Very little is known about Galina, after whom the women in Holy Baptism are named, but let’s try to reveal her feat in a little more detail in the context of the events of that time. We also know that in the church calendar the holy martyr Galina is commemorated twice: on March 10 (23) and April 16 (29). Many who bear the name Galina may think that these are two different saints, but this is not so. On both of these dates, the memory of the holy martyr Galina of Corinth, who suffered for Christ in the 3rd century, is celebrated (according to some sources - in 250 or 251, and according to others - in 258).

Saint Galina

The Holy Martyr Galina was born in Corinth (Corinth at that time was the main city of Achaia, consecrated by the Apostle Paul). She met with God's mercy righteous old man Kodrat, who converted him to faith in Christ. Kodrat treated bodily illnesses and healed mental illnesses with the word of God. Righteous Galina and other women, imitating Saint Kodrat and keeping his instructions in their hearts, voluntarily went to torment for Christ.
They could have hidden, but they didn't. March 10, old style they were beheaded... At the place where the Corinthian martyrs were executed for Christ, a source appeared clean water- to remind Corinth of the suffering of the saints, they shed rivers of their blood.

According to another legend, the holy women Galina, Chariesa, Nunekhia, Kalis (Kalida), Vasilisa, Nika, Gali, Theodora - disciples of the elder Kodrat - died on April 16, according to Art. Art. in 258 (apparently this happened during the eighth persecution of Christians under Emperor Valeriani). They, together with the holy martyr Leonidas, were thrown into the sea, but they did not drown, but walked on the water as if on dry land, and sang spiritual hymns. The torturers drove them onto the ships, hung stones around their necks and drowned them. So, by the alms of God, all the names of the Corinthian martyrs were preserved.

That's all that is known about the holy martyr Galina of Corinth. But isn’t this enough for everyone, and not just Galina, to know about her feat in the name of Christ?

The name Galina, despite its Greek origin (galene ≈ peace, quiet, calm sea) is perceived as exclusively Ukrainian. Perhaps none of the female names has become so popular in songs, sayings and jokes; in dialects Ukrainian language The name Galina has more than 70 variants. At the same time, according to statistics, in Ukraine from 1995 to 2015, out of 30 newborn girls, one was not named Galina. This is such a rare name today. However, its owners, as a rule, wear it with pleasure, and I am no exception. Since childhood, we feel how much warmth and tenderness there is in him. Mothers, and everyone around us, rarely repeated themselves when addressing us: Galya, Galinka, Galochka, Galusya... You can continue ad infinitum.
True, we, Galina, sometimes feel a little sad that our name day, the day of remembrance of our saint, is not celebrated among the Orthodox as noticeably as, for example, Tatiana’s Day, or as the day of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helena, Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga or other women, more famous than Saint Galina, glorified by the Church.
The secular interpretation of the name Galene - Galina - along with the characteristics of peace and quiet, attributes to its owners passivity, indifference, coldness and other, not very pleasant, character traits, which is difficult for us, Orthodox Galina, to agree with: we would really like to correspond to the original meaning of our name, that is, to always be in a peaceful state of mind.
Many of us were named Galina, knowing nothing at all about the lives of those saints whose name we bear. Why saints? Because the church calendar mentions Galin three times: February 10/23, March 10/23 and April 16/29. Usually, having already become a church member, we learn that in these three days Orthodox Church commemorates only two different saints - the righteous saint Galina and the holy martyr Galina of Corinth. Usually, the life of the second ascetic is more widespread and famous, and we will take a closer look at it at the end of March, after the first saint is remembered only in the context of the biography of Saint Charalampios, whose memory also falls on February 23. Today we will try to tell you everything that we managed to collect from available sources about heavenly patroness y Galin, born in January-February, are therefore under her prayerful intercession. So who is she righteous Galina and how did she deserve honor before the Lord among the saints?
It is known that Saint Galina lived in the 3rd century and was the daughter of the Roman ruler Septimius Severus. The ancestor of that same Alexander Severus, during whose reign Saint Tatiana received the crown of martyrdom. From the day the young ruler ascended the throne, the empire was expecting changes: in the palace of the new head of state, icons of Christ stood next to sculptures of Roman gods. At first, it seemed that he was not an open fighter against God - he simply considered Jesus another of the pantheon of his gods. But obviously the eparchs State Council, together with the emperor they led the country, they were able to convince Septimius of theirs, and from a passive observer the North became a cruel persecutor of Christians.
In the city of Magnesia, southeastern region Ancient Greece, there lived a bishop named Charalampius, a successful missionary and preacher. Rumors about his success in

Saint Galina

The spread of the faith of Christ came to Lucian, the ruler of the region. The military leader Lucius brought the saint to trial, where he refused to sacrifice to idols. The 113-year-old bishop was subjected to terrible torture, and he gratefully addressed the executioners: “Thank you, brothers, you have renewed my spirit!” Two warriors, Porfiry and Vaptos, as well as three women, who immediately laid down their heads for confessing the name of Christ, became witnesses to the elder’s firm faith. The enraged military leader first rushed in to strangle the bishop, but later begged for forgiveness: his arms were lost and his head returned. The ruler of the region, recognizing his own powerlessness, handed over the indestructible old man to the emperor's court. Septimius Severus ordered to bring Saint Charalampios to him, dragging him by the beard. And again the terrible torment that only the sick imagination of a god-fighter could dream up. But the power of God helped Saint Charalampius, and he remained unharmed. Through his prayers, miracles began to happen: a dead young man was resurrected, a demon-possessed man was healed, and people en masse began to profess faith in Christ the Savior. When Emperor Septimius began to openly blaspheme, an invisible force lifted him into the air, and together with Eparch Crispus they hung in limbo, confused and frightened. And over their heads, lightning struck over and over again, and thunder rolled.

