activities for social support, provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, carrying out social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult situations life situation. S.o. It is based on following principles: a) targeting;

b) accessibility; c) voluntariness: d) humanity; e) priority of providing social services to minors. for those in difficult life situations: e) confidentiality;

g) preventive orientation. S.o. includes a set of social services (care, catering, assistance in obtaining medical, legal, socio-psychological and natural types of assistance, assistance in vocational training, employment, leisure activities, assistance in organizing funeral services, etc.) that are provided to citizens at home or in institutions S.o. regardless of the form of ownership.

The federal list of state-guaranteed social services is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and is revised annually; however, reduction of their volume is not allowed. On its basis, a territorial list is established, approved by the authority

executive power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

One of the main directions of S.o. in the Russian Federation - S.o. elderly citizens and disabled people. The main act regulating S.o. these categories of the population is the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 2, 1995 No. 122-FZ “On social services for elderly citizens and the disabled”.

S.o. elderly citizens and disabled people is carried out in the form of:

a) S.o. at home, including social and medical care; b) semi-stationary S.o. in day (night) departments of S.O. institutions;

c) stationary S.O. in inpatient institutions S.O.; d) urgent S.O.; e) social advisory assistance.

The right to S.O., exercised in the state, municipal and non-state sectors of the S.O. system, is enjoyed by elderly citizens (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old) and disabled people (including disabled children) who are in need in permanent or temporary outside assistance due to partial or complete loss of the ability to independently satisfy one’s basic life needs due to limited ability for self-care and (or) movement.

Shcherbakov I.I.

Encyclopedia of Lawyer. 2005 .

See what “SOCIAL SERVICE” is in other dictionaries:

    Provision of social services by society to categories of the population in need. See also: Social protection of the population Financial Dictionary Finam... Financial Dictionary

    - (social services) Part of the social security system that requires direct contact with the recipient, rather than just cash payments. A minimum level of human consumption can be achieved through cash payments to those who... Economic dictionary

    Legal Dictionary

    Social service Official terminology

    Social service- represents the activities of social services for social support, provision of social services, socio-medical, psychological-pedagogical, social-legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation... ... Dictionary of legal concepts

    Social service- (English social service) in the Russian Federation, the activities of social services for social support, provision of social welfare, social medical, psychological pedagogical, social legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and... ... Encyclopedia of Law

    SOCIAL SERVICE Legal encyclopedia

    social services- 2.1.1 social services: Activities of social services aimed at providing social services, implementing social rehabilitation and adaptation of citizens in difficult life situations. Source: GOST R 52495 2005:… … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Activities of social services for social support, provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens,... ... encyclopedic Dictionary economics and law

    social services- as defined by the Federal Law on Fundamentals social services population in the Russian Federation on November 15, 1995, the activities of social services for social support, provision of social services, social medical, psychological and pedagogical,... ... Large legal dictionary


  • Social services for the population. Values, theory, practice. Textbook for university students
  • Social services to the population: values, theory, practice. Textbook for university students. Grif UMO Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Topchiy Leonid Vasilievich. The work analyzes current issues of the formation and development of the social service system for the population in the Russian Federation. As objects and subjects of social services...

At the present stage, the socio-economic and political situation in Russia is unstable, which is causing an increase in the number of people in need of state support citizens. These issues are addressed by social services. The operating principles of this system meet the latest standards for organizing various forms of assistance and were formulated taking into account the specifics of emerging

Factors in the development of the social services sector

The concept and services have repeatedly changed and transformed, as various approaches to addressing these issues have emerged. With the development of statehood and civil society, they have become significantly more complex and expanded. However, the principles of this work as an activity took shape in the century before last, so relatively recently the organization of assistance to people in need has acquired such a form as social services. The principles were formed under the influence of philosophical, sociological, economic paradigms social work. At the present stage, their content also meets legal requirements.

A new stage in the development of the Russian delivery system social assistance began after the events of 1991.

Social services: definition and legislative framework

The domestic sphere of state assistance to the population in need is being reformed and improved everywhere. The concept and services not only largely characterize the rule-making activities of the state, but also reflect the directions of social policy in relation to vulnerable segments of society.

Clients of social services are citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations. This term refers to a situation (illness, disability, single motherhood, unemployment, old age, etc.) that has objectively disrupted the life of a citizen, which cannot be overcome by him alone.

The concept and principles of social services to the population determine the specifics of the organization. At the end of 2013, a new law “On the fundamentals of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation” was adopted, which determined the economic, social and legal grounds and procedure for organizing this type of activity. In addition, the powers falling within the competence of government agencies authorities and regional government structures in the field of work to serve citizens and provide them with qualified social assistance. At the same time, the rights and obligations of recipients of social services were approved. These included both persons with Russian citizenship and foreigners, and those without this status, but permanently residing in the country, for example refugees. That is, the recipient of services can be any citizen legally recognized as needing social assistance.

New legislation established the concept, principles, and forms of social services. It represents targeted activities to provide a whole range of social services to various categories of citizens in need. A social service is understood as an action or actions provided on an ongoing, periodic, one-time basis to improve living conditions or increase opportunities to independently solve life’s difficulties.

Of course, social services have a completely different meaning in other countries. The principles and forms of working with the population in our country and abroad are determined by the territorial, economic, cultural and other characteristics of a particular state or region.

Structure of social service bodies

Today in Russia a multi-level system has been developed, consisting of forms and technologies of work, institutions, and organizations providing social services. The principles must be adhered to by every supplier unquestioningly and regardless of affiliation with a particular department.

The state social service system is complex and includes:

  • the federal level, whose task is to develop and implement state policy provisions and legal regulation in the field of social services;
  • organ state power regional level, which is authorized to implement state guarantees of social assistance adopted by law;
  • directly organizations and social service institutions under the jurisdiction of federal, regional and local executive authorities;
  • non-profit and commercial (non-state) organizations that have the right (permission) to provide social services to citizens in need;
  • individual entrepreneurs specializing in social services.

The law also defines the subjects (providers) and objects (recipients) participating in the process and having a legal right to accessible social services. The principles and procedure for organizing the work of public institutions are developed taking into account the regional characteristics of the constituent entity of Russia. Clients of social services most often are disabled people, pensioners, single-parent and large families, military personnel, and the unemployed.

Changes taking place at the state level have a direct impact on social services for the population. Principles, types, functions must demonstrate effectiveness in emergency situations and multitasking conditions.

Main functions of the system

Researchers of the fundamentals of social work have identified two main groups of functions that relate to social services:

1) essence-activity preventive, adaptation, social rehabilitation, security and protective);

2) moral-humanistic (personal and social-humanistic).

They manifest themselves at the macro and micro levels of social services. The optimal operation of elements and subsystems of social services is directly related to their practical implementation.

It is necessary to take into account that the functions and principles of social services apply not only to one recipient, but also to a group of people united by a common problem. That is, this activity is carried out both at the individual and group levels.

Principles for the provision of social services

The principles of social services for the population are characterized as comprehensive, integrated, acting in the interests of recipients of services. The basis of work with citizens from vulnerable segments of the population is the provision of respect for the rights and freedoms of each person, respect for him as an individual, it does not allow insults to the dignity and honor of a person, and pursues a humane attitude towards clients.

The fundamental principles for the provision of social services are:

  • Free and equal access for citizens of any age, gender, language, religion, nationality, beliefs, place of residence, membership in public associations permitted in the state. It follows from this that the principles of social services guarantee those in need the same opportunities to receive the necessary services.
  • Targeted provision of all types of social assistance, that is, a range of social services should be carried out taking into account the needs of a specific client and his internal resources.
  • Providers of social services should be close to the territory of the place of residence of their recipient, the required number of providers to ensure customer satisfaction, as well as the optimal number of personnel, financial, information and other capabilities of social service agencies.
  • Maximum preservation of the client’s usual favorable environment;
  • Voluntary start.
  • Confidentiality of work: the social service provider undertakes to store and not disclose personal data, personal information and other information about the client. In addition, it is not permitted to disclose confidential, proprietary information. Violation of this principle entails bringing the perpetrator to justice under Russian law. Only after receiving the written consent of the recipient (legal representative) of social services is it possible to transfer or copy information by other persons in the interests of the recipient. However, there are legal grounds that allow you to violate the principle of confidentiality and request information: a request from court, investigative, inquiry and other authorities in connection with judicial proceedings and other procedures, when processing on the public services portal or other portals in accordance with the law.

When organizing work with a client, all principles of social services to the population must be used. Thus, it would be appropriate to argue about an integrated approach to organizing assistance activities.

It should be noted that the principles of social services for citizens are taken into account when developing state standards and administrative regulations for the provision of services to those in need at all levels: from the federal department to the local institution.

Guaranteed rights for recipients of social services

The principles of social service law reflect the level of humanity of the state and society in relation to citizens in need.

Clients of social services have the right to:

  • respect and humane treatment;
  • obtaining, on a free and accessible basis, information about one’s own rights and obligations, types, terms, procedure, conditions, tariffs for providing services in an institution, in addition, the client can always obtain information about the service provider and the possibility of receiving assistance for free;
  • citizens have the right to independently and voluntarily choose an institution where they can receive the necessary service;
  • to refuse the service;
  • guarantee of protection of legal rights and interests;
  • ensuring social and hygienic requirements for conditions of stay and proper care in social service institutions;
  • free visits to the recipient by legal representatives, notaries, lawyers and other persons during the evening and daytime;
  • right of social support.

These rights cannot be violated by the client, otherwise the consumer has legal grounds to seek clarification from higher authorities or send a statement of claim to the court.

Recipients' responsibilities

The regulatory documents also spell out the responsibilities of each client, that is, any recipient of a social service must:

  • provide documents and information necessary for the provision of social services;
  • promptly inform the provider about changes in personal data or circumstances affecting the process of providing assistance;
  • not violate the terms of the contract for the provision of services, which include timely and full payment, if any;
  • do not violate generally accepted rules and norms of behavior in society, discipline in the institution.

Due to a violation of one or more rules, the social service has the right to temporarily suspend work with the client or completely refuse the requested service.

