The common lynx or Eurasian lynx is a small cat of the lynx genus, for which about ten subspecies are known. The species lives in the north of Eurasia, its range begins in Scandinavia and continues to the island of Sakhalin and Kamchatka. The lynx is found in China, Iran, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Turkey, and Siberia.

In the center and west of the European continent, lynxes were exterminated in the middle of the last century. Now the population is being restored with success in the Carpathians (Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovakia, Herzegovina). So, on the territory of Romania it has already grown to 2000 individuals.

The lynx is a large cat with a body length of 80-130 cm, a height at the withers of about 70 cm. The length of the animal’s tail ranges from 11 to 25 cm. The weight of males is 18-30 kg, and that of females is less, 8-21 kg. . The largest individuals live in Russia in Siberia. The weight of local male lynx reaches 38 kg, and even 45 kg. Limbs are strong and long. The ears are decorated with black tufts of hair. The fur on the muzzle is long and gray white. Summer fur is short, reddish or brown. IN winter time it becomes thick and silky, and the color changes to silver-gray or greyish-brown. Belly and neck are white all year round. On the main background there are dots and stripes of black color. Dark brown stripes are located on the forehead. Lynxes that live in the south of their range are more spotted than those living in the north. The lynx's gait is such that the hind paws follow the footprint of the front paws.

The diet of the common lynx includes small and large mammals, birds. She hunts hares, rabbits, squirrels, martens, foxes, roe deer, chamois, deer, and wild boars. It can feed on carrion, but prefers ungulates, especially in the winter, when small prey becomes less available. The predator also attacks domestic animals. Adult lynx eats about 2 kg of meat daily.

Common lynx is the northernmost species of the cat family. In Scandinavia it can be found even beyond the Arctic Circle. In Russia, the lynx lives in dense coniferous forests as far as Kamchatka and Sakhalin. The species is also found in the Carpathians, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and in countries such as Georgia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Spain, Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Belarus, Croatia, Albania, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan , Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Populations are small throughout.

Previously, the species was widespread throughout Europe, but in the middle of the last century it was exterminated in the center and west of the continent. Now the population is gradually increasing.

Males of the common lynx are on average 10 kg larger than females, which is the main manifestation of sexual dimorphism in this species of cat.

For life, the common lynx chooses dense coniferous forests and taiga. Can live in forest-steppe, mountain forests, forest-tundra. This animal swims well and climbs rocks and trees. The lynx is characterized by a nocturnal and twilight lifestyle. At other times she sleeps in secluded places.

Adult individuals live in separate areas with an area of ​​about 20 km2. Males always have more territories than females. During the day, the lynx covers approximately 10-20 km. Prefers to hunt from ambush.

The lynx is a very cautious animal, but is not afraid of people. It can live in secondary forests, young forests, and when there is a lack of prey, it visits neighboring villages and even cities. Lynxes rarely attack people; they become dangerous only when wounded, when they can cause serious wounds to a person.

Lynxes are often called harmful predators, but their role in nature is equal to the importance of wolves: they destroy mainly sick and weak animals.

Mating season in the common lynx it lasts from January to April. The duration of pregnancy is 67-74 days. Childbirth occurs in secluded places that are protected by tree branches and roots. The female makes a bedding in it from dry grass and animal fur. 1-4 kittens are born, blind and helpless, weighing 240-420 g. The fur of the babies is gray-brown. Adult coloration appears at the age of 3 months. Their eyes open at 2 weeks. Milk feeding lasts about 5 months, solid food appears in the diet from 6 weeks. The kittens spend the first 9 months of their lives near their mother until the next mating season begins. Females reach sexual maturity at 2 years, males at 3 years. IN natural conditions The common lynx lives up to 15 years. In captivity, it lives up to 20 years.

Natural enemies common lynx are Gray wolves and wolverines, who can catch and kill them. Therefore, from places where many wolves live, lynxes leave. These cats are also hunted Amur tigers. In the south of the range, the danger for the predator is Snow Leopard and leopard.