And here, finally, life gives us a meeting with Galina, the daughter of the emperor. The program does not give us information about what the girl looked like, what character or habits she had. Instead, the actions of the blessed one speak. Obviously, Galina believed, along with many of her subjects, having seen the miracles that Charalampius performed in the name of the Lord. One can only imagine what was going on in the soul of the poor girl when she realized the horror of her situation: her father was torturing a holy man. Try to put yourself in his place - and you will be horrified. “Father, no one can resist God: for Christians He is hope, but for the wicked He is death. Believe in Him, and He will protect you and free you from those invisible bonds by which you are bound. The one who bound you is the eternal and omnipotent God,” Galina turned to Septimius with hope, hoping to take advantage of her father’s confusion. Charalampia fell to her knees before the saint: “I beg you, servant of God, pray to the Lord Christ and with your prayer free my father from invisible fetters.”
After liberation, Sever and his retinue did not leave the palace for three days. Galina prayed, hoping for her father's understanding. The vision that was revealed to her finally confirmed him in faith. “It seemed to me,” she told Saint Charalampios, “that I saw a large fenced garden in which various trees were planted; Among them grew a beautiful vineyard, and in this vineyard stood a tall cedar tree, with a spring flowing at its roots. Here stood a formidable guard who did not allow anyone to enter this garden. Nearby I saw my father and Eparch Crispus, whom a guard was driving away from this place with a fiery sword. I was gripped by great fear and only prayed that this guard would allow me to stay there. He said: “Come here, and I will carry you on my shoulders with honor into this garden.” And when I was already at the source, I heard a voice: “This place has been given to you and those like you.”
Saint Charalampius explained the vision as follows: “The abundance of water is a gift of the Holy Spirit, but a fenced garden is paradise. The vineyard signifies the repose of the righteous in paradise, and the fragrant trees signify the faces of the saints. The tall cedar symbolizes the glory of Christ on the cross, the source is eternal life, given by Christ to the human race. And the guard who received you on His shoulder is the Lord Christ, who, leaving ninety-nine sheep in the mountains, began to look for the lost one and, having found it, took it on His shoulders (Luke 15: 4-5). Your father, together with the eparch, will be expelled from the paradise of God, because they - now grateful to God - will soon again fall into the devil’s shackles.”
And so it happened. The bishop was again sent to be tortured, as Galina asked for mercy on him. The girl just prayed and mentally prepared for the worst. And my father went crazy: “Make a sacrifice, Galina!” The girl agreed, hoping that maybe with her humility she would soften the tyrant’s heart. She was ready to do anything just to stop the torture. The North triumphed: now he will wipe the nose of that stubborn Christian - his own daughter will also worship the gods. Meanwhile, Galina went to the temple of Action and Apollo and told the priests that she had come to bring repentance to the gods. Entering the temple, the girl laughed in despair: “Which idol should I throw down first - Action or Hercules, or maybe Apollo?” While the frightened priests were persuading her, Galina approached Action: “If you are a god, then how could you still not see that I came to crush you?” So all the statues fell under their feet. “Someone is blessed!” — The priests looked at each other in shock. The ruler, having learned about his daughter’s pranks, secretly ordered the production of new idols, saying that they were resurrected like Christ.
Galina, entering the temple in the morning, laughed: “It’s easier for me to destroy new idols than old ones.” - And, turning to Action, she added: “Jupiter, risen from the dead, I command you: go again to death.” And again, fragments from broken idols poured out onto the floor of the temple. The enraged Septimius stamped his feet: “Make a sacrifice to the gods, you seeds of evil, not my child!”

Galina, for the first time in her life, not afraid of her father’s frantic screeching, smiling, answered: “I have already made a sacrifice to them, to the best of my ability, but, if you want, I can do the same with your other gods.” The emperor even recoiled: it was not his daughter who stood in front of him - she became like those out-of-this-world Christians whom he drowned in his own blood, and they only prayed and praised God. Some even thanked him for his torment and blessed him. “The same smile, blissful...” Sever shuddered. He no longer touched Galina, but he also could not admit to himself that his daughter - the powerful Septimius Severus - professes Christianity and also seems to have gone crazy.
And Galina... Frank confession herself a Christian, her father’s cruelty, the condemnation of the townspeople, even the whispering of the servants in the palace - completely unsettled her. Only prayer saved me. Only the Lord saw at what cost Galina had to pay her confession of faith. The Life sparingly reports that it was the daughter of the emperor-executioner who collected the remains of her mentor: “Blessed Galina, the king’s daughter, asked him for the body of the martyr and, taking it, wrapped it in a clean shroud, anointed it with incense and precious myrrh and, glorifying the Lord, put it in a golden the ark. The king was afraid to judge and punish his daughter, seeing that the Lord was with her, he left her to live in Christian piety, according to his will.”
That's all: a few lines, and behind them is the life of the righteous Galina. We do not know for sure that life lived through the holidays and how many years the Almighty gave it. But we know for sure: the feat of confession of faith, which she bore in the eyes of the Savior of the world, is worth the most precious rewards. Galina is blessed, Galina is one of the saints of Christ, next to His throne she prays for us. Isn’t this enough for everyone, not just Galina, to know about her feat in the name of Christ?
Holy blessed Galina, pray to God for us!

Akathist to the holy martyrs Kondrat, Victor and Galina and many others who suffered with them

Chosen by the Hand of the Lord from among the wicked, who, by the purity of their righteous life, were worthy imitators of Christ the Lord, and who, even to death, maintained their fierce loyalty, the holy martyrs Kondrat, Victor, Cyprian, Dionysius, Paul with the holy wives Galina, Vasilisa, Theodora and many others , with them who suffered, let us sing a song of praise. You, who have great boldness towards Christ the Giver of Life, free us with your prayers from all troubles and with tender hearts we sing to you: Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in difficult sufferings.

The Archangelic powers in heaven and the God-loving people on earth are amazed, seeing how you, the holy sufferers of Christ, defending the faith of Christ and enduring great torments for Christ, even to death, remained faithful to the Lord by nature, and with Him now you taste the sweetness of heaven. We, strengthened by your long-suffering deeds in faith and love for God, call this:

Rejoice, you who have come from pagan darkness to the light of Christ. Rejoice, having enlightened your hearts with that light. Rejoice, having purified your souls through torment for the Lord. Rejoice, you who fearlessly preached the Gospel of Christ. Rejoice, cleansing by the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, having prepared your souls for an imperishable dwelling for the Lord. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 2

Seeing your mother Rufina, blessed Kondrat, how great the persecution was against Christians, she fled from the city of Corinth to the mountains and was saved there from her pursuers. There you gave birth to your son, and soon after your birth you gave up your pure soul to God. By the providence of God you were preserved, holy Kondrat, for the heavenly cloud fed you with sweet dew. But you, growing and strengthening, sang to God: Alleluia.

With your mind to comprehend all the greatness of God, which is not possible, to true Christian The Lord, Saint Kondrate, brought you, so that you were enlightened by the light of the true faith, and then you will teach your disciples, and with them receive this singing from us:

Rejoice, you who have sought the Lord with all your soul. Rejoice, having received the Lord into your hearts. Rejoice, you who have not deviated from the path to Christ. Rejoice, having loved the Lord above all earthly blessings. Rejoice, having glorified the Creator with your life. Rejoice, you who have placed your trust in the One Lord. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 3

By the power of the Most High, strengthened by the Creator and blessed by the exploits of Saints Cyprian, Dionysius, Anekta, Paul and Criskenta, they naturally came to Saint Kondrat in the desert, where he remained in the desert silence in prayer and contemplation of God. But you, putting all his instructions in your hearts, sang to God naturally: Alleluia.

Having great love for God, the holy wives Galino, Chariesso, Nunekhie, Vasiliso, Nikia and Theodoro, together with pious men, took up the cross and followed Christ naturally. Glorifying your prudence, we praise you:

Rejoice, virgins, who are called brides of Christ. Rejoice, wives, in your fulfillment of piety. Rejoice, having dedicated your life to the One Lord, and Rejoice, having given the beauty of your souls and bodies to the Creator. Rejoice, having adorned your soul with the purity of your immaculate soul. Rejoice, you who have crowned your heads with imperishable crowns. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 4

The wicked Jason was filled with a storm of evil, commanding thee, holy Kondrat, to renounce his Lord and render sacrifice to a vile idol. But you, even to death, remained faithful to the Lord, singing to Him with your soul in your suffering: Alleluia.

Having heard from you, martyr of Christ Kondrat, wise words: do not be afraid of fierce torment and stand firmly for your faith in Christ, your disciples are strengthened in soul, so that they will fearlessly accept suffering for the Lord. For this reason, we please you with these praises:

Rejoice, valiant and undaunted warriors of Christ. Rejoice, you were not afraid of severe persecution from your enemies. Rejoice, having looked to the Lord in your suffering. Rejoice, you who have received strength from Him. Rejoice, guarded by the angels of God. Rejoice, having come to know the sweetness of heaven through your torment. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 5

Fulfilling the ungodly command of the wicked Jason, the soldiers of the martyrs of Christ threw them to be torn to pieces by wild beasts, both of which killed the legs of the saints and did no harm to them. Having seen such a miracle on you, we praise God: Alleluia.

