Poems about summer for preschoolers are short and educational stories in which the child will definitely learn something new and interesting.

Poems and quatrains about summer for children 4-5 years old

Read children's poems about summer to your children, they will definitely enjoy listening to them. In addition, children who, from the very beginning, early age instill a craving for “beauty”; they develop faster, they begin to perceive the world differently and notice things that other children may not pay attention to. Develop your children with the help of fun and educational poems, which, although very often fit into 4 lines, open up interesting observations and knowledge for kids.

The banks of the rivers are lovely,
A bag of impressions!
In summer, children from all over the world,
They're having fun, look!
How much light and goodness,
Will be with us forever.
The birds sing joyfully
They love summer, they wait for summer.


Summer is hot and beautiful,
The days are not in vain.
We all recognize the chirping of birds,
We are waiting for him and adore him.
Red summer is coming
And sadness takes away everything.
We play, we have fun,
We are heading towards summer again.

It's a sunny day and the birds are singing,
They invite us to go for a walk.
It's beautiful in summer, the grass is green,
And every word has a meaning.
In the summer we swim, we eat together,
And any body of water is so warm.
Let the cold weather fly away quickly
And summer will soon be returned to all children.

You can jump and play
It's fun to laugh and jump around.
And we'll go to the river,
And we will find beautiful flowers.
Let it be hot in the summer,
And everyone knows about this.
Let's sing a song to the sun,
We have fun in the summer.

Summer is a miracle, not a word,
The whole earth knows it.
The flowers are blooming again,
And they announce summer.
It's going to be very hot soon
Eating strawberries is very sweet.
And it gets longer
Every hour and every day.

Both children and adults love short poems about summer. How can you not love sunny lines about a beautiful, long-awaited time of year? Summer - cheerful white daisies, ringing bells, wonderful berries and cunning mushrooms.

“Hello, golden summer!”
Author of poems: Iris Review
Hello, golden summer!
What is brighter in the world?
What is sweeter in the world?
Lighter, more beautiful, hotter?

Here is the spider web yarn.
Warm rain laughs
The robin sings,
And the rye is earing.

Summer is its own bast basket,
Stuffed with onions and radishes.
Everywhere at lunch the chairman is okroshka,
And the substitute is the boletus mushroom.


Red summer warms us
July warmth,
Breath of ripe berries
The forest is filled with dense.

"What is summer?"

What is summer?
That's a lot of light.
This is a field, this is a forest,
These are thousands of miracles.
There are clouds in the sky
This fast river,
This bright flowers,
This is the blue of heights
There are a hundred roads in the world
For baby feet.


The sun has a rule:
It spread its rays,
Spread out in the morning -
And it's hot on the ground.

It's across the blue sky
Spread rays -
The heat is so intense
At least shout guard.


- What will you give me, summer?
- Lots of sunshine!
There's a rainbow in the sky!
And daisies in the meadow!
- What else will you give me?
— The key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks,
Strawberries and mushrooms!
I'll give you a cookie,
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted to her louder:
“Tell me your fortune quickly!”
And she answers you
I guessed for many years!

From the poem “In the Night”

Summer evening. Behind the forests
The sun has already set;
At the edge of the distant sky
Zorka turned red.

Grabbing the horses by the mane,
Children are jumping at school.
That's joy and fun,
That's the way for the children!


Should I tell you, flower children:
Light - about the planets,
Ruse - about the little star,
Pan - about the picture,
Tyulus - about the bright months,
Lule - about beautiful stairs,
Lyuline - about the clear sun,
Lilya - about the wonderful bucket?

In the summer heat

How beautiful it is in the summer heat
Take a walk with mom in the forest,
Enjoy the silence
Bright blue skies.

Summer sun rays

What a good day!
A light breeze is blowing.
Summer sun rays
So nicely hot!


The meadow is buttoned up for all the dewdrops.
Silently a ray made its way to them,
Collected dewdrops into a web
And hid it somewhere between the clouds.

Why is summer short?

Why for all the guys
Is summer not enough?
- Summer is like chocolate
It melts very quickly!

M. Borina-Malkhasyan

The gentle, kind sun is rising.
Even if it’s cloudy, it’s hot for us.
These days will be warm and radiant.
We'll really like them, I know.

M. Borina-Malkhasyan

The burning sun burns mercilessly,
Greedy rays dry everything,
The red sunset burns like a hot stove,
Oh, we'd better have some rain!

N. Shester

Summer heat, cool in the shade.
If it rains, then for a moment.
The warm wind is like a delight
Refreshes someone's face.

Summer path
N. Krasilnikov

The back of the path is tanned,
A path rushes towards the river in the heat.
- Plop! - from a cliff into a bright pond.
Lo and behold, already on the other shore
Winds through the field, fluttering like a butterfly,
It’s as if it never swam – it’s dry!

How we spent our time in the summer

We walked, sunbathed,
They played near the lake.
They sat on the bench -
We ate two cutlets.
They brought the frog
And they grew up a little.

All year round. June
Samuel Marshak

June has arrived.
"June! June!"
Birds are chirping in the garden.
Just blow on a dandelion -
And it will all fly apart.All year round. July
Samuel Marshak

Haymaking is in July
Somewhere thunder grumbles sometimes.
and ready to leave the hive
Young bee swarm.

All year round. August
Samuel Marshak

We collect in August
Fruit harvest.
Lots of joy for people
After all the work.

The sun over the spacious
Nivami is worth it.
And sunflower grains

Gaida Lagzdyn

The sun pours into the clearing,
The sun is shining brightly.
Strawberries in the clearing
Red-cheeked is growing!
I'll call my girlfriend.
Let's pick a mug of berries!


Ladybug -
Little bug.
Black head
The flank is speckled.

On the palm of your hand with your legs
Don't crawl to the edge!
Be my brooch
And don't fly away!

E. Ranneva

Along the path, along the path
JUNE is coming to her native land
And in an orange basket
Summer is ringing.

