If you are unlucky enough to hit something with your elbow, this event will not go unnoticed - anyone who has hit it knows how painful it can be. But if a realist winces, rubs the bruised area and moves on as if nothing had happened, then a superstitious person will see a warning in him. And if he doesn’t just fish it out of his memory necessary interpretation, but will also analyze relationships with others, which means that the beliefs were not formed in vain. There's nothing that can help you understand an injured elbow!

Folk signs about elbow strikes

Among mystics, any trauma or simply painful sensation in any part of the body is explained by a warning from the Universe (“You’re doing something wrong! Stop, otherwise it will get worse”) and a persistent sign urging you to look around in order to notice the danger lurking in time. No one is immune from sudden attacks of clumsiness, but you should not think that unknown forces are attacking you because of an accidental elbow strike, especially since sometimes a bruised elbow brings good news.

Depending on gender

When a girl gets hurt

Signs about elbow strikes among girls prophesy events associated with representatives of the opposite sex. What else could our ancestors think about in those distant times when signs were born?

  • If a woman hits her right elbow, her lover remembers her with tenderness.
  • If the left one was injured, the young lady was at the epicenter negative thoughts. Maybe someone is scolding her, or the young man suspects her of infidelity. Or an insidious tempter is hatching plans to seduce. Alas, with the most ignoble goals.
  • When a girl hits her right elbow, she remembers married man. To the left - the single man indulges in dreams.

If there is no suitor and is not yet in sight, you can take this opportunity to hasten the appearance of the prince:

If a man knocked

  • A bruised right elbow does not bode well for the guy. A meeting with an enemy, an unpleasant conversation, a showdown... But all this can be avoided if you quickly rub the bruised area and read a prayer.
  • The left elbow promises vague problems: they will come, but from where, from whom, in what area is unknown. The recipe is the same - vigorously rub the beaten elbow and hope for the best.

What does the strength of the bruise indicate?

Traditionally it is considered: what hit harder and the longer the pain, the more serious the future events. If your left elbow has received a noticeable injury, it means that you have to solve big problems and even ask friends for help. Has a huge bruise blossomed on the right? Either they praise you very loudly, or the young man was ardent. On the one hand, it hurts, on the other, it’s pleasant. You can be patient.

In rare cases, clumsiness that appears out of nowhere may indicate a neurological disorder. Do you start counting the furniture in the room with your elbows too often? Visit a neurologist and make sure everything is okay. Otherwise there is nothing to be afraid of. Carefully erase bad omens, rejoice in good ones and rely on your intuition more often. Then you definitely won’t miss anyone - neither the enemy nor your soulmate.

As is usually the case, the signs of hitting your right elbow or your left have not just one interpretation, but several. The interpretation may vary slightly in different countries. Sometimes it even happens that a blow from the left hand is considered a good omen, but a blow from the right elbow is considered a bad omen.

Signs - hit with your right elbow

A blow with your right elbow indicates that it is at this moment that someone remembers you. It is possible that they were just thinking about you and not discussing you. Don't worry. They remember you only with kind words.

Perhaps right now your bosses are praising you and encouraging your actions. This phenomenon suggests that those around you are happy with you and there is no need to worry. If an unmarried girl hit her elbow, now a young man who is not indifferent to her is thinking about her.

It is likely that you will meet in the near future. Rest assured, this young man is serious and really wants to see you as soon as possible. It is believed that the longer and more severely your hand hurts, the more reverently and admiringly the guy treats you.

Another belief was associated with this sign. It was believed that if you don’t even know who it might be, but really want to find out the name of your fan, you can perform a small ritual.

As soon as you hit your elbow, don't hesitate to shout out the first male name that comes to mind. It was believed that this is how you will find out who your future husband will be.

To get a more accurate prediction, pay attention to other phenomena that happen to you (for example:,).

It is quite expected that hitting with the left elbow will bring less joyful events than hitting with the right. If you are damaged right hand, then someone is thinking about you too. But it is possible that you are now being scolded very much.

Anyone who thinks about you is very dissatisfied with your actions, your statements, and may even envy you. It is possible that you have enemies. It is likely that others believe that you did the wrong thing. You may not even suspect that you have done something wrong, but they are trying to catch you in it.

If you have any secret sins, then be careful, someone is trying to lead you to clean water. For unmarried girl The sign has another meaning. The interpretation claims that the young man who cares about her does not have a very positive opinion of her.

It is possible that he often discusses her, mocks her, or spreads gossip. Be as careful as possible, as you probably shouldn’t trust such a person.

As is usually the case, this sign has not one interpretation, but several. The interpretation may vary slightly in different countries. Sometimes it even happens that a blow from the left hand is considered a good omen, but a blow from the right elbow is considered a bad omen.

In most cases, in principle, a bruised elbow is considered a harbinger of trouble. People believed if you hit your elbow and want to neutralize the possible Negative influence signs, you immediately need to rub your hand vigorously and read the conspiracy from enemies.

In principle, an injury to the elbow is not a particularly pleasant sign for representatives of the stronger half of humanity. It is possible that you will have to sort things out with your enemies; you have a lying friend who is trying to set you up or is dragging you into some kind of fraud.