Seeing your enemies, holy martyrs, that it is impossible for you to create anything like a beast, I will tie your nose to the chariot and drag along the city behind the chariots. But you, striking your head on the stone, offered to the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, a holy sacrifice for yourself, so that people, in tenderness of heart, would sing to you:

Rejoice, having glorified Christ through your sufferings. Rejoice, you who touched the angelic faces with your torment. Rejoice, for through your exploits you strengthened the weak in faith. Rejoice, for you have naturally received crowns from the Lord. Rejoice, protectors of our invincibility. Rejoice, our invisible helpers. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 6

The preachers of the truth of Christ appeared naturally, the good martyrs of Christ, among the unfaithful, blinded by the light of idols, exuding the light of true faith, so that all the ends of the universe would see the Giver of the never-evening Light, who enlightens all the pagans, and they would sing to Him the song of glory: Alleluia.

Naturally, our precious martyrs shone like bright stars when, at the place of execution, I indulged in prayer and bowed my beautiful heads under the swords of my tormentors. Such is your great courage, the Lord glorified you: when the earth was stained with your holy blood, a source of clean water appeared, from which many received healing. For this reason, accept this praise from us:

Rejoice, you who followed the Lord fearlessly. Rejoice, having entered the Kingdom of Heaven by the narrow path. Rejoice, having labored for the One Lord in this world. Rejoice, for you have received a great reward from Him for your labors. Rejoice, you who have found the most precious pearl, Christ the Lord. Rejoice, having loved the Creator above all earthly riches. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 7

Although they were imitators of His Lord in His sufferings, some of your disciples, Saint Kondrat, suffered in the same way for Christ, so that together with you in the Kingdom of Heaven they would sing to Him incessantly: Alleluia.

Christ has revealed you to His people as new martyrs, and through your sufferings, glorified martyrs, all who exist today are strengthened in the Orthodox faith, praising you with these titles:

Rejoice, Victor, Victorina and Nikifor, who accepted their death in a stone mortar. Rejoice, having gained salvation through that cruel death. Rejoice, Papias and Leonidas, drowning in the waves of the sea. Rejoice, you who have dried up the sea of ​​passions with your sufferings. Rejoice, Claudius, Seraphione and Dionysius, who through the sword beating and stabbing have improved eternal life. Rejoice, you who have endured torment, in which the machinations of the evil one have been cut. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 8

It is strange to see you, martyrs of Christ, for you, shedding your blood for the Lord and not sparing your life, naturally entered with your feet into the Kingdom of God without fear, singing to the King Christ: Alleluia.

All the Sweetest Jesus Christ will bring sweetness and desire to you, holy wives, for Him, together with their husbands, they naturally endured great suffering. For this reason, praising your courage, we praise you:

Rejoice, Hariesso and Nunehie, who followed the men into torment. Rejoice, having gained glory together with those. Rejoice, Vasiliso and Niko, who voluntarily stained their bodies with blood. Rejoice, having cleansed your souls from filth with that blood. Rejoice, Galino and Gali, for having offered yourselves as an immaculate sacrifice to Christ. Rejoice, for with that sacrifice you have atoned for all your sins. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 9

All angelic nature rejoiced greatly, seeing how great a number of righteous souls are in heaven and worship the Creator, singing to Him sweetly: Alleluia.

The vetoes of multi-proclamation will not be able to adequately praise your suffering for Christ and your bright death, blessed martyr. We, with our unclean lips, dare to chant to you:

Rejoice, our warm intercessors before the Lord. Rejoice, you who ever pray to the Creator for us. Rejoice, you who open the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven for us. Rejoice, for by your intercession you protect us from troubles. Rejoice, you who heal our souls and bodies free of charge. Rejoice, you who strengthen us in various circumstances. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 10

You set a good example for those who want to be saved, O martyrs of the fortress; through your patience in enduring suffering for the name of God, we strengthen ourselves and praise the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Desiring to please the One Heavenly King, the saints gave up their souls in His hands completely to nature, the holy martyr. For this reason, accept this praise from us:

Rejoice, you who have loved the One Lord. Rejoice, you who have lost your souls to Him. Rejoice, you who have pleased God with a pure life. Rejoice, you who did not know the path other than the narrow one. Rejoice, having submitted your will to the will of the Lord. Rejoice, you who feared nothing with the Lord. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 11

Now you hear the singing of angels in heaven, the all-praised martyr, seeing the Creator, the Giver of Life, sitting on the Throne and crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The Giver of Light is the Lord and Creator in His Kingdom, like His friends, He feeds you, the glorious martyrs, with the heavenly table. Pray for us, so that we too may be worthy to partake with the Lord of His bounties, but you will accept our prayers:

Rejoice, Kondrat and Nikifor, and we too will partake of your joy. Rejoice, Victor and Victorina, may you and I also abide in the love of the Lord. Rejoice, Papias and Leonidas, that you and I may enter into the joy of our Lord. Rejoice, Claudius and Seraphione, and you and I will continually praise the Lord. Rejoice, Cyprians and Dionysius, that you and I may also be worthy of the heavenly inheritance. Rejoice, Criscenta and Diodora, and you and I will always worship the Most Holy Trinity. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 12

The grace given to you from God, to heal the sick, to heal the weak, to quench sorrows, to those who are knowledgeable, we tirelessly resort to your prayerful intercession, holy martyr, and cry out to Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your miracles and mercies, holy martyrs of God, we all praise you, as zealous intercessors for us before the Throne of God, we gratefully worship you, and cry out with emotion:

Rejoice, Chariesso and Nunehia, who humbly trusted in the Lord. Rejoice for your love for the Creator, beloved by the Lord. Rejoice, Vasilisso and Niko, who kept the commandments of the Lord in sorrow. Rejoice, having received the grace of God with joy and love. Rejoice, Galino and Theodoro, having received the favor of the Heavenly Father. Rejoice, having labored diligently for the Lord. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 13

Oh, holy and praiseworthy martyrs of Christ, Kondrat, Viktor and Galino, and those like you who suffered for Christ! Accept this song of our praise and with your favorable prayers deliver us from all troubles and circumstances, save us from eternal torment and be worthy of the Kingdom of God, beseech the Lord that we may sing to Him: Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.


O glorification of the saints of Christ: Kondrat, Cyprian, Dionysius, Anekte, Paul, Criskent, Dionysius (other), Victor, Victorina, Nikephoros, Claudius, Diodora, Seraphione, Papius, Leonidas and the holy virgins and wives Galino, Hariesso, Nunekhie, Vasiliso , Nikie, Gali, Theodoro and many others, together with you, the Lord, through their lives and deeds, glorified and established the Orthodox faith among the pagan world! Praising your works and exploits, we pray to you tirelessly, do not stop begging our Lord Jesus Christ for us, may he be merciful to all our infirmities and weaknesses, generously grant us forgiveness of all sins, guide us on the path of true repentance and help us in everything, yes and we will be numbered among the bright face of saints and will always abide with the Creator in indescribable joy, to whom honor and glory belong forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion of St. much Galina, ch. 4

Thy Lamb, Jesus Christ, Galina calls with a great voice: I love Thee, my Bridegroom, and seeking Thee I suffer, and I am crucified, and I am buried in Thy baptism: and I suffer for Thy sake, that I may reign in Thee: and I die for Thee, that I also live with You: but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, sacrificed to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

Kontakion of St. much Galina, ch. 2

Your all-honorable temple, as if you have found spiritual healing, all the faithful cry out loudly to you: virgin martyr Galino, most famous, pray to Christ God unceasingly for all of us.


