Today it is known a large number of food products that you can not only eat deliciously, but also systematically eat to improve the condition of your own body. One of these magically healing products is considered to be chia seeds, which are one of the symbols of the Western world. With the help of these seeds, people prepare various dishes, thereby preventing and treating various diseases. IN modern medicine Even some pharmacological preparations of the antibiotic spectrum are produced on the basis of the described grains.

Chia seeds - what are they?

Chia seeds, also called Spanish sage grains, are the seeds small size, which grow in South America. Chia seeds have been used by people since time immemorial, and the purposes for using the product have been very diverse. Nowadays, the plant is increasingly used as food, but previously it was more often used in medicinal purposes, since the seeds are a natural antibiotic.

No matter how strange it may sound, virtually all the medicine of the Indians who settled the American lands before the arrival of Europeans was based on these seeds. For this reason, it can be argued that healing properties The plants have stood the test of centuries, allowing the seeds to remain a relevant dietary supplement today.

Composition and calorie content of seeds

A plant component such as chia is a valuable product from the point of view of its saturation with useful components. The seeds contain vitamins of groups A, B, E, C, and their concentration is several times higher than the concentration of vitamins in rose hips, banana, blueberries and spinach. Also, one should not forget about the large number of microelements, among which calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, zinc, etc. should be noted.

The seeds also contain large quantities of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3. Interesting fact: 100 grams of salmon contains half as much omega-3 as the same mass of seeds. As for caloric content, then energy value chia is approximately equal to 486 kilocalories. In this case, the enzyme composition of the product is as follows:

  • fats – 31%;
  • proteins – 17%;
  • carbohydrates – 42%.

What are they used for: indications for use

The described remedy can rightfully be called healing, since with its help you can be cured of a wide variety of diseases. Today, dishes containing chia seeds are recommended for people with the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • memory impairment;
  • diseases associated with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the neurological complex;
  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • pathology of metabolic processes, etc.

According to experts, chia is an excellent catalyst for mental activity, for this reason it is recommended to be given to children, as well as to people whose activities involve great physical and mental stress.

Beneficial and medicinal properties of chia seeds

Not long ago, scientists from the United States and Europe conducted a joint study, the results of which revealed that chia seeds help stabilize blood pressure and normalize blood sugar. And thanks to the large number of antioxidants present in the plant, effective prevention is carried out to prevent premature aging tissues in the body. Thus, the functionality of the seeds is not only therapeutic, but also cosmetic.

The plant plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of various diseases associated with disruption of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, by taking such seeds daily, you can prevent the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attack, etc. At the same time, many neurologists and psychiatrists advise taking the seeds to people with weak nervous system and predisposition to mental disorders, such as epilepsy.

The described remedy has a positive effect on mental activity, improving the course of mental processes, including memory. Separately, it should be noted that chia is included in the list of hypoallergenic food additives. In this regard, the use of seeds in food allows you to obtain more useful substances without the risk of an allergic process.

Benefits for weight loss and how to take them?

Oddly enough, but with the help of Spanish sage you can correct or at least maintain. The seeds of the plant are used both as a means of unloading the intestines, in order to remove waste and toxins from the body, and as a component of the diet. The peculiarity of the product is that the seeds absorb moisture very well, due to which they can increase in size by 12 times, swelling.

An important role in weight control is played by the fact that Spanish sage improves intestinal motility, as well as absorption processes, that is, the assimilation of individual enzymes. For the purpose of losing weight, the seeds can be consumed in any form, either raw, as an additive to a salad, or steamed, as part of yoghurts or mousses.

How else can you use seeds: recipes

Spanish sage seeds are a multifunctional product that can be consumed in virtually any form. It is eaten raw, the saturated oil is squeezed out of the seed kernels nutrients, pour kefir or water and much more. It should be noted that the seeds have a pleasant nutty taste, which perfectly complements the taste of other products when adding chia seeds to a dish. Below are some recipes that are particularly healthy and taste amazing, and are easy to prepare yourself at home.

How to make a smoothie

A smoothie with the addition of chia will be an excellent nutritious drink, which will be very useful in the hot summer. The described recipe has a sweet and sour taste, in which Spanish sage seeds are not actually felt, but play an important role. And so, to make a smoothie, you need to pour the following products into the blender bowl:

  1. four medium-sized bananas (for convenience, bananas must be cut into small pieces);
  2. cranberries in the volume of one glass (if the drink needs to be given cooling properties, then it is better to use the berries frozen);
  3. four dates;
  4. chia seeds directly in the amount of one tablespoon;
  5. a glass of purified or boiled water at a cool temperature.

After combining all the ingredients, all that remains is to grind them in a blender until a liquid, homogeneous state, after which the vitamin and very delicious drink ready to eat.

Pudding recipe

The pudding recipe described below is an excellent breakfast option that will please everyone.