JUNE has it on his shirt
Dandelions are blooming
The pond turns blue like a round cup,
The birds sing merrily.

Olga Vysotskaya

The sun dropped
Golden ray.
Dandelion has grown
First, young.

He has a wonderful
Golden color.
He's a big sun
Small portrait.


The sky has cleared
The distance has turned blue!
It was as if it wasn’t raining
The river is like crystal!

Over the fast river,
Having illuminated the meadows,
appeared in the sky

Irina Tokmakova

The summer shower filled the puddles -
Whole seas!
The dacha stood at the pier,
Having dropped anchor.

Only my ship is brave
Fighting the wave
And it doesn’t matter that it’s paper
The sail is above me.


So much light! So much sun!
So much greenery all around!
Summer has come again
And warmth came to our house.

And there is so much light around,
It smells like spruce and pine.
If only it were summer
It was with me for a whole year!

Summer day
Elena Erato

How beautiful it is, a summer day,
The shadow plays merrily
A butterfly flutters in the garden,
The finch hums something

By the bush of blooming roses
A flock of dancing dragonflies,
And the bee buzzes all day -
She brought fragrant honey.

The summer evening is calm and clear...
Afanasy Fet

The summer evening is calm and clear;
Look how the willows sleep;
The western sky is pale red,
And the rivers sparkle with their twists and turns.

Sliding from peaks to peaks,
The wind creeps through the forest heights.
Do you hear neighing in the valleys?
The herd is trotting.

Sunny morning

Lots and lots of sunshine
The sun is a whole country!
The sun's legs are getting stuck
In the low branches by the window.

Here it is a little more
He will accumulate strength in the heights,
Golden centipede
He'll sneak into my house!

Ivan Surikov

The sun is shining brightly,
There's warmth in the air
And wherever you look -
Everything around is light.

The meadow is colorful
Bright flowers,
Covered in gold
Dark sheets. FLOWER
Yakub Kolas

Hello, my dear flower,
Summer guest spring!
How beautifully you have blossomed
To everyone's surprise.

The breeze will smile
And he plays with you.
Sunshine for you all day
Cheerfully caresses.

Vitaly Kodryan

Let the thunder roar louder
Lightning flashes.
They say that in the rain
I'll grow big...

But outside in the rain
Mama won't let me in.
Apparently he wants his daughter
She remained small.

G. Lagzdyn

Everything around has turned green,
Turned red, turned blue!
It's summer!
It's summer!
With the warm sea,
With bright light.

Summer rain
Apollo Maykov

"Gold, gold is falling from the sky!" -
Children scream and run after the rain...
- Come on, children, we will collect it,
Just collect the golden grain
Barns full of fragrant bread!

Ripe summer
V. Lanzetti

Ripe summer
Dressed in berries
In apples and plums.
The days have become beautiful.
So much color!
How much light!
The sun is at the top of summer!

Why is there so much light?
I. Maznin

Why is there so much light?
Why is it suddenly so warm?
Because it's summer
It came to us for the whole summer.

That's why every day
Every day gets longer
Well, nights, night after night,
Shorter and shorter...

On a hot day
G. Ladonshchikov

The field is sunny and quiet,
The hot day dries the earth.
Buckwheat became thoughtful,
Barley hung its head,

And they don’t see what’s above the forest
The cloud rose like a mountain,
What is their sadness
Very soon
The rain will dispel the mischief.

What is summer?
V. Balashov

What is summer?
That's a lot of light
This is a field, this is a forest,
These are thousands of miracles

There are clouds in the sky
This is a fast river
These are bright flowers
This is the blue of heights.

Leonid Martynov

And summer is on the doorstep:
The touch-me-not bees are hovering,
Majestically on guard
Attractive hives

So that all sorts of worries
Drowned in a measured roar,
Like alarm bells drowning in the gospel,
And in June
And in July
And especially
In August.

Summer in the forest
Zakhoder Boris

Walk! - beckoned
Forest path.
And so he walked
Along the path Alyoshka!...

After all, in the summer in the forest
Interesting, like in a fairy tale:
Bushes and trees
Flowers and frogs,
And the grass is green
Softer than a pillow!

Song about summer
S. Smetanin

The ringing summer begins
The golden time has come
Immediately a sea of ​​hot light
Gives bright sun in the morning.

Sing along, buddy, with me,
I love to sing with you.
If we two try,
And the birches will begin to dance.


M. Evensen

Summer has arrived -
Strawberry blushed:
Turns sideways to the sun -
Everything will be filled with scarlet juice.

There is a red carnation in the field,
Red clover. Look at this:
And wild rose hips in summer
All covered in red.

Apparently people are not in vain
Summer is called red.

E. Grudanov

Another hot July day
Broke free.
Every living thing seeks shadow -
It's hot in the open field!

And above the river there is a forest,
The leaves are rustling,
He beckons, beckons
Relax in the shade!

Even on the hottest day
The forest canopy will save us!

Delicious summer
E. Ranneva

To the armful of sun rays
Add the cries of cranes,
Add the voice of a stream,
And then - a cricket song.
Blow the warm breeze
Top with rainbow afterwards.

And if you mix everything,
Close your eyes and wait
Sit on the tender grass -
Then you can eat summer with a spoon!!!

I vote for the summer - “For!”
I agree with me
And there's an old man on the bench,
And the baby in the sandbox,
And there is a flower girl at the tray,
And the warm wind
And the surf
And a strong saffron milk under the pine tree.
And even an echo echoes somewhere:
- And I,
And I,
And I’m here for the summer!

Good summer
N. Polyakova

Good summer!
Good summer!
How much heat is there in it
And how much light there is in it!

Summer is knocking
To our windows in the morning:
- Get up, kids!

Get up, ducklings,
Goslings, calves!
I will wash you all
River water
And I will warm you with the sun!
Grow quickly!

E. Grudanov

The summer sun is burning,
It cooks like an oven
And it flows under the hill
Blue River!

As if from a hill quickly
roll head over heels
And from the sun's rays
Take refuge in the river!

