Join the Dark Brotherhood, a legendary order of assassins, to save it... or destroy it. Complete the campaign to receive 40 new cards to add to your collection. Select the name of the add-on on the main screen and start the adventure.

If you have not yet pre-ordered “ Fall of the Dark Brotherhood”, you can start a campaign in two ways:

Modern perspective of society. must think on a global scale; he must see beyond the racial, philosophical and religious barriers which more often than not separate him from his fellow men. In all its manifestations, dogmatism can only be unfavorable for the world in which we now live. Freemasonry is an experience demonstrating that universality is not and should not be synonymous with uniformity, but rather.

To achieve a balance between diversity and harmony, traditional Freemasonry appeals to a higher principle that transcends material, social and religious reality. Some people call him "God", others call him "Energy", but in Freemasonry he is called the "Great Architect of the Universe" to avoid fruitless discussions. Belief in a superior being or a supreme and practical principle of self-improvement defines Freemasonry as a spiritual way of being in the world in the broadest sense of the term.

  • Triple set: get all three cards of the new application “ Fall of the Dark Brotherhood” for 1490 rubles!
  • Individual cards: The first card can be purchased for 599 rubles. or 1000 game gold. Once you complete the first map, the second and third maps will become available for purchase.
  • BONUS: riding wolf of doom (Doom Wolf) for The Elder Scrolls Online
  • When you purchase all three cards, you will be rewarded with a Doom Wolf mount for The Elder Scrolls Online! Go to the “Dark Brotherhood” menu, click on the “Get code for The Elder Scrolls Online” and redeem your code on the game website The Elder Scrolls Online, to get the Doom Wolf mount. Please note that you can only get the wolf in the PC version.

Map Changes

Secret path

Freemasons work together in Lodges, which in turn form a Grand Lodge or Grand Orient. Each Lodge consists of a council and a president, as in any other society. In the same structure the Grand Lodges have Great Council. This structure is not a hierarchy, but a form of organization. The Council has the role of coordinating the work of the Lodge, as the Grand Lodge coordinates the activities of the Lodges. To avoid creating separate centers of power within this form of organization, Councils and Great Councils must be elected at regular intervals.

The card's ability to deal with special lines, such as those in the campaign, has been limited. Fall of the Dark Brotherhood" Now “The Secret Path” only changes the Field lines to the Shadow line. This does not apply to the finished game.

  • Secret path: “Summoning: all lines of the Field become lines of the Shadow. Gives friendly creatures +1/+0.”


The absolute principle: "Free Masons in free houses." Masons must respect and serve only one thing: the commitment that he freely accepted and does not sacrifice anyone, to work for self-improvement. Step by step clarification. Freemasonry is structured into three graded systems, in other words, three degrees. The variety of allegories and their richness are very great, because it can only be reached. Freemasonry is structured by a system of degrees, each of which represents a step that must be taken to improve.

Just because he has taken the step up the ladder doesn't mean he has superior relationships with those who haven't taken the step. It depends on who has gone the extra step to help others get back on their feet. Each degree includes a defining experience and has its own symbolism to which Freemasonry is meant to meditate.

When “Anassi” stole a talisman from a creature, the talisman would break, sometimes bringing a bonus to the owner of that creature. She didn't like it, and neither did we. Now, when “Anassi” steals a talisman, it remains intact, and the creature that lost the talisman does not receive any bonuses.

Also, to indicate that the effect only occurs after the ward is broken and not when it is stolen, we added text to the descriptions of the four cards: “When this creature's ward is broken.”

Proselytized society - elitist society - charitable society - misogynistic society - religion or sect - secret society- occult society. To say what Freemasonry is, simply by comparing it with what it is, is but an insufficient test in trying to prove what it really is. However, it is necessary to clarify some misunderstandings and erroneous interpretations that develop on the principle of proving the spread of simple rumors.

Freemasonry does not practice “proselytism” or attempt “recruitment campaigns.” Otherwise, much more detail about its existence and purposes would be known. Freemasonry is not an elitist organization, since the main criterion for obtaining new members is the sincere desire of everyone to improve and fulfill membership, one of the requirements is the payment of an annual membership fee, as is practiced like in any other association. but it is not a philanthropic or commercial enterprise like some clubs.