  • The industry uses lynx fur. It is thick, silky and tall, with guard hairs up to 5 cm long on the back, about 7 cm on the belly, the underfur is abundant and soft. The skin is colored from a reddish to bluish tone, the pattern is spotted. Lynx fur has always been highly valued. And since the middle of the last century, its price began to grow rapidly, and over the course of 20 years it increased from $73 to $1,300. This is due to the fashion for long-haired fur, among which lynx fur was the best and most popular.
  • The main role of this predator is to regulate the natural balance of animals, since the predator exterminates weak and sick individuals.
  • The tender meat of lynx resembles veal in taste, but it is practically not consumed as food. It was only popular in Ancient Rus', where it was considered a delicacy and served as decoration for the richest feasts.
  • The lynx is a symbol of completeness and visual acuity. It adorns the coats of arms and flags of many cities and countries.

Lynxes are among the predatory representatives of the fauna of the Caucasus. This species is endangered and is listed in the Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory.

The lynx is the most graceful and dangerous animal of the cat family. She is very sharp and fast; prey rarely manages to escape from the predator.

Short description

Body size: length from 80 to 115 centimeters, height at the withers - 40-50 centimeters.

Weight: 8-14 kilograms.

Color: Caucasian lynx has red or brown-red fur, with bright spots distributed throughout the body. Two dark stripes run along the ridge. The lower part of the body is white or light gray.

The fur is thick and dense. The paws are wide and well furred, which makes the lynx's steps silent in winter. The claws are large and sharp, the paw strike is deadly.

The ears are long with tufts at the top.

The tail is short, chopped, no more than 30 centimeters.

The lynx feeds on small animals and hunts livestock and mountain birds. She can climb trees. The coloring of a predatory cat perfectly camouflages it among the trees. It eats the prey gradually, hiding some of it in its lair. Daily norm food - 1.5 kilograms.


IN Russian Federation lynx is common in the northern Caucasus. In the Krasnodar Territory, these representatives of the cat family remained only in protected natural reserves and adjacent lands.

Global range - northern Iran, Balkan Peninsula, Carpathians, Türkiye.

Population size and factors influencing it

The number of lynxes in the Krasnodar Territory does not exceed 45 individuals, 16 of which were recorded in the Sochi National Park.

It makes its lair in rock crevices, hollows or under tree roots.

Sexual maturity occurs at one year of age. The rut occurs at the end of winter; males engage in fights for females. Lynxes carry their cubs for 65-75 days, 1-2 kittens are born.

The limiting factors for lynx numbers were logging and irregular hunting of the animal. Winter snow drifts and lower temperatures limit the seasonal food supply, which leads to the death of the lynx from attacks by larger predators.

On this moment hunting for predatory cat prohibited and successful attempts are being made to increase the population of Caucasian lynxes.

A story about the lynx for elementary school students

Khamidulina Almira Idrisovna
Position and place of work: teacher primary classes, MBOU pro-gymnasium “Christina”, Tomsk
Description of material: the material will be useful for students junior classes, as well as for adults. The story about the lynx can be used when preparing a teacher for extracurricular activities, to read in family circle and just for general development.
Target: acquaintance with the life and habits of the lynx.
- expand knowledge about mammals;
- develop speech, attention, thinking, imagination;
- cultivate interest in the world around us.
This graceful cat has cute tufts on her ears, a short tail, and very attractive whiskers. It moves well over sharp rocks and also thrives in the coldest climates. It can meow, purr and hiss. The Eurasian lynx can withstand frosts down to -57 degrees. With all this, this cat is a predator! You guessed it - today we’ll talk about lynx.
There are 4 main species known: Canadian, Eurasian, Spanish and Bobcat. Lynx can be found in Europe, Asia and North America. The total number of predators in our country is estimated at approximately 30 thousand individuals. The word Lynx (lynx) comes from the Greek word meaning “to shine.” The thing is that the eyes of a wild cat are phosphorescent. Lynx has very sharp eyesight. The ancient Greeks believed that she could see through objects. There is even the constellation Lynx, which was discovered by Jan Hevelius in 1690. The reason for this name is the infinite number of small stars that it consists of, and only the keen vision of a lynx will help you see them all.

The size of the lynx depends on the species. On average, it can reach from 80 to 100 centimeters in length. An adult male weighs about 30 kg, and females reach about 18 kg. They live up to 14.5 years in wildlife and more than 25 years in captivity. The body of a wild cat is covered with beautiful, thick fur. During the summer, the color of our cat's fur changes. In winter, shedding occurs and the light brown coat turns into grey. Graceful black dots cover the lynx's entire body. A large number of white spots adorn the ears, which end in black tassels. Thanks to them, the lynx has the finest hearing and can hear prey several kilometers away.

