• School No. 179 is rightly considered an elite school, because its history goes back more than half a century. Located behind the building State Duma, it is located in the very heart of Moscow, on Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street, building 5/6, building 7. Moreover, it was built closer than any other metropolitan school to Red Square.

    The official name of the school is State Budgetary General educational institution Moscow city "School No. 179"

    The director of school 179 is Pavel Alekseevich Yakushkin.

  • Briefly about the history of school No. 179 through the eyes of a math tutor. In 1950, the school was opened as a girls' school. high school, in those years such a division was practiced when classes for boys and girls were separate. In 1953 - the first graduation, then the school developed, grew, and finally, somewhere in the early seventies famous teacher Nikolai Nikolaevich Konstantinov organizes mathematics classes. Since that time, school No. 179 has acquired a reputation as one of the strongest mathematical schools in our country. Along with this, the school was also famous as a school with very serious physical training. However, in the nineties, the administration of the 179th is changing, many teachers are leaving, and the mathematical topic of teaching is losing weight. At the same time, new topics and directions are emerging. Serious classes in journalism, jurisprudence, and even cinematography are appearing.

    And so, in 2001, N.N. Konstantinov again enrolled a mathematics class. But in addition to mathematics, the school has strong inventive, analytical, and biological directions in the senior classes. There are also special clubs. Any students from different schools can participate in these clubs. The mugs are free.

    They study in 179 starting from the sixth grade. Students enter the mathematical direction in the 7th, 8th and 9th grades, inventive - in the 6th and biological - in the 9th. Analytical for high school.

  • The concept of education at school No. 179. The teaching methodology and program are not the same as in other schools. The goal is to teach students to think independently, creatively, think big, invent, and analyze. The idea of ​​the teachers 179 and the concept of teaching itself is partly that if the student develops his own, special, non-standard way of thinking and understanding the world, and he will understand, see, perceive the environment in his own way, then this will help him in further think independently, approach solving problems in mathematics not only creatively, but also successfully solving atypical and extremely complex problems. If I may say so, first we will start small, and then students will be able to practice this method when solving the most complex and important tasks in any areas. One can also add the school’s methodology for studying semantic blocks in various subjects, but in such a way that they are united by some common issues. This system was created within the school by its teachers from different periods of the school’s life, over many years of development of in-depth mathematical education in it.

    This education system allows the school’s students to constantly win competitions, graduates to study at the most prestigious universities, and the school itself to consistently occupy high places in the rankings of Moscow and Russia as a whole. The school regularly receives incentives and grants from the Mayor of Moscow, having a serious reputation and providing the highest level of training for students.

  • What qualities are needed to enter school 179?
    1. The school accepts gifted students who like and are good at mathematics.
    2. The applicant must have independent and innovative thinking and a serious sense of responsibility.
    3. It is very important that there is desire learn and gain new knowledge through hard work.
    4. The school would mainly like to have students whose destiny is somehow connected with mathematics.
    5. It is necessary for applicants to understand that studying at this school will require a lot of time and a lot of work. Therefore, if a person enters the 179th only in order to then make it easier to enter the chosen university or simply win competitions, again with the goal of getting into a university, or if he can study only under the condition of control over him by the school, parents etc., then there is no point in going to school. First you need to carefully think through and weigh everything.
    6. At school 179, all classmates and teachers are passionate about mathematics. But if a person does not have this quality, then at school he will not be in his environment, he simply will not be able to study there.
    7. It’s not an easy task to get into the 179th. Therefore, you need to start preparing in advance and seriously. Here, of course, a good math tutor will help. But you need to understand that upon completion of the full cycle of classes and preparation with a tutor, all of the above conditions must be achieved. If you didn’t manage to get in the first time, keep your patience and continue to prepare, because you can come next year. The school will help; by the way, it has evening classes like math clubs for such students.

  • Entrance exams to Moscow School No. 179. The math class requires a written paper and an oral interview. Accepted into 7th, 8th and 9th grades. They recruit two or three of these classes. In the biology and mathematics class - in the 9th grade. Here is a written math assignment plus two oral assignments in biology. In inventive - in the 6th grade. Game plus interview and plus written exam. The goal is to select applicants with creative thinking and skills.