To prepare it you need to pour 50 grams oatmeal two glasses of water and let the mixture brew for 10 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, the swollen flakes should be blended with a blender, resulting in a slightly thick oat liquid. Now add three tablespoons of Spanish sage seeds to the container with the original composition and place the future dessert in the refrigerator overnight. Having taken out a container with crushed flakes and well-soaked seeds from the refrigerator in the morning, you need to add the pulp of one banana crushed with a fork and a few spoons of honey to give the dish a sweet taste. After thorough mixing, the pudding is poured into plates and can be used for food.

How to select and store seeds

When purchasing chia seeds online or in specialized stores, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • country of origin of the product - if the product is manufactured in the country climatic feature which does not meet the conditions actually necessary for plant growth, then it is better to discard such seeds;
  • expiration date and quality certificates, as well as compliance with product manufacturing standards, etc.

It is best to store purchased seeds in a container with an airtight lid. In this case, the container with the seeds should be in a place with a cool temperature and limited exposure to light. If the product storage rules are followed, its shelf life will be several months. More detailed information regarding the use of seeds should be set out in the instructions for the product or on its packaging.

Can pregnant women eat chia seeds?

As you know, during gestation, a woman’s nutritional system undergoes some changes, in particular, it acquires certain restrictions. However, according to experts, during pregnancy the expectant mother can consume virtually anything, only this process requires control. Consequently, Spanish sage seeds will also not cause any harm to the woman’s body and fetus, but only if their consumption is limited. To get a definite answer, you should consult a doctor who is caring for a particular woman’s pregnancy.

Harm and contraindications for use

Chia seeds are an environmentally friendly product, and also virtually non-allergenic, and can be consumed by almost everyone. However, there are certain restrictions due to which the consumption of a useful product becomes impossible. Thus, chia seeds should not be eaten in the following cases:

  • taking medications that thin the blood and reduce blood pressure;
  • individual intolerance to the product (most often found in people allergic to sesame and mustard seeds);
  • increased levels of triglycerides in the body;
  • oncological diseases, etc.

According to doctors, consuming a product such as chia seeds is extremely necessary for the adequate functioning of the human body. The fact is that the seeds contain an amino acid such as tryptophan, which is not produced by itself in the body, but Spanish sage is one of the most obvious sources of this protein structure. It should be noted that the seeds of this wonderful shrub are recommended by most psychiatrists to be consumed by people who are in a depressed state of mind or depressed.

Video: how to make desserts with chia seeds

This video shows the process of preparing several desserts that contain chia seeds. Each of the dish options is very simple and does not pose any difficulties when preparing at home. By watching the video you can get step by step instructions for preparing delicious and healthy desserts.

For centuries, Salvia hispanica seeds were used by the Aztecs and Mayans as a source of vital energy.

Chia seeds are the small black seeds of the Salvia hispanica plant. whose homeland is South America.

For centuries, the seeds of Salvia hispanica were used by the Aztecs and Mayans as a source of vital energy. The name “chia” itself comes from ancient word Maya, meaning strength.

IN modern world interest in chia seeds has only grown in last decades. And now these seeds are considered a necessary component proper nutrition people looking after their health.So we will look in more detail at what is in Salvia hispanica seeds so wonderful, and exactly how they should be included in your diet.

Composition of chia seeds

General information:

1 tablespoon of seeds (this is approximately 15 g) contains:

  • 5 g vegetable fiber;
  • 2 g proteins;
  • 5 g fat (2.5 of which are omega-3 fatty acids);
  • 9% of the daily dose of calcium;
  • 15% magnesium;
  • 15% manganese;
  • 5% phosphorus.

Also present in the seeds vitamins B1, B2 and B3, microelements – zinc and potassium.

If we talk about such an indicator that is often of interest to losing weight, such as calorie content, then 1 tablespoon of seeds includes 68.5 kcal. Not so little. However, if you subtract from this amount those calories that come from fiber, which anyway will not be absorbed by the human body, then the calorie content decreases slightly and becomes equal to 50 kcal.

However, despite such a fairly high calorie content, chia seeds are still indicated for weight loss.

High calcium content

1 tablespoon of seeds contains 9% of the daily dose of calcium. That's a lot. More than in natural dairy products.

And if you take into account that you can’t find natural dairy products during the day today, and even if you do find them, many people cannot eat them in principle, the high calcium content in chia takes on even greater significance. Especially for people at high risk of osteoporosis, such as post-menopausal women.

Attention: “false” omega-3 fatty acids

If we evaluate the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds by weight, then their content is similar to that of wild marine oily fish.

One could rejoice at this fact, but not everything is so simple.

The fact is that the lion's share of omega-3 acids in these seeds is ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). To have its positive effect on the body, ALA must be converted into other forms: EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

However, the human body is extremely poor at converting ALA into EPA and DHA. There are especially great difficulties with the translation of ALA into DHA, and it is DHA that has the most beneficial qualities.