It doesn’t fry, it doesn’t bake,
The fish dance in circles!
Amazingly lucky
To everyone who lives in that river!

Y. Akim

Do you want to take a look at the summer?
You are allowed into the forest without a ticket.

Mushrooms and berries
So much -
You can't collect it in a year.

And by the river, and by the river
Little men with fishing rods.
Got it!
Look - pike!
I’ll drag the pike ashore.

Okay, tired of the heat,
Jump through the dew at night,
Cook porridge on the fire,
Talk until morning...

Summer rain
T. Dneprovskaya

The sun was burning hot,
The sultry earth was blowing.
At night a cloud came over,
The fields were waiting for the rain.

All the blades of grass are glad, glad,
And ears of corn and flowers,
What funny raindrops
They pour loudly from above.

The rain is noisy and cool,
A song full of miracles!
At dawn he breathes greedily
A forest filled with moisture.

Summer treat
L. Slutskaya

If you treat a cow
Summer flowers
She will make you happy
Delicious gifts:

Chamomile kefir
And clover cheese
And also bellflower
Fresh milk.

And you won't forget
Forever this feast:
Forget-me-not yogurt
And cornflower cheese.

What does summer smell like?
L. Schmidt

Summer smells like strawberries
dewy grass,
The gentle gold of dawn
And the forest path.

Warm sea and rains,
Grandma's baked goods,
White clover, bonfires...
And also – freedom!

From dictation worries,
Unbearable rules
From problems and equations
And wake-up calls.

N. Kapustyuk

The sun laughs merrily
The leaves are barely trembling.
Red afternoon at the well.
Blackberry aroma...

The rain forgot the way here
And he doesn't want to come.
Marigolds in a flowerbed can
Offer friendship to Astra.

Summer in every corner -
If only this were forever!
The cat sharpens its claws
And the bees are suffering!

July - the peak of summer
N. Kapustyuk

The raspberries are blooming on the bush,
And the tomato is in the garden.
Kavun gained authority...
Summer is doing great!

The peony looks gorgeous!
The cuckoo suffered...
And the good old wise maple
Cherishes nests of jackdaws.

It’s easy for him - the foliage protects
Warmth in your palms
And the warbler rings and rings...
...And drowns in the blue sky!

V. Stepanov

How much morning light
Behind the open window!
Summer is walking across the earth,
Summer is walking barefoot!

How much summer and space!
How many songs and flowers!
The distance of the fields and the hum of engines,
Echoes of early trains.

How much light, how much sun,
So much greenery all around!
Let's wake up together with the birds,
We grow together with herbs!

Summer breathes a fresh breeze
N. Radchenko

Summer breathes a fresh wind,
Opens his arms to me.
Many, many kilometers
I will follow him.

Through the meadow where mint smells,
Through the forest along narrow paths,
From dawn to dusk
Through our native Russian expanses.

I swim in the river to my heart's content
And we eat plenty of berries,
To study at school
I had enough strength for a year.

Happy summer
A. Pleshcheev

Happy summer,
You are dear to everyone.
In the fragrant meadows
Flowers are blooming.

Shiny midges
Swirling in a crowd
And the sun sends them
Its beam is golden.

I draw summer
P. Pranuza

I paint summer -
What color?

Red paint -
There are roses on the lawns,

And green is the field,
There are mowings in the meadows.
Blue paint - the sky
And the stream is singing.

What kind of paint?
Will I leave the cloud?
I paint summer -
It's very difficult...

Vladimir Orlov

What will you give me, summer?
- Lots of sunshine!
There's a rainbow in the sky!
And daisies in the meadow!

What else will you give me?
- The key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks,
Strawberries and mushrooms!

I'll give you a cookie,
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted to her louder:
"Tell me your fortune quickly!"

And she answers you
I guessed for many years!

How much business does summer have?
Larisa Ishchenko

How much business does summer have, do you know?
You can't count all the worries.

We need to cover the meadow with flowers,
Water the grass with rain,

Decorate the sky with a rainbow,
So that the world is not sad.

So that the birds sing loudly,
So that we have time to tan,

Swim for the whole winter -
Everyone needs this.

What else does summer need?
So that children live together,

We were able to grow up more.
May summer last longer!

Last summer
I. Gamazkova

I'll draw strawberries
And I'll paint it red.
I collected it in the forest
Last summer…

I'll draw our river
And I'll color it blue:
I knew a fishing place
Last summer…

I draw an oak tree at the edge,
I paint oak green.
I made it to the top
Last summer!

I will send the drawings to my grandfather,
And then after them,
I'll come to my grandfather myself
This summer!

N. Matveeva

Between the stakes of a gray fence
The sun sent out long rays.
The mugs got out onto the road,
Scooping up dust with rough edges.

The plantain is a proven orderly,
Healer of feet wounded along the way, -
I approached the road and got ready:
Maybe he thinks who will need me...

The dandelion aims to fly around:
All his fluff has moved to one side,
But they stopped hesitantly:
Where to fly! Which way!

The hot day has already turned to evening:
The evening whispered something in my ear,
The clouds overheard and thought
And, forgetting why they came, they melted away...

Summer evening
Fedor Tyutchev

Already a hot ball of the sun
The earth rolled off its head,
And peaceful evening fire
The sea wave swallowed me up.

The bright stars have already risen
And gravitating over us
The vault of heaven has been lifted
With your wet heads.

The river of air is fuller
Flows between heaven and earth,
The chest breathes easier and more freely,
Freed from the heat.

And a sweet thrill, like a stream,
Nature ran through my veins,
How hot are her legs?
The spring waters have touched.

Black Sasha

Summer rain lashes the roof
By iron sheets.
I hear, I hear!
Tra-ta-ta-ta, tram-there-there!

I'll take off my tight boots
And I'll roll up my pants...
Along the groove along the path
I'll gallop at a trot with a squeal!

Eva! Splash, evil snakes!
The whole ditch is full of bubbles,
The rain is dancing on the bench,
Drumming in the burdocks.