  • How to prepare to enter school 179?

    How can those who want to forever connect their lives with mathematics, build a successful career and find talented and hardworking friends for the rest of their lives get into this elite educational institution?

    As an active mathematics tutor, I quite often prepare students who are going to enter school 179. And as my experience as a mathematics tutor for about two decades has shown, classes with a tutor play a very significant role here. Because everyone needs some preparation. So, my last student Maxim, who entered the 179th, and he entered it, was, I think, an ideal student for this particular school. But our classes, and it was they, taught him greater attentiveness, correctness of design, logical harmony and rigor of justification. In addition, the FSF Fundamental Training and Education system greatly helped him learn to feel confident in exams in difficult situations. This is very important in exams for such a school. So, in addition to the usual school knowledge, additional preparation is required to enter the 179th.

    As a mathematics tutor, I always highly appreciate a student’s independent work. Knowledge and skill acquired without outside help, but only at the cost of one’s own efforts, always weighs much more. However, focusing only on independent work when entering the 179th is reckless. If only because there are many nuances and features inherent in this exam, which you just need to know first. It is also necessary to develop a certain skill of independent and creative thinking. After all, this is what is highly valued in such tests at school No. 179. And the help of an experienced specialist means a lot here. It is also necessary to solve certain classes and types of problems and complete the corresponding tasks. Because the competition is very big, and even in the case of a highly capable student, it is naive to hope for a miracle. No, of course, it is possible, but it is always better to be on the safe side. I understand that this, too, will not provide a complete guarantee of admission, but the likelihood of success will increase many times over.

    The school has math clubs. And, if it’s convenient, you can be like them. At least then you will understand that perhaps mathematics is not for you, and if this subject is not interesting to you, then why go to this school at all. In this case, working with a math tutor will be much more effective in preparing for the Unified State Exam or the Secondary Examination. But for an insufficiently motivated and prepared student, studying at this strongest mathematics school will not only be very difficult, but also harmful. You don’t understand the very basics, let alone the complex tasks that the teacher will analyze and offer for independent solution. In addition, as for these mathematical circles, they are designed for an already sufficiently prepared student with good motivation and a keen interest in mathematics. There is a high pace of work here, and it is not always easy for a newcomer to follow the logic of the teacher’s reasoning, especially if he cannot yet quickly write down what the teacher is saying and quickly grasp the material. And the teacher’s presentation is designed for the entire audience as a whole; it is quite large, and it will not be possible to focus on one student. It should also be noted that such circles do not aim specifically at focused preparation for the school exam 179. Here the goals are different - developing abilities, practicing decision skills and strengthening motivation. There are enthusiastic children in the audience, together they are passionate about one thing, and then their interest is stronger. If you are not yet integrated into this paradigm, then why do you need a circle?

  • Do I need to study with a math tutor to enter school 179?

    Based on the above, it’s definitely a must! A professional math tutor will prepare you for admission to the 179th in such a way that the benefits of studying with him will be greatest. But at the same time, it is important that he also imagines all the specifics and subtleties of the entrance tests to school 179 specifically. Because there are brilliant tutors who specialize in completely different issues, for example, helping those who are behind or preparing for the Unified State Exam, OGE, DVI...

    When starting to work with a student, I, as a tutor, give him several diverse tasks and assignments. Classic tasks will show how well he masters the school mathematics course and to what extent he is motivated. And the way he solves Olympiad-type problems (for example, from Matfest) will demonstrate his expanded capabilities - creative thinking, flexibility, the extent to which he is ready for an interview at school No. 179 at the moment.

    With a math tutor, firstly, it is important to prepare for the written test. Many drop out at this stage. Therefore, you should approach him fully armed. And even though this is a formal test of basic knowledge, a kind of preliminary filter, without this verification you cannot move on to the next stage, and this is the main one. However, if the applicant has already successfully passed certain mathematical Olympiads, the first stage can be skipped, and any topic that is required in the written test can be taught by a mathematics tutor without difficulty.

