It is not for nothing that the Russian opposition mechanism, which is quite heterogeneous in its composition, has such low support among citizens. Constant "marches...

Quotes from Stomakhin's texts
“There are and cannot be any negotiations with Russia, which Aslan Maskhadov spoke so much about. Russia can only be destroyed. And it MUST be destroyed - this is...


It has long been pointless to “save Russia” - it won’t be saved anyway. Nothing can help this bestial, shapeless carcass doomed to die - it is in agony, and the sooner it dies, the better. " "

There are no and cannot be any negotiations with Russia, which Aslan Maskhadov spoke so much about. Russia can only be destroyed. And it MUST be destroyed - this is a measure of preventive self-defense of the human race from the savage devilry that Russia has carried within itself since the time of the first mass murders and executions for criticizing the authorities, since the capture of Novgorod and Kazan. Russians must be killed, and only killed - among them there are no normal, smart, intelligent people with whom one could talk and whose understanding one could hope for. Strict collective responsibility of all Russians, all loyal citizens of Russia must be introduced for the actions of the authorities elected by them - for genocide, for massacres, executions, torture, trade in corpses... From now on there should be no division of killers into peaceful and non-peaceful, conscious and unwilling ""

Kill, kill, kill! Cover all of Russia with blood, do not give the slightest mercy to anyone, try to arrange at least one nuclear explosion on the territory of the Russian Federation - this is what the program of radical Resistance should be, both Russian, and Chechen, and anyone! Let the Russians deserve to reap what they have produced. " "

Death to the Russian occupiers! Death to the savage bloody empire! Freedom for the peoples she enslaved! " "


Boris Vladimirovich Stomakhin (born August 24, 1974, Moscow, USSR) is a Russian publicist convicted of inciting national hatred and calls for extremist actions. In 2006, he received the longest prison term among all those convicted under Article 282 of the Criminal Code. He was released on March 21, 2011. He was detained again on November 20, 2012 on suspicion of violating the same articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as justifying terrorism. On April 22, 2014, he was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison.

IN political life Boris Stomakhin has been participating since 1991 and is a regular participant in many political actions and events in Moscow. Since 1994, he begins to publish in various “informal” political publications, mainly of an opposition nature. Subsequently published in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Chechen and other print and online media. He was a member of the Trotskyist KRDMS Sergei Biets, from where he was expelled in 1998 with the wording “for bourgeois-democratic deviation and non-compliance with revolutionary ethics.” One of the reasons for this was the publication of Boris Stomakhin’s article “Lenin, the Nazis and the Freedom of Sexual Minorities,” where he, in particular, stated: “even if Lenin was a homosexual, that was his right, we have nothing against it and in any case We remain faithful to his cause.”

In the spring of 1999, Stomakhin created the Revolutionary Contact Association, a radical organization of a liberal direction, sharply opposed to the authorities, and became its co-chairman together with Pavel Kantor. In this capacity, he actively participates in all political events held by the RKO - numerous rallies, pickets, processions, leaflet campaigns, establishing contacts with friendly organizations of the CIS and Europe. Since May 2000, he founded the monthly newspaper RKO “Radical Politics” and became its permanent editor. The newspaper, like the organization, is fundamentally not registered with the Russian authorities.

November 17, 2000, according to Stomakhin’s article “Program national revolution", as well as based on the political statements of the organization published on the RKO website, the prosecutor's office initiates a criminal case under the articles "Calls for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order", "Insulting a representative of the authorities" and "Slander of a representative of the authorities", then transferred for investigation to the FSB. By “representative of the authorities” was meant the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin Early in the morning of February 13, 2001, Stomakhin and four of his comrades in the RKO and the Russian Movement for the Independence of Chechnya were searched by FSB officers. After searches and several interrogations in this case, the FSB closed it in August 2001 “for lack of evidence of a crime,” without ever bringing charges against Stomakhin.

Since the summer of 2001, Stomakhin began publishing his articles on the Kavkaz-Center website. He also continues to publish “Radical Politics”, which diverges in the circles of the democratic opposition in Moscow and Russia. In August 2002, one of the figures of this opposition, then State Duma deputy Vladimir Lysenko, having received from his assistant the “RP” number distributed at a rally in Moscow, wrote a statement to the prosecutor’s office, and a new criminal case was initiated against Stomakhin and “RP” under Art. 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the investigation of which is also entrusted to the FSB. After several interrogations in March, it was closed in the summer of 2003. In parallel with the criminal case, he is also subject to administrative prosecution, numerous arrests by the police and courts as an organizer and active participant in many unauthorized street actions in Moscow.

