
At the end of July, we will have days of remembrance of amazing Russian saints who realized the destruction of paganism and brought with God’s help Eastern Slavs to Orthodoxy. July 11, old style (July 24, new style) - Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga. The next day - July 12 (25) - martyrs Theodore the Varangian and his son John. And July 15 (28) - Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, in Holy Baptism of Vasily: Day of the Baptism of Rus'.

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

Before starting a conversation about the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, I would like, dear brothers and sisters, to say that the Russians - the princess’s contemporaries - were very different from us. Our Slavic pagan ancestors had a completely different attitude towards the life of another person, towards marriage and many moral categories that have become our social foundation today and which our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Church instilled in us.

Many of the actions of people of past centuries seem terrible and very cruel to us, but it did not seem so to them. After all, they lived according to the aggressive, almost bestial, predatory laws of paganism, the motto of which is “serve yourself, please your passions, subjugate others for this purpose.”

Modern people often do not think about the fact that such, as they now say, democratic principles - the right to life, to private property, freedom of conscience, the right to health care, the institution of marriage - are the offspring of Christian, Orthodox morality, coming out of the womb of the Mother Church, having in themselves the gene of God's commandments from the Holy Scriptures.

A modern person can declare that he is an atheist and even an active fighter against God, but in life he walks along the paths created and paved for him by Christianity.

The purpose of this block of three articles, based on the lives of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, the Kiev martyrs Theodore the Varangian and his son John, as well as the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, is to show the feat of these truly great people who led the Eastern Slavs out of the terrible, destructive darkness of paganism. And on the other hand, to show the existence of a danger today - in the 21st century - to cross out the spiritual feat of dozens of generations of Slavic Orthodox saints and, through neo-paganism, egoism, the cult of the body and pleasures, to again plunge into the disastrous and destructive spiritual darkness from which we were led with such sorrow and difficulty our holy ancestors.

And truly the morning star, the dawn, the moon that preceded the sun and illuminated the path to Christ in the darkness of paganism for a whole conglomerate of peoples, was Princess Olga.

“She was the forerunner of the Christian land, like the day before the sun, like the dawn before the dawn. She shone like the moon in the night; so she shone among the pagans, like pearls in the mud,” this is what the Monk Nestor the Chronicler wrote about her in his work “The Tale of Bygone Years.”

Holy Princess Olga. Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv. M. Nesterov

"Olga"it means "holy"

Indeed, the name “Helga” has Scandinavian roots and is translated into Russian as “saint”. In Slavic pronunciation the name was pronounced as "Olga" or "Volga". It is obvious that from childhood she had three special character qualities.

The first is God-seeking. Of course, the name “Olga,” or “saint,” implied a pagan understanding of holiness, but still it determined some kind of spiritual and otherworldly dispensation of our great Old Russian holy princess. Just as a sunflower reaches out to the sun, so she has been reaching out to the Lord all her life. She sought Him and found Him in Byzantine Orthodoxy.

The second quality of her character was her wonderful chastity and disinclination to debauchery, which raged around her in the Slavic tribes of that time.

And the third quality of Olga’s internal structure was her special wisdom in everything - from faith to state affairs, which, obviously, was fed from the source of her deep religiosity.

The history of its birth and origin is rather vague due to its antiquity and various historical versions. So, for example, one of them says that she was a pupil of Prince Oleg (d. 912), who raised the young prince Igor, the son of Rurik. Hence, historians who adhere to this version say that the girl was named Helga in honor of the Kyiv prince Oleg. The Joachim Chronicle speaks about this: “When Igor matured, Oleg married him, gave him a wife from Izborsk, the Gostomyslov family, who was called Beautiful, and Oleg renamed her and named her Olga. Igor later had other wives, but because of her wisdom he honored Olga more than others.” There is also a version of the Bulgarian origin of Saint Princess Olga.

But the most common and documented version is that Olga came from the Pskov region, from the village of Vybuty, on the Velikaya River, from the ancient Slavic family Princes of Izborsk, whose representatives entered into marriages with the Varangians. This explains the Scandinavian name of the princess.

"Princess Olga meets the body of Prince Igor." Sketch by V. I. Surikov, 1915

Meeting and marriage with Prince Igor Rurikovich

The Life gives a beautiful and wonderful story of their meeting, which is full of tenderness and reminds of the ineffable miracles of God and His good Providence for humanity: a provincial noblewoman from the Pskov forests was destined to become the Grand Duchess of Kyiv and the great lamp of Orthodoxy. The Lord really does not look at status, but at a person’s soul! Olga’s soul burned with love for the Almighty. No wonder she receives the name “Elena” in baptism, which is translated from Greek as “torch.”

Legend says that Prince Igor, a warrior and Viking to the core, brought up in the campaigns of the harsh Oleg, hunted in the Pskov forests. He wanted to cross the Velikaya River. I saw in the distance the figure of a boatman on a canoe and called him to the shore. He swam up. The boatman turned out to be a beautiful girl, for whom Igor immediately became inflamed with lust. Being a warrior accustomed to robbery and violence, he immediately wanted to take her by force. But Olga (and it was she) turned out to be not only beautiful, but also chaste and smart. The girl shamed the prince, saying that he should be a bright example for his subjects. She told him about the princely dignity of both ruler and judge. Igor, as they say, was completely smitten and conquered by her. He returned to Kyiv, keeping the beautiful image of Olga in his heart. And when the time came to get married, he chose her. A tender, bright feeling awoke in the rude Varangian.

Olga at the pinnacle of power in pagan Kyiv

It should be said that being the wife of the Grand Duke of Kyiv is not an easy matter. At the ancient Russian court, executions, poisonings, intrigues and murders were common. The fact is that the backbone of the Russian aristocracy at that time were the Varangians, and not just Scandinavians, but Vikings. The famous Russian historian Lev Gumilyov, for example, in his book “Ancient Rus' and the Great Steppe” writes that it was impossible to completely identify the entire Scandinavian people and the Vikings. The Vikings, rather, were an unusual phenomenon of this people, somewhat vaguely reminiscent of our Cossacks or, for example, the Japanese samurai.

Among the Scandinavians there were tribes of farmers, fishermen and sailors. The Vikings were almost the same unusual element for them as for many other peoples - a social phenomenon. These were people of a certain military-robber type who left the Scandinavian tribes and formed their own community-detachments “wikis” - teams for wars, piracy, robberies and murders. The Vikings kept the port cities of the coasts of Europe, Asia and Africa at bay. They have developed their own rules and laws. It was the Vikings, starting from Rurik, who became the basis of the ancient Slavic monarchy and aristocracy. They largely imposed their own principles and rules of behavior on the Russian society of their time.

In 941, Igor and his retinue launched a campaign against Constantinople (Constantinople) and completely ravaged the southern coast of the Black Sea. His warriors burn many Christian churches and drive iron nails into the heads of priests. But here’s what’s interesting: in 944, Prince Igor concluded a military-trade agreement with the Byzantine Empire. It contains articles stating that Russian Christian soldiers can take the oath in Kyiv in the temple of the Holy Prophet Elijah, and pagan soldiers can take the oath on weapons in the temples of the Perunovs. For us, this ancient testimony is interesting because Christian warriors are put in first place, which means there were quite a lot of them in Rus'. And even then, at least in Kyiv, there were Orthodox churches.

Like a true pagan, Igor dies from his intemperance and love of money. During 945, he collected tribute from the Drevlyan tribe several times. Those had already been stripped almost to the skin. But Igor, incited by his squad, attacked them again. The Drevlyans gathered for a council. In “The Tale of Bygone Years” there are the following lines: “The Drevlyans, having heard that he was coming again, held a council with their prince Mal: ​​“If a wolf gets into the habit of the sheep, he will carry out the whole herd until they kill him; so is this one: if we don’t kill him, he will destroy us all.” And the Drevlyans dared to kill the Kyiv prince. This happened near their capital Iskorosten. According to one historical version, Igor was tied to the treetops and torn in two.

Thus, Princess Olga, with her and Igor’s young son Svyatoslav, remained a widow and ruler of Kievan Rus. Sensing the weakness of the grand ducal throne, the Drevlyans offered her a deal - marriage with their prince Mal. But Olga took revenge on her offenders for the death of her husband. Today her act may seem extremely cruel, but remember the disclaimer at the beginning of the article. The time was dark, terrible, pagan. The future Slavic saint had yet to let in the light of Christ's faith.

Olga takes revenge on the Drevlyans four times. For the first time, she buries alive the ambassadors who came to her from Mal. The second time she burns the ambassadors alive in the bathhouse. For the third time, already on Drevlyan soil, Olga’s squad kills up to five thousand enemies. And for the fourth time, the princess again conquers the Drevlyans and, with the help of a well-known trick with birds, burns the capital of the opponents, Iskorosten, to the ground. She asks the besieged for an unusual tribute in the form of pigeons and sparrows from each yard, and then she ties tinder to their paws, sets them on fire and sends them home. Birds are burning the city.

Thus, the Drevlyans find themselves re-conquered by Kiev.

Olga converts to Christianity

To paraphrase Dostoevsky’s expression that there is a main mind and a non-main mind, it must be said that Princess Olga had a main mind, which is why in history she received the nickname Wise. She was deeply aware of the failure of paganism, which was implicated in egocentrism - in pleasing oneself. Barbarian bandit empire ancient Rus' it was destined to fall apart if it had held on only to robberies, revelry, pagan ritual murders and fornication. The human personality decomposed in such conditions, and this again led to tribal fragmentation and endless inter-tribal wars. The result of this was the saddest: man destroyed himself, and the young Slavic state would have been doomed to destruction.

Something was needed that held it together, not governmental or primarily economic. A certain spiritual genome was needed, the life of the Slavic soul needed to be corrected - it was necessary to find God. And Olga goes to Constantinople. In the monument of Russian historical literature of the 16th century, “The Degree Book,” there are the following words: “Her (Olga’s) feat was that she recognized the true God. Not knowing the Christian law, she lived a pure and chaste life, and she wanted to be a Christian by free will, with the eyes of her heart she found the path of knowing God and followed it without hesitation.” The Rev. Nestor the Chronicler narrates: “Blessed Olga from an early age sought wisdom, which is the best in this world, and found a pearl of great value - Christ.”

She is present at services in the great Church of Hagia Sophia, in the Blachernae Church and receives Holy Baptism at the hands of His Holiness Patriarch Theophylact of Constantinople, Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus himself becomes her successor. This indicates the political weight that Russian princes had in Olga’s modern world. The Patriarch blessed her with a cross carved from a single piece of the Honest Life-giving Cross Lord, and said the prophetic words: “Blessed are you among the Russian women, for you have left darkness and loved the Light. The Russian people will bless you in all future generations, from your grandchildren and great-grandchildren to your most distant descendants.”

She answered: “By your prayers, Master, may I be saved from the snares of the enemy.” Here we see that Olga the Wise understood perfectly well: the main battle of a person does not take place in outside world, but in the depths of his soul.

She was baptized Helen in honor of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helen. AND life paths both holy women were so similar!

The saint brought the cross with which she was blessed to her homeland. Having become the Grand Duchess of Kyiv, she built many Orthodox churches. For example, on May 11, 960, the Church of St. Sophia, the Wisdom of God, was consecrated in Kyiv. And in her homeland - the Pskov region - she laid the foundations for the veneration of the Holy Trinity for the first time in Rus'.

Saint Olga had a vision on the Velikaya River. The princess saw three bright rays descending from the sky from the east. She said in kind to her companions: “Let it be known to you that by the will of God in this place there will be a church in the name of the Most Holy and Life-Giving Trinity and there will be a great and glorious city here, abounding in everything.” At this place she erected a Cross and founded the Trinity Church, which would later become the main cathedral of Pskov.

Princess Olga cared a lot about centralized state power. In the lands of various Slavic tribes, graveyards were founded - settlements where princely tiuns lived with their retinue, collecting tribute and keeping order. Often an Orthodox church was built next to the churchyard.

Princess Olga with her son Svyatoslav

Olga's tragedy: son Svyatoslav

As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Svyatoslav was the spiritual heir of his father Igor and grandfather Rurik - a Varangian at his core. No matter how much Olga tried to persuade him, he did not want to be baptized; he rather indulged the pagan squad. And although he did a lot for the expansion of Kievan Rus in the south, west and east (victory over the Khazars, Pechenegs, Bulgars) and for the safety of its inhabitants, under his rule paganism began to flourish.

Svyatoslav and his supporters begin to oppress the Church of God. During the pagan reaction, Olga's nephew Gleb was killed and some of the temples built by the princess were destroyed. The saint retires to the princely town of Vyshgorod, where she spends her time like a real nun - in prayer, almsgiving and raising her grandchildren in Christian piety. Despite the fact that paganism triumphed in Kievan Rus, Svyatoslav allowed his mother to keep an Orthodox priest with her.

Sergey Efoshkin. Duchess Olga. Dormition

Peaceful repose of the saint and her glorification

The holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga died quite early as a result of hard work, having lived for about fifty years, on July 11, 969. Shortly before her death, she confessed and received the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Her main will was not to perform any pagan funeral feasts on her, but to bury her according to the Orthodox rite. She died a true Christian, faithful to her God.

God glorified His saint with the incorruption of the relics and the miracles and healings that came from them. In 1547 she was canonized to the rank of Equal to the Apostles. It is noteworthy that only five women in church history have been canonized to this rank.

The pagan reaction to her death did not last long. The seed of Christ has already been thrown into the fertile soil of the Slavic heart, and soon it will yield a mighty and generous harvest.

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olgo, pray to God for us!

Priest Andrey Chizhenko

“At the beginning of the faith” and “the root of the right-of-glory” in the Russian land, from ancient times the holy equal is called -oh-so-so-Ol-gu people. Ol-ga’s baptism was meant-me-no-va-but pro-ro-che-ski-mi words-va-mi pat-ri-ar-ha, baptizing her : “Blessed are you among the Russian wives, for you left the darkness and loved the Light. The Russian sons will glorify you until the next generation!” At the Baptism, the Russian princess was honored in the name of the holy equal of the great Elena, who worked a lot - in the spread of Christianity in the huge Roman Empire and the discovery of the Living Cross, on which -then the Lord was crucified. Like her heavenly blood, Olga became equal to such a pro-knowledge of Christ -an-stva on the vast expanses of the Russian land. There are a lot of chronic inaccuracies and misunderstandings about her in the summer written evidence, but it’s unlikely that they can -no doubt about the accuracy of most of the facts of her life, until now Blessed are the holy princes who established the Russian land. Let's get back to the news about her life.

The name of the future pro-sve-ti-tel-ni-tsy of Ru-si and its birth, the most ancient of the summer-to-pi-sei - “In the Tale of Times” years old" refers in the description to Prince Igor of Kiev: "And did you bring him his wife from Pskov, named after Ol-ga.” Joachim's chronicle specifies that it belonged to the family of the princes of Iz-bor - one of the ancient Russians. princely di-na-sties.

Su-pr-gu Igor was called by the Var-Ryazh name Hel-ga, in the Russian pro-iz-no-she-nii - Ol-ga (Vol-ga). Pre-da-nie na-zy-va-et ro-di-noy Ol-gi village You-bu-you are not far from Pskov, up the river Ve-li-koy . The life of Saint Olga tells us that here for the first time I met her future husband. The young prince was hunting “in the Pskov region” and, wanting to cross the Ve-li-kaya river, he saw “some he's sailing in the boat" and called him to the shore. Sailing from the shore in a boat, the prince realized that he was being carried by a de-wush-ka of amazing beauty. Igor was inflamed with lust for her and began to tempt her to sin. The re-voz-chi-tsa turned out to be not only beautiful, but whole-wise and smart. She mouthed Igor, reminding him of the princely dignity of the rule and judge, which should be “a bright example of good deeds” for one’s own. Igor broke up with her, keeping her words and a beautiful image in his memory. When the time came for you to marry your bride, the most beautiful girls of the principality gathered in Kiev. But not a single one of them pleased him. And then he remembered the “wonderful girl” Olga and sent his relative, Prince Oleg, for her. So Olga became the wife of Prince Igor, the great Russian princess.

