15:36 — REGNUM Publications calling themselves “free media of Russia” are recalling their correspondents from the State Duma in protest against the decision of the ethics commission, which demanded proof of the fact of harassment by Leonid Slutsky to the producer of Dozhd and a correspondent of the BBC Russian service.

It becomes obvious that the “Slutsky compliment” itself is a trifle compared to the “crime” that the commission committed by demanding evidence (!). This requirement in itself is much worse than harassment, because over time it can get to the point where the press will not be allowed to lie at all.

The hysteria under the slogan “They have the right to rape us” refers not to the rule of law, but to legal lawlessness, when just one word “victim” is enough - and the “criminal” can say goodbye to his job, reputation and family. Not the sexual safety of their correspondents working in the State Duma, but an introduction to the legal field Russian Federation the practice of admitting guilt in the absence of evidence is the most important thing for which our media, free from legal consciousness, fight.

Representatives of the liberal minority at the past presidential elections received the expected meager number of votes, but the longing for power over the majority continues to torment the imagination of the aggregate Russian liberal. Making Russia a country where, following the Western model, the word “harassment” will become the most terrible scare at any level, will in fact be an attempt to drive a large part of the population under the control of a smaller one. Having thus raised authoritarianism to absolute, where the most prominent representatives the most exotic minorities. And if we remember that the only thing they like to shout about more than about the “Putin regime” is about the gulags, then it’s not difficult to imagine the fate of the victims who will be reached by freedom fighters yearning for a sense of power.

But, of course, it is necessary to act, and once a position has been stated, it is necessary to defend it. We believe that the most appropriate development of the situation would be the decision of all suffering media to recall their correspondents, not only from the “become unsafe” State Duma - after all, there are still many places in the country where evidence may be required. The Federation Council, the courts, briefings, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, in the end... Actually, the problem, as always with liberals, is rooted in the very structure of our state, and it is such that there is a presumption of innocence in it. That is, not a single free media correspondent literally has anywhere to step without running into the notorious “innocent until proven.” From this exhausting situation There seems to be one outcome for the “defenders of freedom”: to recall correspondents from Russia. Perhaps there are countries that match their dreams, and where nothing needs to be proven at all.

Again, what about Slutsky? - in the States, right now there are already two young ladies attacking Trump, one is a porn actress, the other is not, and why are the correspondents of “Echo”, “Dozhd” and “Kommersant” worse than them? Nothing! And there is also Hollywood, where the actors are beautiful and rich, and you can make money from accusations of harassment, and not only raise hype around your publication, attracting attention, if not with the quality of the material, then at least with scandalous stories.

In turn, correspondents IA REGNUM who have the ability to record what is happening around them and can stand up for themselves within the law without the immediate involvement of law enforcement agencies, are ready to increase their presence in official bodies for comprehensive coverage of their work.

And also about the quality of the Moscow-Hollywood flash mob for freedom and solidarity. When the Belarusian authors of our agency (including the authors of one of the current Protestants) were subjected to real political repressions of the modern gulag in Minsk simply for their loyalty, freedom of thought and freedom of speech, all these fighters did not say a word in their defense. And cowardly and hypocritically they kept their tongues where they were accustomed to keep them. This is all there is to know about their freedom, their solidarity, their dignity and their human conscience.

August 18, 2017 | 16:52

Remchukov emphasizes the importance of analyzing the structure of “basic needs and values” of voters.
It is safe to say that both Putin and Trump clearly understand the “structure of basic needs and values” of their peoples and build on this high-quality populism for the majority subject to their influence (which seems to be 86 and 50 percent, respectively).
But populism is different from populism.
It’s one thing to flirt with the base instincts of the crowd to exploit the power syndrome and buy a gullible electorate through locally effective, but very spectacular “straight lines” and other propaganda campaigns.
But it’s a completely different matter to achieve real efficiency of the economy and not allow thieves, at least into the prime minister’s chair (and, of course, be more careful with cellos yourself).
That is, different populisms lead to oppositely different goals, and “correct” populism should lead not to the insane enrichment of only the national leader and his servants, but also to the prosperity of the entire country.
Why don’t our people fall for the “correct” populism? Because no one offers “correct” populism, taking into account the “structure of basic needs and values” of the people? Or, perhaps, because the aggressive propaganda and behind-the-scenes security tricks of our lucky national leader do not allow the people to hear the opposition in its full voice, undistorted by the lying pro-government media?