  • Daggerfall Mage: “A talisman. When the “Daggerfall Mage” amulet breaks, it gives the “Tome of Change” to the hand.
  • Breton sorcerer: “A talisman. When the “Breton Sorcerer” ward breaks, summons a 5/5 “Ice Atronach” with a guard.”
  • Sorcerer Iliak: “A talisman. When the “Sorcerer Iliac” amulet is broken, its power doubles.”
  • Champion of Shornhelm: “Talisman. When the Shornhelm Champion's ward breaks, he gets +3/+3.”

The change that “Anassi” introduced makes the play of these four cards somewhat worse. After the release of this update, it will be possible to capture souls from “Daggerfall Mage”, “Breton Sorcerer”, “Sorcerer Iliac” and “Shornhelm Champion” until April 19th.

Even though most Orders do not allow women as members, this does not mean that Freemasonry is exclusively for men, as there are Orders that are both female and mixed. Freemasonry is not a religion or a sect, but a spiritual rapprochement based on the freedom of each and mutual tolerance. Members are accepted regardless of their social class.

It is not a secret society, since Freemasonry is constituted as an officially recognized association and its existence and purposes are made public. There is no occult organization, since it relies only on the ideas and opinions of all its members and on the exchange of experiences of all brothers with the help of instruments in a symbolic way.

New Ability: Shapeshifting

When a creature turns into another creature, it retains its previous items, parameters and damage received.

Unlike transformation, which completely replaces one creature with another, shapeshifting changes the appearance of a creature, leaving all its previous items and characteristics.

New keyword: Destruction

When your creature with the abilityDestruction” destroys an enemy creature on your turn, the corresponding effect is activated.

Old cards that "attack and destroy" in the description have been given this keyword, and attack is no longer considered prerequisite. As a result, these cards are more effective because they gain a bonus by destroying a creature without attacking. (For example, with the item “Staff of Sparks.”) “Bane” allows you to reduce the amount of text in the description of cards, which always benefits the game.

Today this is no longer the case. Freemasonry should not be perceived as a social or economic elite simply because its wealth is the result of the diversity of its people. We will ask the one who wants to be started if his goal is to improve. Thus, Freemasonry should not be understood as a service club and is not a place where there are financial interests.

The adhesion fee is not much higher than that required for entry into any other association, sporting or otherwise, and should therefore not be an obstacle to anyone wishing to take this step honestly. Freemasonry is not a philanthropic society, since its purpose is to polish its members. Generally, everyone believes that the work of one person should be reflected positively throughout society, but this would be the result of individual action and would not be the main and main goal in itself. This is said and done, love for one's neighbor is demonstrated through charity, but we must not forget that this is not the only way.

  • Adept Hircine: “Bane: May attack again this turn.”
  • Child of Hircine: “Bane: May attack again this turn.”
  • Renegade Pachmar-rath: “Death: Draw a card.”
  • Eviltongue Arcane: “Lethality, Bane: +1 to maximum magic.”
  • Lucien Lachance: “Lethality, When a friendly creature destroys another creature, it gets +2/+2.”
  • Blood Magic Lord: “Summon and Bane: Gives a blood magic spell to your hand.”
  • Lord Nightclaw: Consume, Bane: Summon a slain creature.

After you play an action card

The Grand National Lodge of Romania admits men only into its ranks. But this does not have to happen in all Masonic structures. In fact, there are obediences that are exclusively female, and some that are mixed. Anyone can freely share these feelings with people of the other sex, enter into mixed Obedience, or live all this separately from the opposite sex, entering into exclusively male or female obedience. Freemasonry cannot be a religion or a sect for the simple reason that it contradicts the principles of tolerance and freedom of every person.

The changes affected three cards; it was necessary to clarify their interaction with general effects, such as “Ice Storm” (without changes in functionality). For example, if your Crystal Tower Master is 3/3 and you cast Ice Storm to deal 3 damage to all minions. damage, this creature dies before it can activate its bonus. The text has been changed from “when” to “after” to clarify this point.

The existence of Freemasonry is associated with a categorical prohibition to force a person to share the beliefs of another, be it religious or political. If its Traditions are upheld, the entire Masonic organization is called upon to enable each individual member to polish his own path by enriching himself with the diversity of experiences and opinions of others. Of course, there is no question of imposing one person's point of view on others, no matter who he is, even if he has absolute truth.

Contrary to what happens in most sects, anyone can leave the Masonic organization. Freemasonry does not impose its own will - it is truly a way that everyone chooses willingly and without hesitation by anyone. But if it doesn't match what a person feels, he can always resign.