Fearing persecution, at the end of May 2004 Stomakhin left for Ukraine. There, with the assistance of local human rights activists, he is trying to obtain refugee status, but the Vinnytsia branch of the Ukrainian Migration Service refuses to consider his documents on the merits, stating that Russia is a democratic country where one can defend one’s rights in court. In the Russian Federation, meanwhile, Stomakhin is on the wanted list.

In 2005, Boris Stomakhin took part in the creation of the Society of Friends of Ichkeria and became a member of its Organizing Committee. Founds the online newspaper “Resistance,” positioning itself as “an organ of revolutionary liberal Resistance to the bloody Putin regime and Russian imperialism.” Becomes a member of the Union of Caucasian Journalists. In 2006, he joined the International Movement for the Decolonization of the Caucasus.

At the same time, he continues to publish “Radical Politics”, distributed in Russia by his comrades and like-minded people, and to publish sharp journalistic articles on the Internet, in particular on the Kavkaz Center. Its main topic is the activities of the Russian opposition, whose role in this struggle is assessed by Stomakhny as “treasonous” and “collaborative”. Stomakhin proclaims “the need to create and forge a new, radical and uncompromising opposition to overthrow the bloody and totalitarian power of the Chekists.”

In numerous publications related to Chechen war, Stomakhin advocates the independence of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. Both his journalism and most of the activities of the RKO, which he leads, are devoted to this topic. He demands not only recognition of the independence of Chechnya, but also the complete dismantling and dissolution of the “colonial Russian Empire", since "a people who oppress other peoples cannot be free." Stomakhin supported the Chechen separatists leading terrorist activities, even calling for destruction Russian state and Russian genocide.


In 2000 he graduated from Moscow State University print.

Boris Stomakhin has been involved in political life since 1991 and is a regular participant in many political events and events in Moscow. Since 1994, he begins to publish in various “informal” political publications, mainly of an opposition nature. Subsequently published in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Chechen and other print and online media. He was a member of the KRDMS Sergei Biyts, from where in 1998 he was expelled with the wording “for bourgeois-democratic deviation and non-compliance with revolutionary ethics.”

In the spring of 1999, he created the Revolutionary Contact Association, a radical organization of a liberal direction, sharply opposed to the authorities, and became its co-chairman together with Pavel Kantor. In this capacity, he actively participates in all political events held by the RKO - numerous rallies, pickets, processions, leaflet campaigns, establishing contacts with friendly organizations of the CIS and Europe. Since May 2000, he founded the monthly newspaper RKO “Radical Politics” and became its permanent editor. The newspaper, like the organization, is fundamentally not registered with the Russian authorities.

On November 17, 2000, based on Stomakhin’s article “Program of the National Revolution,” as well as on the political statements of the organization published on the RKO website, the prosecutor’s office opened a criminal case under the articles “Calls for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order,” “Insulting a representative of the government,” and “Slander of a representative of the government.” , which was then transferred to the FSB for investigation. By “representative of the authorities” was meant the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin Early in the morning of February 13, 2001, Stomakhin and four of his comrades in the RKO and the Russian Movement for the Independence of Chechnya were searched by FSB officers. After searches and several interrogations in this case, the FSB closed it in August 2001 “for lack of evidence of a crime,” without ever bringing charges against Stomakhin.

Since the summer of 2001, Stomakhin began publishing his articles on the Kavkaz-Center website. He also continues to publish “Radical Politics”, which diverges in the circles of the democratic opposition in Moscow and Russia. In August 2002, one of the figures of this opposition, then State Duma deputy Vladimir Lysenko, having received from his assistant the “RP” number distributed at a rally in Moscow, wrote a statement to the prosecutor’s office, and a new criminal case was initiated against Stomakhin and “RP” under Art. 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the investigation of which is also entrusted to the FSB. After several interrogations in March, it was closed in the summer of 2003. In parallel with the criminal case, he is also subject to administrative prosecution, numerous arrests by the police and courts as an organizer and active participant in many unauthorized street actions in Moscow.