Afterwards, Igor went on a campaign against the Greeks, and returned from it as a father: a son, Saint Slav, was born. Soon Igor was killed by the ancients. Fearing revenge for the murder of the Kiev-prince-zya, the Drev-Lyans from the right-of-words to Princess Olga, inviting her to join drink in marriage with your right-of-mind Mal. Ol-ha pretended to agree. She hit two embassies of the Drev-Lyans in Kiev, giving them a painful death: the first was for- alive in the same way “in the prince’s yard”, the second - with burning in the bathhouse. After this, five thousand men of the Drev-Lyansky were killed by Olga at the funeral feast for Igor at the walls of the Drev-Lyansky capital -tsy Is-ko-ro-ste-nya. The next year, Ol-ga again went with an army to Is-ko-ro-wall. The city was burned down with the help of birds, to the feet of which they attached burning oakum. The ancient people who remained alive were not spared and were sold into slavery.

Along with this summer-to-pi-si, there are full of testimonies about her tireless “walks” across the Russian land with the goal of building -e-ness of the country's economic and economic life. She fought to strengthen the power of the Ki-ev prince, the central state control with the help of the “by-government” system. The letter says that she, her son and a friend, walked through the Drev-Lyanskaya land, “established and about-ro-ki", from-cha-cha-la and hundred-no-vi-scha and places of hunting, subject to inclusion in the Ki-ev-skie ve-li -ko-prince's power. She went to Novgorod, arranged a party along the rivers Msta and Luga. “There were her (hunting places) all over the earth, there were established signs, her places and places,” she writes le-to-pi-sets, - and she stands in Pskov to this day, there are places indicated by her for catching birds along the Dnieper and along the Desna; and her village Ol-gi-chi exists to this day.” By-go-sty (from the word “guest” - merchant) has become a support for the great princely power, the heart of this-no-thing skogo and cultural association of the Russian nation.

Life tells us about Ol-ga’s work: “And Princess Ol-ga ruled under her power over Rus. of the earth not as a woman, but as a strong and reasonable husband, firmly holding power in his hands and masculinely defined falling away from enemies. And she was scary for them. I love my own people, as the lord -ny and not offending anyone, on-la-ga-yu-sha-nie with cute-ser-di-em and on-civil-da-yu- good; she instilled fear in all the evil ones, rewarding each one in proportion to his actions, but in all matters of management she has vision and wisdom. At the same time, Ol-ga, sweet-hearted at heart, was generous with the poor, the wretched and the poor; rightful requests would soon reach her heart, and she would quickly fulfill them... With all this, Olga co- having lived a strong and whole-wise life, she didn’t want to remarry, but she would wa-la in pure widowhood, guarding her son until the days of his rise to princely power. When he finally got back together, she gave him all the rights, and she herself, having withdrawn from the rumors and -pe-che-nii, lived outside the care of management, pre-da-va-yas de-lam of the good-of-re-re-tion.”

Rus' grew and strengthened. Cities were built, surrounded by stones and doubly walls. The princess herself lived behind the walls of You, surrounded by a faithful friend. Two-thirds of the so-bran-noy, according to the evidence of the le-to-pi-si, she is from-da-va-la in the ra-s-rya-same ki-ev -sky ve-cha, the third part went “to Ol-ga, to Vy-sh-city” - to the military formation. By the time Olga had established the first state borders of Kievan Rus. The Bo-ha-tyr-for-sta-you, re-established in the past, the hundred-ro-li-lived the peaceful life of the Ki-ev-lyans from the nomads of Ve -li-koy Step-pi, from na-pa-de-niy with Za-pa-da. The foreigners rushed to Gar-da-ri-ku (“country of cities”), as they called Rus', from then-va-ra -mi. Scan-di-na-you, the Germans willingly joined the Russian army. Rus' has become a great country.

As a wise ruler of paradise, Ol-ga vi-de-la on the example of the Viz-an-tiy empire, which is not enough for -bot is only about state and economic life. It would be necessary to start arranging a re-li-gi-oz-noy, spiritual life for the na-ro-yes.

The author of the “Step-book” writes: “Her [Ol-gi]’s move was that she recognized the true God. Without knowing the nature of Christianity, she lived a pure and whole-wise life, and she wished to be a Christian an-koy, by free will, with the heart-of-my eyes, the path of the knowledge of God was discovered and walked along it without co-le-ba- nia". The Pre-reputable one in the West-wu-et: “Blessed Ol-ga from an early age has been seeking wisdom, which is the best thing in all of life.” “And this, and I found a many-valuable pearl - Christ.”

Having made your choice, Great Princess Ol-ga, in the hands of Ki-ev, under her grown-up son, from-ru-la-et-sya with a large fleet in Kon-stan-ti-no-pol. Ancient-Russian le-to-scribes call this de-i-nie of Ol-ga “ho-de-no-em”, it is united in itself and the re-li-gi-oz-noe pa-lom-ni-che-stvo, and the diplomatic-ma-ti-che-mission, and the de-mon-strat-tion of the military-en-no- the power of Ru-si. “Ol-ga for-ho-te-la herself go to the Greeks so that with her own eyes she can look at the Christian service and to be completely convinced of their teaching about the true God,” according to the life of Saint Olga. According to the evidence of le-to-pi-si, in Kon-stan-ti-no-po-le Ol-ga has decided to become a Christian coy. The ta-in-stvo of Baptism was co-performed over her by the pat-ri-arch Kon-stan-ti-no-pol-sky Fe-o-fi-lakt (933-956), and the restoration -no-one was the em-per-tor Kon-stan-tin Bag-rya-no-native (912-959), who left in his co-chi-ne “About the ce-re-mo-ni-yah of the Vi-zan-tiy-court” a detailed description of the ce-re-mo-niy during the stay -niya Ol-ga in Kon-stan-ti-no-po-le. At one of the Russian princess's receptions there was a not-so-gold, adorned-with-precious-with-stones. mi dish-do. Ol-ga sacrificed him in the robes of St. Sophia, where he was seen and described in the early 13th century Russian diplomat Dob-ry-nya Yad-rey-k-vich, subsequently the arch-bishop of Nov-gorod-sky An-to-niy: “Dish how evil was the service of Olga the Russian, when she took tribute, went to Tsar-grad: in Olga’s dish less drag-gy, on the same stone on-pi-san Christ.”

Pat-ri-arch of the blessed-word-forged the newly-baptized Russian princess with a cross cut from a whole piece of Zhi -in the creation of the Tree of the Lord. On the cross there was an inscription: “The Russian land is surrounded by the Holy Cross, which was received by Ol-ga, the blessed one.” prince-gi-nya.”

Ol-ga returned to Ki-ev with iko-na-mi, bo-go-serv-ing books - her apos-tol-like servant began -nie. She erected a temple in the name of St. Niko-lay over the grave of As-kol-da - the first Ki-ev-prince-zya-khri -sti-a-ni-na and many ki-ev-lyans converted to Christ. With pro-ve-dyu-ry, the princess went to the north. In the Kiev and Pskov lands, in village villages, at the crossroads of the roads, crosses, uniforms were erected what pagan idols.

Saint Ol-ga lived on-cha-lo especially-ben-no-go in the Ru-si of the Most Holy Trinity. From century to century, there has been news of the vision that she had near the Ve-li-koy river, not -le-ku from the family village. She saw that “three very bright rays” were descending from the sky. Turning to her companions, former sv-de-te-la-mi vi-de-niya, Ol-ga told about-ro-che-ski : “May you know that because of God there will be a church in this place in the name of the Most Holy and Living -creative Trinity and there will be a great and glorious city here, abundant for everyone.” At this place Olga erected a cross and founded a temple in the name of the Holy Trinity. It became the main cathedral of Pskov, a glorious Russian city, which has since been called the “House of the Holy Trinity” -i-tsy." That-in-the-we-mi-spirit-of-spirit-succession through four-hundred-years is the-chi-ta-nie re-re-da -but it would have been very kind to Sergius Ra-to-tender.

On May 11, 960, the Church of St. Sophia of the Most Wisdom of God was consecrated in Kiev. This day was celebrated in the Russian Church as a special holiday. The main sanctuary of the temple was the cross received by Ol-goi at the Baptism in Kon-stan-ti-no-po-le. The temple, built by Ol-goi, burned down in 1017, and in its place Yaro-slav the Wise erected a holy church -che-ni-tsy Irina, and St. Sofiy-sko-go Ol-gi-na the temple-re-carried in the still standing stone Church of St. Sophia of Kiev, founded in 1017 and consecrated around 1030. In the Pro-log of the 13th century it was said about the Ol-gi-nom cross: “It now stands in Ki-e-ve in St. Sophia in the al-ta-re on the right side". After the za-vo-e-va-niya of Ki-e-va li-tov-tsa-mi, Ol-gin’s cross was stolen from So-fiy-sko-go-bo-ra and vy- ve-zen ka-li-ka-mi to Lub-lin. His further fate is unknown to us. The apostolic works of the prince met the secret and open co-operation of the pagans. Among the bo-yars and druzhin-ni-kovs in Ki-e-ve there were a lot of people who, according to the words of the summer scribes, “carried “You don’t see the Pre-wisdom,” just like Saint Olga, who built temples to Her. The roar of the language of the ancient world is becoming more and more bold under the go-lo-woo, looking with hope at the sub-ras y-y-holy-glory-va, decided-but-from-the-niv-she-go-go-ry ma-te-ri to accept Christianity. “The Tale of Bygone Years” tells about it like this: “Ol-ga lived with her son, Saint-glory, and they agreed -his mother wanted to be baptized, but he neglected it and covered his ears; however, if someone wanted to be baptized, he didn’t scold him, nor did he stand over him... Ol-ha speaks often -ri-la: “My son, I know God and rejoice; here you are, if you know, then you will begin to rejoice.” He, without listening to this, said: “How can I want to change my faith alone? My friends will laugh at this!” She told him: “If you are baptized, everyone will do the same.”

He, without listening to ma-te-ri, lived according to pagan customs, not knowing that if someone doesn’t listen to ma-te-ri, in a child is in trouble, as it is said: “If anyone does not listen to his father or mother, he will accept death.” Moreover, he was also angry with his mother... But Ol-ga loved her son of the Holy Glory, when ri-la: “God’s will be done.” If God wants to have mercy on my people and the Russian land, let him command their hearts to turn to God, how could it be so good for me.” And saying so, she prayed for her son and for his people all the days and nights, caring for her son until he got married.” .

Despite the success of her trip to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol, Ol-ga could not persuade him-per-ra-to-ra to co-gla-she- on two important issues: about the di-na-sti-che-marriage of the Holy-Glory with the Byzantine Tsar-rev-noy and about the -vi-yah restoration of the existence-vav-shay at As-kol-de mit-ro-po-li in Ki-e-ve. This is why Saint Olga turns her eyes to the West - the Church was one at that time. It’s unlikely that the Russian princess could have known about the divine-word differences between the Greek and Latin faiths. nia.

In 959, a German chronicler writes: “The ambassadors of Elena, the queen of the Russians, came to the king -heaven baptism in Kon-stan-ti-no-po-le, and ask-si-to consecrate for this na-ro-da epi-sco-pa and sanct- ni-kov." King Otton, the future founder of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, responded to the request -bu Ol-gi. A year later, Li-bu-tsii, from the brotherhood of the monastery of the holy Al-ba-n in Mainz, was appointed bishop of the Russian, but he died soon (March 15, 961). In its place, the saint of Adal-ber-t of Trier, who-ro-th Ot-ton, “generously supplied with everything necessary”, from-ruled , finally, to Russia. When in 962 Adal-bert appeared in Kiev, he “did not manage to do anything for which he was sent, and saw his efforts on -pras-us." On the way back, “some of his companions were killed, and the bishop himself did not escape mortal danger,” - this is how they tell us about the mission of Adal-ber-ta.

The pagan re-action manifested itself so strongly that stra- da-y not only the German mis-si-o-ne-ry, but also some -rye from Kiev Christians who were baptized together with Olga. By order of the Holy Glory, Olga's nephew Gleb was killed and some temples built by her were destroyed. Saint Olga had to come to terms with what had happened and go into the business of personal goodness, giving control le-nie language-no-ku Holy-glory. Of course, she was still taken into account, her experience and wisdom were invariably addressed in all important cases -cha-yah. When Saint Slav departed from Ki-e-va, the administration of the state was in the hands of Saint Olga. The glorious military victories of the Russian army were a consolation for her. Holy glory defeated the enemy of the Russian state - Khazar ka-ga-nat, forever with-kru -shiv the power of the Jewish pra-vi-te-leys of the Azov region and the Lower Volga region. The next blow was on the Volga Bulgaria, then came the Danube Bulgaria - eighty the cities were taken by the Kiev squads along the Danube. The Holy Glory and its warriors represent the god-like spirit of the pagan Rus. Le-to-pi-si co-keep the words of the Holy-glory, surrounded by her friend with a huge Greek howl -skom: “It’s not disgraceful to the Russian land, but let’s lie down here!” The dead have no shame!” Saint Slav dreamed of creating a huge Russian state from the Danube to the Volga, which would unite Rus' and other -gye Slavic peoples. Saint Ol-ga knows that with all the courage and from the Russian troops they cannot cope with the ancient im-peri -ey ro-me-ev, who will not allow paradise to strengthen the language of pagan Russia. But the son did not listen to the warning ma-te-ri.

Saint Olga had to endure a lot of sorrows at the end of her life. The son of the window-cha-tel-but per-re-se-lil-sya in Per-re-ya-s-la-vets on the Danube. Staying in Ki-e-ve, she taught her grandchildren, children of the Holy Glory, the Christian faith, but did not decide I wanted to baptize them, fearing my son’s wrath. In addition, he prevented her from trying to establish Christianity in Russia. In the last years, in the midst of the triumph of the language, once upon a time everyone believed that -you, baptized from the All-Len-sk pat-ri-ar-ha in the capital of the right-of-glory, came to the tai-no der -to be sacred in front of you, so as not to cause a new outbreak of an-ti-chri-sti-an-skih moods. In 968 Ki-ev wasa-di-li pe-che-ne-gi. The holy princess and her grandchildren, among whom was Prince Vladimir, found themselves in mortal danger. When the news about the wasp reached the Holy Glory, he hurried to help, and no one was called upon on the run. Saint Olga, being already seriously ill, begged her son not to leave until her death. She didn’t lose hope of turning her son’s heart to God, and on her deathbed she didn’t stop talking about it. : “Why are you leaving me, my son, and where are you going? Looking for someone else's, who will you eat yours? After all, Your children are still small, and I’m already old, and I’m sick, - I expect a quick death - a departure to my beloved Christ, in whom I believe; Now I don’t worry about anything except about you: I regret that although I taught a lot and convinced I wanted to leave the idolatrous wickedness, to believe in the true God, as I know, and you neglect this, and I know that for your disobedience to me, a bad end awaits you on earth, and after death - eternal torment, wow. naya lingual-ni-kam. Fulfill now at least this last request of mine: don’t go anywhere until I give up and sin. be-na; then go wherever you want. After my death, do not do anything that is required in such cases by pagan customs; but let my pre-sweater with the kli-ri-ka-mi in the gre-but according to the custom of Christ-an-sko-mu my body; don’t you dare lay a grave on me and hold funeral feasts; but let's go to Tsar-grad to the holy pat-ri-ar-hu, so that he will perform the prayer and at-she- I thanked God for my soul and gave alms to the beggars.”