We magnify you, passion-bearer of Christ Galino, and honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.

Complete collection and description: prayer to Holy Galina for the spiritual life of a believer.

Memory: 10/23 February

Righteous Galina is the daughter of Emperor Septimius Severus, a pagan and persecutor of Christians. She became a Christian, seeing the faith, patience and miracles of the bishop of the city of Magnesia (Thessaly) Harlampius. She tried to protect the bishop, who was being tortured, twice crushed idols in the local church, and subsequently buried the murdered hieromartyr. TO prayer help Saint Galina is resorted to in case of cowardice, doubts in faith, persecution, they pray to her for the conversion of apostates, she is the patroness of all who defend faith and truth.

Troparion of Righteous Galina, tone 2

Today the faith of Christ is confirmed by the stone of faith, and people are adorned in its image with virtues. Righteous Galino, lift up our sighs to Christ God, that we may be worthy of God’s mercy, beg Him for us sinners to be established in the faith and love of Christ and to be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Kontakion of Righteous Galina, voice 2

With zeal for Christ, you, inflamed by idols, overthrew the honest Christ's faith You have exalted us, prospering us through faith and enlightening us.

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about righteous Galina:

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Orthodox believers have enough a large number of saints to whom they bow and pray for help and intercession. One of these revered saints is the martyr Galina. Her image helps from many troubles and misfortunes.

A little history

The Holy Martyr Galina lived in those terrible times when hundreds of thousands of Christians were subjected to torment, torture and persecution. She, like the rest of the Believers, suffered in the third century for her faith in Christ.

The story began with the fact that one day the woman Rufina, fleeing torture, fled to the mountains and gave birth to a child there. She named him Kondrat and died immediately after giving birth. The boy survived. He for a long time grew up and lived in the desert. When he grew up and became a teenager, he met Christians who led him to faith in Christ.

The boy studied, learned to write and achieved excellent professional skills in medical practice, but despite this all his free time he spent time in prayer and practiced prophecy.

Saint Galina came to faith when she met Kondrat. It was his spiritual instructions that influenced her.

Back in 251, a fierce hunt was carried out for Christians, they were executed and subjected to severe torture, which led to death. One day, the people of the evil ruler Jason captured Kondrat and his students, among whom was Galina. They were thrown into prison, and a few days later they were led to execution.

The girl had the opportunity to escape, but she did not take advantage of it. After praying, imitating her teacher, she went to execution. Despite all the trials, Kondrat, Galina and other Christians remained faithful to their faith.

The meaning of the icon of St. Galina

The icon of Galina the holy martyr is an image that is probably in the house of every girl or woman of the same name. After all, she is theirs Guardian Angel. The icon is of great importance for representatives with the same name, because by enlisting the support of a righteous saint, you can get rid of everyday difficulties and more.

What do they pray to Saint Galina for?

Surely not everyone knows what they pray to Saint Galina for and the meaning of the icon with her image. As mentioned above, the icon has a special meaning for girls with the same name, but besides this, all Christians are converted in the following cases:

  • in case of doubts and cowardice,
  • upon the conversion of apostates,
  • during persecution.

Saint Galina helps to defend faith, truth and achieve truth.

The prayer call for help from the holy martyr sounds like this:

Pray to God for me, holy saint of God Galina, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.

May the Lord protect you!

You will be interested in watching a video about the day of remembrance of the Corinthian martyrs Galina, Kondrat and others:

Prayer to Saint Galina

Where to pray to the Holy Martyr Galina?

According to the Orthodox tradition, you can correctly pray to the Holy Martyr Galina both at home and in church. In which church is it best to pray to the Holy Martyr Galina? It is best, from a Christian point of view, to pray to the Holy Martyr Galina in a church built and consecrated in her honor. However, finding just such a church in your city may be difficult. That's why, Orthodox tradition recommends praying to the Holy Martyr Galina in those churches where there is her icon or a particle of her relics. A special prayer formula or a special ritual for the appeal to the Holy Martyr Galina, Christian church does not provide. Although, you can find collections of prayers that also contain a prayer to the Holy Martyr Galina. If you do not have the opportunity or time to visit church to pray to the Holy Martyr Galina, then you can pray at home, on your own.

  • This is the church.
  • How to go to church correctly.

    How to properly pray to the Holy Martyr Galina at home on your own?

    To pray to the Holy Martyr Galina, it is better to have her icon at home. The icon is a canonical image approved by the church. Praying to the Holy Martyr Galina using NOT church images, homemade icons, not consecrated in the temple, is an unacceptable practice for a Christian. But you can use photographs of canonical icons and their images made using typographic methods for prayer. The Christian technique of correct prayer to the Holy Martyr Galina implies the most important moment. When looking at an icon and praying in front of an icon at home, you should under no circumstances pray to the icon itself, as an object. They should not turn to the icon during prayer, ask for the icon, talk to it, wait for an answer from the icon, and so on. Imply the presence of the Holy One directly in the icon. Such prayer techniques exist in the occult and are not used by Christians under any circumstances. By praying to the Holy Martyr Galina in front of the icon, you turn your spiritual gaze and words of prayer to the Saint herself. Living now in the Kingdom of God.

  • How to pray correctly.
  • Rules of conduct in the Orthodox Church.

    Prayer to the Holy Martyr Galina can be preceded by lighting a candle. In Orthodox Christianity, a candle has the meaning of a symbolic bloodless sacrifice. However, with the understanding that the candle is a sacrifice to God, and not to the Holy Martyr Galina. During prayer to the Holy Martyr Galina, a Christian does not try to observe the burning of a candle, the behavior of the flame, the shape of the soot, the color of the fire or its brightness. Just as he does not interpret the shape of the swells on a candle during prayer. Interpreting what is happening as an “answer” to prayer. This is no longer Orthodox christian prayer To the Holy Martyr Galina, and fortune telling on a candle in front of the icon. An esoteric type of sorcery or divination.

  • If a candle goes out in church.
  • How many candles to put in the church.
  • Where to put candles in church.
  • Where to light candles for the repose in church.
  • How to light a candle for health.
  • Is it possible to use candles during menstruation?
  • Candles for the health of enemies.
  • Candles for health and peace.
  • The candle for health has gone out.
  • The candle for repose has gone out.

    Holy water can be drunk before praying to the Holy Martyr Galina. It is advisable to drink holy water before morning prayer on an empty stomach, before meals. Holy water is considered a useful complement to prayer. As a mandatory “ritual” in any case preceding prayer, the “reception” of holy water is not considered by the Orthodox Church.

  • This is the Orthodox Church.
  • Signs associated with the church.

    When turning to the Holy Martyr Galina in prayer, a Christian does not ask her to help him “with her strength.” The Holy Saints perform all miracles only by the power of our Lord. And we pray to the Holy Martyr Galina that she will pray to God for us. Hoping that her prayer will be heard before ours and more favorably accepted by God, as the Holy Intercession for us before our Lord. It is natural for a believer that the prayer to the Holy Martyr Galina should be Christian not only in form, but also in essence. What excludes, makes it impossible to turn to the Holy One for protection from the evil eye, protection from damage, removal of the curse, and so on.