andrey_borisovich: / Or, perhaps, because the aggressive propaganda and behind-the-scenes KGB tricks of our lucky national leader do not allow the people to hear the opposition in its full voice, undistorted by the lying pro-government media? /

Navalny's film about Medvedev was watched by 25 or 30 million people. The same number of people don’t watch Salovyov and Kiselyov. The opposition also has EM (an audience of several million), TK Dozhd, Novaya Gazeta, New Times, BBC Russian Service, Voice of America, Radio Liberty and Western media,

einsam August 19, 2017 | 01:43

andrey_borisovich: What do you need to hear? Apart from calls to repentance and permanent grief against the backdrop of the distribution of territories to neighboring states, there are no specific proposals. No one is interested in “de-Stalinization”, because no one needs it on a scale Russian society, and even more so, it in no way affects the filling of the refrigerator. And here economic reforms influence, but the specific reform program of the so-called. there is no opposition! Because it basically ignores the fact that the current state is based on privatization, which has placed most of the country's resources in the hands of a small group of people. Without revising this basis, it is impossible to talk about any fundamental changes. Etc. the opposition does not touch this basis, because it feeds from the hand of the oligarchy. When another opposition appears, which will make the issue of privatization of the 90s relevant, then it will be possible to consider the programs and proposals of such opposition. But on this moment there is no one, so there is no one to listen to and nothing to discuss.

andrey_borisovich: I don’t believe that Remchukov is so naive that he himself doesn’t understand what he writes.
According to his text, it turns out that Putin meets the basic needs of Russians. Those. the needs are a deterioration in the standard of living, corruption at all levels of self-elected government, economic recession and stagnation, the disappearance of affordable cheese and its replacement with palm oil cheese products, food inflation, etc., life surrounded by enemies, because . Russia cannot have friends other than the army and navy and, naturally, has a burning need for TV propaganda.

Remchukov did not consider it necessary to mention that Putin’s basic needs and values ​​are a lifelong stay in power by him, along with his thieving KGB entourage, and the unpunished plunder of the country’s mineral resources.
For the sake of these values, he and his gang of thieves in law (in literally this word) will not stop either before murder and war with fraternal Ukraine and Christian Georgia, or even before the aggravation, moreover, the severance of relations with America and Europe, no matter what it costs the Russian people.

I always respected Remchukov. But in his last performances everything became gray and primitive. Everything is considered too simplified and blurred. Trump has his own problems and methods, Putin has his own. Too much different countries and peoples. As for Trump, as one American scientist said, he speaks first, thinks later, if he thinks at all. You can't say more precisely. Trump is a businessman in a very narrow scope of business. He has no experience or knowledge in everything else. The Republican Party is very conservative and largely racist. The country's press belongs to different groups and accordingly supports different courses, those that suit their interests and their clients. Trump is an upstart. A very significant portion of the Republican leadership does not support him and simply opposes him. In reality, he has no program, just populism, not confirmed by any examination. no resources. In principle, he is doomed whether the party will establish de facto control over us, and he will only be a frowning face of the Republicans. But this will lead to a very sad result for both the party and the country. In Russia everything is clearer and simpler. There is a real dictatorship in Russia, often a caricature, but still tough. The future is also sad.

You're delusional!
It was not the Republican Party, but the Democratic Party that was the party of southerners and slave owners.
And today this leftist organization (think Bernie Sanders) nurtures the likes of Black Lives Matter, who are outright black racists - a kind of black Ku Klux Klan.
It was they who started the fight by illegally attending a permitted meeting of defenders of monuments from demolition.
By the way, before this, the COURT PROHIBITED the demolition of monuments.

sasha2011, I completely agree with you. In America recent years The alliance of black extremists with pseudo-liberals gained strength, which moved from propaganda terror to real terror. Demands for the demolition of monuments, attacks on peaceful demonstrators trying to protect them, and declaring all demonstrators en masse fascists are real terror. They want to dominate, they want to impose their ideas, they want to silence everyone. I am surprised by the superficial assessment of these events from the usually profound Remchukov, who does not understand that this black-pink alliance has already fed up not the fascists, not the blue collar workers, not the poorly educated whites, but all those who value freedom, i.e. true liberals. Many of them have not previously participated in political life, probably, they thought - “they don’t bother us, and that’s good.” But now they felt that there was an attack on those values ​​that they could not sacrifice. And it was such people from the “silent majority” who brought Trump to power. These are not Nazis, they are not racists - these are ordinary people who began to speak up when they felt their rights were being attacked.
I wish the same for us...

