Lion's Mane Mushroom ( Hericium erinaceus)

This mushroom is found in North America. It forms its fruiting body, usually on trees with hard wood. Despite its strange appearance, this mushroom is edible.

Raincoats (Lycoperdon)

This genus includes several types of mushrooms: real puffball, hedgehog mushroom, prickly mushroom, etc. Distinctive feature All of these mushrooms have a rounded fruiting body that can reach impressive sizes. After maturation, the spores fruiting body a hole appears through which the spores spread. Many species of this genus, until they lose their whiteness, are edible and even tasty.

Blue milky (Lactarius indigo)

This mushroom is found in North and Central America, as well as in East Asia. Distinctive feature The fungus is blue in color, the intensity of which increases as a result of damage to the fungus. At first glance it may seem that the mushroom is inedible, but this is not so. These mushrooms can be seen on the shelves of many Asian markets.

Red Latticewort (Lathrus ruber)

The fruiting body of this mushroom has the appearance of a lattice. The pulp of the lattice has bad smell. The fruiting body is formed, as a rule, on the remains of rotting wood. Inedible. The red grate is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Hydnellum peckii

This mushroom can be found both in the New World and the Old. On the North American continent, this mushroom was aptly called “bleeding tooth” due to the drops of red liquid released on the fruiting body. Despite its unpleasant appearance, the mushroom is not poisonous. However, we do not advise you to try it, since Gidnellum tastes very bitter.

Amethyst varnish (Laccaria amethystina)

These purple mushrooms are found in temperate forests like North America, and Eurasia. As the fruiting bodies of the lacquer grow older, they lose their purple color. Despite their "formidable" appearance, these mushrooms are edible.

"Lady with a Veil" (Phallus indusiatus)

Phallus indusiatus belongs to the Veselkov family. An unusual feature of this mushroom is the presence of a lace “veil” entangling the fruiting body of this “lady”. The mushroom cap is covered with a green-brown mucus that attracts insects. They take an active part in spreading spores. Phallus indusiatus is found in South Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas. The mushroom is edible and is quite widely used in the preparation of various dishes in China.

Bioluminescent mushrooms (Mycena chlorophos)

These unusual mushrooms that glow at night are found in subtropical and tropical forests Southeast Asia, Polynesia, Sri Lanka, Australia and Brazil. The most intense bioluminescence of these fungi is observed at a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius.

Mutinus caninus

This mushroom can be found in Europe, Asia and North America. Due to the specific shape of the fruiting body, this mushroom is popularly known as “dog mushroom...”. While the fruiting body is in the egg shell, it is edible.

Blue Entoloma (Entoloma hochstetteri)

This wonderful blue mushroom can be found in the tropical forests of India and New Zealand. There is no information in the literature about whether this mushroom is edible or not. Apparently, the rich blue color dispelled all doubts among New Zealand mushroom pickers regarding the potential toxicity of the mushroom. The blue mushroom, thanks to its unusual color, ended up on the New Zealand $50 banknote.

Polypore polypore (Trametes versicolor)

This beautiful mushroom has hard semicircular caps collected in groups. I have repeatedly seen this mushroom in the Sochi forests. According to some reports, this mushroom in its raw form has anti-carcinogenic properties.

Common stitch (Gyromitra esculenta)

Common stitch is found in forests temperate climate. The fruiting body of the line resembles Walnut or the brain. When raw and uncooked, this mushroom is poisonous. Before eating, boiling for 30 minutes is necessary, then washing, preferably drying for 6 months. All these operations do not guarantee complete disposal of toxic gyromitrins, which also have carcinogenic properties.

Devil's Cigar (Chorioactis geaster)

This rare mushroom has only been seen in American state Texas and Japan. In the USA, this fungus is found on the dead roots of a local species of elm (Ulmus crassifolia), and in Japan - oak. Scientists cannot yet understand why this mushroom is found only in two distant regions of the Earth, located at approximately the same latitude.

Fungi are a separate kingdom from bacteria or plants. Mushrooms are a very important link in the food chain, and they also participate in the decomposition of organic matter. Today, scientists count from 2 to 5 million species of mushrooms. Unusual mushrooms photos and descriptions of the most interesting TOP 10 - look!