It also provides for the rights and obligations of suppliers. Each of them is obliged to fully provide the set of requested services, carry out this work in a timely manner, in accordance with the law and existing regulations.

Conditions for providing social assistance

Legislated principles of social services influence the provision of all types of assistance. The basis is a personal statement from the client (legal representative) submitted to the institution, or an appeal to state and local authorities, as part of the organization of interdepartmental interaction.

Social services can be provided free of charge to persons affected by man-made, natural disasters and other emergency situations, during interethnic and armed clashes, as well as children under 18 years of age.

The application is considered within the time limits established by the regulations, after which the institution carries out the procedure for recognizing the applicant as needing social assistance. If the supplier refuses to provide the required service to the client, the latter has the right to appeal the decision in court.

The basic principles of social services also serve as a criterion for assessing the effectiveness of service providers. If they are followed, it means that the solution to customer problems is at a high level.

Financing of social services

Sources of financing the social service system include budget funds (federal, regional, local levels of government); voluntary donations or charitable contributions; payment by citizens for social services provided to them; funds from business activities or other sources that are not prohibited by law.

Forms and types of social services

In fact, social services are an indispensable part of the social sphere. The concept, principles, types make up its content.

The main forms of provision of social services are:

  • home service;
  • semi-stationary service, that is, services are provided only at certain times of the day;
  • inpatient services, namely: client services are provided permanently or temporarily, five days a week, in conditions of permanent residence in an institution.

However, not only the principles were legitimized in the normative document. Types of social services imply a wide range of activities designed to solve a range of consumer problems.

Social protection institutions provide clients with the following types of services:

  • social and domestic, providing assistance in the everyday life of the client in the process of life;
  • social and medical, which are aimed at maintaining and preserving the health of the recipient of the service by organizing proper care for him, providing support for health-improving activities, organizing health monitoring and general well-being to prevent deviations from occurring;
  • socio-psychological services provide correctional assistance in the process of adaptation to new social conditions, as well as providing emergency assistance in difficult life situations via a helpline;
  • socio-pedagogical, the purpose of which is to prevent deviations in personal development, reinforce positive interests, teach the correct forms of organizing leisure activities; assistance to any family in raising children;
  • social and labor are designed to assist in the client’s employment and help him cope with the problems that arose at the stage of adaptation to the workplace;
  • socio-legal provide for the provision of legal assistance, protection of the rights and interests of the recipient;
  • services aimed at improving the communication skills of a client with disabilities;
  • various types of urgent social services: provision of food packages or hot meals; clothes and shoes; basic necessities; assistance in finding temporary housing; providing emergency psychological assistance; issuance of one-time financial assistance; providing legal advice and other services.

Citizens in need, if necessary, can be provided with assistance that is not related to social services, otherwise - social support.

The degree of complexity, duration of service provision, level of adequacy and compliance with requirements are the basis of the criteria for the effectiveness of social services in relation to various categories of citizens. Compliance with legislative norms, codes of ethics and local regulations will make social services high-quality, the result of their action will be effective, which together will help reduce social tension in society.

October 25, 2010, speaking at a meeting of the presidium State Council on social policy regarding older citizens, Dmitry Medvedev, who held the post of president at that time, took the initiative to prepare a new law on social services. “One of the tasks of today’s Presidium of the State Council is to summarize and disseminate what is called the best regional practices. Moreover, it [the new law. – Red.] may concern not only older people, but also the entire population of our country,” the politician said then.

And such a law was adopted, and on January 1, 2015 it came into force (Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ "" (hereinafter referred to as the new law). Moreover, most of the acts previously regulating social services for citizens , has lost force. In particular, the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 195-FZ " " (hereinafter referred to as the old law) and the Federal Law of August 2, 1995 No. 122-FZ " ".

Let's consider what changes citizens need to keep in mind in connection with the entry into force of the new law.

The concept of “recipient of social services” was introduced

On January 1, the term “social service client” () disappeared from the legislation, and the concept “recipient of social services” () was introduced instead. A citizen can be recognized as a recipient of social services if he is in need of social services and is provided with social services.

A citizen is recognized as in need of social services if at least one of the following circumstances exists:

  • complete or partial loss of the ability for self-care, independent movement, or provision of basic life needs due to illness, injury, age or disability;
  • the presence in the family of a disabled person or disabled people who need constant outside care;
  • the presence of a child or children experiencing difficulties in social adaptation;
  • impossibility of providing care for a disabled person, child, children, as well as lack of care for them;
  • domestic violence or intra-family conflict, including with persons with drug or alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, persons or those suffering mental disorders;
  • lack of a specific place of residence;
  • lack of work and livelihood;
  • the presence of other circumstances that are recognized at the regional level as worsening or capable of worsening the living conditions of citizens ().

Now information about recipients of social services is entered into a special register. Its formation is carried out by the subjects of the federation on the basis of data provided by social service providers ().

Until January 1, 2015, social services were provided to citizens in difficult life situations - the new law does not contain such a term, which makes the list of grounds for receiving assistance more unambiguous. The old law understood a difficult life situation as a situation that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen, which he cannot overcome on his own. Usually this meant disability, inability to self-care due to old age, illness, orphanhood, neglect, poverty, unemployment, lack of a specific place of residence, conflicts and abuse in the family, loneliness, etc. ().


"In order for the new law to work, each region must adopt 27 regulatory documents. We monitored the readiness of the regions to adopt the new law. By mid-December 2014, only 20 regions had adopted the entire necessary regulatory framework, 20 regions had adopted less than half, the rest - about half. Every day we try to do everything possible to speed up the adoption of the necessary documents by the regions."

Social service provider identified

The list of types of social services has been expanded

The new law has changed the approach to the content of the list of social services provided. Until December 31, 2014, citizens could receive material and advisory assistance, temporary shelter, social services at home and in inpatient institutions, and also had the right to daytime stay in social service institutions and rehabilitation services ().

After the new law comes into force, citizens can count on the provision of the following types of social services:

  • social and domestic;
  • socio-medical;
  • socio-psychological;
  • socio-pedagogical;
  • social and labor;
  • social and legal;
  • services to increase the communicative potential of recipients of social services with disabilities;
  • urgent social services ().

Urgent social services include the provision of free hot meals or food packages, clothing, shoes and other essential items, assistance in obtaining temporary housing, provision of legal and emergency psychological assistance, as well as other urgent social services (). A citizen can count on receiving such services within the time frame determined by his need. At the same time, from January 1 of this year, citizens lost the opportunity to receive material assistance in the form of cash, fuel, special vehicles, as well as rehabilitation services that they could have received earlier ().

The procedure for calculating fees for receiving social services has been established

As before, social services can be provided free of charge or for a fee ().

  • minors;
  • persons affected by emergency situations, armed international (interethnic) conflicts;
  • persons with an income equal to or lower than the average per capita income established by the region for the provision of social services free of charge (when receiving social services at home and in a semi-stationary form). Moreover, the amount of such income cannot be lower than one and a half times the regional subsistence minimum.

In addition, in the subjects of the federation there may be other categories of citizens to whom social services are provided free of charge ().

As we can see, unemployed citizens are excluded from the number of persons entitled to free social services (if such a category of citizens is not provided for by the law of the subject of the federation).

Previously, in order to receive free social services for single citizens, the sick, pensioners and disabled people, they needed to have an average per capita income below the regional subsistence level ().

Let's look at an example. The cost of living in the Moscow region for the third quarter of 2014 for pensioners was 6,804 rubles. (Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated December 10, 2014 No. 1060/48 ""). This means that before January 1, for example, a single pensioner from the Moscow region with an income of less than 6,804 rubles could apply for a free social service. per month. After the new law comes into force, the amount of income that allows you to qualify for free social services cannot be lower than one and a half times the regional subsistence level. Now, to receive a free social service, all other things being equal, the monthly income of a single pensioner must be 10,206 rubles. or less (1.5 x 6804 rubles) (Law of the Moscow Region dated December 4, 2014 No. 162/2014-OZ "").

For those who are not eligible to receive free social services, there is a fee for their provision. Its amount for services at home and in semi-stationary form is now calculated on the basis of tariffs for social services, but cannot exceed 50% of the difference between the average per capita income of the recipient of social services and the maximum per capita income established by the region. The monthly fee for the provision of social services in a stationary form is calculated on the basis of tariffs for social services, but cannot exceed 75% of the average per capita income of the recipient of social services ().


According to the new law, we will calculate the maximum tariff for social services in a semi-stationary form for a single pensioner from the Moscow region with a monthly income of 12 thousand rubles. Payment for social services at home and in semi-stationary form is calculated on the basis of tariffs for social services, but cannot exceed 50% of the difference between the average per capita income of the recipient of social services and the maximum per capita income. The average per capita income of a pensioner is 12 thousand rubles. (only the size of his pension is taken into account, since there are no other family members with income), limit value The average per capita income for a single pensioner from the Moscow region is 10,206 rubles.

Therefore, the maximum tariff for social services should be calculated using the following formula:

(RUB 12,000 - RUB 10,206) x 50% = RUB 897

Thus, from January 1, 2015, the tariff for social services provided to a pensioner at home and in a semi-stationary form cannot exceed 897 rubles. This value will change if the pensioner requires hospital treatment. The monthly fee for the provision of social services in a stationary form is calculated on the basis of tariffs for social services, but cannot exceed 75% of the average per capita income of the recipient of social services.

The formula for calculating the tariff will be as follows:

12,000 rub. x 75% = 9000 rub.

Thus, the tariff for treatment in a hospital cannot be more than 9,000 rubles. per month.

Previously, the amount of fees for social services and the procedure for their provision were regulated by government bodies of the constituent entities of the federation and directly by social services ().

The procedure for receiving social services has been changed

From the beginning of this year, in order to receive social services, a citizen must submit an application. Previously, social services were provided on the basis of an appeal - including an oral one - from a citizen, his guardian, trustee, other legal representative, government body, local government, public association (). An application for social services can be written by the citizen himself, his representative or another person (body) in his interests (). You can also submit an application by sending an electronic document, which was not provided for in the previous law.