  • Prayer from damage to death.
  • Prayer from the evil eye.
  • Damage to death.
  • What is being damaged?
  • Damage, consequences of damage.
  • How to recognize damage. How to determine damage.
  • How to remove damage in a church. Removing damage from the church.

    Technique of correct prayer in Orthodoxy.

    Correct prayer to the Holy Martyr Galina excludes for a Christian the use of meditation, excessively deep concentration, disconnection from the world, fixation of consciousness on a candle flame, special breathing exercises or other similar techniques. Meditative prayer techniques and prayer-meditations for lay people who do not have much prayer experience are not recommended by the church and are not practiced by Christians. Unlike Catholic Church, Orthodox Christians do not inflame their imagination, imagining as fully and vividly as possible the image of the one to whom the prayer is addressed. The practical technique of correct prayer should not contain elements of direct communication, asking questions and receiving answers to them, voices, visions. Prayer to the Holy Martyr Galina is no exception to general rules correct Christian prayer technique. Although, for representatives of others religious systems For example, for people who practice yoga, techniques to “intensify” prayer are highly recommended as “helpful and effective” ways to pray. Before using such techniques of prayer to the Holy Martyr Galina, consult with your confessor or another priest.

  • Meditation and Christianity.
  • Orthodoxy: is yoga a sin?
  • Women's yoga.
  • Prayer from psychics and sorcerers.
  • How to find a confessor.

    What Christians pray for, what they ask for when praying to the Saints.

    About children, about health, about health, about conception, about healing, about work, about love, about pregnancy (to get pregnant), about help, about mothers, about family, about money, about sons, about the sick, about well-being, about daughter, about recovery, about forgiveness, about husband, about preservation, about peace, about the health of a child, about a loved one, about conceiving a child, about life, about a person, about forgiveness of sins, about return, about birth, about parents, about the health of a child , about the deceased, about the health of the sick, about sale, about Ukraine, about the birth of a child, about a healthy child, about protection, about mother, about Russia, about the gift of children, about business, about the soul, about childbirth, about preserving the family, about the sick , about the sick, about salvation, about home, about the cottage, about the baby, about happiness, about maintaining pregnancy, about pregnant women, about the apartment, about personal life, about reconciliation, about birth healthy child, about the father, about the health of the mother, about the agreement, about housing, about the woman, about peace in Ukraine, about travelers, about the wife, about the children, about help in work, about trade, about loved ones, about the loved one, about the return of a loved one, about daughter’s marriage, about studies, about healing, about the dead, about repose, about the newly deceased, about the sale of an apartment, about a guardian angel, about the recovery of a child, about a spouse, about a loved one, about help in business, about animals, about the return of a husband, about marriage, about well-being in the family, about strength, about enemies, about the heart, about the living, about a pregnant woman, about family well-being, about selling a house, about the path, about a girl, about admonition, about sick children, about sleep, about forgiveness, about Mazepa, about the recovery of a sick person, about permission, about his daughter’s marriage, about conceiving a healthy child, about marriage, about passing an exam, about desire, about finding a job, about haters, about a guy, about Hetman Mazepa, about war, about illnesses, about peace, about patience, about the health of the mother, about the health of relatives, about good work, about relatives and friends, about repentance, about relationships, about the prisoner, about detention, about grandchildren, about prosperity, about those who offend us, about those who offend and hate, about the health of loved ones, help with studies, debts, children.

    Galina - Holy Martyr of Corinth

    These were the most terrible times for Christians: hundreds of thousands of them suffered persecution and were subjected to martyrdom. Galina, the holy martyr of Corinth, also suffered in the 3rd century for her faith in Christ. It all started with the fact that one day the pious woman Rufina, fleeing from such persecutors, fled from Corinth to the mountains and there she gave birth to a baby, whom she named Kondrat. After giving birth, she died almost immediately.

    Reverend Kondrat

    By the will of God, the child remained alive and was nourished by a cloud of sweet dew, which fell on him at the right time. Kondrat spent his entire childhood in the desert. When he became a mature boy, he met Christians who shed on him the light of the true Christian faith.

    Kondrat learned to write and read, and then achieved excellent success in medical practice. However, he spent all his free time in the desert and in the mountains in complete silence, devoting himself to prayer and contemplation of God. After several years, friends began to join his deserted solitude, followers and students appeared who loved to listen to his spiritual instructions. Among these people were Cyprian, Anekt, Dionysius, Paul, Crescent and many others.

    Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth

    Corinth was the second city in size and population after Athens; it is located in the central part of Greece. The Apostle Paul himself lived and preached there in the first century. By the grace of God, Saint Galina was honored with a meeting with the righteous elder Kondrat, who led her to faith in Christ.

    The time of the wicked emperor Decius came (251), who began to fiercely hunt Christians and execute them if they did not sacrifice to the pagan gods. By order of the emperor, the cruel military leader Jason arrived in Corinth, from whom it was impossible for Christians to hide. One day his people captured Elder Kondrat and all his disciples, among whom was Galina, the holy and righteous one. They were all thrown into prison and began to be tortured, but without waiting for them to renounce Christ, on the orders of Jason they were thrown to be devoured by hungry wild predators, but they did not touch them. However, this did not stop the persecutors. And then the bodies of one part of the righteous were dragged through the city to the place of execution, their legs tied to chariots, while the angry crowd threw stones at them.

    Barely alive they were taken to the place of execution, where their heads were to be cut off; the martyrs asked for time to pray. Then, in a chain, they began to approach the executioner, bowing their heads before his sword.

    The rest of Kondrat's students were also betrayed martyrdom. Dionysius was stabbed to death with a dagger. Victor, Victorinus and Nikifor were crushed alive in a huge stone mortar. Claudius was quartered. They prepared a fire for Diodorus, into which he threw himself. Seraphion's head was cut off. Leonidas and Papias were drowned in the sea.

    The righteous wives Galina, Theodora, Kalisa, Khariessa, Nunekhia, Nika, Gali, Vasilisa had the opportunity to hide, but imitating their teacher (Reverend Kondrat) in everything, keeping all his instructions in their hearts and souls, they of their own free will went to execution with in the name of Jesus Christ.

    One legend says that they were beheaded on March 10, old style, and where the execution of the Corinthian martyrs took place, a source of clean water appeared as a reminder to the city of the severe suffering and innocently shed blood.

    Another version

    According to another legend, the disciples of Elder Kondrat were martyred on April 16, old style, in 258 during the reign of Emperor Valerian. This happened on Easter. The holy women, together with Saint Leonidas, were thrown into the sea, but a miracle happened: they did not drown, but began to walk on the water, as if on dry land, and sing divine hymns.

    They were followed by a detachment of soldiers on a ship, who, having overtaken them, tied a heavy load of stones to the necks of the martyrs and drowned them.

    Galina is a holy martyr who brought her cross to God. The days of honoring her memory are usually celebrated on March 10/23 and April 16/29.

    Righteous Galina

    In addition to Saint Galina of Corinth, it is necessary to mention the holy righteous Galina - the daughter of the Roman emperor Septimius Severus, who was a pagan and a fierce persecutor of Christians.

    She convinced her father to abandon the worship of pagan idols. Galina became a Christian thanks to the miracles, faith and patience of Bishop Magnesia Harlampy. When he was taken into custody and subjected to martyrdom, she tried to protect him and twice crushed the erected idols in the local Christian temple. When Saint Harlampius died, she buried his remains. The father did not dare to execute his daughter, so when her time came, she died peacefully.