In this case, also use some kind of protective prayer to neutralize. It is believed that if you hit some furniture and as a result a plate, knife or some other utensil fell from it, then a quarrel with relatives is not excluded in the near future. If the fallen object is a product, then discord in the family cannot be avoided.

This is especially true for fallen bread. Such signs are quite easy to explain. In ancient times, everything was obtained with great difficulty. Both food and dishes were worth their weight in gold. Therefore, if any of this fell due to the fault of the awkward young mistress, she was very much scolded.

There is another good sign for girls. It is believed that if you hit your elbow (no matter which one) while sleeping, then very soon you will walk down the aisle.

Only you can decide whether hitting your elbow is a bad omen or a good one, or perhaps it’s just a coincidence and it doesn’t foretell anything. However, if you are very superstitious and afraid of the negative effect of a sign, then use prayer to neutralize it.

The ancients always attached to this or that event double meaning. This is not only the fact of the event, for example, an itch in the eyebrow or a suddenly flushed cheek.

This is also a definite sign of why something like this happened. A sign can be bad or good, funny or wise.

Most often, it is impossible to understand the logic by which the meaning of a particular sign was determined.

But in any case, today there are a huge number of them. In particular, there are signs that tell you what it means to hit your elbow.

It is clear that today's people hardly notice anything that happens to them during the day, and a bruised elbow does not tell them anything. But previously, an event such as an elbow strike could be interpreted in several ways at the same time. Everything depended on the specific circumstances surrounding the injury.

Various signs about an elbow strike

For example, if a person managed to hit his elbow while behind dining table, where his relatives have gathered, it means that soon “a black cat will run between the relatives.” Simply put, such a sign foreshadowed an imminent quarrel.

If the blow fell on the armrest of a chair or the back of a chair, then there is someone trying to interfere or harm to this person. And such a sign (by the way, it is not the only one with a similar message) means that a person should definitely take a closer look at his surroundings. What exactly - choose for yourself.

There is also a specification of the sign, depending on which elbow the person hit: for example, if the left elbow was hit, it means someone is thinking very negatively about you, remembering something unpleasant.

Perhaps someone even scolds you or simply suspects you of something wrong. And if you hit your right elbow, it means that, on the contrary, someone remembered about you with a good message. Perhaps you were praised right now or simply remembered with a kind word. However, there are other interpretations of this sign, affecting various aspects of the body.

For example, if you hit your elbow (regardless of the side of your body), then you should expect some trouble soon. The easiest way is to treat such a sign as a sign sent to you from above by fate. Perhaps right now you are making some mistake: you are saying or doing something for which you will have to pay later.

Usually in such cases the Universe resorts to “transparent hints”, that is, it switches to the language of pain. After all, any blow from the elbow usually brings with it extremely unpleasant sensations.

Various interpretations of the sign “hitting your elbow”

There are even more specific features of this superstition. For example, if a girl hurts herself with her elbow, and it’s the right elbow, it means her lover is remembering her right now. If her left elbow is injured, it means that someone she knows is not thinking about her with good intentions.

Typically, women perceive such a sign as a blow with the right or left elbow as if it were something slightly romantic, although men do not think that an elbow strike carries such an aura. So they prefer to simply rub the bruised area. And thus, according to the sign, disperse all possible troubles predicted by superstition.

If a person not only hits his right or left elbow against some furniture, but knocks over food or a plate, it means that he will soon have to quarrel with his relatives.

One way or another, the stability of predicting events using superstitions invented over many millennia in huge quantities has always left much to be desired. This means that if you hit something, then only one sign can be as truthful as possible: you either need to move the furniture from the aisle, or lie down and rest in order to restore dexterity and coordination of movements.

Human organs are one of the most popular materials for all kinds of superstitions and omens. Many volumes of folklore have been written about the ring, index and middle fingers, burning ears and itchy nose. It is collected in villages and villages, and it has also been preserved in city archives. There are also interesting findings regarding elbows, which represent competition and many other components of the surrounding reality. Therefore, the sign about an elbow strike has many interpretations. We will consider some of them.

Sign about the elbow for girls

The signs about what it means to hit your elbow, right or left, are based on the same contradictory logic. The elbow, as you know, is a rather delicate human organ, and even if you hit it lightly on a hard object, it will be unbearably painful. Perhaps for this reason it is believed that if you hit your elbow, the pain requires increased experience:

  • if a girl hurt her right elbow- no other way than how her betrothed remembers her;
  • a completely different interpretation is obtained, if instead of the right elbow there is a left one- this sign is interpreted as all sorts of bad conversations that are going on about this very girl.
  • Of great interest, by analogy with an itchy nose, is also arousing sign of an itchy left elbow- this, they say, means tears, and also about the right elbow - in anticipation of good news;
  • if your elbow knocks bread or something else off the table, located on it - this means a quarrel, a scandal between relatives, and such a sign is understandable, because bread has always been revered as the main product.