Original taken from philologist in the 50 most important educational sites on the Runet according to Nikolai Podosokorsky

I present to your attention an overview of the fifty most important, in my opinion, educational RuNet sites. Internet projects are numbered in random order (there is no hierarchy in the numbering). Additions are welcome!

1. "Arzamas" is a non-profit educational project dedicated to humanitarian knowledge. Arzamas is based on courses, or “humanitarian series,” each on its own topic. All courses are free. The project started in 2015.
Website: http://arzamas.academy/
Chief Editor: Philip Dzyadko.

2. "Open Library" - a socio-cultural project created in St. Petersburg in 2012. Over three years, three “OB” formats have appeared: the full-day festival “Open Library”, “Dialogues” and “Man as He Is”. Initially, the goal of the project was to restructure city public libraries and expand the format of their work. Today "OB" holds festivals, discussions, series of dialogues and other events, in which the best Russian-speaking speakers take part.
Website: http://open-lib.ru/
Organizer and ideologist of the project: Nikolai Solodnikov.

3. "Open lecture" - a project invented in the summer of 2012 and implemented in the winter of 2013 by journalist Katerina Gordeeva. His idea is the accessibility to the general public of the knowledge, memory and cultural experience of those without whom our history would be completely different.
Website: http://open-lecture.ru/
Organizer and ideologist of the project: Katerina Gordeeva.

4. Free Historical Society- was created in 2014 by historians and specialists in the field of socio-humanitarian disciplines related to history. the main objective VIO - to promote the dissemination of scientific ideas about the past, about the role and tasks of historical science in the life of modern society.
Website: http://volistob.ru/
Chairman of the Council of the VIO: Nikita Sokolov.

5. “History lessons of the 20th century” has been carried out since 2009 by the International Historical, Educational and Human Rights Society “Memorial”, together with the Regional Public Organization “Historical, Educational, Human Rights and Charitable Society “Moscow Memorial”, with the support of the German Foundation “Memory. Responsibility. The future" (Erinnerung. Verantwortung. Zukunft). This project is part of the international program “Learning from history”.
Website: http://urokiistorii.ru/
Editors of the site "History Lessons": Natalya Kolyagina, Nikita Lomakin.

6. Prize "Enlightener"- a prize in the field of popular science literature - established in 2008 by the founder and Honorary President of VimpelCom, Dmitry Zimin, and the Dynasty Foundation for Non-Profit Programs. The purpose of the Prize is to attract readers' attention to the educational genre, encourage authors and create preconditions for expanding the market of educational literature. Thus, the Foundation provides support to domestic educators who want to popularize the ideas generated by the scientific community. In 2009, Dmitry Zimin decided to increase the number of awards to two within the framework of the Enlightener project, highlighting the humanities and natural sciences. The Enlightener Prize implements a large library program. Every year, books by the Prize laureates and finalists are sent to 125 libraries in Russian regions, except Moscow and St. Petersburg. In addition, lectures are held throughout the year with finalists and laureates of the Prize in the regions and abroad, and since 2011, online broadcasts with the participation of shortlisters and readers of regional libraries, as well as with the possibility of viewing on the website.
Website: http://premiaprosvetitel.ru/
The co-chairs of the Organizing Committee of the Prize were journalist, writer, host of the “Meanwhile” program on the “Culture” channel Alexander Arkhangelsky and publisher Alexander Gavrilov

7. National Award "Civil Initiative"- established in 2013 by the Committee of Civil Initiatives. Its tasks include searching for new faces of modern civil society in Russia, unknown heroes of our time who have already proven themselves in their city, district, region, republic. These are those who are not satisfied with the current situation in the country. They themselves, on their own initiative, are trying to change something and have already achieved concrete results or are just beginning to put their plans into practice. However, their voice has not yet been heard. They don’t even know how many enterprising people across the country can share their civic position. And they deserve to be known in Russia about their endeavors and selfless work.
Website: http://premiagi.ru/
The Organizing Committee of the Prize consists of: the board of the Kudrin Foundation for the Support of Civil Initiatives and the executive directorate of the Prize.

