A scorpion tattoo is a fairly common symbol in body painting art. To understand the meaning of the sign, you should plunge into the mythology and nature of this terrifying arachnid creature.

The main weapon of a scorpion is its sting; it is this that is the defining object in many legends. Studying the mythology of ancient Egypt, you will notice that the goddess Isis surrounded herself with scorpions so that they would protect her.

Historical excursion

African tribes believe that this arachnid insect guards the entrance to the gates of the afterlife. Touching the legend of the constellation Orion, you can also notice its trace. It says that the Greek giant was killed powerful weapon a scorpion that pierced his leg. In many cultures, the scorpion represents a symbol of danger, death, hatred and pain.

But in Japan, this insect represents justice and wisdom. When combined with lotus, Scorpio indicates a long and strong married life.

The Bible compares Scorpio to devilish forces. As a protective amulet, his image adorned the personal seals and sword handles of Tibetan monks. IN ancient culture The Maya associated the insect with surgery, as before attacking the scorpion stung its enemy and froze his limbs. In some temples in India, the scorpion was depicted on banners and sword handles. For Buddhists, he acted as a helper and protector.

The Egyptians believed that a prayer said to the scorpion goddess eased pain during childbirth. Scorpio was considered a symbol of maternal self-sacrifice.

Army tattoo

Today, scorpion tattoos are quite popular among military personnel who are in hot spots. As a rule, the image in its military sense is made in two versions. The first, when the sting is lowered, means that the serviceman has not yet taken part in combat operations. With the sting raised upward, the tattoo warns of an attack on the enemy; moreover, the open claws symbolize that the battle will last until the last breath.

There are cases when Scorpio is depicted in central point weapon target. Warriors as right place the sign on the left shoulder blade.

Household sign application

But when a scorpio is placed on the lower abdomen, it acts as a talisman that protects a person’s aura from dark and negative energy. In addition, it is believed that a tattoo will help restore the energy field and emotional balance. Often, the meaning of the Scorpio sign is defined as a talisman that can strengthen one’s position in the world and complete the work started.

It is believed that by depicting a similar pattern on their shoulder blade, women want to show strength of spirit, determination, and also a willingness to step over any obstacle.

As you can see, the meaning of the image of a scorpion in mythologists different nations differ, as well as its design execution.

Prison interpretation

In the criminal environment, the image of a scorpion is interpreted ambiguously. If it is pricked with the claws up on the hand, then this is a sign of a drug addict; if the claws are directed downwards, the person has given up drugs. It happens that the symbol means time in solitary confinement. And sometimes it symbolizes the danger of the carrier to society.

Execution options

Usually the scorpion is done in gray or black tones, since they best convey the dramatic danger of the insect. Such monotonous images are often adjacent to color drawings, symbolizing that Scorpio is able to overtake in any situation.

Sometimes the tattoo depicts a scorpion hiding in a rosebud, or it happens that a drawing of blue water drops is applied, having the outline of this sign. A color image conveys more specific details, so there are many designs of tattoos of this arachnid, not only one-color, but also having bright colors.


A scorpion tattoo is a unique design because it can be applied to any part of the body. Moreover, the sign itself can be designed in any style, color scheme and design.

In any case, such a tattoo has powerful energy. Therefore, to possess this pattern, you must have a sufficiently strong character that would correspond to the image of Scorpio.

A small, but very dangerous and poisonous insect, the scorpion has long inspired fear and horror in people. At the end of its tail there is a sting, and it contains poison, which led to the death of many, including great emperors, warriors and brave knights. With one bite, a scorpion can kill a large animal, such as a lion or horse. IN ancient world The scorpion was feared and respected, so many peoples worshiped this creature, glorified it in legends and depicted it in books. Also, in ancient times it was believed that this insect was capable of driving away evil spirits. That is why he was depicted on the walls of houses as amulets. Today, scorpions are often applied to the body, and there are many reasons for this.

The meaning of a scorpion tattoo

This is interesting: Tattoos for men: sketches on the arm, wrist, shoulder, leg, forearm, neck, chest + 200 PHOTOS

A tattoo with this insect can have many meanings. This is due to the fact that each people over the centuries has given different characteristics to this creature.

1 It could harm a person, because a scorpion sting was most often fatal if not treated in time medical care. Therefore, in many countries the scorpion personified death.