Everything here is as simple as in the case of the rich groom. If a girl hits her elbow, it’s very painful, female hands- more tender than men's. And in order to somehow smooth out this unpleasant moment, you need to say something to her, after which she will forget about her sore elbow. Do you understand what kind of “medicine” can cure a girl’s heart? This is where the sign about the groom's memories originates.

For men with elbows, everything is simple - rub it and move on

Most beliefs are relative men's elbows are not particularly diverse. There are literally several reasons for this painful condition, here they are:

  • if a man hits his elbow on the table and knocks some objects off it, then such a sign is interpreted as follows - perhaps the incident will develop into a quarrel between two lovers, a big family quarrel, or even a divorce if it concerns two married people;
  • in another case, a man may, with painful consequences for himself, hit a piece of home furniture with your elbow, and this could be the back of a chair, the armrest of a chair or a sofa - in this case, the interpretation says that this person has an envious person, a competitor, or simply an ill-wisher, from whom one should expect bad actions in the near future.

In the second case, the sign is quite understandable. After all, an elbow is what a person, figuratively speaking, pushes away other people who are striving to climb the career ladder or simply want to achieve some goal. So it turns out that the man who got hit became envious of how his business was going. A wonderful “antidote” for such a bad omen is a simple recipe: without hesitation, rub the bruise with your other hand - and then the omen will not come true.

Marrying a millionaire is easy - with the help of... your elbow

One of the signs about this vital part of the body concerns marital relations. However, in order to find a reputable groom, the girl will have to push aside many competitors with her elbows. If you don’t believe it, judge it for yourself:

  • it is enough for a representative of the fair sex see dirty elbows in a dream- and then, according to the sign, she will forever lose the chance to get engaged to a wealthy man, therefore, it is necessary to be vigilant even in a dream, so as not to ever see insidious dirty elbows.
  • This is a rather strange omen, especially since marriage and dirty elbows are quite incompatible, and indeed, if a girl is going to get married, especially for a rich man - she should carefully look after herself, be clean and tidy in public, only in this case, if you follow elementary logic, can you get married successfully, but everything turns out the other way around.

Our dreams are generally a special part of interpretation. They appear very strangely, and often have interpretations that, at first glance, seem to have nothing to do with the dream itself. All this is explained by the psychology of the occurrence of sleep. Our subconscious is always “to blame” for its birth. This part of our brain, unnoticed by the owner himself, gradually accumulates all our fears, experiences, and what we always think about. And then, waiting for an opportunity, he presents the quintessence, a kind of digest of them in the form of a dream. There is only one reason: sleep has a huge influence on the dreamer. The subconscious “remains content”, the main thing is to convince a person of what he previously did not attach great importance.

In our case, seeing dirty elbows and losing the chance to get married are seemingly absolutely incompatible parts of a single whole. But how do you think it’s possible to marry a rich man if you don’t push your competitors with your elbows? To get through to the desired groom, you need to make a lot of effort. And get your elbows thoroughly dirty. A girl who has her sights set on someone else's wealth, which will go to her if she manages to push aside her competitors, is probably thinking about this. But there are a lot of them around. And they are all very dexterous and sneaky. Look, what dirty elbows they have! Surely, with such elbows, one of them will definitely push her away from her future rich husband!

All these experiences and fears accumulate in the poor girl’s subconscious. Soon, from such experiences, she completely loses heart - and along with this, her chances of gaining the desired wealth will disappear. It was at this moment that a dream about dirty elbows came to her. And - it becomes prophetic, the girl really no longer has any strength to fight for a wealthy groom.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Our ancestors attached great importance to even a minor bruise. Hitting your elbow is a sign that has sacred meaning. Today people generally notice little about themselves, but previously even a small detail was considered a sign from above. Itches left hand, an eye twitches, a spider appeared in the house or a dove flew into the window - all these events were of great importance for our ancestors.

Hitting your elbow is an ambiguous sign. It all depends on the circumstances under which it happened.

  • If a person hits his elbow at the dinner table, in a circle of close people, then this is a bad omen, foreshadowing an imminent quarrel with relatives.
  • If a person hits his elbow on the back of a chair or armrest, this means that someone wants to interfere with or harm him. In this case, you need to be attentive to your loved ones and acquaintances.
  • Hitting your left elbow means that you are remembered in a negative way. It may also mean that someone is scolding you and even suspects you of something bad.
  • Hitting your right elbow means that they think of you with joy, praise you and hold you up as an example. This means that you are calling in this moment someone has positive emotions.

There is another version of the meaning of this folk sign. It is believed that hitting an elbow, right or left, is a bad omen, promising trouble. In this case, it should be regarded as a sign of fate. You are probably doing or saying something wrong at the moment, and the Universe has no choice but to reach you through pain. As you know, an elbow strike, although insignificant, always brings unpleasant sensations.

If you believe in folk signs and superstitions, then you should pay attention even to such little things as an elbow strike. If you are more attentive to yourself and the world around you, then maybe. Many wrong actions and decisions can be avoided. Believe in good omens and use folk wisdom for your own good. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.10.2014 09:41

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