8. Moscow School of Civic Education (until August 2013 - “Moscow School of Political Studies”) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that was created in December 1992 with the support of the Council of Europe. The School sees its main task as promoting understanding of the need and importance of the rule of law and its partner - civil society - in modern country. This goal is realized through civic education of a new generation of public and political leaders, representatives of the media, culture and education, business and non-profit sector - those who are open to new knowledge and make efforts to develop their community, region and country. The activities of MSPP, including seminars at the federal and regional levels, publications and online programs, are aimed exclusively at disseminating the achievements of world and domestic philosophical and social thought, familiarizing themselves with the experience of government institutions, the media and civil society. Among the School's experts are well-known political scientists and politicians, economists, sociologists, historians, leading employees of expert analytical centers, government and business representatives, editors-in-chief and journalists from Russia and foreign countries.
Website: http://msps.su/index/
The founders of the school: philosophers Elena Nemirovskaya and Yuri Senokosov.

9. Foundation for Socio-Economic and Intellectual Programs- created with the aim of assisting in the preparation, development and implementation of socio-economic and intellectual programs that contribute to solving socio-economic problems of the population of the Russian Federation, enterprises and organizations. Every year it holds Forums for young writers and critics in Russia and foreign countries.
Website: http://www.sfilatov.ru/
President of the Foundation: Sergei Filatov.

10. Colta- independent, free media about culture and society.
Website: http://www.colta.ru/
Editor-in-Chief: Maria Stepanova.

11. Committee of Civil Initiatives- This public organization, created in response to society’s desire to renew and strengthen democratic institutions. They declared the main goal of the Committee to be the creation of an association of professionals whose combined authority would help bring civil initiatives to any level of government.
Website: http://komitetgi.ru/
Chairman: Alexey Kudrin.

12. Congress of the intelligentsia “Against war, against self-isolation of Russia, against the restoration of totalitarianism” arose to unite the opinions of Russian citizens who were outraged by the violent separation of Crimea from a country that had always been considered fraternal and implied special close and respectful relations. Immediately after the invasion of Crimea, individual protest speeches and expert opinions of intellectuals appeared in the opposition media and Internet resources. And there were many such speeches. It was for their unification that the Congress of Intelligentsia arose; the moment of its birth can be considered the signing of the appeal, which was published in Novaya Gazeta on March 14, 2014.
Website: https://nowarcongress.com/
Members of the Congress: Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Yuri Ryzhov, Dmitry Bykov, Irina Prokhorova, Andrey Zubov and others.

13. "Magazine room" is a non-profit literary Internet project representing the activities of Russian thick literary, artistic and humanitarian magazines published in Russia and abroad. "ZhZ" was created in 1995-1996, as a kind of Internet federation of several fat people literary magazines, who agreed to exhibit on the Internet together. During the work of "ZhZ", the concept of the site was determined - a presentation of the phenomenon of Russian thick magazine literature in its current state as a phenomenon, first of all, aesthetic. In practice, this meant that ZhZ, replenishing its composition, could not include highly specialized, socio-political and, in fact, political journals, and also avoided journals with a frankly low artistic level, journals that had just formed, as well as journals whose politics is based solely on ideological acuity. And, of course, ZhZ does not deal with publications whose materials may contain propaganda of war, violence, religious, racial and national intolerance. Issues of admitting new members to ZhZ are decided by the Council of the “Magazine Hall”, which is made up of representatives of the magazines that founded the “Magazine Hall”: “Arion”, “Friendship of Peoples”, “Znamya”, “Foreign Literature”, “NLO”, “New Youth", " New world", "October".
Website: http://magazines.russ.ru/
Literary curator: Sergey Kostyrko.