2 Scorpion venom was used to smear arrowheads or other piercing weapon before battle to inflict more damage on the enemy. In this case, Scorpio can be associated with a warrior spirit, revenge, courage and strength.

3 Since the scorpion scared away most dangerous animals, there was a belief that it could also deal with evil spirits. As a talisman it was depicted on shields, armor, and clothing.

4 For many peoples, the scorpion was a symbol of justice. It was believed that a person bitten by it could survive only if he deserved it.

Scorpio was considered the protector of brave warriors and knights. IN North America he was the guardian of the otherworldly the afterlife. It was Scorpio who decided what a person deserves after death. IN Ancient Egypt Scorpio stood guard over the peace of the deceased and guarded their peace after death. It is interesting that in the old days it was believed that autumn came due to the fault of this arthropod. Because he bit the sun, it became “less vital,” warmed less and “lost its vital energy.”

5 Ancient healers and physicians also worshiped the scorpion, since various potions and ointments were prepared from its poison, which were used to heal the sick. They also numbed their wounds, as they discovered that scorpion venom can paralyze parts of the body.

6 Pregnant women sacrificed to the scorpion and prayed to this creature so that the birth would be successful and painless. Young mothers also respected Scorpio so that it would give their children health and longevity.

IN Ancient China doctors treated puncture and laceration wounds that were infected with scorpion venom. He not only disinfected them, but also anesthetized them.

7 In the army, a tattoo with the image of a scorpion has its own meaning. It means that the owner of the image on the body served in ground forces or participated in military operations in the Caucasus. If the insect is depicted in an aggressive pose, with its claws and tail open or raised, then the person fought, but if in a calm pose, then he simply served. Those who took part in hostilities in hot spots get a scorpion tattoo along with a sight and blood type number. If we talk about the place where the design is applied, then most often it is applied to the shoulder or chest.

8 Most often, Scorpio is associated with the dark side. In the Middle Ages, it was applied to various surfaces to enhance the destructive traits of a person’s character. Christians drew a direct parallel with the unclean.

According to ancient legend, Artemis created a scorpion in order to crush a giant named Orion. Therefore, in some myths and legends, this insect means betrayal, feelings of hatred and envy, as well as unbearable pain.

9 In prison, an arthropod tattoo indicates that the person spent a lot of time in solitary confinement and, accordingly, symbolizes loneliness. It is also given to especially dangerous criminals who pose a threat to society. A scorpion with its claws raised up means the person is taking drugs, but if the “hands” are looking down, then the prisoner has “gone up.”

10 Scorpio also serves as a reliable talisman against all sorts of ailments and bad energy. To protect themselves and win in battle, in Ancient Tibet warriors applied this image to edged weapons. The goddess Isis was protected from the wrath of Set by seven scorpions. In Egypt, the half-man, half-scorpion was the guardian of the sunrise, and therefore personified bright thoughts and happiness. In Babylon, to protect houses, this creature was depicted at the entrance with a bow and arrows or with a spear looking up. In addition, the scorpion's body cover is very dense, so it has become a symbol of armor and protection.

11 Interestingly, in Japan, Scorpio is not associated with anything bad or negative. It is a symbol of love and wisdom, as well as fidelity in marriage, if it is depicted with a lotus flower. In China, the insect means great justice and high morals. Many people put the image of a scorpion on their body due to some important event: unrequited love, death of a loved one, blood feud, great betrayal. Very often, Scorpio can be seen on the body of a jealous person or a man with increased sexual energy.

Features of a Scorpio tattoo

Most often, a scorpion tattoo is done in the style of realism in black and white. Sometimes it is applied in gray tones or a little red is added. The size of the pattern varies from small on the hands or wrist to large on the back or chest.

Depending on how and where the scorpion is depicted, its meaning may vary:

1 An arthropod with claws raised up and colored bright color denotes agility, commitment to goals, determination, courage and bravery.

2 Scorpio in calm state, with paws down and tail curled means peace of mind, poise.

3 Huge claws combined with a large sting indicate a person’s decisive character. If the claws are small, then they do not threaten anything or anyone.

4 If a scorpion is depicted on a shoulder or shoulder blade, and its tail is on the neck, then this means that it is better not to disturb the owner of such a design over trifles - he can be quick-tempered and aggressive, and will defend his position and opinion to the last. This especially applies to tattoos with splashes of orange or red.