    Icon of Saint Galina: meaning

    Every Orthodox Galina probably has her own iconostasis with the Mother of God and Christ the Savior in her house. And you can often see nearby personalized icon patron saint. “Saint Galina” is an icon that is of great importance, since it allows a woman with this name to enlist the support of her righteous saint and thereby get rid of all everyday difficulties, suffering and numerous troubles. Pray heavenly helper Galina feels best in the presence of her icon, which will allow her not to lose faith in the Lord even in the most difficult and critical moments.

    People turn to St. Galina in prayer when there are doubts and cowardice; they also pray to her when converting apostates and during persecution. Galina is a saint who patronizes all those who defend truth, faith and righteousness.

    Prayers of preservation.

    Orthodox prayers. The power of the prayer you need. Text of the prayer.

    Saint Galina

    “Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Galina...”

    Saint Galina

    Very little is known about Galina, after whom the women in Holy Baptism are named, but let’s try to reveal her feat in a little more detail in the context of the events of that time. We also know that in the church calendar the holy martyr Galina is commemorated twice: on March 10 (23) and April 16 (29). Many who bear the name Galina may think that these are two different saints, but this is not so. On both of these dates, the memory of the holy martyr Galina of Corinth, who suffered for Christ in the 3rd century is celebrated (according to some sources - in 250 or 251, and according to others - in 258).

    The Holy Martyr Galina was born in Corinth (Corinth at that time was the main city of Achaia, consecrated by the Apostle Paul). Through the mercy of God, she met the righteous elder Kodrat, who converted him to faith in Christ. Kodrat treated bodily illnesses and healed mental illnesses with the word of God. Righteous Galina and other women, imitating Saint Kodrat and keeping his instructions in their hearts, voluntarily went to torment for Christ.

    They could have hidden, but they didn't. March 10, old style they were beheaded... At the place where the Corinthian martyrs were executed for Christ, a source of clean water appeared - to remind Corinth of the suffering of the saints, they shed rivers of their blood.

    According to another legend, the holy women Galina, Khariesa, Nunekhia, Kalis (Kalida), Vasilisa, Nika, Gali, Theodora - disciples of the elder Kodrat - died on April 16 according to Art. Art. in 258 (apparently this happened during the eighth persecution of Christians under Emperor Valeriani). They, together with the holy martyr Leonidas, were thrown into the sea, but they did not drown, but walked on the water as if on dry land, and sang spiritual hymns. The torturers drove them onto the ships, hung stones around their necks and drowned them. So, by the alms of God, all the names of the Corinthian martyrs were preserved.

    That's all that is known about the holy martyr Galina of Corinth. But isn’t this enough for everyone, and not just Galina, to know about her feat in the name of Christ?

    The name Galina, despite its Greek origin (galene ≈ peace, quiet, calm sea) is perceived as exclusively Ukrainian. Perhaps none of the female names has become so popular in songs, sayings and jokes; in dialects of the Ukrainian language the name Galina has more than 70 variants. At the same time, according to statistics, in Ukraine from 1995 to 2015, out of 30 newborn girls, one was not named Galina. This is such a rare name today. However, its owners, as a rule, wear it with pleasure, and I am no exception. Since childhood, we feel how much warmth and tenderness there is in him. Mothers, and everyone around us, rarely repeated themselves when addressing us: Galya, Galinka, Galochka, Galusya... You can continue ad infinitum.

    True, we, Galina, sometimes feel a little sad that our name day, the day of remembrance of our saint, is not celebrated as noticeably among the Orthodox as, for example, Tatiana’s Day, or as the day of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helen, Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, or other women, more famous than Saint Galina, glorified by the Church.

    The secular interpretation of the name Galene - Galina - along with the characteristics of peace and silence attributes to its owners passivity, indifference, coldness and other, not very pleasant, character traits, which is difficult for us, Orthodox Galina, to agree with: we would really like to correspond to the original meaning of our name, that is, to always be in a peaceful state of mind.

    Many of us were named Galina, knowing nothing at all about the lives of those saints whose name we bear. Why saints? Because the church calendar mentions Galin three times: February 10/23, March 10/23 and April 16/29. Usually, having already become a church member, we learn that on these three days the Orthodox Church commemorates only two different saints - the righteous saint Galina and the holy martyr Galina of Corinth. Usually, the life of the second ascetic is more widespread and famous, and we will take a closer look at it at the end of March, after the first saint is remembered only in the context of the biography of Saint Charalampios, whose memory also falls on February 23. Today we will try to tell you everything that we managed to collect from available sources about the heavenly patroness Galin, who were born in January-February, and therefore are under her prayerful intercession. So, who is she, righteous Galina, and how did she deserve honor before the Lord among the saints?

    It is known that Saint Galina lived in the 3rd century and was the daughter of the Roman ruler Septimius Severus. The ancestor of that same Alexander Severus, during whose reign Saint Tatiana received the crown of martyrdom. From the day the young ruler ascended the throne, the empire was expecting changes: in the palace of the new head of state, icons of Christ stood next to sculptures of Roman gods. At first, he did not seem to be an open fighter against God - he simply considered Jesus another of the pantheon of his gods. But, obviously, the eparchs of the State Council, together with the emperor, led the country, were still able to convince Septimius of theirs, and from a passive observer the North became a cruel persecutor of Christians.

    In the city of Magnesia, a southeastern region of Ancient Greece, lived a bishop named Charalampius, a successful missionary and preacher. Rumors about his success in

    The spread of the faith of Christ came to Lucian, the ruler of the region. The military leader Lucius brought the saint to trial, where he refused to sacrifice to idols. The 113-year-old bishop was subjected to terrible torture, and he gratefully addressed the executioners: “Thank you, brothers, you have renewed my spirit!” Two warriors, Porfiry and Vaptos, as well as three women, who immediately laid down their heads for confessing the name of Christ, became witnesses to the elder’s firm faith. The enraged military leader first rushed in to strangle the bishop, but later begged for forgiveness: his arms were lost and his head returned. The ruler of the region, recognizing his own powerlessness, handed over the indestructible old man to the emperor's court. Septimius Severus ordered to bring Saint Charalampios to him, dragging him by the beard. And again the terrible torment that only the sick imagination of a god-fighter could dream up. But the power of God helped Saint Charalampius, and he remained unharmed. Through his prayers, miracles began to happen: a dead young man was resurrected, a demon-possessed man was healed, and people en masse began to profess faith in Christ the Savior. When Emperor Septimius began to openly blaspheme, an invisible force lifted him into the air, and together with Eparch Crispus they hung in limbo, confused and frightened. And over their heads, lightning struck over and over again, and thunder rolled.

    And here, finally, life gives us a meeting with Galina, the daughter of the emperor. The program does not give us information about what the girl looked like, what character or habits she had. Instead, the actions of the blessed one speak. Obviously, Galina believed, along with many of her subjects, having seen the miracles that Charalampius performed in the name of the Lord. One can only imagine what was going on in the soul of the poor girl when she realized the horror of her situation: her father was torturing a holy man. Try to put yourself in his place - and you will be horrified. “Father, no one can resist God: for Christians He is hope, but for the wicked He is death. Believe in Him, and He will protect you and free you from those invisible bonds by which you are bound. The one who bound you is the eternal and omnipotent God,” Galina turned to Septimius with hope, hoping to take advantage of her father’s confusion. Charalampia fell to her knees before the saint: “I beg you, servant of God, pray to the Lord Christ and with your prayer free my father from invisible fetters.”