14. "New World"- website of one of the oldest literary magazines in Russia. The website contains not only issues of the magazine, but also other materials, as well as news from the world of literature.
Website: http://www.nm1925.ru/
Editor-in-chief of the magazine: Andrey Vasilevsky

15. "Gefter"- online magazine about historical science and society. Opened in April 2012. History how scientific discipline- with its schools, its achievements and defeats, with its methodologies and languages ​​- permeates all cultural and social processes. The current part of the online magazine "Gefter" is a platform for publishing works of modern historians, philosophers, and publicists on the topic "History and social transformations." The online magazine is called "Gefter" in memory of Mikhail Yakovlevich Gefter (1918-1995), Russian and Soviet historian and public figure. The memorial section of this site gives an idea of ​​the legacy of M.Ya. Geftera. The site's editors are a research group that sets itself the task of preparing a complete collection of Gefter's works that meets academic requirements and its electronic version.
Website: http://gefter.ru/
Editor-in-Chief - Gleb Pavlovsky.

16. PostScience is an online project about modern fundamental science and the scientists who create it. The project began its work in January 2012, and on May 24, 2012 the site was opened to visitors. During this time, more than 500 materials were published, over 300 of which were videos about the achievements of fundamental science and important modern technologies. More than 170 scientists from various research fields, including Nobel laureates, took part in the project.
Website: http://postnauka.ru/
General Director, Co-Founder: Elena Verevkina
Editor-in-chief, co-founder: Ivar Maksutov

17. Lecture hall Polit.ru- lectures by Russian and foreign scientists. Also on the Polit.ru website there is a section about science "ProScience"
Website: http://polit.ru/lectures/publ_lect/

18. "Runiverse. Russia in the original"- a humanitarian project whose goal is to return to cultural circulation forgotten pages history and culture of Russia. Since its creation in 2008, Runiverse has become one of the leading projects on Russian history on the Internet. A unique database has been created containing facsimile page-by-page images of more than 3,000 volumes published in Russia in the 19th - early 20th centuries, a unique collection of 3,900 maps and over 20,000 historical illustrations and photographs. The entire collection has been processed and provided with annotations and convenient tables of contents. Materials that were withdrawn from cultural circulation for almost a century and were no longer reprinted have now been returned to readers. The Runiverse project is designed for a wide audience - from professional historians to schoolchildren interested in history.
Website: http://www.runivers.ru/

19. "ACADEMIA" - television project channel "Culture", in which the largest scientists of our time and their young colleagues address a wide audience in order to draw attention to domestic science and expand the circle of people interested in knowledge. Each episode of the program includes a lecture on one of the fundamental sciences. As part of the ACADEMIA cycle, the following people rose to the All-Russian Television Department: Nobel laureate physicist Zhores Alferov, director of the Institute Russian history RAS Andrei Sakharov, Professor Sergei Kapitsa, famous linguist and philosopher Vyacheslav Ivanov, patriarch of Russian archeology Valentin Yanin, biochemist academician Vladimir Skulachev, bioengineer academician Konstantin Scriabin, founder of the leading school of protein engineering Mikhail Kirpichnikov and many others. The project was recognized as the best educational television project of 2011 by the Russian Union of Journalists. The lectures have been broadcast since 2010.
Website: http://tvkultura.ru/about/show/brand_id/20898/

20. Lecture hall Novaya Gazeta" . Education should not only be interesting, but also free. Here is an archive of interesting lectures on unlimited topics.
Website: http://www.novayagazeta.ru/topics/91.html

21. "Last 30"- explores the phenomenon of the post-Soviet. Its authors are trying to document the long-term transitional state of the country and society. The focus is on people and events that have become phenomena of post-Soviet history: from refugees from “hot spots” to graduates who passed the Unified State Exam with 100 points.
Website: http://last30.ru/
Scientific editor: Yuri Gushchin

22. "Interpreter"- an analytical blog that posts materials on history, sociology, economics, etc.
Website: http://ttolk.ru/
Creator: Pavel Pryanikov.