Watering with a prickly water
Got me wet...
The sun has come out of the clouds!
The sun will dry it out - I suppose!


What does summer smell like?
N. Anishina

Summer smells like strawberries
Warm rain, strawberries.
Summer smells like cucumbers
And fragrant flowers,
silver fish,
And cool okroshka.

Summer smells like the blue sea,
Coniferous forest, open field,
Apples and mushrooms
And ripened bread,
And also bee honey,
Have a fun trip,
Mint, clover, wormwood,
The aroma of pears and melon.

Summer has many smells,
You won't tell me until dawn,
Summer is very tasty
And not at all sad.

Yu. Chichev

The forest is full of songs and screams.
Strawberries splash with juice.
A bee is dancing on a flower.
A fish splashes in the river...
What is this time called?
It's not hard to guess: SUMMER!

Let it be on your neck, like beads,
Mosquito bites,
But ready until morning
Listen to fairy tales by the fire.
What is this time called?
It's not hard to guess: SUMMER!

We eat potatoes from the fire
And as if in make-believe,
Like wheat, day after day
We get rich and grow.
What is this time called?
It's not hard to guess: SUMMER!

Hello summer!
Tatyana Bokova

So much greenery all around!
What is this? This summer
Finally he hurries to our house.

How many delicious sweet berries
In a clearing in the forest!
So we'll eat for a year
Stock up on vitamins!

I swim to my heart's content in the river,
I'll sunbathe to my heart's content.
And on grandma's stove
I'll sleep as long as you want!

So much sun! How much light!
How wonderful the summer heat is!
I wish I could make it so summer
It was with me for a whole year!

Irina Butrimova

Have a carefree summer
Golden time
Festival of sun and light
Gives joy in the morning.

Nothing is more beautiful
In the grove of birds singing,
Yellow-eyed daisies
Snow-white eyelashes.

Cornflowers bright blue
In the emerald grass
And lilac haze
Above the river at dawn.

Ripe raspberries
Sweet juice on lips
As a sign of July
In the forests near Moscow.

Nikolay Zidorov

Walking along the path
Golden summer.
Fords the river,
A bird is whistling somewhere.

Walks and wanders through the dew,
Through the colorful meadow,
Wears a rainbow in her braid,
Braided tightly.

He gets up and sighs joyfully -
The wind will pick up.
He waves his hand at the clouds -
Warm rain will fall.

He will even visit the city.
Stay for a while - and that’s fine.
He will bring it there in handfuls
The air from the mountains is cool.

Whisper of the river, bird whistle,
Light fluff without weight.
There is a wet leaf on the asphalt,
Like a letter from the forest.

Svetlana Artamonova

Long-awaited summer!
Sun, river and sand,
Birch tree shadow, stream,
Mosquito ringing and squeaking,
Orioles whistle softly,

The flutter of dragonfly wings,
And the satin silk of grass,
Bouquet of bluebells,
Nightingale's night sonnet,

Strawberries and raspberries
Boletus by the stump,
Blue web
At dawn at the beginning of the day,

The heat of the midday sun
The smell of hay and grass,
AND well water
Drank a glass to the bottom,

Quiet rustle from the rain,
Rainbow arc over the field,
On the heavenly blue sea!

Rain, rain
Tatyana Bokova

Summer rain, warm shower!
Sparkles in the wind!
Leaves a sea of ​​puddles
To get everyone drunk!

Summer rain! Wait!
We've waited again!
Come on, rain! Help me out
Forest dweller!

For a moose cow - a stream,
For mice - dewdrops,
And the seagulls are ready for the birds
In a hole on the path.

They drink from the bushes with their palms,
Droplets - midges,
And the blades of grass and bushes
Drink a teaspoon.

Just a quick summer day
The puddles are getting shallow.
We're expecting rain tomorrow too
Come soon!

Come and visit us, wait!
We'll drink again
The best tea in the world
From the forest rain!

What does the sun look like?
Tatyana Bokova

What does the sun look like?
On the round window.
Flashlight in the dark.

It looks like a ball
Damn hot too
And on the pie in the stove.

On a yellow button.
On a light bulb. Onion.
On a copper patch.

On cheese flatbread.
A little bit for an orange
And even on the pupil.

Only if the sun is a ball -
Why is he hot?
If the sun is cheese,
Why are there no holes visible?

If the sun is a bow,
Everyone would cry around.
So it’s shining in my window
Not a nickel, not a pancake, but the sun!

Let it look like everything else

Summer is over
O. Driz

The floor doesn't creak
The threshold is resting -
Left the dacha
And jump and jump.

The rooms are empty
Quiet, twilight -
We went to the city
And tick-tock.

Leaves are falling
In a sleeping garden -
The bus took away
And doo-doo.

The doll is lying
In the yellowed grass:
Leaf like a cap
On the head.

To her every day
More and more sad...
What about the bus?
Not going after her?

It's all winter...Where is summer?
Boris Zakhoder

It's all winter...
Where is summer?
Animals, birds!
Waiting for an answer!

Summer, -
The swallow thinks -
Arriving very soon.
Summer needs to hurry,
And it flies like a bird!

Is it arriving? -
The Mole snorted. -
It's crawling underground!
You say
Summer is coming soon?
I don't hope so!

Toptygin grumbled:
- Summer
Sleeping in his den

The horse neighed:
-Where is the carriage?
I'm now
I'll deliver summer!

Summer, -
The hares told me, -
He gets on the train at the station,
Because maybe it's summer
Ride like a hare -
Without a ticket!
Sergey Gorodetsky

I'm lying in the meadow.
Not a gig in the sky.
Clouds float into the distance
Like a silent river.

And in the grass, on the ground,
On a flower, on a stem -
Singing and whistling everywhere,
And every leaf lives:

There's a fly and a beetle here,
And a green spider.
A bee has arrived
And she crawled into the flower.

There's a grasshopper's mustache
Cleans for beauty
And the ant groans
At work.

