In each of the sectors, there is one star of the year - which has a major influence on the lives of people living in this house, and the second star is the star of the month, which enhances the influence of the annual star.

In order to correctly determine the sectors of your home, use ordinary compass or Lopan compass, you should not determine directions by eye, incorrect measurements can lead to unfavorable results.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, first of all you need to neutralize negative stars, and then invite wealth, prosperity, health and love into your home to improve your life. You will learn how to do this using amulets, talismans, and Feng Shui symbols from the following recommendations.

In each of these 9 grids you will find 2 numbers.

The large number indicates the annual star, and the small number indicates the monthly star.

Use a reliable compass to determine your directions or locations. Because the corresponding grid will affect all residents in the house during this month.

Also, if the room you occupy is located in the northern sector (for example), then you will experience the kind of luck indicated by the stars there.

Southeast (1/1)
The combination of the double white star “One” here brings good career and money luck. There will be many new opportunities to excel in scientific, research, artistic, literary and creative fields. To enhance your money luck, place the Fountain in this sector.

To increase your luck in your career, place 3 Victory Flags at your desk, thereby giving you support and support in negotiations.

However, avoid excessive consumption of alcohol as it may cause bad luck. Place a metal windchime with 6 hollow tubes to control the tendency to vice.

South (6/6)
Excellent money heavenly luck brings happiness and unexpected monetary gains! To enhance heavenly luck, use six gold bars and six gold coins in the south of the living room! If your front door is located here, place a Gui Ren board near the entrance to your home to increase the incoming heavenly energy.

Try to spend more time in the south - all this will bring career growth and good luck in business. However, avoid excess Metal energy.

Southwest (8/8)
Fantastic double star combination of Wealth! Brings wonderful money luck, especially favorable for residents of this sector, and who have their front door in the southwest. This combination is good for property accumulation, so it is a great time to invest in real estate.

Spend more time in this sector in November and activate the energies by placing the symbol of the Water Wave and the Ship of Wealth filled with gold bars and diamonds here.

East (9/9)
Two magnificent stars of Prosperity! This month will bring glory and fame to everyone who lives in the East. This combination can bring advancement up the career ladder, as well as profitable employment. Place a couple of Mandarin Ducks in this sector to enhance romantic luck.

Be careful with fire - there may be a fire hazard. To harmonize the fire element, use crystals.

Center (2/2)
Monthly star disease can cause severe stomach upset and abdominal pain. Place a jeweled Garuda figurine here to counter Yin energy. Pregnant women should avoid this sector as there is a risk of miscarriage and abdominal problems. Avoid this part of your home this month if your bedroom is here.

Serious injuries can result from accidents. Obey the speed limit and be careful while driving. Hang the Anti-theft keychain (elephant and rhinoceros) on your car keys to protect yourself from any accident.

West (4/4)
Residents of this sector will enjoy romantic luck, as the energies of the stars will make you very attractive to the opposite sex. If you are looking for love, activate this sector with the help of the Dragon and Phoenix figurine, and also carry the Double Happiness symbol with you. But be careful not to put too much water here, as this may lead to a sex scandal caused by the presence of a third party.

Writers and students will have great luck. To enhance academic luck, place a crystal globe on your desk.

Northeast (5/5)
A very negative and dangerous combination of the annual Five and the monthly star! There may even be a threat to life, especially for male family members. For protection, carry keychains with Kalachakra pagodas or stupas with you; place the Kalachakra Stupa in the northeastern sector.

Be extremely careful on the road - there is a high risk of fatal accidents. For added protection, hang bells made from six metal tubes here. Don't disturb this sector with hype and your presence. Practice mantras.

North (7/7)
This is the combination of two stars of violence, making them twice as powerful and dangerous. The combination brings double misfortune, increased violence, robbery and even death. Young women should be extremely careful! Those who live in houses facing north or in a bedroom in the north should avoid overwork and be very careful when working with Metal objects.

For protection, place a pair of blue rhinos here and keep this sector well lit. Possible problems with the ears. Wear protective amulets with mantras.

North West (3/3)
An extremely tense month of strife and conflict, especially for the Patriarch. Minor disagreements can escalate into major troubles that can lead to legal problems. Keep the sector quiet. Don't play music or watch TV in the northwest. For protection, use red lights as well as red mats.