    After liberation, Sever and his retinue did not leave the palace for three days. Galina prayed, hoping for her father's understanding. The vision that was revealed to her finally confirmed him in faith. “It seemed to me,” she told Saint Charalampia, “that I saw a large fenced garden in which various trees were planted; Among them grew a beautiful vineyard, and in this vineyard stood a tall cedar tree, with a spring flowing at its roots. Here stood a formidable guard who did not allow anyone to enter this garden. Nearby I saw my father and Eparch Crispus, whom a guard was driving away from this place with a fiery sword. I was gripped by great fear and only prayed that this guard would allow me to stay there. He said: “Come here, and I will carry you on my shoulders with honor into this garden.” And when I was already at the source, I heard a voice: “This place has been given to you and those like you.”

    Saint Charalampius explained the vision as follows: “The abundance of water is a gift of the Holy Spirit, but a fenced garden is paradise. The vineyard signifies the repose of the righteous in paradise, and the fragrant trees signify the faces of the saints. The tall cedar symbolizes the glory of Christ on the cross, the source is eternal life given by Christ to the human race. And the guard who received you on His shoulder is the Lord Christ, who, leaving ninety-nine sheep in the mountains, began to look for the lost one and, having found it, took it on His shoulders (Luke 15: 4-5). Your father, together with the eparch, will be expelled from the paradise of God, because they - now grateful to God - will soon again fall into the devil’s shackles.”

    And so it happened. The bishop was again sent to be tortured, as Galina asked for mercy on him. The girl just prayed and mentally prepared for the worst. And my father went crazy: “Make a sacrifice, Galina!” The girl agreed, hoping that maybe with her humility she would soften the tyrant’s heart. She was ready to do anything just to stop the torture. The North triumphed: now he will wipe the nose of that stubborn Christian - his own daughter will also bow to the gods. Meanwhile, Galina went to the temple of Action and Apollo and told the priests that she had come to bring repentance to the gods. Entering the temple, the girl laughed in despair: “Which idol should I throw down first - Action or Hercules, or maybe Apollo?” While the frightened priests were persuading her, Galina approached Action: “If you are a god, then how could you still not see that I came to crush you?” So all the statues fell under their feet. “Someone is blessed!” - The priests looked at each other in shock. The ruler, having learned about his daughter’s pranks, secretly ordered the production of new idols, saying that they were resurrected like Christ.

    Galina, entering the temple in the morning, laughed: “It’s easier for me to destroy new idols than old ones.” - And, turning to Action, she added: “Jupiter, risen from the dead, I command you: go again to death.” And again, fragments from broken idols poured out onto the floor of the temple. The enraged Septimius stamped his feet: “Make a sacrifice to the gods, you seeds of evil, not my child!”

    Galina, for the first time in her life, not afraid of her father’s frantic screeching, smiling, answered: “I have already made a sacrifice to them, to the best of my ability, but, if you want, I can do the same with your other gods.” The emperor even recoiled: it was not his daughter who stood in front of him - she became like those out-of-this-world Christians whom he drowned in his own blood, and they only prayed and praised God. Some even thanked him for his torment and blessed him. “The same smile, blissful...” North shuddered. He no longer touched Galina, but he could not admit to himself that his daughter - the powerful Septimius Severus - professed Christianity and also seemed to have gone crazy.

    And Galina... The frank admission of herself as a Christian, her father's cruelty, the condemnation of the townspeople, even the whispering of the servants in the palace - completely unsettled her. Only prayer saved me. Only the Lord saw at what cost Galina had to pay her confession of faith. The Life sparingly reports that it was the daughter of the emperor-executioner who collected the remains of her mentor: “Blessed Galina, the king’s daughter, asked him for the body of the martyr and, taking it, wrapped it in a clean shroud, anointed it with incense and precious myrrh and, glorifying the Lord, put it in a golden the ark. The king was afraid to judge and punish his daughter, seeing that the Lord was with her, he left her to live in Christian piety, according to his will.”

    That's all: a few lines, and behind them is the life of the righteous Galina. We do not know for sure that life lived through the holidays and how many years the Almighty gave it. But we know for sure: the feat of confession of faith, which she bore in the eyes of the Savior of the world, is worth the most precious rewards. Galina is blessed, Galina is one of the saints of Christ, next to His throne she prays for us. Isn’t this enough for everyone, not just Galina, to know about her feat in the name of Christ?

    Holy blessed Galina, pray to God for us!

    Question answer: Please place in the newspaper material about the life of Saint Galina - we, Galina, could not find her biography anywhere, but we want to know about her.

    Galina Muratovskaya,
    With. Yurla, Yurlinsky district, Perm region

    The Holy Martyr Galina was born in Corinth (Corinth at that time was the main city of Achaia, enlightened by the Apostle Paul). By the grace of God she met the righteous elder Kodrat, who converted her to faith in Christ.

    Saint Kodrat spent most of his life in the mountains and deserts, where he remained in fasting and prayer. Many years passed, Saint Kodrat approached old age. His friends and followers often came to him in the desert to listen to his instructions. Among them were Cyprian, Dionysius, Anekt, Paul, Crescent and many others who suffered with him for Christ.

    Their suffering occurred in this way. During the persecution of Christians by order of the wicked emperor Decius (c. 251), believers in Christ began to be tortured. By order of Decius, hegemon Jason came to Corinth. The holy elder Kodrat was captured along with his disciples, among whom was the righteous Galina, and thrown into prison. They were tortured, but, having failed to get anyone to renounce Christ, they were thrown, by order of Jason, to be devoured wild animals, but the animals did not touch the martyrs. This did not stop the persecutors. The righteous were tied by their feet to chariots and dragged outside the city to the place intended for execution, while the crowd threw stones at them. Here the saints, having asked for a little time for themselves, prayed with zeal to the Lord, then bowed their honest heads to the sword and were beheaded on the tenth day of the month of March. After the murder of the first six martyrs, other captured Christians were tortured and killed in various ways.

    Righteous Galina and other wives - Hariessa, Kalisa (Kalida), Nunekhia, Vasilisa, Nika, Gali, Theodora, imitating Saint Codratus and keeping his instructions in their hearts, voluntarily went to suffer for Christ. They could have taken cover, but did not. On April 29 they were beheaded... At the place where the Corinthian martyrs were executed for Christ, a source of clean water appeared - to remind Corinth of the suffering of the saints who shed rivers of their blood.

    According to another legend, the holy wives Galina, Hariessa, Nunekhia, Kalisa (Kalida), Vasilissa, Nike, Gali, Theodora - disciples of Elder Kodratus - died on April 29 in 258 (apparently this happened during the eighth persecution of Christians under Emperor Valerian). They, together with the holy martyr Leonidas, were thrown into the sea, but they did not drown, but walked on the water as if on dry land, and sang spiritual hymns. The torturers caught up with them on the ship, hung stones around their necks and drowned them.

    So, by the grace of God, all the names of the Corinthian martyrs and everything that is known about the holy martyr Galina of Corinth were preserved. But isn’t this enough for everyone, and not just Galina, to know about her feat in the name of Christ?