The next criminal case, based on a statement from the State Duma deputy from the Communist Party faction Zorkaltsev, is being initiated against Stomakhin by the North-Eastern District Prosecutor's Office of Moscow, at his place of residence. This time it comes not only to a new search of Stomakhin’s apartment, but also to charges against him under articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 280 (Calls to commit extremist actions) and 282 (Incitement of national, religious and social hatred) based on materials from “Radical Politics” . He is given a written undertaking not to leave Moscow. At the end of April, Stomakhin undergoes examination at the Independent Psychiatric Association, which recognizes him as completely healthy.

Fearing persecution, at the end of May 2004 Stomakhin left for Ukraine. There, with the assistance of local human rights activists, he is trying to obtain refugee status, but the Vinnytsia branch of the Ukrainian Migration Service refuses to consider his documents on the merits, stating that Russia is a democratic country where one can defend one’s rights in court. In the Russian Federation, meanwhile, Stomakhin is on the wanted list.

In 2005, Boris Stomakhin took part in the creation of the Society of Friends of Ichkeria and became a member of its Organizing Committee. Founds the online newspaper “Resistance” (, positioning itself as “an organ of revolutionary liberal Resistance to the bloody Putin regime and Russian imperialism.” Becomes a member of the Union of Caucasian Journalists. In 2006, he joined the International Movement for the Decolonization of the Caucasus.

At the same time, he continues to publish “Radical Politics”, distributed in Russia by his comrades and like-minded people, and to publish sharp journalistic articles on the Internet, in particular on the Kavkaz Center. Its main topic is the activities of the Russian opposition, whose role in this struggle is assessed by Stomakhny as “treasonous” and “collaborative”. Stomakhin proclaims “the need to create and forge a new, radical and uncompromising opposition to overthrow the bloody and totalitarian power of the Chekists.”

Political Views

In numerous publications related to the Chechen war, Stomakhin advocates the independence of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. Both his journalism and most of the activities of the RKO, which he leads, are devoted to this topic. He demands not only recognition of the independence of Chechnya, but also the complete dismantling and dissolution of the “colonial Russian empire”, since “a people who oppress other peoples cannot be free.” Stomakhin supported Chechen separatists leading terrorist activities, even to the point of calling for the destruction of the Russian state and Russians as a nationality.

Quotes from Stomakhin’s texts:

“There are and cannot be any negotiations with Russia, which Aslan Maskhadov spoke so much about. Russia can only be destroyed. And it MUST be destroyed - this is a measure of preventive self-defense of the human race from the savage devilry that Russia has carried within itself since the time of the first mass murders and executions for criticizing the authorities, since the capture of Novgorod and Kazan. Russians must be killed, and only killed - among them there are no normal, smart, intelligent people with whom one could talk and whose understanding one could hope for. Strict collective responsibility must be introduced for all Russians, all loyal citizens of Russia for the actions of the authorities they elect - for genocide, for mass murders, executions, torture, trade in corpses... From now on there should be no division of killers into peaceful and non-peaceful, conscious and unwilling.

Kill, kill, kill! To flood the whole of Russia with blood, not to give the slightest mercy to anyone, to try without fail to arrange at least one nuclear explosion on the territory of the Russian Federation - this is what should be the program of the radical Resistance, both Russian, and Chechen, and anyone! Let the Russians deserve to reap what they have produced.

Death to the Russian occupiers! Death to the savage bloody empire! Freedom for the peoples she enslaved!”

Stomakhin distributed his materials on the Internet and the Fido network, as well as in small-circulation print publications. Regularly published on the website of the Chechen separatists “Kavkaz-Center”.

In May 2009, an article by Stomakhin appeared on the Kavkaz-Center website, in which he insulted veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War, calling them cannibals. And Victory Day itself is a day of shame and enslavement.

Second arrest and new criminal case

After remaining at large for about a year and a half, Boris Stomakhin was again detained at his apartment on November 20, 2012 on charges of violating the “anti-extremist” articles of the Criminal Code (Articles 282 and 205 of the Criminal Code). The arrest took place on the anniversary of his conviction in 2006. The court authorized his detention until February 9, 2013. A criminal case was opened on July 10, 2012, but this was not reported anywhere, and Stomakhin did not receive summons for interrogation until the moment of his arrest.