An individual program for the provision of social services is drawn up with each recipient of social services. It specifies the form of social services, types, volume, frequency, conditions, terms of provision of social services, a list of recommended providers of social services, as well as social support activities. This program is mandatory for the social service provider and recommended for the citizen himself. In other words, the recipient of assistance can refuse some service, but the provider is obliged to provide it at the request of the recipient.

The program is drawn up within no more than 10 working days from the date of submission of the application for social services, and is revised at least once every three years (). Urgent social services are provided without drawing up an individual program (). Previously, the preparation of such programs was not provided for.

After drawing up an individual program and selecting a social services provider, the citizen must enter into an agreement with the provider on the provision of social services (). The contract must stipulate the provisions determined by the individual program, as well as the cost of social services if they are provided for a fee.


Galina Karelova, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council:

“The new law will increase the number of citizens who can qualify for free social services. In addition, the quality, volume and efficiency of their provision will change. Previously, social services were provided based on a group approach. However, all citizens different needs, income, living conditions. Since January 1, 2015, social programs have been concluded with consumers of social services, which take into account all individual characteristics every consumer."

Social service organization identified

It is interesting that the new law spells out things that are obvious to everyone at first glance: providers of social services do not have the right to limit the rights of recipients of social services; use insults, rude treatment; place disabled children who do not suffer from mental disorders in inpatient organizations intended for disabled children who suffer from mental disorders, and vice versa ().

However, it was still worth emphasizing such prohibitions. For example, numerous cases in Russia of healthy children being placed in organizations for disabled children suffering from mental disorders were noted in a report by the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch in 2014.

The approach to financing social services is fundamentally new. According to the old law, social services were provided to citizens at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the federation (). In this regard, depending on the region, the volumes of social assistance provided varied greatly. From January 1, 2015, social services are financed from the federal budget, charitable contributions and donations, citizens’ own funds (when providing social services for a fee), income from business and other income-generating activities carried out by social service organizations, as well as others not prohibited by law sources(). It is expected that this innovation will help equalize the volume of social services provided in different regions.

But there is also a fly in the ointment in the new rules. Thus, the new law does not establish any requirements for staffing social services. Let us remind you that previously only specialists with professional qualifications could be social service workers. professional education, meeting the requirements and nature of the work performed, experience in the field of social services, and inclined by their personal qualities to provide social services ().

Social services to the population: concept, participants in social services. Forms and types of social services

Social services in social security law are an independent legal institution that has its own separate set of legal norms regulating social relations in the provision of social services to various categories of citizens who are in difficult life situations and in need of such services.

In the scientific literature, when defining the concept of social service, it is considered in two interrelated aspects: on the one hand, as an economic category, and on the other, as a legal category.

Economic science proceeds, first of all, from the fact that the services provided in the process of social services are a type of consumer value and therefore cannot but have a certain impact on the well-being of people.

A service is a type of purposeful activity useful result which manifests itself during labor and is associated with the satisfaction of any need. Services are divided into two types, which correspond to the areas production activities. There are material services (freight transport, communications for production services, trade, housing and consumer services, etc.) and intangible services (provided by education, healthcare, scientific services, art, social services, lending, insurance, etc.).

In R. Barker's Dictionary of Social Work, social service is defined as “the provision of specific social services to people to meet the needs necessary for their normal development to people who are dependent on others (those who cannot take care of themselves).”

In the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services in the Russian Federation,” social services are defined as the activities of social services for social support, provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens who are in difficult life situations. The concept of “social services” is also revealed, which are actions aimed at providing assistance to a client of a social service, i.e. a citizen who is in a difficult life situation.

Social services are characterized by the provision of social services in kind (non-monetary) form. Thus, an elderly citizen who has completely or partially lost the ability to self-care needs, first of all, the provision of services to ensure his life (food, care, cleaning of living quarters, washing clothes, etc.), the provision of which he cannot organize without outside help. In addition, a distinctive feature of social services is that the actions to provide them are aimed not only at overcoming a difficult life situation, but also at its prediction and prevention.

Thus, social service- these are actions aimed at meeting the needs of citizens and (or) families, carried out in their interests in order to help solve problems arising in connection with a difficult life situation, as well as to predict and prevent it.

The subjects of legal relations in social services are, on the one hand, authorized government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other authorized organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activity in the field of social services for people without education legal entity providing social services, on the other hand, the client of the social service is a citizen (family) who is in a difficult life situation, who are provided with social services in this regard. At the same time, foreign citizens, stateless persons, including refugees, have the right to enjoy the same rights in the field of social services as citizens of the Russian Federation.

The basis for the provision of social services is the occurrence of specific life circumstances (legal facts), which are defined in the legislative acts on social services as a difficult life situation.

A difficult life situation is a circumstance (set of circumstances) that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen (family), which (or the consequences of which) he (she) cannot overcome on his own.

In the literature, the concept of “life situations” includes a set of events that are significant for a person and the associated needs, values ​​and ideas that influence his behavior and worldview in a specific period of life. Life situations are divided into the following: normal (established) and problematic (difficult). Difficult situations are called when there is a violation of the order of a person’s life, and he cannot solve this or that problem without someone’s help. The onset of such a situation is characterized by the following signs: violation of the current social activities; uncertainty in the development of events; emergence new system requirements for the subject; the occurrence of human stress conditions.

The grounds when a citizen (family) can be recognized as being in a difficult life situation are: partial or complete loss of ability for self-care and/or movement due to old age (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old), illness and /or disability; orphanhood, neglect and homelessness of minors; family dysfunction (conflicts, abuse in the family, antisocial behavior of children and/or parents), the presence of HIV-infected family members, family members with persistent drug or alcohol addiction; presence of disabled people and/or disabled children in the family; recognition of a citizen (family) as low-income (poor) in the prescribed manner; lack of a specific place of residence and certain occupations, including in connection with release from prison; damage as a result of emergency situations, armed and interethnic conflicts, illegal actions of other persons; consequences of industrial injury and occupational disease; loss of a breadwinner; forced change of country of permanent residence; period of pregnancy and lactation; persistent mental dependence; consequences of violence or life-threatening situations, and other circumstances.

Indeed, not always in these cases, for objective reasons, a citizen can independently, without outside help, overcome difficult life situations, which leads to the need for government intervention to provide assistance in overcoming them. For example, the loss of a breadwinner cannot be compensated by granting a citizen a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. Typically the loss loved one is associated with moral suffering that a citizen cannot overcome without providing him with psychological services. Damage caused to a citizen as a result of emergency situations, armed and interethnic conflicts leads to the need to provide urgent social services to provide food for victims, clothing, and basic necessities.

Based on the definition of a difficult life situation, it follows that clients of the social service can be both individual citizens and families.

The following categories of citizens in need of social services should be distinguished:

1) disabled people (including disabled children);

2) elderly citizens (men over 60 years old, women over 55 years old) who find themselves in a difficult life situation;

3) orphans, children left without parental care, neglected and street children, minors in a socially dangerous situation, children subjected to cruel treatment in the family (mental or physical violence);

4) low-income;

5) citizens without a fixed place of residence and occupation;

6) women who have been subjected to mental or physical violence;

7) citizens who find themselves in an extreme situation (victims of natural disasters, catastrophes, victims of armed and interethnic conflicts, refugees and internally displaced persons, etc.);

Families in need of social services include:

1) those in a socially dangerous situation (families with children in a socially dangerous situation, as well as families where parents or other legal representatives of minors do not fulfill their responsibilities for their upbringing, education and (or) maintenance and (or) negatively influence their behavior or mistreatment);

2) having orphans and children left without parental care;

3) low-income;

4) consisting of only pensioners (families that include the elderly and disabled, single married couples, etc.);

5) those who find themselves in an extreme situation (victims of natural disasters, refugees and internally displaced persons, etc.);

6) having disabled children among them;

7) including children with disabilities in mental, physical and mental development;

State authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are vested with powers in the field of social services to create special services and manage the state system of social services, and also directly carry out activities in the field of social services. Thus, disabled people are provided with guarantees of employment by federal government bodies and government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation through special events that help increase their competitiveness in the labor market; educational authorities, social protection of the population and health authorities ensure the upbringing and education of disabled children, and the receipt of education by disabled people in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled person.

Social services are provided by enterprises providing social services to the population and social service institutions, regardless of their form of ownership, which include:

1) comprehensive centers for social services for the population;

2) territorial centers for social assistance to families and children;

3) social service centers;

4) social rehabilitation centers for minors;

5) assistance centers for children left without parental care;

6) social shelters for children and adolescents;

7) centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population;

8) centers for emergency psychological assistance by telephone;

9) social assistance centers (departments) at home;

10) night stay homes;

11) special homes for lonely elderly people;

12) stationary social service institutions (boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, psychoneurological boarding schools, orphanages for mentally retarded children, boarding homes for children with physical disabilities);

13) gerontological centers;

14) other institutions providing social services.

Thus, social services for the population - activities carried out by authorized government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other authorized organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, by citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the field of social services for the population without forming a legal entity, but providing social services to citizens Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, and (or) families in need of social services to overcome a difficult life situation.

Types and functions of social services

The following types of social services are provided:

1) material assistance in the form of cash, food, sanitation and hygiene products, clothing and footwear, other essential items, fuel, special vehicles, technical means rehabilitation of disabled people and people in need of care;

2) social services at home are aimed at maximizing the possible extension of the stay of elderly citizens and disabled people in their familiar social environment in order to maintain their social status, as well as to protect their legal rights and interests. The home-based guaranteed services provided for in the federal list include: home delivery of groceries; purchase of medicines, food and industrial goods of prime necessity; assistance in obtaining medical care, including escort to a medical facility; cleaning the premises; assistance in organizing legal services; assistance in organizing funeral services; other home-based services (for example, assistance in providing fuel). Mentally ill persons in remission, patients with tuberculosis (except for the active form), and cancer patients receive medical care at home.

Disabled children who, for health reasons, cannot attend general education institutions are provided with home education. The Ministry of Health approves the List of diseases, the presence of which a disabled child has the right to receive education at home. Disabled children are enrolled in an educational institution at their place of residence, receive free educational, reference and other literature, are visited by teaching staff, undergo certification and receive a state-issued document on the appropriate education.

3) semi-stationary social services are provided by day (night) departments at municipal social service centers or social protection authorities;

4) inpatient social services are aimed at providing comprehensive social assistance to persons who, for health reasons, require constant outside care and supervision.

An important place in the system of social services belongs to territorial centers of social services for the population. Territorial social service is a set of governing bodies and specialized institutions that provide direct social services to various groups and categories of the population on the territory of administrative units of the Russian Federation: in regions, urban and rural areas, microdistricts. The functions of managing social services for the population in the subordinate territory are carried out by the social protection authorities. Local authorities (as well as non-state, public, private and other organizations with a license) create social service centers. In accordance with the approximate Regulations on the Center for Social Services (order of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia No. 137 of July 20, 1993). The social service center is an institution of social protection of the population that organizes and practical activities to provide various types social assistance to elderly citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need constant outside care and support.

The main functions of social services for the population are as follows.

The function of social assistance includes: - identification, registration of families and individuals most in need of social support, provision of material assistance, provision of temporary housing to needy citizens; - poverty prevention - creation of conditions for families to independently ensure their well-being, family entrepreneurship; - home-based services for families and lonely.

The consulting function involves consulting specialists: lawyers, teachers, doctors, psychologists, etc.

Through the function of social correction and rehabilitation, social, medical and psychological rehabilitation of minors with deviant behavior, street children and orphans is carried out.

The function of informing the population, studying and forecasting social needs: means providing the client with the information necessary to resolve a difficult life situation, disseminating medical, psychological, pedagogical and other knowledge, studying the needs of their clients, their problems, developing and implementing specific measures.

In the event of natural disasters and social conflicts social workers are involved in the development of emergency programs, the formation of teams ready to arrive if necessary in the area of ​​disaster or conflict.

Social services included in the federal and territorial lists are provided to citizens free of charge or on a partial payment basis. The regulation on the procedure and conditions for payment for social services provided to elderly citizens and disabled people by state and municipal social service institutions was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1996 No. 473 (SZ RF, 1996, No. 17, Art. 2002). The following population groups use the services free of charge:

a) single elderly citizens (single married couples) and disabled people receiving a pension, taking into account supplements in an amount below the regional subsistence level;

b) elderly citizens and disabled people whose relatives, for objective reasons, cannot provide them with help and care, if the amount of the pension they receive, together with bonuses, is below the regional subsistence level;

c) elderly citizens and disabled people living in families with an average per capita income below the regional subsistence level.

If the amount of the pension, together with the allowances of the above citizens, exceeds the regional subsistence minimum, then the amount of partial payment for social services:

a) at home should not exceed 25% of the difference between the pension received and the regional subsistence level;

b) in semi-inpatient conditions - 50% of the difference between the pension received and the regional subsistence level;

c) in stationary conditions - the amount of excess of the due pension over the regional subsistence minimum.

If the amount of the pension, taking into account allowances, is 150% higher than the regional subsistence level, then social services are provided on the basis of full payment.

The cost of services is determined based on tariffs established for a specific region. The payment of the cost does not include the costs of providing medical care in the scope of the basic compulsory health insurance program or obtaining education within the limits of state educational standards.

Additional grounds for which social services are provided free of charge are determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Services provided on a commercial basis are provided with a full refund.

Payment for additional social services (above the guaranteed list) can be made from funds received from the sale or other alienation of property, including residential premises, securities, etc. Transactions on the alienation of residential premises are carried out subject to mandatory conditions: preservation of the citizen’s right to lifelong residence in alienated residential premises or provision of it with other residential premises, as well as the right to material support in the form of food, care, and necessary assistance; obtaining consent in writing from local social service authorities to complete the transaction.

The most important feature of the formation of a social service system for the population is its dynamically developing infrastructure. In the Russian Federation, social services are provided by more than 6.5 thousand independent institutions and enterprises providing social services to various categories of citizens, as well as more than 18 thousand structural divisions and services that are part of the social protection authorities or social service institutions and are engaged in the provision of home-based, urgent social and other services.

It is important to emphasize that social services are very closely related to people’s living conditions. It is extremely important to comply with the standards of these services if the basic everyday needs of a person are not satisfied: provision of water, food, housing and clothing, the ability to use energy sources and transport, ensuring a safe existence and health care.

Therefore, it is obvious that when developing social services, it is necessary to include a provision on the responsibility of the social service to coordinate its activities with other services so that basic human needs are satisfied first.

Task No. 2

Describe the main stages of working with letters from citizens

All written requests are accepted centrally in one place. After checking the correctness of delivery, the letters are opened, but the envelopes are not destroyed, since the stamp on it may be evidence of the date of receipt of the document. In addition, the address of the author of the appeal to which the response is to be made is often written only on the envelope. Therefore, the envelope is kept along with the document until the issue is resolved and will be filed in the file.

On the document itself, in the lower right corner, a registration stamp of the institution that received the application is affixed, which indicates the date of its receipt and the start of work with it in this institution. Sometimes it may not coincide with the date on the envelope, since the latter is stamped by the post office, which does not always deliver the letter to the addressee on the same day. Therefore, it is from the date affixed to the registration stamp that the deadline for completing the application begins. In addition to the date, the registration stamp also indicates the registration index of the proposal, application, complaint, which consists of the initial letter of the author’s last name and the serial number of the received appeal.

Applications may be accompanied by various reference materials in originals or copies. They need to be fastened together with the appeal so that they do not get lost during the work process. This ends the first stage of working with requests.

After initial processing, all requests are transferred for registration, which is carried out using a single form in the manner established by the standard regulations. Registration of this category of documents in addition to common tasks registration - accounting, control and reference work - is also legal evidence that they have been accepted for consideration in this institution. It is recommended to keep registration on cards or on a computer, and only in cases where an institution, enterprise or organization receives a small number of documents from the population, can you leave a journal registration form.

The essence of registration is to record on the card the main search features of the document and information about the applicant. The number of copies of registration and control cards to be filled out is determined based on the needs of organizing control over execution and reference work on requests. Most often these are 2-3 copies: 1st for the control card index, 2nd for the reference card index, 3rd is sent along with the document to the executor. However, before proceeding with registration, it is determined from the alphabetical card index or alphabetical book whether this application is repeated.

An appeal received from the same person on the same issue is considered repeated if, since the submission of the first proposal, application or complaint, the period established by law for their consideration has expired or the applicant was not satisfied with the answer given to the first appeal.

A repeated application during primary processing receives the next registration index, since a gross accounting of all incoming documents is maintained. However, when registering a repeated application, the registration card indicates all the characteristics of the first document, that is, its number and date. On the repeated application itself, in the upper right corner and on its registration and control card, a “repeated” mark is made by hand or with a special stamp.

The standard provision also provides for such a case when a citizen sent the same proposal, statement or complaint simultaneously to several addressees, and they were ultimately forwarded to one institution, organization or enterprise that can resolve the issue on the merits. All these requests, which end up in one place, must be taken into account under one registration index of the first document received with the addition of a serial number. For example, V-194/, V-194/2, V-194/3, etc. The registered document is reported to the manager or his deputy for decision-making.

Legislative and regulatory acts provide for an option when the received appeal does not at all fall within the competence of the institution, organization, or enterprise that received it. In this case, the employee responsible for this category of documents must send it to the competent authority or the applicant for consideration no later than five days. The response letter provides an explanation of where he should send his appeal.

If the appeal raises issues that require decisions from different competent authorities, the head of the organization who received the appeal considers the issue within his competence, and informs the relevant organizations about the content of other issues within the established time frame.

In all cases of sending documents to other organizations, applicants are notified of this within five days from the date of receipt of the document. In the case when the manager can immediately resolve the question posed in it during the consideration of the document, he reflects his decision in a resolution, which is essentially an answer. On its basis, a response letter to the applicant is drawn up.

If the question only requires clarification, the manager in the resolution indicates the executor and the deadline for writing a response explanatory document. All instructions from the manager on the procedure for reviewing the document and execution are transferred to the registration and control card. Every decision made at the request of citizens, first of all, must be based on the requirements of specific laws, a comprehensive study of the circumstances and reasons that gave rise to criticism.

Most often, in order to make an informed decision on an appeal, it is necessary to collect the necessary information and reference material, send a request to the local authorities, demand an explanation from those responsible, send the document for verification to subordinate bodies, and organize a visit to the site for the responsible employee.

Persons whose participation may affect the objective resolution of the issues raised in the document should not be involved in the consideration of appeals. The entire process of considering citizens' appeals is subject to mandatory control.

The deadlines for execution of requests are determined depending on the complexity of the issues raised in them. Set as maximum month period resolution of complaints, applications and proposals in all bodies. Applications and complaints that do not require additional study and verification are resolved immediately, but no later than 15 days from the date of receipt. In cases where in order to make decisions on a complaint or application it is necessary to conduct a special inspection and request additional materials, it is permitted, as an exception, to extend the deadline for no more than one month with notification of this to the person who filed the application or complaint. To resolve applications and complaints of military personnel and members of their families, more short time: in central authorities and management up to 15 days, in local authorities, at enterprises and institutions - immediately, but no later than 7 days. Work practice has confirmed the optimality of the established deadlines for working with citizens’ documents. These deadlines continue to be adhered to today.

Control over the timely resolution of the documents under consideration is assigned to officials who are obliged to ensure timely, correct and complete consideration of appeals and execution of decisions made on appeals from citizens.

The standard provision, with a special clause, indicates that letters from citizens sent to government bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations, various addressees, requiring the results of consideration of proposals, applications, complaints, are taken under special control. All copies of registration and control cards and proposals, statements and complaints are affixed with the “CONTROL” stamp or the “K” control mark. Proposals, statements and complaints from citizens to which intermediate responses are given are not removed from control.

Control over execution is carried out using registration and control cards, which are placed in the control file according to the deadlines. The control card file on citizens' appeals is organized and constructed in the same way as the control card file on other administrative documents.

The entire movement of a controlled document, its transfer from executor to executor, is noted on a card indicating not only the name of the executor, but also the date of transfer of the document to him. The appeal is removed from control only after the decision taken on it has actually been implemented, which is noted on the control and registration card. The order to remove from control is given by the person who made the decision on this document.

A computer is successfully used to organize control over the implementation of proposals, statements and complaints from citizens. The number of documents that can be controlled using a computer is practically unlimited. The speed of input and output of information into a computer ensures the receipt of operational data on the progress of execution of documents before the expiration of the execution period, which allows for preventive, precautionary control, and ensuring the execution of documents within the planned time frame. Reminders can arrive at any programmed frequency; the computer, if necessary, can summarize and analyze over a certain period of time the work of individual performers and structural units in executing citizens’ requests.

Data is entered into the computer's memory based on requests using the keyboard. On the screen, you can rearrange summaries of the progress of complaints and applications. various aspects and receive the required number of copies on printing devices. The dialogue with the computer is conducted by an employee working with this category of documents. The automated system "ACS - application" helps ensure high performance discipline and timely execution of citizens' requests.

There are standard programs for monitoring the deadlines for document execution on personal electronic computers (PCs) and standard programs for monitoring and reference work with citizens' appeals.

One of the important stages of working with citizens’ appeals is the organization of information and reference work on them. Simultaneously with the registration of one copy of the control card in the time-limit card index, another copy of the card is placed in the reference card index, built in alphabetical order of the applicants' surnames. Using this file, you can always answer a request from a citizen or institution about the status of consideration of a candy appeal. It is much more convenient to conduct reference work with an automated system, which makes it possible to provide information on any document details.

The results of resolving the issue raised in the appeal are communicated to the applicant. Answers must be comprehensive and comply with current legislation. If the specific implementation of the decision is entrusted to any other body, it is taken under control and the author of the appeal is informed about this, indicating the position of the person entrusted with control over the implementation decision taken. The decision made by a single competent official is communicated to the author of the appeal on behalf of the body to which the official is subordinate. The decision made by the collegial body is communicated to the author of the appeal with reference to the number and date of adoption of this decision or in the form of an extract from the decision or protocol. Decisions to refuse positive satisfaction of the issues raised in the appeal are also communicated in writing. In this case, the refusal must be justified, the motives and grounds for the refusal must be indicated with reference to the current legislation and decisions of the competent authorities.

The secretary conducting office work on citizens' appeals is obliged to systematically analyze this category of documents. Periodically (once a month or quarter) are compiled analytical reviews or certificates that reflect the issues on which applications were submitted, their number for each issue, the number of positive and negative decisions. In addition, the certificates indicate; how many requests were resolved on time, how many were overdue, and why. Such an analysis serves to identify the reasons that give rise to violations of the rights and interests of citizens, to study public opinion, and to improve the work of government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations.

On each document, after the final decision and execution, the inscription “VDELO” is written and marked personal signature the official who made this decision.

In accordance with the requirements of the Model Regulations, proposals, statements, complaints must be returned after their resolution to the employees conducting office work on applications with all materials related to them and a copy of the registration and control card for the centralized formation of the case and file cabinet. Formation and storage of files by executors is prohibited.

The employee who maintains the current storage of requests forms them into files, separately from general correspondence. In this case, a copy of the response and all documents related to this issue collected during its consideration are filed along with the appeal, i.e. Each appeal forms an independent group in the case. Within the case, these groups of documents on applications are usually arranged according to the applicants’ surnames in alphabetical order. If the institution receives a large number of applications from citizens, then each case is opened according to one or more initial letters of the applicants’ surnames. For example, “Proposals, statements, complaints from citizens starting with the letters “A”, “B”, “C”, etc. If there are few requests, they can be grouped into one or two cases. Collective letters are concentrated in a separate file. Moreover, proposals, statements and complaints from citizens regarding the work of organizations are grouped separately from appeals on personal issues. social services population complaint

If there are a small number of requests, they can be placed in cases and in chronological order. Additional materials that appear on an issue related to the appeal or a repeated appeal are filed with the first group of materials. Only executed documents are grouped into cases. The cover of the case with proposals, statements and complaints of citizens is drawn up in the prescribed form.

Completed files with proposals, statements and complaints from citizens are stored in institutions, organizations and enterprises for reference and other purposes. Responsibility for their safety, as well as for the safety of all documents, lies with their managers. The storage periods for this category of documents are indicated in the articles of the List standard documents, formed in the activities of state committees, ministries, departments and other institutions, organizations, enterprises, indicating storage periods.

As can be seen from the listed articles, ordinary appeals of a personal and secondary nature, which make up the vast majority of this category of documents, are stored for 5 years, but proposals that are interesting for history and of practical importance will be stored permanently. All cases with appeals that have a permanent storage period are transferred one year after the completion of paperwork on them to the archive of the institution, and then to the state archive.

Preparation of proposals, statements and complaints from citizens and submission to the archive includes: registration of cases, examination of the value of the document, compilation of inventories. Depending on the storage period, full or partial registration of cases is carried out. Registration of cases is the function of a person, usually a secretary, responsible for working with proposals, applications and complaints from citizens.


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2. Nesterova G.F. Technologies of social work with elderly and disabled people / G.F. Nesterova, S.S. Lebedeva, S.V. Vasiliev. - M.: Academy: Moscow. textbooks, 2011. - 320 p.

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4. Pikalov I.M. Organization of social services and life activities of elderly people in a boarding home // Social service worker. - 2011. - No. 10. - P. 25-27.