Thus, we can say that the omega-3 fatty acids of chia seeds are not harmful, but they are not beneficial either. This is especially important to understand for vegetarians, who often believe that by including chia seeds in their diet, they saturate the body with omega-3 fatty acids, which can completely replace acids from animal sources. Unfortunately, it is not.

Other beneficial compounds in chia seeds:

  • chlorogenic acid– an antioxidant indicated for lowering blood pressure;
  • caffeic acid– helps fight chronic inflammation, which is the source of a huge amount of serious illnesses from cancer to excess weight;
  • quercetin– an antioxidant that has the ability to prevent the development of certain types of cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease;
  • kaempferol– an antioxidant necessary for cancer prevention.

Chia seeds for weight loss

Today, many people who are losing weight are well aware of the fact that chia seeds help get rid of excess weight. Let's try to understand in more detail how exactly they do this.

The help that chia seeds provide in normalizing body weight is mainly due to two substances that make up them - fiber and protein.


1 tablespoon of chia seeds contains a whopping 6 grams of carbohydrates. But is this a lot or a little?

It turns out that it is not enough, because 5.5 of them are fiber, which is not absorbed by the body, and, therefore, does not increase blood sugar levels and does not require the release of insulin. That is, it cannot be considered as a classic carbohydrate.

There are only 0.5 g of true carbohydrates in 1 tablespoon of seeds. And this makes them a product with a very low glycemic index and glycemic load.

At the same time, due to the presence of large amounts of fiber in the seeds, they are able to absorb a significant amount of water. Typically, the mass of water that the seeds absorb is 10-12 times their own weight.
Water turns the seeds into a kind of gel, which fills the stomach and makes you feel full.

And besides the feeling of fullness, the gel formed in the stomach has another important property for weight loss - it slows down the digestion of food.

The fullness of the stomach and the slow absorption of food entering the body makes it possible for a losing weight person to consume much fewer calories per day than he usually does, but at the same time not suffer from hunger.

Chia seeds have another quality that helps people lose weight. This has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.

It is known that if the intestinal microflora is not in order, body weight cannot be normal. This is why foods containing large amounts of probiotics and prebiotics, e.g. sauerkraut, help you lose weight.


14% of the weight of the seeds is protein. Of course, this is significantly less than in eggs or spirulina, a product that is rich in protein like nothing else on the globe. However, for plant foods this is a fairly high figure.

It is also important to note that the proteins in the seeds are of high quality and include many essential amino acids.

Proteins have many health benefits. They also help you lose weight.

For example, it has been proven that consumption of protein by those losing weight reduces appetite and obsessive thoughts about food by approximately 60%, and cravings for late-night snacking by 50%.

Other beneficial features

Today, chia seeds are credited with many positive effects on human health. Why "attributed"? Yes, because there is no unambiguous scientifically proven evidence that these influences actually take place.

Some studies were carried out only on animals, in some studies the effects of other products were assessed simultaneously with chia seeds, some experiments are still only isolated.

Therefore, it is impossible to say with one hundred percent probability that yes, chia seeds have all the positive effects that are attributed to them. However, the likelihood that they still have it is very high.

So, chia seeds can...

  • Prevent heart and vascular diseases

There is evidence that they reduce the level of low-density lipoproteins (“bad” cholesterol) and triglycerides, substances associated with heart and vascular diseases. And at the same time, they increase the concentration of “good” cholesterol and reduce chronic inflammation, which has a positive effect on the health of the cardiovascular system.

Also, some experiments have shown that including chia seeds in the daily diet helps reduce elevated arterial pressure.

  • Improve blood sugar control

In animal studies, seeds have been shown to reduce insulin resistance and improve the body's control of blood sugar levels. Both are extremely important for the prevention of metabolic syndrome, which leads to excess weight gain, diabetes, hypertension and a whole bunch of other dangerous diseases.

  • Increase physical endurance

There is evidence that chia seeds can increase endurance during cardio training, such as on a treadmill, as effectively as energy drinks included in professional sports nutrition.

This is why chia seeds can be safely added to pre-workout nutrition recipes. The energy effect from their consumption lasts for 90 minutes.

Contraindications and side effects

Chia seeds are usually well tolerated. But this does not mean that they have no side effects and contraindications.

Flatulence and other gastrointestinal problems

Bloating and gas are the most common side effects of chia seeds. In addition to flatulence, diarrhea or constipation, and sometimes abdominal pain, may occur.

As a rule, to get rid of these side effects, you need to reduce the dose of seeds consumed, and also use them in the form of flour, adding them to baked goods (see below).

