Photo – Ukroboronprom

Back in October 2016, we reported that – the reactive system volley fire(MLRS) "Verba". This combat vehicle developed by specialists from the Kharkov Morozov Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (KMDB), a leading manufacturer of military equipment in Ukraine, and chief designer KMDB Gennady Grashchenkov reported then that the system was 95% ready.

In 2017, testing of the new Verba MLRS began, and on February 20, 2019, official information was received that, and on November 8. The new Ukrainian multiple launch rocket system will be produced by the Shepetivka Repair Plant State Enterprise, part of the Ukroboronprom state concern.

Obviously, the manufacturing plant was not chosen by chance, because the state enterprise "Shepetivka Repair Plant" for its own working capital developed and tested the new MLRS BM-21UM "Berest", also more effective than the Soviet BM-21 "Grad".

Let's remember what "Verba" is and how it differs from "Grad".

So, “Verba” is a multiple launch rocket system based on the KrAZ-6322 vehicle and the BM-21 Grad warhead, which was developed in 2015 by the KMDB. The upgraded system is equipped with a five-seat cabin, and fire control, aiming and reloading are carried out automatically from the cabin without direct crew intervention in its operation.

The ammunition of this MLRS consists of 40 units of 122-mm rockets, which are capable of destroying targets at a distance of up to 40 km. Reloading a full set of 40 missiles is carried out within 10 minutes using a mechanized method. For this purpose, Kharkov designers have developed a transport-loading machine.

Weight new system reaches almost 20 tons, and it is capable of speeds of up to 85 km/h. It is also known that the Verba may have an armored version with a cabin from the Raptor armored car and protection for the main systems of the vehicle.

If compared with "Grad", then "Verba" differs from its Soviet predecessor and Russian "colleague" high level automation and placement on the domestic KrAZ chassis. Compared to the Russian Ural, it is 10 km/h faster, more maneuverable, and more all-terrain.

On the Grads, part of the combat crew was in open seats behind the cockpit, and for the Verba, Ukrainian designers provided an enlarged cabin that could accommodate the entire crew. Here, in the cockpit, there will be a radio station and all control units. By the way, the communication system has also been changed: all information will be transmitted via digital channels in encrypted form.

The automation of the Verba has reached such a level that the crew will be able to work in combat conditions without leaving the cockpit: they arrived, pressed a few buttons in the cockpit, hit enemy targets and drove off. At the same time, the new system for leveling and stabilizing the platform can significantly improve the accuracy of fire.

Compared to the Grad, the Verba MLRS determines coordinates six times faster, aims five times faster, and after firing it can change its position in a matter of seconds, which will allow it to avoid retaliatory attacks. The process of recharging the installation was reduced by seven times. All this ensures high combat effectiveness and mobility of the Verba on the battlefield.

What is important: the Verba complex consists of 80% domestic components, and only the launcher remains from the old Grad and has been preserved mechanical system fire control, which can be used in case of emergency situations.

It remains to add that the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the forefront now really need such a rapid-fire and accurate means of hitting the enemy, at least in order to fire to suppress terrorist firing points, destroying enemy “Grads” that sow death in peaceful Ukrainian cities near the demarcation line.

Military parades in all countries are an element of political propaganda in order to instill confidence in their citizens in military power states. And to intimidate potential and existing opponents. Throughout the years of the conflict in Donbass, Ukraine also held military parades for Independence Day on August 24, and this year will not be an exception.

Behind Last year The Ukrainian army was replenished with new types of missile and artillery weapons developed by the Ukrainian military-industrial complex. And some of them can be seen at the military parade on August 24, said military expert Sergei Zgurets.

Among them are the Sapsan operational-tactical complex, the Vilkha high-precision multiple launch rocket system, an automated missile system multiple rocket launcher "Verba", a new self-propelled 155-mm howitzer "Bogdan" and a number of other new products.

Operational-tactical complex "Sapsan"

OTRK "Sapsan" - a project of the Ukrainian multifunctional missile complex, in which operational-tactical, anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles are supposed to be used as weapons of destruction. Developed by the Yuzhnoye design bureau together with the Yuzhmash plant. The estimated range of the missile is from 50 to 480 km.

The Sapsan project is a unique solution to create a universal rocket. The developers of Yuzhmash initially decided to proceed from the concept according to which one missile would be used to destroy different types targets - ground, air and sea.

Thus, by creating one missile and equipping it with different warheads and guidance systems, Ukraine simultaneously receives a new means of air defense, coast guard and long-range operational-tactical complex.

Of all three components, the most public one is the one for destroying ground targets. It is also often featured as the "Grom" complex and was demonstrated at the recent "Arms and Security" exhibition in Kyiv.

High-precision multiple launch rocket system "Olkha"

This system was created on the basis of the Soviet Smerch multiple launch rocket system (MLRS). The missile is unique in that one salvo of it is 12 high-precision hits with an accuracy of several meters in a conventional circle with a radius of 1 km at a range of up to 70 km. A package of 12 missiles is launched in 48 seconds, with each missile being aimed at its individual target in a salvo.