The subject of the charge, brought on November 21, 2012, was two articles signed by Stomakhin, published on the Internet, namely “Prevent a new Holocaust” (under Part 1 of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, “inciting hatred and enmity based on nationality and origin” ) and “In memory of martyrs” (under Part 1 of Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, “public justification of terrorism”). The case also includes other articles signed by Stomakhin, published since 2001 (including even before his first arrest). During the investigation, Stomakhin refused to testify in accordance with Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

A number of people spoke out against the arrest of the publicist public figures, including historian and sociologist Alec D. Epstein, journalists Daniil Kotsyubinsky and Vladimir Pribylovsky, former member Federation Council of the Russian Federation Alexey Manannikov, former political prisoners Natalya Gorbanevskaya, Andrey Derevyankin, Pavel Lyuzakov, Elena Sannikova, Alexander Podrabinek, Kirill Podrabinek and Valeria Novodvorskaya.



  • Boris Stomakhin: Interview for the Peresvet club. 06/15/2011 About his views and prison term.
  • Letters and publications of Boris Stomakhin on the “Free Word” website

Boris Vladimirovich Stomakhin biography, photos, stories - Russian publicist, convicted and currently serving a sentence for inciting national hatred and calls for extremist actions
Russian publicist, convicted and currently serving a sentence for inciting national hatred and calls for extremist actions

In 2000 he graduated from the Moscow State University of Printing Arts.

Boris Stomakhin has been involved in political life since 1991 and is a regular participant in many political actions and events in Moscow. Since 1994, he begins to publish in various “informal” political publications, mainly of an opposition nature. Subsequently published in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Chechen and other print and online media. He was a member of the KRDMS Sergei Biyts, from where in 1998 he was expelled with the wording “for bourgeois-democratic deviation and non-compliance with revolutionary ethics.”

In the spring of 1999, he created the Revolutionary Contact Association, a radical organization of a liberal direction, sharply opposed to the authorities, and became its co-chairman together with Pavel Kantor. In this capacity, he actively participates in all political events held by the RKO - numerous rallies, pickets, processions, leaflet campaigns, establishing contacts with friendly organizations of the CIS and Europe. Since May 2000, he founded the monthly newspaper RKO “Radical Politics” and became its permanent editor. The newspaper, like the organization, is fundamentally not registered with the Russian authorities.

On November 17, 2000, based on Stomakhin’s article “Program of the National Revolution,” as well as on the political statements of the organization published on the RKO website, the prosecutor’s office opened a criminal case under the articles “Calls for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order,” “Insulting a representative of the government,” and “Slander of a representative of the government.” , which was then transferred to the FSB for investigation. By “representative of the authorities” was meant the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin Early in the morning of February 13, 2001, Stomakhin and four of his comrades in the RKO and the Russian Movement for the Independence of Chechnya were searched by FSB officers. After searches and several interrogations in this case, the FSB closed it in August 2001 “for lack of evidence of a crime,” without ever bringing charges against Stomakhin.

Since the summer of 2001, Stomakhin began publishing his articles on the Kavkaz-Center website. He also continues to publish “Radical Politics”, which diverges in the circles of the democratic opposition in Moscow and Russia. In August 2002, one of the figures of this opposition, then State Duma deputy Vladimir Lysenko, having received from his assistant the “RP” number distributed at a rally in Moscow, wrote a statement to the prosecutor’s office, and a new criminal case was initiated against Stomakhin and “RP” under Art. 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the investigation of which is also entrusted to the FSB. After several interrogations in March, it was closed in the summer of 2003. In parallel with the criminal case, he is also subject to administrative prosecution, numerous arrests by the police and courts as an organizer and active participant in many unauthorized street actions in Moscow.

The next criminal case, based on a statement from the State Duma deputy from the Communist Party faction Zorkaltsev, is being initiated against Stomakhin by the North-Eastern District Prosecutor's Office of Moscow, at his place of residence. This time it comes not only to a new search of Stomakhin’s apartment, but also to charges against him under articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 280 (Calls to commit extremist actions) and 282 (Incitement of national, religious and social hatred) based on materials from “Radical Politics” . He is given a written undertaking not to leave Moscow. At the end of April, Stomakhin undergoes examination at the Independent Psychiatric Association, which recognizes him as completely healthy.