Allergic reactions

In some people, seeds can lead to the development of allergies, and quite severe ones at that. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to chia include:

  • lacrimation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • rash and hives;
  • difficulty breathing, swelling of the mouth and throat.

It is known that all those people who are allergic to mustard suffer from this type of allergy.

Blood thinning and excessive reduction in blood pressure

This effect of the seeds is due to the presence of large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids in them. Even though these omega-3 fatty acids are not entirely “correct,” they can influence blood clotting and blood pressure.

This aspect of influence can be positive. But not always.

So, if you have decreased blood clotting or are taking special medications, you should include chia seeds in your diet with great caution and only after consulting a doctor.

The same applies to hypotension. If you have low blood pressure or are using medications to lower it, you should use the seeds with great caution.

Pathological decrease in blood sugar

Since there is evidence that changes in chia can lower blood sugar levels, there are also concerns that, taken along with antidiabetic drugs, they can lead to hypoglycemia.

Cases of life-threatening hypoglycemia in diabetics due to consumption of chia seeds have not yet been reported. However, doctors recommend caution in including chia seeds in your diet for people who take medications to lower sugar levels.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

The effect of chia seeds on pregnant and lactating women has not yet been studied. Therefore, there is only one medical recommendation: all pregnant and lactating women should completely avoid chia seeds.

Increased risk of prostate cancer

Chia seeds are high in antioxidants and are therefore a cancer preventative. However, they also contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acid ALA, significant consumption of which increases the risk of developing malignant neoplasms in the prostate.

It has been unequivocally proven that chia seeds, and not just ALA acid, have this effect. The data is contradictory. But still, people who have a high predisposition to developing prostate cancer should avoid eating these seeds.

Risk of addiction

As surprising as it may sound, chia seeds can lead to the development of real addiction and dependence on them.

Therefore, you should include this product in your diet not constantly, but in courses, taking breaks. It is also better to avoid using seeds of this type for those people who know they have a tendency to quickly develop addictions.

Impaired absorption of certain microelements

Like all other seeds, chia contains phytic acid, which prevents the body from absorbing iron and zinc from food.

However, this drawback can be easily eliminated by soaking (see below)

Swallowing problems

Once chia seeds come into contact with water, they immediately form a gel-like ball that can completely block the esophagus.

To prevent this from happening, the seeds should never be consumed simply in dry form, washed down with water.

People with dysphagia or other swallowing problems should be especially careful.

How to properly consume chia seeds?

Do I need to pre-soak?

Not required, but highly recommended. And there are several reasons why this is so.

  1. Soaking makes it possible to remove some harmful compounds (phytic acid) from the seeds.
  2. After soaking, the beneficial substances hidden deep in the seeds become more accessible to the human body.
  3. Soaked seeds are easier to swallow. As mentioned above, if you use dry ones and simply write them down with water, you can choke.
  4. If the seeds are soaked, there is no need to drink large volumes of water. These seeds absorb 10-12 times more water what they weigh. Therefore, if you use them dry, you need to drink a lot of water, otherwise they will take fluid from the intestines, and this can have negative consequences.

How to soak properly?

To soak chia seeds, simply add water in a ratio of 1:10.

Usually take 1 glass of water for 1.5 tablespoons of seeds. Of course, this proportion is not strict.

Soaking time ranges from 30 to 120 minutes.

Turning into flour

Another option for preparing chia seeds for use is to turn them into flour in a regular coffee grinder. The resulting flour can later be added to any baking recipes from pancakes to bread. And not just add, but replace regular chia flour if you are on a gluten-free diet.

Chia flour is also used as a healthy breading for fish, cutlets, etc.

Since chia contains a lot of fats, they oxidize easily. This doesn't happen with whole seeds, but with flour it does. Therefore, you should store chia flour only in a hermetically sealed container in the refrigerator. published

Chia (aka sage grains) are small seeds with unique medicinal properties. In recent years, they have become very popular and are actively used in the diet of people who monitor their health and want to live long. The seeds help cleanse the body, lose weight, and provide it with essential amino acids and other valuable substances. But no matter what unique properties no matter the product, it must be used correctly.


Beneficial properties of chia seeds for the body

The seeds contain a huge amount of plant fiber. Without fiber, the body cannot function properly. It is involved in digestion and cleansing, promotes the normal functioning of the intestines, frees its walls from many years of mucus and dirt, prevents the accumulation of harmful substances, removes allergens and decay products, and suppresses decay processes. It is the lack of plant fiber that often causes constipation, metabolic disorders, problems with skin and hair.