    If you successfully pass the first test, then this is where you remember that the oral test, or interview, is the main one when entering school 179 (mathematics class). The criteria by which this exam is accepted are not so much quantitative as qualitative. The ability to solve non-standard and non-trivial problems is not achieved by simply going over such problems with a tutor. It is necessary to structure the work so that their solution is the merit of the student.

  • How to pass the oral test in mathematics at school 179, advice from a tutor.

    How to pass an oral test in mathematics at school 179, advice from a tutor In principle, having sufficiently developed mathematical abilities and knowledge, you can safely take this test without worrying about how to pass it - just calmly complete the tasks. Calmness, by the way, is extremely important in such an exam. But this is ideal. In reality, “it was just on paper, but they forgot about the ravines and walked along them.” Therefore, I will tell you a little about this test interview.

    1. Perhaps the main thing here is the following. If the applicant already has good experience in solving problems on basic and not only basic topics and reproduces the solution in a formulaic manner, then it is precisely such applicants who are admitted to school 179 who are obviously eliminated if they are unable to complete a non-standard task or cope with a previously unfamiliar and non-trivial problem. That is, they do not know how to think creatively, showing ingenuity and flexibility. The examiner can modify the conditions of the task, and then, testing the way of thinking, he will see how the student will rebuild the solution.

    2. What is also important is the actual flexibility of thinking. You shouldn't get hung up on anything. If the task doesn’t work out, feel free to try other solutions. Including, try to evaluate everything possible ways to choose the optimal one. As a math tutor, I often tell students that completing a math assignment is like a game of chess, where you need to quickly calculate the options and see several moves ahead. Then solve the problem correctly, quickly and in the most in a simple way. But such a vision is achieved with great difficulty and experience in solving a sufficient number of problems with an experienced tutor. And so, at such an interview, the teacher can very often give the student a more or less obvious hint. This hint will either indicate an error or the correct solution. It is extremely important for the student not to miss this hint!

    3. When taking an oral exam at school, teachers focus primarily not on how many problems the student solved or tried to solve, but on the general impression that he was able to make. And if, for example, at oral olympiads in mathematics or at the Unified State Examination, the Unified State Examination, the number of points is important - the more you solve, the better, then this rule does not work here. Here, if you do not fully understand the task, in all its mathematical rigor and impeccability of logical reasoning, it is better to refrain from taking it. Because this can significantly spoil the impression. What's it like here? There are very specific basic knowledge and basic pitfalls in mathematics. If a student does not know about them for some reason, it means he simply does not master the school course, and this means an immediate failure on the exam. We had a rule at Moscow State University: don’t try to talk about what you don’t understand. That's the math.

    4. It is very important to show respect for the examiner and for mathematics itself. Many teachers “tolerate” applicants who begin to argue, arrogantly demonstrate superiority, etc. Some people mistakenly consider this to be hurt pride. But this is not so. If you go to classes or lectures with a teacher whom you do not appreciate, will the classes be beneficial? If a student believes that he knows a certain topic better, and his abilities are higher than the teacher’s abilities, why should he study at this school at all? Hence, it is very important to avoid arguing with the teacher. It often happens that a student argues, and argues harshly, defending a mistake. But this will immediately kill the impression of the examiner and lead to failure. Meanwhile, the teacher’s remark may contain a hint, a hint, or help, so he checks whether the student is able to receive this hint and understand and correct his mistake. Realizing a mistake will always make a very good impression.

    5. Questions should be answered clearly and mathematically strictly, and as briefly as possible. More words mean more chances to make mistakes. Sometimes it is useful to ask the teacher for time to think. This is considered acceptable in this exam, while haste can lead to a mistake, and a gross mistake is always a failure.

    6. If the problem the student is trying to pass is causing difficulty, it is acceptable to ask the examiner to move on to another problem.

    7. It is better to submit problems that have already been solved and verified without delay. Otherwise, there may be no time left to submit them. And if you make a serious mistake, then no one will simply check them.