Fearing persecution, at the end of May 2004 Stomakhin left for Ukraine. There, with the assistance of local human rights activists, he is trying to obtain refugee status, but the Vinnitsa branch of the Ukrainian Migration Service refuses to consider his documents on the merits, stating that Russia is a democratic country where one can defend one’s rights in court. In the Russian Federation, meanwhile, Stomakhin is on the wanted list.

At the same time, he continues to publish “Radical Politics”, distributed in Russia by his comrades and like-minded people, and to publish sharp journalistic articles on the Internet, in particular on the Kavkaz Center. Its main topic is the activities of the Russian opposition, whose role in this struggle is assessed by Stomakhny as “treasonous” and “collaborative”. Stomakhin proclaims “the need to create and forge a new, radical and uncompromising opposition to overthrow the bloody and totalitarian power of the Chekists.”

The Jewry of Russia must take up arms - a bomb, a pistol, a Kalashnikov assault rifle, finally! - to protect yourself from the Russian-Nazi scum and anti-Semitic trash that populates the country. Jews need nothing less than their Jewish Shamil Basayev!
- B. Stomakhin, “Jews need their own Jewish Basayev”

Boris Stomakhin, aka Borya Hyperzvukova, aka 100makhin, is a fidosh troll, a racial Jewish clown, a Russophobe, a Chechenophile, an ardent denouncer of this country, the people of the world and everyone in general. Former friend Novodvorskaya. An irreconcilable fighter for the legalization of short-barrel, medium-barrel, long-barrel, multi-barrel, same-sex marriage and substances. He is registered at psychoneurological clinic number 19 in Moscow with a diagnosis of schizoid psychopathy. Served his sentence in IK-4 village. Stormbreaker of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Mustache. And after the first imprisonment, he also got a beard, bitch! He was also caught in lurkoebism - words typical for these places like “profit” or “cut out” come across in his opuses more than once or twice.
[put away]

1 Clowning
2 Memeticity
3 Reaction of human rights activists
4 Gallery
5 Links
6 See also


In the early nineties, he was in the wings of such political trolls as Nina Andreeva, but was merged with the formulation “for bourgeois-democratic deviation and non-compliance with revolutionary ethics” for fiery speeches about the rights of minorities. He founded the newspaper “Radical Politics” and regularly published on the Caucasus Center. After he was sued, he asked for political asylum in Ukraine, but was sent back under the pretext that since they do not shoot, but sue, then everything is in order.

In 2006, the Bloody Gabnya™ finally visited him. Stomakhin tried to climb down the sheet from the window, but fell, injuring his back and breaking his leg, and was caught. After which he spent five years in prison. He was repeatedly deprived of the possibility of early release for not repenting of his atrocities and continuously continuing to commit them. In March 2011, the patient was finally released. On November 22, 2012, Bloody Gebnya again visited Stomakhin and dragged him into the dungeons. Judging by everything, the patient’s next trip to the zone or to the psychiatric hospital is planned.

Whatever the phrase, you can cast it in granite:

The gay pride parade will have to be held a little later - on Red Square, like the Victory Parade on the ruins of the bloody fascist Moscow empire.
B. Stomakhin, “Victory Gay Pride”

There are no and cannot be any negotiations with Russia, which Aslan Maskhadov spoke so much about. Russia can only be destroyed. And it MUST be destroyed - this is a measure of preventive self-defense of the human race from the savage devilry that Russia has carried within itself since the time of the first mass murders and executions for criticizing the authorities, since the capture of Novgorod and Kazan. Russians must be killed, and only killed - among them there are no normal, smart, intelligent people with whom one could talk and whose understanding one could hope for. Strict collective responsibility must be introduced for all Russians, all loyal citizens of Russia for the actions of the authorities they elect - for genocide, for mass murders, executions, torture, trade in corpses... From now on there should be no division of killers into peaceful and non-peaceful, conscious and unwilling.
B. Stomakhin, “Death of Russia!”

Kill, kill, kill! To flood the whole of Russia with blood, not to give the slightest mercy to anyone, to try without fail to arrange at least one nuclear explosion on the territory of the Russian Federation - this is what should be the program of the radical Resistance, both Russian, and Chechen, and anyone! Let the Russians deserve to reap what they have produced.