Other properties:

  1. Phosphorus-rich seeds improve brain activity, strengthen memory, and are recommended for people engaged in mental work.
  2. Chia improves immunity, increases the body's defenses, and helps resist infections and viruses.
  3. The seeds contain a lot of calcium, which is necessary for the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, healthy teeth, hair, and nails. The product can be used to prevent osteoporosis.
  4. The seeds contain substances that help cope with menstrual pain. They can be used by women during menopause to alleviate the condition and relieve unpleasant manifestations of hormonal changes.
  5. Sage grains reduce blood cholesterol levels. They increase the elasticity of blood vessels, strengthen the walls, help clear passages and improve circulation. The product is used to prevent varicose veins.
  6. Chia helps lower blood sugar levels, control sudden spikes, and is useful for diabetes mellitus and for the prevention of this disease.

The unique composition and properties of chia seeds make the product valuable for humans, allowing it to be used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, increasing the body's endurance, improving physical indicators. Chia grains help improve mood, relieve drowsiness, and increase performance. The product will have a beneficial effect on people experiencing moral exhaustion, becoming depressed and prone to mental disorders.

Video: Elena Malysheva about chia seeds

How to choose chia

Chia is sold in online stores, pharmacies and shops healthy eating. In large supermarkets you can find the product in the diet departments. Many people believe that it is similar to flax seed. In fact, the difference is noticeable upon closer comparison. Chia are oval, round, matte, have a heterogeneous color, neutral taste, may resemble raw Walnut or poppy, but without a pronounced aroma. Linen is flat, shiny, plain and has a pointed tip.

What to look for when purchasing:

  1. Quality certificates. They must be provided upon request. Online stores display an electronic document.
  2. Country of origin. You should not purchase chia seeds from China, since this country does not care about the environment, and the quality of food is questionable and low.
  3. Price. She can't be small. The cost of high-quality chia seeds starts from 500 rubles per package of 250 g.

It is very important not to buy seeds intended for planting. In this case, the product is allowed to ripen and grow stronger on the roots, which significantly reduces its benefits. Slightly unripe grains have maximum medicinal properties. After purchasing, you need to check them, dry them if necessary, then pour them into a jar with a tight lid. The product is stored in an ordinary kitchen cabinet with other cereals; it does not require special conditions, but is afraid of moisture.

Chia seeds for weight loss

Chia is a unique product that helps fight excess weight. The seeds contain substances that suppress appetite, create a feeling of fullness and prevent overeating. Plant fiber requires the consumption of additional fluid, which also helps reduce appetite. If we add to all this the product’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels and enhance metabolic processes, then it becomes simply priceless.

You can use sage grains different ways: add to porridge, drinks, first and second courses. In any case, consumption will have a positive effect on health. But in order to get the maximum effect from the product, it is better to take it systematically, regularly, determine its exact time and strictly follow the schedule.

Dry chia seeds for weight loss

Chia is consumed 5 g before each meal 30-40 minutes. To enhance the beneficial properties of the seeds, they need to be chewed thoroughly and washed down with a glass of water, tea, compote, or unsweetened vegetable juices. Perhaps after half an hour you won’t feel like eating anymore. But this must be done so as not to provoke the occurrence of strong feeling hunger and subsequent overeating. You can use half the serving. The maximum daily intake is 25 g. The course of administration is not limited in any way.

Chia seed jelly to reduce appetite

Chia seeds, when infused with water, form a mucus similar to jelly. When it enters the digestive system, the drink envelops the walls, increases their protective functions, and also causes a feeling of satiety and reduces appetite. You can prepare jelly in different ways, for example, by boiling the main product in water, milk or herbal decoction. Sometimes a thermos is used. But it is better not to heat treat the drink.

To prepare jelly, grind 1-2 tsp. seeds, you can simply mash them in a mortar or use a coffee grinder. Place in a cup, add 200 ml warm water and stir. Leave for 15 minutes. Drink before meals. Can be consumed in the evening when you feel hungry. Kissel will help you wean yourself off late snacks.

Kefir drink with chia

This drink can be consumed not only for weight loss, but also for treating constipation. Kefir with chia will replace a full dinner or any other meal. If you have problems with stool, it is better to use it in the morning. Grind 10-15 g of seeds, mix with kefir, leave for 30 minutes.

Advice! To improve the taste, you can add a handful of fresh berries or chopped apple. The result is a wonderful dessert, tasty, healthy, and not harmful to your figure.

Colon cleansing and constipation treatment with chia seeds

Fiber-rich and healthy chia seeds enhance intestinal motility and are used to treat constipation and cleanse the organ. This is one of the safest and most useful alternative medicines. By adding the product to cereals and soups, you can achieve a mild laxative effect. If constipation is systematic, chronic, or simply occurs frequently, a complete cleansing of the intestines and normalization of its functioning is required.

Colon cleansing cocktail recipe

The thick drink cleanses the intestines, has a laxative effect, while working gently, does not harm the mucous membranes and does not irritate the walls. It is advisable to use a green apple, sometimes it can be replaced with a banana.

Water – 200 ml
Apple – 1 pc.
Chia – 1 tbsp. l.
Flax seeds – 1 tbsp. l.
Natural honey – 1 tbsp. l.