    8. Be sure to check for arithmetic errors and, most importantly, for the perfection and logic of the evidence.

    9. It is necessary to count on the fact that at the end of the oral test the applicant is tired, there is a greater likelihood of mistakes, therefore extreme care is required. It is at the end that the teacher can give a hint that is important to grasp, and may ask one or more additional questions if his impression of the applicant has not yet been fully formed. The questions may not be difficult, but the correct answer to them will determine the fate of the student. This means that you need to fully concentrate and slowly, extremely carefully and logically give an answer. You can ask for time to think.

    To summarize, we can say with confidence that school No. 179 can provide a solid mathematical foundation, but only if the student is ready for the hard and painstaking study of all the laws of the “queen of all sciences” - mathematics.

  • Moscow secondary school No. 179 is located in the heart of the capital Russian Federation- next to Red Square. Belongs to the Institute open education- a higher educational institution specializing in retraining specialists with secondary education.

    Reviews about school No. 179, admission conditions, history, description, teaching staff and much more are in this article.


    The school has been known for its mathematical specialization since the mid-20th century. Also inventive and biological training profile.

    Thanks to the special approach in terms of presentation of disciplines by teachers (more on this later), students are regular winners and prize-winners of Olympiads. And school number 179 (Moscow) is the best not only in the capital, but throughout the Russian Federation (3rd place out of 500 for 2017).

    The educational program for children in this educational institution is noticeably different from other schools. Here they teach you to think, analyze, creatively approach any task, and invent.

    As for the latter, if we consider this concept on a broader scale, it means developing a special way of thinking and consciousness in general, which helps to see and perceive the world around us differently (individually).

    Thus, students learn not to blindly copy or memorize, but to invent on their own. After all, having learned this approach on a small scale, children can then apply it when solving large problems, including those that not a single person has been able to solve to date (in any industry and sphere of life).

    At school No. 179 (according to reviews) already from adolescence students come into contact with real professionalism and develop their genius.


    Initially on modern location The location of this secondary educational institution was the St. George Monastery.

    And in 1949, the building of school No. 179 (Moscow) was built. When it was created, it was intended exclusively for girls. The very first graduation of students at the institution was carried out in the 53rd year of the last century.

    Starting from the 70s, the school became a physics and mathematics school. Outstanding teachers in this field work here: N. N. Konstantinov and S. G. Roman (mathematicians), V. V. Bronfman (physicist) and others.

    It was thanks to the efforts of these people, significant for the educational institution and the entire Russian education of the 20th-21st centuries, that specialized classes were created, which produced excellent graduates of real geniuses in mathematics and physics.

    In the 80s, school No. 179 underwent some changes in terms of studying the exact sciences. But no less interesting areas are emerging here: journalism, cinematography, jurisprudence - on the basis of the corresponding universities of the capital.


    Since 2001, secondary school No. 179 (Moscow) has been included in the Institute of Open Education (in other words, the Institute for Teacher Improvement).

    It is from this moment that the revival of the mathematical specialization of the educational institution begins, and a new class is recruited.

    A little later, the inventive direction of teaching schoolchildren opens, which in high school smoothly turns into an analytical one. Also publishing, historical and philological specialization and self-determination profile.

    The last two moved to another building in 2011, also belonging to school No. 179 (Orlovo-Davydovsky Lane), but in 2014 this branch was officially closed.


    Today, this educational institution is a kind of specialized school, in which students study from the 6th grade.

    Recruitment is carried out depending on the specialization of education - from 6th to 9th grades. Almost every parallel has mathematical, analytical, biological and invention classes:

    • Mathematics - grades 7-9.
    • Biology - 9th grade.
    • Inventive profile - 6th grade.

    The developers are the teachers themselves, and they also use educational materials old school (outstanding teachers who previously worked in this educational institution). The best educational and handout materials from the educational segment of the country are also used.

    After graduating from school No. 179 (according to parents’ reviews), students become students in the best cities in the country. In particular

    Additional mugs

    In addition to the main curriculum, students attend studios, clubs, and study groups, which are intended for students not only of this educational institution, but also of others. Training is free. The teachers are masters and true professionals in their field.