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This Law regulates relations arising in the sphere of social services for the population of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as social services), in order to meet the needs of the population for affordable and high-quality social services. Chapter 1. General provisions Article 1. Basic concepts used in this Law This Law uses the concepts used in federal legislation, as well as the following basic concepts: 1) state social service system - a set of authorized executive bodies in the field of social services, as well as state institutions of the city of Moscow that provide social services to the population (hereinafter referred to as state social service institutions); 2) social service client (client) - a citizen who is in a difficult life situation or a socially dangerous situation, to whom social services are provided in connection with this; 3) ability for self-care - the ability to independently satisfy basic life needs, carry out daily household activities, including maintaining personal hygiene, as well as the ability to move independently and manage property; 4) circumstances that objectively prevent family members or close relatives from fulfilling the responsibilities of caring for a citizen incapable of self-care - long-term illness (more than one month), disability, retirement age, remoteness of residence from the citizen in need of care, frequent and long business trips, etc. circumstances; 5) difficult life situation - a set of factors and conditions that objectively disrupt normal life, the effects of which a citizen or family cannot overcome on their own (disability, inability to self-care due to old age, illness, loneliness, poverty, homelessness or neglect of minors, lack of a certain place of residence, other factors and conditions); 6) socially dangerous situation - a set of factors and conditions causing unfavorable social status family or citizen, intra-family conflicts, unlawful behavior of parents or other legal representatives of minors, failure by them to fulfill their duties in raising children, educating them and (or) maintaining them, cruelty to children; 7) state standards of social services in the city of Moscow - requirements established by legal acts of the city of Moscow for the volume and quality of services in the field of social services; 8) inpatient social services - provision of social services to clients in conditions of permanent residence or temporary stay in inpatient social service institutions; 9) non-stationary social services - provision of social services to clients, as well as families in difficult life situations or socially dangerous situations, without living in stationary social service institutions; 10) social adaptation - a system of measures aimed at adapting a citizen in a difficult life situation to the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society, the environment of life; 11) social rehabilitation - a system of measures aimed at restoring social connections and social status lost by a citizen, eliminating or maximizing the fullest possible compensation for limitations in life activity; 12) social service worker - employees of state social service institutions. Article 2. Legal basis of this Law The legal basis of this Law is the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws governing relations in the field of social services, the Charter of the City of Moscow and other laws of the City of Moscow. Article 3. Basic principles of social services Social services are based on the principles of: 1) humanity, mercy, voluntariness, respect for personal dignity, social justice, taking into account ethnocultural traditions; 2) targeting, legality, confidentiality, openness, professional competence; 3) ensuring equal opportunities in receiving and accessibility of social services for citizens; 4) the priority of providing social services to minors in difficult life situations, as well as adult incapacitated or partially capable citizens; 5) choosing forms of social services focused on the individual needs of citizens; 6) complexity of social services; 7) preventive orientation; 8) respect for human and civil rights; 9) responsibility of officials of government bodies and institutions for the provision of guaranteed social services. Article 4. Persons entitled to social services 1. Residents of the city of Moscow are guaranteed to receive social services in accordance with federal laws and the laws of the city of Moscow, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations and other circumstances. 2. Foreign citizens permanently residing on the territory of the city of Moscow, stateless persons, including refugees, are guaranteed the same rights in the field of social services as citizens of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise established by the norms of international treaties of the Russian Federation and federal laws. 3. Social services for homeless citizens, persons engaged in vagrancy and begging on the territory of the city of Moscow are carried out in the manner established by federal laws and the laws of the city of Moscow. Chapter 2. Social service services and the procedure for their provision by state social service institutions Article 5. Types of social service services Social service services, which consist in the provision by state social service institutions of assistance to a client to overcome a socially dangerous situation or difficult life situation, are divided into the following types: 1) socio-economic; 2) socio-medical; 3) socio-psychological; 4) social and pedagogical; 5) social and domestic; 6) cultural and leisure; 7) provision of social and legal assistance; 8) consulting; 9) social support; 10) social rehabilitation; 11) other social services. Article 6. Grounds and procedure for the provision of social services 1. Social services in state social service institutions are provided at the request of citizens permanently or temporarily (from one to six months) on the basis of: 1) a personal application of a citizen or his guardian, trustee, or other legal representative , statements from a government body, local government body, public association; 2) identification by a social service worker, in the manner established, of the need for social services of a citizen or family in a difficult life situation or in a socially dangerous situation - with their consent. 2. Social services individual categories citizens may be carried out without their consent in the case and in the manner provided for by federal laws. 3. Specialized state social service institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation (social shelters for children, social rehabilitation centers for minors, centers for assistance to children without parental care) accept minors in accordance with the procedure established by federal laws and legal acts of the city of Moscow. 4. The determination of the types of social services that a citizen needs is made on the basis of an assessment of individual need for social services, which determines the degree of need for these services (taking into account the factors and conditions that determine a socially dangerous situation or a difficult life situation) necessary to maintain a normal life activity. 5. An assessment of individual need for social services is carried out by a state social service institution within one month from the date of application regarding the need to provide a citizen or family in a difficult life situation or socially dangerous situation with social services, with the exception of urgent social services provided immediately upon their request. 6. The provision of social services (except for those provided by the emergency social services department) is formalized by an agreement concluded between the client (his legal representative) and the state social service institution. 7. The form of a sample contract for the provision of social services is approved. Article 7. Territorial list of guaranteed social services 1. The territorial list of guaranteed social services (hereinafter referred to as the territorial list of guaranteed services) is approved. 2. The territorial list of guaranteed services includes free social services, the provision of which is necessary in order to maintain the normal functioning of clients, taking into account the forms and types of social services established by this Law. 3. Additional services provided to clients at their request beyond the territorial list of guaranteed services are provided for a fee. Article 8. Free social services in state social service institutions 1. Free social services in state social service institutions are provided within the framework of: 1) the territorial list of guaranteed services; 2) city standards of social services; 3) on the grounds provided for by this Law. 2. Free social services in state social service institutions are provided to: 1) citizens who are not capable of self-care due to old age, illness, disability, and who do not have relatives who can provide them with help and care; 2) citizens who are in a socially dangerous situation or difficult life situation; in connection with natural disasters, catastrophes, other emergency situations; victims of armed and interethnic conflicts; 3) minors in difficult life situations, as well as adult incapacitated or partially capable citizens; 4) disabled people since childhood who are in inpatient social service institutions on a five-day stay; 5) other citizens who are in a difficult life situation or socially dangerous situation. 3. Extraordinary receipt of free social services in state social service institutions is provided to: 1) minors in difficult life situations (disabled children, children with disabilities health, orphans and children left without parental care; street children, as well as minors who have been subjected to violence); 2) veterans of the Great Patriotic War and persons equivalent to them; 3) pregnant women in difficult life situations, including minors and single women; 4) single parents in difficult life situations, divorced women and men, widows and widowers, minors raising children, including disabled children; 5) single and elderly citizens living alone and disabled people who are unable to independently ensure their normal life activities and are deprived of outside care, assistance and support; 6) single citizens over 80 years of age and single disabled people over 70 years of age; 7) persons who have been subjected to violence; 8) families in a socially dangerous situation; 9) adult disabled people with mental retardation and mental illness who do not require treatment in specialized healthcare institutions, as well as persons with limited legal capacity; 10) other citizens who are in a difficult life situation or socially dangerous situation. 4. The procedure and conditions for the provision of free social services are determined in accordance with this Law. Article 9. Social services for the population in state social service institutions on the basis of partial or full payment 1. The procedure and conditions for payment for social service services in state social service institutions are determined. 2. Tariffs (prices) for paid social services provided to the population in state social service institutions are established by the authorized executive body in the field of price and tariff policy. 3. The conditions and procedure for payment for social services provided by social service organizations of other organizational and legal forms and individual entrepreneurs are established by them independently. Chapter 3. Ensuring the rights of clients of state social service institutions Article 10. The right to refuse social services 1. Citizens, as well as their legal representatives, have the right to refuse social services. In case of refusal of social services, citizens, as well as their legal representatives, are explained possible consequences the decision they made. 2. A citizen’s refusal of social services, which may entail a deterioration in his health or a threat to his life, is formalized by a written statement from the citizen or his legal representative, confirming receipt of information about the consequences of the refusal. Article 11. Ensuring the right of citizens to information in the field of social services 1. State bodies ensure the implementation of the right of citizens to information about the types and forms of social services, the conditions for their provision and payment. This information is provided free of charge. 2. Information about the list of social services is provided by social service workers directly to citizens, and in relation to persons under 14 years of age and persons recognized as legally incompetent - to their legal representatives. 3. Citizens sent to state institutions of stationary social services, as well as their legal representatives, must be previously familiarized with the living conditions or stay in these institutions and the types of social services they provide, including through a personal visit and familiarization with the living conditions in these institutions institutions. Chapter 4. Types and forms of social services in state social service institutions Article 12. Types of social services 1. Social services are provided in the following types : 1) non-stationary social services; 2) inpatient social services (including the provision of temporary shelter); 3) provision of residential premises in houses of the specialized housing stock of the city of Moscow for the social service system of the population. 2. Social services, at the request of citizens, can be provided on a permanent or temporary basis. Article 13. Forms of non-stationary social services Non-stationary social services are provided in the following main forms: 1) organization of hot meals; 2) delivery of products to your home at your place of residence in the city of Moscow; 3) providing those in dire need with clothing, shoes and other basic necessities; 4) organization of provision of sanitary and hygienic services; 5) assistance in organizing washing and dry cleaning of clothes and shoe repair; 6) assistance in organizing repairs and cleaning of residential premises; 7) monitoring health status, providing primary pre-medical care; 8) organizing the provision of patronage services and performing medical procedures in accordance with the purpose of medical institutions; 9) escort to government medical institutions and delivery of medicines; 10) assistance in obtaining emergency socio-medical and socio-psychological services; 11) organization of street work with citizens in a socially dangerous situation on the territory of the city of Moscow; 12) assistance in organizing legal assistance; 13) provision of temporary shelter (including overnight accommodation); 14) purchasing tickets to return to your place of permanent residence; 15) payment for housing and communal services and telephone; 16) assistance in providing fuel and (or) water to those living in residential premises without central heating and (or) water supply; 17) organization of burial of single citizens without relatives; 18) assistance in the preparation of title documents, social benefits and a Muscovite social card; 19) assistance in writing letters and statements; 20) providing socio-psychological assistance to needy citizens caring at home for seriously ill elderly parents, disabled children, and other close relatives; 21) subscription to periodicals, delivery of books and other printed materials at the request of clients; 22) carrying out sanitary educational work; 23) assistance in organizing leisure time; 24) other forms of social services in accordance with legal acts of the city of Moscow. Article 14. Social services at home 1. Citizens who have partially lost the ability to self-care and need permanent or temporary non-stationary social services are provided with social services directly at their place of residence in the city of Moscow in accordance with individual need in the manner established. 2. Social services at home are provided by social workers: 1) at least twice a week for elderly citizens and disabled people who have partially lost the ability to self-care; 2) urgently in the form of one-time social services for citizens who have partially lost the ability to self-care due to old age, illness, disability, and who are in dire need of social support. 3. In addition to social services provided for by the territorial list of guaranteed services, citizens may be provided Additional services on terms of full or partial payment. Article 15. Social and medical services at home 1. Social and medical services at home at the place of residence in the city of Moscow for citizens who need home-based social and medical services include: 1) monitoring their health status; 2) provision of primary pre-medical care; 3) providing care based on health status; 4) assistance in the provision of sanitary and hygiene or patronage services; 5) carrying out sanitary educational work; 6) providing socio-psychological assistance to citizens caring at home for seriously ill elderly parents, disabled children, and other close relatives, including in the period after these citizens have suffered the loss of a member of their family. 