Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

pain in the left side of the abdomen

Abdominal pain can be a symptom of many diseases. The stomach is not a single organ like the heart or liver. The abdomen is filled with many different organs, tissues, structures, etc. And every organ located in the abdomen can become diseased. First of all, you should pay attention to sudden sharp pain in a stomach. This pain may be the first symptom to require immediate medical attention. Many abdominal organs are hollow. For example, stomach, intestines, gall bladder. And if one of them fails (clogs, bursts), then your life is in danger. If a sharp, sudden pain lasts more than 30 minutes, you should urgently call a doctor or go to the hospital to rule out an urgent surgical pathology.

What are the main symptoms of piriformis syndrome?

Typically, the diagnosis of this syndrome must be made by compression of the spinal nerve root to determine if this is the cause of the pain. During a crisis, you may experience one of the following symptoms. The pain is usually felt in the buttock, but you may also feel the irradiation at the end of the buttock area and the back of the leg.

Pain aggravated by activity on the hip joint, such as standing or sitting for a long time. Sometimes a person often has to walk with their feet outward due to the shortening of the pear shape. To avoid pain and pressure on the area, people usually sit in a crooked position when their sore buttocks are suspended.

You can fantasize about the diagnosis as much as you like, but only on the way to the hospital. Because if it is, for example, a perforation (perforation or hole in the stomach), then it must be stitched up immediately. To figure out for yourself what abdominal pain can mean, you need to know the following. Conventionally, your stomach is divided into four quadrants (or segments) - upper right, upper left, lower right and lower left. The localization of any symptom can now be assigned to one of four quadrants.

Piriformis syndrome is usually caused by overuse of the piriformis muscle. This overload is usually caused by weakness in the hip stability muscles or even penetrating legs. In most cases, a clinical examination that excludes pathology of the lumbosacral spine as the cause of its symptoms will naturally lead to suspicion of pyrites syndrome. A physical therapist will conduct clinical trials to ensure this is the case. Once your diagnosis is made, treatment may include any of the following treatments.

What diseases cause pain in the left side of the abdomen:

Pain in the upper left part of the abdomen (left upper quadrant (or left precostal area)). The left upper quadrant of the abdomen contains the spleen, stomach, pancreas, intestinal loops (as, indeed, everywhere else in the abdomen) and the left side of the diaphragm. Pain in the left upper quadrant may be related to the spleen. The spleen lies very close to the surface of the body. The main job of the spleen is to remove red blood cells from the blood after they have lived normally for 120 days. It captures them, destroys them, after which their components pass into the bone marrow, where new blood cells are formed.

Techniques for realigning the spine. Joint mobilization to restore normal joint mobility, range and function. Massage or electrotherapy to help reduce pain and spasms, in addition to increasing blood flow. Muscle length and flexibility stretching program.

Acupuncture to reduce muscle tension around the buttocks. Exercises to stabilize the hip, pelvis and spine. Foot orthoses or exercises as directed by your physical therapist or podiatrist to help restore the plantar arch. Short-term symptoms may resolve within a few days. More complex ones may take several weeks to get closer to muscle habits and biomechanics. Only in rare cases will the need for surgery be indicated.

In a number of diseases, the spleen enlarges, its capsule stretches, and this causes pain. Because the spleen is located close to the surface of the body, it is susceptible to rupture. Causes of splenic rupture can include trauma and diseases such as infectious mononucleosis. With this disease, the spleen becomes enlarged in size and has a soft consistency. And all this increases the likelihood of its rupture. Sometimes an enlarged spleen ruptures on its own. A telltale sign of a splenic rupture, in addition to pain and tenderness in the corresponding area, is bluishness of the skin around the navel (due to the accumulation of blood).

Even if in both cases one is in a sitting position, the two actions are different. When you're driving, your arms and hands are higher than when you're sitting at your desk. You also have to stretch your legs further to use the brake pedal and throttle. Your left foot is on the floor and your right foot is angled toward the pedals. If driving a car is manual, you use your left foot to operate the clutch pedal while your right hand and hand maneuver the gear shift lever.

Other reasons: food intoxication, gases, stress...

