Since ancient times, masks have been used to conceal one's identity and have been associated with duplicity and mystery. Previously, theater actors, spies and even doctors covered their faces with masks. Therefore, masks were associated mainly with transformation, deceit, and mystery. Peoples and tribes of ancient civilizations personified masks with gods and spirits, since masks were an integral part of rituals. People for centuries have been wary of those who wear masks, as they are distrusted, shunned, and considered two-faced. What about the mask tattoo? Obviously, owners of mask tattoos want to emphasize the meanings associated with it, such as concealment, transformation, duality, and protection from trouble.

Tattoos with a mask are distinguished by their external diversity, but are mainly considered as a sketch. the following types masks:

  • Hollywood masks;
  • Venetian masks;
  • theatrical masks;
  • Chania mask.

ABOUT Hollywood masks, obviously, many people know from Hollywood cinema. They appeared thanks to films in which the main characters wore masks, for example, someone was inspired by Jason's mask from Friday the 13th, and someone wanted to have a tattoo with a Guy Fawkes mask from V for Vendetta. However, such tattoos are chosen not only because they pay tribute to their favorite films and heroes, these masks also personify human vices, cruelty, danger and mystery, the dominance of a person’s bad qualities over good ones.

Venetian masks came to us thanks to the well-known Venetian carnivals. These masks are distinguished by their original color schemes and bright decorative decorations. However, the purpose of these masks was to equalize everyone participating in the carnival, to eliminate social status On one day. Venetian mask tattoos also speak to the ideas of equality and anonymity.

Theater masks- this is the union of two masks: a smiling one and a crying one, and it is this that is the symbol of the theater. A tattoo with a smiling mask will be chosen by a positive-minded person who is not afraid of difficulties and goes through life with a positive attitude. A tattoo with a crying theater mask indicates grief, fatalism and a pessimistic attitude. A tattoo with these two masks characterizes a person who likes to transform and play different roles in society.

Japanese Chania mask symbolizes the feelings of a person suffering from unrequited and unrequited love. The entire spectrum of emotions of aggression, anger, revenge and jealousy can be attributed to the meaning of the image of this mask.

Mask tattoos are popular among both men and women. If men choose more aggressive and frightening scenes with masks, then the fairer sex has combinations of masks with flowers, feathers or wings, mainly on Venetian masks. The most suitable places for mask tattoos are the shoulder blades, shoulders, chest, back, and neck.

The “mask” tattoo is perfect for eccentric, bright and active people, as well as those who are delighted with theater and transformations. If you can call yourself such a person, then don’t hesitate and sign up for a free consultation at our tattoo studio. Our masters will be happy to develop a sketch to suit your image!

More often, tattoo masks is considered an attribute of protection, symbolizing the duality of human nature (depending on the type of mask), concealment, transformation.

Some believe that tattoo masks nothing more than a symbol of deception, but most tattoo lovers attach a deeper symbolism to this design.

They also carry a certain message for those who see them, carrying something intangible, capable of opening suddenly, revealing true attraction, involuntary recognition, a hint of something that is difficult to recognize immediately, but which takes place in a person who has a mask tattoo.

To a person who has decided to tattoo masks, you should think about whether it will reflect exactly the meaning that you want to express. Today, many types and types of masks are depicted, from gas masks to elegant Venetian masks. The most common mask in a tattoo is considered Chania mask.

Tattoo Chania mask- this is a mask, like a bull, with two horns on the sides, a clearly defined mouth from ear to ear, and large, sideways looking eyes. Chania mask symbolizes the soul of a girl who became a demon due to unrequited love and jealousy. This mask is often used in theatrical productions to enhance the actors’ conveyance of the emotions of jealousy and anger. The Japanese believe that tattoos Chania mask is a symbol of protection and a talisman that restrains unnecessary emotions.

Plague Doctor Mask used during epidemics of the deadly disease of the same name. In the long nose Plague Doctor masks they put in all kinds of herbs and aromatic oils, which were supposed to save them from infection. Tattoo Plague Doctor mask can symbolize both protection and be a warning of mortal danger.