    • film club - organized viewing of films with subsequent commentary;
    • drama and screenwriting club;
    • tourist club - organization of trips and hikes, as well as sporting events;
    • geological circle - year-round organized trips to places where various stones are mined;
    • ballroom dancing;
    • theatre studio;
    • physics club - experiments and experiences under the guidance of a teacher;
    • math club - for all schoolchildren (beginning or continuing their studies).


    According to reviews and official data, gifted children who are distinguished by unconventional thinking, independence, a sense of responsibility, and a burning desire to learn and experience have the opportunity to enroll in school No. 179.

    As for entrance exams and interviews, everything depends on the direction chosen by the child and parents.

    How to enter school No. 179 (Moscow):

    1. In the mathematics class, it is necessary to complete written work on a core subject (mathematics) and, during oral communication with the examination committee, solve several non-standard problems. Recruitment for this direction is carried out in grades 7, 8 and 9 annually (about 2-3 grades - depending on the logistics of graduation).
    2. You can only enter the biology and mathematics department in the 9th grade. Recruitment is carried out for one class - regularly twice every three years. Entrance exams are also conducted in several stages: a written assignment in mathematics and 2 oral interviews in biology (after successfully passing mathematics).
    3. Enrollment of students in the inventive field opens every year. Admission is to 6th grade. Entrance tests involve testing knowledge in several subjects and identifying non-standard skills. They take the form of a game, an interview, or written work. There are only 3 stages.

    Enrollment of students is carried out on the basis of a written application from parents, when all examination rounds have been completed.

    If it is impossible to attend the next stage of the entrance exam for a valid reason (providing a supporting document), the test is postponed to another day (negotiated individually).

    Teaching staff

    The director of the school is a candidate of pedagogical sciences - Yakushkin Pavel Alekseevich. In the field of Russian education he is also known as one of the developers of a unified state exam in computer science in the Russian Federation, which is taken annually by school graduates.

    The teaching staff of the educational institution consists of only 33 teachers, the majority of whom are teachers of the highest or first category. There are also teachers who are employees of the Institute of Continuing Education.

    Other questions

    • On average, the school graduates about 130 students every year.
    • Material and technical base: the educational building is fully equipped with everything necessary equipment, inventory, furniture, teaching aids. There is a sports stadium in the school yard. New laptops have also recently been delivered for students and teachers. Eat interactive whiteboards and other.
    • At school, children eat in the canteen, where food is delivered and heated. There is a buffet with drinks and sweets.
    • The educational institution educates students from different districts of the capital and Moscow region, different families and level of income.
    • Some students receive scholarships for their special academic achievements;
    • There is an extended day group.
    • Medical care for schoolchildren is provided by the local clinic.

    Two important interesting texts from readers:

    Mathematics in grades 7-9 is represented by three disciplines.

    Algebra(school course) is not exactly in disgrace, but the attitude towards her at school is very indifferent. Hence the unpleasant surprises that sometimes occur during the Unified State Examination. There is only one algebra class per week. The lesson is taught by two teachers.

    Geometry more respected. Three hours a week are allocated for it. Gordin's problem book is very popular. The lesson is taught by two teachers.

    Matan. Mathematics teachers consider it the main subject of school. Matan is taught very well. Four or more teachers attend a lesson. Two pairs per week are allocated for it. In addition to mathematics classes, the school has two more biology and mathematics classes. And for some reason they also teach matan.

    Computer science. Matan is superior in terms of homework volume. If curse words can be written off, overheard, etc., then this will not work with computer science. If a student submits a code similar to someone else's, both will be banned. The program by class can be seen. Math classes are “B” classes. B1 was typed in the seventh, B2 in the eighth, B3 in the ninth. Each class has its own program and it is impossible to move from class to parallel class.

    Admissions to universities. Full information about last year's receipts lies.

    Mugs. The school has a huge number of free clubs. Their schedule is posted on the first floor. Information about clubs in school 179 posted on PSU and on the school website may not be up to date.