The complete destruction of Russia, the liquidation of this historically criminal and incorrigibly totalitarian statehood, which originated in the gloomy and sinister Moscow principality of the 14th century; the complete dissolution of the colonial Russian empire and the adoption of all measures to prevent the future revival of predatory Russian imperialism and revanchism - this is the main task of the REAL opposition to Putin and his clique of murderers. This is what we must fight for - to finally snatch his nuclear fangs from the predatory, evil and bloodthirsty Russian man-eating bear and break off his claws. For finally finding and mercilessly breaking the needle in which lies the death of this evil and crazy Koshchei - the Russian Empire!
B. Stomakhin, “Kill the Empire!”

People who violate human rights should be shot without trial or investigation.
B. Stomakhin in a personal conversation before some rally in 2004
Reaction of human rights activists

What is noteworthy is that he still has many supporters and zoshitnegs, which subtly hints to us at the degree of stubbornness in the camp of the liberals no less than that of some posreots or even foshyzds. True, no one from the official Russian human rights community considers him a colleague: even Novodvorskaya eventually renounced him, which does not prevent her from sometimes using the outrageous fair treatment of the subject for her own dark purposes.

On May 30, several people took part in an unauthorized march on Lubyanka Square with a banner reading “Freedom for Stomakhin!” Empires are death!”, chanting slogans “Freedom for political prisoners!” and “Glory to the heroes of Maidan!” Quite soon, these activists were detained by the police. Leading report on the Free News video channel on the websiteYoutubejournalist Sasha Sotnik begins with the words “In any empire, the slightest disagreement with the policies of Caesar is fraught with criminal, and in fact, political persecution. This was the case in the Roman Empire and Hitler's Germany. This is how it was in the Soviet Union and this is how it is now in Putin’s Russia.” Sotnik further calls the action “a protest against the imperial policy of Vladimir Putin.”

In general, a sort of new martyr with a halo and wings. But what kind of political prisoner is this and for some “slightest disagreement” with the policies of our president he was arrested?

And this “hero” sits under Part 1 of Articles 205.2 (justification of terrorism), 280 (calls for extremism) and 282 (inciting hatred or enmity) and under Part 1 of Article 30, Part 2 of Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code (preparation for public justification of terrorism using the media).

Here are some statements by Boris Stomakhin, given in an article about him inWikipedia : “There are and cannot be any negotiations with Russia, which Aslan Maskhadov spoke so much about. Russia can only be destroyed. And it MUST be destroyed - this is a measure of preventive self-defense of the human race from the savage devilry that Russia has carried within itself since the time of the first mass murders and executions for criticizing the authorities, since the capture of Novgorod and Kazan. Russians must be killed, and only killed - among them there are no normal, smart, intelligent people with whom one could talk and whose understanding one could hope for. Strict collective responsibility must be introduced for all Russians, all loyal citizens of Russia for the actions of the authorities they elect - for genocide, for mass murders, executions, torture, trade in corpses... From now on there should be no division of killers into peaceful and non-peaceful, conscious and unwilling.” . “Kill, kill, kill! To flood the whole of Russia with blood, not to give the slightest mercy to anyone, to try without fail to arrange at least one nuclear explosion on the territory of the Russian Federation - this is what should be the program of the radical Resistance, both Russian, and Chechen, and anyone! Let the Russians deserve to reap what they have produced.”

The website “Tradition” Russian Encyclopedia also gives the following quote from Stomakhin: « The Chechens of Movsar Barayev fought like heroes and died like heroes.” We are talking here about the commander of the terrorists who seized the Theater Center on Dubrovka in 2002.

In general, the picture of cave Russophobia is clear. After watching Sotnik’s report, and then reading all the articles of this figure, which can be easily found on the Internet, the halo from Stomakhin’s head flies off and his wings fall off. It would seem, what other attitude could there be towards this person other than unequivocal condemnation? But it was not there!

Israeli historian and sociologist Alec Epstein in his article “Boris Stomakhin's Glass Bead Game” writes the following: « I am not aware of Boris Stomakhin’s calls to commit violent acts against anyone in particular. His calls are a kind of abstract expressionism, not to say shaking the air with a tongue.” I am sure that Epstein regards such “shakes of air” in the direction of the Jewish people as anti-Semitism. But in this case, for some reason the reaction is different.