“Hearing this, Saint Slav cried bitterly and promised to fulfill everything she had given him, appearing only from -nya-tiya of the holy faith. After three days, blessed Olga fell into extreme inability; she partook of the Divine Mysteries of the Most-Pure Body and the Living-Creative Blood of Christ our Savior ; all the time she remained in diligent prayer to God and to the Most Pure God, to whom I always pray according to God she had no power; she called upon all the saints; With especial diligence, blessed Olga prayed for illumination of the Russian land after her death; fore-seeing the future, she repeatedly fore-said that God would enlighten the people of the Russian land and many of there will be great saints among them; Blessed Olga prayed for the speedy fulfillment of this promise at her death. And there was still a prayer on her lips, when her honest soul was separated from her body and how the righteous one was received ru-ka-mi Bo-zhi-i-mi.” On July 11, 969, Saint Olga died, “and her son and grandchildren and all the people wept for her.” Pre-sweeper Gri-goriy fulfilled her re-statement exactly.

Holy equal-to-capital Ol-ga was-la ka-no-ni-zi-ro-va-na on the so-bo-re of 1547, which is under-tver -did it in all-local language in Russia back in the pre-Mongol era.

God glorified “at the beginning” of faith in the Russian land with chu-de-sa-mi and incorruptible relics. Under the Holy Prince Vladimir, the relics of St. Olga were transferred to the Temple of the Assumption of the Most Holy -that Bo-go-ro-di-tsy and in the sar-ko-fa-ge, in which it was possible to place the relics of the holy you on the right-glorious East. There was a window in the church wall above the tomb of Saint Olga; and if anyone came to the relics with faith, saw the relics through the window, and some saw them coming from them there is a shi-i-nie, and many sick-obsessed pains are caused by healing. When he saw a small window, it opened, and he could not see the relics, but only the coffin.

So, after her death, Saint Ol-ga proclaimed eternal life and resurrection, filled with the joy of faith. Yu-shchih and lying incredulous.

Her prophecy about the evil death of her son came true. Saint-slav, as the le-to-pi-sets says, was killed by the Pe-che-tender prince Ku-rey, who cut off his head Woo the Holy Glory and made a cup for himself from the skull, surrounded it with gold and drank from it during feasts.

The fulfillment and prophecy of the saint about the Russian land. The prayerful works and deeds of St. Olga are confirmed by the great deeds of her grandson St. Vladimir di-mi-ra (memory of July 15 (28)) - Baptism of Ru-si. The images of the holy equals Olga and Vladimir, mutually complementing each other, embodying They have Ma-Te-rin-skoe and father-skoe in Russian spiritual history.

Holy equal-to-capital Ol-ga became the spiritual mother of the Russian people, through her his pro-sweetness began -sharing the light of Christ's faith.

The pagan name Olga corresponds to the masculine Oleg (Hel-gi), which means “saint.” Although the pagan-ness of holiness is from Christianity, it is pre-la-ha- The person has a special spiritual disposition, whole-wisdom and sobriety, intelligence and insight. Revealing the spiritual meaning of this name, the people called Ole the Prophet, and Olga the Wise. Subsequently, Saint Olga began to be called God-wise, emphasizing her main gift, which became the basis -I eat all the words of the holiness of Russian wives - wisdom. Sa-ma Most Holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsa - House of the Pre-wisdom of God - blah-say-la Saint Ol-gu on her apo -so much work. The construction of her So-fiy-sko-bo-ra in Ki-e-ve - ma-te-ri of Russian cities - was a sign of participation Goddess Ma-te-ri in the Do-mo-stro-i-tel-stvo of the Holy Ru-si. Kiev, i.e. Christian Kievan Rus, became the third priesthood of God Ma-te-ri according to the Universe, and this statement is the lot on earth began through the first of the holy wives of Rusi - the holy equal of the capital Olga.

The Christian name of Saint Olga - Elena (in translation from the ancient Greek “fa-kel”) - you became -ra-the-n-e-e-go-re-niya of her spirit. Saint Olga (Elena) brought the spiritual fire, which has not been extinguished in the entire thousand-year history of Christ. An-skaya Russia.

The Complete Life of Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, Grand Duchess of Russia

The holy equal of the capital Olga was the su-ru-goy of Prince Igor of Kiev. The struggle of Christianity against paganism under Igor and Olga, princes who lived after Oleg († 912), enters a new period. The Church of Christ in the last years of Prince Igor († 945) became a significant spiritual and spiritual -sovereign power in the Russian state. This is evidenced by the preserved text from Igor’s time with the Greeks of 944, which is included let-the-scribe in “The Tale of Bygone Years”, in the article describing the events of 6453 (945).

A peace treaty with Kon-stan-ti-no-po-wives had to be approved by both re-li-gi-oz-us-societies -mi Ki-e-va: “Rus' is baptized”, that is, the Christians came to the Priest in the cathedral church of St. the pro-ro-ka of God Elijah; “Rus' is unbaptized,” pagans, swore on weapons in the sacred place of Pe-ru-on Gro-mo-verzh-tsa. The fact that Christians have taken first place in do-ku-men speaks of their pre-eminent spirituality. the greatest significance in the life of Kiev Rus.

Obviously, at the moment when, before 944, the thief was installed in Tsar-Gra-de, in power in Ki-e-ve hundred -Am I people who have a feeling for Christianity, who are aware of the need for it? society of Ru-si to the living-creative Christian culture. Perhaps Prince Igor himself, an official position of some kind, was attached to this right-handed position. it was not allowed for him to personally convert to the new faith without deciding the question of the Baptism of the entire country and the establishment of new le-nii in it the right-glorious church hierarchy. For this reason, the agreement was drawn up in careful steps, which would not have prevented the prince from approving - to give it both in the form of a pagan oath, and in the form of a Christian oath.

But while the Byzantine envoys arrived in Kiev, the settlement on the Dnieper essentially left me. The pagan op-position was clearly defined, at the head of which were the hundred Va-Ryazh vo-ds of the Holy -neld and his son Msti-slav (Msti-sha), to whom Igor gave the Drev-lyansky land as a holding.

The influence of the Khazar Jews was also strong in Kiev, and they could not like the idea of ​​triumph right to glory in the Russian land.

Unable to overcome the inertia of custom, Igor remained a pagan and sealed the agreement according to the pagan pattern - oath on swords. He rejected the blessings of Baptism and was punished for unbelief. A year later, in 945, the rebel pagans killed him in the Ancient land, tearing him apart between two trees. But the days of paganism and the way of life of the Slavic tribes based on it were already over. I bore the burden of government service with my three-year-old son, the Holy-glorious widow of Igor - ve -li-princess of Ki-ev-skaya Ol-ga.

The name of the future pro-sve-ti-tel-ni-tsy of the Russian region and its birth “The Tale of Bygone Years” is for the first time named in an article about Igor’s wife: “and did you bring him a wife from Pskov, named Ol-gu.” She came-above-le-zha-la, specifies Joachim's chronicle-writing, to the family of the princes of Iz-bor, one of the forgotten trees -non-Russian princely di-nasties, which were in Russia in the 10th-11th centuries. no less than twenty, but some of which were all close to you over time Ryu-ri-ko-vi-cha-mi or merged with none -through marriage. Some of them were of local, Slavic origin, others were newcomers, Varangian. It is known that the Scandinavian ko-nuns, invited to reign in Russian cities, invariably no Russian language, often - Russian names and quickly a hundred - appeared on the Russian - as if by design -in life, both in terms of world-view and even in terms of physical appearance.

So Igor’s wife-in-law was called by the Var-Ryazh name Hel-ga, in the Russian “eye-of-the-eye” pro-iz-no-she-nii - Ol-ga, Vol-ga. The female name Ol-ga corresponds to the male name Oleg (Hel-gi), which means “saint”. Although the pagan-ness of holiness is completely different from Christianity, it is also pre- there is a special spiritual disposition in a person, whole-wisdom and sobriety, intelligence and insight. Revealing the spiritual meaning of the name, the people called Ole the Prophet, Olga the Wise.

Later legends named the village as her birth name. You are a few kilometers from Psko- up the river Ve-li-koy. Not long ago, there seemed to be a bridge on the Olgin River - at the ancient river crossing, where Olga met Igor. Pskovskaya then-kept a lot of names associated with the pa-my-great Psko-vi-tyan- ki: de-rev-ni Ol-zhe-nets and Ol-gi-no Po-le, Ol-gi-ny Vo-ro-ta - one of the ru-ka-vov of the river Ve-li-koy, Ol -gi-na Mountain and Ol-gin Cross - near Pskov Lake, Ol-gin Ka-men - near the village of You-bu-you.

Na-cha-lo sa-mo-sto-ya-tel-no-go-ru-le-niya of Prince Olga in connection with the story about the terrible retribution of the ancients to us, the murderers of Igor. Swearing on swords and believing “only in your sword”, the tongues about-re-che-were God’s su- the house from the sword and die (). By bowing to fire, among other deified elements, they found their vengeance in the fire. The Lord took Olga from half-full of fiery punishment.

The struggle for the unity of Ru-si, for the subordination of the Ki-ev center to the mutual enmity of the tribes and the principalities of the pro-kla-dy-va-la path to the window-cha-tel-noy of Christianity in the Russian land. Behind Ol-ga, still a pagan, the hundred-I-la Kiev Christian Church and its heavenly patron, the holy pro- the fate of God Elijah, with his fiery faith and prayer, his wondrous fire from the sky, and her victory over the ancients, despite the su -news of be-di-tel-ni-tsy, there was a vi-de-doy of Christian, creative forces in the Russian state-su- the gift of the si-la-mi languages, the dark-mi and the destruction of the tel-us.

Ol-ha of God-wise-paradise entered history as a great co-creator of state life and cult -ry of Kiev Ru-si. Le-to-pi-si is full of testimonials about her tireless “walks” across the Russian land for the purpose of good development and emphasis on civil and economic life under the given. Having achieved the internal strengthening of the power of the Kiev prince, weakening the influence of the me-shav- shih co-bi-ra-niu of Ru-si of small local princes, Ol-ga tsen-tra-li-zo-va-la all state-government from to -with the power of the system "by-go-stov". In 946, with her son and friend, she walked through the Drev-Lyanskaya land, “established yes-no and about-ro-ki”, from- me-cha villages, hundred-no-vi-scha and places of hunting, subject to inclusion in the Ki-ev-ki-princely authorities -de-niya. The next year she went to Novgorod, set up camps along the rivers Msta and Luga, leaving visible traces of her everywhere -ey de-ya-tel-no-sti. “There were places for her (hunting places) all over the earth, established signs, places for her and places for her,” she wrote le-to-pi-sets, - and she stands in Pskov to this day, there are places indicated by her for catching birds along the Dnieper and along the Desna; and her village Ol-zhi-chi still exists today.”

Arranged by Ol-goy in-go-sty, being a finan-co-administrator and su-deb-ny centers, provided a strong support for the princely power on the ground.

Being before everything, according to the very meaning of the word, the center of trade and trade ("guest" is a merchant), with -bi-paradise and or-ga-ni-zuya around yourself on-se-le-nie (instead of the former “for-people” gathering yes-no and na-lo- gov-implementation now equally and emphatically according to the rules), Ol-gins have become important -the very cell of this-no-thing and cultural association of the Russian nation.

Later, when Olga became chri-sti-an-koy, the first temples began to be erected according to the rules; from the time of the Baptism of Ru-si at the Holy Vladimir according to GOST and the temple (parish) became inseparable according to -I-mi. (Only subsequently, from the existence of cemeteries near temples, did the word “according to GOST” develop in the sense of le "treasure-bi-sche".)

Princess Olga did a lot of work to strengthen the country's defense power. The cities have become strong and fortified, you-sh-go-ro-dy (or de-tin-tsy, except us) have become -men-ny-mi and du-bo-you-mi ste-na-mi (for-bra-la-mi), more-ti-ni-wa-la-mi, often-to-ko- la-mi. The princess herself, knowing how hostile many were to the idea of ​​strengthening princely power and unity Ru-si, she lived in a hundred-yang-but “on the mountain”, above the Dnieper, behind-the-bra-la-mi of Ki-ev-sko-go-go- sh-go-ro-da (Top-not-go-ro-da), surrounded by a faithful friend. Two-thirds of the so-bran-noy, according to the evidence of the le-to-pi-si, she is from-da-va-la in the ra-s-rya-same ki-ev -th ve-cha, the third part went “to Ol-ze, to Vy-sh-city” - for the needs of the military structure. By the time Ol-ga is-to-ri-ki, the establishment of the first state borders of Russia - for-pa- Yes, with Poland. Bo-ga-tyr-skie for-sta-you in the south hundred-ro-lived peaceful n-you ki-ev-lyans from the people of Di-ko-go Pol. The foreigners rushed to Gar-da-ri-ku ("country-well-towns"), as they called Rus', from that-va-ra -mi and ru-ko-de-lya-mi. The Swedes, Danes, and Germans willingly joined the Russian army. Shi-ryat-sya for-ru-be-z-zi-ki-e-va. This contributes to the development of stone construction in the city, at the beginning of Once upon a time there lived Princess Olga. The first stone buildings of Ki-e-va - the city palace and Ol-ga's out-of-town tower - only in our century. Have you found ar-heo-lo-ga-mi? (The palace, or more precisely, its foundation and the remains of the walls, were found and disassembled in 1971-1972.)

But not only the strengthening of the state and the development of economic forms of national life attracted attention ma-nie wise-roy prince-gi-ni. What seemed even more urgent to her was the fundamental transformation of the re-li-gi-oz-life of Ru-si, do -khov-noe pre-ob-ra-zhe-nie of the Russian na-ro-da. Rus' has become a great country. Only two European states in those years could compete with it in significance and power: in the Europe - the ancient Byzantine empire, in the background - the kingdom of the Saxons.

The experience of both empires, which owe their high-high-spirit of Christian teachings, re-li-gi-oz to the main points of your life, it seemed clear that the path to the future great Russia lies not only through en-nye, but first of all and pre-importantly through spiritual goals and achievements. In the hands of Ki-ev under the grown-up son of the Holy Glory, Great Princess Ol-ga in the summer of 954, vys-kav bla-go-da-ti and is-ti-ny, from-la-et-sya with a large fleet to Tsar-grad. This was a peaceful “walking”, which was due to re-li-gi-oz-no-go-pa-lom-no-things and di- pl-ma-ti-che-skoy mission, but po-li-ti-che-skie so-o-ra-zhe-niya requirements so that it becomes one-now-men -but the manifestation of the military power of Ru-si on the Black Sea, which reminds us of the proud-smoking "ro-me" -yam" about the be-do-nos-nyh walks of As-kol-da and Ole-ga, who in 907 brought their shield "at the gates of the Tsar -gra-da."