Cut a clean apple into pieces; there is no need to peel the fruit. Place in blender. Add flax and chia seeds, a spoonful of honey and pour in a glass of purified water room temperature or a little warmer. Shake the cocktail until smooth. Leave for 10 minutes, then drink. Drink the drink (more like porridge) daily on an empty stomach. You can have breakfast in an hour. The course of taking the drug is 2-3 weeks. To enhance the cleansing effect, you can add 1 tsp. seeds for lunch and dinner.

Chia water recipe for cleansing and healing

A universal remedy that will help cleanse the intestines, heal the body, strengthen, increase protective functions and relieve constipation.

Chia seeds – 40 g
Water – 1 l
Brown sugar – 50 g
Lemon juice – 50 g

Soak the seeds in a cup of warm water for 1 hour. Add fresh lemon juice to the remaining liquid and add sugar. Stir, add the swollen grains. Place half of the drink in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for up to 24 hours. Drink the prepared water daily in the morning on an empty stomach, 500 ml for 2 to 4 weeks. Then take a break.

Chia seeds during pregnancy

Chia seeds contain 2 times more protein than other grains. Omega-3, valuable compounds, plant membranes and amino acids will have a positive effect on any organism. But during pregnancy, the product must be taken with extreme caution.

What to pay attention to:

  1. Allergenicity. During pregnancy, a reaction is possible even to foods that are familiar to the body.
  2. Hypervitaminosis. Chia seeds contain many useful substances; their use should not be combined with taking vitamin and mineral complexes.
  3. Abundance of fiber. Bloating, flatulence, and increased gas formation during pregnancy are unpleasant for the mother, dangerous for the fetus, and can cause uterine hypertonicity.

Eating chia seeds during pregnancy is possible, but requires a careful approach and a rational assessment of the situation. The same goes for introducing grains into children's diets. It is actively practiced, but safety has not been proven.

The use of chia seeds in cosmetology

Chia seeds and oil are actively used in industrial cosmetology and added to various care products. Few people know that at home you can also prepare masks, lotions, and scrubs from them, which have amazing effects: they even out the tone, get rid of wrinkles, tighten the skin, make it smooth and silky. With regular use of the products, fat metabolism is normalized, greasy shine disappears, and small pimples disappear.

Chia seed scrub recipe

The product is suitable for sensitive, dry and normal skin, gently cleanses and removes dead cells.

Chia seeds – 1 tbsp. l.
Coconut oil – 4 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice – 1 tsp.

Mash the chia seeds slightly, add soft coconut oil and lemon juice, stir. Transfer to a jar with a screw-on lid and leave for 2 hours. Apply a little product to damp skin, massage for 2 minutes, leave for a quarter of an hour and rinse. Store the scrub in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks. The frequency of use in summer is 3 times a week, in winter 1-2 times is enough.

Lifting mask made from chia seeds

The product tightens the skin, evens out the tone, makes the contour clearer, and smoothes out wrinkles.

Chia seeds – 1 tsp.
Water – 3 tbsp. l.
Honey – 1 tsp.

Pour in the seeds hot water, but not boiling water. Leave for an hour. Add honey, stir. Apply the prepared mask to the face and neck. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash off warm water, lubricate the skin with nourishing cream. The frequency of the procedure is 2 times a week.


Like any other product, chia seeds can cause allergic reaction, which most often manifests itself as a rash on the skin, itching, and abdominal pain. The product should be introduced into the diet carefully, starting with small portions. At the first signs of individual intolerance, you should stop taking the drug.

Main contraindications for chia seeds:

  • hypotension;
  • diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • any diseases digestive system during the period of exacerbation;
  • malignant neoplasms.

The product is rich in fiber, which does not always have a positive effect on the body. Fibers can cause increased gas formation, pain in the intestines, and cause flatulence. In this case, you should stop taking the drug for several days, then start with a small dosage and carefully monitor your well-being. If negative consequences appear again, you should discard the product.

Important! The omega-3 fatty acids contained in chia have blood thinning properties. Therefore, you should not take the seeds at the same time as aspirin and other drugs that reduce viscosity.

Video: Flax seeds and chia seeds: which is better

Composition of nutrients

Calorie content ranges from 490 to 512 kcal per 100 g. The indicators depend on the degree of moisture of the product. In general, the difference is not particularly significant, since the seeds are consumed in small quantities. Chia is rich in plant fiber. 50 g contains the daily amount of fiber necessary for an adult body.

Table of mineral content in chia seeds (per 100 g)

Hello, dear friends!
Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of chia seeds. This “useful little thing” comes from South America (although these days they are also successfully grown in Australia and Europe). By the way, we also call them Spanish sage. These seeds are a popular nutritional supplement that heals the body. Although for most it is just one of the useful " magic wands", capable of reducing weight. But is this “magic” really happening, or is this Mexican product nothing more than a novelty that tastes interesting?

The chemical composition of this exotic product

  • Minerals. The manganese and phosphorus in 100 g of chia is enough for the daily intake of an adult. There is a little less (but still a lot) of calcium, zinc, copper and potassium.
  • Fatty acid. The Omega-3 content here is simply off the charts - the same amount is contained in 1 kg of salmon meat. There is a lot of Omega-6 here too.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Protein, that is, vegetable protein (there is 20% of it here).
  • Vitamins. A, C, E, some representatives of group B.
  • Alimentary fiber. 100 g of seeds contains 1.5 times the daily requirement of an adult! It is thanks to these fibers that we can speak with such confidence about the benefits of chia seeds for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.

And not a gram of cholesterol!

NB! As for the most interesting thing - calorie content, this product is far from “zero”. It contains 490 kcal per 100 g. At the same time, 17 g are placed in 1 tablespoon.

Yes this useful product calorie But at the same time, some reviews of women losing weight praise these seeds: they say, I took them, they helped! So how can you avoid the harm (ie calories) and get only the benefit (ie a smaller waist)?

How do they work? The benefits of chia seeds (and also harm if you do not drink them with large quantities) clean water) lies in the ability of this product to absorb moisture. 1 spoon of chia absorbs up to 12 spoons of water! Thereby:

  1. The seeds swell in the stomach, filling it and creating a feeling of fullness for a long time.
  2. The resulting gel during this absorption creates a barrier between the food eaten along with the seeds and digestive enzymes. That is, food that is in the stomach will be digested longer.
  3. You will be less likely to be bothered by hunger or a banal desire to snack.
  4. Metabolic processes in the body are normalized.

NB! Important! You can continuously consume these seeds for 6, maximum 12 weeks.

Methods of use for weight loss

  1. How to eat: raw, dry. They are sprinkled on salads and porridges. But - immediately before serving. If such porridge is infused, the seeds will begin to turn into a gel upon contact with the liquid.
  2. Soaked. Chia can be allowed to infuse in milk, juice, compote, and only then eat it. Use a spoon as the drink will thicken.
  3. In the form of flour (often homemade). It can thicken the sauce. Or, mix it with wheat flour and bake bread.
  4. In sprouted form. So they can be used like other sprouted grains - added to salads, soups...
  5. Oil. You can season the same porridge or salad with it.

NB! We also know that 3 tablespoons of water and 1 teaspoon of seeds can replace an egg in a vegetarian casserole (and no cholesterol).

Other benefits of chia seeds

  • Thanks to antioxidants, they have a rejuvenating effect on the body.
  • Helps remove toxins and waste.
  • Since chia seeds lower blood pressure, they are usually used for hypertension - how to take them to get benefits and not harm is described below.
  • Thanks to their composition, they reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which means they make an important contribution to strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Help strengthen bones and joints. Especially indicated for women during menopause - in this case, the product serves as an important part of the prevention of osteoporosis.
  • And due to the high iron content, chia is a “must have” in the diet of a person suffering from anemia.

NB! There is also an opinion that a handful of chia helps to normalize a person’s psycho-emotional state, even if he is depressed. Natural benefits without pills!

Benefits for hair and skin

Chia is useful for women not only in terms of weight loss, but also as a source of natural beauty. In terms of the amount of antioxidants, this product can be compared with green tea, blueberries or citrus fruits. But it also contains manganese, zinc and Omega-3! Thanks to this balanced composition, chia is useful for the proper production of sex hormones and healthy blood microcirculation. Thanks to the latter, the skin and hair receive maximum nutrition, which affects appearance women.

Delicious Recipes with These Seeds

Recipes for cooking with useful seeds, as a rule, are simple and quick, eliminating long fuss at the stove, and also do not include components or processes harmful to the figure (fatty foods, frying, and so on).

  1. Cocktail for breakfast or dinner. Pour 2 tablespoons of ground (optional) seeds with a glass of unsweetened juice for 15 minutes. This can be done in advance, but no longer than 12 hours before eating (and it is better to keep the product in the refrigerator).
  2. Smoothie. This recipe requires a blender. Beat ¼ cup of oatmeal (instant cooking), 2 teaspoons of chia (without a pea), 100 g of any fruit, preferably unsweetened. Add a glass of milk, ¼ glass of orange juice and natural yogurt (low-fat and sugar-free). If desired, the smoothie can be sweetened with honey or cinnamon. Let it sit in the refrigerator for about 4 hours. To keep it longer, you can divide it into several servings and put it in the freezer.
  3. Raw food porridge. Mix 4 cups of almond milk with 2-3 tablespoons of seeds. Wait for them to swell. Cut 2 figs and 1 large peach here. The result will be 2 servings.