In addition, your body absorbs the vibrations of the road when it is bumpy or uneven, and it must also withstand the force acting on it when you change lanes, turn or turn a corner. The speed of acceleration and deceleration also affects your body.

Pain in the upper left part of the abdomen (left upper quadrant (or left precostal area)) can be caused by the stomach. Anything that irritates the stomach lining, causes gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) or functional dyspepsia, can cause pain. More often this pain is aching in nature, often accompanied by nausea and even vomiting. Antacid medications prescribed by your doctor will help. In general, only a doctor can tell you exactly what you have. Stomach pain can occur with peptic ulcers and cancer. After completing a series of laboratory tests and examinations (including endoscopic), the doctor will finally diagnose you and prescribe treatment. Pain in the upper left quadrant may be due to a diaphragmatic hernia. The diaphragm, which separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, has an opening through which the esophagus passes on its way to the stomach.

Can driving cause discomfort or pain?

Drivers often complain of discomfort or pain in the lower back, and in the UK they have even started talking about "repetitive strain injuries". Some of the injuries sustained include leg cramps, lower back, severe neck and shoulder fatigue, which can be a result of poor posture, stress, tension and forced posture for a long time. Repetitive strain injury is a form of work-related musculoskeletal disorder.

What jobs are at risk?

Anyone who is called upon to spend less time on a vehicle may experience pain or discomfort.

What explains this discomfort and pain

The following reasons have been identified. These contact points can cause pain or discomfort due to pressure, which can negatively affect circulation in the legs and feet. What are the basics to promote comfortable driving. To ensure a comfortable driving experience, it is necessary to take into account the design features of the cabin, providing physical and thermal comfort, driver space, noise and adjustment functions.

When the muscles that control the size of this opening weaken, the opening enlarges, allowing the upper portion of the stomach to exit from the abdominal cavity, where it should be, into the chest cavity, where it, of course, should be. This condition is called a diaphragmatic hernia. More often seen in older people. Due to the acidic stomach contents, you feel pain in the left upper quadrant. We must not forget that pain in the left upper quadrant can be caused by the pancreas. After all, it is stretched through top part abdomen and when the pancreas becomes inflamed, you may feel pain in the right, middle and left side of the abdomen. Various diseases and toxins can affect the pancreas, including cancer. You should suspect that you have a pancreatic disease if the pain that arises is very sharp, comes from the inside, has a girdling nature, radiates to the back, is accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, and if you also belong to a high-risk group for pancreatic disease, that is, you're in trouble gallbladder, you smoke a lot, drink a lot, have diabetes, take diuretics or steroid hormones (the latter are mainly prescribed for asthma, arthritis, cancer and some chronic diseases).

Organs in the left side of the abdominal cavity

The interior of the car must be able to adapt to drivers of different sizes and sizes so that they can. Sit high enough to see through the front windshield, side windows and mirrors.

  • Pull the pedals and controls.
  • Maintain proper clearance.
  • Hold the steering wheel without stretching your arms.
The driver must maintain sufficient space between the steering wheel and torso to allow seat belts and airbags to provide maximum protection in the event of a collision.

Pain in the lower left side of the abdomen (left lower quadrant) can result from all conditions that cause pain in the lower right region except appendicitis.

Which doctors should you contact if there is pain in the left side of the abdomen:

Are you experiencing pain in the left side of your abdomen? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors they will examine you and study you external signs and will help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.

What points should be taken into account more precisely when choosing a vehicle?

The steering column should not interfere with leg movement or hang on the knees when the driver enters or exits the vehicle while maneuvering the steering wheel or using the pedals. The following factors need to be considered. Is the vehicle suitable for the size and body, and any potential physical limitations of the person(s) involved in driving it? Does the car's interior design and ergonomic features meet your requirements? needs? How much time does the driver spend per day in the car, and how much does he travel annually? Does the vehicle have useful features for the driver? . If you need to purchase vehicles for a specific group of employees, make sure you get your opinion on the vehicles retained.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone number of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multi-channel). The clinic secretary will select a convenient day and time for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the clinic’s services on it.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, Be sure to take their results to a doctor for consultation. If the studies have not been performed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Entering and exiting the vehicle

Explore various aspects car. Do ruts and potholes make you duck your head to avoid bumping into the ceiling? Distance between backrest and steering wheel?