Therefore, if you decide to catch a lynx, you are unlikely to succeed! They say that if you cut off the tufts on a lynx's ears, its hearing acuity will decrease significantly. Poaching is one of the reasons for the catastrophic decline in the number of lynx individuals. Unfortunately, the fashion industry does not stand still, and fur is highly valued. Back in the 1950s, long-haired warm fur occupied the first positions in terms of prices and demand at the world's largest auctions. Now this animal is listed in the Red Book and is protected.

To maintain vigilance and speed of movement, a lynx eats about 2 kg of meat per day. The sharpness of the lynx's teeth and claws can be compared to a blade. This shows how easily the cat copes with its prey.

It is a carnivore that usually hunts hares, mice, squirrels and birds. The lynx is an excellent swimmer.

A cat's jump can reach 4m in length.

However, many people mistakenly think that the lynx attacks from the heights of the trees. On the contrary, most often the lynx sits quietly in ambush, creeping up on the victim absolutely silently and unnoticed.

Lynxes do not like foxes and at the first opportunity they try to destroy them, but do not eat the prey, but simply leave it. This is due to the fact that foxes are very cunning and are always in a hurry to feast on someone else’s prey. When a lynx sees a fox nearby, it leaves its prey and waits for the fox to approach it, then attacks.

The lynx is nocturnal, it is a very cautious animal, so it seems almost impossible to stumble upon it in the forest. Lynxes are loners. The animals gather only during the mating season, which occurs in late winter or early spring. Before forming a pair, the animals strongly hit their foreheads until the crunching of their bones is heard.

A female lynx bears offspring for about 70 days and usually gives birth to 2-3 kittens. After about two weeks, kittens become sighted.

The mother takes very good care of her offspring, teaches the cubs various tricks of hunting, prepares them for independent life. Until they are one and a half years old, kittens live with their mother. Thank you for your attention!

The common lynx (Lynx lynx) is an animal belonging to the species of mammals and the genus of lynx, which includes four species. The common lynx belongs to the fairly widespread order Carnivora and the Feline family.

Description and appearance

Today, our planet is inhabited by several species of lynx, which differ somewhat in size, skin color and distribution area. Currently, the lynx is the northernmost species of all the felines..

This is interesting! The image of a lynx has found quite wide use in heraldry, so this symbol is often found on the flags and coats of arms of various cities, including Gomel and Ust-Kubinsk in the Vologda region.


A short and dense body is characteristic of all lynxes, regardless of the species. The ears have long and well-defined tufts of hair. The tail is quite short, with a very characteristic, “chopped off” part. Head small sizes, pronounced round shape. Elongated hair is located in large quantities on the sides of the muzzle, and forms very peculiar “whiskers”. The muzzle is shortened, with wide eyes and round pupils. Paws are large in size, with good pubescence in winter.

This is interesting! With the onset of winter, the lower part of the lynx's paws becomes long and quite thick hair, thanks to which the animal can move even through very deep and relatively loose snow, like on skis.

Lynx sizes

The average body length of an adult lynx can vary between 80-130cm. The height of the animal at the withers reaches 65-70cm. As a rule, an adult and well-formed lynx is similar in size to a fairly large, massive dog. The weight of an adult male lynx varies between 18-25 kg, but some males are capable of reaching a weight of 28-30 kg, and females most often weigh no more than 18-20 kg.

Skin color

The coloring of lynx fur today is very variable, and can be represented by many types of colors and shades, which directly depend on the geography of the habitat of the individuals. The color can vary from reddish-brown to fawn-smoky tones, with less or more pronounced spotting on the back and paws, as well as on the sides of the animal.

On the belly of the lynx, the hair is quite long and soft, silky, but not thick, and almost always pure white with sparse, relatively noticeable specks. IN southern regions individuals have a more pronounced red coloration, and also have relatively short and dense hair. The predatory animal sheds in spring and autumn.


The average lifespan of a common lynx in natural conditions is about fifteen or seventeen years. In Europe and in the Siberian taiga, the main enemies that significantly reduce the lynx population are wolves.