23. N+1: scientific articles, news, discoveries- a popular science entertainment publication about what is happening in science, engineering and technology right now.
Website: https://nplus1.ru/
General Director: Anna Krongauz
Editor-in-Chief: Andrey Konyaev

24. Arthive - social network artists. Here, painters, experts and simply people interested in art can learn about new works and events, look for interesting interlocutors, “like” and comment, collect their own selections of paintings and post them on social networks.
Website: https://artchive.ru/my/events

25. Wikipedia- a free, publicly available multilingual universal Internet encyclopedia.
Website: https://ru.wikipedia.org/

26. The Art Newspaper Russia- an international newspaper dedicated to world art news. Published in Russian since April 2012.
Website: http://www.theartnewspaper.ru/
Publisher: Inna Bazhenova
Editor-in-Chief: Milena Orlova

27. Relikva- a site dedicated to private memory. Invites everyone to create their own museum: publish photos various items and tell their stories.
Website: https://relikva.com/
Creator: Philip Dzyadko

28. TheQuestion- a service that allows you to ask questions to experts in the field of literature, art, cinema, economics and other fields of knowledge.
Website: http://thequestion.ru/
Chief editor: Sima Orekhanov

29. Independent literary award "Debut"- a literary portal that promotes literature and is aimed at young authors.
Website: http://www.pokolenie-debut.ru/
Coordinators: Olga Slavnikova and Vitaly Pukhanov

30. Vector- online school for urban entrepreneurs. Courses for those who want to explore the city, find ideas for new projects and create them. The school teaches skills and an entrepreneurial mindset. To study at Vector courses, you do not need to have any special training or knowledge. The main thing is curiosity and the desire to change your own city for the better. Courses can be taken at any time and in any order. All school materials are in Russian.
Website: http://vector.education/
Project manager: Olga Polishchuk

31. "Theories and practices"- a project that brings together people who are looking for new knowledge and are ready to share it. Lectures, master classes and other forms of intellectual leisure, useful courses. Opinions and news from the world of education and popular science. In a special section there are grants, scholarships and competitions that will help you go to study abroad for free, conduct Scientific research or realize a project you've only dreamed of.
Website: http://theoryandpractice.ru/

32. Lectorium- an academic educational project developing two directions: 1. Archive of video lectures - a collection of video lectures by the best lecturers in Russia. All materials are published only in agreement with lecturers and educational institutions. Access to the library is free and free. 2. MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) - new generation online courses.
Website: https://www.lektorium.tv/
Co-founder, CEO: Yakov Somov
Co-founder, editor-in-chief: Alexandra Skorodumova

33. "Then"- a magazine whose purpose is to illustrate history through photographs, stories, old newspapers and magazines.
Website: http://www.togdazine.ru/

34. Muzium- blog about classical music
Editor-in-Chief: Masha Chalykh

35. "Lived"- electronic housing personal diaries twentieth century, in which the project team plans to upload accessible diaries in Russian. The goal of the project is to create a tool with which an interested user will have the opportunity to work with any selections from all diary texts of the era: in a few mouse clicks, create a tape from diary entries made, for example, in Petrograd in the first days after Lenin’s death and containing mentions of his name or get all records made on April 12, 1961.
Website: http://prozhito.org/
Project team: Mikhail Melnichenko, Ilya Venyavkin, Ivan Drapkin

36. "Oral History"- an archive of memoir conversations about science, culture and everyday life of the twentieth century. The entire volume of collected material is stored in the oral history department Scientific library Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The archive is created under a free license and is open for use and copying. The texts of the conversations are published with careful editing. Technical or ethical adjustments are made to the published primary source (audio, video), based on the request of the interlocutor. Full transcripts of all published conversations can be provided upon user request.
Website: http://oralhistory.ru/
Project manager: Dmitry Sporov

37. "Trinity Option - Science"- electronic popular science newspaper. The main strategic direction is to resist the advancing ignorance. Enlightenment in the broad sense of the word: awakening interest in science and knowledge in general, the fight against obscurantism different types. Publication of high-quality educational articles, interviews with the most powerful scientists (including those abroad), competent news, ridicule of all sorts of pseudoscience and journalistic blunders, humor in the style of “physicists are joking,” etc.
Website: http://trv-science.ru/
Editor-in-Chief: Boris Stern

