Greece has a fairly diverse climate. The weather conditions in the country are greatly influenced by the proximity of the mountains and the sea. Coastal regions have a subtropical (Mediterranean) climate, with mild, rainy winters and sunny, dry, and very hot summers. In the mountain area opposite is tough Cold winter, warm summer. The climate in the internal historical regions of Greece - Epirus, Macedonia, Thessaly - is more severe. Frequent snow storms are possible here, and summers are very hot.

Climate in different parts of Greece

In the mountainous areas, winters are cold and snowy, and summers are quite mild, although there are periods of heavy rain and thunderstorms. The higher the mountains, the more low temperature, as well as more precipitation. In regions where mountains exceed 1 km in the north and northeast of the country, snow falls at an altitude of 0.5-0.6 km, and summer, unlike the plain part, is not so dry, since ridges stretching from north to south block the path humid westerly winds.

Unlike the eastern part, a more humid and mild climate prevails in the west of Greece. On the windward side of the mountains the amount of precipitation is about 1200-1400 mm, and on the leeward side it is a couple of times less. On flat terrain - up to 350-500 mm of precipitation per year. It falls in November-December maximum amount precipitation, as this is a period of increased frequency of cyclones over the Mediterranean Sea. Aridity in the regions of Greece begins to increase from north to south, as well as from west to east.

IN winter time, thanks to proximity Mediterranean Sea, there is quite heat air. In northern Greece, the average temperature is +4 °C in January, and in the south Aegean Sea temperature - +11 - +13 °C. Temperatures below zero in January are only in the mountains: in the north - at an altitude of 0.7-0.8 km, in the south - from an altitude of 1.4-1.5 km above sea level. Frosts periodically occur in low-lying parts of the country, but they are short-lived.

Additional Information! In Greece in winter tourist season officially closed. Hotels all close at the end of autumn - in November, and open in the spring - in April. Transport flights are also becoming more infrequent.

Spring arrives at approximately the same time throughout the entire territory. The weather begins to change smoothly from the southern to the northern regions. May is a time of constant showers with thunderstorms in the highlands, as well as the beginning of northeast and north winds, which are called “meltem” and “aetesian”. They continue to blow until the very end of summer.

Greece in winter

Summer in modern Hellas is sunny and hot. Drought sets in from the beginning of June. The hottest and driest months of the year are July and August. The average temperature in the lowlands at this time is +40-45 °C. On the coast, things are somewhat better, as the summer heat is softened by sea breezes.

Note! It is not very advisable to plan a holiday in Greece at the height of summer, since the heat will not allow you to get good impressions from the area.

In September at home Olympic gods Almost summer weather reigns, especially in the southern and island parts. This weather continues until November, except in mountainous regions. The northern winds subside, and until the end of October the weather is warm and fine, and the water temperature is the most comfortable for swimming. The rainy season starts only at the end of October.

Climatic conditions in Crete

Crete is the largest Greek island, located in the southern part of the country, surrounded by three seas.


Trips to the island can be planned from April. The tourist season ends in October. The year on the island can be divided into seasons:

  • high season lasts from June to August, temperatures range from +28 °C to 30 °C. In the very south of the island it reaches +40 °C and above, which is due to the influence of the Sirocco wind (from the Sahara Desert);
  • low season - from December to March. During this period, the number of visitors to the island drops sharply. The weather during this period is quite changeable, the main daytime air temperature is up to +16 °C – 17 °C. It is necessary to take into account that it can suddenly become colder or warmer. However, it is quite comfortable to visit attractions at this time;
  • beach season. Starts from mid-April. At this time, all beaches officially open. However, the water becomes acceptable for swimming in the Mediterranean Sea at the end of May and is +19 °C - +21 °C. In July and August, when it is very hot weather, water temperature - +25 °C. Being in the sun during the day is very dangerous, so it is advisable to visit the beaches in the morning and evening. The most pleasant holiday becomes in September, when the sun is no longer so hot and the sea is still as warm (+24 °C);
  • the Velvet season September October. The weather during this period allows you to stay on the beach for a long time. Temperature sea ​​water in September – +24 °C, and in October – +23 °C. Crete at the end of September – the weather is still pleasant. The only drawback: in October it is cool at night - up to 16 °C, so it is advisable to swim only at the height of the day.