  • Is the interior comfortable and spacious enough to sit and maintain a neutral posture?
  • Is the seat comfortable?
  • Does the seat support the entire length of your thighs, as well as your entire back?
  • Can you adjust yourself: the height of the seat in relation to the floor?
  • Seat back angle?
When the seat is properly adjusted, the driver should be able to reach the pedals, steering wheel and other controls without stretching his arms and legs, and he should be able to see instruments, rearview mirrors and good visibility through the front windshield and side windows.

Does the left side of your abdomen hurt? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor, in order not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the organism as a whole.

It should be possible to insert two or three fingers between the front of the seat and the inside of the driver's knees. If the space is larger, which may cause discomfort and reduce blood circulation in the legs and feet. Does the shape of the seat provide good weight distribution and prevent or minimize pressure points when sitting in a seat upholstered in a breathable material. The seat and rear edges may be covered in plastic or leather to prevent wear and reduce friction when the car is in and outside the vehicle. Embossed seat cover? Horizontal ribs on the seat cushion prevent forward sliding, while vertical ribs on the seat back prevent lateral movement. Is the sculpted seat and seat belt designed for a driver with a large winter coat or other protective clothing? Does the backrest have adjustable lumbar support for the lower back and the backrest should be padded so that it is in contact with the full length of the driver's backrest. The adjustment on the lumbar support should allow the driver to adjust back to back to increase its comfort. This feature allows you to adjust the height of the shoulder strap so that it is positioned in the middle of your collarbone. The so-called headrest is more safe device, than an element of comfort, since it is used to support the head if hit from behind. A head restraint will be more effective if it is close to the head, as the head will make contact with it faster and longer in the event of a rear-end collision. A well-designed head restraint reduces the risk of your head returning from impact and causing whiplash. If not, the head restraint could move in the event of a collision and the driver could suffer whiplash injuries. Is the headrest positioned for maximum efficiency? Height - at the top of the head, maximum 6 cm below this height.

  • The length of the seat is adjustable.
  • Is the back high enough to support your shoulders?
  • The back should be level with the shoulders and not damage rear vision.
  • Is it possible to change the height of the shoulder strap anchor on the middle post?
  • What sound signal emitted when the seat belt is not fastened?
  • Are the height and angle of the headrest adjustable?
  • Can the headrest be locked in position?
The airbag is an optional safety feature; It should not be considered a replacement for wearing a seat belt.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register on the medical portal Eurolab to stay up to date latest news and information updates on the website, which will be automatically sent to you by email.

A single seat belt is sufficient to protect the driver in the event of a low-speed collision without deploying an airbag. The airbag is designed to deploy in high-speed frontal collisions. If the airbag deploys when the occupant is not wearing a seat belt, the airbag may be damaged and the airbag alone will not prevent the occupant from being ejected from the vehicle.

Does the vehicle have side airbags that protect the side of the body in a side impact collision? Is the vehicle equipped with inflatable curtains that can protect the occupants' heads from side impacts and glass chips? Is the car equipped with power steering, which reduces driving effort? Is the steering wheel steering, a feature that makes it easier to get in and out of the car? Can the accelerator, brake and clutch pedals be adjusted to the length of the driver's legs? The adjustable pedals are equipped with a return device that prevents the pedal from getting caught between the pedal and the floor? Are the pedals far enough apart for drivers with big feet or big boots or snow boots? If the car has manual driving, the gear lever shifts correctly and shifts to Is it easy? Is the bottom of the load high enough to allow content to be loaded and unloaded without the need for bending or bending? At what point can you access the inside of the boot, i.e. the thickness of the boot or rear bumper? Does the trunk have a cargo net, anchor points, straps, or other means of securing cargo to prevent equipment from being thrown into the cabin in the event of a collision or rollover? Does the back seat have folding seats? Folding seats may be less stable than fixed seats to support the load on the trunk during a severe frontal collision. This is why it is important to have good anchor points and securing ropes at the bottom of the boot. Do temperature and humidity control systems maintain appropriate levels of comfort in both winter and summer and help maintain good visibility by preventing frost from sticking or blocking windows? Is the interior soundproofed enough to allow conversations with front and rear passengers? Low noise levels also promote relaxation and reduce driving stress.

  • How many airbags are there?
  • Are the handlebar height and distance adjustable?
  • Can the steering wheel be positioned so that it does not interfere with the view of the dashboard?
  • Can the steering column recoil in the event of an impact?
  • When the trunk is open, can you hit your head on the lid?
  • Does the boot content edge save the content by loading it into the boot?
  • The shorter the distance, the easier it will be to load.
Start by reading the vehicle's owner's manual for all possible settings.

The symptom chart is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and methods of its treatment, consult your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions or suggestions, write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

The pain that occurs in a person on the left side of the intestine indicates that he is developing certain diseases in the body; they require recognition and taking measures that will help eliminate discomfort and pain. Why do painful spasms occur in the abdominal area, what could be the reason that a person has pain in the intestines on the left side, what diagnostic measures will help identify the disease, and what kind of treatment is indicated for patients?

The location of pain in the intestines can be used to guide the diagnosis of specific diseases.

In the left region of the peritoneum there are organs of the female reproductive system (ovaries), spleen, pancreas, intestines, and the left region of the stomach. When painful spasms appear under the left rib, it can be assumed that the functioning of the intestines is disrupted, a malfunction of the cardiovascular system has occurred, and myocardial infarction can also cause pain on the left. The nature of the pain is:

  1. sharp painful spasms under the ribs happen suddenly, this can make a person feel bad and lose consciousness;
  2. dull painful spasms do not go away for a long time, exhaust the patient, do not have a specific location, spread to neighboring organs;
  3. aching pain in the side under the ribs exhausts a person, with serious illnesses worsen at night, making it difficult to rest, radiating to the back;
  4. sharp ones are concentrated in a specific area, causing a pressing feeling.

Cause of the disease

Gynecological problems

If there are problems with the reproductive system, it may hurt on the left side of the lower abdomen. This makes itself felt by the inflamed ovary. The pain increases when the woman exercises physical exercise, while walking. It could also be a cyst formed on the ovary; the woman’s temperature rises, she feels sick, and becomes weak. The reason for pain on the left side is heavy menstruation, in which case you need to consult a gynecologist, as this may mean that inflammatory processes are occurring in the woman’s reproductive organs. Ovulation is also the reason why a woman experiences pain in the left side under the ribs.

The probiotic complex RioFlora belongs to the new generation of probiotics, containing specially selected bacteria that inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, many of which lead to intestinal disorders.
Dietary supplement Not a medicine.

Bowel diseases

Spleen problems

Thanks to the spleen, human blood is cleansed of harmful toxins and toxic decay products. If an organ malfunctions, it increases in size, becomes inflamed and puts pressure on nearby organs. This causes a feeling of discomfort, pain in the side under the ribs, and deterioration in well-being. The spleen can be damaged and through mechanical action, the organ develops cancer tumor, the process of inflammation. Pain on the left side appears due to:

Pain in the left side of the abdomen may indicate an illness in the spleen.
  1. , which provokes sharp, aching pain that radiates to the back, the patient feels ill, feels sick, and has bouts of vomiting. If health care If not provided in a timely manner, suppuration may develop and enter the abdominal cavity, causing an abscess.
  2. An abscess provokes the development of dull pain; emergency medical attention is needed, as this complication can cause death.
  3. The formation of tumors of various etiologies causes sharp, prolonged pain, they spread throughout the entire abdominal cavity and into the back; as the tumor grows, it is not possible to eliminate painful spasms with the help of painkillers.
  4. Mononucleosis causes changes in the structure of the spleen, its size increases. The organ becomes loose, loses elasticity, and any movement or uncomfortable position causes pain in the side and back.