2. Admission to social and medical services at home is carried out in the absence of contraindications. 3. Social and medical services at home are provided by specialized departments of state social service institutions, whose staff, in addition to social workers, includes medical workers. The frequency of home visits to elderly citizens and disabled people in these departments is established at least three times a week. 4. Elderly and disabled citizens may be denied social services at home if there are medical contraindications established by federal legislation. 5. Refusal to provide elderly citizens and disabled people with social services on the grounds specified in part 4 of this article is confirmed by a joint conclusion of the social protection body and the health care institution. Article 16. Social support 1. Social support is carried out by social services temporarily or permanently in order to provide citizens and families in difficult life situations or socially dangerous situations with social services, as well as to prevent consequences of insecurity with these services that are dangerous to their health and well-being. 2. Social support is provided to: 1) minors in difficult life situations (disabled children; children with disabilities; orphans and children without parental care; street children; minors subjected to violence); 2) pupils of children's state institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, after the end of their stay in these institutions; 3) families with children in difficult life situations; 4) single and elderly citizens living alone and disabled people who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and are deprived of outside care, assistance and support; 5) persons who have been subjected to violence; 6) large families; 7) families with disabled children; 8) disabled adults with mental retardation and mental illnesses that do not require treatment in specialized healthcare institutions, as well as persons with limited legal capacity. 3. The provision of social support is carried out through constant social supervision, regular visits, provision of the necessary social support in interaction with employees of healthcare institutions, educational institutions, internal affairs bodies, guardianship and trusteeship authorities and other organizations. Article 17. Social advisory assistance 1. Social advisory assistance in state social service institutions is provided in the form of information about the list of social services provided, psychological and pedagogical assistance, and social and legal protection. 2. For clients in dire need of social support, social advisory assistance in state social service institutions is provided as a matter of urgency. 3. Social advisory assistance can be provided orally, in writing, as well as using the telephone and (or) electronic means of communication. The form of assistance is determined by the choice of the citizen. 4. Social advisory assistance is aimed at psychological support for citizens, intensifying efforts in solving their problems and provides for: 1) identifying people in need of social advisory assistance; 2) advisory assistance in vocational guidance, training and employment; 3) social and legal assistance within the competence of state social service institutions; 4) prevention of various kinds of socio-psychological deviations and social conflicts; 5) assistance in organizing leisure time for persons receiving social services; 6) other measures to create social well-being. 5. Providing social and legal assistance to clients of state social service institutions in resolving issues of pension provision, provision of cash payments, social support and rehabilitation, protection of children’s rights includes: explaining to clients the essence of issues of interest and the procedure for resolving them, providing assistance in preparation and direction to the competent organizations of the necessary documents, monitoring their consideration, including visits to these organizations by employees of state social service institutions at the request of clients. Article 18. Urgent social services 1. Urgent social services are provided free of charge in order to provide emergency assistance of a one-time nature to elderly and disabled citizens in dire need of social support, as well as other citizens in difficult life situations, to satisfy their primary social, living and other needs. 2. Urgent social services include services provided for by the territorial list of guaranteed services. Article 19. Providing targeted social assistance to citizens and families with children in dire need of social support 1. Targeted social assistance is provided to citizens and families with children in difficult life situations, in the form of cash, food, including hot meals, funds care, sanitation and hygiene, clothing, shoes and other essential items. 2. Citizens in difficult life situations are provided with targeted social assistance on an urgent basis, including through one-time provision of hot meals or food packages. 3. The procedure for providing targeted social assistance, including one-time financial assistance, is established. Article 20. Social services in daytime 1. Social services to the population during the daytime are provided by providing clients with social, social, medical, cultural, leisure and other social services directly at the location of the state social service institution. 2. Social services during the daytime are provided to: 1) elderly citizens and disabled people, including disabled children, who have partially retained the ability for self-care and are in need of social services, or have not retained this ability and, as a result, need social services for the period absence of family members providing care at home at their place of residence in the city of Moscow; 2) other individuals and families with children who are in difficult life situations or in a socially dangerous situation. Article 21. Provision of social rehabilitation services 1. Social rehabilitation services in state social service institutions are provided to people with disabilities, including disabled children, persons with disabilities, minors, and other citizens in difficult life situations and in need of assistance professional, social or psychological assistance. 2. Social rehabilitation services are provided in accordance with the recommendations of health care institutions for the implementation of rehabilitation and health measures and (or) an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person developed by a medical and social examination institution. 3. Social rehabilitation services for minors are provided in accordance with the rehabilitation program approved by the head of the state social service institution. 4. The duration of stay in the rehabilitation department of a social service institution for citizens specified in part 1 of this article is determined by the nature and timing of the rehabilitation and health measures necessary for them. Article 22. Additional forms of social services at enterprises of the consumer market and services 1. In the manner prescribed by legal acts of the city of Moscow, enterprises of the consumer market and services provide citizens of preferential categories with additional forms of social services: 1) service in accredited social stores with discounts on goods socially necessary set (consumer basket) in the amounts established; 2) receiving household services at preferential prices, the list, frequency of provision and level of price discounts of which are established; 3) receiving set meals from accredited social catering establishments, the markup for which should not exceed 60 percent. 2. The procedure for accreditation of enterprises in the consumer market and services, as well as the procedure for compensating the costs of these enterprises, are established. Article 23. Inpatient social services 1. Inpatient social services are provided to elderly citizens and disabled people who have partially or completely lost the ability for self-care and (or) movement and, as a result, need constant outside care, minors in difficult life situations, children with disabilities health opportunities. 2. Inpatient social services are provided in inpatient social service institutions (departments) profiled in accordance with the age of citizens, their state of health and social status. 3. Inpatient social services include: 1) measures to create living conditions for clients that are most adequate to their age and health status; 2) rehabilitation measures of a medical, social and medical-labor nature, providing clients with care and medical assistance, organizing their rest and leisure, food, feasible labor activity . 4. Inpatient social services include: 1) placement of clients in residential premises of state social service institutions in the manner and under the conditions established by federal laws and the laws of the city of Moscow; 2) organizing meals for clients; 3) provision of a range of social services in accordance with the individual needs of the client and carrying out measures of a medical, psychological and social nature; 4) assistance in obtaining free medical care for clients in state medical organizations; 5) provision of premises for education for disabled children and young disabled people; 6) provision of premises for participation in rehabilitation activities, occupational therapy, consumer services, cultural and leisure activities and recreation. 5. It is not permitted to place disabled children with physical disabilities in state inpatient social service institutions intended for the accommodation of children with mental disorders. 6. Elderly citizens and disabled people may be denied inpatient social services if there are medical contraindications established by federal legislation. 7. Elderly and disabled citizens, other citizens living in state inpatient social service institutions and in need of specialized medical care, are referred by the administration of these institutions for examination and treatment to state health care institutions. 8. Citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need constant outside care, from among those released from places of imprisonment, as well as elderly citizens and disabled people engaged in vagrancy or begging, in the absence of medical contraindications and at their personal request, are accepted for social assistance. service in special inpatient social service institutions (special departments) in the manner determined. 9. In relation to citizens living in state social service institutions, the use of physical restraint, medications, as well as their isolation for the purpose of punishment or creating convenience for the staff of these institutions is not allowed. 10. Citizens living in state inpatient social service institutions and constantly violating the rules of residence established by the regulations on the state social service institution may be expelled at the initiative of the administration of these institutions or, with the consent of clients, transferred to special inpatient social service institutions. 11. The administration of a state institution of inpatient social services provides the opportunity for free visits to elderly citizens and disabled people - clients of these institutions by their legal representatives, relatives, clergy and other persons with whom they wish to meet, both on weekends and on weekdays in accordance with the work schedule of the institution. Article 24. Basic forms of inpatient social services Inpatient social services are provided in the following main forms: 1) provision of clothing, shoes, bedding and other essential items, sanitation and hygiene products, care products in the prescribed manner; 2) provision of equipment for use, including furniture; 3) assistance in organizing the provision of services by trade and communication enterprises, as well as information services; 4) assistance in organizing travel for training, treatment, consultations; 5) preparing and serving food, including dietary nutrition; 6) providing conditions for the performance of religious rites; 7) providing care based on health status; 8) assistance in conducting a medical and social examination; 9) carrying out medical, social and rehabilitation measures, including for disabled people on the basis of individual rehabilitation programs; 10) organization of receiving free medical care in state health care institutions; 11) assistance in obtaining prosthetic, orthopedic and denture care; 12) provision of technical means of care and rehabilitation; 13) assistance in referral, based on doctors’ conclusions, for sanatorium treatment; 14) assistance in obtaining free legal, psychological and other advisory services; 15) ensuring representation in government bodies, including in court, in order to protect the rights and interests of the client; 16) providing assistance in writing and processing letters, appeals and other documents; 17) providing assistance in realizing the right to pension provision and providing other social benefits; 18) creating conditions for preschool education children and children receiving school education according to special programs taking into account their physical capabilities and mental abilities; 19) creating conditions for people with disabilities to receive education under special programs, taking into account their physical capabilities and mental abilities; 20) creating conditions for learning accessible professional skills and using residual labor opportunities, participating in feasible work activities; 21) assistance in providing books and other printed materials; 22) provision of cultural and leisure activities; 23) provision upon termination of inpatient social services with clothing, shoes and a one-time cash benefit according to the standards approved by legal acts of the city of Moscow; 24) organization of funeral services or assistance in organizing funeral services for family members, close relatives or representatives of the deceased client; 25) other forms of inpatient social services. Article 25. Social services for minors in state specialized institutions 1. Social services in specialized social service institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation are provided to children who find themselves in difficult life situations, street children, orphans and children without parental care. 2. The provision of social services to minors who find themselves in difficult life situations is carried out on the basis of a social rehabilitation program, including professional-labor, educational-cognitive, socio-cultural, sports-health and other components, including social patronage. Specific types of social services are reflected in the individual or group program of social rehabilitation of a minor. 3. Social services may be provided to minors in difficult life situations without their written application in cases and in the manner established by federal laws and legal acts of the city of Moscow. 4. Expulsion of pupils from specialized state social service institutions is carried out in cases and in the manner established by federal laws and laws of the city of Moscow. 5. Upon completion of their stay in a state specialized institution, minors may be accepted for social support in the manner and under the conditions established by this Law. Article 26. Providing temporary shelter 1. Temporary shelter in a state specialized social service institution for temporary stay (hereinafter referred to as a temporary stay institution) is carried out on a 24-hour basis and is provided to: 1) children who find themselves in difficult life situations, including orphans; children left without parental care; neglected minors; 2) homeless citizens, as well as persons engaged in vagrancy and begging, including those without identity documents; 3) citizens released from prison; 4) homeless citizens who find themselves in the city of Moscow in a situation that threatens their life and health, and who need medical and social assistance; 5) citizens who have suffered from physical or mental violence, natural disasters, as a result of terrorist acts, armed and interethnic conflicts; 6) other persons in need of temporary shelter. 2. Admission to a temporary stay facility is carried out on the basis of a personal application from the client after examination by the doctor on duty (paramedic) and sanitary treatment (if necessary). 3. Free food persons engaged in vagrancy and begging, homeless citizens staying (spending the night) in temporary residence institutions are organized: 1) in overnight stay homes and social hotels - by distributing instant food products; 2) in social adaptation centers, in sanitary inspection areas, in other government social service institutions for homeless citizens and people involved in vagrancy and begging - by providing hot meals. 4. When providing temporary shelter to citizens specified in paragraph 4 of part 1 of this article who find themselves in the city of Moscow in a situation that threatens their life and health, the relevant specialized state social service institution provides them with assistance in restoring lost social ties, finding relatives, sending them to previous place of residence, purchasing railway tickets in the manner prescribed. 