Important! A little secret for fans of the high summer season: you can find beaches that are not crowded during this period. They are a little far from the usual places where tourists gather and offer a minimum of amenities, but they give the opportunity to be alone. It is best to go to the north of the island, to the Aegean Sea, at the height of summer.

Weather in Crete in September

In the first half of September, a very favorable period for a holiday on the island begins in Crete - travelers are greeted by a warm, pleasant sea, as well as a less scorching sun. The sea is stormy from time to time.

In September in Crete, in comparison with the previous one, it becomes not so hot. The temperature in Crete in September during the day is about +27 degrees. At night it is quite warm - +19 degrees. In windy weather you should dress warmer. The sea temperature in September is +26, by the end of the month - up to +23 - +24 degrees. In September there is practically no rain (two or three rainy days), and the humidity is moderate - 60%.

September is the beginning of the velvet season, but the weather at this time is not the most predictable. It is stormy at times. By the end of September the nights become cooler.

Beaches on Crete in September

Crete: weather for today and tomorrow

Let's look at the weather on the island of Crete using the example of the city of Heraklion. Today is September 9, 2018: sunny, air temperature during the day is +29 degrees, and at night – +22 degrees. Water temperature - +26 degrees. Forecasters do not promise any significant temperature fluctuations in the coming days: the temperature during the day is + 26-27, at night - +22. No precipitation.

To follow further changes weather conditions, you should use one of the weather forecast sites, for example: Gismeteo, official website.

Tips and recommendations from experienced tourists and travelers V

Many new tourists do not know some basic things when organizing their vacation. You should listen to the advice of experienced tourists. Here are some of them:

  • when visiting religious attractions, do not forget about culture and customs - take them into account when choosing an outfit for an excursion;
  • during the velvet period, prices for housing, food, and various services begin to fall significantly;
  • on the island you should be on your guard - the weather can change dramatically, so you should carry a jacket and an umbrella with you;
  • It is best to exchange currency in banks that are open from 8:00 to 14:00–14:30. Friday is a shortened working day, and banks are closed on weekends. Some can work 7 days a week, but they often have unfavorable conditions;
  • calling other countries is much cheaper from special pay phones located near large government institutions, public transport stops, and also shopping centers. They work using plastic cards, sold at newsstands and post offices. Calls from a hotel are expensive;
  • In restaurants and cafes you should leave a tip.

At any time of the year there is something to see on the island of Crete. The number of attractions will allow you to replenish your home photo archive. Therefore, it is advisable to focus on personal preferences when choosing a vacation time to visit these places.

Greek island with ancient history and numerous archaeological excavations are perfect for a holiday in September. At this time in Crete you can sunbathe to your heart's content on the beach, swim in the azure waves and, by renting a car, take a ride to Rethymnon, Heraklion or Ierapetra. The Palace of King Minos and the Lions Fountain in Heraklion, the Rethymnon Fortress and the Old Town of Ierapetra will significantly enrich your knowledge of Cretan history. Along the way you can eat inexpensively in numerous taverns National dishes from fresh fruits and vegetables.

The weather at this time is comfortable, there is practically no rain, the air temperature is between +25 ... +27, the water temperature is about +23.

In September, Crete celebrates many Orthodox holidays, the main one of which is Christmas. Holy Mother of God, in honor of which services are held in numerous churches. Organized groups of pilgrims move along the roads, hurrying to celebrate the event in the numerous monasteries of the island.

But if you manage to purchase a tour to Crete in early September, then go to Rethymno, where they celebrate Fisherman’s Day on the first Sunday. This is a celebration of dancing and a rich fish feast, new wine and evening fireworks.

Holidays in Crete in September are one of the most unique opportunities to visit this part of the world during the velvet season. During this period, the air temperature on the island remains warm like summer, but the scorching rays of the sun become much more gentle and pleasant. As for the sea, at first the water is quite warm and clean, which is favorable both for a friendly holiday and for a tourist trip with children.

Local September weather

The weather conditions that develop immediately after the summer heat on this island are very favorable. Yours in September will take place in conditions of 27-30 degrees Celsius, and at the same time the sea will warm up to about 28. It is believed that such indicators are ideal for a beach holiday and for regular excursions, trips and trips to local attractions. As for the evening time, Crete cools down a little in September. On quiet and calm days, the air temperature here is 18-20 degrees, but if the wind rises (which, by the way, can cause a small storm), you have to warm yourself with sweaters and jackets.

Features of autumn Crete

Despite the fact that there are no more than a few rainy days in this region per season, winds often occur on the island. In this regard, holidays in Crete in September (reviews of tourists who have been there say exactly this) are characterized by frequent changes in temperature and windiness. There may be short-term cloudiness here, which will alternate with clear sunny and very warm days. It is noteworthy that the feeling of the newly arrived autumn in this Greek province is not at all the same as in our cold region. Many tourists from Europe believe that a holiday in Crete in September is the most The best way spend a velvet season and enjoy all the beauties of nature.

What can you see in Crete

This Greek province is considered unique throughout the world. It is concentrated with stunningly beautiful natural attractions that originate from the hills and plains and end far beyond the sea horizon. It is important to note that the island has very lush tropical and green vegetation. In some regions, the thickets approach the coastline, creating some kind of oases. It is also noteworthy that tours to Crete in September allow you to enjoy deserted wild beaches located in bays and bays. If in summer there are still a small number of tourists here, then in the first days of autumn it is almost impossible to meet them here.

Historical sights of the region

The ideal place and time to explore the most historically significant sights is Crete in September. Reviews from travelers who have been there say that the mild, slightly windy weather allows you to explore all the monuments of art and architecture with the greatest comfort. As a rule, all tours here begin with a visit to the Lassithi plateau, where many ancient mills are located. Then each tourist goes to the Zeus Gorge, which is considered one of the most ancient on the planet. Nearby are the Kurtaliot Gorge and the Church of St. Nicholas, one of the oldest saints in the world of Christianity. In addition to all this, Crete is fraught with a whole host of monuments of both ancient and medieval culture, but the city of Heraklion deserves the greatest applause. In its open spaces, the most beautiful Knossos Palace, a significant and very valuable architectural monument, was erected.

Cretan events

September Crete is a unique opportunity to attend events dedicated to local culture and customs. Carnivals and parties are held here right in the open air, and both local residents and visitors - tourists and other guests of the island - gather for such events. The music and theater festival, which takes place annually in Rethymnon, is considered an important cultural event. The important thing is that this event begins in mid-August and ends a month later. When you visit in September, you have the opportunity to see this action at its peak. Along with this event, the Heraklion-Summer festival is coming to its logical and very enchanting conclusion. It is important to note that this is very famous city There are also many other events taking place. All of them are very colorful, funny and will be very interesting both for adults traveling around the region and for children.

Travel prices in September

Unique, affectionate and unique holiday traveling on Crete in September is also good because it will cost much less than in any month of the summer. Compared to August, the budget for the tour is reduced by 10-15%, and compared to July, the price drops by as much as 25 percent. Note that if you have the opportunity to purchase a last-minute tour, the savings will be much greater. If we compare the cost of a trip at the beginning of September and at the end of this month, then the second one will cost much less. October tours cost very little, but during this period the sea already becomes very cold, the air and sand cool down.


Crete is a unique island located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, between Europe and Asia. On it you can also find synthesis different cultures, and the unity of the ancient heritage. And, of course, the warm sea, hot sand and wild beaches that settle in the bays will give you a lot of impressions, good mood and unforgettable moments that can be stored both in memory and on photo cards.

September in Crete is a velvet season: the sea is warm, the sun is gentle, it rains very rarely, the winds are moderate. And the prices for tours get lower the further towards the end of the month. True, Crete in September is not yet losing its position either as a territory for a beach holiday or as an island that is definitely worth a visit for gourmets, lovers of ancient history, and fans of water and extreme sports. In a word, to everyone who did not have time to do this in the spring and summer.