  • Lillandril Sorcerer: “After playing an action card, deal 2 damage to the enemy. damage."
  • Artaeum Genius: “After playing an action card, a random friendly creature gets +1/+1.”
  • Master of the Crystal Tower: “After playing an action card, Master of the Crystal Tower receives +1/+1.”

Interface changes

  • Display: When you first visit the home screen, tooltips are displayed in more muted tones.
  • Titles: New titles from the “campaign” have appeared Fall of the Dark Brotherhood”.
  • Profile: The experience bar is now completely filled with gold for level 50 players. You can also track the percentage of cards already collected from the Dark Brotherhood set.
  • Collection: “Dark Brotherhood” appeared in filters.
  • Soul Capture: You will now receive notification of a change to your deck when capturing a card's soul in advance, rather than after the window closes.
  • Merchant's Camel: This card now shows both players discard two cards.

From previous issues of the graphic novel “The Dark Knight Returns,” the reader could learn the background to the main event of this novel.

Freemasonry is not a secret society because there is no secret about its existence and its purposes. Moreover, most symbols and rituals can be found in any library. If we try to keep the rituals secret, it is simply to enable the candidates to fully experience what they should experience on their own. For this reason, any candidate must make his own decision, understanding what he has to offer Freemasonry. This is also part of the mutual respect among brothers, also taking into account the discretion of not revealing the Masons to you.

Previously, Bruce Wayne returned to fighting crime a decade later. Having protected the city from Two-Face, the Joker and petty crime, he again became an enemy of the current regime. Batman was declared a criminal, attributing to him a break-in, assault and murder ().

The situation taking place in Gotham even reached the President, who was ready to use his most strong weapon: the superpower of the adopted son of planet Earth - Superman (Clark Kent).

Instead, each member independently determines the appropriate moment to disclose that he is a Freemason, according to the degree of understanding and tolerance of the society in which he lives and its professional climate. Occultism should not be confused with esotericism. Occultism is based on practices of a more or less magical nature, while esotericism is the method on which vital and individual existence is based. "Esotericism" is the opposite of "exotericism", which involves imposing "truth" personally on others.

But Frank Miller has been preparing the reader for this for three books already...

The plot of the comic book "The Dark Knight Falls"

As the reader remembers from the last issue, The Joker was found dead. Batman wanted to once and for all put an end to the endless number of deaths caused by the Joker's madness, but at the last moment he stopped: he did not have enough strength. However, Joker on our own snapped his neck, ending this series of endless confrontation.

In this sense, Freemasonry is an esoteric, but not an occult society. If rituals are practiced, many elements can be found in them as occasions for meditation. These rituals are indispensable if we do not want our work to be exclusively intellectual: not by the words we perfect, but by what we live.

England - United Grand Lodge of England. Andorra - Grand Lodge of Andorra. Bosnia and Herzegovina - Grand Lodge of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatia - Grand Lodge of Croatia. Czech Republic - Grand Lodge Czech Republic. Germany - United Grand Lodges of Germany.

Once again leaving the police behind, Batman managed to escape from the amusement park. From this point on, the question of whether to order Superman to stop Batman becomes almost a foregone conclusion. All that’s left to do is find another excuse.

Nuclear winter

Meanwhile, something irreparable is happening in the world. The crisis in relations between the Soviet Union and the United States has reached its climax and degenerated into the use nuclear weapons. The bomb was aimed at Corto Malta, the death of an incalculable number of people was inevitable. However, Superman managed to stop the tragedy, deflecting the blow to a seemingly safe distance. The resulting explosion generated an electromagnetic “wave” that disabled almost all electronics in the country, and almost killed the most powerful inhabitant of the planet - Superman.

Hungary - Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary. Latvia - Grand Lodge of Latvia. Lithuania - Grand Lodge of Lithuania. Luxembourg - Grand Lodge Luxembourg. Macedonia - Grand Lodge of Macedonia. Malta is the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta. Moldova - Grand Lodge of Moldova. The Netherlands - Great East of the Netherlands.

Poland - National Grand Lodge of Poland. Russia - Grand Lodge of Russia. Serbia - Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia. Slovakia - Grand Lodge of Slovakia. Slovenia - Grand Lodge of Slovenia. Switzerland - Grand Lodge "Alpina" Switzerland. Ukraine - Grand Lodge of Ukraine.

Central America and West Indies. El Salvador - Grand Lodge of Cuscatlan. Guatemala - Gran Logia de Guatemala. Brazil - Goiás - Grande Loja Machonica to Estado de Goiás. Brazil - Tocantins - Grande Loja Machonica do Estado de Tocantis. Paraguay - Gran Logia Simbolica del Paraguay.

