “If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger.”

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for December 2016 for the zodiac sign Gemini, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign. More accurate horoscope you can find out by drawing up one of your personal horoscopes, which you can get by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Gemini sign: Personal horoscopes for the Gemini sign:

In the work direction, the basis for Gemini's success will be past achievements, and they will also help you move forward. Everything will depend on how fruitfully you worked from August until the end of the year; it was during this period that a certain foundation for further work was laid. You won’t particularly envy the Geminis, who have been sitting with their hands folded all this time, since correcting the consequences of the period of stagnation will be much more difficult than it might seem. The good news is that, due to certain properties characteristic of the third zodiac house, there will be very few “lazy people”; inaction is not characteristic of the dual sign at all.

But what is relevant for all Geminis is a great disappointment that awaits right at work. The source of this feeling will not be an event, but a certain person. And although this phenomenon does not pose a threat in material terms, in your soul you will be very worried. The most honorable way to cope with this situation is not to hide from feelings, honestly acknowledge them and experience them. Just try not to create a tragedy by deliberately reveling in mental anguish. Better direct your energy in the right direction - focus on work. Set a goal and walk towards it with a firm step, without being distracted by other points, even if one day you consider them more important.

In the first month of winter, Gemini will be in a romantic mood, but so many contradictory events await them that sometimes there will be no time for romance. You should not start affairs in December with higher-ranking colleagues. Gemini should beware of casual acquaintances until the end of the year. Both of these can completely destroy the already complex personal life of Gemini.

Love horoscope for Gemini for December 2019

Cold December 2019 will be marked for Gemini as a month of dramatic changes in their personal lives. It will be a whole whirlpool of events, chance meetings, intrigues, temptations. It is unlikely that prudence will allow Gemini to make a wise choice in December, although the chance of drawing a lucky ticket is not excluded.
But even mistakes in actions and relationships, reasonable Geminis will turn in their direction. Maybe already in December Gemini’s cherished dream will come true - to meet their soul mate. Of all the signs of the Zodiac, it is Gemini who will be either lucky or unlucky in their personal lives in December. There is no third.

Lonely Geminis will be forced to defend their right to happiness. This December they will have to compete for the love of their chosen one. The horoscope promises them the full cooperation of the patron planet. But above all, Geminis should rely on their own wisdom and determination.

Love horoscope for Gemini women for December 2019

The astrological forecast for girls born under the sign of Gemini is encouraging. December will be bright and eventful for them. The romantic horoscope has prepared very piquant encounters for lonely young women. Probably, many Geminis will have a long-awaited event in December in the form of a meeting with the one to whom their girlish dreams were dedicated.

Gemini girls who consider themselves unlucky will have a chance to get their lover back. This December, women born under this sign will be surprised at how quickly their wildest dreams can come true. Throughout the month, the love horoscope will not tire of delighting them with wonderful meetings and very interesting dates.

An accurate love horoscope promises girls a meeting with an ideal partner in December. However, the duality of Gemini's nature can alienate a partner and cause distrust in him. By the end of the month, you should try to correct the situation by proving your true feelings and desire to build a serious relationship.

The love horoscope advises married Gemini women to pay more attention to their husbands, and not just to work. In the second half of December, events will occur that will further unite the spouses.

Love horoscope for Gemini men for December 2019

Love horoscope promises Gemini men to experience a lot of the most vivid emotions. It will be exciting, intriguing, dangerous. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with girls who are younger in age. Such problems with young girls may arise in December that they simply cannot be solved. Especially if the girls are of an earth sign.

Gemini men with families will be fascinated by their wives, as they will again understand how lucky they are in life. The love horoscope advises pampering your wives in December with attention, gifts and compliments. This will strengthen family relationships. And it is better to avoid quarrels in December. And if they arise, then be the first to seek reconciliation.

December is also a month that opens the veil of secrets. You may hear a lot of new things about yourself or your significant other in December. Be a man and find a wise solution. The love horoscope advises Gemini not to accumulate grudges, but to sort things out right away. Until the end of December there should not be a single taboo topic, no understatement. If a girl is offended by Gemini, then it is Gemini's fault.