    Troparion to the Holy Martyr Galina

    Your Lamb, Jesus, Galina calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and seeking You I suffer and am crucified, and I am buried in Your Baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, for I reign in You, and I die for You, and I live with You. ; but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, offering myself to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

    Prayer to the holy martyr Leonid and the martyrs Hariessa, Nika, Galina, Kalisa, Nunekhia, Vasilisa, Theodora, Irina and others like them who suffered

    O holy martyr! Extend your favorable prayers to our Lord and Creator and beg His goodness to grant us (names) everything necessary for eternal salvation, and also necessary for this temporary life: we believe without a doubt that everything is possible for you, as His true saint. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not disgrace our hope, but through your prayers make us heirs of being the Kingdom of Christ, so that we glorify the love of mankind in the Trinity of the glorified and worshiped God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your holy intercession, forever and ever.

    Patron saint of wearers
    name GALINA -
    Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth

    The Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth suffered for Christian faith in the 3rd century. According to legend, the holy martyr Galina died on the first day of Easter in the year 258. She, along with other holy martyrs, was thrown into the sea. Holy
    Galina of Corinth helps in all matters those who are baptized in the name Galina, and the holy martyr becomes the first helper and intercessor of those who are with her on the holy namesake.

    Life of the Holy Martyr
    Galina Korinthskaya

    The names of the martyrs from Corinth - Cyprian, Dionysius, Anekt, Paul, Criscent, Dionysius another, Victoria, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Diodorus, Seraphion, Papias, Leonidas, as well as the martyrs Galina, Chariessa, Nunekhia, Kalisa (Kalida), Basilissa, Niki, Gali (fallen name - Gali, emphasis on i) and Theodora did not disappear through the centuries thanks to the preserved feat of their mentor Elder Kodrat.

    It is known about the holy martyr Galina of Corinth that she was born at the beginning of the 3rd century in Corinth, and from there her nickname Corinthian came. The Greek city of Corinth was second in importance after Athens, the capital of the central part of the country - Achaia, enlightened in Christianity in the 1st century by the supreme apostle Paul. Let us remember the Epistles of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians - how much fatherly love, how much tender and strict spiritual care is put into these words, thank God, sealed for us forever in the book of the New Testament. Here, among other Christians of Corinth, Saint Galina met the holy elder Codratus, who enlightened her in the Teachings of Christ and converted her to the Christian faith.

    Emperor Decius then ruled in Rome - it is believed that it was around the year 251 from the Nativity of Christ. To identify Christians and punish them, Decius sent the military leader Jason to Corinth. He quickly found Elder Kodrat with his disciples, and everyone, including Saint Galina, was taken into custody and taken to prison. All those taken were first tortured - here the Roman pagans were very successful in the fantasies of the executioners, but the faith of Christ was stronger, and, seeing that their efforts were useless, by order of Jason, the persecutors threw the martyrs to be devoured by wild beasts, but even they sensed the Holy Spirit of the Creator of all things in These people refused easy prey.

    This miracle did not cool the ardor of the persecutors. Christians were given over to new torments, descriptions of which we will omit, because any horror film that we watch today is an easy spectacle compared to what the torturers did to the martyrs of Corinth. After all the torture, according to some surviving sources, they were beheaded.

    Before the execution, they asked to be given a little time for the last prayer, they themselves went to the place of execution and lay down under the sword. This happened on March 10/23, approximately 251 A.D., and at the site of their execution a spring with wonderfully clear water appeared.

    According to other sources, they died a little later, in 258, already under Emperor Valerian I. They tried to throw them into the sea together with Saint Leonidas, but the saints did not drown, but walked on the water singing hymns to Christ. This happened on Easter and was another evidence of the power and glory of the Lord. However, the persecutors caught up with them on a ship, tied a weight around their necks and drowned them in the sea waters.

    How an icon protects

    In front of the icon of the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth, they pray for protection from temptations, for strengthening in the faith, since all the martyrs of early Christianity are an expressive example of the firmness of spiritual convictions, their self-denial is difficult to comprehend for modern man. Not everyone in our times has the opportunity to make such a choice: one’s own physical life or a voluntary, moreover, sometimes joyful renunciation of it in the name of testifying to the superiority of spiritual life over physical life. Precisely because in our everyday life there is no place for the suffering that the early Christians went through, refusing to betray the name of the Lord, and the conditions in which they lived and believed are not comparable to ours, when there are no threats to the salvation of the soul, except those hidden within ourselves, reflection on their feat protects us from spiritual falls and transgressions before God.

    What does an icon help with?

    Saint Galina of Corinth helps in all matters those who are baptized in the name Galina, and the holy martyr becomes the first helper and intercessor of those who are with her on the holy namesake. Prayer before the icon of the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth helps us, modern Christians, to understand our spiritual weaknesses. When we read the lives of the saints of the first centuries of Christianity, we learn about their suffering in the name of Christ and executions, about the most severe persecution and persecution, about everything that the pagans committed, trying to uproot the seeds of the new, true faith.

    How to pray in front of an icon

    Your Lamb, Jesus, Galina calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and seeking You I suffer and am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, so that I reign in You, and I die for You, and I live with You ; but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, offering myself to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

    Prayer to the holy martyr Leonid and the martyrs Hariessa, Nika, Galina, Kalisa, Nunekhia, Vasilisa, Theodora, Irina and others like them who suffered

    O holy martyr! Extend your favorable prayers to our Lord and Creator and beg His goodness to grant us (names) everything necessary for eternal salvation, and also necessary for this temporary life: we believe without a doubt that everything is possible for you, as His true saint. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not disgrace our hope, but through your prayers make us heirs of being the Kingdom of Christ, so that we glorify the love of mankind in the Trinity of the glorified and worshiped God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your holy intercession, forever and ever.

    Prayerful invocation of the saint whose name you bear

    Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (name), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

    When is the holy day of remembrance

    The days of memory of the holy martyr Galina are celebrated:
    March 10/23 - her teacher, the holy martyr Kodrat and others like him, is remembered;
    April 16/29 - the holy martyrs who died at sea are remembered.

    Which churches have an icon of the saint?

    You can venerate Saint Galina of Corinth in the Church of the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth in Khimki (Moscow region), although in vast Russia there may be small churches and chapels built in her honor. You can find out about this from your diocese.

    For home prayers, so that you can pray to your heavenly patroness more often, not only when coming to church for general worship, but at home, if the need for urgent prayer arises, simply spend time in prayerful communication with your heavenly patroness.

    Meaning of the icon

    About the holy martyr Galina of Corinth, like about most early Christian martyrs, we know very little, and this information is fragmentary. And, of course, an even greater number of names have sunk into Eternity, remaining unknown to us. But the exploits of those whose names we know also speak about those unknown people who suffered next to them. In the history of the Church, only one Saint Galina is known reliably, but there are certainly other holy women with this name who suffered for Christ. On occasion, let us pray for those whose lives remain unknown, but the Lord knows about them as those who brought their feat and their selfless love to the Throne of God.


    The meaning of the name Galina

    The meaning of the name is “calmness”, “serenity”
    Origin: Ancient Greek

    Horoscope named after Galina

    *Zodiac sign - Aries.
    *Guardian planet is the Sun.
    *Talisman stone - garnet.
    *Talisman color - crimson, purple,
    a combination of brick scarlet and blue-gray.
    *Plant talisman - sweet pea, pine.
    *The animal mascot is a jackdaw.
    *The most successful day is Wednesday.
    *Predisposition to traits such as -
    persistence, pragmatism, inconstancy,
    striving for a higher goal, openness

    Copy the prayer by hand and always carry it with you, it will be your protection, you can read it at any time when you have problems, and also do not forget to praise your protector - the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth