Beaufort scale - a conventional scale that allows you to visually assess the approximate strength of the wind by its effect on ground objects or by waves at sea. Developed by the English admiral and hydrographer Francis Beaufort. Francis Beaufort) in 1806.

Since 1874, it has been officially adopted for use in international synoptic practice. Since 1926, the Beaufort scale has been supplemented by the wind force in meters per second at a height of 10 meters from the surface. In the USA, in addition to the international 12-point scale, since 1955 a scale expanded to 17 points has been used, used for more accurate gradation of hurricane winds.

Wind strength and average speed Verbal definition Manifestation on land Manifestation at sea Approximate wave height, m Visual manifestation
Beaufort points meters per second kilometers per hour nodes
0 0-0,2 0,0-0,7 0-1 Calm The smoke rises vertically or almost vertically, the leaves of the trees are motionless. Mirror-smooth water surface. 0
1 0,3-1,5 1,1-5,4 1-3 Quiet wind The smoke deviates from the vertical direction, the weather vane does not rotate or turn Light ripples in the sea, no foam on the crests of the waves. 0,1

2 1,6-3,3 5,8-11,9 4-6 Light breeze The movement of the wind is felt by the face, the leaves rustle, the movement of the weather vane is observed Short waves with a glassy crest, do not capsize when moving. 0,3

3 3,4-5,4 12,2-19,4 7-10 Light wind Flags and leaves sway. Short waves with clearly defined boundaries, wave crests form foam when overturning, and whitecaps appear on some waves. 0,6

4 5,5-7,9 19,8-28,4 11-16 Moderate wind The wind raises dust and light debris. Leaves and thin branches are constantly in motion. The waves are elongated, light lambs appear everywhere 1,5

5 8,0-10,7 28,8-38,5 17-21 Fresh breeze Branches and thin tree trunks sway, bushes sway. The wind can be felt by hand. Not very large waves, whitecaps are visible everywhere. 2,0

6 10,8-13,8 38,9-49,7 22-27 Strong wind Thin branches bend, thick tree branches sway, the wind hums in the wires. Waves are visible across the entire surface, with splashes falling from their foamy crests. Sailing in light boats is not safe. 3,0

7 13,9-17,1 50,1-61,6 28-33 strong wind The trunks and thick branches of the trees sway. It is difficult to go against the wind. The waves pile up, the crests break off, and are covered with foam. Sailing on light motor boats is not possible. 4,5

8 17,2-20,7 61,9-74,5 34-40 Very strong wind The wind breaks dry tree branches, it is very difficult to walk against the wind, it is impossible to talk without screaming. High long waves with splashes. Rows of foam lie in the direction of the wind. 5,5

9 20,8-24,4 74,9-87,8 41-47 Storm They bend and break big trees, light roofing is torn off roofs. High waves with rows of foam. Spray makes visibility difficult. 7,0

10 24,5-28,4 88,2-102,2 48-55 Heavy storm Trees are uprooted and individual buildings are destroyed. It's impossible to go. Very high waves with downturned crests. The surface of the water is covered with foam, small ships disappear from view behind the waves. 9,0

11 28,5-32,6 102,6-117,4 56-63 Fierce Storm Catastrophic destruction of light buildings, uprooting of trees. High waves covered with flakes of white foam. Medium ships disappear from view. 11,5

12 >32,6 >117,4 >63 Hurricane Destruction of stone buildings, complete destruction of vegetation. Loss of visibility due to splashes, the surface of the water is covered with foam. Destruction of light ships. 12,0

Accepted for use in international synoptic practice. It originally did not include wind speed (added in 1926). In 1955, to distinguish between hurricane winds different strengths, The US Weather Bureau expanded the scale to 17 points.

Beaufort points Verbal definition of wind force average speed wind, m/s (km/h) Average wind speed, knots Wind action
0 Calm 0-0,2 (< 1) 0-1 The smoke rises vertically, the leaves of the trees are motionless. Mirror smooth sea
1 Quiet 0,3-1,5 (1-5) 1-3 The smoke deviates from the vertical direction, there are light ripples on the sea, there is no foam on the ridges. Wave height up to 0.1 m
2 Easy 1,6-3,3 (6-11) 3,5-6,4 You can feel the wind on your face, the leaves rustle, the weather vane begins to move, there are short waves at sea with a maximum height of up to 0.3 m
3 Weak 3,4-5,4 (12-19) 6,6-10,1 The leaves and thin branches of the trees are swaying, light flags are swaying, there is a slight disturbance on the water, and occasionally small “lambs” form. Average wave height 0.6 m
4 Moderate 5,5-7,9 (20-28) 10,3-14,4 The wind raises dust and pieces of paper; Thin branches of trees sway, white “lambs” on the sea are visible in many places. Maximum wave height up to 1.5 m
5 Fresh 8,0-10,7 (29-38) 14,6-19,0 Branches and thin tree trunks sway, you can feel the wind with your hand, and white “lambs” are visible on the water. Maximum wave height 2.5 m, average - 2 m
6 Strong 10,8-13,8 (39-49) 19,2-24,1 Thick tree branches sway, thin trees bend, telephone wires hum, umbrellas are difficult to use; white foamy ridges occupy large areas, and water dust is formed. Maximum wave height - up to 4 m, average - 3 m
7 Strong 13,9-17,1 (50-61) 24,3-29,5 Tree trunks sway, large branches bend, it is difficult to walk against the wind, wave crests are torn off by the wind. Maximum wave height up to 5.5 m
8 Very strong 17,2-20,7 (62-74) 29,7-35,4 Thin and dry branches of trees break, it is impossible to speak in the wind, it is very difficult to walk against the wind. Strong seas. Maximum wave height up to 7.5 m, average - 5.5 m
9 Storm 20,8-24,4 (75-88) 35,6-41,8 Large trees are bending, the wind is tearing tiles off the roofs, very rough seas, high waves ( maximum height- 10 m, average - 7 m)
10 Heavy storm 24,5-28,4 (89-102) 42,0-48,8 Rarely happens on land. Significant destruction buildings, the wind knocks down trees and uproots them, the surface of the sea is white with foam, the strong roar of the waves is like blows, very high waves (maximum height - 12.5 m, average - 9 m)
11 Fierce Storm 28,5-32,6 (103-117) 49,0-56,3 It is observed very rarely. Accompanied by destruction over large areas. At sea there are exceptionally high waves (maximum height - up to 16 m, average - 11.5 m), ships small sizes sometimes out of sight
12 Hurricane > 32,6 (> 117) > 56 Serious destruction of capital buildings

see also


  • Description of the Beaufort scale with photographs of the state of the sea surface.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what the “Beaufort scale” is in other dictionaries:

    Modern encyclopedia

    BEAUFORT SCALE, a series of numbers from 0 to 17 corresponding to the strength of the wind, supplemented by a description of the accompanying phenomena on land or sea. The number 0 means a light breeze of less than 1 km/h, in which the column of smoke rises vertically. Number 3... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    See Beaufort Scale. EdwART. Dictionary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010 ... Dictionary of emergency situations

    Beaufort scale- BEAUFORT SCALE, conditional 12 point scale to express the strength (speed) of wind by visual assessment. Widely used in marine navigation. Zero on the Beaufort scale calm (no wind), 4 points moderate wind, 6 points strong wind, 10 points storm... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A conditional 12-point scale proposed by F. Beaufort in 1806 for assessing the strength of the wind by its effect on ground objects and by the state of the sea: 0 calm (calm), 4 moderate wind, 6 strong wind, 10 storm (storm), 12 hurricane... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    beaufort scale- a conditional scale for assessing the strength of the wind in points based on its effect on land objects and on the state of the sea: 0 calm (calm wind), 4 moderate wind, 6 strong wind, 10 storm (strong storm), 12 hurricane... Marine Biographical Dictionary

    Conventional designation, proposed by Beaufort, of wind force points, determined visually by its various manifestations. B. sh. has 12 points, the following values ​​are assigned to the eye: 0 calm, smoke rises vertically, tree leaves are motionless; 1 … Technical railway dictionary

    A conditional 12-point scale proposed by F. Beaufort in 1806 for assessing the strength of the wind by its effect on land objects and by sea state: 0 calm (calm), 4 moderate wind, 6 strong wind, 10 storm (storm), 12 hurricane. * * *… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Conditional scale for visual assessment wind strength (speed) in points based on its effect on ground objects or on sea waves. It was developed by the English admiral F. Beaufort in 1806 and at first was used only by him. In 1874... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Beaufort scale- (Beafort Scale)Beafort Scale, a scale for determining wind strength in points from 0 (calm) to 12 (hurricane). Named after its author, the English admiral Sir Francis Beaufort (1774-1857) ... Countries of the world. Dictionary

Wind– this is horizontal movement (air flow parallel to earth's surface), resulting from uneven distribution of heat and atmospheric pressure and directed from the zone high pressure to the low pressure zone

Wind is characterized by speed (strength) and direction. Direction is determined by the sides of the horizon from which it blows, and is measured in degrees. Wind speed measured in meters per second and kilometers per hour. Wind strength is measured in points.

Wind in boots, m/s, km/h

Beaufort scale– a conventional scale for visual assessment and recording of wind force (speed) in points. Initially, it was developed by the English admiral Francis Beaufort in 1806 to determine the strength of the wind by the nature of its manifestation at sea. Since 1874, this classification has been adopted for widespread (on land and at sea) use in international synoptic practice. In subsequent years it changed and was refined (Table 2). A state of complete calm at sea was taken as zero points. Initially, the system was thirteen-point (0-12 bft, on the Beaufort scale). In 1946 the scale was increased to seventeen (0-17). The wind strength on the scale is determined by the interaction of the wind with various items. IN last years, the strength of the wind is most often assessed by speed, measured in meters per second - at the earth's surface, at a height of about 10 m above an open, flat surface.

The table shows Beaufort scale, adopted in 1963 by the World Meteorological Organization. The sea wave scale is nine-point (the parameters are given for a large sea area; in small water areas the waves are less). Descriptions of the action of moving air masses– given “for conditions of the earth’s atmosphere near the earth’s or water surface”, with an air density of about 1.2 kg/m3 and above-zero temperatures. On the planet Mars, for example, the ratios will be different.

Wind strength in Beaufort scale and sea waves

Table 1
Points Verbal designation of wind force Wind speed,
Wind speed

Wind action

on the land

at sea (points, waves, characteristics, height and wavelength)

0 Calm 0-0,2 Less than 1 Complete absence wind. The smoke rises vertically, the leaves of the trees are motionless. 0. No excitement
Mirror smooth sea
1 Quiet 0,3-1,5 2-5 The smoke deviates slightly from the vertical direction, the leaves of the trees are motionless 1. Weak excitement.
There are light ripples on the sea, no foam on the ridges. Wave height is 0.1 m, length - 0.3 m.
2 Easy 1,6-3,3 6-11 You can feel the wind on your face, the leaves rustle faintly at times, the weather vane begins to move, 2. Low excitement
The ridges do not tip over and appear glassy. At sea, short waves are 0.3 m high and 1-2 m long.
3 Weak 3,4-5,4 12-19 Leaves and thin branches of trees with foliage continuously sway, light flags sway. The smoke seems to be licked from the top of the pipe (at a speed of more than 4 m/sec). 3. Slight excitement
Short, well defined waves. The ridges, overturning, form a glassy foam, and occasionally small white lambs are formed. The average wave height is 0.6-1 m, length – 6 m.
4 Moderate 5,5-7,9 20-28 The wind raises dust and pieces of paper. Thin branches of trees sway without leaves. The smoke mixes in the air, losing its shape. This is the best wind for operating a conventional wind generator (with a wind wheel diameter of 3-6 m) 4.Moderate excitement
The waves are elongated, white caps are visible in many places. Wave height is 1-1.5 m, length – 15 m.
Sufficient wind thrust for windsurfing (on a board under sail), with the ability to enter planing mode (with a wind of at least 6-7 m/s)
5 Fresh 8,0-10,7 29-38 Branches and thin tree trunks sway, the wind can be felt by hand. Pulls out big flags. Whistling in my ears. 4. Rough seas
The waves are well developed in length, but not very large; white caps are visible everywhere (in some cases, splashes form). Wave height 1.5-2 m, length – 30 m
6 Strong 10,8-13,8 39-49 Thick tree branches sway, thin trees bend, telegraph wires hum, umbrellas are difficult to use 5. Major disturbance
Large waves begin to form. White foamy ridges occupy large areas. Water dust is formed. Wave height - 2-3 m, length - 50 m
7 Strong 13,9-17,1 50-61 Tree trunks sway, large branches bend, it is difficult to walk against the wind. 6. Strong excitement
The waves pile up, the crests break off, the foam lies in stripes in the wind. Wave height up to 3-5 m, length – 70 m
8 Very
17,2-20,7 62-74 Thin and dry branches of trees break, it is impossible to speak in the wind, it is very difficult to walk against the wind. 7. Very strong excitement
Moderately high, long waves. Spray begins to fly up along the edges of the ridges. Strips of foam lie in rows in the direction of the wind. Wave height 5-7 m, length – 100 m
9 Storm 20,8-24,4 75-88 Big trees bend, big branches break. The wind tears tiles off the roofs 8.Very strong excitement
High waves. The foam falls in wide dense stripes in the wind. The crests of the waves begin to capsize and crumble into spray, which impairs visibility. Wave height - 7-8 m, length - 150 m
10 Strong
24,5-28,4 89-102 Rarely happens on land. Significant destruction of buildings, wind knocks down trees and uproots them 8.Very strong excitement
Very high waves with long, downward-curving crests. The resulting foam is blown away by the wind in large flakes in the form of thick white stripes. The surface of the sea is white with foam. The strong roar of the waves is like blows. Visibility is poor. Height - 8-11 m, length - 200 m
11 Cruel
28,5-32,6 103-117 It is observed very rarely. Accompanied by great destruction over large areas. 9. Exceptionally high waves.
Small and medium-sized vessels are sometimes hidden from view. The sea is all covered with long white flakes of foam, located in the wind. The edges of the waves are blown into foam everywhere. Visibility is poor. Height - 11m, length 250m
12 Hurricane >32,6 >117 Devastating destruction. Individual wind gusts reach speeds of 50-60 m.s. Hurricane may happen before severe thunderstorm 9. Exceptional excitement
The air is filled with foam and spray. The sea is all covered with stripes of foam. Very poor visibility. Wave height >11m, length – 300m.

To make it easier to remember(compiled by: website author)

3 – Weak – 5 m/s (~20 km/h) – leaves and thin tree branches sway continuously
5 – Fresh – 10 m/s (~35 km/h) – pulls out large flags, whistles in ears
7 – Strong – 15 m/s (~55 km/h) – telegraph wires are humming, it’s difficult to go against the wind
9 – Storm – 25 m/s (90 km/h) – wind knocks down trees, destroys buildings

* The length of the wind wave on the surface of water bodies (rivers, seas, etc.) is the shortest horizontal distance between the tops of adjacent ridges.


Breeze– weak onshore wind, with force up to 4 points.

Normal wind- acceptable, optimal for something. For example, for sports windsurfing, you need sufficient wind thrust (at least 6-7 meters per second), and for parachute jumping, on the contrary, it is better to have calm weather (excluding lateral drift, strong gusts near the earth's surface and dragging of the canopy after landing).

Storm is called a long-lasting and stormy, up to a hurricane, wind with a force greater than 9 points (gradation on the Beaufort scale), accompanied by destruction on land and strong waves at sea (storm). Storms are: 1) squalls; 2) dusty (sandy); 3) dust-free; 4) snowy. Squalls begin suddenly and end just as quickly. Their actions are characterized by enormous destructive power (such wind destroys buildings and uproots trees). These storms are possible everywhere in the European part of Russia, both at sea and on land. In Russia, the northern border of the distribution of dust storms passes through Saratov, Samara, Ufa, Orenburg and the Altai mountains. Snow storms of great force occur on the plains of the European part and in the steppe part of Siberia. Storms are usually caused by the passage of an active atmospheric front, deep cyclone or tornado.

Squall– a strong and sharp gust of wind (Peak gusts) with a speed of 12 m/sec and above, usually accompanied by a thunderstorm. At a speed of more than 18-20 meters per second, gusty wind demolishes poorly secured structures, signs, and can break billboards and tree branches, cause power lines to break, which creates a danger for people and cars nearby. Gusty, squally wind occurs during the passage of an atmospheric front and with a rapid change in pressure in the baric system.

Vortex– an atmospheric formation with rotational movement of air around a vertical or inclined axis.

Hurricane(typhoon) is a wind of destructive force and considerable duration, the speed of which exceeds 120 km/h. A hurricane “lives,” that is, moves, usually for 9–12 days. Forecasters give it a name. The hurricane destroys buildings, uproots trees, demolishes light structures, breaks wires, and damages bridges and roads. By destructive force it can be compared to an earthquake. The homeland of hurricanes is the ocean, closer to the equator. Cyclones saturated with water vapor move from here to the west, more and more twisting and increasing speed. The diameters of these giant vortices are several hundred kilometers. Hurricanes are most active in August and September.
In Russia, hurricanes most often occur in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Chukotka, and the Kuril Islands.

Tornadoes– these are vertical vortices; squalls are often horizontal, part of the structure of cyclones.

The word "smerch" is Russian, and comes from the semantic concept of "twilight", that is, a gloomy, stormy situation. A tornado is a giant rotating funnel, inside of which there is low pressure, and any objects that are in the path of the tornado's movement are sucked into this funnel. As he approaches, a deafening roar is heard. A tornado moves above the ground at an average speed of 50–60 km/h. Tornadoes are short-lived. Some of them “live” for seconds or minutes, and only a few – up to half an hour.

On the North American continent, a tornado is called tornado, and in Europe – thrombus. A tornado can lift a car into the air, uproot trees, bend a bridge, and destroy the upper floors of buildings.

The Guinness Book of Records includes the tornado in Bangladesh, observed in 1989, as the most terrible and destructive in the entire history of observations. Despite the fact that residents of the city of Shaturia were warned in advance about the approach of the tornado, 1,300 people became its victims.

In Russia, tornadoes occur more often in the summer months, in the Urals, Black Sea coast, in the Volga region and Siberia.

Forecasters classify hurricanes, storms and tornadoes as emergency events with a moderate speed of spread, so most often it is possible to issue a storm warning in time. It can be transmitted through civil defense channels: after the sound of sirens " Attention everyone!"You need to listen to local television and radio reports.

Symbols on weather maps for wind-related weather events

In meteorology and hydrometeorology, the direction of the wind (“where it blows from”) is indicated on the map in the form of an arrow, the type of plumage of which shows the average speed of air flow. In air navigation, the name of the direction is the opposite. In navigation on water, the unit of speed (knot) of a ship is taken to be equal to one nautical mile per hour (ten knots correspond to approximately five meters per second).

On a weather map, a long feather of a wind arrow means 5 m/s, a short one - 2.5 m/s, in the shape of a triangular flag - 25 m/s (follows a combination of four long lines and 1 short one). In the example shown in the figure, there is a wind of 7-8 m/s. If the wind direction is unstable, a cross is placed at the end of the arrow.

The picture shows the symbols of wind direction and speed used on weather maps, as well as an example of applying icons and fragments from a hundred-cell matrix of weather symbols (for example, drifting snow and a snowstorm, when there is a rise and redistribution in ground layer air of previously fallen snow).

These symbols can be seen on the synoptic map of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia (, compiled as a result of analysis of current data for the territory of Europe and Asia, which schematically shows the boundaries of warm and cold zones atmospheric fronts and the directions of their movements along the earth's surface.

What to do if there is a storm warning?

1. Close and secure all doors and windows tightly. Apply strips of plaster crosswise to the glass (to prevent fragments from scattering).

2. Prepare a supply of water and food, medicine, a flashlight, candles, a kerosene lamp, a battery-powered receiver, documents and money.

3. Turn off gas and electricity.

4. Remove items from balconies (yards) that could be blown away by the wind.

5. Move from light buildings to stronger ones or civil defense shelters.

6. In a village house, move to the most spacious and durable part of it, and best of all, to the basement.

8. If you have a car, try to drive as far as possible from the epicenter of the hurricane.

Children from kindergartens and schools must be sent home in advance. If a storm warning arrives too late, children should be placed in basements or central areas of buildings.

It is best to wait out a hurricane, tornado or storm in a shelter, a previously prepared shelter, or at least in a basement. However, often, a storm warning is given only a few minutes before the storm arrives, and during this time it is not always possible to get to shelter.

If you find yourself outside during a hurricane

2. You must not be on bridges, overpasses, overpasses, or in places where flammable and toxic substances are stored.

3. Hide under a bridge, reinforced concrete canopy, in a basement, cellar. You can lie down in a hole or any depression. Protect your eyes, mouth and nose from sand and soil.

4. You cannot climb onto the roof and hide in the attic.

5. If you are driving a car on the plain, stop, but do not leave the car. Close its doors and windows tightly. During a snow storm, cover the radiator side of the engine with something. If the wind is not strong, you can shovel the snow from your car from time to time to avoid being buried under a thick layer of snow.

6. If you are in public transport, leave it immediately and seek shelter.

7. If the elements catch you in an elevated or open place, run (crawl) towards some kind of shelter (rocks, forest) that could dampen the force of the wind, but beware of falling branches and trees.

8. When the wind has died down, do not immediately leave the shelter, as the squall may recur in a few minutes.

9. Stay calm and don’t panic, help the victims.

How to behave after natural disasters

1. When leaving the shelter, look around to see if there are any overhanging objects, parts of structures, or broken wires.

2. Do not light gas or fire, do not turn on electricity until special services check the condition of communications.

3. Don't use the elevator.

4. Do not enter damaged buildings or go near downed electrical wires.

5. The adult population assists the rescuers.


The exact wind speed is determined using a device - an anemometer. If such a device does not exist, you can make a homemade wind measuring “Wild board” (Fig. 1), with sufficient measurement accuracy for wind speeds of up to ten meters per second.

Rice. 1. Homemade wind vane board Wilda:
1 – vertical tube (600 mm long) with a welded pointed upper end, 2 – front horizontal rod of the weather vane with a counterweight ball; 3 – weather vane impeller; 4 – upper frame; 5 – horizontal axis of the board hinge; 6 – wind measuring board (weighing 200 g). 7 – lower fixed vertical rod with cardinal direction indicators fixed on it, in eight directions: N – north, S – south, 3 – west, E – east, NW – northwest, NE – northeast, SE – southeast, SW – southwest; No. 1 – No. 8 - wind speed indicator pins.

The weather vane is installed at a height of 6 - 12 meters, above an open, flat surface. Under the weather vane there are arrows indicating the direction of the wind. Above the weather vane, to tube 1 on the horizontal axis 5, a wind measuring board 6 measuring 300x150 mm is hinged to frame 4. Board weight – 200 grams (adjusted using a reference device). Moving back from frame 4 is a segment of an arc attached to it (with a radius of 160 mm) with eight pins, of which four are long (140 mm each) and four are short (100 mm each). The angles at which they are fixed are with the vertical for pin No. 1-0°; No. 2 - 4°; No. 3 - 15.5°; No. 4 - 31°; No. 5 - 45.5°; No. 6 - 58°; No. 7 - 72°; No. 8-80.5°.
Wind speed is determined by measuring the angle of deflection of the board. Having determined the position of the wind measuring board between the pins of the arc, turn to the table. 1, where this position corresponds to a certain wind speed.
The position of the board between the pins gives only a rough idea of ​​the wind speed, especially since the wind strength changes quickly and frequently. The board never remains in any one position for long, but constantly fluctuates within certain limits. By observing the changing slope of this board for 1 minute, its average slope is determined (calculated by averaging the maximum values) and only after that the average minute wind speed is judged. For high wind speeds exceeding 12-15 m/sec, the readings of this device have low accuracy (this limitation is the main drawback of the considered scheme)...


Average wind speed on the Beaufort scale in different years its application

table 2

Point Verbal
Average wind speed (m/s) according to recommendations
Simpson Köppen International Meteorological Committee
1906 1913 1939 1946 1963
0 Calm 0 0 0 0 0
1 Quiet wind 0,8 0,7 1,2 0,8 0,9
2 Light breeze 2,4 3,1 2,6 2,5 2,4
3 Light wind 4,3 4,8 4,3 4,4 4,4
4 Moderate wind 6,7 6,7 6,3 6,7 6,7
5 Fresh breeze 9,4 8,8 8,7 9,4 9,3
6 Strong wind 12,3 10,8 11,3 12,3 12,3
7 strong wind 15,5 12,7 13,9 15,5 15,5
8 Very strong wind 18,9 15,4 16,8 18,9 18,9
9 Storm 22,6 18,0 19,9 22,6 22,6
10 Heavy storm 26,4 21,0 23,4 26,4 26,4
11 Fierce Storm 30,0 27,1 30,6 30,5
12 Hurricane 29,0 33,0 32,7
13 39,0
14 44,0
15 49,0
16 54,0
17 59,0

The Hurricane Scale was developed by Herbert Saffir and Robert Simpson in the early 1920s to measure the potential damage of a hurricane. It is based on numerical values maximum speed wind and includes an assessment storm waves in each of the five categories. In Asian countries, this a natural phenomenon is called a typhoon (translated from Chinese as “great wind”), and in Northern and South America- called a hurricane. At quantification wind flow speed, the following abbreviations apply: km/h / mph– kilometers / miles per hour, m/s- meters per second.

table 3

Tornado scale

The tornado scale (Fujita-Pearson scale) was developed by Theodore Fujita to classify tornadoes by the degree of wind damage caused. Tornadoes are characteristic mainly of North America.

table 4

Category Speed,
F0 64-116 Destroys chimneys, damages tree crowns
F1 117-180 Tears prefabricated (panel) houses from the foundation or overturns them
F2 181-253 Significant destruction. Prefabricated houses are destroyed, trees are uprooted
F3 254-332 Destroys roofs and walls, scatters cars, overturns trucks
F4 333-419 Destroys fortified walls
F5 420-512 Lifts houses and moves them a considerable distance

Glossary of terms:

Leeward side object (protected from the wind by the object itself; area high blood pressure, due to the strong deceleration of the flow) is facing where the wind is blowing. In the picture - on the right. For example, on the water, small ships approach larger ships from their leeward side (where they are protected from waves and wind by the larger ship's hull). “Smoking” factories and enterprises should be located in relation to residential urban areas - on the leeward side (in the direction of the prevailing winds) and separated from these areas by sufficiently wide sanitary protection zones.

Windward side object (hill, sea vessel) - on the side from which the wind blows. On the windward side of the ridges, upward movements of air masses occur, and on the leeward side, a downward airfall occurs. The greatest part of precipitation (in the form of rain and snow), caused by the barrier effect of the mountains, falls on their windward side, and on the leeward side the collapse of colder and drier air begins.

In meteorology, when indicating the direction of the wind, the circle is divided into sixteen parts, according to 16-ray rose of rhumbs(after 22.5 degrees). For example, north-northeast is designated as NNE (the first letter is the main direction to which the bearing is closest). Four main directions: North, East, South, West.

Approximate calculation of dynamic wind pressure on square meter advertising board (perpendicular to the plane of the structure) installed near the roadway. In the example, the maximum storm wind speed expected in a given location is assumed to be 25 meters per second.

Calculations are carried out according to the formula:
P = 1/2 * (air density) * V^2 = 1/2 * 1.2 kg/m3 * 25^2 m/s = 375 N/m2 ~ 38 kilograms per square meter (kgf)

Notice that the pressure increases as the square of the speed. Take into account and include in the construction project sufficient margin of safety, stability (depending on the height of the support post and the critical angles of inclination of each specific pillar), resistance to strong gusts of wind and precipitation, in the form of snow and rain.

At what wind strength are civil aviation flights canceled?

The reason for disruption of flight schedules, delays or cancellations of flights may be storm warnings from weather forecasters at the departure and destination airfields.

The meteorological minimum required for the safe (normal) take-off and landing of an aircraft is the permissible limits for changes in a set of parameters: wind speed and direction, line of sight, condition of the airfield runway and the height of the lower cloud limit. Bad weather, in the form of intense atmospheric precipitation(rain, fog, snow and blizzard), with extensive frontal thunderstorms - can also cause the cancellation of flights from the airport.

The values ​​of meteorological minimums may vary for specific aircraft (according to their types and models) and airports (according to class and the availability of sufficient ground equipment, depending on the characteristics of the terrain surrounding the airfield and the available high mountains), and are also determined by the qualifications and flight experience of the crew pilots and the ship’s commander. The worst minimum is taken into account and for execution.

A flight ban is possible in case of bad weather at the destination airfield, if there are not two alternate airports nearby with acceptable weather conditions.

In strong winds, airplanes take off and land against the air flow (taxiing, for this purpose, to the appropriate runway). In this case, not only safety is ensured, but also the takeoff run distance and landing run distance are significantly reduced. Limitations on the lateral and tailwind components of wind speed, for most modern civil aircraft, are approximately 17-18 and 5 m/s, respectively. The danger of a large roll, drift and turn of an airliner during its takeoff and landing is represented by an unexpected and strong gusty wind (squall). – Roshydromet (Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring environment). Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation. is the new website of the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation. – Watch a video animation with a forecast synoptic weather map - precipitation, dynamics of cyclones and anticyclones for the coming days, showing horizontal movements of isobars (atmospheric pressure isolines) of the calculated weather model. wind/index.htm – For hunters about the effect of wind on the flight of a bullet, a ballistic calculator.

Directory - metropolitan weather stations and statistical data on average monthly values ​​of the main weather parameters (temperature, wind speed, cloudiness, precipitation in the form of rain and snow), days when absolute temperature records were recorded, as well as the coldest and warm years in Moscow and the region.

Https:// – Russian weather from the Meteorological Center.

Https:// – Meteorological network (stations and posts) in the Moscow region. and in neighboring regions (Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kostroma, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tver, Tula and Yaroslavl regions)

Https:// sostojanieZagrOSnedelia.asp – environmental reports on the state of environmental pollution in Moscow (VDNH, Balchug and Tushino weather stations) and the region over the past week.

In 1963, the World Meteorological Organization clarified Beaufort scale and it was adopted to approximate the speed of wind from its effect on objects on land or from waves on the open sea. Average wind speed is indicated at a standard height of 10 meters above an open, level surface.

The smoke (from the captain's pipe) rises vertically, the leaves of the trees are motionless. Mirror smooth sea.

Wind 0 - 0.2m/s

The smoke deviates from the vertical direction, there are slight ripples in the sea, there is no foam on the ridges. Wave height up to 0.1 m.

You can feel the wind on your face, the leaves rustle, the weather vane begins to move, and there are short waves at sea with a maximum height of up to 0.3 m.

Wind 1.6 - 3.3 m/s.

The leaves and thin branches of the trees are swaying, light flags are swaying, there is a slight disturbance on the water, and occasionally small whitecaps form.

Average wave height 0.6 m. Wind 3.4 - 5.4 m/s.

The wind raises dust and pieces of paper; Thin tree branches are swaying, whitecaps on the sea are visible in many places.

Maximum wave height up to 1.5 m. Wind 5.5 - 7.9 m/s.

Branches and thin tree trunks sway, you can feel the wind with your hand, white lambs are visible everywhere.

Maximum wave height 2.5 m, average - 2 m. Wind 8.0 - 10.7 m/s.

In such weather we tried to leave Darlowo across the Baltic Sea. (Poland) against the wave. In 30 minutes only approx. 10km. and got very wet from the splashes. We were returning along the way - very good. funny.