And long-term relationships are worth cherishing. If everything was fine during the year, then you need to stay together, even after quarrels and losses. Everything will be restored.

Love horoscope for Gemini for other months of 2019

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Horoscope for December 2019 Gemini - think about life.

Philosophically. Everyone knows that you can't stand philosophy. From the word absolutely. But still. There is no need to rush in terms of work. Take the time to retrain. Or - for training. You can also ask specialists for help. And professionals. Everything is great with health! Vigor and activity stimulate your well-being!

Horoscope for December 2019 Gemini - an amazing and dynamic month awaits you. But in relationships with partners, everything is ambiguous. Take your partner's side more often. This way you can evaluate actions from the outside!


Astrological forecast for December for Gemini

Gemini energy in December - on the highest level. Be as active as possible. The period from the 4th to the 19th of December is the ideal period for:

  • work,
  • business,
  • social events.

First ten days of December Gemini

The beginning of December is a time of change. First of all, regarding outlook on life. Well, the area of ​​work also requires changes. And transformations.

Alternatively, you will be demoted. Well, in the end, no matter what is done, everything is for the better.

It is in December that Gemini (hallelujah!) will find something to his liking. However, a new activity is an extremely promising topic in terms of benefits. And prospects.
At the same time, you need to restore your strength. Well, improve your health. The very topic.

Gemini - second decade

The middle of December will mix everything around Gemini. Actually, everything you have done in a whole year. And big things. And little things. Everything is unstable with material things. But without radicalism, bitte!
Any risks are strictly contraindicated for you. Like everything that drags you to the bottom!
Everything will be fine for Gemini:

  • private entrepreneurs,
  • creative personalities,
  • managers.

Everything is going great. Green light. Take on any task. And feel free to invest wherever you want. Something important. And weighty.

A lonely Gemini has no chance of meeting his “soul mate”. Well, basically, don’t look into the past.

Gemini - third decanate

End of December - release time new level. And to new perspectives. At least about finances. Or about the profession.
Don't let anyone control you. And don’t care about career or position. Or rather, courage and confidence will help you achieve everything in your career.

In terms of household affairs and family, everything will depend on you in December. And if you have your own business, then the third decade is your time. All your partners. Whether local or foreign!

What to do for a Gemini in December

Isn't it time for you to listen to your friends' advice?
In most cases, this pure truth. But this is especially true on December 1st and 2nd.
You absolutely need outside advice. Whatever it concerns. At least a change of hairstyle. Or something so important. ( New job? Or relationships?).
Reach out to your friends. Let them give you wise advice. They probably know what you need!
And they know how you feel. In the end, all you have to do is listen to their advice. Listen to them. And then you can do everything differently. Exactly the way you want. The opposite of what my friends advised.
If that is your will.

December 6 and 7 are incredibly cool and fun days. And new opportunities open up right before your eyes. It is amazing. If you're having trouble getting your message across on December 13th and 14th, don't force it.
Sometimes you just have to wait. Quite enough! Measure your risk/reward ratio carefully. And then get involved in the promises on December 19, 2019. Let the creative muse into your life on the 24th and 25th. Let her whisper in your ear! By the 28th, 29th and 30th, you feel amazingly creative. Behave accordingly! Gemini, yours creative impulses simply beautiful. Good. Right now. Your friends may well be right on the 31st.
Horoscope for December by date of birth

Throughout December, Geminis depend on competitors and partners. So, you will spend this extremely favorable month in periodic decline vitality. Well, trying to find an ointment for relaxation.

December 3-9 are critical days for Gemini in the first week of June.
But for those born in the second week of June, December 9–15 will be difficult. But December 15-21 is a difficult time for those born in the third week of June.
The twin of the May flood will have fruitless disputes on December 9 – 16. Then you’ll be damned able to convert your opponents to your side!

Lunar calendar for Gemini for December 2019


All other days this month we classify as who to whom magnolia

Career horoscope for December Gemini

What about change? Well in your career? At work? You feel that old, familiar itch again. December 1st and 2nd. What kind of itch? Yes, that's the same one. I want changes at work. And immeasurable changes.
We are talking about that variety of it that is inherent only to Gemini. Only they are ready to change everything horizontally. From sales to programming. Or from programming to sales.
Maybe even give up on the sphere information technologies And software?
Why not get into the beauty industry? Well, let's say, become a nail artist?
Should you try your hand at professional bungee jumping? Well, when you get that itch, think carefully. Even if you don't scratch the itch. Eniway.

What doesn't meet your expectations in your current job? Once you identify the problem, everything will get better. At a minimum, Gemini will be able to cope with it; Well, change something. For example, the famine situation in Namibia.

On December 6 and 7, Gemini will again begin to enjoy work. The days are great. Even exciting. Well, you are delighted. You are delighted with your work again. Hallelujah and awesome badass! Communication is not always easy. It doesn't matter how great of a communicator you are. And Gemini is exactly like that. December 13 and 14, 2019, if something doesn’t work, doesn’t work out, don’t worry!
If, for example, a professional discussion within the office does not work out, step aside. Pretend to be a piece of old rags. Or an old Viennese chair.

Those who don't take risks don't drink brake fluid. More precisely, of course, Premier Cru Classe champagne! No risk, no reward. This is what runs through everything as a red line on the 19th of December. But is the risk worth it? Gemini, let your creativity out on the 24th and 25th. You will be amazed at what you achieve on the 28th, 29th and 30th of December! Listen to your friends on the 31st. And then have fun with them! Celebrate New Year together. Well, New Year's holidays are ahead

Financial horoscope for December 2019 Gemini

The twin is extremely awaited profitable month. But be prepared to shell out a hefty sum. Fortune (and the gods) is on your side. But this is provided that Gemini distributes income correctly. And he'll be safe.

Feel free to count on a bonus. If, of course, you worked hard. Qualitatively. In advance.
Geminis, of course, are not big spenders. But not economical either. Never. Savings are needed, the stars say. Otherwise there will be no money. Not for gifts. Not for the celebration New Year's holidays.
Get ready to go somewhere urgently. On the topic of inheritance. But take the trouble to write a vacation request in advance. Otherwise, you will be left without a job. Before the New Year holidays.

Finance in December: 5, 15, 17, 18, 25

The horoscope for December 2016 for the Gemini zodiac sign says that some connections leave, dissolve, but reliable partners remain with you both in joy and in sorrow. This is equally true for work and love.

Work, career, business

The main trend of December 2016 for the Gemini zodiac sign is strengthening relationships with previous partners and making new acquaintances. Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries will develop well, and a successful trip is possible. Best time for negotiations and any professional events - the first and second ten days of December. The third ten days of December 2016 is a restless, fussy and difficult period. Mercury, your ruling planet, goes into reverse during this time, and you may become unfocused, irritable, and fidgety. A very real and unexpected change in plans, as well as conflict situations surrounded. Most likely, we will talk about finances and unfulfilled obligations, both yours and your opponents.


The financial situation in December 2016 for the Gemini zodiac sign is difficult, and this will be especially noticeable in the third ten days of December. Large expenses are likely during this period, and perhaps they will significantly exceed your expectations. In one case it’s with business, and in the other – with personal life.

Love, family

The first and second ten days of December 2016 for the Gemini zodiac sign are a good time to meet old friends and renew relationships with former passions. A happy meeting awaits lovers separated by time and distance. In the third decade, the first clouds will appear on the cloudless love horizon. And at the very end of the month, a serious conflict is possible and, in all likelihood, its cause is in finances, different views on life, various systems values. Many families will spend significant amounts of money on their children's needs.


In December 2016, the energy potential of representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign is low, and this will be especially noticeable in the third, most difficult, decade of December. The stars advise solving all problems with a cool head, being less nervous and fussing. It’s not for nothing that doctors say: nerves are the cause of all troubles.