The furry bumblebee is buzzing
And he looks angrily
Where is the tallest flower?
Where is the honey tastier?

And the mosquito is a cannibal,
Like a friend or a neighbor,
As if you were visiting,
It flew into my sleeve.

It will sting and sing.
What! We must endure:
I'm killing in the meadow
I can't do anyone.

Agniya Barto

Everyone was exhausted from the heat.
It's cool in the garden now,
But that's how mosquitoes bite,
At least run out of the garden!

Marina, younger sister,
Fights mosquitoes.
The mosquito has a stubborn temperament
But she's more stubborn!

She will drive them away with her hand,
They are spinning again.
She shouts: - What a shame,
They attacked the baby!

And mom sees from the window,
How brave Marina is
Fighting alone in the garden
With a squad of mosquitoes.

Two mosquitoes are sitting again
On the baby's finger!
Marina, brave sister,
Slam on the blanket!

In summer
I. Zagraevskaya

Katenka gooseberry
Collects it in a mug.
Berry by berry
It pours obediently...
Even though it hurts my hands,
But there are so many berries!

Poured cherry
You touch it inadvertently
Immediately hands, cheeks -
Everything is covered in cherry juice!

Here are the apples in the garden
They became completely ripe.
I'll go for the bench
I’ll reach out, pick it and eat it!

This is a raspberry tree.
Above every raspberry
A bee is hovering -
Striped back...

In summer
Sasha Cherny

Outside the village in complete freedom
An airplane wind is blowing.
There's a potato field there
Everything blooms purple.

And beyond the field, where the mountain ash
Always at odds with the wind,
A path runs through the oak tree
Down to the icy pond.

A boat flashed through the bushes,
Ripple and sharp shine of the sun.
The raft rumbles clearly
The sound of rollers accompanied by a loud splash.

The pond turns blue in a round cup.
Willows bend towards the water...
There are shirts on the raft,
And the boys are all in the pond.

The sun streaked down.
Shadows curl like smoke
Eh, I’ll undress behind the birch tree,
I’ll stretch out my arms and go to them!

Summer rain
Bokova Tatyana

Summer rain, warm shower!
Sparkles in the wind!
Leaves a sea of ​​puddles
To get everyone drunk!

Summer rain! Wait!
We've waited again!
Come on, rain! Help me out
Forest dweller!

For a moose cow - a stream,
For mice - dewdrops,
And the seagulls are ready for the birds
In a hole on the path.

They drink from the bushes with their palms,
Droplets - midges,
And the blades of grass and bushes
Drink a teaspoon.

Just a quick summer day
The puddles are getting shallow.
We're expecting rain tomorrow too
Come soon!

Come and visit us, wait!
We'll drink again
The best tea in the world
From the forest rain! Summer
Moritz Junna

Wonderful sweets
They gave it in the garden;
Temptations and passions
Moon and star.

Eastern finish
Revealing traces
Dangled into plates
Flowers and fruits.

Child and bird
They fed
And they moved the knitting needle,
Attracting days.

They glowed so much
Fruits in the flesh
That the children were embarrassed
And they began to grow

And a gentle blush
Speech colored
Owning a backpack
Hanging from the shoulders.

And some craving
Broke a rib,
And some moisture
I watered the feather.

Pen and paper
Love and courage, -
Swinging on the bowls
Evil and good.

Summer is coming
Jan Brzechwa, trans. A. Samsonov

Where does summer come from?
Does anyone know this?

The mole looked out of the hole fearfully:
"He'll probably come by train."

The hedgehog snorted: “Read in the chat -
He'll ride on a scooter!"

The snake hissed: “Summer will come
On an old bike!"

Drozd whistled: “Well, you give it!
Summer is on the plane!"

The magpie chirps: "This time
Keep your eyes on him.

Me last year in May
I saw summer on the tram."

Not true! We're all used to it
By summer on a motorcycle.

I saw him being taken
In a white car.

Not true! It's in the carriage!
- In the carriage?.. Well, what can I say!

I'll tell you who doesn't understand:
There's a yacht at sea in the summer!

And summer came on foot,
Spun barefoot in the meadows.
And everyone was surprised by this.
Hello summer!

Until next summer
Sobakin Tim

Summer is leaving quietly,
Dressed in foliage.
And stays somewhere
In a dream or in reality:

Silver fly
In the spider's webs,
Undrinking mug
Fresh milk.

And a glass stream.
AND warm earth.
And over the forest clearing
The buzzing of a bumblebee.

Autumn comes quietly,
Dressed in fog.
She brings the rains
And foreign countries.

And a yellow heap of leaves,
And the aroma of the forest,
And dampness in dark holes.

And somewhere behind the wall
Alarm clock until dawn
Chirping on the table:
“Until the next summer,
until the future le-..."

Valentin Berestov

Summer, summer has come to us!
It became dry and warm.
Straight along the path
The feet walk barefoot.

Bees circle, birds fly,
And Marinka is having fun.
I saw a rooster:
- What a miracle! Ha ha ha!

Amazing rooster:
Feathers on top, fluff below!
I saw a piglet
The girl smiles:

- Who runs from a chicken?
The whole street is screaming
Instead of a tail there is a hook,
Instead of a nose there is a snout,

Piglet is full of holes,
Is the hook swivel?
And Barbos, the red dog,
Made her laugh to tears.

He's not running after the cat,
And behind your own tail.
The sly tail curls,
Can't be punched in the teeth.

The dog waddles sadly,
Because he's tired.
The tail wags merrily:
“I didn’t get it! I didn’t get it!”

Summer, summer has come to us!
It became dry and warm.
Straight along the path
The feet walk barefoot.

Summer alphabet
T. Lavrova

Summer has an alphabet
Everything about it sparkles colorfully.

The aroma of flowers is intoxicating,
It will attract white butterflies.
Bright cherries are delicious
Can be seen from afar by jackdaws.

It rains occasionally
A hedgehog carries a mushroom under the tree.
Hot during the day, cool in the morning,
Strawberries are happy for children.

Games, dancing, fun...
Mosquitoes buzz around your ear.
The forest attracts tourists
The sea greets you kindly.

Reflected in the water.
The beach beckons with warm sand,
Unfortunately, the river has dried up.

The sun is shining bright,
He drives Cloud into the house.
Morning in a colorful shirt:
Phlox, poppies and daisies.

The bread is ruddy and fragrant,
The color of the crust is golden.
Miracles sparkle all around.
The school is on holiday in the summer.

A good holiday to the pikes in the river,
The echo teases everyone in the forest.
South. My whole life is dressed in silk.
I love colorful summer!

Hello summer!
L. Derbenev

Again over the copses
Bird noise in the morning.
Hello, Pioneer
Summer time!
Hidden in the greenery of maples
Camp over the river
Our squad song
Sing with us!

Let it scare you in the evening
Gloomy firmament -
In the morning at the appointed hour
We'll go on a hike.
Clinging to the rainbow
The rain hangs like a wall.
Rain, squad song
Sing with us!

Hello, blue river
And a green forest!
We will be filled with strength,
We will grow stronger here.
Grove above the lake
With sensitive foliage,
Pink summer morning
Sing with us!

Let's wind the music
Listen in the evening
And along narrow paths
Run barefoot.
Again over the copses
The bird noise is thick.
Pioneer summer,
Sing with us!

It already smells like summer outside, now is the time to talk to your children about this wonderful time of year and offer to learn one or more beautiful poems about summer.

We have prepared and made a small selection of beautiful poems about summer for children. Here you will find short poems about summer for children 3-4 years old and longer poems for children 4-5 and 6-7 years old.

Learning beautiful poems about summer with children is one of the best ways to develop and train their memory.

Short and beautiful poems about summer for children 3-4 years old

Wears a dandelion
yellow sundress.
Grow up to dress up
In a little white dress.

Summer is a hot time,
The sun is shining in the morning,
Even if it rains -
Everything around is shining and singing.
Summer - blue river
And the clouds float in it,
The berries burn like ruby,
It's vacation time for the guys.

-Why for all the guys
Is summer not enough?
Summer is like chocolate
It melts very quickly!

We walked, sunbathed,
They played near the lake.
They sat on the bench -
We ate two cutlets.
They brought the frog
And they grew up a little.

June has arrived.
"June! June!" –
Birds are chirping in the garden.
Just blow on a dandelion
And it will all fly apart.

Haymaking occurs in July.
Somewhere thunder grumbles sometimes.
And ready to leave the hive
Young bee swarm.

We collect in August
Fruit harvest.
Lots of joy for people
After all the work.
The sun over the spacious
Nivami is worth it.
And sunflower grains
Full of blacks.

I paint summer -
What color?
Red paint -
There are roses on the lawns,
And green is the field,
There are mowings in the meadows.
Blue paint - the sky
And the stream is singing.
What kind of paint?
Will I leave the cloud?
I paint summer -
It's very difficult...

Poems about summer for children 4-5 years old

“Walk!” - beckoned
Forest path.
And so he walked
Along the path Alyoshka!…
After all, in the summer in the forest
Interesting, like in a fairy tale:
Bushes and trees
Flowers and frogs,
And the grass is green
Softer than a pillow!…

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
It's a great time
When summer comes
And it's hot.
I'm on nice days
I don't like sitting in the shade
I love swimming here:
There is a beach, sand and a pond.
I'm swimming, I'm swimming,
And I dive and splash,
I'll take a little rest
And I'll start all over again!

Accidentally, unexpectedly,
Suddenly summer has come.
On the street and in the park,
It's already quite warm.
The foliage has all blossomed,
The streams have dried up.
Cheerful kids
They play by the river.
Where does all this light come from?
That sun has risen!
Summer has already arrived
Warm outside!

The sun is shining brightly.
There is warmth in the air.
And wherever you look -
Everything is bright all around!
The meadow is colorful
Bright flowers.
Covered in gold
Dark sheets.

There is Heat in the middle of the courtyard,
It sits and roasts in the morning.
You climb into the depths of the yard -
And in the depths there is Heat.
It's time for the heat to go away,
But everyone is in spite of the heat!
Today, tomorrow and yesterday
It's hot, hot, hot everywhere...
Well, isn't she lazy?
Standing in the sun all day?

Summer is laughing again
IN open window,
And sunshine and light
Full, full!
Panties and T-shirts again
Lying on the shore
And the lawns bask
In chamomile snow!

Poems about summer for children 6-7 years old

The blue cloud was walking
IN clear sky blue,
Suddenly it fell like rain
And summer thunder rang out.

Where the droplets fell,
Sea of ​​blue cornflowers,
Where the lightning flashed,
There were no traces left.

The sun is in the clear sky again
A white light illuminated.
Daisies bloomed in the field
And there is no more bad weather.

Multi-colored arc
A rainbow is blooming in the sky,
With barely audible steps
The July day is upon us.

- What will you give me, summer?
– Lots of sunshine!
There's a rainbow in the sky!
And daisies in the meadow!
– What else will you give me?
- The key ringing in silence
Pines, maples and oaks,
Strawberries and mushrooms!
I'll give you a cookie,
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted to her louder:
“Tell me your fortune quickly!”
And she answers you
I guessed for many years!

I woke up early this morning.
The sun is just rising
And with your rosy ray
Calls to travel.
Past dad, past mom
I'm walking on tiptoes.
And outside the door there is a bird noise,
Rustle of leaves in the garden.
What a summer! How much light!
In our morning garden!
And I couldn't be happier!
I'm going to travel!

Golden sunflower,
Petals are rays.
He is the son of the sun
And a cheerful cloud.
In the morning he wakes up,
The sun is shining,
Closed at night
Yellow eyelashes.

In summer our sunflower -
Like a colored flashlight.
In the fall we will have little black ones
He will give you some seeds.

The clear sky, the prankish wind, the playful sun, the sound of the sea, the smell of hay, the green distances - all this summer - favorite time year for many of us.