  • To emphasize strength, confidence and power of character, it is better to depict an insect on a leg. Scorpio must take a defensive pose.
  • People who boast original thoughts, a vivid imagination and an unusual character have a Scorpio tattooed on their neck. A tattoo behind the ear looks more sophisticated; it looks especially good on girls.
  • Scorpio in an attack position often signifies the strength and determination of the owner, as well as the will to win. In this form it is depicted on the chest. The Scorpion King can be tattooed in this area. Its body is thinner, its legs are long, and the tip of its tail and sting are bright yellow.
  • It will be very interesting to stroke a scorpion that has caught its claws on the skin. If you want to add aggression to the picture, then complement the scorpion with the image of a sword, dagger or any other weapon. This tattoo will look especially good on the stronger sex.
  • Scorpio can be supplemented with details of its habitat. For example, cacti, sand dunes, animal remains, skulls and bones are suitable. It is better to make such tattoos voluminous, so it is worth highlighting a large “field” for them: thigh, shoulder blade, chest, lower back, back.

Scorpio on a woman's body

The meaning of this insect on a girl’s body can be radically different from the male version. Therefore, before applying a tattoo to the body, you need to ask how exactly this or that option is interpreted.

  • IN general concept on a woman’s body, Scorpio denotes serious intentions in a relationship, as well as independence of character. To prevent Scorpio from looking aggressive and bulky, choose pictures with refined lines and small sizes.
  • Scorpions stuffed in a cartoon style look very funny and interesting. With bright limbs and pronounced features.
  • You can depict only the outlines of a scorpion, or make them in the form of beads, ribbons, or small dots. Also, to make the picture more tender, you can place a scorpion on a flower, depict it with a heart, diamonds, and a crown. The animal looks very stylish, next to which are engraved hieroglyphs that have a meaning hidden for others, but important for the owner of the tattoo.
  • If you don’t want to stuff the whole insect, then simply depict it as a zodiac sign. This is especially true for those representatives of the fair sex who were born during this period. An excellent option for a small tattoo behind the ear, on the neck, or on the wrist. If you want your tattoo to be seen only by select people, then just get it in your bikini area.

Among the huge flow of tattoos today, the most popular are those that have certain symbols. The meaning of tattoos, Scorpio for example, is so great that you can find their intersection with religion, and with signs, and with a variety of beliefs. This symbol has many interpretations. Let's look at some of them.

in the interpretation of different peoples

The image of a scorpion first appeared in Egypt, where it was considered the sacred animal of the goddess Selket. It can be found on amulets that protected from otherworldly forces. In North America, Scorpio was also considered a patron. He weighed a person’s earthly actions and decided what he deserves after death. Scorpio was considered the patron saint of warriors. He was the embodiment of lethality and belligerence. But not in all countries he was such a terrible defender. For example, in China and Japan, the scorpion was considered a symbol of fidelity, love and justice.

The meaning of tattoos. Scorpio and the army

Many people don’t even think about what the tattoo itself means. They do it only because Scorpio is their zodiac sign. Although today the meaning of symbolism plays a much smaller role than in ancient times. For example, a scorpion tattoo has a very clear meaning in the army. He is depicted with his claws closed or open, which means whether the guy participated in combat or not. And the scorpion depicted in the crosshairs of the sight means service in In England and France, a scorpion means the courage of a soldier. And in European countries it can mean participation in a gang or any informal movement. Just do not mean by this tattoo the criminal past of each of its owners. In prison circles it has no basis.

Tattoo style

Most often, this tattoo is done on the chest and shoulder, carefully drawing out every detail. The colors used are red or blue to emphasize aggression. But it also happens that the image looks quite stylized, that is, all the frightening features remain behind the scenes. These tattoos are mostly done by girls on the shoulder blade or ankle. The meaning on a girl’s shoulder blade indicates that she values ​​independence and seriousness in all respects. Interesting, isn't it?