The result was achieved. The appearance of the Russian fleet on the Bosphorus created the necessary pre-references for the development of other the same Russian-vi-zan-tiy-dia-lo-ga. In turn, the southern capital of Se-ve-ra’s stern daughter gave a different color, -ko-le-pi-eat ar-hi-tek-tu-ry, mix-she-ni-em languages ​​and peoples of the world. But a special impression is made of the wealth of Christian temples and the shrines collected in them. Tsar-grad, “king-city” of the Greek empire, even at the very foundation (more precisely, the re-establishment) le-nii) in the year 330, dedicated to the saint equal to the capital Kon-stan-ti-n the Great (commemorated on May 21) Most Holy -that Bo-go-ro-di-tse (this event was celebrated in the Greek Church on May 11 and passed from there to Russia) heavenly months), strive in everything to be worthy of your Heavenly Protector. The Russian princess is present for God's service in the best churches of Kon-stan-ti-no-po-la - Holy that Sophia, Blachernae Bo-go-ma-te-ri and others.

The heart of the wise Olga opened to the holy right, she made the decision to become a Christian. The ta-in-stvo of Baptism was co-performed over her by the pat-ri-arch Kon-stan-ti-no-pol-sky Fe-o-fi-lakt (933-956), and the restoration -no-one was the emperor Kon-stan-tin Bag-rya-no-native himself (912-959). She was given the name Elena in Baptism in honor of the holy equal of the capital Elena (commemorated on May 21), ma-te- ri of the holy Kon-stan-ti-na, the Honest Tree of the Cross of the State. In the na-zi-da-tel-word, said at the completion of the ob-rya-da, the pat-ri-arch said: “Bla-go-slo-ven -you are in the wives of the Russians, for you left the darkness and loved the Light. The Russian people bless you in all lands- those who live with you, from your grandchildren and great-grandchildren to your descendants.” He in- structed her in the is-ti-nah of the faith, the church charter and the prayer rule, explained the di about po-ste, tse-lo-wisdom and cuteness. “She,” says the reverend, “bowed her head and stood, as if she were saying a word.” May, listening to the teaching, and, bowing to Pat-ri-ar-hu, said: “Pray-to-va-mi yours, Vla- come on, let's save ourselves from the networks of the enemy."

Exactly like that, with a slightly bowed head, an image of Saint Olga on one of the frescoes of Kiev So-fiy-sko-go so-bo-ra, as well as at the contemporary Vi-zan-Ti-skaya mi-ni-a-tyu-re, in the face of the hand -pi-si Chro-ni-ki Ioan-na Ski-li-tsy from Mad-Rid-skaya na-tsio-nal-noy bib-lio-te-ki. The Greek inscription, with-about-the-leader-da-yu-shaya mi-ni-a-tyu-ru, calls Ol-gu “ar-hon-tes-soy (that there is a vla-dy-chi-tsey) rus-sov", "the woman, El-goy by name, who came to the Tsar Kon-stan-ti-nu and was ba-sche-na." The princess is depicted in a special head-dress, “like a newly-baptized Christ-an-ka and an even-naya Dia -ko-nis-sa of the Russian Church." Next to her, in the same baptismal attire, is Ma-lusha († 1001), subsequently the mother of the holy equal. no-go Vla-di-mi-ra (on July 15).

So-who-hates-no-Russians, such as the emperor Kon-stan-tin Bag-rya-but-native was, it was not easy for- Let's become the godfather of "ar-khon-tes-sy Ru-si". In the Russian let-to-pi-si there were stories about how to decide-but and equally-go-va-ri-va-la Ol-ga with im-per-ra-to-rum, surprising the Greeks with spiritual maturity and state-wisdom, in a way Vaya that the Russian people have the power to accept and live wisely the highest achievements of the Greek re-li-gi-oz -no-genius, the best fruits of the Vi-zan-Ti-spirit-no-sti and culture. So Saint Olga managed to peacefully “take Tsar-Grad”, something that no other half-council had been able to do before her. According to the evidence of the le-to-pi-si, the im-pe-ra-tor himself had to admit that “per-re-klu-ka-la” (per-re -hit-ri-la) his Ol-ga, and the people's memory, united-niv about the prophetic Ol-ga and the wise Ol-ga, for-pe -chat-le-la this spiritual victory in the story “About the capture of the Tsar-rya-city by Prince Ol-goy.”

Kon-stan-tin Bag-rya-no-native in his co-chi-ne-nii “About the ce-re-mo-ni-yah of the Vi-zan-ti-court”, who came to us in a single list, left a detailed description of the ceremonies that co-promoted the leaders -va-nie of Saint Olga in Kon-stan-ti-no-po-le. He describes a ceremonial reception in the famous pa-la-te Magnaur, accompanied by the singing of bronze birds and the growling of honey -nyh lions, where Ol-ga appeared with a huge retinue of 108 people (not counting the people from the Holy-glory), and re-go-vo-ry in a narrower circle in the villages im-pe-ra-tri-tsy, and a happy dinner in the Yus-ti hall -no-a-na, where, due to the circumstances of the pro-think-tel-but, they met at the same table. sovereign ladies": ba-bush-ka and the mother of the holy equal of Vla-di-mi-ra (Saint Ol-ga and her companion -ni-tsa Ma-lusha) with grandma-bush-koy and ma-teryu of his future su-pru-gi Anna (im-per-ra-three-tsa Elena and her brides -ka Fe-o-fa-no). He'll walk a little more along-lu-ve-ka, and in the De-sha-tiny temple of the Holy God-ro-di-tsy in Ki-e-ve-ka there will be Near the house there are a hundred marble-sea coffins of St. Olga, St. Vla-di-mir and the blessed "Tsar Anna" ".

During one of the receptions, Kon-stan-tin is talking about Bag-rya-but-native, the Russian princess was under -not-that-but-golden, stone-decorated dish. Saint Ol-ga sacrificed him in the vestment of So-fiy-sko-go-bo-ra, where he was seen and described in the na-cha-le 13th century Russian diplomat Dob-ry-nya Yad-rei-kovich, subsequently arch-bishop of Novgorod An-to-niy: “The dish of great evil was the service of Ol-ga the Russian, when she took tribute, she went to Tsar-Grad; in the dish Ol -zhine ka-men dr-giy, on the same ka-me-ni na-pi-san Christos.”

However, the lu-ka-vy im-per-ra-tor, having communicated so much in detail, as if in retaliation for the fact that “per-re- Ol-ga pecked him,” gave a difficult riddle to the is-to-ri-kam of the Russian Church. The point is that the most venerable Nestor Le-to-pi-sets speaks in “In the Time of Years” about the Cre- Olga’s research in the year 6463 (955 or 954), and this corresponds to the Byzantine chronology of Ked-ri-na . Another Russian church writer of the 11th century, Jacob Mnih, in the word “Praise and praise Vladimir... and how the grandmother Vla-di-mi-ra Ol-ga was baptized,” speaking about the death of the holy princess († 969), from-me-cha- It is said that she lived as a Christian for fifteen years, and at the same time she was Baptized in 954, which is same-yes with accuracy up to a few months with Nestor's indication. Meanwhile, Kon-stan-tin Bag-rya-no-native, describe Ol-ga’s pre-existence in Kon-stan-ti-no-on-le and na-zy -the exact details of the reception he arranged in her honor, with uncertainty he lets it be understood that all this was about-ho-di-lo in 957. For the acceptance of the given le-to-pi-si, on the one hand, and the Kon-stan-ti-na, on the other, Russian churches had to choose one of two things: either Saint Olga for the continuation of re- re-go-vo-ditch with im-per-ra-to-rum in 957 came-e-ha-la to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol for the second time, or she She was baptized not in Tsar-Gra-de, but in Ki-e-ve in 954, and her only fall-away was in Vi -zan-tiyu so-ver-shi-la, already bu-duchi hri-sti-an-koy. The first pre-position is more plausible.

What ka-sa-et-sya directly-but di-plo-ma-ti-che-sko-go is-ho-da per-re-go-vo-ditch, from Saint Olga would there be any reason to remain dissatisfied with them. Having achieved success in questions about Russian trade within the empire and confirmation of peace before -in-ra with Vi-zan-ti, imprisoned by Igo-rem in 944, she could not, however, persuade the thread to im- ra-to-ra to two important co-gla-she-ni-yams for Russia: about the di-na-sti-che-marriage of the Holy-glory with Vi-zan-tiy -sky tsar-rev-noy and about the conditions for the restoration of the existence of the Vav-shays under As-kol-de of the right-glorious mit-ro-po -lia in Ki-e-ve. Her dissatisfaction with the mission is clearly heard in the response she gave upon her return to the di-well, sent from im-per-ra-to-ra in slam. In response to their request from-no-si-tel-but the promised military help from Saint Ol-ga through the words of sharply from-ve-ti-la: “If you stay with me in Po-China as much as I do in Su-du, then I’ll give you a vo-ev in po- power".

At the same time, despite the failure of the old government to establish a church hierarchy in Russia, Saint Olga, having become a Christian -what, zeal-but-pre-da-va-was-at-the-movements of the Christian-good-news among the pagans and churches -th construction: “tre-bi-scha be-sov-skaya co-cru-shi and on-cha-ti about Christ Jesus.” She erects temples: St. Nicholas and St. Sophia in Ki-e-ve, the Blessings of the Most Holy -that Bo-go-ro-di-tsy - in Vi-teb-sk, the Holy Life-at-the-chief Tro-i-tsy - in Pskov. Since then, Pskov has been called the House of the Holy Trinity in the summer. The temple, built by Olga over the Ve-li-kay river, at the place indicated to her, according to the testimony of the scribe, from above "Beam of the Three-si-tel-no-go-god-stvo", pro-stood for more than a century. In 1137, the holy prince Vse-vo-lod-Gav-ri-il († 1138, commemoration of February 11) for-menil de-re-vyan-ny temple ka-men -nym, which was re-built, in turn, in 1363 and replaced, finally, to the present day shim Tro-its-kim so-bo-rum.

And another important monument to the Russian “mo-nu-men-tal-no-go-go-word”, as they often call to the church architecture, associated with the name of the holy equal to the capital Olga - the temple of Sophia the Most Wisdom of God to her in Ki-e-ve, married soon after her return from the Tsar-city and consecrated on May 11, 960. This day was subsequently celebrated in the Russian Church as a special church holiday.

In the month of the per-ha-men-no-go Apo-sto-la of 1307, on May 11, for-pi-sa-no: “On the same day, the consecration of St. -that Sophia in Ki-e-ve in the summer of 6460." Yes, pa-my-ti, in the opinion of the churches of the is-to-ri-kov, pointing out according to the so-called "an-tio-hiy" -sko-mu", and not according to the general-pri-nya-mu kon-stan-ti-but-pol-su-summer-is-number-and-from-vet It is 960 years after the birth of Christ.

Saint Ol-ga not without reason received the name of the holy equal of the capital Helen in Baptism, who found the Honest Tree The Cross of Christ in Ieru-sa-li-me. The main sanctuary of the newly-created Sophia Church was the Holy Cross, which was founded by the new Helen of Tsa -ry-gra-da and received by her in a blessing from Kon-stan-ti-no-pol-go pat-ri-ar-ha. The cross, according to legend, was cut from a single piece of the Living Tree of the Lord. On the cross there was an inscription: “The Russian land is protected by the Holy Cross, which Ol-ga, blessed and faithful, received.” prince-gi-nya."

Saint Ol-ha did a lot of things to commemorate the memory of the first Russian scholars named after Christ -va: over the grave of As-kol-da, he erected the Nikol-sky temple, where, according to some sources, she herself was in as a consequence, in a good way, above the grave of Di-ra is the highest-called St. Sophia Cathedral, which is simply -after half a century, it burned down in 1017. Yaro-slav the Wise built on this place later, in 1050, the church of St. Irene, and St. Sophia Ol -gi-to the temple-re-carried to the stone temple of the same name - the still-standing Sophia of Ki-ev-skaya, for-lo-female- new in 1017 and consecrated around 1030. In the Pro-log of the 13th century it was said about the Ol-gi-nom cross: “it now stands in Ki-e-ve in St. Sophia in al-ta-re on the right side". The plunder of the Ki-evo shrines, continued after the mon-go-lovs of Li-tov-ts-mi, to which the city became -Xia in 1341, didn’t spare him either. Under Jagai-le during the Union of Lublin, Poland and Lithuania were united in 1384 into one state, Ol- The gin cross was stolen from So-fiy-sko-go-bo-ra and taken by someone to Lub-lin. His further fate is unknown.

But among the bo-yars and druzhin-ni-kovs in Ki-e-ve there were a lot of people who, according to So-lo-mo-na, " “I don’t see the Great Wisdom,” as did the holy princess Olga, who built temples to Her. The roar of the language of the ancient world is becoming more and more bold under the go-lo-woo, looking with hope-of-paradise at the under-growth She-holy-glory-va, decided-but-from-niv-she-go-go-ry ma-te-ri to accept Christianity and yes- I am angry with her for this. It would be necessary to hurry with the thoughtful business of the Creation of Rusi. The co-war-stvo of Vi-zan-tiya, it was not the same to give Christianity to Ru-si, it was in the hands of the tongue-n-kam. In search of a solution, Saint Olga turns her eyes to the west. There is no pro-ti-vo-speech here. Saint Olga († 969) still belonged to the undivided Church and hardly had the opportunity to delve into God. word tones of Greek and Latin faith teachings. Pro-ti-in-a-sto-i-ness of Za-pa-da and Vo-sto-la-was presented to her before everything in the same way -thing, second-degree in comparison with the real one for-whose - co-creation of the Russian Church, christ- An-skim pro-sve-sche-ni-em Ru-si.

Under the year 959, the German chronicler, named "pro-dol-zha-tel Re-gi-no-na", writes: "they came to the king of Elena, the queen of the Russians, who was baptized in Kon-stan-ti-no-po-le, and pro-si- "Should we consecrate a bishop and priests for this?" King Otton, the future os-no-va-tel of the German Empire, willingly responded to Olga’s request, but - he conducted the business slowly, with a purely German-ness. Only on the next birthday, 960, was the Russian bishop installed Li-bu-tion, from the mon-on-brotherhood the monastery of Saint Alba in Mainz. But he soon died (March 15, 961). In his place, Adalbert of Trier was ordained, who Otton, “generously supplied with everything necessary,” from Netz, to Russia. It’s hard to say what would have happened if the king hadn’t waited so long, but when in 962 Adalbert appeared in Ki-e -ve, he “didn’t succeed in anything for which he was sent, and saw his efforts in vain.” Well, on the way back, “some of his companions were killed, and the bishop himself did not escape the mortal danger."

It turned out that over the past two years, just like before Olga, a window has finally opened in Ki-e-ve. re-turned in favor of the sides of paganism and, without becoming either right-glorious or anything else, Russia -in general, once again I thought about Christianity. The linguistic re-action manifested itself so strongly that not only the German mis-si-o-not-ry, but and some of the Kiev Christians who were baptized with Olga in Tsar-Grad. By order of the Holy Glory, the nephew of Saint Olga Gleb was killed and some buildings built by her were destroyed. We. Ra-zu-me-et-sya, this could not have happened without Vi-zan-Tiy’s secret diplomacy: those built against Olga and the meeting military opportunities for strengthening Ru-si due to cooperation with Otto, the Greeks preferred to support the language -kov.

The failure of the Adal-ber-t mission had a conceptual significance for the future Russian Orthodox Church, because escaped papal captivity. Saint Olga was left to come to terms with what had happened and completely go into the business of personal goodness, having given the reins of the rights of the tongue to the Holy Glory. They continued to take her into account, to her state-wisdom they invariably turned to her in all difficult cases. I. When Saint Slav departed from Ki-e-va, and he spent most of his time in campaigns and wars, managing -the state of the state was once again entrusted to the princess-gina-ma-te-ri. But the question of the Baptism of Rusi was temporarily removed from the agenda of the day, and this, of course, upset Saint Olga, consider -making Christ the good news the main thing in my life.