The onset of calendar autumn in Crete passes almost unnoticed, except for the fact that daylight hours become noticeably shorter. However, the sea remains warm even in dark time day – about 24°C. Warm and even hot during the day – up to +28+32°C.

So the weather in September is not a reason to give up sunscreen and other beach cosmetics even if visiting the beaches is not included in your plans. By the way, you can get sunburned in the mountains, despite the fact that the temperature there is usually 5-10°C lower than on the coast.

At the same time, on the coasts of Crete, northern winds blow, which helped to endure the heat during the summer, becoming less intense with the beginning of autumn. But in order not to tempt fate, especially when traveling with children, it is better, if possible, to choose a hotel or beach in the depths of one of the many bays of Crete.

The weather in Crete in September is still warm, but no longer hot

Storms in September are also rare, although sometimes rescuers, as soon as there is a slight disturbance at sea, hang out a red flag for safety.

September in Crete is usually not rainy. However, if the second half of the month was chosen for relaxation, an umbrella will not hurt. It won’t hurt to put a warm jacket or windbreaker in your luggage: closer to night, the temperature in the resorts can drop to +16+18°C, and in the mountains – up to +10°C.

September - good time in Crete and for those who do not tolerate heat and high humidity very well. Although the temperature remains quite high, it is far from the summer sunshine, especially in the second half of the month. But there is never a high level of humidity in Crete.

Average temperature in some cities of Crete:

  • Heraklion: during the day +24+28°C, at night +17+21°C, water – about 24°C
  • Rethymno: during the day +25+29°C, at night +16+20°C, water – about 24°C
  • : during the day +26+30°C, at night +15+19°C, water – about 23°C
  • Chania: during the day +25+29°C, at night +16+20°C, water – about 24°C


With the arrival of autumn, prices for air tickets to Crete begin to gradually decrease, although they still remain quite high. high level. To avoid overpayments when purchasing air travel, it makes sense to search through a metasearch engine for air tickets, which contains information simultaneously from both airlines and the largest ticket offices and reservation systems.

You can search, ask the price and buy a ticket through the largest Russian metasearch engine for air tickets Aviasales, the search form of which is given below.

Well, Grekoblog wrote in more detail about the secrets of the service in the article.

Events and holidays

There are several options to choose from on what to do in Crete in September: beach holiday, excursions, sports, festival programs, pilgrimages to ancient shrines. Numerous agricultural festivals take place throughout Crete: the first new wine appears. This means that you should urgently get rid of old stocks!

It's still possible to take a boat trip to Santorini if ​​you wish - here's how to do it on your own or as part of an organized excursion from Grekoblog.

Or you can rent a car and explore all the hidden corners of Crete on your own. You can compare prices of Cretan car rentals to find the best deal on this page.

In September, many fishermen try to get married on Fisherman's Day

The Heraklion Summer festival continues until mid-September. The program includes: exhibitions, performances, open-air performances of music and dance groups: the weather is unlikely to interfere with the events.

A music festival at the end of August and beginning of September also takes place in Paleochora, small town on the southwest coast. On the first weekend of the month, Fisherman's Day is celebrated. In addition to traditional toasts on the occasion of the holiday, glasses are also raised to the newlyweds: many fishermen try to get married on this very day.

On September 1, the Orthodox Church begins in Greece. New Year. First big celebration– Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (September 8).

On this day, thousands of believers come to churches and monasteries. One of the most ancient temples, among the relics of which are miraculous icon Our Lady, is located in the small village of Myriokefala, 40 km from Rethymno.

Already on the eve of the holiday, September 7, all the roads towards this village are clogged with vehicles and pedestrians who have decided to make the traditional pilgrimage. Tourists who come to Crete can also travel by car, on foot or on special free buses from and Rethymnon.

Along the roads to Myriokefala, markets are spontaneously organized and mobile eateries are opened. In the village itself, taverns are open all night, and lotteries, so beloved by all Greeks, are held.

However, guests and hosts go to drink, eat and try their luck only after visiting the temple, where they can see the icon, light candles and ask the Mother of God for the fulfillment of their deepest desire.