Here's the list famous people who supported Boris Stomakhin (dataWikipedia ): former Soviet dissidents and political prisonersElena Bonner (now deceased wife of the late academician Sakharov) Vladimir Bukovsky, Sergey Grigoryants, Valeria Novodvorskaya, Yuliy Rybakov, Elena Sannikova, Alexander Podrabinek, Kirill Podrabinek, Adel Naidenovic, Andrey Derevyankin, Pavel Lyuzakov, Alexander Skobov, Sergey Kovalev, politician Konstantin Borovoy, human rights activists Lev Ponomarev, Svetlana Gannushkina, Lyudmila Alekseeva, Yuri Samodurov, Alexey Simonov, priests (have nothing to do with the Russian Orthodox Church - author's note) Yakov Krotov And Gleb Yakunin, writer Alla Gerber, former employee FSB Alexander Litvinenko(the one who poisoned himself with polonium), Israeli historian and sociologist Alec D. Epstein (see above), journalists Daniil Kotsyubinsky(promotes the idea of ​​secession of St. Petersburg and half Leningrad region from Russia with the proclamation of the state “Ingria” - approx. author) former member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Alexey Manannikov, blogger Mikhail Verbitsky, media artist Alexey Plutser-Sarno(creator of the art group “War” in which the blasphemer Nadezhda Tolokonnikova participated - author’s note), press secretary of Eduard Limonov Alexander Averin, Alexey Shiropaev(supporter of the Russian state within the borders of the Central Federal District - author's note), journalist and writer Arkady Babchenko, writer Polina Zherebtsova, poetess Alina Vitukhnovskaya, widow of terrorist Dzhokhar Dudayev Alla Dudayeva, ex-president of Lithuania Vytautas Landsbergis, activist of the group “War” Pyotr Verzilov(husband of the blasphemous Tolokonnikova - author's note), Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Russia Andrey Shalnev, CEO of the portal Yulia Berezovskaya .

Human Rights Center "Memorial" Stomakhin was tactfully not recognized as a political prisoner, butsaid that“A demonstrative judicial reprisal is taking place against Stomakhin.”

Former political prisoner and former Chief Editor dissident Chronicle of Current Events Natalya Gorbanevskaya called it “impossible, unthinkable to fundamentally ignore a political prisoner for his views.” She repeatedly spoke out in defense of Boris Stomakhin and, until her death in November 2013, was a member of the international Committee for his defense, like Vladimir Bukovsky. Once upon a time, back in 1968, she came to Red Square “for our and your freedom” against the entry of troops of the Warsaw Pact countries into Czechoslovakia, and at the end of her life she defended the freedom of a Russophobe. They also like to give her a halo and angel wings. However, Stomakhin himself served as a litmus test for all of the above figures. For freedom is worthless if it opens the way for such outright degenerates.

Boris Stomakhin is an enraged outcast and potential extremist with unpredictable, but always extremely radical views, a repeat offender.

Stomakhin Boris Vladimirovich was born on August 24, 1974 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow State University of Printing Arts.

Boris Stomakhin began his social and political activities in 1991 and since then has been a participant in many metropolitan political actions and similar events.

In 1994, it began to be published in various informal political publications, mainly of an opposition nature. Materials by Stomakhin could be found on the pages of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Chechen and other print and online media.

The publicist was also a member of the Trotskyist KRDMS Sergei Biyts, from where he was expelled in 1998 with the wording “for bourgeois-democratic deviation and non-compliance with revolutionary ethics.”

One of the reasons for the expulsion was the publication of Boris Stomakhin entitled “Lenin, the Nazis and the Freedom of Sexual Minorities,” where the author wrote the following: “even if Lenin was a homosexual, that was his right, we have nothing against it and in any case remain loyal to his cause." His comrades considered this opinion inappropriate for the ideology of Trotskyism and “asked” a colleague.

In 1999, Stomakhin, together with Pavel Kantor, created the organization “Revolutionary Contact Association” (RKO), in which he took the post of co-chairman. As part of the work of the RKO, which adheres to a radical liberal policy, Stomakhin also took part in a lot of rallies, pickets, marches, campaign events and developed cooperation between the “Revolutionary Contact Association” and friendly organizations in the CIS and EU countries.

In 2000, Boris Stomakhin founded the monthly newspaper RKO Radical Politics and became its editor. It must be said that the newspaper and organization were never registered, as required under Russian law, due to the principled position of their leaders, which means they existed illegally.