    Teachers. There are a great many of them in a school with 500 students. But almost all of them are part-time workers. There are a lot of intersections with the nearby 57th school.

    Trips. Many teachers organize trips. The physicist A. E. Tarchevsky succeeded more than others in this matter.

    Atmosphere and stuff. It is striking that children from parallel classes practically do not communicate with each other. At school it is not customary to give gifts (including flowers) to teachers, the director, the head teacher, etc. for any reason. The line on September 1st lasts about five minutes, then everyone goes to study. By definition, children who cannot be considered very capable are not in school. Therefore, children are divided into motivated and unmotivated (lost motivation). The latter are often expelled from school. This is reality, not a horror story. It happens that only half of the enrolled class completes their studies before graduation. 179 is one of the few schools that, as a matter of principle, does not start a group on Facebook. The school receives great support from its alumni. Some of them (who already have a name in the world of science) come and take on, for example, leading some kind of circle for free.

    Another text:

    Interview for math class 179 school ===

    An interview in math class 179 of the school is the main test, based on the results of which a decision is made on the admission/rejection of the applicant. The written stage in non-standard mathematics plays the role of a preliminary filter (and you can skip it if you have diplomas from the “correct” olympiads). The results of the written stage in school mathematics are of a reference nature only for examiners, because, according to them, any topic in school mathematics can be “pulled up” without any problems.

    It’s important to know about the interview for math class 179 at school that this is not a problem-solving competition with oral delivery, but a full-fledged oral exam built around problem solving. The purpose of the exam is to check whether the applicant has flexible mathematical thinking(its signs are listed below).

    The examiners emphasize that the criterion for selection into the math class is not quantitative (the number of problems solved during the interview), but qualitative - the general IMPRESSION made on the examiners by the applicant.

    From this follows an important difference between interview tactics and behavioral tactics at oral Olympiads. Namely:
    * at the oral Olympiad, where the criterion for success is the number of points scored for solving problems (possibly a partial solution), attempts to pass problems beyond those already passed CANNOT lead to a decrease in the number of points, and in general do not lead to a worsening of the participant’s position
    * at an interview, when trying to pass an incompletely understood or partially solved problem, you can SIGNIFICANTLY spoil the impression by saying some nonsense or demonstrating a lack of understanding of the logic of reasoning. Such damage to the impression can directly lead to failure.

    That is, the rule “try to pass as many as possible, it won’t get worse, and you’ll gain a few points” DOES NOT WORK here. And it can get worse, and it’s not about the points.

    ATTENTION: the lost impression is not covered even by a large number of solved problems. The applicant should be especially attentive and careful towards the end of the interview, when the brain is already tired (and prone to mistakes), and only difficult / incomprehensible / unfamiliar tasks remain. At this time, the risk when trying to pass the task is especially high.

    What is the manifestation of the flexibility of mathematical thinking, which (or the lack of which) examiners purposefully identify?
    1) the ability to construct a solution for a problem, the “template” of the solution of which is unknown to the applicant (for this, upon admission, the conditions of the problems vary in order to see how the applicant rebuilds the solution)
    2) the ability to move away from an erroneous decision, realizing the error based on a hint given by the examiner.

    During the interview, examiners purposefully identify and weed out people who have a “circular outlook” (i.e., they have solved/disassembled many problems on well-known topics in advance, and can reproduce a more or less standard solution), but are not able to reason flexibly, demonstrating skills 1) and 2).

    A good way to test “flexibility” in advance (and assess the chances of passing an interview) is to give the student a selection of problems from strong Olympiads such as Matprazdnik, which (tasks) obviously do not fall into traditional club topics, but the solution of which, in principle, is based on logical reasoning and “promotion” conditions. If a student begins to build a solution, but perhaps doesn’t complete something, then there is a chance; If you often don’t know where to start, then your chances are slim. It is clear that analysis of solutions in itself does not develop flexibility and the ability to build solutions - it only adds known patterns.

    During an interview, you need to be prepared for the fact that a (possible) error in reasoning will be interpreted broadly by the examiners. For example, redundant explanations on specific example when proving a statement, they may be interpreted by the examiner as a failure to understand that a general statement cannot be substantiated by a single specific example.