The meaning of tattoos. Scorpio and its influence on fate

Strong, self-confident people usually choose a tattoo in the form of a scorpion. They seem to show that in any case they will fight for their lives. And if necessary, they will also use a poisonous tail. After all, Scorpio is a desert dweller, which means it is accustomed to life in harsh conditions. So do people who wear a scorpion tattoo. Those born under the sign of Scorpio are firm and unbending. They always go ahead towards their goal. And all adversity is perceived as a temporary respite, during which you can either lie down under a rock or fight. That's what Scorpio is. And the tattoo completely emphasizes all the qualities of a person. And if they are not clearly expressed enough, then after applying the drawing they become stronger and become the main character traits. This is not an illusion, but a confirmed fact.

So we began to study the meaning of tattoos. Scorpio is strength, endurance and determination. We'll talk about the rest in other articles.

The scorpion tattoo has many different meanings and is one of the most common images today. People who decided to pin a drawing of this a bright representative order of arthropods from the class of arachnids, you should know what a scorpion tattoo means?

Different peoples and cultures have their own ideas about the symbolism of the scorpion tattoo. So, for example, in Ancient Egypt the scorpion was considered a kind of “thread” with world of the dead. The Japanese equated the image of a scorpion with marital fidelity. Africans considered scorpions “evil spirits” - a symbol of hatred and revenge. The Arabs, in turn, believed that they were a reflection of human justice and wisdom.

Scorpio tattoo - meaning in the army

Often young people serving in the armed forces want to get a tattoo as a keepsake. True, in this case it is important how exactly the scorpion is depicted. If his claws are open or his sting is raised, this means that the person has been in battle or a hot spot (most often while serving in special forces or in the Caucasus).
Closed claws and a curved sting symbolize only the fact of military service.

Scorpio tattoo - meaning “in the zone”

In places not so remote, many prisoners also rush to decorate themselves with the image of a scorpion. But what does such a tattoo mean in prison? In the zone, the image of a scorpion takes on a different meaning - most often such a tattoo can be found on a prisoner who has spent some time in solitary confinement. The image of a scorpion often reflects the position of its owner: “Don’t touch me, or I’ll attack!”

By the way, the image of a scorpion or spider is also quite popular among drug addicts.

Well, and, of course, people born under the zodiac sign “Scorpio” often tattoo an image on their shoulder, arm or ankle. Today, a scorpion tattoo can look quite realistic. To create a three-dimensional image, tattoo artists use certain technologies and a mixture of paints - mostly black or dark blue. In this case, the Scorpio turns out to be very natural, intriguing, slightly frightening in its realism. But this is exactly what you wanted, isn’t it?

Scorpio is considered the oldest variation male tattoo, it began to be applied to the body many centuries ago. Initially, this insect was a symbol of health. Today he has a scorpion tattoo different meaning for men, a lot depends on the design style, location and details.

Scorpio in the modern interpretation is a sign of perseverance, high intelligence and cunning, as well as the ability to stand up for oneself. If previously only people belonging to this zodiac sign got such tattoos, today Scorpio adorns the body of most people with a strong character and tough disposition. More details different interpretations and sketches of scorpions can be seen in the article further.

What does a scorpion tattoo mean? Initially, these were amulets against diseases, misfortunes and negativity. In ancient times, the scorpion was also believed to be a symbol of maternal self-sacrifice. In eastern countries, insect venom began to be used in medicine, hence the interpretation of the scorpion with health and healing.

Today, several options for applying scorpion to the body are most often used:

  • Scorpio with stinger down– such a tattoo can be regarded as a sign of a deep feeling of guilt or resentment towards loved one. The owner is experiencing emotional wounds, but is not ready to share this with anyone.

  • Scorpion with its stinger raised– a tattoo means that the owner is ready to fight, can show aggression and cruelty if something goes against his interests and principles.

  • Scorpion with open clawsarmy tattoos, which show the courage and bravery of a warrior, readiness to fight to defend his country. If the claws are lowered and closed, then the tattoo is not military.

  • Scorpio as a zodiac sign– means that the owner is a strong personality with high level sexuality and internal energy. This is a passionate nature, although it may go unnoticed on the outside.

  • Red or orange scorpio– a man has a dual nature, outwardly he is calm and reasonable, but inside he hides many emotions, aggression and anger.

  • Solid Scorpio– the owner of such a tattoo is calm externally and internally; he also has a keenly developed sense of justice.

  • Scorpio with rose- a symbol of devotion to one woman, her family, the willingness to protect and protect her, the desire to live with her all her life.