In captivity, including zoos and nurseries, such predatory individuals can live for a quarter of a century or a little more.

Lifestyle of the common lynx

Along with most other species of predatory animals, the common lynx prefers to lead a nocturnal or so-called twilight lifestyle. This is a solitary predator, but the female and her cubs live together for several months.

This is interesting! Lynxes go out in search of their prey after it begins to get dark. The tassels located on the ears of the predator serve as a kind of device that makes it easier to detect prey.

In addition to hunting with the so-called stealth, lynxes are able to wait for their prey in ambush. This predatory animal often lies in wait for its prey near hare trails, as well as near the main watering hole for ungulates.

Where does the lynx live, its range

Lynxes prefer to inhabit dense dark coniferous forests and taiga, but sometimes they can enter forest-steppe or forest-tundra. The animal can easily climb not only trees, but also rocks, and can also swim very well.

Thanks to its abundant fur, the lynx has perfectly adapted to life in the snow in the Arctic Circle. Spots on the coat make the lynx almost invisible in daytime hours among the glare of the sun that falls on the ground, and also camouflages the animal very well among trees and bushes.

Food and prey

Common lynxes hunt, in most cases, hares. If possible, the animal is capable of attacking medium-sized ungulates, including roe deer, musk deer and wapiti, as well as young wild boars. Lynxes often catch squirrels and martens, and also eat hazel grouse, wood grouse and black grouse.

In search of food, lynxes are able to walk about thirty kilometers within a day, and in very hungry years, the predator often approaches a person’s home, where domestic or stray cats and dogs, and small livestock become its prey. Uneaten prey is buried in the snow or ground.

This is interesting! This one is well known unusual fact, like the unmotivated aggression of lynxes towards foxes. The predator tries to kill the fox at the first opportunity, but the lynx never eats this meat.

Reproduction and offspring

The common lynx is a predator leading a solitary lifestyle. The lynx rut begins in March. During this period, predators emit very characteristic loud screams, and also purr or meow loudly. At the rutting stage, each female is accompanied by several males, fiercely fighting with each other. Educated married couples perform a kind of greeting ritual, and affection is expressed by licking each other's fur.

This is interesting! The female's gestation period varies between 64-70 days. One litter usually consists of a pair of kittens, but sometimes their number can reach five. The born lynx cubs are blind and deaf, so the female initially hides them in a den, which is located under the roots of fallen trees, in deep holes or earthen caves. Also, some females sometimes make a den in low-lying hollows or in large rocky crevices.

The average weight of a newborn kitten, as a rule, does not exceed 250-300 grams. The baby lynx's eyes open only on the twelfth day. Until about a month, the female feeds her cubs exclusively with milk, after which gradual feeding of solid protein foods begins. The upbringing of born kittens is carried out by both parents, who not only protect their offspring, but also teach them how to get food for themselves and hide from enemies. Sexual maturity in females occurs closer to two years, and in males several months later.

Lynx is the most major representative felines inhabiting the forests of Europe. There are several species: common (Eurasian), Canadian, red, Iberian (Spanish) and Barbary lynx (caracal). This predatory forest cat does not look like its fellows and stands out among all others in its body structure.


The appearance of this cat is very deceptive, as the lynx looks completely harmless and cute, but in fact, it is a predator with sharp claws and teeth.

Unlike other representatives of the cat family, the lynx has a short body and long legs. The hind legs are longer with 4 toes, the front legs have 5 toes.

Males are slightly larger than females. The body is short and dense with a short, blunt tail (15-25 cm). The average body length is from 80 to 130 cm. The weight of lynx rarely exceeds 25 kg, males weigh on average 19-20 kg, and females about 18 kg.

The head is small, rounded with pointed ears of medium size. Distinctive sign are fluffy tassels at the ends of the ears. The muzzle is short with large, widely spaced eyes. Long hair grows on the sides of the muzzle, reminiscent of whiskers.

The lynx has very soft fur with a thick undercoat. The fur on the belly is longer. The wide paws are densely overgrown, hair grows even between the toes, which creates a kind of skis and allows it to easily walk on the snow.

The common lynx sheds twice a year - in spring and autumn. Winter hair is thicker and fluffier, lighter than summer hair. What color a lynx is depends on the species and habitat. Usually the fur is grayish-red in color, with dark spots expressed to varying degrees on the sides and back. There are smaller spots on the legs and chest. The belly is white and the tip of the tail is black.