Venetian Bauta mask was one of the favorite types of masks in Venice, both among men and women. Venetian Bauta mask often used by people of high social status to hide their faces when going out to commoners. The peculiarity of this mask was that, thanks to its shape, the voice was distorted beyond recognition, which only increased the effect of secrecy, because Venetian Bauta mask can rightfully be considered a mask among masks.

Theater masks most popular in tattooing. Such masks (usually a mask with a smile and a mask with tears) symbolize the changeability of nature, changes in emotions and moods, and variability in worldview. People with tattoos often tend to change their appearance, depending on environment, from tragic to comic. They can also symbolize the fragility of existence.

Columbine mask decorated with gold, silver, crystal and feathers. According to the backstory, the actress wearing it was so beautiful that she did not want to cover her entire face, but only part of it. That's why, Columbine mask can be considered a decoration that simultaneously symbolizes luxury and modesty. Most often, such tattoo masks are in demand among women.

Volto's mask was most often used by ordinary townspeople and had the appearance of a classic human face, therefore, such a mask, in addition to secrecy, does not carry any symbolism.

It can be considered a universal design that can competently highlight almost any part of the body for both men and women. The ability to harmoniously combine with the body, both in black and white tones and in a bright version of the madness of colors, only increases the number of fans of this tattoo.

“A person is least like himself when he speaks on his own behalf. Give him a mask and he will tell you the whole truth."

Oscar Wilde.

Tattoos depicting masks are quite new and very interesting, it combines truthful realism, internal philosophy and the cruel truth of the world. In addition, this tattoo is very stylish and beautiful. The specific meaning of a mask tattoo depends on which mask and in what context is depicted in the drawing. Today, only four types of masks are often used in the art of tattooing: theatrical masks, Venetian masks, Hollywood masks and the Mask of Chania. Read more about each of them below.

Theater masks first appeared in theaters Ancient Greece and Rome, there were only two types: comic and tragic. Over time, a pair of these masks became the emblem of all theatrical art. The mask served as a way for the actor to express himself emotionally. The first theatrical performances were held in honor of the god of wine Dionysus, scenarios were played out there, and myths in which gods and people took part. Tragic masks meant sadness and despair, comic masks meant joy and laughter. A pair of such masks means the variability of images and human roles in this life.

Venetian masks used for the famous Venetian carnivals, they were made mainly of gold leaf and decorated precious stones. Venetian masks are designed to level all participants of the carnival, at least for a short time, erasing all social, material and external differences. The Venetian mask tattoo suggests that all people are the same and have equal rights.. Such a mask was allowed to be worn strictly during the carnival, for wearing it Everyday life men were sentenced to two years in prison, and women were publicly flogged. And the carnival itself was a breath of freedom for people, a reason to have fun and take a break from daily work and constant prohibitions, because in a mask a person did not feel shame, licentiousness or recklessness.

Hollywood masks came into our lives and into tattoos from the plots of Hollywood horror films. the main objective such a tattoo is to instill fear and horror in others. It is a symbol of mystery, protection, illusion and danger, a symbol of deception, cruelty and bloodthirstiness.

Chania mask- This is a famous image from the symbolism of Japanese tattoos. According to legend, this mask depicts an evil, vengeful and jealous girl who turned into a demon. The reason for this was not mutual, but strong love to a wandering monk. This scary mask with horns, scary teeth and black eyes expresses emotions of anger and indignation. Also the meaning of the Chania mask tattoo is all-consuming breath of passion, because the girl in the form of a demon found her lover and burned him with her fiery breath.

A tattoo in the form of one or a pair of masks is a very original, unusual and interesting solution. The meanings of the mask tattoo are somewhat similar in meaning to the meanings of the “clown is sad” tattoo.