Pogroms and riots began, fires began, planes began to crash, trains began to derail... Perhaps Clark Kent did exactly what the commanders of the forces hostile to him were counting on. Riots have also engulfed Gotham.

Thus, the captured followers of the criminal society “Mutants” managed to break free, deciding to regain power. Batman managed to stop the chaos, together with a group located at the very edge of the law, calling themselves the sons of Batman (who used fairly tough methods of fighting crime). Batman's authority managed to stop the former "Mutants" and force them to join him in the fight against chaos and unrest in Gotham.

Somewhat later, the detonated bomb would be called “Cold Bearer”, because another consequence of its action was nuclear winter, which caused the rise of colossal amounts of dust into the atmosphere.

All these events plunged the country into unimaginable chaos. Crime, looting and riots broke out in all cities. The only “ray of light” in this world was Gotham: here Batman, together with his followers, managed to restore and maintain order.

What happened is a simple and understandable demonstration of the powerlessness and insolvency of the authorities and their incorrect views on the issue of masked avengers. This means that the threat must be destroyed by any available means.

Superman was sent to eliminate the threat to the current regime: to destroy Batman and his followers.

Batman v Superman

This epic battle between two titans of the DC Comics world was bound to happen sooner or later. Despite his old age and the wounds he received, Batman entered this unequal battle, bandaging his wounds and taking pills.

Superman became a victim of the full power of Batman and Wayne Enterprises (Industries) technology. Missiles, bat-tanks, noise weapons, electricity, and a bat-exoskeleton were used against him. Of course, all this is nothing against the great power of the Kryptonian.

All this was done just to distract his attention while Green Arrow ( Green Arrow) moves into position to fire Batman's main weapon - an arrow with artificially synthesized kryptonite, which took decades to develop. Superman had to remember the one person who beat him, seeing that person die (cardiac arrest).

They could stand on one side of the barricades and destroy crime in the bud. But, naturally, not everyone needs these kinds of ideals.

Batman's funeral

In the finale, having beaten Superman, Batman falls exhausted: Bruce Wayne's heart stops. Alfred destroys the Wayne family estate and blows up the Batcave (he himself, apparently, also dies). All of Wayne's savings mysteriously disappear.

Everyone was at the legend's funeral, including Clark Kent. Only as he was leaving did he hear the beating of a newly started heart coming from underground: Bruce did not die, but led everyone through to rebuild the crime fighter’s cave and secretly continue his fight.

Dire Wolf Digital

Come April, it's time to sharpen your swords and embark on a new adventure in The Elder Scrolls: Legends. In the previous story, players fought in the Great War and helped Cyrodiil survive against the Dominion army. This time you have to complete the task of a rich merchant and infiltrate the ranks of the Dark Brotherhood.

Murder for bonuses and cards

In the new story, more than 25 tasks await you. By completing these missions you will receive sets of 40 new cards. Many cards are members of the Dark Brotherhood, such as Brotherhood Slayer.

The Bane ability helps systematize (and slightly expand upon) the mechanics already in the game. The Bane effect activates when one creature kills another on your turn. As for Brotherhood Slayer, you'll get a Completed Contract card that can be used when extra magic is needed.

The story you have to go through is connected with the diary of Cicero - the crazy and dangerous jester whom fans remember Skyrim games. Cicero also knows how to use "Destruction", while his conscience is silent... probably, silence was imposed on it.

Wide Application

New story cards apply to all attributes, as well as neutral cards. Some Dark Brotherhood cards remain in toughness and dexterity decks (like Lucien Lachance and Angolim the Listener from the base booster), but the cunning order of assassins also make use of tools and intelligence allies. Here's a simple but effective mind map of two assassins working together on the Wayrest docks.

Fans of Thieves' Market or action-based decks will be pleased to find that the new tools breathe life into previously underused deck types.

Choosing a path

As the story progresses, players will be faced with choices that will affect the course of the game. Kill your opponent or spare your life? Stay faithful to your employer or betray him? The player will receive all the cards in the new booster pack, but his decisions will determine what tasks he will receive in the future.

In some tasks, you will have the opportunity to hide under a disguise: leave your regular decks and get a temporary deck of another character, under the guise of which you act.

When playing with an Assassin deck, beware of Dark Brotherhood enemies such as the Understalker. And also beware of those who will try to destroy your sanctuary!