Thick tree branches sway, thin trees bend, telephone wires hum, umbrellas are difficult to use; white foamy ridges occupy large areas, and water dust is formed. The maximum wave height is up to 4m, the average is 3m. Wind 10.8 - 13.8 m/s.

We encountered this kind of weather on boats in front of Rostock. The navigator was afraid to look around, the most valuable things were stuffed into his pockets, the walkie-talkie was tied to his vest. The splashes from the side waves constantly covered us. For a vodka-motor fleet, not to mention a simple motorboat, this is probably the maximum...

Tree trunks sway, large branches bend, it is difficult to walk against the wind, wave crests are torn off by the wind. The maximum wave height is up to 5.5 m. wind 13.9 - 17.1 m/s.

Thin and dry branches of trees break, it is impossible to speak in the wind, it is very difficult to walk against the wind. Strong seas.

Maximum wave height is up to 7.5 m, average - 5.5 m. Wind 17.2 - 20.7 m/s.

Large trees are bending, the wind is tearing tiles off the roofs, very rough seas, high waves. It is observed very rarely. Accompanied by destruction over large areas. The sea has exceptionally high waves (maximum height - up to 16m, average - 11.5m), small vessels are sometimes hidden from view.

Wind 28.5 - 32.6 m/s. Fierce storm.

The sea is all covered with stripes of foam. The air is filled with foam and spray. Visibility is very poor. Complete f...c for small vessels, yachts and other ships - it’s better not to hit them.

Wind 32.7 m/s or more...

Wind speed can be assessed visually by its effect on objects surrounding the observer. In 1805 Francis Beaufort(Francis Beaufort), a sailor of the British Navy, developed a 12-point scale to characterize the strength of the wind at sea. allows you to estimate wind speed without using any instruments. In 1926, land wind speed estimates were added to this scale. To differentiate hurricane winds varying strengths, the US Weather Bureau in 1955 expanded the scale to 17 points.

Today, the 12-point scale is adopted by the World Meteorological Organization for an approximate estimate of wind speed by its effect on ground objects or by waves in the open sea. Average wind speed is indicated at a standard height of 10 meters above an open, level surface. Sea roughness is also characterized by points, but different; the anxiety scale has nine points. The table below compares wave scores with wind scores. The wave parameters are given for open waters; in the coastal zone the waves are less.

Beaufort scale table

Points. Designation. Speed ​​in knots. Signs on the shore Sea surface condition Excitement. Points. Characteristic. Medium waves: height (m)/ period (s)/ length (m)
0. Calm.
The smoke is vertical. Mirror smooth surface. 0. There is no excitement.
1. Quiet.
The smoke barely deviates. Ripple. 1. Weak. The sea is calm. 0,1 / 0,5 / 0,3
2. Lightweight.
The wind is barely felt on your face. The leaves are rustling. Small wave crests appear. 2. Low excitement. 0,2 / 0,6 / 1- 2
3. Weak.
Leaves sway, smoke drifts in the wind. Short waves. Small ridges, overturning, form glassy foam. 3. Slight excitement. 0,6 –1 / 2 / 6
4. Moderate.
Twigs sway, dust rises, waves run across the grass. The waves are moderate and whitecaps are appearing. 4.Moderate excitement. 1-1,5 / 3 / 15
5. Fresh.
You can feel the wind with your hand and shake the branches. Waves with frequent white caps and isolated splashes. 4. Rough sea. 1,5-2 / 5 / 30
6. Strong.
The trees bend, the forest rustles, the grass bends to the ground. The beginning of the formation of a large wave, large foaming crests. 5. Major disturbance. 2-3 / 7 /50
7. Sturdy.
Wires hum, gear whistles, trees bend, it’s difficult to walk against the wind. The waves pile up, the crests break, the foam falls in the wind. 6. Strong excitement. 3-5 / 8 / 70
8. Very strong.
To go against the wind, you have to bend down. Breaks thin branches and twigs. The height and length of the waves are noticeably increased, stripes of foam lie in close rows downwind. 7. Very strong excitement. 5-7 / 10 / 100
9. Storm.
Large trees bend and break branches. The waves are high, the crests capsizing and crumbling into spray. 8.Very strong excitement. 7-8 / 12 / 150
10. Strong storm.
Breaks individual trees. The sea is foamy, water dust and spray are flying, poor visibility. 8.Very strong. 8-11 / 14 / 200
11. Fierce storm.
Significant damage, breaking tree trunks. 9. Exceptional. 11 / 16 / 250
12. Hurricane.
More than 63
Catastrophic destruction. Exceptionally high waves, the sea is covered with flakes of foam, there is no visibility. 9. Exceptional. More than 11 / 18 / 300