Why do men choose scorpion tattoos?

In Japan it is still believed that scorpio is a sign of justice and making the right decisions. Other Asian countries recognize the scorpion as a symbol of truth and truth; Buddhists put such tattoos on the body as a sign of reconciliation and harmony. Tibetan warriors applied the design of an insect to their weapon, considering it a talisman in battle.

After some time in European culture Scorpio began to be associated with evil, mysticism, and dark forces. And by the middle of the 20th century, tattoos of this format began to be tattooed by drug addicts, criminals and members of mafia groups.

Today, tattoos with a scorpion have acquired a different meaning - the duality of the owner, external harmlessness, but always readiness for defense.

Where do men get Scorpio-themed tattoos?

The area on the body where the tattoo will be depicted is an important criterion that influences the meaning of the tattoo. Each part of the human body has its own energy centers, active points, hence the interpretation of Scorpio may differ slightly from the general designations.


A man’s reliability and stability is assessed by his shoulders, which you can lean on. And if he has a tattoo with a scorpion on his shoulder, you can judge his reliability, his readiness to solve any difficult situations. With external steadfastness, a man hides a dangerous predator inside.

Examples of such tattoos:


In this place, tattoos with scorpions of different formats are often found, but the meaning is always the same. The man thereby says that he will always fight for his freedom and attacks the enemy without warning. Therefore, it is better to be friends with him and not act unfairly. A tattoo on the forearm is a sign of courage and masculinity.

Examples of such tattoos:

Wrist tattoo

Hands are the place with which a person can influence the world around us. Therefore, a Scorpio on the wrist can be considered a sign that a man is confident in his potential and capabilities, can control himself in any situation, and hides within himself many ambitions and goals that he intends to bring to life.

Examples of such tattoos:

Tattoos on the palm, hand and fingers

A scorpion stamped on the hand is a sign of the danger hidden in the owner, his willingness to fight to the death for his truth, justice and family. On the palms, Scorpio is often depicted as a zodiac sign in order to adopt best qualities insects and strengthen them. On the fingers, a tattoo serves as a talisman against negative energy.

Examples of such tattoos:

Tattoo sleeve

A scorpion impaled on the whole hand means only one thing - fortitude, inner core, readiness for any danger. The man thereby shows his worth and demands respect from his opponents. He is so confident in himself that he can fight any opponent who encroaches on his territory.

Examples of such tattoos:


If a scorpio is located on a man’s neck, such a tattoo indicates his sharp and quick mind, quick wit, and ability to accept right decisions in any, even extreme situations. It can also be a symbol whose purpose is to increase the intellectual potential of the tattoo owner.

Examples of such tattoos:


If a man prefers large and bright tattoo designs, he can get a scorpion on his chest. The main meaning of such a tattoo on the left side is the honor and courage that a man possesses. When the insect is located with right side chest - a man strives to protect his heart from pain and betrayal, to protect himself from deception in love.

Examples of such tattoos:


A scorpion tattoo on the side is a great opportunity to highlight the beauty of a toned and sculpted torso. But men use such drawings on the body not so much from an aesthetic point of view, but as a talisman against diseases, internal disorders, life troubles and the evil eye.

Examples of such tattoos:


The hip area in the world of tattoos and tattoo art is closely connected with the intimate component of a person’s life. If a man puts a scorpio on his hips, he thereby shows the fair sex his passion, sexuality, readiness for communication, flirting and relationships. Another meaning is that the owner will achieve any goals by any means.

Examples of such tattoos:


A tattooed scorpion on the back is not just a beautiful and spectacular picture, it is hidden sacred meaning. The back is a kind of rear, behind which a man’s companion and his family can hide. Scorpio in this place acts as a warning of readiness to attack, as well as a protector and amulet from ill-wishers, deception, and danger.

Examples of such tattoos:


Tattoos with a scorpion on the shoulder blade indicate a man’s ability to take control over any life situations- over yourself, over your family, over your territory, over the present and future times. The man is definitely reliable, a note to the opposite sex.

Examples of such tattoos:


Legs are a symbol of stability, strength and steadfastness of life position, self-confidence. Thus, a scorpion tattoo on the leg personifies a man’s confidence that he will take everything from life, set the right goals and definitely achieve them at any cost.