38. "Historical examination"- the idea of ​​the magazine arose on Facebook among professional historians in January 2014. It was then that a proposal was put forward to create a professional association of Russian historians using the method of “self-organization” and take the first practical steps to the implementation of this project. At the same time, it was noted that one of the things uniting Russian historians could be the creation of a single resource that would raise the urgent problems of the examination of scientific texts for the corporation of Russian historians. To implement the historical common cause, the publishing house "Nestor-History" proposed publishing a journal called "Historical Expertise", the basis of which was to be reviews of scientific publications.
Website: http://istorex.ru/
Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir Vedernikov

39. "PolitProsvet"- journalistic prize. It was founded in 2011 and is run by the Liberal Mission Foundation. The award is given to authors of television and multimedia publications on socio-political topics.
Website: http://politprosvet.org/
Chairman of the jury: Alexander Arkhangelsky

40. "Liberal Mission"- the Foundation’s website contains a library of liberal thought, which includes both current publications and books by classics of liberalism.
Website: http://www.liberal.ru/
Foundation President: Evgeniy Yasin

41. "Team 29"- an informal association of lawyers and journalists. The team took over the baton of the Freedom of Information Foundation, which defended the rights to access information for 10 years until the Ministry of Justice labeled it “ foreign agent" After this, the Foundation closed, and Team 29 stood up to protect the right to information. 29 is the number of the article of the Constitution, which protects the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information.
Website: http://team29.org/ru/
Team captain: Ivan Pavlov

42. "Memorial"- a movement whose main task was initially to preserve the memory of political repression in the recent past of our country. Now this is a community of dozens of organizations in Russia, Belarus, Germany, Italy, France, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Ukraine, conducting research, human rights and educational work.
Website: http://www.memo.ru/
Chairman of the Board: Arseny Roginsky

43. Association of Researchers of Esotericism and Mysticism- a scientific non-profit organization that unites humanitarian specialists in post-Soviet countries who are engaged in research in the field of esotericism and mysticism from the standpoint of academic science.
Website: http://aiem-asem.org/ru_RU/
Chairman of the Association Council: Sergey Pakhomov

44. "St. Petersburg avant-garde"- online magazine about the cultural life of St. Petersburg. Special project of Rosbalt news agency.
Website: http://avangard.rosbalt.ru/

45. Yeltsin Center- a non-profit organization named after the first president of Russia. The main task of the Center is to preserve, study and comprehend the historical legacy of Boris Yeltsin in the context of the political and social events of the 90s. The center was conceived as a socio-political organization promoting the construction of a rule of law state, the study and development of the institution of presidency in Russia.
Website: http://www.yeltsin.ru/
Director of the Foundation: Tatyana Yumasheva

46. ​​Carnegie Moscow Center- started work in 1994. It is a division of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the world's first global research organization. The Center considers its mission to be: to carry out independent socio-political research and promote the dissemination of their results in Russia and Eurasian countries; serve as a free and open forum for debate on the most pressing issues in Russia and the world; contribute to the improvement of Russian-American relations by explaining Russia's interests, its goals and actions, as well as to promote in Russia an understanding of the policies of Western countries.
Website: http://carnegie.ru/
Director of the center: Dmitry Trenin

47. Yegor Gaidar Foundation is a non-profit organization created to promote liberal values ​​and popularize the ideas and legacy of Yegor Gaidar. The Foundation conducts many independent and joint projects, offers a variety of educational programs and grants, and organizes conferences and discussions on important social and economic issues.
Website: http://gaidarfund.ru/
Chairman of the Foundation's Board of Trustees: Anatoly Chubais

48. "Sigma" is an open platform for publishing texts about people, cultural phenomena and society. Texts from cultural institutions and professional communities appear here. Everyone can publish their text on the platform and become part of this environment.
Website: http://syg.ma/

49. "New Literary Review"- a publishing house that works in the field of domestic intellectual literature.
Website: http://www.nlobooks.ru/
Editor-in-chief of the publishing house: Irina Prokhorova

50. Poster DailyRussian edition about entertainment and culture.
Website: http://daily.afisha.ru/
Editor-in-Chief - Ekaterina Dementieva

51.InLiberty— educational project and discussion platform for discussing the future human society, its history and the changes that are happening to it before our eyes. InLiberty maintains a website of the same name and publishes books, conducts lectures and seminars, organizes student research competitions and summer schools, and also consults in the field of education and culture.
Website: http://www.inliberty.ru/
Project Director - Andrey Kurilkin

And it will become clear why the authorities continue to tolerate them, with all their discontent and all their capabilities.