5. For homeless citizens with disabilities who need outside care, the period of temporary stay in a temporary stay institution is extended until the issue of their living arrangement is resolved. Article 27. Provision of residential premises in the houses of the specialized housing stock of the city of Moscow of the social service system 1. Residential premises in the houses of the specialized housing stock of the city of Moscow of the social service system are intended for the residence of citizens who are not provided with residential premises in the city of Moscow and who need to be provided with medical services and social services (elderly and disabled citizens who are capable and have the ability to self-service). 2. The procedure and conditions for the provision of residential premises in the houses of the specialized housing stock of the city of Moscow, the system of social services for the population and the use of such residential premises are established. Article 28. Social residential buildings 1. Social residential buildings belong to the specialized housing stock of the city of Moscow of the social service system of the population and are stationary social service institutions intended for permanent residence of elderly citizens, married couples of elderly citizens and disabled people (subject to the transfer of property belonging to them on the right of ownership of housing to the city of Moscow) and creating conditions for their self-realization and satisfaction of basic life needs. 2. Restrictions for moving into social residential buildings of citizens specified in part 1 of this article are the presence of quarantine infectious, mental, oncological and other serious diseases, open tuberculosis, complete loss of their ability to self-care, as well as the presence of citizens with alcohol and (or) drug addiction. 3. Persons living in social residential buildings who have lost the ability to self-care and need outside care are served by a social worker, and they are provided with social and domestic assistance provided for in the territorial list of guaranteed services, and also, at their request, the provision of additional paid services is organized on a contractual basis services. 4. The procedure for providing living space in social residential buildings, organizing social, medical, cultural and other types of services, as well as feasible labor activities for citizens living in social residential buildings is established. Chapter 5. State standards of social services in the city of Moscow Article 29. State standards of social services 1. State standards of social services in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as state standards of social services) provide the solution to the following tasks: 1) determination of uniform requirements for volume and quality, order and conditions of social services; 2) providing clients with information about the quality, results and forms of social services; 3) respect for the rights of citizens to receive high-quality and timely social services based on a targeted approach, taking into account individual needs and capabilities, personal choice of types and forms of receiving social services; 4) protecting the interests of social service clients; 5) regulation of relations in the field of social services between executive bodies, state social service institutions and clients; 6) objective assessment of the activities of state social service institutions; 7) expanding the range of social services through the development of social services by organizations of other organizational and legal forms and individual entrepreneurs. 2. State standards for social services are established. 3. State standards of social services are taken into account when determining the volume of funding from the budget of the city of Moscow for state social service institutions, as well as the volume of state orders for the provision of social services by organizations of other organizational and legal forms and individual entrepreneurs. 4. In order to assess the level of provision of the population with social services in the city of Moscow, monitoring is carried out in the field of implementation of state standards of social services in the manner established. Article 30. Contents of state standards of social services 1. State standards of social services include requirements that ensure the necessary level of accessibility and quality of social services in general, as well as at each stage of its provision, including making a request for the provision of the relevant service, its execution and registration, waiting for the service, receiving it, monitoring the quality of the service and considering customer complaints (claims). 2. State standards of social services must contain: 1) a list of categories of clients; 2) a list of documents required for the provision of social services; 3) requirements for the period of provision of social service services, as well as for the terms of actions and decision-making in the process of providing social service services; 4) a list of grounds for refusal to provide social services; 5) description of the result of providing social services; 6) qualification requirements for officials and employees directly providing social services; 7) requirements for the place of provision of social services, taking into account its transport and pedestrian accessibility; 8) the operating hours of the state social service institution providing social service services, the procedure for access and appeal to this institution; 9) the priority for the provision of social services if the demand for it exceeds the possibility of its provision without waiting, including the terms and conditions for waiting for the provision of social services; 10) requirements for information support for clients when applying for social services and during its provision; 11) features of the provision of social services to certain categories of citizens; 12) the procedure for filing, registering and considering claims and complaints about non-compliance with city social service standards; 13) the procedure for correcting possible deficiencies in the provision of social services. 3. State standards of social services may contain other provisions necessary to improve the quality and accessibility of social services. Article 31. Social norms and standards for the provision of social services Social norms and standards for the provision of social services in state social service institutions, standards and tariffs for guaranteed social services are established. Chapter 6. Social service system and organization of activities in the field of social services in the city of Moscow Article 32. State social service system The state social service system consists of authorized executive bodies in the field of social services and the following state social service institutions that provide social services to the population: 1 ) social service centers; 2) comprehensive social service centers; 3) centers for social assistance to families and children; 4) social rehabilitation centers for minors; 5) social shelters for children and adolescents; 6) centers for social rehabilitation and leisure activities for people with disabilities; 7) social rehabilitation centers for disabled children; 8) psychoneurological boarding schools; 9) orphanages for mentally retarded children; 10) boarding houses for war and labor veterans; 11) gerontopsychiatric centers; 12) boarding houses for the visually impaired; 13) rehabilitation centers for the disabled; 14) social rehabilitation centers for war veterans and the Armed Forces; 15) crisis centers for helping women; 16) social assistance institutions for homeless citizens; 17) institutions for the detention of foreign citizens with minor children; 18) social residential buildings; 19) centers for technical means of rehabilitation; 20) rehabilitation centers for social adaptation of disabled people and participants in military operations; 21) other institutions determined by. Article 33. Management and control in the field of social services 1. Management of the state social service system in the city of Moscow is carried out by authorized executive bodies in the field of social services. 2. Authorized executive bodies in the field of social services are responsible for ensuring the quality and accessibility of social services, ensure control over compliance with state standards of social services in the state social service system, approve standard provisions, staffing standards and the structure of state social service institutions. 3. Control over the activities of state social service institutions in the provision of social services is carried out by authorized executive bodies in the field of social services in the manner established. Article 34. Other organizations and persons providing social services 1. Social services, along with state social service institutions, are provided by organizations of other organizational and legal forms, including public, non-profit organizations, professional associations, charitable and religious organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs. 2. Organizations of other organizational and legal forms and individual entrepreneurs provide social services in accordance with federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow, including on a competitive basis, taking into account city standards of social services. Article 35. Trustee and public councils in state social service institutions 1. Trustee and public boards may be created in state social service institutions in order to exercise public control over the activities of these institutions and their compliance with federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow. 2. The activities of the trustee and (or) public council are carried out in accordance with the regulations on the trustee and (or) public council. Article 36. Interaction of state social service institutions and organizations of other organizational and legal forms State social service institutions interact with organizations of other forms of ownership when they provide voluntary assistance to social service clients. Chapter 7. Information, financial and personnel support for activities in the field of social services Article 37. Information support for activities in the field of social services 1. In order to ensure the availability of information about the social service system in the city of Moscow, the authorized executive bodies in the field of social services create a City Social Service Card Moscow, posted on the official websites of authorized executive bodies, information stands of institutions and organizations and in other media. 2. The social service card of the city of Moscow must contain: 1) general characteristics social services in Moscow; 2) information about the location of government social service institutions in the city and public transport routes to them; 3) characteristics of each social service institution, conditions for receiving social service services there; 4) state standards of social services in the city of Moscow; 5) information about the time, place and procedure for providing advisory assistance on social service issues; 6) texts of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow regulating issues of social services. 3. The social service card of the city of Moscow is formed in the manner established by the authorized executive bodies in the field of social services. Article 38. Financial support for social services 1. Financing of state social service institutions and activities carried out in accordance with this Law is an expenditure obligation of the city of Moscow. 2. Financing of social service organizations of other organizational and legal forms and individual entrepreneurs is carried out: 1) from sources provided for by their charters or other constituent documents, and other sources not prohibited by law; 2) at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow - in the case of involving these organizations in the provision of social services on a competitive basis in accordance with federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow in the field of placing state orders, as well as in other cases provided for by the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation. Article 39. Professional activity in social services 1. Professional activities in social services are carried out by employees of state social service institutions and other specialists who have a professional education that meets the requirements and nature of the work performed, subject to the grounds, conditions and in the manner provided for by federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow. 2. To determine the level of professional training of employees of state social service institutions and issue them qualification certificates, certification is carried out. 3. The procedure and conditions for certification of employees of state social service institutions are determined by the authorized executive body in the field of social services. 4. Information about employees who have received a qualification certificate is entered into the appropriate register in the manner established by the authorized executive body in the field of social services. Article 40. Social support measures for employees of state social service institutions 1. Social workers employed in state social service institutions: 1) are provided with special clothing, shoes and equipment or are paid monetary compensation for their purchase, which is subject to annual indexation; 2) paid financial compensation expenses for travel on all types of urban passenger transport (except for taxis and minibuses) in the performance of official duties, which is subject to annual indexation, provided that they are not provided with benefits for travel on all types of urban passenger transport on other grounds in the prescribed manner; 3) monetary compensation is paid to pay for local telephone services provided by public joint stock company on the territory of the city of Moscow; 4) advanced training is provided at the expense of the employer once every five years; 5) the right is ensured during the performance of official duties to extraordinary services by medical and preventive and pharmaceutical enterprises, unified information and settlement centers, institutions Pension Fund the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, medical and social examination institutions, trade, public catering, consumer services, communications enterprises, branches of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, institutions providing legal services; 6) free preventive examination and examination upon entry to work, free dispensary observation in state health care institutions are provided. 2. The heads of departments and social work specialists of centers and comprehensive social service centers are paid monetary compensation for travel expenses on all types of urban passenger transport (except taxis and minibuses) when performing official duties in the amount established by , which is subject to annual indexation, subject to , if they are not provided with travel benefits on all types of urban passenger transport in accordance with the established procedure for other reasons. 3. Employees of state stationary social service institutions living in the Moscow region and other adjacent regions are paid monetary compensation for travel by suburban railway transport. 4. Medical workers state social service institutions, social support measures are provided in the manner and under the conditions provided for by federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow for medical workers of state health care institutions. 5. Teaching staff of state social service institutions, consisting of labor relations with these institutions have the right to social support measures in the manner and under the conditions provided for by federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow for teaching staff of state educational institutions. 6. A list of positions, an approximate list and norms for the issuance of special clothing, footwear and equipment, the amount of monetary compensation for their purchase, as well as the procedure and conditions for the provision of other social support measures are established. Chapter 8. Final provisions Article 41. Liability for violation of legislation on social services 1. Actions (inaction) of employees of government bodies, institutions and organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms, individual entrepreneurs, resulting in violations of the rights of citizens in the field of social services, can be appealed. a citizen, his guardian, trustee, or other legal representative to government authorities or to court. 2. Responsibility of persons engaged in the field of social services for violation of this Law, if their actions (inaction) entailed consequences dangerous to the life and health of the client or other violation of his rights, occurs in the manner and on the grounds provided for by federal legislation and legislation of the city of Moscow. Article 42. Entry into force of this Law This Law comes into force 10 days after its official publication. P.p. Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov Moscow, Moscow City Duma July 9, 2008 No. 34