May the Night Mother guide you

The plot of "The Fall of the Dark Brotherhood" is divided into three parts, or rather, three cards. Each card can be purchased for in-game or real money. The cost of a set of all three cards is $19.99. Pre-order rewards include the "Herald" title and the "Night Mother" premium card - one of sacred relics Dark Brotherhood. There's one more surprise: those who purchase Fall of the Dark Brotherhood will be rewarded with Doomwolf for The Elder Scrolls Online (PC/Mac only).

"Law enforcement veteran, chief regional office Russian equivalent of the FBI, has acquired such a fearsome reputation in the southern Russian city, formerly called Stalingrad, that when he walked into a local restaurant last summer, other customers stood up and walked out,” The New York Times writes.

"(...) However, last month, near his home in the city now called Volgograd, official Mikhail K. Muzraev was forced out of his car at gunpoint by a group of heavily armed men sent from Moscow by the FSB (...). He was They were taken by plane to Moscow and put in prison on the same day,” the article says.

Muzraev's arrest has shaken the fragile balance at the heart of President Vladimir Putin's rule among the so-called siloviki - a vast network of security, intelligence and military officials whose power, resources and clan rivalries are steadily intensifying as Russia begins to wonder will occur when the president's final term expires in 2024," writes author Andrew Higgins.

"Since Putin's rise to power nearly 20 years ago, rival agencies such as the FSB and Murzaev's organization, the Investigative Committee, have collaborated in the prosecution of Kremlin critics. They are now increasingly at odds amid mostly covert maneuvers to influence the protracted and, perhaps an uncontrollable struggle for succession. However, with the arrest of Muzraev, this struggle spilled over into open form,” the newspaper writes.

The publication recalls that “Muzraev imprisoned two mayors and the heads of the regional police, traffic police, drug control department and emergency services, as well as many prominent entrepreneurs of the Volga city. During the interview, some of them accused Muzraev of destroying their lives with criminal charges that they say are bogus, and reported joy after the news of his unexpected fall. But even they do not believe the story put forward by the FSB that their sworn enemy was involved in the assassination attempt on the region's governor, Andrei. Bocharov, (...) appointed by Putin to govern Volgograd in 2014."

"The alleged attack on the governor - a ludicrously bungled act of arson at a heavily guarded luxury residential complex in Volgograd - occurred three years ago, no one was injured, the damage was minor, and it was previously reported to have been uncovered and the alleged arsonists were jailed."

"Nobody believes this fairy tale," says Roman Zaitsev, a former Volgograd police investigator who left the police force to become a lawyer. Zaitsev was charged in 2017 by Muzraev with “inducing false testimony” after he refused to force one of his clients to confess to a murder he denied committing.

According to Zaitsev, he briefly fell into euphoria and drank champagne after learning that Muzraeva had been detained by the FSB. But his dizziness quickly disappeared when he realized that “this is not a victory for justice,” but the result of “a struggle between different clans from the same system.” “This is not a struggle between good and evil. It is evil against evil,” says Zaitsev.

"(...) Nikolai Petrov, a political scientist, notes that the sudden disfavor on the part of the FSB towards such an influential law enforcement figure as Muzraev is a clear sign that the balance of "divide and conquer" between the various clans of "siloviki" - whose loyalty The Kremlin and wariness towards each other, which was the cornerstone of Putin's rule, is being shaken," the article says. “Without a clear signal from Putin about what he will do in 2024 or who will replace him, the whole system falls apart,” says Petrov. “Putin controls all the main steps, but we are seeing more and more steps from one or another elite clan".

"(...) The Russian elite has long been shaken internal struggle, but much of it took place outside the public eye, invisible or at least indecipherable to anyone except a small circle of Kremlin insiders, the article notes. - IN last time The first time the various law enforcement clans clashed so openly in public was in 2007, during the so-called “war of the siloviki” around the time that was supposed to be the end of Putin’s presidency in 2008. In the end, Putin never left, taking over as prime minister and entrusting the presidency to old friend Dmitry Medvedev for four years before returning for a third presidential term in 2012."

"Putin may well try a different ploy to stay on beyond 2024, political analysts say, but concerns about his intentions have rival power centers scrambling to assert their influence ahead of a possible transfer of power at the top," The New York Times writes. .

The publication points out that “by the time of his arrest, Muzraev had already left his post as the regional head of the Investigative Committee last year and was working as a special adviser to Alexander Bastrykin, the national head of the Investigative Committee in Moscow. (...) To ensure that Bastrykin’s agency, which usually deals with criminal cases, "related to arson could not play a role in deciding Muzraev's fate, the FSB investigative department in Moscow classified his case as "terrorism, a crime over which the secret police have exclusive control."