With the first rays of the sun, a golden field lulled by fog wakes up: wheat is earing, covered with cornflowers as blue as the sky. The old majestic forest opens its green eyes. Lush grasses are washed with morning dew... Everything around wakes up. And with it we feel a surge of energy, a cheerful, cheerful summer mood.

Here it is summer! Vacations, relaxation on the seashore, hiking in the mountains, a trip to grandma, playing in the fresh air, making wishes come true... In the summer you always want to create - draw beautiful landscapes, describe the beauty of nature and the most intimate feelings in works and poems.

Are you ready to amaze your loved ones with stunning summer poetry? I can't wait to offer you the most beautiful children's poems about summer.

Joyful poems about summer

Hello summer!

So much sun! How much light!
So much greenery all around!
What is this? This summer
Finally he hurries to our house.
Songbirds are discordant!
The fresh smell of juicy herbs,
Ripe ears of corn in the field
And mushrooms in the shade of oak forests.
How many delicious sweet berries
In a clearing in the forest!
So we'll eat for a year
Stock up on vitamins!
I swim to my heart's content in the river,
I'll sunbathe to my heart's content.
And on grandma's stove
I'll sleep as long as you want!
So much sun! How much light!
How wonderful the summer heat is!
I wish I could make it so summer
It was with me for a whole year!
(Tatiana Bokova)


What will you give me, summer?
- Lots of sunshine!
There's a rainbow in the sky!
And daisies in the meadow!
- What else will you give me?
- The key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks,
Strawberries and mushrooms!
I'll give you a cuckoo
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted to her louder:
“Tell me your fortune quickly!”
And she answers you
I guessed for many years!
(Vladimir Orlov)

What does summer smell like?

Summer smells like strawberries
Warm rain, strawberries.
Summer smells like cucumbers
And fragrant flowers,
silver fish,
And cool okroshka.
Summer smells like the blue sea,
Coniferous forest, open field,
Apples and mushrooms
And ripened bread,
And also bee honey,
Have a fun trip,
Mint, clover, wormwood,
The aroma of pears and melon.
Summer has many smells,
You won't tell me until dawn,
Summer is very tasty
And not at all sad.
(Natalia Anishina)


How unexpected and bright
In the damp blue sky,

Gone behind the clouds for others -
She covered half the sky
And she became exhausted at the height.
What a treat for the eyes!
Catch him - catch him quickly!
(Fedor Tyutchev)

The ruddy dawn
The east is covered.
In the village, across the river,
The light went out.
Sprinkled with dew
Flowers in the fields.
The herds have awakened
On soft meadows.

Gray mists
Floating towards the clouds
Geese caravans
They rush towards the meadows.
People woke up
They rush to the fields,
The Sun appeared
The earth rejoices.
(Alexander Pushkin)


Make noise, make noise, green Forest!

Your silence is mute
And your mysterious tongue
How I loved it when sometimes
The beauty of nature

When your big oaks
The dark peaks swayed
And hundreds of different voices
Or when it's daylight
In the far west it shone
And the bright purple of fire
Your clothes were illuminated.
It was already night, and above you
Chain of colorful clouds
Stretched out in a motley ridge.
(Ivan Nikitin)

Funny poems about summer

Grow up for new knowledge

All! The end of the learning torment!
Summer! Judge for yourself:
A whole year of granite science
Gnawing with baby teeth.
A whole year of memories:
How is there such a wealth of knowledge?
Does it fit in a child?
In the body of a high school student
There is no more space left.
But on holidays I quickly
I will overcome my fatigue.
I'll raise myself decently
At grandma's and at the dacha,
So that it's great in the fall
Click new tasks.
To school program
From the socks to the top of the head
Wedged in tightly
Well, straight away
Like cucumbers in a tub.
(Andrey Smetanin)


Everyone was exhausted from the heat.
It's cool in the garden now,
But that's how mosquitoes bite,
At least run out of the garden!
Marina, younger sister,
Fights mosquitoes.
The mosquito has a stubborn temperament
But she's more stubborn!
She will drive them away with her hand,
They are spinning again.
She shouts: - What a shame,
They attacked the baby!
And mom sees from the window,
How brave Marina is
Fighting alone in the garden
With a squad of mosquitoes.
Two mosquitoes are sitting again
On the baby's finger!
Marina, brave sister,
Slam on the blanket!
(Agniya Barto)

Summer song

Summer is laughing again
Out the open window
And sunshine and light
Full, full!
Panties and T-shirts again
Lying on the shore
And the lawns bask
In chamomile snow!
(Timofey Belozerov)

What is summer?

What is summer?
That's a lot of light
This is a field, this is a forest,
These are thousands of miracles
There are clouds in the sky
This is a fast river
These are bright flowers
This is the blue of heights.
(Vladimir Balashov)

Summer, red summer...

Summer, summer is red,
Sunny, clear,
With berries, herbs,
Rivers, oak groves,
Happy rain
Rainbow over the valley -
Summer, summer, take your time
Get behind the reeds!
(Igor Voloznev)

We are in the forest in summer
We picked raspberries
And every one to the top
Filled the basket.
We shouted to the forest
All in chorus: - Thank you!
And the forest answered us:
"Thank you! Thank you!"
Then suddenly he swayed
He sighed... and was silent.
Probably near the forest
The tongue is tired.
(Marziya Fayzullina)

Poems by Russian classics about summer


How unexpected and bright
In the damp blue sky,
Aerial arch erected
In your momentary celebration!
One end stuck into the forests,
Gone behind the clouds for others -
She covered half the sky
And she became exhausted at the height.
Oh, in this rainbow vision
What a treat for the eyes!
It is given to us for a moment,
Catch him - catch him quickly!

(Fedor Tyutchev)

The ruddy dawn
The east is covered.
In the village, across the river,
The light went out.
Sprinkled with dew
Flowers in the fields.
The herds have awakened
On soft meadows.