Chia oil

A popular cosmetic product that your skin will love. Most often it is included in face masks. Of course: this is a strong moisturizer that can “erase” minor redness and irritation.

This oil is also beneficial for hair. Did you have a bad haircut and want your mane to grow back as quickly as possible? You can do massages or the same masks for the scalp with chia oil - it will accelerate the growth of each hair and also improve the condition of the strands.

By the way, it is also suitable for traditional massage. If your skin is dry or itchy, this massage will bring not only relaxation, but also a healing effect.

NB! Chia seed oil can also be consumed as food, added to cereals, salads and even drinks. The benefits will be the same as from using seeds. But in this case there is a maximum daily dose - 15 ml.

Restrictions and contraindications

  • Allergies (this is an exotic product, so be sure to test it before taking it, starting with a minimum dose). An existing allergy to sesame or mustard can prevent your body from accepting chia. Allergies manifest themselves in the form of breathing problems, skin rashes, and diarrhea.
  • Reduced blood pressure. Of course, this is not a direct contraindication, but hypotensive patients should not enjoy chia for a long time.
  • Bloating (Spanish sage may make this condition worse). Overeating with seeds, in particular, will cause flatulence.
  • Inflammation of the intestines or stomach, even diarrhea.
  • Prostate tumor (malignant).
  • Taking anticoagulants or aspirin.
  • Dehydration. In general, at the same time as the seeds, a maximum of liquid should enter your body. The fact is that they absorb it in the body, bringing it out. If there is not enough fluid, the body will begin to suffer from dehydration.

NB! Maximum permissible daily norm 2 to 4 tablespoons of chia is considered. Anything more is already overeating with all that it entails. Children are allowed to eat even less: from 0.5 to 1 spoon.

How do you feel about these exotic products? And if you saw it on sale, would you buy a bag of seeds or a bottle of oil? Or maybe you have already tested this product for weight loss or health improvement? In this case, be sure to describe what you did and what benefits you achieved for the body - your experience will be useful to hundreds of readers!

Chia seeds are a popular health food that has been consumed for centuries, although these seeds have only become popular in the West more recently. These seeds have almost no taste of their own and therefore can be safely added to other dishes. We'll tell you how you can use chia seeds, both by adding them to your usual recipes and by preparing something new with them, like puddings and smoothies.


Eating raw chia seeds

    Sprinkle chia seeds on oatmeal, yogurt, or other healthy foods. One of the most common ways to consume chia is by adding or blending it into other dishes. Adding the seeds to wet food will make them soft and gelatinous, which will help “hide” them.

    • Add chia to your breakfast by sprinkling 1 or 2 tbsp. l. (10 or 20 g) chia seeds on oatmeal, yogurt or muesli.
    • For a healthy snack or light lunch, stir in 1-2 tbsp. l. (10-20 g) chia seeds in a cup with cottage cheese.
    • Mix chia seeds with wet sandwich ingredients. Tuna salad or egg salad is for savory sandwiches, and peanut butter or nut butter is for sweet sandwiches.
  1. To keep chia seeds crunchy, sprinkle them on your food. If the food is initially dry, the seeds will remain crunchy, which some people like. However, even on raw and moist foods, chia seeds may not turn into a gel-like consistency (unless, of course, you stir them).

    • Season the salad with the seeds.
    • Garnish the finished pudding with chia seeds.
  2. Hide chia seeds in one dish. This is especially helpful if you have picky eaters at home who might scoff at eating these tiny seeds.

    • Mix chia seeds into potato salad or cold pasta salad. Add 1 or 2 tbsp. l. (10-20 g) chia seeds to a large potato dish or pasta salad and stir thoroughly.
  3. Make a granola bar with chia seeds. Add 2 tbsp. l. (20 g) chia seeds to your granola bar recipe. For a no-bake recipe, combine the seeds with a cup of chopped pitted dates, ¼ cup peanut butter or other nut butter, 1 ½ cups rolled oats, 1/4 cup honey or maple syrup, and 1 cup chopped nuts. Pour the mixture into the pan and place it in the freezer. In principle, rolled oats can even be lightly fried to slightly change its taste, but you can also find a recipe for granola bars that still requires baking.

    Make delicious chia jelly or jelly. Add chia seeds to pureed fruit. If you add a lot of chia seeds, you will get jelly, and if not very much, then jelly. Experiment with the amount of seeds you add to your dish to find the one you like best.

    • Combine about 1 1/2 cups (345 g) pureed fruit and 1/2 cup (80 g) chia seeds to create a thick jam.
  4. To everyone else miraculous properties Chia seeds should be treated with some skepticism. Weight loss, improved heart health, improved athletic performance and performance - all of this has not yet been confirmed by scientists. More than one or even two studies have not identified anything in chia seeds that could lead to the above results.