"Vladimir A. Sementsev, one of Mr. Muzraev's lawyers, says that (...) the secret police (...) have a long history of arresting people to extort money or favors, or simply to show who chief During an interview in his Moscow office, Sementsev called his phone. mobile phone the person who introduced himself former general The FSB offered to help resolve Muzraev’s case. After the conversation, the lawyer said that such offers are usually expensive."

“I’m not saying that my client never did anything wrong. I don’t know his whole story,” Sementsev says. “But I’m absolutely sure that he is not a terrorist who tried to kill the governor.”

"(...) Before his arrest, Muzraev was in many respects an exemplary servant of the system created by Putin. Until law enforcement agencies remained loyal to the Kremlin, they were given free rein under Putin to pursue their own intrigues, feuds and financial interests, even if they conflicted with the president's stated political goals, such as developing small businesses. Under the guise of fighting corruption, which for a long time was a particularly serious problem in Volgograd, Muzraev so intimidated the local business and political elite that the local economy stalled. But he ensured that no one dared to rock the boat for fear of being arrested by him Investigative Committee".

"(...) Muzraev was so feared that he became known as the "night governor" - a reference to his connections with underworld, which were rumored, and to his shadow powers beyond the control of the nominal elder official region, governor, three of whom came and went during his term," the article says.

"Zaitsev, a former investigator turned lawyer, compared him to Voldemort - 'He Who Must Not Be Named' - from the Harry Potter books. 'He was the 'dark lord' of Volgograd," says Zaitsev.

Ivan I. Kurilla, a political science professor who grew up in Volgograd and taught for many years at the city's main university, said Muzraev's fall from grace had all the hallmarks of a classic Russian power struggle, and described it as a clear sign that "The dogs are fighting under the rug." This is a reference to Winston Churchill's remark, made during Stalin's reign, that "Kremlin political intrigue can be compared to bulldogs fighting under the rug. At first, the observer hears only a growl, and when bones fly from under the carpet, it is already clear who won,” the article says.

Kurilla added that it is not yet clear who will win the battle over Muzraev and his activities in Volgograd, but it is already clear that this is much more than just a provincial quarrel. “Something is happening in Moscow,” he said.

Not long ago, the Dark Brotherhood appeared in TES online, and now Bethesda has pleased its fans with the new addition “The Fall of the Dark Brotherhood” in the card game.

"The Fall of the Dark Brotherhood" is a new story campaign. The campaign is divided into three acts, it will feature more than 25 tasks and 40 new playing cards.

As in the main campaign, the plot outline is created from a story about a certain “Forgotten Hero”, which, in fact, is you, that is, the player. " Forgotten Hero"acts as a double agent who must infiltrate the ranks of the Dark Brotherhood. At first glance, the employer is a certain merchant, whose daughter killed her mother and went to the Dark Brotherhood. Full of righteous indignation, the hero sets off on a mission, but it gradually becomes clear that the Dark Brotherhood has a completely different version of events. Everything is not so simple both with employers and with the task.

Players will have to make important decisions that will affect the tasks they receive and the plot twists of the entire story. Once you choose one thing, you can’t go back and choose another.

For example, even if you buy an add-on for full money, you still won’t get all the innovations in your hands right away. You'll have to go through the entire campaign! By completing her quests, players will unlock new cards only available through Fall of the Dark Brotherhood, including three new Legendaries. They will have to save a pig, fight during a masquerade ball where everyone is constantly spinning around, fight in prison, and also take part in showdowns between skooma dealers and many other events.

In the campaign you will encounter new lane conditions that have never been seen in the arena. For example, “prison” - you cannot summon a card to this line, but you must secretly kill the card “sitting” in the prison. In the conditions of the round, cards appeared that were initially on the table and set the conditions, with the “indestructible” marker - that is, they cannot be removed from the field by the corresponding spells. For example, “skooma” - activating the card gives your creature a dash, but its entire defense becomes equal to 1.

For those who play TES-online, the purchase package includes an additional gift - a “black wolf” mount.

Fall of the Dark Brotherhood review

Fall of the Dark Brotherhood review

Fall of the Dark Brotherhood review

Fall of the Dark Brotherhood review

In conclusion - a video analysis of the playability of new cards from the Games Inquisition channel