If painful spasms in the left side of the peritoneum bother a person after heavy meals or drinking alcohol, this means that the pancreas is susceptible to inflammation. This organ secretes specific enzymes that are involved in digestion and also produces hormones that are responsible for metabolism. Painful sensations in the pancreas appear due to diseases such as:

  • Pancreatitis, in which an inflammatory process of organ tissue occurs, digestion is disrupted. The patient feels unwell, his temperature rises, his stool is disrupted, he experiences nausea and vomiting. If you do not seek medical help in time, paralysis of the limbs occurs and the person loses vision.
  • The metabolic process is disrupted when a person eats junk food, abuses bad habits.

Stomach diseases

Stomach diseases also cause pain in the left side of the abdomen. A disease such as gastritis provokes abdominal pain, poor digestion, heartburn, and reflux. If such symptoms bother a person regularly, food restrictions do not bring results, then you need to consult a doctor, as this illness develops into a gastric ulcer.

  • The symptoms of an ulcer are similar to gastritis, but burning attacks are more common, pain appears immediately after eating, a person loses weight, and the body’s protective functions are disrupted. If you have a peptic ulcer, you should not delay, as untimely treatment leads to the formation of stomach cancer.
  • Erosions also cause painful feelings on the left side of the abdomen. Erosions at the initial stage of development superficially affect the mucous membrane and their timely treatment eliminates the problem.


To find out the causes of pain in the intestine on the left, you will need to undergo hardware examinations and tests.

Causes of pain in the left side of the abdomen a large number of. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor collects all the information from the patient: what kind of pain he has, how long the attack lasts, where exactly the discomfort is (near the navel, in the lower abdomen, left or right), whether the occurrence of unpleasant feelings depends on certain foods. When the doctor has received answers to the questions, then, depending on the nature of the development of the disease, he refers the patient for a diagnostic study.

  • a blood test shows whether there is inflammation in the body;
  • urine and stool analysis will show whether there are problems with the intestines or genitourinary system;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • bacterial analysis for the presence in the vagina and excretory system pathogenic microorganisms and fungi;
  • MRI, CT or x-ray examination when suspicions relate to the development of pathology in the digestive organs.

First aid

If a patient has a sharp attack of pain in the lower abdomen, his condition is rapidly deteriorating, then you need to call ambulance, since this could be a rupture of appendicitis, ovary or other dangerous disease. In such cases, you should not use an anesthetic, as it muffles the symptoms and during initial palpation it will be difficult for the doctor to determine the cause of this condition. If pain persists for a long time, heartburn occurs, problems with digestion and bowel movements occur, you need to consult a doctor, since delay can cost a person his life if he develops a tumor process. Pain in the lower abdomen that appeared initially, for example, after a heavy evening meal, is eliminated by restricting the diet for a day or two; taking sorbents will be useful. In this case, the problem does not pose a threat to human life and medical attention is not required.

Treatment of left intestinal pain

The treatment of pain in the intestines should be carried out by a doctor, based on the root cause of the disease.

Depending on why the pain appeared, appropriate treatment is prescribed. If a patient has stomach problems, the doctor prescribes medications that normalize acidity, help digestion, and improve gastric and intestinal motility. For inflammatory processes in the pancreas or spleen, the doctor prescribes antibacterial and supportive therapy. When drug treatment did not bring results, the issue of carrying out the operation is being decided.

Painful sensations that occur during menstruation are eliminated with the help of drugs that eliminate cramps and pain. You cannot take such medications yourself; they are prescribed by the attending physician, who, after examination and evaluation of test results, identifies the disease. For inflammation of the ovaries, a course of antibiotics is prescribed, but when such therapy does not bring results, surgery is performed.


To prevent stomach pain from bothering a person, first of all you need to improve your diet. Remove everything from the menu harmful products, alcohol, beer. Monitor your diet, eat at the same time, often, but in small portions. Eat a lot of fiber, which is found in vegetables, fruits, and cereals. Fermented milk drinks help cope with intestinal problems; they populate the body with beneficial bacteria and normalize digestion.

It is necessary to establish a drinking regime and consume clean water, at least 1.5 liters per day, exclude coffee and tea, soda. When the disease worsens, it is used in consultation with the doctor. mineral water, herbal teas, infusions and decoctions. In order not to get sick with a dangerous disease, you need to undergo a medical examination on time, follow the doctor’s recommendations, healthy image life.