The flight of the rocket is controlled by a microprocessor that processes signals from various sensors and issues a control signal. Guidance is inertial, with the ability to adjust the trajectory in flight using GPS and Glonass signals.

The weight of the rocket is about 800 kilograms, the control system - 50, the propulsion part - about 500 kg. The warhead is unified, and high-explosive fragmentation, cluster or thermobaric charges weighing up to 250 kg can be installed. Depending on the tasks, it can be used to destroy both ground and surface targets.

The first serial jet systems will arrive at the Armed Forces of Ukraine by the end of 2018. All components are Ukrainian.

Automated multiple launch rocket system "Verba"

The new multiple launch rocket system "Verba" is a new generation of the Grad rocket launcher. The modernized system is placed on a KrAZ chassis and is equipped with a cabin for five seats. Fire control, aiming and even charging in new version carried out automatically from the cockpit, without the direct intervention of soldiers in its operation. The mass of the new multiple launch rocket system reaches almost 20 tons, while it is capable of reaching speeds of up to 85 km/h.

“Verba” prepares for shooting 7 times faster than “Grad”, and 4 times faster conveys the topographical situation that develops where it is located and where it needs to be shot. Firing range - 40 kilometers.

Self-propelled 155-mm howitzer "Bogdana"

New self-propelled artillery installation caliber 155 mm according to NATO standards. "Bogdana" is a synthesis of the chassis of the Ukrainian T-84U "Oplot" tank and the turret from the Polish self-propelled gun "Crab". It has a fire control system (TOPAZ) and a FONET communication system developed and manufactured by WB Electronics.

The shells of the new Ukrainian artillery will be able to fly further and have greater destructive force than 152 mm and 122 mm Russian-made artillery systems. Firing range - up to 30 km.

Thanks to the use of a 155-mm projectile, the Ukrainian army will have access to the entire arsenal of “smart” ammunition of NATO countries. Including the XM982 Excalibur, which showed high efficiency during the Iraq War.

Expert opinion

Igor Romanenko, ex-Deputy Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine:

And Ukraine needs them even more in the current situation. Firstly, as an element of information confrontation in a hybrid war with Russia. Secondly, to strengthen our people’s confidence in the country’s military power.

Among other things, such parades also have a deterrent effect on the enemy. Showing new military equipment indicates that it exists not only on paper. And that the cost of aggression can greatly increase for some.

Specialists of the Kharkov Design Bureau named after. Morozov improved the Grad multiple launch rocket system. The new product is called “Verba” and differs from its predecessor in greater accuracy, rate of fire and ease of control, reports

Fire control, aiming and loading are carried out automatically from a cabin designed for five people. The Verba MLRS, mounted on a KraZ chassis, weighs about 20 tons and is capable of reaching speeds of up to 85 km/h.

Deputy Director of KB named after. Morozov Yuri Volchenko noted that usually reloading the MLRS after a full launch takes from an hour to two, depending on the qualifications of the crew. For Verba, a full set of 40 missiles is reloaded within 10 minutes.

General designer Vladimir Vakulenko of the Kharkov Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau named after A. Morozov (KMDB) said that “Verba” is 7 times faster than “Grad” in preparing for firing. And it conveys the topographical situation 4 times faster, which develops where it is located and in the place where you need to shoot.

Now KB named after. Morozov needs another 15.9 million hryvnia to finalize the system. If this money arrives, the Verba MLRS can be seen in the army as early as 2016.

Last news



December 29, 2019


December 27, 2019

December 26, 2019

December 24, 2019

Multiple launch rocket system "Verba"

"Verba" is a Ukrainian new generation multiple launch rocket system designed to destroy enemy personnel, armored targets and command posts in a combat situation.

The Ukrainian multiple launch rocket system was developed in November 2015 on the basis of the Kharkov Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau named after A. Morozov (KMDB). “Verba”, according to the developers, is a new generation of the famous one. The new Ukrainian MLRS is 7 times faster to set up to fire than the Grad. These systems also differ in the speed of transmission of topographical conditions. General designer of the Kharkov Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau named after A. Morozov Vladimir Vakulenko said that “Verba” is 4 times faster in terms of topographic data transmission speed than “Grad”.

There is not much left of the Grad in the new Ukrainian multiple launch rocket system. MLRS "Verba" is designed on the basis of the KrAZ chassis ("Grad" - based on the "Ural"), and is also equipped with a cabin for 5 seats. Improvements have also been made to the combat process. The developers have improved fire control, aiming and loading. Now all this is done automatically from the cockpit, without the direct intervention of operators in the work.

Loading the MLRS with weapons is carried out using an additional vehicle, which is docked with launcher and reloads the Verba with a new set of ammunition.

General Director of Ukroboronprom Roman Romanov noted: “The time has come when we need to stop relying on the Soviet past and start looking into the future. “Verba” is the weapon that should be supplied to the army on an industrial scale.”

To date, one experimental version of the Verba MLRS has been manufactured. 15.9 million hryvnias are still needed for technical improvements to the system. As soon as the funds arrive at the KMDB account, Verba, according to the head of the plant, will be ready for field testing and presentation to the Armed Forces of Ukraine within 7 months.