She meekly endured grief and grief, tried to help her son in the state and military for-bo-tah, to guide them in their heroic plans. The victory of the Russian army would have been a consolation for her, especially the defeat of the long-time enemy of the Russian state -gifts - Ha-zar-sko-go ka-ga-na-ta. Twice, in 965 and in 969, the troops of the Holy Glory passed through the lands of the “non-insane Kha-zarov”, forever co- crushed the power of the Jewish authorities in the Azov region and the Lower Volga region. The next powerful blow was on the Muslim Volga Bulgaria, then it was the turn of Bulgaria Du- nay-skoy. Seventy cities along the Danube were taken as friends. One thing bothers Ol-gu: as if, carried away by the war at Bal-ka-nakh, St. Slav did not forget about Ki-e-ve.

In the spring of 969, Ki-ev wasa-di-li pe-che-ne-gi: “and it’s impossible for you to bring co-nya to-it, sto-ya pe-che-ne-gi on Ly-be-di." The Russian army was here and there, on the Danube. Having glorified the messengers to the son, Saint Ol-ga herself led the round of the hundred-faces. Saint Slav, having received the news, soon galloped to Kiev, “greeted his mother and children and com- crushed “What happened to them because of the bad guys.” But, having crushed the nomads, the warrior-in-the-study prince again began to say to ma-te-ri: “I don’t like to sit in Ki- e-ve, I want to live in Pe-re-ya-s-lav-tse on the Danube - there’s s-re-di-on my land.” Saint Slav dreamed of creating a huge Russian state from the Danube to the Volga, which would unite Russia, Bol -garia, Serbia, the Black Sea region and the Azov region and extended their pre-deeds to the Tsar-city itself. Ol-ga is wise, no-ma-la, that with all the courage and from-va-ge of the Russian squads, they will not be able to cope with the ancient im-peri -ey ro-me-ev, Holy-glory was waiting for failure. But the son did not listen to the warning ma-te-ri. Then Saint Olga said: “You see, I’m in pain. Where do you want to get away from me? When is it good for me?” -nya, go wherever you want."

Her days were so long, her labors and sorrows eroded her strength. On July 11, 969, Saint Olga died, “and her great son, and her grandchildren, and all the people wept for her.” In the last years, amidst the triumph of the language, she, who was once a proud ruler, was baptized from the patrimony -ri-ar-ha in the capital of the right-of-glory, the elk came secretly, but keep the sacred one with you, so as not to call new howl flash-ki an-ti-hri-sti-an-sko-go fa-na-tiz-ma. But before death, having again regained her former firmness and determination, she for-gave pagan funeral feasts over her and opened the door according to the right order. Father Gregory, who was with her in 957 in Kon-stan-ti-no-po-le, exactly executed her for -broadcasting.

Saint Olga lived, died, and was like a Christian. "And so alive and well is the glory of God in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in bliss of faith, end your life in peace in Christ Jesus, our Lord.” As her pro-ro-che-testament following the-to-le-ni-yam, she is with the deep-christian-smi-re-ni -we-have-da-la our faith about our-ro-de: “For God’s will, let it be! wa-ti-ro-du my-e-Land of Russia, let it lay on their hearts to turn to God, just as this God is to me yes-ro-va."

God glorified the holy work of the right-of-glory, “at the head of the faith” in the Russian land, chu-de-sa- We have no decaying relics. Jacob Mnih († 1072), a hundred years after her death, wrote in his “Pa-me-ti and in praise of Vla-di-mi-ru”: “God pro- glorify the body of your servant Olena, and there is her honorable body in the grave, and my indestructible remains to this day. The blessed princess Olga praised God with all her good deeds, and God glorified her ". Under the holy prince Vladimir, according to some data, in 1007, the relics of St. Olga were -we are in the Dec-tiny Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy God-ro-di-tsy and in a special sar-ko-fa- hey, in what places would the relics of the saints be placed in the right-glorious East. “And you’ve heard something wonderful about her: the stone’s coffin is small in the Church of the Holy Gods, that church was created by the blessed Prince Vla -di-peace, and there is the coffin of the blessed Olga. And on the top of the coffin there is a window - yes, you can see the body of the blessed Ol-gi le-zha-sche tse-lo.” But not everyone saw the miracle of the incorruptibility of the relics of the equal princess: “He who will come with faith will - there is a window, and he sees an honest body lying there intact and di-wit-sya chu-du that-ko-vo-mu - that-or-so-years-in-gro- be-le-zha-sche the body is unbreakable. as if he were sleeping, he could not see. And others, who do not come with faith, do not see the window of the tomb, and do not see it. la that’s honest, but only a coffin.”

So, after her death, Saint Ol-ga proclaimed eternal life and resurrection, filled with the joy of faith. Yu-shchih and lying incredulous. She was, according to the words of the Pre-ex-Nestor Le-to-scribe, “the pre-Christian land, like a den “nothing before the sun and like dawn before the light.”

Holy equal-to-great Prince Vladimir, exalting his blessing to God on the day of the Baptism of Ru -si, testify on behalf of his contemporaries about the holy equal of the so-so Olga, who knows-me-on-tel- in our words: “Bla-go-slo-vi-ti want the sons of Russia, and in the last generation the grandson of yours.”

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, in Holy Baptism to Helen

With the wings of God's understanding, you flew above the visible creation, / having sought God and the Creator of all things, / and, having found Him, you were born again through Baptism ́,/ the trees of the living beings enjoy, they remain incorruptible forever,// Olgo, ever-glorious.

Translation: Having covered your mind with the wings of the knowledge of God, you soared above the visible creation, seeking God and the Creator of all and, having found Him, received a new birth in Baptism, enjoying the Tree of Life, remaining incorruptible forever, Olga, always glorified.

Having abandoned the flattery of idols,/ you followed Christ, the Immortal Bridegroom, Olgo the God-Wise,/ rejoicing in His devil,/ praying unceasingly// for those who honor your holy memory with faith and love ́.

Translation: Leaving deception, you followed Christ, the Immortal Bridegroom, Olga the God-Wise, rejoicing in His palace, without ceasing to pray for those who honor your holy memory with faith and love.

Troparion to Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, in Holy Baptism to Elena

In you, God-wise Elena, you know the image of salvation in the Russian country, / how, having received the bath of holy Baptism, you followed Christ, / creating and teaching, even if you left the idolatry. exist,/ take care of the soul, things more immortal, // also and with the Angels, Equal-to-the-Apostles, your spirit rejoices.

Translation: In you, God-wise Elena, there was an exact image of salvation for the Russian country, since you, having accepted the font of holy Baptism, followed Christ, teaching by deed to leave the seduction of idols and take care of the soul, an immortal creation, therefore your spirit, equal to the apostles, rejoices with the Angels .

Troparion to Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, in Holy Baptism to Helen, Hellenic

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles to the chosen one of Christ, Princess Olgo,/ gave thy people the verbal and pure milk of Christ to drink,/ praying to the Merciful God,/ that the remission of sins// may grant our souls .

Translation: Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles chosen one of Christ, Princess Olga, who gave your people the verbal and pure milk of Christ to drink (), pray to the Merciful God that He may grant forgiveness to our souls for sins.

Kontakion to Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, in Holy Baptism to Elena

Let us sing today to God, the Benefactor of all,/ who was glorified in Russia by Olga the God-Wise:/ so that through her prayers/ she will grant to our souls// remission of sins.

Translation: Today let us sing to God, the Benefactor of all, who glorified Olga the God-Wise in Russia, and through her prayers may grant forgiveness of sins to our souls.

Kontakion to Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, in Holy Baptism to Elena

Today the grace of God appears to all, / having glorified Olga the God-Wise in Russia, / with her prayers, O Lord, / grant people // forgiveness of sins.

Translation: Today the grace of God appeared to everyone, glorifying Olga the God-wise in Rus', through her prayers, Lord, grant forgiveness of sins to people.

Greatness to Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, in Holy Baptism Elena

We magnify you,/ holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olgo,/ like the morning dawn that rose in our land/ and the light of the Orthodox faith// who foreshadowed to her people.

First prayer to Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, in Holy Baptism to Elena

Oh, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olgo, First Lady of Russia, warm intercessor and prayer worker for us before God! We come running to you with faith and pray with love: be your helper and helper in all things for our good, and, just as in your earlier life you tried to enlighten our forefathers with the light of holy faith and tradition I will do the will of the Lord, so even now, in the Heavenly Lordship, you remain favorable With your prayers to God, help us in enlightening our minds and hearts with the light of the Gospel of Christ, so that we may advance in faith, piety and love of Christ. In poverty and sorrow, present consolation, give a helping hand to those in need, intercede for those who are offended and attacked, those who have gone astray from the right faith and those blinded by heresies to their understanding and ask us from the Almighty of God, all that is good and useful to life, temporal and eternal, so that having lived here well, we will be worthy of inheriting eternal blessings in the endless Kingdom of Christ our God, to Him together with the Father and the Holy Spirit belongs all glory, honor and worship always, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer to Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, in Holy Baptism to Elena

Oh, great saint of God, God-chosen and God-glorified, equal to the apostles Grand Duchess Olgo! You rejected pagan evil and wickedness, you believed in the One True Trinitarian God, and you received holy Baptism, and you laid the foundation for the enlightenment of the Russian land. volume of faith and piety. You are our spiritual ancestor, you, according to Christ our Savior, are the first culprit of enlightenment and salvation of our race. You are a warm prayer and intercessor for the Fatherland of the All-Russians, the army and all people. For this reason, we humbly pray to you: look at our weaknesses and beg the Most Merciful King of Heaven, may he not be sorely angry with us, because because of our weaknesses we sin all day long, may he not destroy us with the lawless ours, but may he have mercy and save us by mercy May He plant His saving fear in our hearts, may He enlighten our minds with His grace, so that we may understand the ways of the Lord, leave the paths of wickedness and error, and strive in the paths of salvation and truths s, unwavering fulfillment of the commandments of God and the statutes of the Holy Church. Pray, blessed Olgo, the Human-lover of God, may He add His great mercy to us, may He deliver us from the invasion of foreigners, from internal disorder, rebellion and strife, from famine, deadly diseases and from all evil, may he give us the goodness of the air and the fruitfulness of the earth May he preserve our country from all the snares and slander of the enemy, may he preserve truth and mercy in the judges and rulers, may he give zeal to the shepherds for the salvation of his flock, may he give haste to all people, who will serve diligently To correct your own, love each other and have like-mindedness, yes For the good of the fatherland and the Holy Church, let us strive faithfully, so that the light of saving faith may shine in our country in all corners of the country, so that nonbelievers may turn to the faith, and may all heresies and schisms be abolished. Yes, having lived in peace on earth, we will be made worthy of eternal bliss in Heaven, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Canon to Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

Song 1

Irmos: Having drowned the majestic Pharaoh in the sea with his weapons and horsemen, having gloriously saved Israel and led him through the dry land, we sing of Christ, as if we were glorified.

You are our greatness and praise, Olgo the God-Wise: through you we are freed from idolatry’s flattery. Now pray for the generation and generations you brought to God, singing to Christ, as if you were glorified.

You drove out the majestic devil from Russia, you destroyed the wicked idols, you freed all people from lawlessness, teaching with wisdom the songs of Christ, as if you were glorified.

You have washed away the blackness of sin by the bath of Baptism, you have loved Christ, who stands before Him, praying for your servants, truly glorifying you.

Theotokos: Isaiah calls Thee the rod, the Most Pure One, David calls Thee the throne of the Lord, Habakkuk the shaded mountain, and Moses the bush, and we call Thee the Mother of God.

Song 3

Irmos: With a sovereign hand and a strong word you created Heaven and earth, even with Your Blood you redeemed Your Church, which is established in You, calling: for nothing is holy except You, Lord.

With a sovereign hand, and with wise words, and with a strong word, you taught your son the law of Christ and you forbade people from eating idols, O most glorious Olgo, who has now come together in your memory, we glorify you.

You, like a bee, are far from blooming to the good mind Christ's faiths You sought and, like pure honey, having found Baptism in the Reigning City, you bestowed upon your city and people, which all the saturations of the sorrows of sin run away from.

We offer all praise and prayer to you, Olgo, because you know God, who now stands before Him, asking for peace to the fatherland, and for filthy victories, and for the remission of sins to our souls, who sing to you, ever-blessed one.

Theotokos: You have appeared as a friend, O Virgin, of the Unapproachable God, so the angels incessantly sing of You, obeying the Master, for You gave birth to the Word of the Father, the Co-Original, without a father: oh, miracle! Holy Spirit of Autumn Ty.

Sedalen, voice 3

We honor your feat, blessed one, for the strength of your spirit is marvelous, appearing in the weakness of your body; Having despised pagan flattery, you boldly preached the faith of Christ, giving us an image of zeal for the Lord.

Song 4

Irmos: The prophet, Habakkuk the Divine, was cleansed by the Spirit of God, breathing in him, fearing, saying: when summer draws near, you will be known, O God, for the salvation of men.

The Spirit of God rests on you, as on Devora, the prophetess of old, who, having been enlightened, strengthening the wise Vladimir, brought Sisera down into the devil's net by Baptism, as did Barak in Potots Kisso before.

Like the rapids, Olgo the God-wise, with a contrite heart, praying to God, you delivered your people from the insult of idols and freed you from the captivity of the enemy, calling on Christ for our help.

On the special day of your holy repose, we joyfully celebrate, sending up a prayer song to Christ, who crowned you with an incorruptible crown, Olgo the God-wise: ask us for the forgiveness of sins, who glorify you faithfully.

Theotokos: You, who flourished from the root of Jesse, as Isaiah prophesied, Christ the Flower of Vegetation, and who bore the Original in the flesh, and the Rod of God's Spirit, we praise You, for Mother of God and the Pure Virgin.

Song 5

Irmos: The Word of God, Omnipotent, sent peace to the whole world, illuminating and enlightening everything with true light, glorifying Thee out of the night.

Like a chaste dove, you arose on the date of virtues, you, possessing a sacred krill, flying in the image, you nested in the paradise of food, glorious Olgo.

Solomon spoke about you first: the royal olive tree flourished outside the grapes; You planted a holy dream with Baptism in Russia, creating the fruit of repentance, about which Christ Himself rejoices.

Have mercy, O Master, on Your newly enlightened people, do not deliver us into the hands of the filthy for our many iniquities, but through the prayers of our mentor Olga, deliver us from all misfortune.

Theotokos: Sprinkle all the clouds of joy, as it is written, upon the earth: for God’s Child, Christ, cleanse the world from sins, was incarnate of the Virgin and was given to us.

Song 6

Irmos: Let my prayer come to Your Holy Heavenly Church, I cry to You, like Jonah, from the depths of the heart of the sea: lift me from my sins, I pray to You, Lord.

Having received the zeal of the Holy Spirit into your hearts, you hated the evil of your fathers, and having sought Christ the true God, you appeared as a child of light, and you rejoiced with the firstborn of the saints in Heaven.

You have appeared as a new disciple of Christ in Russia, going around towns and villages, crushing idols and teaching people to worship the one God, Whom you pray for for your singing.

O God-blessed Olgo, pray for your children to God: ask for unmoving peace for our fatherland and for us remission of sins, who always glorify you.

Theotokos: Having known by You the indescribable Word of God, the Only Begotten Son of the Almighty, we cry out to You, O earthly beings: Rejoice, blessed Mother of God, hope of our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

Let us sing today to God, the Benefactor of all, who glorified Olga the God-Wise in Russia, and through her prayers may grant remission of sins to our souls.