Habitat: forests of Eurasia and North America. This wild cat can be found even beyond the Arctic Circle.

Previously, this predator was distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Central and Western Europe. But by the middle of the twentieth century, the number began to decline rapidly due to uncontrolled shooting and deforestation.

Now this wild cat lives in Russia, the Balkan Peninsula, Germany, Poland, Scandinavia, France, Switzerland, Central Asia and Transcaucasia. In some countries, to preserve the population, the lynx had to be reintroduced.

IN THE USA greatest number These animals live in the southeast, with smaller populations spread from Mexico to Southern Canada. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the common lynx was settled in Kamchatka.

Where does the lynx live? Favorite places are taiga, coniferous and mixed forests. Sometimes it also settles in the forest-tundra or other places with low vegetation, among bushes or reeds. But most often the lynx chooses habitats in thickets of young animals or dense forests, where they can find a secluded place for a den.

Lifestyle and habits

The lynx leads a solitary and sedentary life, moving around its territory. This wild cat is an excellent swimmer and climbs trees and rocks. She is not afraid of people, but tries to avoid meeting them; she senses their approach from afar and tries to hide silently. In winter, a lynx can walk 20-30 km in a day in search of prey. In times of famine, the predator can visit populated areas, where chickens, dogs and even sheep can become its prey.

The European lynx is not adapted to long running, so if threatened, the animal flees to the trees.

The greeting ritual of these cats is very interesting. When meeting, friendly individuals sniff each other's noses and then “butt” their foreheads. A sign of the highest affection is mutual licking of fur.

The predator can rest almost the entire daylight hours in the trees or spend it in its lair, which it makes in secluded places, among windbreaks, in rock crevices or caves, low hollows or under upturned tree roots.

The European lynx hunts, as a rule, in the early morning, under the cover of darkness. Only the Canadian lynx goes hunting during the day. Having tracked the prey, the predator sneaks up on it and, in several long jumps (2-3 meters), overtakes the victim.

Often a fox or wolverine follows on the heels of a lynx, hoping to profit from its prey. Wolverine can also take away prey by attacking a lynx and driving it away. But the forest cat does not stand on ceremony with a fox. If they encounter each other in a lynx's territory, the wild cat will most likely kill the fox. She will not eat a fox; food competition causes aggression towards foxes.


The main food is hares, birds, rodents and young ungulates.

For good nutrition adult 1-3 kg of meat is required per day; if a predator has not eaten for a while and is hungry, it can eat 4-5 kg ​​at once. If the lynx is not hungry, it prefers not to waste its energy and does not go hunting.

This wild cat hides the remains of its prey in the snow or covers it with earth. But it camouflages its reserves extremely ineptly, which is why other predators often steal its supplies.


The lynx's rut ​​lasts from February to March. The female is courted by several males at once, who constantly fight among themselves, making loud sounds that carry over long distances.

Pregnancy lasts about two months and offspring appear in April-May. There are usually 2-3 kittens in a litter and much less often 4 or 5. Newborn lynx cubs weigh about 300 g, like all cats, they are born blind and open their eyes at about two weeks of age.

The male does not take part in raising the cubs. The female feeds the kittens with milk for up to two months, then begins to accustom them to animal food. Often the mother brings live hares or rodents to the kittens so that the young lynxes develop hunting skills. Lynx cubs and their mother go on their first hunt after they are five months old.

Tanks and tassels in young individuals are fully formed by 1.5 years.

By the beginning of the next rut, the female drives the cubs away to continue breeding. If she does not have a new litter, the lynx cubs live with their mother for some time.

In the wild, the life expectancy of this cat is 15-20 years, and in captivity, with good care they can live more than 25 years.

Lynx hunting

The lynx is listed as an endangered species in the Red Book, therefore in Russia a shooting limit and hunting periods have been established. They hunt lynx during a thaw, in deep snow, usually by rounding up, with dogs or by setting traps.

The lynx can be called conditionally dangerous for humans, since it avoids meeting him. An animal can attack a person only in defense of its own life or the life of its cubs.

There are many stories about the taming of the lynx by humans and their peaceful coexistence.


See below - documentary about the life of a lynx in the wild.

And about the tamed one: