Over the past decades there have been significant changes in society and education. The saturation of preschool childhood with special school attributes (notebooks, textbooks, briefcases, etc.), the approximation of the content and forms of organization of the educational process to educational activities have led to the blurring of external boundaries between preschool and primary school ages.



The internal position of a schoolchild: concept and problem.

Over the past decades there have been significant changes in society and education. The saturation of preschool childhood with special school attributes (notebooks, textbooks, briefcases, etc.), the approximation of the content and forms of organization of the educational process to educational activities led to the erasing of the external boundaries between preschool and primary school ages (E.O. Smirnova, O. V. Gudareva, N.I. Gutkina, E.E. Kravtsova).

According to N.I. Gutkina, these features of living in preschool childhood lead to changes general level psychological readiness for school in children entering first grade. Despite the ability to read, write and count, most children are not psychologically ready for school andmany first graders have low performance adaptationand symptoms school maladjustment(I.V. Dubrovina, N.G. Salmina, V.E. Kagan, A.A. Severny, M.V. Maksimova, etc.).

Understanding psychological adaptation to school as a process of a child’s mastery of school reality forces us to turn to the concept of the schoolchild’s internal position - personal education, responsible for the dynamics of the child’s mastery of school life (O.V. Karabanova, L.I. Bozhovich, N.I. Gutkina).

The internal position of a schoolchild (a concept introduced into psychology by L.I. Bozhovich in 1968) is a new attitude of the child to the environment, arising as a result of the close interweaving of two basic needs - cognitive and the need for communication with adults, and both needs appear here in a new way level. The child feels the need not only to learn new things, but also to enter into new social relationships with an adult. This is possible for him through educational activities that increase the child’s social status and provide new level relationships.

The child’s personal readiness for schooling is expressed in the child’s attitude towardsto an adult, a peer and to oneself, as an active and responsible member of society.

The level of development of these relationships determines the degree of readiness for school and in a certain way correlates with the main structural components of educational activity.

Students with a personal unpreparedness for learning show childlike spontaneity: during lessons they answer simultaneously, without raising their hands and interrupting each other, and share their thoughts and feelings with the teacher. In addition, they usually get involved in work only when the teacher directly addresses them, and the rest of the time they are distracted, do not follow what is happening in the class, and violate discipline, which destroys their own educational work and interferes with other students. Having high self-esteem, they are offended by comments, complain that the lessons are uninteresting, the school is bad or the teacher is evil - when the teacher and parents express dissatisfaction with their behavior and academic failures. The motivational immaturity inherent in these children often leads to gaps in knowledge, low productivity educational activities.

The child’s personal immaturity leads to difficulties in the formation of voluntary behavior. There is a point of view that the weak development of voluntariness is the main stumbling block to psychological readiness for school. The difficulty lies in the fact that, on the one hand, voluntary behavior is considered a neoplasm of the younger school age developing within the educational (leading) activity of this age, and on the other hand, the weak development of volition prevents the beginning of schooling.

Discussing the problem of school readiness, D.B. Elkonin put the formation of the necessary prerequisites for educational activities in the first place. Analyzing these prerequisites, he and his collaborators identified the following parameters:

The ability of children to consciously subordinate their actions to a rule that generally determines the method of action;

Ability to navigate a given system of requirements;

The ability to listen carefully to the speaker and accurately complete tasks proposed orally;

The ability to independently complete the required task according to a visually perceived model.

In fact, the parameters of the development of voluntariness are part of psychological readiness for school, on which learning in the first grade is based.

D.B. Elkonin (1978) believed that voluntary behavior is born in role-playing game in a group of children. Collective play allows the child to rise to a higher level of development than he can do in play alone, since the group in this case corrects violations in imitation of the intended model, while it is still very difficult for the child to independently exercise such control. That is why the game can be considered a “school of voluntary behavior.”It has been proven that play activity is crucial for the formation of the main neoplasms of preschool childhood: creative imagination, self-awareness, voluntary behavior.

In order for the formation of a child’s internal position as a schoolchild to end at the beginning of school, and not continue within educational activities, it is necessary to take into account the fact that for a child at the age of six, the main activity continues to be a game , and it is up to the primary school teacher to develop the skills of educational activities.

Adults need to pay attention to the fact that a child’s education should not be carried out at the expense of deprivation of joys and pleasures. It depends only on the adults whether the child will be able to fully live his childhood. A preschooler prepared for school can realize the opportunities of the previous stage of development and move on. We must strive to ensure that the childhood period takes place in the most favorable conditions.


1. Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school. – M.: Academic project, 2000.

2. Nezhnova T.A. The internal position of a schoolchild: concept and problem /Formation of personality in ontogenesis. Collection of scientific works: [Dedicated to the memory of L.I. Bozhovich]. //ed. I.V. Dubrovina. M.APN SSR, 1991. P.50-62.

3. Nezhnova T.A. Formation of a new internal position. //Peculiarities mental development children 6-7 years of age /ed. D.B. Elkonin, A.L. Venger. – M.: Pedagogy, 1988. – P.22-36.

DOI: 10.12731/2218-7405-2015-3-5 UDC 159.9


Shipova L.V.

The purpose of the presented study is to study the content characteristics of a schoolchild’s internal position in Russian psychology. The article provides an overview of studies devoted to the study of the internal position of a schoolchild in psychology, discusses different approaches To understand the internal position of a schoolchild, issues of the dynamics and structure of the internal position of a schoolchild, its genesis and the main factors of formation in the process of ontogenetic development of a person are discussed. The applied aspect of the problem of studying the internal position of a schoolchild can be implemented by developing criteria and indicators for studying the internal position of students of different age groups.

Keywords: internal position schoolchild; personal development; crisis of seven years; readiness for school; social situation of development.


The purpose of the presented research is studying of the substantial characteristic of an internal position of the school student in domestic psychology. The review of the researches devoted to studying of an internal position of the school student in psychology is presented in article, various approaches to understanding of an internal position of the school student are considered, questions of dynamics and structure of an internal position of the school student, its genesis and major factors of formation in the course of ontogenetichesky development of the person are discussed. The applied aspect of a problem of research of an internal position of the school student can be realized when developing criteria and indicators of studying of an internal position at the trained different age groups.

Keywords: internal position of the school student; personal new growth; crisis of seven years; readiness for training at school; a social situation of development.

IN last years changes have occurred in the domestic education system aimed at improving its quality at all stages of a person’s lifelong education. In this context, integration problems are actively discussed preschool education into the modern educational space, issues of children's readiness to study at school. Many school preparation programs have appeared, but their diversity does not alleviate the acute problem of school readiness. For large number First-graders are characterized by low rates of adaptation to school, and manifestations of school maladaptation against the background of a low level of health are also recorded (I.V. Dubrovina, V.E. Kagan, M.V. Maksimova, A.A. Severny, etc.). N.I. Gutkina notes that, despite success in reading, writing and counting, many children remain psychologically unprepared for school, and this is due to the peculiarities of living in preschool children.

Modern children have practically stopped playing traditional role-playing games, which have replaced computer games and watching TV. Research shows that modern preschoolers are focused on knowledge of man and nature, but they increasingly lack communication with parents and peers, they are lost in the world of voluminous information, they want to talk more and act together, but the formation of general readiness is often not focused on this. In the teaching community, there is a passion for the formation of special readiness for school life; teaching preschoolers is likened to teaching younger schoolchildren. Attempts to bring together the forms and content of preparing preschoolers for educational activities with school classes, as well as to introduce school attributes into preschool childhood, lead to the blurring of the external boundaries between preschool and school age (O.V. Gudareva, E.E. Kravtsova, E. O. Smirnova). These circumstances require the search for more effective means of creating the prerequisites for readiness for school life during preschool childhood, which necessitates turning to the concept of “internal position of the student.” Forming a student’s internal position is becoming one of the urgent tasks in the process of implementing the new Federal State Educational Standard.

L.I. studied the concept of a student’s internal position. Bozhovich, I.I. Gutkina, O.V. Karabanova, D.V. Lubovsky and others. The concept of a schoolchild’s internal position was proposed in the 50s of the twentieth century by L.I. Bozovic, who interpreted the schoolchild’s internal position as a new formation associated with the first birth of the child’s personality between

six and seven years old, serving as the core of the child’s personality in this age period. L.I. Bozovic in her works proposed using this concept as a personality characteristic within a wider age range. The internal position arises in the process of ontogenetic development of the child as a result of the refraction of external influences through the structure of the child’s previously formed psychological characteristics Thus, a special central personal formation is formed, characterizing the child’s personality as a whole. This personal new formation becomes decisive for the child’s behavior and activity, the entire system of his relationships to reality, to himself and to the people around him. According to L.I. Bozhovich, the internal position, having formed as a personal new formation of senior preschool age, subsequently does not disappear, but changes its content. The concept of internal position proposed by L.I. Bozhovich, allows us to consider the internal position of a schoolchild as a variant of the internal position, which is typical for 6-7 year old children with a formed personal readiness for school.