Seeing the life of Christians and understanding pagan obscenity, you declared within yourself, Olgo the God-Wise: Oh, the abyss of wisdom and goodness of all the Creator! How have you hidden from me until now? How can I honor idols from now on? No one, having tasted the sweet, will delight in the bitter, for this sake, even in old age, call me, Holy Trinity, and grant me remission of sins.

Song 7

Irmos: Having enslaved the flames of the cave, the pious youths, the more I have been showered, are ready to burn by nature, but more than by nature I will masculinely: blessed art thou, O Lord, on the Throne of Glory of Thy Kingdom.

Like Judith you did, you entered into the midst of the idol bodies, you crushed those leaders and you put the demon-worshippers to shame, and you taught all people to cry out to Christ in purity: blessed are you, O Lord, on the Throne of Glory of Your Kingdom.

We offer flowers of praise, like a royal crown, to your God-wise head in your memory, even as Christ has crowned us with incorruptibility, O venerable Olgo, praying for your flock, will be delivered from all evil crying: blessed art thou, O Lord, on the Throne of Glory of Thy Kingdom.

Shall we call Mount Lebanon thee? The dew of Heaven is upon you. Or the Pison River, the kindest sapphire, the honest stone, the property of Vladimir, through which the Russian land will be enlightened? But pray for us, crying out: blessed art thou, O Lord, on the Throne of Glory of Thy Kingdom.

Theotokos: The ark, gilded by the Spirit, we call You, who saved the world from the intelligent flood, Virgin, save us, for we hope in You and we resort to You, deliver those desperate in the abyss from sin and misfortune, crying out: blessed art thou, O Lord, on the Throne of Glory of Thy Kingdom.

Song 8

Irmos: The three strong youths, enveloping themselves in the power of the Holy Trinity, caught and defeated the Chaldeans, and their nature marvelously changed: how was fire turned into dew? Without tightness, I preserve you, like with swaddling clothes, O God who sheds wisdom in all Your deeds, We exalt You forever.

Strong, like a lioness, enveloped by the power of the Holy Spirit, she alone strives to tear idols everywhere, and it is marvelous in Heaven and on earth: how can a woman know God first, and by her was the fall of the whole race? By the same salvation now, we sing: O God who has shed wisdom in all Your deeds, We exalt You forever.

The wisdom of God previously wrote about you: behold, you are my good and beautiful, and there is no vice in you. The shine of your face, like the sense of smell of peace, marks your baptism, Olgo, which, in the midst of idol flattery, Christ brought us all from the stench of demons to repentance by His mercy.

Remember me, Lady Olgo, your wretched servant, stolen from the enemy and who has sinned more than man, and pray to Christ to grant me forgiveness for all the sins that I have committed insensibly, the accursed one, and cry out in repentance: O God who has shed wisdom in all your deeds, we extol you in eyelids.

Theotokos: Do not despise, Virgin, Your servant's prayers, for we boast in You, We are Your little flock, striving for our intercession and taking us away from our enemies, showing mercy to the Mother of God who knows You and crying to Your Son: O God who sheds wisdom in all Your deeds, We extol You forever.

Song 9

Irmos: Our great-grandmothers came out of Eden for the sake of Eve, and were called by You, who gave birth to us a new Adam - Christ, into two natures, the Pure Virgin. Adam, the great-grandfather, jumped up, as if he had broken the first oaths, but we boast in You, as we know You for God’s sake, and we magnify You.

Rejoice, O ancestress, who deceived you and brought you out of Eden, but is now trampled underfoot by your offspring. Behold, Olga, the animal tree, the Cross of Christ, set up in Russia, to which paradise was opened to all the faithful, but we, boasting that we knew it for God’s sake, together with Vladimir, magnify this.

We call you a wife by nature, but you have moved beyond the strength of a woman. You have exhausted the darkness of your gold, and having acquired Christ’s law and teachers, you have enlightened the Russian land, but we boast of you, as we know you for God’s sake, and we magnify you as martyrs.

3 Law to the pure mentor and teacher of the faith of Christ, accept praise from unworthy servants and make a prayer for us to God, who honestly honor your memory, so that we will be freed from misfortunes, troubles, sorrows, and cruel sins, and also deliver us from the torment that awaits us. , we pray to you, who constantly magnify you.

Theotokos: Behold the Church, behold the door, behold the holy mountain of God, behold the rod and vessel of gold, behold the sealed fountain, behold the holy paradise of the new Adam, behold the terrible throne, behold the Most Pure Mother of God, Intercessor of all of us who sing Yu.


Enlightened by the light of God's grace, you kindled the lamp of true faith in your fatherland, Olgo the God-Wise One, and you gave the image to our father Vladimir, to whom we too were brought from the darkness of ignorance to the Light of Christ.

Akathist to Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga of Russia

Kontakion 1

First-chosen from the entire Russian family, more glorious and equal to the apostles, let us praise the saint of God Olga, as at the dawn, in the darkness of idolatry, the light of faith rose and showed the way to Christ to all Russians. But you, who have boldness towards the Lord who has glorified you, protect us from all troubles with your prayers, so we call to you:

Ikos 1

Creator of angels and men, who has placed times and seasons in His power and governed the destinies of kingdoms and peoples according to His will, when you desire to enlighten the Russian race with Holy Baptism, then, seeing the good will of your heart, calling you first into the knowledge of Himself, so that you may be an image of all Russians and a teacher in the Christian faith. For this reason, we praise you:

Rejoice, morning star in the Russian sky, foreshadowed by the First-Called Apostle on the mountains of Kyiv; Rejoice, dawn, shining brightly in the darkness of ignorance.

Rejoice, good vine of the grapes of Christ, from the pagan root of the wonder; Rejoice, wonderful summer growth, not the great tree of orthodoxy on the earth of our age.

Rejoice, our first teacher and enlightener; Rejoice, for by your knowledge we worship the Creator in the Trinity.

Rejoice, for for your sake the Most Holy Name of the Lord is glorified by all Russians; Rejoice, for your glorious name, together with Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir, is praised throughout the world.

Rejoice, our Russian country is a spiritual treasure; Rejoice, glorious adornment to the whole Church of Christ.

Rejoice, great kindness from the cities of Kyiv and Pskov; Rejoice, good helper to our people against their enemies.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, God-wise.

Kontakion 2

Seeing you, Saint Olgo, like a weed of thorns: you were born into paganism, and you have always had the law of God written in your heart, and you have had chastity like the apple of your eye; We sing with gratitude to God, who is wondrous in His saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

With your mind, knowing all the good, you knew, God-wise Olgo, that idols, the hands of human creation, are not gods; Moreover, having rejected you, you tried to know the true God. For this reason, praising your prudence, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, good woman, who first of all knew the error of the Russians and understood the futility of idolatry; Rejoice, you who diligently sought the true knowledge of God and the right faith.

Rejoice, you who do not yet know the true God, like Cornelius the centurion, good deeds She pleased him; Rejoice, having lived righteously before understanding the law of God according to the law of conscience.

Rejoice, having done deeds befitting a Christian before accepting the Christian faith; Rejoice, gifted with wisdom from God.

Rejoice, thou who bravely defended thy power from the invasion of the adversary; Rejoice, you who created righteous judgments in the people subordinate to you.

Rejoice, honored with royal glory on earth and in Heaven; Rejoice, for you, Equal to the Apostles, glorified by God.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, God-wise.

Kontakion 3

Moved by the power of God's grace, you, God-wise Olgo, strived to reach Constantinople, where you beheld the beauty of the church's splendor and listened to the teachings of the Divine words, and you were inflamed with all your heart in the love of Christ, crying out to Him in gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a heart like a good land, you have comfortably accepted, Olgo, the seed of the holy faith, having come to know Christ the true God. In the same way, you received holy baptism from the hand of the Patriarch of Constantinople, who also predicted that from now on you will be blessed by the sons of Russia. If we want to fulfill this prophecy, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, thou who has left the darkness of idolatry; Rejoice, you who have sought the light of knowledge of God.

Rejoice, you who escaped endless destruction by faith; Rejoice, you who have acquired eternal life in Christ.

Rejoice, having been washed from the defilement of sin in the font of holy baptism; Rejoice, spiritually born by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, intelligent turtledove, who flew away from the claws of the soul-destroying corvid; Rejoice, you who flew under the wing of the Heavenly Eagle.

Rejoice, you who brought with you many souls to Christ through baptism; Rejoice, for this reason you have received special reward from God.

Rejoice, with undoubted faith, illuminating the light that comes from your venerable relics; Rejoice, you who give to the souls and bodies of those who benefit.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, God-wise.

Kontakion 4

Why do we not marvel at your prudence, Olgo, blessed, for you wisely rejected the offer of the king of the Hellenes to marry him, deciding to him: not for the sake of marriage did I come, and not for the sake of reigning with you, but let me be dismayed by Baptism to the Immortal Bridegroom Christ God: Whom shall I love above all else? My soul and Him from now on will never cease to sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard from the patriarch who baptized you parting words You have written this in your heart about purity, fasting, prayer and all the virtues befitting a Christian, to fulfill all those promises. Therefore, out of duty, we sing to you:

Rejoice, zealous hearer of the words of the Divine; Rejoice, zealous doer of the Christian law.

Rejoice, having cleared the field of your heart from the thorns of soul-harming passions; Rejoice, you who have watered you with tears of repentance.

Rejoice, for the seed of the word of God has taken root in your heart, for it has taken root in the good earth; Rejoice, for this seed has vegetated and brought a hundredfold fruit of good deeds.

Rejoice, having immaculately preserved your widowhood purity; Rejoice, having pleased God through abstinence and prayer.

Rejoice, having propitiated the Creator with alms; Rejoice, you who provided the needs of the poor and needy.

Rejoice, you who foresaw the enlightenment of the Russian land with the light of Christ’s teaching.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, God-wise.

Kontakion 5

Having clothed yourself with the richly woven robe of holy baptism and the incorruptible food of the Most Pure Body and Blood of Christ, having been spiritually strengthened, O blessed One, you were not afraid of the desire of your unfaithful compatriots, our ancestors, to preach to them the One True God, to Him now all Russia, as one mouth, sings: Alleluia .

Ikos 5

Seeing, Saint Olgo, all the people of the Russian land immersed in the darkness of idolatry, you zealously tried to enlighten you with the light of Christ’s faith and create sons of the day and heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven. Remembering your great care for them, we gratefully call to you:

Rejoice, wise ruler of the Russian people; Rejoice, good teacher of the flock entrusted to you.

Rejoice, the first of Christians to imitate Queen Helena in Divine zeal; Rejoice, and you who received your name in holy baptism.

Rejoice, you who brought the honorable cross of Christ and holy icons from Constantinople to the city of Kyiv; Rejoice, you who brought priests and clergy with you to Russia.

Rejoice, who taught people with your wise words to leave the darkness of pagan wickedness and accept the light of Christian piety; Rejoice, you who have enlightened many Russians with the light of the faith of Christ.

Rejoice, you who laid the foundation for the enlightenment of the entire Russian land; Rejoice, you who have proclaimed the teachings of Christ through the preaching of the Russian cities.

Rejoice, first from the land of Russia to be considered a saint.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, God-wise.

Kontakion 6

As a spirit-bearing preacher, an Apostle, imitating the God-wise Olga, you went around the cities and towns of your powers, leading, very powerfully, people to the faith of Christ and teaching them to sing to the One glorified God in the Trinity: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Confirming in your state the beginnings of the Christian faith, you created temples of God in the city of Kyiv and in the country of your birth, at the Velitsa River near the city of Pskov. And so the Russians began to glorify Christ our God everywhere, and to you, their enlightener, sing praises:

Rejoice, for from the pure source of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church you received pure teaching; Rejoice, for by this you have taught us to know the One true God.

Rejoice, destroyer of idolatry and idols; Rejoice, creator of God's holy temples.

Rejoice, like the First-Called Apostle, who went around the Russian land preaching the Gospel; Rejoice, Great Novugrad and others Russian hail She proclaimed the coming of Christ into the world.

Rejoice, you who erected honorable crosses in the place of your preaching, from them many signs and wonders, assurances for the sake of the infidels, I became virgins by the power of God.

Rejoice, for through you the All-Good Lord has revealed His knowledge to the sons of Russia; Rejoice, for through them you enlightened many other nations with the light of faith.

Rejoice, for from the root of your honor the Lord of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir showed us to eat; Rejoice, for by the way of your life the holy Prince Vladimir was moved to accept the Christian faith.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, God-wise.

Kontakion 7

Wanting to save your son Svyatoslav from eternal destruction, you diligently exhorted him to abandon the veneration of idols and believe in the true God. But she did not heed your mother’s punishment and did not want to change her wickedness to piety. Moreover, as an infidel, I am alienated from eternal life and am not worthy to sing with you in the Heavenly Kingdom: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Lord showed you a new sign of His favor, when, in the image of the Most Holy Trinity, three bright rays from heaven fell on the place of the oak forest, which not only you saw, but all the people there saw, and together with you you glorified the Triune God. We, leading the fulfillment of your prophecy about the creation in this place of the temple of the Life-Giving Trinity and the city, please you:

Rejoice, great servant of God, honored with the gift of prophecy.

Rejoice, spectator of the Trisienna of Heavenly Light; Rejoice, the all-good will of God for the enlightenment of the Russian people, according to the Apostle Andrew, the first executor.

Rejoice, original founder of the city of Pskov; Rejoice, intercessor and patroness of all Russian powers.

Rejoice, for by the will of God the Russian power has now spread from sea to sea; Rejoice, for the whole city and its entirety have been adorned with many temples of God.

Rejoice, for in these churches the saints and priests offer the Bloodless Sacrifice for people to God; Rejoice, for the hosts of monastics throughout the entire face of the Russian land unanimously praise Holy Trinity chant.

Rejoice, for the inhabitants of the city of Kyiv and Pskov exalt and please you; Rejoice, for all Orthodox Russians have revered and glorified you since ancient times.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, God-wise.

Kontakion 8

Ending your earthly journey, you prayed to the warmth of the Lord, O blessed Olgo, that He would not leave the Russian land after your repose in the darkness of ignorance, but may He enlighten you with the light of the holy faith and may all the sons of Russia teach you to chant: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Having been completely embraced by the grace of God, praiseworthy Olgo, you saw with your thoughts the enlightenment of all your people and prophetically predicted that many great saints of God, like bright stars, will shine in the lands of Russia, which will come true by the will and grace of the almighty God. For this reason, out of duty, we sing to you:

Rejoice, our spiritual mother, who asked God for enlightenment by our forefathers; Rejoice, for the All-Good Lord, in vain the kindness of your soul, for your sake all the Russian people love.

Rejoice, for you have found Christ a worthy vessel, through whom He began to pour out His grace to the Russian land; Rejoice, for you have prepared your people to receive the faith and grace of Christ.

Rejoice, for thou shrewdly foresaw the greatness and glory of thy power; Rejoice, for you rejoiced at the piety you foresaw for the sons of Russia.

Rejoice, for according to your prophecy, many holy things have arisen from our generation; Rejoice, home of the Life-Giving Trinity, organizer.

Rejoice, interceding us with your prayers in sorrows and misfortunes; Rejoice, you who preserve our Fatherland in evil circumstances and deliver us from enemies.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, God-wise.

Kontakion 9

Having been filled with all sorts of virtues, Blessed Olgo, with prayer in her mouth, you gave up your spirit in the hand of God, who placed you in the heavenly abodes and was the first among the Russians to be numbered among His Equal-to-the-Apostles. In the same way, ask us from the Lord for a peaceful Christian death, so that we may give up our souls in the hands of Christ our God, singing a song of praise to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The stories of many things cannot adequately praise you, Olgo the God-wise: how you, having been taught and admonished by no one from man, have known the vanity of idolatry, you have sought the right faith and, like Equal-to-the-Apostles Helen, you have found the priceless beads, Christ, enjoying the sight of Him in Heaven Now, do not forget us, darkened by the charms of this world and forgetting about the eternal blessings, yes, we are guided by you on the right path, we cry to you joyfully:

Rejoice, having prepared for yourself the habitation of Divine grace through your good deeds and right will of mind and heart; Rejoice, for the Holy Spirit Himself was your teacher, leading you to know Christ the Son of God.