“Echo of Moscow” and the entire crowd clustered around it are irreconcilable opponents of the current government, and one might even say Russian statehood. What they allow themselves is not allowed by any mainstream media in Europe, America or Asia. Moreover, directly or indirectly, they exist, including with the money of government agencies. And they continue to actively fight with these structures. How is this possible?

Many patriots, official or sincere, have repeatedly called on Putin to close Echo of Moscow. Or, at a minimum, deprive them of government support. It’s funny to hear in this chorus the voice of Eduard Limonov, once such a fierce hater and oppositionist of Putin, and now restlessly and persistently calling on Putin to slam Echo as an “enemy of Russia.”

Eduard Limonov does not understand one simple thing, which the Kremlin fully means. Even three simple things. Firstly, fiddling with Echo now is like shearing a pig - a lot of squealing, not enough wool. Secondly, and this is worth understanding for Vladimir Solovyov and others who are outraged by state funding for Echo - it’s safer this way. As Don Corleone said: “Keep your friends close to your heart and your enemies even closer.”

State funding allows you to keep “Echo” at arm’s length, which can be either opened or closed at the right time. Do you remember how the taming of NTV Gusinsky began? From an outstanding loan from Gazprom, using which Vladimir Putin installed his people in leadership. The same, or similar, trick can be performed at the right moment with “Echo”. A radio station that is completely private and independent of the state will completely lose all its shores, and there will be no control over it at all. And so, from time to time, you can call the editor-in-chief to the Kremlin and confront him with one thing or another.

Thirdly, and this is the most important thing, “Echo” is simply necessary as an ideal counterparty or scarecrow for the people. “Echo” periodically gives the floor to such frostbitten radicals and schizophrenics that, against their background, even the least thoughtful and adequate actions of the authorities seem to be a model of moderation and sanity. Some average citizen will be upset by some initiative of the authorities, and will take it and think about an alternative. Where are the most radical alternatives? Of course, on Echo! It’s only after viewing and studying these alternatives that sensible citizens start to have hair on the back of their necks, and he crawls away, muttering: “Let these be better!”

I have an acquaintance who, I must say, is not the biggest fan of Putin, but all our periodic, albeit good-natured, debates about politics invariably end with the same unkillable argument: “And if not Putin, then who - these, from Echo "? After this, discussions stop, since the coven organized at Ekho scares him much more than any initiatives and prospects of the Kremlin.

“Echo” is a decoy for the opposition and a lightning rod for the people. All the fools and all the radicals of the Russian opposition are gathered on Ekho, whom it is convenient to track and present to the people from time to time: they say, is this what you want? And when the people recoil from this panopticon, they nod with satisfaction: that’s it, stick with us - it’s more reliable with us.

So why close such a convenient structure, which is always at hand, practically under control, through which you can track and drain all the negativity, and with which you can scare God-fearing citizens? Close it - and this whole party will scatter to other, less visible and controlled places, and the Kremlin will receive another portion of negativity without the slightest positive. Nowadays it’s even beneficial to present yourself as a place of freedom of speech, when both in Europe and in America this very freedom has begun to be very noticeably put under pressure and infringed upon. Strategically advantageous. Firstly, by doing so, a serious trump card is knocked out of the hands of the Kremlin’s opponents, who are babbling about despotism and satrapy. What kind of despotism this is when you can chat about whatever you want - over there, on Echo, please!

Secondly, dissatisfied people all over the world look at Russia and understand that it is possible. There is freedom of speech here, you can talk about anything here. And they begin to broadcast their dissatisfaction through Russia, through the Russian media, and this is by no means always dissatisfaction with Russia. Often quite the opposite.

And Russia intercepts the agenda from the West, and becomes a platform on which it is possible to discuss without mincing words the most difficult questions, unfettered by political correctness and tolerance, and the world's progressive thought will begin to move from West to East. Not only to Russia, I must say. But also to Russia as well. And all because the authorities resisted the temptation to follow the call of Eduard Limonov and did not close Echo, which was so unpleasant to many.

Safety valves must work and excess pressure must be released. Now in Russia “Echo” is best suited for this role.