“Our whole life is just a theater, and we are actors in it,” says the proverb, and each person has to play his own different roles throughout his life. This is how the tattoo of masks became a symbol acting and hidden side personalities. Also, a tattoo mask can become a good amulet, like the shamans of Africa and Oceania.

Today, tattoos with masks have become especially popular among creative people For example, Mikhail Galustyan has such a tattoo.

Every person contains a certain mystery; many aspects of our life, our thoughts and experiences remain a mystery to others. A theatrical mask tattoo, the meaning of which indicates the need for secrecy, a certain pretense and duplicity, is perfect for a person in whose life such secrecy plays an important role.

It is not always possible to remain ourselves; circumstances sometimes force us to play different roles: one in a work team, another in a circle of friends, a third in hearth and home. In some cases, this can be called hypocrisy, but often we only hide some emotions and aspects of our personality so as not to hurt other people's feelings or harm ourselves and others.

The designation of a mask tattoo can be different, because it all depends on the sketch, the symbols that are used in it, and belonging to a particular culture. Therefore, today we will try to describe the meanings in as much detail as possible different tattoos in the form of masks, we will give some tips on choosing a style, composition and color palette.

Symbolism in different cultures


In Polynesian culture, mask tattoos play a very important role. They are called tiki and are depicted in such a way that the eyes look in all directions at once, symbolizing protection from any danger, no matter where it comes from. Tiki are warrior masks; in ancient times, only valiant defenders of their tribe wore such images on their bodies. Legend has it that tiki will protect its owner not only from the machinations of enemies, but also from the influence of evil spirits.


In the rituals of African tribes that still live outside modern civilization, as thousands of years ago, wooden masks are widely used, symbolizing certain spirits and deities. IN Ancient Egypt masks were an important component of funeral rites, symbolizing the outer shell protecting the soul of the deceased in the afterlife.


The shamans of North American Indian tribes wore a mask during the ritual, identifying it with the divine face that conveyed its power to the shaman.
During archaeological excavations of Inca settlements, golden masks were found that symbolized the sun.


One of the most memorable images in traditional Japanese tattoo art is the Hanya mask tattoo, depicting the face of a demon. Demonic entities, in principle, are very revered in the culture of the Land of the Rising Sun, although they carry the energy of destruction, they are used as amulets. The Chania mask symbolizes a girl in whom anger and vindictiveness have awakened due to unrequited love for the monk. According to legend, she turned into a demon and incinerated him with her fiery breath.

Ancient Greece

Most often in modern tattoo art we find theatrical masks that have already become classics; the meaning of a tattoo with their image should be sought in the traditions of ancient drama. In Greek plays, tragic and comic masks personified the type of character and his role in the production. Nowadays, these two masks, expressing opposing emotions, have become a symbol of the theater. The mask also had a ritual significance, personifying a god or some other entity from the other world in rituals.

Modern culture

Not only ancient traditions influence the art of tattooing, sometimes products of modern popular culture affect us so strongly that in some sense they change our outlook on life. For example, thanks to the famous dystopia “V for Vendetta,” the Guy Fawkes mask has become one of the popular symbols in tattoos. Its story takes us back to the 17th century, when Briton Guy Fawkes, who participated in the Gunpowder Plot, had to light a fuse that led to a gunpowder-filled room under the Houses of Parliament. It was there that he was captured by the authorities, and later, under torture, he revealed the names of his associates. If at that time Guy Fawkes was considered a cowardly and dishonest man, then main character The film speaks of him as a brave hero who was not afraid to challenge the authorities, although he suffered a fiasco.
The image of the legendary conspirator even influenced the English language. A new word appeared in it - guy. Initially, it denoted an effigy that was traditionally burned on November 5 - Guy Fawkes Night (this was the date that was marked by the attempt to blow up parliament). Later it began to be used to refer to any stuffed animal, then to a tastelessly dressed person. In modern English language this word simply refers to a young man.