Rejoice, you who saw no signs or wonders and believed in Christ; Rejoice, because of your faith you have put to shame many persecutors and tormentors, who saw signs and wonders and did not believe.

Rejoice, having given yourself over to the guidance of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, you who have shown perfect submission to the will of God.

Rejoice, you who appeared obedient to the voice of grace that called you; Rejoice, you who have labored since the eleventh hour in the city of the Lord and received compensation with the first.

Rejoice, for the Lord has made you wise to combine royal honor, wealth and glory with Christian humility; Rejoice, for in this way you have clearly shown us that earthly blessings are not an obstacle for God-loving souls to achieve Heavenly blessings.

Rejoice, glorified by the kindness of chastity and the lightness of understanding; Rejoice, having received the gift from God through the strength of faith and the chaste purity of life of your prophecy.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, God-wise.

Kontakion 10

Arranging the path of salvation for your Russian son and fulfilling your dying request, the All-Good Lord will grow in your grandson Vladimir the seed of faith you have sown and through him enlighten the entire Russian land with Holy Baptism. Therefore, we glorify you, blessed Olgo, as the first culprit of our enlightenment with the light of the holy faith, and we tenderly sing to Christ our Savior: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Having received Holy Baptism, your grandson Vladimir, trying to remove from the earth your incorruptible relics, filled with a wonderful fragrance, and with Saint Leonty and all the multitude of people, I placed the Most Pure Mother of God in the church, and from there I began to exude healing from them with every ailment that comes with faith. For this reason, we praise you:

Rejoice, for the grace of the Holy Spirit has entered into you, bestowing incorruptibility with your might and creating in your relics a source of healing for all ailments; Rejoice, I did not allow those who came to see them with little faith.

Rejoice, having brought joy to the infant Russian Church by the appearance of your relics; Rejoice, you have greatly pleased your grandson Vladimir with the glorification of them.

Rejoice, for even to this day the pious people of the Russian lands delight in your glorious memory; Rejoice, for through your faithful petition to God the Russians have been granted many blessings from the Lord.

Rejoice, having begged God with your prayers for the enlightenment of the Russian land; Rejoice, you who prophesied that many great saints will soon appear on the Russian lands.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, God-wise.

Kontakion 11

We offer a song of tenderness to you, the saint of God, and we humbly pray to you: pray for us, the One Lover of Mankind, God, that He may not turn His face away from us, unworthy, constantly sinning and grieving His goodness, but may He punish us here, as the Father who loves His children, may, in in the future, may he save and have mercy, as the righteous Judge and Rewarder, so that, having been delivered from eternal torment, we will be honored with you in the heavenly abodes to sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Illuminated by a tri-radiant light, you now stand with all the saints in Heaven at the Throne of the King of Reigns, Olgo the All-Blessed, and from there, like a luminous luminary, you enlighten the entire Russian country, dispelling the darkness of delusion and showing the path to true enlightenment to Heavenly bliss. For this reason, glorifying you, we say:

Rejoice, moon-illumined from the never-setting Sun of Truth; Rejoice, guide, showing us the right path to eternal salvation.

Rejoice, powerful helper and strengthener of preachers of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, patroness of good mentors of youth and all those who work well for the common good.

Rejoice, teacher and patroness of the legislators of the Russian country; Rejoice, wise and kind giver of advice, rulers and rulers of this country.

Rejoice, sedition and strife consumer; Rejoice, intercessor of all those offended and unjustly persecuted.

Rejoice, quick consoler of the sorrowful; Rejoice, merciful healer of the sick.

Rejoice, you who give our people help through your prayers from God; Rejoice, representative and intercessor of all Russian countries.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olgo, God-wise.

Kontakion 12

Ask for the grace of the Most Holy Spirit for us, our mentor, from the All-Generous God and our Savior, admonishing and strengthening us in the work of salvation, so that the seed of the holy faith planted in us by you will not be fruitless, but may it vegetate and create fruit, which would enable us to nourish our souls in the future eternal life, where all the saints sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your many and glorious good deeds, revealed to the Russian country in the enlightenment of that light of the faith of Christ, we offer thanksgiving, calling with love:

Rejoice, God-chosen and God-glorified autocrat of the Russian land, her indestructible fence, protection and protection.

Rejoice, to the Russian virgins the image of a chaste life; Rejoice, mother, teacher of lawful marriage and good upbringing of children.

Rejoice, rule for widows to live a life pleasing to God; Rejoice, teacher and image of all virtues to all Russians.

Rejoice, co-participant in Heaven of the lot of preachers of the faith of Christ; Rejoice, partaker of the eternal bliss of the righteous.

Rejoice, warm prayer book for us before God; Rejoice, zealous intercessor for our salvation.

Rejoice, at the hour of our death, intercessor for us to God; Rejoice, you who provide help and consolation to this body after our departure from this mortal body.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, God-wise.

Kontakion 13

O holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, graciously accept from us this laudatory thanksgiving for all that the Lord has given to us, our father and forefather and the entire Russian state, through you, and pray to the All-Good God to increase His mercy on us and on the generations of our generations, to establish us in orthodoxy and piety, keep us from all misfortunes, troubles and evils, so that with you, like children of matter, we may be worthy to sing to God forever: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “Creator of Angels and Men...” and the 1st kontakion “First Chosen of All...”.

First prayer

O holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olgo, first saint of Russia, warm intercessor and prayer book for us before God. We resort to you with faith and pray with love: be your helper and accomplice in everything for our good, and just as in temporary life you tried to enlighten our forefathers with the light of the holy faith and instruct me to do the will of the Lord, so even now, in the heavenly lordship, favorable With your prayers to God, help us in enlightening our minds and hearts with the light of the Gospel of Christ, so that we may advance in faith, piety and love of Christ. In poverty and sorrow, give comfort to the needy, give a helping hand to the needy, stand up for those who are offended and mistreated, who have lost their way from the right faith and are blinded by heresies, and ask us from the All-Bountiful God for all that is good and useful in temporal and eternal life, so that having lived here well, we will be worthy of an inheritance eternal blessings in the endless Kingdom of Christ our God, to Him, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, belongs all glory, honor and worship, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer

O great saint of God, God-chosen and God-glorified, equal to the apostles Grand Duchess Olgo! You rejected pagan evil and wickedness, you believed in the One True Trinitarian God, and you accepted holy Baptism, and you laid the foundation for the enlightenment of the Russian land with the light of faith and piety. You are our spiritual ancestor, you, according to Christ our Savior, are the first culprit of the enlightenment and salvation of our race. You are a warm prayer book and intercessor for the All-Russian Fatherland, the army and all people. For this reason, we humbly pray to you: look at our weaknesses and beg the Most Merciful King of Heaven, so that He will not be extremely angry with us, as through our weaknesses we sin all day long, and may He not destroy us with our iniquities, but may He have mercy and save us in His mercy, may He implant His saving fear in our hearts, may He enlighten our minds with His grace, so that we may understand the ways of the Lord, leave the paths of wickedness and error, and pursue the paths of salvation and truth, the unwavering fulfillment of the commandments of God and the Holy Orders of the Church. Pray, blessed Olgo, to the Lord who loves mankind, may He add His great mercy to us, may He deliver us from the invasion of foreigners, from internal disorder, rebellion and strife, from famine, deadly diseases and from all evil, may He give us the blessing of the air and the fruitfulness of the earth, and will preserve our country from all the intrigues and slander of the enemy, may he preserve truth and mercy in judges and rulers, may he give zeal to the shepherds for the salvation of his flock, and may all people have haste to diligently perform their services, have love among themselves and have like-mindedness, for the good of the fatherland and let the Holy Church strive faithfully, so that the light of the saving faith may shine in our country at all ends of it, so that non-believers may turn to the faith, so that all heresies and schisms will be abolished. Yes, having lived in peace on earth, you and I will be worthy of eternal bliss in Heaven, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen.

This day in history

1904 A bronze statue of Christ on the Chilean-Argentine border has been consecrated.

1881 Alexander II was mortally wounded on the embankment of the Catherine Canal in St. Petersburg by a bomb thrown by Narodnaya Volya member Ignatius Grinevitsky.

1989 The World Wide Web (WWW), better known as the Internet, was invented.

Holy Equal to the Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, baptized Elena (c. 890 - July 11, 969), ruled Kievan Rus after the death of her husband, Prince Igor Rurikovich from 945 to 962. The first of the Russian rulers accepted Christianity even before the baptism of Rus', the first Russian saint. The name of Princess Olga is at the source of Russian history, and is associated with the greatest events of the founding of the first dynasty, with the first establishment of Christianity in Rus' and the bright features of Western civilization. The Grand Duchess went down in history as the great creator of state life and culture of Kievan Rus. After her death, ordinary people called her cunning, the church - holy, history - wise.

Grand Duchess Olga (c. 890 - July 11, 969) was the wife of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Igor.

Basic information about Olga’s life, recognized as reliable, is contained in the “Tale of Bygone Years”, the Life from the Book of Degrees, the hagiographic work of the monk Jacob “Memory and Praise to the Russian Prince Volodymer” and the work of Constantine Porphyrogenitus “On the Ceremonies of the Byzantine Court”. Other sources provide additional information about Olga, but their reliability cannot be determined with certainty.

Olga came from the glorious family of Gostomysl (the ruler of Veliky Novgorod even before Prince Rurik). She was born in the Pskov land, in the village of Vybuty, 12 km from Pskov up the Velikaya River, into a pagan family from the dynasty of the Izborsky princes. Disputes about exact date Olga's birth is still ongoing - some historians insist on the date of about 890, others - on the date of 920 (although this date is absurd due to the fact that Olga married Igor under the Prophetic Oleg, who died in 912). Both dates can be questioned, so they are accepted conditionally. The names of Olga's parents have not been preserved.

When Olga was already 13 years old, she became the wife of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Igor. According to legend, Prince Igor was engaged in hunting. One day, when he was hunting in the Pskov forests, tracking down an animal, he went out to the river bank. Deciding to cross the river, he asked Olga, who was passing by on a boat, to transport him, at first mistaking her for a young man. As they swam, Igor, carefully peering into the rower’s face, saw that it was not a young man, but a girl. The girl turned out to be very beautiful, smart and pure in intentions. Olga's beauty stung Igor's heart, and he began to seduce her with words, inclining her to unclean carnal mixing. However, the chaste girl, having understood the thoughts of Igor, fueled by lust, shamed him with a wise admonition. The prince was surprised at such an outstanding intelligence and chastity of the young girl, and did not harass her.

Igor was the only son of the Novgorod prince Rurik (+879). When his father died, the prince was still very young. Before his death, Rurik handed over the rule in Novgorod to his relative and governor Oleg and appointed him Igor’s guardian. Oleg was a successful warrior and wise ruler. People called him Prophetic. He conquered the city of Kyiv and united many Slavic tribes. Oleg loved Igor as his own son and raised him to be a real warrior. And when the time came to look for a bride for him, a show of beautiful girls was organized in Kyiv in order to find among them a girl worthy of a princely palace, but none of them
the prince did not like it. For in his heart the choice of a bride had long been made: he ordered to call that beautiful boatwoman who carried him across the river. Prince Oleg with great honor he brought Olga to Kyiv, and Igor married her. Having married the young prince to Olga, the aging OlegHe began to diligently make sacrifices to the gods so that they would give Igor an heir. Over the course of nine long years, Oleg made many bloody sacrifices to idols, burned so many people and bulls alive, and waited for the Slavic gods to give Igor a son. Not wait. He died in 912 from the bite of a snake that crawled out of the skull of his former horse.

Pagan idols began to disappoint the princess: many years of sacrifices to idols did not give her the desired heir. Well, what will Igor do according to human custom and take another wife, a third? He'll start a harem. Who will she be then? And then the princess decided to pray to the Christian God. And Olga began to fervently ask Him at night for a son-heir.

And so in 942 ,in the twenty-fourth year of their marriage, Prince Igor had an heir - Svyatoslav! The prince overwhelmed Olga with gifts. She took the most expensive ones to the church of Elijah - for Christian God. Happy years have passed. Olga began to think about the Christian faith and about its benefits for the country. Only Igor did not share such thoughts: his gods never betrayed him in battle.

According to the chronicle, in 945, Prince Igor dies at the hands of the Drevlyans after repeatedly exacting tribute from them (he became the first ruler in Russian history to die from popular indignation). Igor Rurikovich was executed , in the tract, with the help of an honorary “unlock”. They bent over two young, flexible oak trees, tied them by the arms and legs, and let them go...

F.Bruni. Igor's execution

The heir to the throne, Svyatoslav, was only 3 years old at that time, so Olga became the de facto ruler of Kievan Rus in 945 . Igor's squad obeyed her, recognizing Olga as the representative of the legitimate heir to the throne.

After the murder of Igor, the Drevlyans sent matchmakers to his widow Olga to invite her to marry their prince Mal. The princess took cruel revenge on the Drevlyans, showing cunning and strong will. Olga's revenge on the Drevlyans is described in detail in The Tale of Bygone Years.

Princess Olga's Revenge

After the reprisal against the Drevlyans, Olga began to rule Kievan Rus until Svyatoslav came of age, but even after that she remained the de facto ruler, since her son was absent most of the time on military campaigns.

Princess Olga's foreign policy was carried out not through military methods, but through diplomacy. She strengthened international ties with Germany and Byzantium. Relations with Greece revealed to Olga how superior the Christian faith is to the pagan one.

In 954, Princess Olga went to Constantinople (Constantinople) for the purpose of a religious pilgrimage and a diplomatic mission., where she was received with honor by Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus. For two whole years she became acquainted with the fundamentals of the Christian faith, attending services in the St. Sophia Cathedral. She was struck by the grandeur of Christian churches and the shrines collected in them.

The sacrament of baptism was performed over her by the Patriarch of Constantinople Theophylact, and the emperor himself became the recipient. The name of the Russian princess was given in honor of the holy Queen Helena, who found the Cross of the Lord. The Patriarch blessed the newly baptized princess with a cross carved from a single piece of the Life-giving Tree of the Lord with the inscription: “The Russian land was renewed with the Holy Cross, and Olga, the blessed princess, accepted it.”

Princess Olga became the first ruler of Rus' to be baptized , although both the squad and the Russian people under it were pagan. Olga’s son, the Grand Duke of Kiev Svyatoslav Igorevich, also remained in paganism.

Upon returning to Kyiv, Olga tried to introduce Svyatoslav to Christianity, but “he did not even think of listening to this; but if someone was going to be baptized, he did not forbid it, but only mocked him.” Moreover, Svyatoslav was angry with his mother for her persuasion, fearing to lose the respect of the squad. Svyatoslav Igorevich remained a convinced pagan.

Upon returning from Byzantium Olga zealously brought the Christian gospel to the pagans, began to erect the first Christian churches: in the name of St. Nicholas over the grave of the first Kyiv Christian prince Askold and St. Sophia in Kyiv over the grave of Prince Dir, the Church of the Annunciation in Vitebsk, the temple in the name of St. Life-Giving Trinity in Pskov, the place for which, according to the chronicler, was indicated to her from above by the “Ray of the Tri-radiant Deity” - on the bank of the Velikaya River she saw “three bright rays” descending from the sky.