More details about the main holidays of the Greek year Grekoblog. You can also read about September in Greece in. Just pay careful attention to the dates of the events. Some articles on Grekoblog are several years old.


Throughout September, Crete remains stable warm weather, which does not foretell any special surprises, with the exception of very rare short-term rains and minor storms.

The high season of Crete gives way to the velvet season, prices gradually decrease by the end of September, both for tours and for goods in shops and markets. But there are still many vacationers who want to get their share of sun and sea.

The high season in September gives way to the velvet season

Crete continues to celebrate in September: gala concerts are held at official festivals, and parties are organized in every city and village to celebrate the end of the grape harvest and the first new wine.

In Crete they don’t forget about the calendar Orthodox holidays, which are always quite fun.

Updated: July 18, 2019

It is of almost greater interest to tourists than, for example, in May or June. In September, the real velvet season begins on the island of Crete with warm sea and no longer so mercilessly scorching sun. And when the weather in the northern latitudes begins to deteriorate, you really want to extend the summer and go on vacation to the island of Crete.

Having concluded that it is best to go to Crete in September, we booked trips and went on a trip. Having landed at Heraklion airport around 10 am, the flight attendant told us that the temperature in the airport area was 23°C, which we thought might not be enough for swimming in the sea and proper rest. As we got off the ramp, we realized that 23°C in the shade doesn’t mean anything. We were greeted by very comfortable weather, it was not very hot, and the air smelled of the sea. After we swam, all the last doubts disappeared - the water turned out to be warmer than at the beginning of June, and when sunbathing in the sun, you don’t feel panic fear burn in 20 minutes. As for the number of vacationers, there are more of them than in June, but less than in the most popular July and August. There are many tourists with children, despite the fact that academic year at this time it is already in full swing.

Our mistake was our lack of foresight in terms of the car, which we did not order in advance via the Internet, and then spent several days trying to find a suitable option in all the rental offices in the area. It turned out to be very difficult to do this, because... on the island of Crete in September, almost all cars were rented out, leaving either too expensive options or unpopular cars. But this is most likely the only drawback of a holiday in September. In all other respects, September seemed to us the most romantic month of the so-called “high season” in Crete, which is worth only the sunsets at this time...

A couple of times we were surprised by small and short-lived rains, after which the sun appeared almost immediately. But in the evening we recommend taking care of warm clothes, because sometimes it can be chilly. It’s definitely worth warming up if you’re planning to go to the mountains, even if it’s hot on the coast. When we went to the Ideon Andron cave for the first time in September, we did not think that at an altitude of almost 1500 m it could be so much colder. This, of course, sped up our walk to the cave and tempered our desires once again get out of the car to admire the stunning views.

Why is Crete so popular in September? Firstly, the September sun is no longer as hot as in July and August. Secondly, the sea remains warm until the end of October. Thus, at this time the weather is very comfortable here, one might even say ideal. But one of the main advantages of the first month of autumn is the weakening of the northern winds, which drive quite strong waves onto the northern coast of the island, popular among tourists. As a result, the sea becomes calmer than in July and August. That is why tourists of absolutely all ages flock to Crete in September. However, it is worth considering that daylight hours are already beginning to decrease significantly, and sunny days may change to cloudy. Although, as a rule, there are quite a few cloudy and, even more so, rainy days, and there may not be any at all.

Mountain Crete may be less predictable in September. The weather here becomes unstable and changeable, the likelihood of precipitation gradually increases, and the temperature is several degrees lower than in the coastal zone. Reference: Average monthly temperature air on the coast of Crete in September is 22-27°C and average temperature water 24-26°C.

But, nevertheless, the approaching end of the season in September is already felt, and in in a good way, and in bad. Many travel agencies and hotels, fearing that tickets will not be sold out and hotels will not be filled, are beginning to actively reduce prices for tours, which, of course, benefits tourists. Meanwhile, in Crete, some bars, nightclubs, rental offices and shops are already beginning to close, although there are not many of them. But, despite this, it’s definitely worth going to Crete in September, enjoying the sea, the gentle sun and, of course, the hospitality of the local people and these places...