A double star of conflict can indicate a violent struggle - so a sword will serve as reliable protection. There is a danger of becoming a victim of gossip, slander or slander. Place the Vairokana stupa in order to dissolve absolutely all negative energy, as well as protect yourself from violence, scandals, diseases and other unpleasant turns of fate.

Workshop “Basics of Feng Shui”

Flying Stars Forecast for November 2016 by house sector

Consider these forecasts for sectors of the house, provided that you often spend time in one sector or another. For example, sleep or work. Or the front door is located in this place. If you don’t spend much time in the sector, or there are rarely used rooms, storage rooms or bathrooms there, then the energies of the sectors do not affect you.


The northern sector in November will bring gossip and quarrels. There is also a possibility of theft and cuts from sharp metal objects. For protection, you can place a vessel with salt water in the sector.


The Southwest brings strong monetary energy! Stay here more often, work, and then your income this month will increase. Money energy will also be enhanced by an active moving object - a mobile or a fountain.


The south in November is good for a career, promotion, and gaining status. If these are your goals, then spend time here more often.


The East is excellent. Frequent stays in the Eastern sector contribute to income growth and the acquisition of interesting and useful contacts. Especially good for sellers or intermediaries. You can also place an active moving object in the sector - a mobile or a fountain.

Workshop “Basics of Feng Shui”


The Northeast is especially unfavorable this month. Try to stay here as little as possible. If you often have to spend time in the North-East, then a special Feng Shui remedy - “Water, Salt, Coins” will partially help as protection.


The West brings romantic energy in November. If you are looking for love adventures, you can sleep in the western sector this month or be here more often. You can also place live plants on a favorable day and time. But don't let passions win over reason!


In the North-West there is energy of quarrels and conflicts. People who frequently use North-West will exhibit aggressive behavior, anger, and short temper. To weaken aggressive energy, you can place a small red object.


Southeast is very good. Especially for study and education. Those who earn with the help of their mind and intellect can receive an increase in income. For them, this month the Southeast will be a true “money sector”!

Unfavorable for repairs in November 2016

In November 2016, it is unfavorable to make repairs in the sectors: North-East, South-East-2,3, South, South-West, West, North-West-1,2

From the point of view of Feng Shui, repair is considered to be violating the integrity of the walls, drilling, slotting, driving in nails and other work that causes vibration of the walls. Painting or whitewashing walls and wallpapering can be done without taking into account unfavorable sectors.

Friends, may you always be blessed and protected by heaven!

Natalya Pravdina is a leading expert in the field of feng shui in the CIS. Her forecast for November will help you succeed in all areas of life and find luck where other people cannot.

Feng Shui is an Eastern philosophy that is based on inner harmony and harmony with the surrounding world. You can also achieve it through audio meditation. Music and the sounds of nature will help you come to terms with yourself. The forecast itself will give you an accurate guideline and useful tips about where to look for Fortune and how to interact correctly with other people.

November is ruled by the element of Earth and the patron of the Pig, which can encourage people to great sacrifices for the sake of friends, loved ones and soul mates. This period of time will be very peaceful and friendly, and minor quarrels are likely, but not dangerous. Life may seem calm and carefree - don't be afraid to lose this feeling of calm, because it will most likely be with you throughout this period.

Finance and career this November

Deception on the part of people around you is unlikely, so you shouldn’t wait for a trick - this will only waste your nerves. Trust people more so they can trust you. This will have a good effect on the efficiency of your work, on business, on career advancement and on the performance of duties.

On the other hand, the Pig is very trusting, which opponents can take advantage of. It can negatively affect people who are already guilty of excessive gullibility. In this case, you need to be as careful as possible with those who are not close to you.

This period of time will be good for interviews, meetings and any important business negotiations. A diplomatic approach can save you from fiasco and give you incredible luck. People will value qualities such as mutual understanding and compliance.

IN financially The pig will create favorable conditions for work and for spending money. It is better to make expensive acquisitions this November, because the earthly Pig will not let you lose your head and vigilance. Eastern folk wisdom, and along with it our expert, say that you should beware of excessive gullibility, authority and vanity. It is important to remember that the Pig loves to control people and feel powerful. Blind movement towards power can bring a lot of troubles. Be content with what you have and make only informed decisions.

Love and relationships

Mutual respect is what will become the main assistant in building the right relationships filled with love and mutual understanding. Learn to put yourself in the shoes of your lover or lover. The pig respects himself, so he does not allow himself to behave “like a pig” with those who are dear to him. Responsiveness will help you reach the one you like, because only with kindness can you earn kindness and love in November.

To successfully build pleasant relationships with people, the Universe will require tolerance from people. Aggression must be completely justified. It is possible and sometimes even necessary to say something harsh, but only after you fully understand possible consequences. Think more often about pleasant things, about how you become happy. Thoughts are material - November 2016 can prove this to you.

Those who are in search of a soul mate will be lucky, as it will be much easier to impress a person of the opposite sex. The energy of November will be high and favorable, which will help you successfully plan a romantic date.

Marriage proposals are more likely to meet with the approval of the other half. Joint planning of a wedding, vacation or business will also be very productive during this period of time.

Health and beauty

During the time patronized by the Pig, in Feng Shui it is customary to pay more attention to self-care. As mentioned above, single people in November 2016 have a greater chance of impressing the opposite sex. Both men and women can be lucky, but you should be concerned about external attractiveness.

The mood promises to be stable. The Pig usually does not suffer from mood swings, so it will be possible to do difficult and nervous things. Beware of lack of sleep and shifting your sleep time, because this way fatigue can overtake you. According to Feng Shui forecast, problems can await those who are very tired, so rest in a timely and effective manner.

You can eat the way you want, but the Pig will help you give up something important to you. This can be used to start a diet or quit junk food. Here the choice will depend entirely on you, and without negative consequences.

The teaching of Feng Shui is over 3000 years old. It began to emerge simultaneously with such a religion as Buddhism, adopting all the best from it. Three paths to happiness from the Dalai Lama, the main inspirer of this religion, will help you get on the right path and get rid of your daily problems psychological problems. Natalya Pravdina wishes you success in everything. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.10.2016 04:22

Depression is a serious illness that can greatly harm your health and interfere with normal functioning. Natalya Pravdina knows...

On Monday, November 7th, the first month of winter will begin! This is the first good news. The bad thing is that the change of seasons occurs under great tension of energy.

Both the last day of autumn and the first day of winter are the destroyers of their months. This is a conflicting energy that stops things, forces you to give up promises, and changes plans. Therefore, please, neither on November 6th nor on November 7th, do not start new and important things, unless, of course, you are a masochist and do not revel in creating and resolving problems.

But good news more!

Firstly, winter is water. A time when hot bazi cards and cards that need water can come into balance. If you are one of the owners of such cards, then feel free to start realizing your deepest dreams. If you dream of a child and your chart is not enough water, start actively conceiving!

Secondly, in winter the Rest gate becomes very strong. They are also called gates that attract good luck. How nature goes into hibernation to restore strength before the New Year with its greenery, flowers and fruits, so a person in winter gains strength to enter New Year with new plans and tasks.

Third, the month of the Pig is noble for the year of the Fire Monkey. This means that this month you can get help or useful advice, you can count on more wise decisions being made and people behaving more honorably.

The coldness of the month is balanced by the fire of the year. This is very good situation, allowing many processes to go in a constructive direction, creating a lot of useful things. This month, whatever you start will benefit people. If the land of Yin is for you a useful self-expression or a useful god, then the world expects masterpieces from you. And so do we)

Fourthly, It is a great success that activations can be carried out in the western sector in November. As you know, in sector west-2 lives the strongest noble of the year, Tai Yang, or Great Yang, or the Sun. It helps in various needs, attracts useful people, eliminates negativity. West-2 is Rooster Mountain. The Rooster, along with the Pig, is the second noble for the year of the Fire Monkey. In other words, by activating Great Yang in November, you double your luck and increase it tenfold if the Pig and Rooster are your personal nobles.

The Pig has another role - the role of matchmaker. True, only for those who were born in the year of the Dragon or whose lord of the day sits on the Dragon. These people, under other favorable conditions, increase their chances of meeting their soul mate.

There will also be a fly in the ointment. Month of the earthen pig. This means that a handful of earth was thrown into the water and it became cloudy. The Chinese really do not like this Ji Hai, because the quality of the great treasure - water - deteriorates. Of course, later the water will settle and the situation will improve, but time and effort will be wasted. Therefore, take into account this rule in November - do not act rashly, on impulse. Let your passions subside and your mind clear. And when the dregs settle, then begin to act.

Another feature is . Those who have a pig in their bazi chart or luck bars may regret some of their actions. (Which ones specifically depend on the card itself: where the pig stands, what kind of deity it is, and so on). Also, a touch of annoyance can overtake you if you do important things on November 13 (especially November 13!) and November 25. Be careful about your actions on this day!

Feng Shui forecast

Traditionally, we use a map of flying stars for forecasting. In the month of the Pig, everything is simple: fu yin of the stars. The stars duplicate each other. A brother comes to everyone. If you were alone, and now there are two of you, then this speaks not only of your strengthening, but also of the fact that you need to feed your brother and share shelter with him. What I mean is that this month it will be very difficult to win in disputes and litigation, especially if you go to court in November and you are scheduled for a hearing in November too.

The most dangerous sector is northeast. The best sectors are east, southeast, south and southwest. They all bring money and promotion, only different ways and in different areas.

East– this is mediation and connections with abroad.

Southeast– intellectual work, earning money with your mind. That’s why I wanted to teach a course on Qi Men)) I’m preparing an announcement of an updated, improved course with a practical focus. You will all become Qi Men's guru. Follow the newsletter!

South– promotion up the career ladder, a good relationship with the authorities.

Southwest– money, a lot of money, but earned through hard work.

On west will want to learn.

On northwest conflicts and quarrels are possible. On north The energy of robbery and metaphysical knowledge is strong.

Spend more time in good sectors, fortunately there are four of them and plus the educational West, that is, 5. I think it is possible to exclude 3 bad sectors from your life for a month. And it’s not at all difficult to install protective equipment in them.

On northeast Be sure to use the salt-water-coins solution if you have an entrance to an apartment or room there.

On north place three bamboo shoots in water.

On northwest put a book with a red cover or a red napkin.

Do not drill or tap in the areas marked any color on the plan. You can turn on the activator for an hour and a half, but not in the northeast.

Try not to travel on the axis northeast – southwest. If you need to travel, keep an eye on your laptop phones, money and documents so that they are not stolen or that you accidentally forget them somewhere. Plan your trips around Qi Men on good days too.

Forecast for Qi Men Dun Jia

The layout of Qi Men Dun Jia - the Chinese oracle - speaks of the instability and changeability of the situation. Today he is master, and tomorrow he is gone. Changes associated with risk. Changes that will obey someone who knows how to wait and analyze. Remember about G? It's about the same thing. The map requires meaningful actions with a cool head. By the way, those born in years ending in 1 and 6, as well as in 2014 and 1954, will be especially lucky. If you know someone like that, stick with them this month. For example, for me) By the way, I almost finished writing an article on this matter. It’s called “Phenomena of Luck” and will appear on the website soon.

Have a great month everyone, success and happiness!

Irina Makovetskaya,

Consultant at the International Feng Shui Forum

April 2018 is the month of the Fire Dragon according to the Chinese solar calendar.

Natural images of the Fire Dragon - the sun over a mountain range, illuminating with its rays. The Fire Dragon combines the qualities of Fire and Earth - he looks optimistic, joyful, and on the surface everything is fine with him. But at the same time it can hide unexpected secrets and secrets.

The Dragon opposes the annual energy of the Dog. This can mean a lot of instability and turmoil associated with the earth element. Shocks can be both figurative and literally. The earth is destroyed and the released energy can come to the surface. If you have a Dragon or a Dog in your birth chart, this month could be a time of rethinking. life values and the beginning of change. Moreover, changes can begin regardless of your desire.

If the elements of Fire and Earth are beneficial to your BaZi chart, then this month can bring you good luck.

For those born on the day of the Pig, the Dragon is the Wizard of Love, who will enhance sensuality, sexuality and provide special attractiveness for the whole month.

Luck in love can be further enhanced auspicious walks

You can see which animals and elements are in your pillars of destiny using the Bazi online calculator.

Earth period

WITH April 18 to May 5 The "Earth Period" will pass. At this time, the energy of the Earth element is very strong. This brings stagnation and immobility for all processes. At this time, it is not recommended to start construction work, or open new business. The “Earth Period” is also unfavorable for marriage.


In April undesirable trips to the West due to the presence in this direction of the unfavorable monthly star Five Yellow. In addition, due to the negative annual Yellow Five, travel to the North is not recommended throughout 2018.

This recommendation applies only to long trips and travel. Walking, moving within the city or close surroundings can be done without paying attention to the influence of the unfavorable star Five Yellow.

Favorable dates for April 2018

April 14, 26- Lucky days for any positive deeds. Any action will get a very good start and every chance of success. However, these days are not suitable for starting treatment.

Dates are not suitable for those born in the year of the Horse

April 10, 22- days are good for starting long-term business. The energy of the day is very stable. It is favorable to open a new business, enter into partnership agreements, and get married.

Dates are not suitable for those born in the year of the Monkey

Unfavorable dates

April 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 - these days it is unfavorable to start important things. Difficulties, obstacles, problems are possible.

April 5, 17, 29- days are not suitable for great activity, organizing important events, or starting treatment. But you can use them to complete old tasks.

You can get detailed information about the energies of each day and hour that suit you personally from Personal Calendar of favorable dates

Flying Stars forecast for April 2018 by house sector

Consider these forecasts for sectors of the house, provided that you often spend time in one sector or another. For example, sleep or work. Or is it located in this place? Entrance door. If you don’t spend much time in the sector, or there are rarely used rooms, storage rooms or bathrooms there, then the energies of the sectors do not affect you.


Despite the presence of a good monthly star, the north remains unfavorable throughout the year. If you are often in this sector, then try to rest more and not overwork. It is recommended to stay here less often. You can place a Feng Shui remedy in the sector - “Water, Salt, Coins”


The southwest is unfavorable. People who are often in the southwest may experience headaches and nervousness. Conflicts between superiors and subordinates are also possible. The opportunity to make a profit exists, but your reputation may suffer. To reconcile conflicting energies, you can place objects related to the elements of earth - stones, crystals, ceramics.


The south is also not a very good sector. Staying in the south contributes to frequent quarrels, irritability, and gossip. Which will not have the best effect on relationships. You can place a vessel with calmly standing salt water for a month.


The East is not bad. Promotes learning, mental activity, and obtaining the necessary information. Romantic opportunities may also arise. But don’t flatter yourself - it’s not a fact that they will lead to something good.


Using the northeast can lead to unnecessary workload. Many ideas and aspirations will appear. But most of the features may end up being useless. Don't jump at everything, but think carefully. Otherwise, you may lose more than you gain.


The West is very unfavorable this month! Try to be here less often. To loosen negative energy you can put a Feng Shui remedy - “Water, Salt, Coins”


North West is excellent! Use this sector - if you want to advance through intelligence and smart ideas, strengthen Creative skills, improve romantic luck. For all this, the North West is very good this month!


The Southeast this month brings slowness, delaying all processes. Things will move hard and extremely slowly. Also be careful with your diet - problems with the stomach and digestive organs are possible.

Unfavorable for repairs in April 2018

In April 2018, it is unfavorable to make repairs in the sectors: North, North-West-2, 3, North-East-1,2, West, South, South-West-1,2, South-East

From the point of view of Feng Shui, repair is considered to be violating the integrity of the walls, drilling, slotting, driving in nails and other work that causes vibration of the walls. Painting or whitewashing walls and wallpapering can be done without taking into account unfavorable sectors.

Cash Activations

You can get quick but small money that will arrive in 3-7 days. Or attract more long-term Luck of Prosperity, the effect of which will come in a few weeks.

For monetary activation, you can light an ordinary candle of any size and color in a certain place and at a certain time. After the time has passed, the candle should be extinguished, and then it can be used another time.

Activation location - Northeast

The date is not suitable for those born in the year of the Rat

: You may see a person wearing green clothes, or children crying, or children carrying a metal object.

Activation location - Southwest

The date is not suitable for those born in the year of the Rooster

A sign that the activation worked: You can see a man in yellow clothes. Or hear birds whispering. Or hear the sound of a drum.

If you did not notice the signs, this does not mean that there will be no effect. They are only an additional sign from the surrounding space.

About safety rules when conducting “cash activation”

Sectors for the location of this activation are determined by superimposing the Loshu square on the house plan, that is, by the large 8 palaces.

Bird falling into nest

“A bird falling into its nest” can bring pleasant surprises. Things will work out without much effort. It happens that those problems that have been bothering you for a long time will be solved easily and naturally.

To activate, you need to sit in a certain sector of your home or office and spend two hours in this state. Position yourself as close to the outer wall as possible. The closer to the outer perimeter, the stronger the effect of favorable energy.

You can work at this time, or while sitting still make important calls. Or just relax - watch TV, read a book, meditate, dream, think about what is most cherished and desired.

April 5 at the hour of the Dog(solar time 19:00-21:00) it will be useful to spend time in Southeast parts of a home or office.

April 27 at the hour of the Rooster(solar time 17:00-19:00) it will be useful to spend time in Northeast parts of a home or office.

You can learn more about the activation of "Bird Falling into the Nest"

The sectors for the “Bird Falling into the Nest” are determined by superimposing the Loshu square on the house plan, that is, over the large 8 palaces.

For regular cash activations you can use calendars "Birds and Dragons" And " Activations of Generals"

Walks to the Miracle Gate

For good luck in matters related to profit and money.

For good luck in matters of love and romance.

April 14 at the hour of the Rooster South-East direction.

April 20 at the hour of the Rooster (solar time from 17:00-19:00) a walk in South-East direction.

About what rules you need to follow when walking through the Miraculous Gates,

For regular daily walks to the Miraculous Gate, you can use Auspicious Walks Calendar

Attracting Help

To get a breakthrough in business, as well as to neutralize troubles, you can turn on a fountain, or a fan, or light a candle for two hours in the sector South-East-3.

The date is not suitable for those born in the year of the Monkey

The sector for a location is determined by superimposing 24 directions on the house plan.

For regular use you can use the calendar
"Noble Helpers"

Activation of wishes

To do this, you need to position your back in certain directions at the appropriate time, concentrate and make mental wishes. Favorable energies will help activate your wish and create inspiration and mood to achieve your goal or dream. You may enjoy new opportunities that were previously unrecognized, and which are worth listening to and not missing.

April 12 at the hour of the Dog(sunny time from 19:00-21:00) with your back facing North-Eastern direction, it is favorable to make wishes on the topic of profit, receiving money, material values.

April 14 at the hour of the Rooster South-East direction, it is favorable to make wishes on the topic of love, romance, relationships

April 17 at the hour of the Rooster(sunny time from 17:00-19:00) with your back facing South-West direction, it is favorable to make wishes on the topic of career, promotion, new position

In these directions you need to position yourself so that your back is facing them, not your face. You can learn more about how to activate wishes

For regular use you can apply Calendar of Wishes

May you be surrounded by great Feng Shui! Have a great month!

According to the Chinese calendar, November is the month of the Earth Pig, beginning on the seventh. IN Chinese calendar- this is the beginning of the Lidong period, the beginning of winter.

How to use this month for good, read in the forecast.

Earth Pig is a combination of two hieroglyphs denoting Yin Earth 己 and Yin Water 亥.

Yin Land- this is fertile soil that absorbs a lot of water and contains a lot minerals, which is ideal for Agriculture. also the image of Yin land is a garden.

Yin water associated with dew, rain, droplets of water. This is the most yin element. Yin water can be compared to dew on a flower, which involuntarily sways from the lightest wind.

If you were born per year or day Yang fire 丙 (year ending with 6) or Yin fire 丁 (year ending with 7), then Pig 亥 is for you A noble man.

This means that in November you will meet more often good people, ready to help, regardless of whether you are currently in a period of good luck or bad luck.

If you were bornper year or day Snakes , Rooster or Bull , then in the month of the Pig 亥You will travel and go on trips more often, since for you the Pig is a Traveling Horse.

If you were born in the year, month, day or hour of the Pig 亥, be careful, especially on November 13 and 25 and December 7.

The fact is that in November, for those who have a Pig 亥 in their bazi chart, a situation of self-punishment arises, since the Pig “does not like” its own kind.

Self-punishment is your own actions and actions that can harm you. Be more careful and careful.

Attention: this month the energies of the flying stars of the year are duplicated, so the good doubles, as does the bad, so be careful.

In November if you were born in the year of the Snake 巳, then you need to be extra careful. Use the Tiger figurine to harmonize the energies of the month.

The motto of November could be a quote from the famous ancient Chinese canon"Thirty-six stratagems":

« A clear day hides better than a dark night.To reveal everything means to hide everything».

Important dates of the month

Unfavorable days of the month- November 7, 12, 16, 19, 24, 28 and December 1, 6. These days you should not start important things. Errors, obstacles, and disruptions to plans are possible. Also, these days are not suitable for great activity.

Days without wealth- November 10, 12. Expectations will not be met; you should not choose this day for signing contracts, business trips, presentations and commercial transactions (except for hiring).

Loss, True Loss- November 20 and December 1. All actions on this day will be just a waste of time.

Days of illness, days of the Star of illness- November 12, 16, 24, 28, 29, December 6 and 7. These days it is not recommended to visit sick people.

Favorable dates- November 9, 21 and December 3 (not suitable for those born in the year of the Ox) - only for positive affairs, November 17 and 29 (except for those born in the year of the Rooster) - for long-term affairs, November 15 and 27 (except for those born in the year of the Goat).

Travel and activations in November 2016

This month we we don't use for space activations northeastern sector.

Do not forget that in the center of the room the Fire Monkey stays all year disease star Black 2.

To harmonize this impact use a metal hollow Wu Lu gourd (gourd, see image) by the bed or on the windowsill.

You can also use wood, but it will need to be changed periodically.

This month, annual and monthly stars are duplicated, so unfavorable sectors become even worse, and favorable sectors become even better.


In the southern sector in November 2016, visiting a one-year-old star 6 white the star of authority has arrived 6 white.

This sector is especially favorable for those who would like to achieve success in their careers, put things in order, bring more order to their lives, and gain status.

However by-effect this combination leads to increased conflict, and it is also possible to increase the risk of lung disease.

To harmonize energies, use a vessel with calm water in this sector.


To the southwestern sector, where the Fire Monkey stays all year Money star 8, white 8 has arrived.

This extremely successful combination, which promises serious financial prospects. Try to visit the southwestern sector of space more often. This sector is especially good for carrying out activations and preparations.

The energies of this sector do not need harmonization in November.


To the western sector, where in the year of the Fire Monkey it was located year old romance star 4, arrived in November monthly 4.

This is a good combination for people of creative professions, and those who are engaged in intellectual activities, undergo training, as it increases wisdom and enhances intelligence. It is also a good sector in November for romantic luck.

For support and getting started love relationship use fresh flowers in this sector.


To the northwestern sector of space to visit an aggressive and decisive star Jade 3 arrived in November monthly star 3.

This combination can lead to quarrels and conflicts, hasty decisions, and confrontation. It also provokes gossip and slander, and possible robbery.

To harmonize the energy of the sector, place metal figures in it; a decorative sword will also work well.


A dangerous star of robberies settled in the northern sector of space in 2016 7 red, in November I flew to visit her monthly star 7 is red.

Be careful as the monthly star 7 red increases the likelihood of robbery and injury with a sharp object, especially if your front door is in the northern sector.

To harmonize the energies of 7 Red, use a vessel with calm water.


In the northeastern sector in the year of the Fire Monkey is located annual star Five Yellow , flew to this sector in November monthly Yellow Five.

Throughout the year of the Fire Monkey, this sector should not be disturbed, since the influence of the Yellow Five brings the most difficult problems and trials in all areas of life.

In November, a very unfavorable combination has developed here, which can provoke serious dangers.

Update the Feng Shui medicine in this sector, try not to sleep in the northeastern sector of space, and visit here less often.


A star stays in the eastern sector all year round 9 purple, star of future prosperity. In November I flew to this sector monthly star 9 is purple.

The effect of this combination calms the mind. It is especially good for those who are involved in the creative field, business related to cosmetics or fashion.

There is no need for harmonization of this sector.


To the southeastern sector to visit the one-year-old star 1 white, responsible for wisdom and intelligence, the monthly star has arrived 1 white.

This is a good sector for study, scientific and creative activities, and also gives good luck in money.

Caution is required for those who have chronic kidney and bladder diseases. They are not recommended to stay in this sector for a long time.

May this month bring you new discoveries and pleasant moments.

We wish you well-being and prosperity!

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  • for the year of the Rat - from 22:06
  • for the year of the Ox - from 23:13
  • for the year of the Tiger - from 24:30
  • for the year of the Rabbit - from 25:47
  • for the year of the Dragon - from 26:11
  • for the year of the Snake - from 26:33
  • for the Year of the Horse - from 27:18
  • for the year of the Goat - from 27:53
  • for the year of the Monkey - from 28:25
  • for the year of the Rooster - from 29:09
  • for the year of the Dog - from 30:01
  • for the Year of the Pig - from 30:42

With respect and good luck,