Holy Princess Olga died in 969, at the age of 80. and was buried in the ground according to Christian rites.

Sergey Efoshkin. Duchess Olga. Dormition

Her incorruptible relics rested in the Tithe Church in Kyiv. Her grandson Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich, Baptist of Rus', transferred (in 1007) the relics of saints, including Olga, to the church he founded Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kyiv (Tithe Church). More likely, During the reign of Vladimir (970-988), Princess Olga began to be revered as a saint. This is evidenced by the transfer of her relics to the church and the description of miracles given by the monk Jacob in the 11th century.

In 1547, Olga was canonized as Saint Equal to the Apostles. Only 5 other holy women in Christian history have received such an honor (Mary Magdalene, First Martyr Thekla, Martyr Apphia, Queen Helen Equal to the Apostles and Nina, the enlightener of Georgia).

The memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga is celebrated by Orthodox, Catholic and other Western churches.

Princess Olga was the first of the Russian princes to officially convert to Christianity and was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church back in the pre-Mongol period. The baptism of Princess Olga did not lead to the establishment of Christianity in Rus', but she had a great influence on her grandson Vladimir, who continued her work. She did not wage wars of conquest, but directed all her energy to domestic policy, therefore, for many years the people retained a good memory of her: the princess carried out an administrative and tax reform, which eased the situation of ordinary people and streamlined life in the state.

Holy Princess Olga is revered as the patroness of widows and Christian converts. Residents of Pskov consider Olga its founder. In Pskov there is Olginskaya embankment, Olginsky bridge, Olginsky chapel. The days of the liberation of the city from fascist invaders (July 23, 1944) and the memory of St. Olga are celebrated in Pskov as City Days.

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

for the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills

Troparion of Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, tone 8
In you, God-wise Elena, the image of salvation was known in the Russian country, / as if, having received the bath of holy Baptism, you followed Christ, / creating and teaching, to leave idolatry’s charms, / to take care of souls, things more immortal, / also With Angels, Equal-to-the-Apostles, your spirit rejoices.

Kontakion of Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, tone 4
Today the grace of all God has appeared, / having glorified Olga the God-Wise in Rus', / through her prayers, Lord, / grant to people the abandonment of sin.

Prayer to Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga
O holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olgo, the First Lady of Russia, warm intercessor and prayer book for us before God! We resort to you with faith and pray with love: be your helper and accomplice in everything for our good, and just as in temporal life you tried to enlighten our forefathers with the light of the holy faith and instruct me to do the will of the Lord, so now, in heavenly grace, you are favorable With your prayers to God, help us in enlightening our minds and hearts with the light of the Gospel of Christ, so that we may advance in faith, piety and love of Christ. In poverty and sorrow, give comfort to those in need, give a helping hand to those in need, stand up for those who are offended and mistreated, those who have gone astray from the right faith and blinded by heresies, bring them to their senses and ask us from the All-Bountiful God for all that is good and useful life more temporal and eternal, so that we have lived here well, let us be worthy of inheriting eternal blessings in the endless Kingdom of Christ our God, to Him, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, befits all glory, honor and worship always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. A min.


From the series “History of the Russian State.”

For those who want to briefly learn about the adoption of Christianity in ancient Rus', we will tell you about the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, tell her short biography, and remind you of the icon of St. Olga and the prayer to her. “The Root of Orthodoxy”, “The Head of the Faith”, “Olga the Wise”, this is how the Grand Duchess, Equal-to-the-Apostles Saint Olga (in baptism - Elena) was called.

When Prince Igor decided to get married, they sent him the most beautiful beauties to the palace, but the prince’s heart did not waver, not a single girl made him want to take her as his wife. And the prince remembered the meeting during a hunt in Pskov province with the wondrously beautiful maiden Olga, who proved her chastity and remarkable intelligence, and delighted the prince. And he sent Prince Oleg for her, and they brought the girl to the palace, and she became the prince’s wife, and subsequently performed many feats in the name of the Russian land, and she brought Orthodoxy to a hitherto pagan country, and she is glorified forever and ever for her feat.

Having married, Igor went on a campaign against the Greeks, and upon his return he learned that he was now a father, and a son was born to him, they named him Svyatoslav. But the prince did not rejoice at the heir for long. Soon he was killed by the Drevlyans, who suffered punishment from Princess Olga with many killed and cities defeated.

Years of reign of Princess Olga

Olga took over the reins of government until Svyatoslav came of age, ruling the Russian land wisely, not as a woman, but as a strong and far-sighted man, for which everyone respected Olga and worshiped her wisdom, determination and strength. Olga strengthened Rus', established borders, was engaged in the arrangement of economic and political life in the country, firmly holding power in her women's hands, and reliably defending the country from enemies who trembled when they heard her name.

The enemies were afraid of Olga, but the Russian people loved her, because she was kind, fair and merciful, she helped the poor, and she easily responded to tearful and fair requests. At the same time, the princess protected her chastity, and after the death of the prince she did not marry, she lived in pure widowhood. When Svyatoslav came of age, the princess withdrew from power and took refuge in Vyshgorod, indulging in charitable works, replacing only her son when he went on campaigns.

Rus' grew, became strong, cities were built, borders were strengthened, warriors from other nationalities eagerly joined the Russian army, Rus' became a great power under Olga. Olga understood that economic development was not enough; it was necessary to take up the organization of the religious life of the people and put an end to paganism.

You can watch a cartoon about Olga’s reign, everything is clearly illustrated and interestingly shown.

Olga's baptism

Not yet knowing the Christian faith, the Grand Duchess already lived according to the Orthodox commandments by inspiration, and she wanted to learn more about the Christian faith, and for this purpose, connecting it with a diplomatic mission, gathering a navy to demonstrate the greatness of her power, she went to Constantinople.
There Olga went to a service in order to see and feel the true God, and immediately agreed to be baptized, which she received there. Patriarch Theophylact of Constantinople, who baptized her, said prophetic words:

“Blessed are you among Russian women, for you left darkness and loved the Light. The Russian sons will glorify you to the last generation!”

Olga has already returned to Kyiv, bringing with her icons and liturgical books, firmly intending to bring Christianity to pagan Rus', delivering them from idols, and bringing the Divine Light to the Russians mired in sins. Thus began her apostolic ministry. She began to erect churches and established the veneration of the Holy Trinity in Rus'. But everything was not as smooth as the princess wanted - pagan Rus' resisted wildly, not wanting to leave her cruel and riotous ways of life. Svyatoslav also did not support his mother, and from pagan roots I didn’t want to get rid of it. True, he didn’t interfere much with his mother at first, but then he began to burn churches and the persecution of Christians who had been baptized through the prayers of Olga intensified. Even the princess herself had to secretly keep an Orthodox priest in her place, so as not to cause even greater unrest among the pagan people.

You can watch the cartoon from “The Tale of Bygone Years” about the baptism of Princess Olga; everything is shown in a very interesting way.

Paganism wildly resists Christianity

On her deathbed, the Grand Duchess also preached until her death, trying to turn her son, Svyatoslav, to Orthodoxy. He cried, grieved for his mother, but did not want to leave paganism, it sat firmly in him. But by the will of God, the princess nurtured the Orthodox faith in her grandson, Vladimir, and Saint Vladimir continued the work of his grandmother, and baptized pagan Rus' after the death of the Equal-to-the-Apostles princess, as blessed Olga predicted that God would enlighten the Russian people, and many saints would shine on her .

Miracles after the death of the princess

The princess died on July 11, 969 (July 24 in our style), and all the people cried for her with bitter tears. And in 1547, the Equal-to-the-Apostles princess was canonized. And God glorified her with miracles and the incorruption of her relics, which were transferred under Vladimir to the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who throughout her life helped and enlightened the Grand Duchess a lot. There was a window above the tomb of Saint Olga, and when someone came to her with faith, the window opened, and the person could see the radiance emanating from her relics and receive healing. And whoever came without faith, the window did not open, he could not even see the relics, but only one coffin.

The Great Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga became the spiritual mother of the entire Christian people, laying the foundation for the enlightenment of the Russian people with the Light of Christ.

Prayer to Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

O holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olgo, the First Lady of Russia, warm intercessor and prayer book for us before God! We resort to you with faith and pray with love: be your helper and accomplice in everything for our good, and just as in temporal life you tried to enlighten our forefathers with the light of the holy faith and instruct me to do the will of the Lord, so now, in heavenly grace, you are favorable With your prayers to God, help us in enlightening our minds and hearts with the light of the Gospel of Christ, so that we may advance in faith, piety and love of Christ.

The establishment of Christianity in Rus' under the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir of Kiev was preceded by the reign of Grand Duchess Olga, who in ancient times was called the root of orthodoxy. During her reign, the seeds of the faith of Christ were successfully planted in Rus'. According to the chronicler, Saint Olga, Equal-to-the-Apostles, “throughout the entire Russian land, was the first destroyer of idolatry and the foundation of orthodoxy.”

Equal to the Apostles Olga was born in the land of Psov, her ancestry goes back to Gostomysl. The Joachim Chronicle reports that Saint Olga belonged to the family of the ancient Russian princely dynasty of Izborsky. She was born into a pagan family in the village of Vytuby, not far from Pskov, located on the Velikaya River. Already in her youth, she was noted for her deep intelligence and exceptionalism in a pagan environment moral purity. The ancient authors call the holy princess God-wise, the wisest of her kind, and it was purity that was the good soil on which the seeds of the Christian faith bore such rich fruit.

Saint Olga was also distinguished by her external, physical beauty. When the future Kiev prince Igor saw her while hunting in the northern forests, he was inflamed with unclean lust for her and began to incline her to carnal sin. However, the wise and chaste girl began to admonish the prince not to be a slave to his passions. “Remember and think,” she said, “that you are a prince, and a prince, as a ruler and judge, should be a bright example of good deeds for people.” She talked to Igor so wisely that the prince was ashamed.

When Igor established himself in Kyiv, he decided to choose a wife among the most beautiful girls in the principality. But none of them pleased him. Then he remembered Olga and sent his guardian and relative Prince Oleg for her. In 903, Saint Olga became the wife of Prince Igor. Since 912, after the death of Prince Oleg, Igor began to rule in Kyiv as sole ruler. He successfully carried out several military campaigns. During the reign of Igor, who was loyal to the Christian religion, the faith of Christ spread in Kyiv so much that Christians made up a significant part of society. That is why the peace treaty with the Greeks, concluded shortly before the death of Prince Igor, was approved by two religious communities of Kyiv: Christians and pagans. In 945, Prince Igor was killed by the Drevlyans. Fearing revenge for the murder of the Kyiv prince and wanting to strengthen their position, the Drevlyans sent ambassadors to Princess Olga, inviting her to marry their ruler Mal. But Olga, then still a pagan, rejected the offer of the Drevlyans. By cunning she lured the elders and all the noble men of the Drevlyans to Kyiv, and with a painful death she avenged them for the death of her husband. Olga repeatedly took revenge on the Drevlyans until they submitted to Kyiv, and their capital Korosten was burned to the ground. As a pagan, she could not then rise to the commandment of forgiveness and love for enemies.

After the death of Prince Igor, she successfully ruled the state and strengthened the power of the Kyiv Grand Duke. The Grand Duchess traveled around the Russian land in order to streamline the civil and economic life of the people. Under her, the Russian land was divided into regions, or volosts, in many places she set up graveyards, which became administrative and judicial centers. God-wise Olga went down in history as the great creator of the culture of Kievan Rus. She resolutely refused a second marriage, preserving the grand-ducal throne for her growing son Svyatoslav. Holy Princess Olga put a lot of effort into strengthening the country's defense. During Olga's reign, historians attribute the establishment of the first state borders Russia - in the west, with Poland.

History has not preserved the names of Saint Olga’s first Christian mentors, probably because the blessed princess’s conversion to Christ was associated with Divine admonition. One of the ancient texts puts it this way: “Oh wonder! You yourself do not know the Scriptures, nor the Christian law, nor have you heard teachers about piety, but have diligently studied the morals of piety and loved the Christian faith with all your soul. O ineffable Providence of God! The blessed one did not learn the truth from man, but from above, a teacher in the name of God’s Wisdom.” Saint Olga came to Christ through a search for Truth, seeking satisfaction for her inquisitive mind; the ancient author calls her “God’s chosen keeper of wisdom.” The Venerable Nestor the Chronicler narrates: “From an early age, Blessed Olga sought wisdom, which is the best in this world, and found a valuable pearl—Christ.”

In 955, the princess went to Constantinople, where she was received with honor by Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus (913-959) and Patriarch Theophylact (933-956). According to the chronicle, she soon accepted holy Baptism with the name Helen - in honor of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helen (1327; Comm. May 21). Emperor Constantine himself became her successor. Patriarch Theophylact instructed the Russian princess in the truths of the Orthodox faith and gave her commandments on preserving the Church Rule, on prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and maintaining cleanliness. “She stood with her head bowed, listening to the teaching, like a sponge being watered,” writes the Monk Nestor. Saint Olga returned to Kyiv, taking with her the holy cross, icons, and liturgical books. Here her apostolic ministry began. She brought many Kievites to Christ and Holy Baptism, and made attempts to influence her son, a convinced pagan, who was cowardly afraid of the condemnation of the squad. But Prince Svyatoslav remained deaf to his mother’s calls. Without forcing her son, Saint Olga prayed with humility: “God’s will be done. If God wants to have mercy on my family and the Russian land, may He put it on their hearts to turn to God, just as God has given me a gift.” Saint Olga built in Kyiv, on the grave of Prince Askold, a temple in the name of St. Nicholas, and founded a wooden temple in the name of Saint Sophia the Wisdom of God.

Then, preaching the holy faith, the holy princess set off to the north. Along the way, she crushed idols and installed stone crosses on the sites of pagan temples, from which numerous miracles occurred to admonish the pagans. When entering the river Great River In Pskov, Saint Olga saw the “ray of the Tri-radiant Deity” - a sign of God’s care for Rus'. The blessed princess erected a cross in that place and founded a temple in the Name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity. She prophetically announced that a “great city” would be built here. It is historically reliable that Saint Olga, Equal to the Apostles, was the founder of Pskov. Upon returning to Kyiv, she sent a lot of gold and silver for the construction of the Pskov temple.

At the end of her life, blessed Olga endured many sorrows. Svyatoslav, who did not receive holy Baptism, left his elderly mother and moved to the city of Pereyaslavets on the Danube. In addition, he interfered with her activities to establish Christianity in Rus'. In 968, Kyiv was besieged by the Pechenegs. The holy princess and her grandchildren, including Prince Vladimir, found themselves in mortal danger. When news of the siege reached Svyatoslav, he rushed to the rescue, and the Pechenegs were put to flight. The holy princess, already seriously ill, asked her son not to leave until her death. She did not lose hope of turning her son’s heart to God and did not stop preaching on her deathbed. On July 11, 969, Saint Olga reposed in the Lord, bequeathing not to hold funeral feasts for herself, but to perform a Christian burial.

Nineteen years later, the grandson of Saint Princess Olga, Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, received Baptism. He built a stone church in Kyiv in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos (Church of the Tithes), where the incorruptible relics of Saint Olga, Equal to the Apostles, were transferred. A window was built above her tomb, which opened on its own if the relics were approached with faith. By faith, Christians were honored to see the luminous relics of the holy princess and receive healing from them. The Russian people honor Saint Olga Equal to the Apostles as the founder of Christianity in Rus', addressing her with the words of St. Nestor: “Rejoice, Russian knowledge of God, the beginning of our reconciliation with Him.”