    General skills in conducting a dialogue with the examiner are also important:
    * DO NOT ARGUE, but listen to comments. Perhaps the remark is a check to see if the applicant is aware of the error in his reasoning. Defending incorrect reasoning without understanding the remark is a direct path to worsening the impression; on the contrary, awareness of the error works in favor of the applicant
    * clearly formulate thoughts when answering, because an error due to vagueness can be interpreted not in favor of the applicant
    * do not try to answer questions quickly (risk of mistakes), but ask for time to think

    Some common rules for oral delivery of problems are also useful:
    * you should submit tasks as you solve them, and not accumulate solved problems (at the end of the interview there may not be enough time to submit them)
    * if the dialogue with the examiner on one problem lasts too long, you should ask permission to switch to solving another problem

    Written based on the experience of an interview for the 7th math class at school 179 in 2015.

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    Now, under the same number 179, there are two schools in MIOO. One is located at st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 5/6, building 7, metro station " Okhotny Ryad"(mathematical, inventive-technical and biological profiles), and the second - at the address Orlovo-Davydovsky lane, 5, metro station "Prospekt Mira" (historical-philological, natural science profiles and self-determination profile). The above ranking of the Department of Education includes a unit on Bolshaya Dmitrovka. Therefore, all the information below is about him.


    The school is a structural division of the Moscow Institute of Open Education (MIOO). The main bias is mathematical.

    "It's very hard to study."

    Foreign languages

    English according to the standard program. Children who enter school with knowledge of German can prepare for free to take the Unified State Exam in German as an optional extra.

    Statistics of admissions to universities

    Almost 100%. Mostly they go to Moscow State University (mechanical and mathematics department, physics department, journalism department, philology department), HSE (mathematics and economics departments), MGIMO.

    Statistics on the Unified State Exam

    In 2012-2013 academic year the school had 3 100-point students in chemistry, 2 in mathematics, 1 in Russian, 1 in physics and 1 in English language. The average score in mathematics is 71 (in three math classes the average score is 80), in physics - 71.29; in English - 79; in computer science - 82; in Russian - 81.

    Olympiad statistics

    In the 2013-2013 academic year, the school had 6 winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Informatics; 2 prize-winners and 1 winner of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Mathematics; 1 prize-winner in chemistry; 1 winner in English and 1 winner of the final stage in physics. Last year, a school student won the program “Clever Men and Clever Girls” and was admitted to MGIMO without exams.

    Every year, dozens of school students become winners of All-Russian Olympiads in mathematics, geometry, computer science and programming.

    Number of students in graduating classes

    This year 132 people graduated.

    Additional sections, clubs, events

    In addition to the main classes, there are studios and interest clubs, for example, a group on modern drama and screenwriting. The film club "" meets on Wednesdays in the assembly hall and organizes screenings and discussions of masterpieces of world cinema.

    The tourist club "Vezdehod" organizes hiking trips and sporting events. The geological club is actively developing - schoolchildren go on trips to actually mine various stones in abandoned places, and trips are made throughout the year. There is a theater club, a circle ballroom dancing, a physics club where kids conduct scientific experiments with teachers.

    In 2013/14, the school will host mathematics clubs for students in grades 5-6, both beginners and intermediate students. Classes are free, and students from any school can attend clubs.

    How much money do parents give?

    There are no parental supplements at the school. There is an off-budget charitable foundation, where everyone can voluntarily contribute money for the development of the school.

    How much does graduation cost?

    In 2013, graduation cost less than 7,000 rubles.

    Building and equipment

    This year, new laptops were delivered to the school for students and teachers. Both buildings are equipped with everything necessary, including technical innovations such as interactive whiteboards. The school also has a football field.


    The food is imported and is heated in the dining room. There is a buffet with buns and chocolates. When it's warm outside, they sell ice cream.

    Medical care

    The school is served by the district clinic.

    Who is studying

    Children from a variety of families study at the school; they come from all over Moscow and even from the Moscow region.