Conducting a theoretical analysis of the concept of a student’s internal position in the works of D.V. Lubovsky showed that the ideas of L.I. Bozhovich about the internal position as a personal neoplasm in children 6-7 years of age are a development of the views of L.S. Vygotsky on the problem of experiences, their psychological content and the crisis of seven years. As research has shown, both internal position and experience can be used as units of personality analysis.

L.I. Bozhovich understood the internal position of the schoolchild as a new attitude of the child to the environment, which arose as a result of the close interweaving of two leading unsatisfied needs - cognitive and the need to communicate with adults. Subsequently, in the studies of M.R. Ginzburg, N.I. Gutkina, D.V. Lubovsky, T.A. Nezhnova and others, dedicated to psychology junior school student, this concept is used as a personal authority, acting as an internal determinant of teaching. In the work of N.I. Gutkina explains the emergence of a schoolchild’s internal position not only through the emergence of the child’s need to learn new things, but also through the need for new social relations with an adult when fulfilling a cognitive need. This becomes possible for the child through inclusion in educational activities. Achieving success in educational activities helps to increase the child’s social status and change the level of relationships with adults.

The “internal position of a schoolchild” is defined by researchers as a psychological new formation that arises towards the end of preschool age. This concept is included in the characteristics of a child’s readiness for school and is expressed in a conscious desire to accept the student’s new social role, interest in communicating with other adults, stable cognitive needs, and readiness to communicate meaningfully with peers.

The internal position of the student makes it possible for the child to be involved in the educational process as a subject of activity, while the conscious formation and fulfillment of intentions and goals occurs, which is characteristic of the student’s voluntary behavior.

The difficulties in understanding and operationalizing the term “internal position” are due to the fact that under the internal position of L.I. Bozhovich implies precisely the internal position given to a person in his consciousness in relation to a reality that is significant for himself (activity, relationships with others, etc.). Such an understanding of this term has led to many authors characterizing the internal position of an individual in the form of a brief positional statement in the first person. Thus, in the work of V.V. Davydova, V.I. Slobodchikov and G. A. Tsukerman, the developed internal position of the student was revealed as “I myself can and want to learn.”

According to L.I. Bozhovich, the internal position of the student connects and unites personal structures; integrates all lines of previous development of the child’s personality; acts as the most significant indicator of a child’s readiness for school. In the works of L.S. Vygotsky and L.I. Bozovic notes that the internal position determines the subject’s ability to detect the world own feelings and experiences, to separate them from external reality, which structures the internal and external, gives them integrity and certainty. L.I. Bozhovich notes that thanks to the child’s internal position, a different attitude towards himself arises, which was impossible until a meaningful orientation in his own experiences arose. During the seven-year crisis, intensive development of the psyche occurs: the child, understanding his inner world, masters the mechanisms of behavior regulation. The internal position is preserved at all stages of ontogenesis, but acquires new meanings and is gradually filled with new content.

Thus, proposed by L.I. Bozhovich’s concept of internal position means the student’s active, internally determined attitude to learning, in which the child’s behavior ceases to be situational and a stable subordination of motives is observed. For the first time, the child becomes capable of realizing his own attitude to life. For a schoolchild with a formed internal position, a positive attitude towards departure is noted.

wearing to school. The internal position includes motivational, emotional and reflexive components, which act in indissoluble unity.

In psychological and pedagogical research O.V. Karabanova understands the internal position of a schoolchild as a subjective component of the social situation of the child’s development at the stage of transition from preschool to school age, which is reflected in the development of the child’s personality during this period. The position statement of a first-grader “I am a student” characterizes the development of self-awareness and the motivational-need sphere. The experience of a new social status is associated with the birth of new feelings and emotions in children. The student’s internal position is expressed through certain forms of behavior that correspond to the student’s role. Such a significant influence of the schoolchild’s internal position on the child’s activity and behavior allows us to interpret it as the central personal new formation of the seven-year crisis.

Acting as a subjective aspect of the social situation of development, the internal position of a schoolchild denotes the cumulative characteristics of a system of internal factors, refracting and mediating environmental influences, and determines the development of the child’s main psychological formations in a given age period. It should be noted that changing the child’s social position seems insufficient to change the direction and content of his development. It is necessary that the new position is accepted and meaningful by the child and is reflected in the acquisition of new meanings in educational activities and new system school relations. This contributes to the development of the student’s subjectivity. The internal position acts as a central component of the structure of psychological readiness for school and is decisive for the dynamics of the child’s mastery of the reality of life.

Research by T.Yu. Andrushchenko, L.I. Bozhovich, N.I. Gutkina, O.V. Karabanova, T.A. Nezhnova, G.M. Shashlova et al. show that the internal position of a schoolchild allows the child to accept and carry out educational tasks, build new educational relationships with the teacher and classmates, and also form a new attitude towards himself as an active and responsible member of society. According to T.A. Nezhnova, the structure of a student’s internal position includes a general attitude towards school, attitude towards school tasks, towards the teacher, school norms and rules. Periodization of the development of a schoolchild’s internal position, presented in the works of T.A. Nezhnova, was included in the documents of the new Federal State Educational Standard. The main direction in the development of a student’s internal position in the period from six to seven years is a gradual transition from orientation to the external, formal side

school life, to interest and to the content, the educational component itself, which is carried out through children’s awareness of the social significance of learning.

Due to the fact that the child has formed the internal position of a schoolchild on the eve of entering school, his mental appearance changes, his sense of purpose develops, and the child has the prerequisites for voluntary regulation of activity. With the student’s internal position formed, the stability of the child’s preference for school activities over games, teacher-student interaction, and the situation of individual communication with an adult is noted. The internal position ensures the creation of a motivational vector of the child’s focus on mastering new forms of activity and cooperation and their appropriation through self-affirmation in a new social role and status.

Attitudes towards school, learning and behavior in the process of learning activities, reflecting the formation of a student’s internal position, were studied in the works of M.R. Ginzburg, N.I. Gutkina, V.V. Davydova, A.Z. Zaka, T.A. Nezhnova, K.N. Polivanova, D.B. Elkonina et al. Most studies have established the complex dynamics of the development of a student’s internal position, which is reflected in the motivational and semantic sphere and in relation to school subjects. Non-acceptance of the new social status and role of the student, immaturity of school motivation, ambivalent, and in some cases negative attitude of the child towards school is due to the complication of the normal mental development of the student and adaptation to learning at school. The lack of formation of a student’s internal position may cause the student’s difficulties in learning activities. Activities related to the fulfillment of student responsibilities cause positive emotional reactions if the student has a formed internal position. When entering school, a child solves his own specific problems, realizes the goals of individual mental and personal development, formation in society, and satisfaction of cognitive needs. The social and pedagogical conditions that the educational environment sets for the child, on the one hand, are the main guarantee for achieving his goals, but on the other hand, they create some restrictions and dictate specific ways to implement these tasks.

The internal position of the student is considered as the result of the child’s self-development in preschool childhood and acts as a prerequisite for self-development in primary school age, as it becomes the basis for the development of the student’s subjectivity, “transforming a student into a student.” The internal position as the final new formation of preschool age determines the system of relations of the child to school. Numerous studies of school adaptation and the formation of a student’s internal position have shown that internal

position acts as a prerequisite for the student’s emotional well-being and successful school adaptation in general.

In the study by L.G. Bortnikova understands the internal position of a schoolchild as a holistic mental formation, including motives for activity, preferred types of activities, a meaningful understanding of a new type of activity, the child’s orientation in terms of organizing activities (orientation towards collective forms of activities or individual ones; towards generally accepted norms of behavior or towards individual direct), attitude towards an authoritative social adult.

In the work of M.S. Grineva notes that the internal position of a schoolchild can be considered in two aspects: as a conscious attitude towards school and the associated lifestyle, and integral personal education, including the level of development of self-awareness, motives for learning, emotional attitude and specific forms of behavior

The studies of M.G. are devoted to the consideration of the socio-psychological aspects of the internal position of a schoolchild. Elagina and G.A. Zuckerman. M.G. Elagina defines the internal position of a schoolchild as the position of a “social functionary.” The position of a “social functionary”, acting as a personal neoplasm of a critical period, is expressed in the ability to act within the framework of the role when carrying out socially significant activities and develops in the process of the child’s relationships with others, with objective world, With myself.

G.A. Tsukerman, considering the internal position of a schoolchild as an integrative personal education following L.I. Bozovic notes that a new place in the world, which determines the child’s activities, his attitude to the world, himself and people, acts as the status of the student, and not the position of the student. According to the author, the status “I am a schoolchild” acts as an interpsychic characteristic of the child’s place and corresponding way of life in society. The emergence of the status of a schoolchild is one of important conditions cultural framing of the crisis 7 years. The formation of a student’s position begins with building a relationship with himself, which in principle seems impossible until the age of 6-7, until the distinction between the real Self and the ideal Self is formed in the child’s self-awareness.

N.G. Salmina and I.G. Tikhanov, agreeing that the internal position of a schoolchild has socio-psychological aspects, distinguishes the internal position of a schoolchild as a predominantly motivational-affective formation and social desirability as not only a conscious desire to act in accordance with social norms, but also a conscious method of social action.

Thus, most authors recognize that this new formation arises when fulfilling a new social role and presupposes a reflexive distinction between the real Self and the ideal Self. When fulfilling the social role of a schoolchild, long-term stay in a social system with strictly fixed roles and clearly regulated role behavior, the child develops a functional organ for voluntary regulation of behavior. A necessary condition for such regulation is reflection of one’s behavior in society, which occurs in terms of comparing the real Self with the ideal Self. The reflective aspect of a schoolchild’s internal position, having a socio-psychological origin, acts as the basis for the development of reflection on educational activities throughout primary school age.

D.V. Lubovsky notes that the internal position acts as an integral dynamic system of motivational, semantic and volitional regulation of human life, which determines the choice of activity in a situation of semantic uncertainty and struggle of motives. The internal position ensures the constancy of preferences in a situation of conflict of motives. The basis of the internal position is the meaningful orientation in one’s own experiences that develops in preschool childhood, the arbitrariness of behavior and the new formation of non-situational-personal communicative activity. In the process of non-situational-personal communication, according to M.I. Lisina, the child experiences the formation of reflection on relationships with others, the discovery of his own inner world, which is a condition for realizing one’s internal position. The child’s creation of an imaginary situation in a game and following the rule set by this situation develops in the child volition and reflection, which is necessary for separating in the mind the imaginary situation of the game from the real one. life situation, which also acts as a prerequisite for the development of an internal position.

The internal position that arises in children aged 6-7 years is interpreted by most researchers as a subjective component of the social situation of the child’s development at the stage of transition from preschool to school age, which leaves an imprint on the development of the child’s personality during this period. The main indicator of the formation of a schoolchild's internal position is considered by researchers to be the stability of the student's preference for the social role and educational motivation.

The above allows us to conclude that the internal position of the schoolchild represents an integrative personal formation that arises at the age of 6-7 as a new formation, which combines the lines of the child’s previous personal development, characterized by a positive attitude towards school and educational activities. In the structure

In the internal position of a student, motivational, reflective and affective components are distinguished. The formed internal position of the student creates the prerequisites for successful educational activities, the formation of the student’s subjectivity in the learning process, promotes adaptation in the educational space and positive socialization in society.


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Shilova Larisa Valentinovna, head. Department of Special Psychology, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky st. Astrakhanskaya, 83, Saratov, 410012, Russian Federation e-mail: [email protected] SPIN code: 9281-5406


Shipova Larisa Valentinovna, Chair of Special Psychology PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor

Saratov State University

83, Astrahanskaya street, Saratov, 410012, Russian Federation e-mail: [email protected]


Shamionov Rail Munirovich, head. department social psychology education and development, dean of the faculty of psychological, pedagogical and special education, doctor of psychological sciences, professor, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky"


Karaseva Svetlana Nikolaevna
Ryazan Correspondence Institute (branch) of Moscow state university culture and arts
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy

In connection with the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards in primary schools, psychological and pedagogical support becomes especially relevant. One of the key problems is the formation of the internal position of a schoolchild of 6-7 year old children. The article characterizes this phenomenon, its psychological content, and highlights the levels of development.


Karaseva Svetlana Nikolaevna
Ryazan extra-mural institute (branch) of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts
candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, head of the chair of psychology and pedagogy

In connection with the introduction of new GEF in elementary school becomes particularly relevant psychological and pedagogical support. One of the key problems is the formation of the internal position of a schoolboy 6-7 year old children. The article is devoted to the phenomenon of psychological content and highlights levels of development.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Karaseva S.N. The internal position of a 6-7 year old child as a basic component of the development of personal universal educational actions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in primary school // Modern scientific research and innovation. 2013. No. 10 [Electronic resource]..02.2019).

Personal universal learning activities of junior schoolchildren include not only a motivational component, but also features of self-esteem, moral formation and, of course, self-determination. When implementing the Federal State Educational Standard in primary school, the process of forming the internal position of a student in a 6-7 year old child becomes very relevant. Let's look at this in more detail.

The internal position of a schoolchild, according to Bozhovich L.I., is an age-specific form of self-determination for six-year-old children. On the one hand, the social situation of development changes, that is, its place in the system of relations. But, most importantly, there is a gradual subjective reflection of this situation in the consciousness and experiences of the child, that is, the child’s internal position.

This phenomenon is a cumulative characteristic of a system of internal (psychological) factors that determines the formation of major neoplasms in a child at a given age. Because simply having external new demands and attending school is not enough. The main thing that

this position was accepted and comprehended by the child himself, and so that it is reflected in the acquisition of those meanings that are associated with educational activities, new requirements and school relations. Then it is possible to realize new development potential.

That is why the internal position of a schoolchild becomes a basic component of the development of personal universal educational actions, which determines the dynamics of a 6-7 year old child’s assimilation of school life.

This phenomenon has been studied in psychological science since the middle of the last century. In addition to Bozhovich L.I., the internal position of the student was also studied by Gutkina N.I., Ginzburg M.R., Zak A.Z., Elkonin D.B., Davydov V.V. Thanks to the research, we were able to clarify the complex dynamics of its formation from the point of view of the development of the motivational and semantic sphere and attitude towards school subjects.

According to Bozhovich L.I., the development of educational motives is an important indicator of the formation of a student’s internal position. The best option is a situation when learning for a child becomes a serious meaningful activity that has social significance. Moreover, the presence of a cognitive need becomes important: interest in learning tasks, mastering new skills and knowledge.

In senior preschool age The child develops arbitrary behavior, which ensures the subordination of motives. Consequently, he now becomes able to subordinate his impulsive desires to consciously set goals. This contributes to the formation of new moral motives in the personality structure - a sense of duty and responsibility.

The conducted research made it possible to identify a system of motives that are characteristic of the transition to primary education.

Firstly, educational and cognitive motives. In this case, the child focuses on mastering the method of acquiring knowledge. He is interested in methods of acquiring them independently, methods of scientific knowledge, methods of self-regulation of educational work, and rational organization of his work.

Secondly, broad social motives. It's about about the need for socially significant activities and the motive of duty.

Thirdly, the positional motive, which is associated with the desire to take a different position in relationships with other people.

Fourthly, external motivation. As a rule, this is pressure from the outside (parents, teachers, etc.).

Fifthly, the presence of a gaming motive or the desire to receive high praise.

Naturally, if the motives are inadequate, it will be possible to predict the presence of low or relatively low academic performance.

As a result, a complex psychological situation is created. Due to motivational immaturity, learning activities are poorly or slowly formed. As a result, we can note a low level of educational success, unformed educational activities and the child’s regular failure. As a result, a further decrease in motivation can be observed.

Therefore, the internal position of a schoolchild is a basic component of the development of personal universal educational actions of 6-7 year old children. The presence of non-acceptance of the student’s new status, low school motivation and even a negative attitude of the child towards learning at school will significantly complicate the process of age-related development and adaptation.

Let us dwell on the criteria for the formation of a student’s internal position.

Firstly, having a positive attitude towards school and the learning process. In addition, it is mandatory to demonstrate cognitive interest in the content of school classes. The child should prefer school-type lessons to preschool ones.

Secondly, there is an adequate meaningful understanding of preparation for school, and classroom collective classes are preferred to individual, home ones.

Thirdly, the child has a positive attitude towards school discipline, maintaining generally accepted norms of behavior and prefers social way knowledge assessment. We are talking about grades, and not about preschool methods of encouragement (sweets and gifts).

Scientists have identified the levels of formation of the internal position of a schoolchild of 6-7 year old children.

A low level is characterized by a negative attitude towards school and admission to it.

The middle level can be divided into two sublevels.

Firstly, the child has a positive attitude towards school, but he lacks orientation towards school content. He would like to go to school, but at the same time maintain his preschool lifestyle.

Secondly, there is an orientation towards the system of meaningful aspects of reality at school and towards the “good student” model. But, at the same time, the priority of social motivation remains.

Motivation for learning. Difficulties that arise in a child at school may be caused by the lack of formation of the student’s internal position (4; 5). Shown. that educational activity proceeds successfully if it is stimulated both by motives coming from the educational activity itself and by motives caused by the student’s position.

In children with a developed schoolchild attitude, activities related to the fulfillment of student responsibilities evoke positively colored emotional experiences, and games and activities that interested the child in preschool childhood lose their attractiveness and are devalued. However, cases are common when children (especially in the first grades, but often later) have stronger play motives. This is manifested, in particular, in the fact that while performing tasks the child is often distracted and gives the impression of being extremely inattentive, while in the game he can be very focused.

To develop educational motivation in such children, special pedagogical work is required. Depending on the developmental characteristics of the child, the school psychologist may recommend that the teacher, for example, build relationships with the child much like preschool ones, based on direct emotional contact. Special attention should be given to developing a child’s sense of pride in being a schoolchild and experiencing the immediate emotional appeal of school. It is necessary to develop in a child the ability to learn, cognitive interests and the desire to master school skills no worse than his peers. As mentioned above, the famous American psychologist Erikson identifies precisely the feeling of competence (or, in case of distorted development, inferiority) as the central neoplasm of primary school age. Stimulating the motive of competence is an important factor in the formation of personality during this period.

More difficult are cases when the child has a clearly expressed negative attitude towards school and a reluctance to learn, when he actively resists learning. Practice shows that this most often happens in three cases.

· Firstly, when a child in preschool childhood is not accustomed to limiting his desires, overcoming difficulties, and he has formed a peculiar attitude towards “refusal of effort.” Since school requires constant effort from the child and overcoming difficulties, he develops active opposition to learning.

· Secondly, an active reluctance to learn occurs among those children who have previously formed a fear of school at home (“When you go to school, they will show you!”).

·And finally, Thirdly, for those who, on the contrary, drew school life(and the child’s future successes) in bright colors. Facing reality in these cases can cause such strong disappointment that the child develops a sharply negative attitude towards school. The most difficult cases are when reluctance to learn arises against the background of the child’s general pedagogical neglect. All these cases require individual analysis and not only pedagogical, but also psychological correction work.

The last thing we should focus on when talking about motivation for learning concerns the effectiveness of the student’s internal position. It is known that by the end of primary school age, and often earlier, the motivational function of the internal position is, as it were, exhausted, it loses its motivating power. In other words, fulfilling the duties of a schoolchild loses its immediate appeal and becomes a tedious and sometimes unpleasant task.

Explaining this phenomenon, the famous Soviet psychologist L.I. Bozovic notes that initially the child fulfills his school duties in the same way as he previously fulfilled the rules of the role taken on in the game. The desire to be at the level of the requirements that the student’s position places on him is directly stronger than all others. This “childish arbitrariness” disappears when the child gets used to the position of a schoolchild, and the experiences associated with it lose their immediate positive emotional charge. In place of this “childish voluntariness,” a higher type of voluntariness must be formed, corresponding to the characteristics of educational activity as a child’s daily duty, and an activity that is increasingly complex. However, as noted above, special work on the formation of this higher type of voluntariness is usually not carried out at school; it develops spontaneously, not for all students, and is often replaced by stereotypical adaptation to school conditions and tasks.

The function of a school psychologist in terms of developing this higher level of voluntariness in children, in addition to those developmental activities mentioned above, may be to advise teachers and parents on developing in children the ability to overcome directly stronger desires for the sake of less strong, but socially more significant, actions. in accordance with the accepted intention, the goal set for oneself, to develop those personality qualities that can be the basis of volitional behavior.

Chapter 2. Main directions of work with younger schoolchildren (A.M. Prikhozhan)

As a rule, all children entering school want to do well and no one wants to be a failing student. However, different degrees of readiness for school learning, due to different levels of mental development of children, do not allow all students to immediately successfully master school curriculum. Therefore, the task of a school psychologist in joint work with a teacher is to create favorable conditions for the development of each child, to ensure that from the very first days of his stay at school individual approach to him. But the implementation of the latter requires a good knowledge of the developmental characteristics of children. In this regard, the psychologist should get to know future first-graders already at the stage of enrolling them in school.

The study of the internal position of a schoolchild in psychology has important to find ways to increase schoolchildren's learning motivation, form a positive attitude towards learning at school, and successfully socialize in the modern educational and sociocultural space.

The internal position of the student is interpreted as the child’s attitude towards activities related to the fulfillment of the student’s responsibilities, which determines appropriate behavior in a learning situation.

In general, the internal position as a psychological formation determines a person’s opinion regarding certain circumstances of his life, initiating specific experiences of both positive and negative character. The internal position of the student expresses the appearance of the student, the course of learning and everything related to learning, the school as an integral entity formed in the mind of the student, who is already included in educational activities. Consequently, by the student’s attitude towards his studies, one can say about the student’s position as formed or unformed.

Processually, the development of a student’s internal position is associated with his acceptance or rejection of those laws and conditions that were presented to the student by that educational environment and his own position as a student. The period of its formation falls precisely on primary school, and most importantly - for the very first year of study. L.I. Bozhovich wrote that initially the child, projecting onto himself the rules of the role that was intended for him in the game, performs school functions that are determined for him by the educational process. The child wants to be at the level of the requirements imposed on him by the educational system, and this desire is stronger than others. The so-called “children’s arbitrariness” disappears by the time the child adapts to the position of a schoolchild. In place of voluntariness, the highest type of voluntariness should develop, which will correspond to the characteristics of educational activity as a normal obligation of the student. It should be noted that this activity will become increasingly complex.

A child who has sufficiently developed the position of a schoolchild receives positive experiences from the fact that he recognizes himself as a student, so games and everything he did in the preschool period become less attractive. The student begins to realize his new role, he does not want to lose her, he is proud that he has school responsibilities that have been entrusted to him, and becomes more responsible in relation to his educational activities. However, if this position is not sufficiently formed or not formed at all, or has lost its peculiarity for him, has ceased to exert a motivating force on him, then for him the fulfillment of those duties that are assigned to him become a burden and often the burden that is for him unpleasant.

The concept of internal position, which was introduced by L.I. Bozovic is the most famous, but also one of the least developed concepts in psychology. First of all, for L.I. Bozhovich this concept was derived from the works of L.S. Vygotsky. In our opinion, this concept is a concretization of the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky about experiences as internal authorities that mediate external influences.

An important problem that the concept we are studying helps solve is the problem of units of personality analysis. This problem was first staged by L.S. Vygotsky in his work “Thinking and Speech”. Methodological approaches presented in the work of L.S. Vygotsky can also be traced in personality studies in the works of A.G. Asmolova, R. Cattella, G. Eysenck, K.K. Platonov, V.S. Merlina and others, were later studied in more detail by N.D. Gordeeva and V.P. Zinchenko.

Psychologists and teachers note that modern children do not want to go to school at all; the student’s position has not been formed.

Before starting school, the child’s development turns towards the social side, that is, the child lacks the resources that he receives from his family. Therefore, he begins to reach out to larger societies in order to be appreciated and noticed by other adults, and not just his family. Consequently, a social “I” is formed in the child.

Society gives a growing child a place where he shows his desire and compares himself with others - in the form of school, as well as when visiting various clubs in which he can express himself. The main condition for entering this environment is the internal position of the student, which must be formed in him.

Summarizing everything that was said earlier, it should be noted that the internal position of a schoolchild is the concept of the child’s views on school and his own place in it. The internal position of the schoolchild is created over time in the child at senior preschool age. The position is developed in role-playing games at school, in conversations about it with the family and immediate environment, as well as in kindergartens with educators and teachers.

The position of a schoolchild means that the student is able to think of himself as “I am a future schoolchild, a student. I’m going to school,” and these ideas are positive. The child has a favorable attitude toward entering an educational institution and studying, or rather, as a natural movement in the formation of events. He may worry a little, but in general he feels the need to learn, and does not think about himself without training.

The position of the student in the most adult version is also defined as the child’s desire to learn, therefore, he has the proper cognitive motives. The child is interested in learning and strives to learn something new for himself. He not only achieves educational results, but also remains “in the process.” The basic principles of the feeling of adulthood are laid, which “blooms” already in adolescence. The position of a schoolchild is a stage towards growing up, when the child strives to become an adult. And the first teacher appears as one of those persons who, in his understanding, symbolize this world adults.

Thus, through the formation of this internal position of a schoolchild, two socially important needs are created in children - cognitive and the need to communicate with elders. Very similar to earlier childhood, where the main need is concentrated on emotional and business communication with the family. However, the degree of difficulty of school work is incomparably greater.

According to scientific research, today's first-graders are different from those children who entered educational institutions in the 80s of the last century. The study was conducted among urban residents. It has been established that modern children are distinguished by the fact that they understand themselves better and have the most developed true role-playing actions. Perhaps various kinds of formative training in preschool age contribute to the fact that children are precocious and behave like adults.

From the point of view of the development of the student’s position, this is a positive change in personality, since for the child there is no place for stress and fewer surprises. But innovation, elation, interest in learning life, children's ease, as well as play skills disappear.

So, the internal position of a schoolchild is something that is acquired in preschool age, and parents need to systematically, but without fanaticism, create a favorable mood for school in the student. This is necessary, since all the studies that have been conducted demonstrate that if a child’s internal position as a schoolchild is not formed, and he is a first-grader, then there is a high probability that the position will become very inferior and lopsided. More often than not, it happens, unfortunately, that school does not contribute to the formation of a student’s interest in learning, but, on the contrary, even dampens this interest.