Gray mists
Floating towards the clouds
Geese caravans
They rush towards the meadows.
People woke up
They rush to the fields,
The Sun appeared
The earth rejoices.

(Alexander Pushkin)


Make noise, make noise, green forest!
I know your majestic noise,
And your peace and the shine of heaven
Over your curly head.
Since childhood I have become accustomed to understanding
Your silence is mute
And your mysterious tongue
Like something close and dear.
How I loved it when sometimes
The beauty of nature
You were arguing with strong thunderstorm
In moments of terrible weather,
When your big oaks
The dark peaks swayed
And hundreds of different voices
In your wilderness they called to each other...
Or when it's daylight
In the far west it shone
And the bright purple of fire
Your clothes were illuminated.
Meanwhile, in the wilderness of your trees
It was already night, and above you
Chain of colorful clouds
Stretched out in a motley ridge.

(Ivan Nikitin)

Funny poems about summer

Grow up for new knowledge

All! The end of the learning torment!
Summer! Judge for yourself:
A whole year of granite science
Gnawing with baby teeth.
A whole year of memories:
In class, plus after-school...
How is there such a wealth of knowledge?
Does it fit in a child?
In the body of a high school student
There is no more space left.
But on holidays I quickly
I will overcome my fatigue.
I'll raise myself decently
At grandma's and at the dacha,
So that it's great in the fall
Click new tasks.
To school curriculum
From the socks to the top of the head
Wedged in tightly
Well, straight away
Like cucumbers in a tub.

(Andrey Smetanin)


Everyone was exhausted from the heat.
It's cool in the garden now,
But that's how mosquitoes bite,
At least run out of the garden!
Marina, younger sister,
Fights mosquitoes.
The mosquito has a stubborn temperament
But she's more stubborn!
She will drive them away with her hand,
They are spinning again.
She shouts: - What a shame,
They attacked the baby!
And mom sees from the window,
How brave Marina is
Fighting alone in the garden
With a squad of mosquitoes.
Two mosquitoes are sitting again
On the baby's finger!
Marina, brave sister,
Slam on the blanket!

(Agniya Barto)

Summer song

Summer is laughing again
Out the open window
And sunshine and light
Full, full!
Panties and T-shirts again
Lying on the shore
And the lawns bask
In chamomile snow!

(Timofey Belozerov)

Poems about summer for the little ones

What is summer?

What is summer?
That's a lot of light
This is a field, this is a forest,
These are thousands of miracles
There are clouds in the sky
This is a fast river
These are bright flowers
This is the blue of heights.

(Vladimir Balashov)

Summer, red summer...

Summer, summer is red,
Sunny, clear,
With berries, herbs,
Rivers, oak groves,
Happy rain
Rainbow over the valley -
Summer, summer, take your time
Get behind the reeds!

(Igor Voloznev)

We are in the forest in summer
We picked raspberries
And every one to the top
Filled the basket.
We shouted to the forest
All in chorus: - Thank you!
And the forest answered us:
"Thank you! Thank you!"
Then suddenly he swayed
He sighed... and was silent.
Probably near the forest
The tongue is tired.

(Marziya Fayzullina)

Sad poems about summer

Summer is coming to an end,
The flowers are blooming furiously,
The light is getting less
Darkness is approaching.
But - they are not subject to darkness,
Having absorbed the sun's rays, -
Let's remain clear
Sincere and ardent!
(Nikolai Aseev)


There is Heat in the middle of the courtyard,
It sits and roasts in the morning.
You climb into the depths of the yard -
And in the depths there is Heat.
It's time for the heat to go away,
But everyone is in spite of the Heat.
Today, tomorrow and yesterday
It's hot, hot, hot everywhere...
Well, isn't she lazy?
Standing in the sun all day?
(Emma Bitsoeva)

Summer is leaving

On the golden eyelashes of summer,
Gray clouds are like fluff
Floating in a bottomless sea of ​​light,
The tops are touched lightly.
The roar of the chariot is not heard,
Lightning roars at this hour,
Silver knitting needles shine
The rains are already far from us.
But I see rainbows shining
Above the horizon of ripe fields;
The breath of autumn is getting closer,
Sadder than August motive.
Floating on the clouds somewhere
Summer days are like ships
For the scarlet sunset ribbon
The cranes look sad...
(Vadim Strannik)

The dawn burns lazily
There is a scarlet stripe in the sky;
The village silently falls asleep
Blue in the light of the night;
And only the song, dying away,
It sounds in the sleeping air,
Yes, a trickle, playing in a stream,
Running murmuring through the forest...
What a night! Like giants
The sleepy trees stand
And emerald glades
In the deep darkness they sleep silently...
In capricious, strange outlines
Clouds are rushing in the sky;
Light and dark in luxurious combinations
Lies on leaves and trunks...
(Semyon Nadson)

I plunged into a sea of ​​clover,

I plunged into a sea of ​​clover,
Surrounded by tales of bees.
But the wind calling from the north
Found my child's heart.

Called for the battle of the plains -
Fight the breath of heaven.
Showed me the deserted road,
Leaving into the dark forest.

I walk along it slopes
And I look forward tirelessly
Ahead with innocent looks
My childish heart goes.

Let your sleepless eyes tire,
It will sing, the dust will turn red...
I love flowers and bees
They told not a fairy tale - a true story.
(Alexander Blok)

Romantic summer

Let's fly into the summer.
Where there is plenty of light,
Where is the sea, sand, mountains,
Where there is not a single quarrel.
Where there are many colored rainbows,
Wherever you need to love.
Where the mushroom rain sows,
Where a hot fire blows.
Open the doors for love!
Listen, do you believe me?
Let's fly into the summer -
There is no other road...
(Polina Nikolaeva)

Summer was admired not only by poets and writers, but also by artists and famous sculptors. So, friends, don't waste time! Pick up your brushes and create unforgettable landscapes summer days, describe with warm lines the moments of this precious time of year, because it gives us the opportunity to experience not only its beauty, but also to fulfill dreams, perform great deeds and leave vivid memories in our memory.