Meanings in modern tattoo art

A mask tattoo means the same thing for men and women, the only exception being the Polynesian tiki, which is traditionally considered a masculine attribute. The meaning of such a tattoo largely depends on the history of the design and belonging to a particular culture, however, such images also have a common symbolism:

  • Stealth. This design is suitable for a person for whom it is important to keep certain aspects of his essence secret. The reasons may be different: distrust of others, shame, shyness, fear of rejection, fear of hurting other people's feelings, not living up to expectations, or simply introversion.
  • Protection. In this case it is quite broad. IN literally the mask protects its owner, preventing him from being identified; figuratively, it serves as a talisman against troubles.
  • Duality of nature. Such a tattoo indicates that the character of its owner is ambiguous; he can display unexpected qualities.
  • Ability to adapt easily. The image of a theatrical attribute suggests that a person chooses a more advantageous role for himself depending on the circumstances, coping well with each of them.


Such images most often act as the center of a composition with a Polynesian ornament, are a talisman, and go well with traditional symbols: turtles, which are also considered a protective amulet, spirals - solar signs, lizards, indicating mental strength and well-developed intuition.

Chania mask

The Chania mask can reflect the entire wide range of emotions that bubble up in a person suffering from unrequited love. In classic Japanese theater productions, when an actor wearing such a mask looks directly into the audience, the demon's facial expression looks angry, aggressive and terrifying. But if you tilt your head a little, completely different features appear in the image; you get the feeling that the demon is sad, almost crying. Indeed, a person whose feelings remain unrequited simultaneously experiences anger at fate and the object of his sympathy, resentment, melancholy and pain.

Theater traditions

A smiling mask is an attribute of Thalia (the muse of comedy), characterizing a positive-minded person. His way of thinking is positive, he goes through life with a smile, willingly meeting obstacles along the way.
The crying mask is an attribute of Melpomene (muse of tragedy). Such an image indicates melancholy, a pessimistic attitude, and a tendency toward fatalism.
A tattoo of two masks means that a person is able to reincarnate, play different roles depending on what fate has in store for him, what circumstances his life confronts.
Such images go well with other theatrical surroundings: curtain, musical instruments, binoculars.

Venetian masquerade

Venetian masquerade masks, although they differ due to the richness of decoration and color solutions, are designed to equalize all participants in the masquerade. Therefore, such drawings convey both the idea of ​​anonymity and the idea of ​​equality. Images of a girl wearing a mask are especially popular.


Apart from the famous V, the film industry has given us many characters who are now known to everyone. Hollywood masks usually speak of a passion for a particular film and the idea that is embedded in it. For example, Jason’s mask from “Friday the 13th” indicates an interest in the topic of maniacs, bloody massacres, and the reasons why a person begins to commit atrocities. Such drawings look great in combination with images of murder weapons, for example, a chainsaw, knife, machete.


If we're talking about about a card figure, the Joker mask will indicate a gambling person who is not afraid to take risks and gets pleasure from it, if about a DC Comics character, then the image will indicate sympathy for him, identifying oneself with him.

Stylistic decisions

When it comes to style and color palette, the choice is very wide, but often depends on the symbolism and cultural background of the design. For example, it would be completely illogical to depict tiki in any style other than Polynesian. A tattoo with a Chanya mask also has certain limitations, because it looks good only in the traditional Japanese oriental style in combination with dark waves, lotuses, peonies and other attributes characteristic of such images. The color of the demonic face has great importance- the darker it is, the stronger the demon’s rage.

Bright, richly saturated tattoo sleeves with masks in the new school style look gorgeous. A composition can consist of many elements: a stage, backstage, an auditorium and even an orchestra pit. Works that contain some sarcasm, for example, a laughing horned devil and a crying angel with a halo, also look interesting in this style. Such a tattoo may indicate that sometimes bad deeds bring joy and satisfaction, while good deeds bring pain and suffering.

A realistic portrait of a girl whose face is hidden by a luxurious dress will look cool. venecian mask, On the hand. Realism is a rather complex style, so choose a master responsibly, because not everyone will succeed in such work.