The opening of the RKO and its publication was followed by the initiation of a criminal case against Stomakhin. The reasons for the start of the criminal trial were his opus entitled “Program of the National Revolution” and political statements published on the RKO website on behalf of the organization, where law enforcement immediately saw “calls for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order,” “insulting a representative of the government,” and “slander of a representative of the government.” . The “representative of the authorities” in this case was Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The case was then transferred to the FSB. On February 13, 2001, Boris Stomakhin and four of his comrades in the RKO and the Russian Movement for the Independence of Chechnya were searched by FSB officers. After searches and several interrogations, the FSB closed the case “for lack of corpus delicti,” without ever bringing charges against Stomakhin.

Then our hero was a little scared, but still continued to publish “Radical Politics”, and also began to collaborate with the Internet resource of Chechen separatists “Caucasus-Center”.

And in 2004, fearing renewed persecution for his writings, he finally decided to move to Ukraine. Boris even tried to obtain refugee status with the active assistance of local human rights activists, but the Vinnytsia branch of the Ukrainian Migration Service refused to consider his documents, stating that Russia is a democratic country where one can defend one’s rights in court. At the same time, Stomakhin was put on the wanted list in his homeland.

From 2005 to 2006, the radical took part in the creation of the Society of Friends of Ichkeria, became a member of its organizing committee, joined the International Movement for the Decolonization of the Caucasus, and even won a place in the Union of Caucasian Journalists.

During the same period, the publicist founded the online newspaper “Resistance,” which he proclaimed “an organ of revolutionary liberal resistance to the bloody Putin regime and Russian imperialism.”

In parallel with all this, Boris did not abandon his “Radical Politics” and cooperation with the “Caucasus-Center”.

On March 21, 2006, three plainclothes operatives from the police of the North-Eastern District of Moscow came to Stomakhin’s apartment. When the owner refused to open the door, they started breaking in. Meanwhile, the oppositionist tried to climb down from the window using a rope, as a result of which he fell from a height of the fourth floor.

As a result of the fall, the unfortunate fugitive was taken to city hospital No. 20, where he was diagnosed with a fracture of his leg and the processes of two vertebrae.

In October 2006 they began court hearings in the new case of Boris Stomakhin, this time - for public calls for extremist activities and inciting religious hatred.

Already in November he was sentenced by the Butyrsky Court of Moscow under Part 2 of Art. 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Public calls for extremist activities”) and Part 1 of Art. 282 (“Inciting hatred or enmity”) to five years in prison and three years of deprivation of the right to engage in journalistic activities.

Stomakhin was released in March 2011, but in November 2012 he was again detained in his apartment on charges of violating the “anti-extremist” articles of the Criminal Code (Articles 282 and 205.2 of the Criminal Code). The arrest occurred right on the anniversary of his previous sentence.

The court authorized the detention of the controversial publicist, and on July 10, 2012, another criminal case was initiated against him.

The subject of the new charge was three articles by Boris Stomakhin: “Prevent a new Holocaust”, “Untermenschen” (under Part 1 of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, “inciting hatred and enmity based on nationality and origin”), and “In memory of martyrs” ( under Part 1 of Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, “public justification of terrorism”). And a little later, other “works” of Boris Stomakhin appeared in the case, published even before his first arrest

In March 2013, the charges were expanded and supplemented, including under Article 280 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Public calls for extremist activities”).

In September of the same year, the trial of Stomakhin began in the Butyrsky Court of Moscow. In total, he was charged with four charges: under Part 1 of Article 205.2 (“Justification of Terrorism”), 280 (“Calls for Extremism”), 282 (“Inciting Hatred or Hostility”) and Part 1 of Article 30, Part 2 of Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code ( “Preparation for public justification of terrorism using the media”).

On April 22, 2014, the oppositionist was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison. Despite the expiration of the statute of limitations for a number of episodes, this sentence was approved by the Moscow City Court.

In 2015, the Moscow District Military Court sentenced Boris Stomakhin to 3 years in prison to serve his sentence in a maximum security colony. Taking into account previously imposed punishments in similar cases, the total term of imprisonment for Stomakhin was 7 years. Thus, the radical received another six months of imprisonment in addition to the previous term.

The court also banned him from practicing journalism for five years after his release.