Examples of such tattoos:

To prevent a tattoo from turning out to be a big mistake for a man in the future, you should listen to advice on how to apply it. The recommendations are as follows:

  • select a suitable sketch of a scorpion, size, color, location on the body;
  • designate for yourself exact meaning tattoos so that there are no surprises later;
  • determine the place where Scorpio will look harmonious and correspond to its meaning;
  • print out a photo of the sketch before going to the salon;
  • decide on the choice of salon and specialist, giving preference to an experienced specialist;
  • add your ideas and details to the drawing so that it is a unique work;
  • take into account your pain threshold when choosing a place for a tattoo, so as not to suffer from pain later;
  • match the proportionality of the pattern and the area of ​​skin so that the tattoo is not inconspicuous and faded or too pretentious and flashy.

The tattoo should be combined and consistent with the lifestyle and image of the man, his age, and field of activity. It must be remembered that an incorrectly selected tattoo on the body can radically change society’s perception, which is not always to the advantage of the owner.

How to choose a tattoo design for a location on the body?

When choosing a place for a scorpion tattoo, a man should ask himself the question for what purpose such a design is needed on the body. If a man strives to cultivate strong qualities in himself and adopt them from an insect, strengthen intuition, improve the quality of life, it is better to stuff scorpio on the shoulder blade, chest, hips and legs, as well as on the neck.

When a scorpio acts as a talisman and a talisman against misfortunes, illnesses, dark forces and ill-wishers, it is applied to the hands, palms, and wrists. And places such as the arms, shoulders and forearms are suitable for those men who, with the help of tattoos, demonstrate their aggression, protest to enemies, readiness to defend themselves and fight.

Styles and Colors That Are Popular for Scorpio Tattoos

Scorpio tattoos on the arm, shoulders, back, chest or legs can look dramatically different if used different styles. Experienced craftsmen will tell you which styles are current and suitable for the proposed sketch with a scorpion. The following trends are currently popular:

  • minimalism– the drawing is done with thin simple lines, there are no unnecessary details, and the sketch itself leaves the opportunity to think out the essence;

  • realism– an impressive sight when an insect is depicted as accurately as possible on the skin due to the play of colors, shadows, light transmission and 3D effect;

  • tribal– the drawing implies thick, pronounced lines, rough curls, geometric shapes, accepts only black and white representation;

  • trash polka– a bright and contrasting, daring option for applying a tattoo with rough lines, acceptable in black and red colors.
  • Symbols with which a scorpion tattoo can be combined

    Symbolism plays an important role in the perception and understanding of a scorpion tattoo. Most often, the insect is supplemented with symbols such as:

    • flowers;

    • moon or crescent;

    • zodiac sign;

    • watch.

    In the first case we're talking about about matters of the heart, romance, finding a life partner. In other cases, the meaning largely depends on the symbol itself, if it is a clock, it speaks of the transience of life, the moon hides a mystical meaning, and the zodiac sign enhances the inherent qualities of Scorpio.

    Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

    You need to get a scorpion tattoo only in a specialized tattoo parlor that has a license and permission for this type of activity. Since the drawing in most cases is quite complex and painstaking, it is important to find a master experienced in such matters. If you get tattoos at home from amateurs and untested people, there is a high probability of getting a poor-quality result and getting skin injuries.

    Do you allow the possibility of getting a tattoo on your face?


    Examples of Scorpio tattoos that are not recommended. Their significance in the criminal world

    A scorpion tattoo on the prison symbolizes the loneliness of a prisoner who spends a lot of time in solitary confinement. In prisons, especially dangerous criminals who can show aggression at any time are allowed to beat the scorpion. If the scorpion's claws are raised up, the owner is taking drugs; if down, the owner has given up on them.

    Which tattoos can cause mixed reactions:

    • scorpion with skull– not a combination of a symbol of longevity and childbirth, as well as a symbol of death;

    • scorpion with claws raised up– a man may be considered a drug addict;

    • scorpio in cartoon style– this is more of a female option; a man with such a tattoo may be considered a frivolous person.


    Scorpio is a tattoo with a deep meaning that cannot be applied to the skin for the sake of image and style. In the criminal world, this tattoo is only given special hits. dangerous criminals, and in real life only strong, brave and determined men. Special attention a man needs to pay attention to the sketch of the scorpion itself before application, and to a suitable place, and style design.