Some of them are familiar to people, while others have such an unusual appearance that many do not even realize that there is a mushroom in front of them.

Unusual mushrooms photos of the most interesting TOP 10

Milky blue

Unusual mushrooms photos of the most interesting - Blue Milky

This type of mushroom is not so rare, especially in northern America and eastern Asia. Mushrooms can be found in both coniferous and deciduous forests. The color of mushrooms comes in different shades, ranging from dark blue shades to off-white. As a rule, the grayish tint of mushrooms indicates that the mushroom is very old.

Panellus spp. Panellus stypticus

Unusual mushrooms photos of the most interesting - Panellus styptikus

Another unusual type of mushroom, also quite common. If you want to admire the beauty of this fungus, you need to go to Asia, Europe, Australia or North America, where they grow everywhere. The most favorite panellus trees are oak and birch. They can also be found on stumps, logs and trunks deciduous trees. This species is a bioluminescent fungal species, although it is not found in the Pacific Ocean regions of the United States.

Orange shaker

Unusual mushrooms photos of the most interesting - Orange tremors

This unusual name received the mushroom because of its appearance. The trembler prefers to grow on dead tree trunks, as well as on fallen branches. The body of the fungus reaches 7 centimeters in length and has a slightly curved stalk, which becomes very sticky and slippery after rain. Mushrooms appear after rain in the cracks of trees.

Unusual mushrooms photos of the most interesting - Rhodotus

This type of mushroom is practically never found, as it is very rare. Currently, mushrooms are collected in eastern North America, northern Africa and Asia. In Europe, mushrooms are much less common. Unfortunately, the number of these beauties is becoming lower every year, so the mushrooms were even listed in the Red Book.

Light brown clavaria

Unusual mushrooms photos of the most interesting - Light brown clavaria

Clavaria is a pale brown color and is a very common mushroom. The body of the mushroom is colored purple or soft lilac and is tube-shaped. The mushroom can grow up to 10 centimeters in length and up to 7 centimeters in width. The tips of thin branches are most often colored brown and slightly rounded. This type of mushroom belongs to the saprobic species of fungi, that is, it absorbs the necessary substances, breaking down organic substances. As a rule, clavarias grow.

Saccular starfish

Unusual mushrooms photos of the most interesting - Sac-shaped starburst

The name itself speaks volumes about what this mushroom looks like. Bag-shaped starworts grow only on old and rotting trees. The mushroom is not edible as it tastes very bitter. These mushrooms are very common, especially in late summer. Scientists believe that the hole in the body of the fungus is star-shaped because calcium oxalate crystals collect there. In Brazil, this type of mushroom has long been nicknamed the “star of the planet.”

Caesar mushroom

Unusual mushrooms photos of the most interesting - Caesar mushroom

Very healthy mushroom, used by people for food. Mushrooms grow only in southern Europe and some regions of North America. The first information about the Caesar mushroom appeared in 1772, when it was described by Giovanni Antonio. In the distant past, he was very loved by the Romans, especially the rulers of the Roman Empire. The mushroom cap is colored Orange color, and spore-bearing plates are yellow.

sea ​​anemone

Unusual mushrooms photos of the most interesting - Sea anemone

This type of mushroom is very easy to recognize by its terrible smell and unusual appearance, reminiscent of a starfish. The sea anemone prefers to live in gardens on grassy floors. If you look closely at the mushroom, you will find that it looks like a red star with nasty slime on top brown tint. The sea anemone attracts flies very much with its appearance and smell.

coral mushroom

Unusual mushrooms photos of the most interesting – Coral mushroom

Brown raincoat

Unusual mushrooms photos of the most interesting – Brown raincoat

Puffball grows in North America, in some European countries and in China. Brown puffballs, unlike other mushrooms, do not have an open cap with pores. All the pores of these mushrooms are located inside the spherical body. When the pores mature, they form a glebe inside, which has a certain texture and color.

The kingdom of Mushrooms has remained undeservedly forgotten. We are correcting our mistake. Meet the most amazing mushrooms on our planet.

Lion's mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus)
This mushroom is found in North America. It forms its fruiting body, usually on trees with hard wood. Despite its strange appearance, this mushroom is edible.

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Raincoats (Lycoperdon)
This genus includes several types of mushrooms: real puffball, hedgehog mushroom, prickly mushroom, etc. A distinctive feature of all these mushrooms is a rounded fruiting body, which can reach impressive sizes. After the spores ripen, a hole appears on the fruiting body through which the spores spread. Many species of this genus, until they lose their whiteness, are edible and even tasty.

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Blue milky (Lactarius indigo)
This mushroom is found in North and Central America, as well as East Asia. A distinctive feature of the mushroom is its blue color, the intensity of which increases as a result of damage to the mushroom. At first glance it may seem that the mushroom is inedible, but this is not so. These mushrooms can be seen on the shelves of many Asian markets.

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Red Latticewort (Lathrus ruber)
The fruiting body of this mushroom has the appearance of a lattice. The pulp of the lattice has an unpleasant odor. The fruiting body is formed, as a rule, on the remains of rotting wood. Inedible. The red grate is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

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Hydnellum peckii
This mushroom can be found both in the New World and the Old. On the North American continent, this mushroom was aptly called “bleeding tooth” because of the drops of red liquid released on the fruiting body. Despite its unpleasant appearance, the mushroom is not poisonous. However, we do not advise you to try it, since Gidnellum tastes very bitter.

Photo source: Bernypisa

Photo source: Darvin DeShazer

Photo source: Sasata

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Amethyst varnish (Laccaria amethystina)
These purple mushrooms are found in temperate forests of both North America and Eurasia. As the fruiting bodies of the lacquer grow older, they lose their purple color. Despite their “formidable” appearance, these mushrooms are edible.

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"Lady with a Veil" (Phallus indusiatus)
Phallus indusiatus belongs to the Veselkov family. An unusual feature of this mushroom is the presence of a lace “veil” entangling the fruiting body of this “lady”. The mushroom cap is covered with a green-brown mucus that attracts insects. They take an active part in spreading spores. Phallus indusiatus is found in South Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas. The mushroom is edible and is quite widely used in the preparation of various dishes in China.

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Bioluminescent mushrooms (Mycena chlorophos)
These unusual night-glowing mushrooms are found in the subtropical and tropical forests of Southeast Asia, Polynesia, Sri Lanka, Australia and Brazil. The most intense bioluminescence of these fungi is observed at a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius.

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Mutinus caninus
This mushroom can be found in Europe, Asia and North America. Due to the specific shape of the fruiting body, this mushroom is popularly known as "dog...". While the fruiting body is in the egg shell, it is edible.

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Blue Entoloma (Entoloma hochstetteri)
This wonderful blue mushroom can be found in the tropical forests of India and New Zealand. There is no information in the literature about whether this mushroom is edible or not. Apparently, the rich blue color dispelled all doubts among New Zealand mushroom pickers regarding the potential toxicity of the mushroom. The blue mushroom, thanks to its unusual color, ended up on the New Zealand $50 banknote.

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Polypore polypore (Trametes versicolor)
This beautiful mushroom has hard semicircular caps collected in groups. I have repeatedly seen this mushroom in the Sochi forests. According to some reports, this mushroom in its raw form has anti-carcinogenic properties.

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Devil's Cigar (Chorioactis geaster)
This rare mushroom has only been seen in the US state of Texas and Japan. In the USA, this fungus is found on the dead roots of a local species of elm (Ulmus crassifolia), and in Japan - oak. Scientists cannot yet understand why this mushroom is found only in two distant regions of the Earth, located at approximately the same latitude.

Photo source: Tim Jones

Photo source: Tim Jones

Photo source: Tim Jones

Common stitch (Gyromitra esculenta)
The common moth is found in temperate forests. The fruiting body of the stitch resembles a walnut or a brain. When raw and uncooked, this mushroom is poisonous. Before eating, boiling for 30 minutes is necessary, then washing, preferably drying for 6 months. All these operations do not guarantee complete disposal of toxic gyromitrins, which also have carcinogenic properties.

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Mushrooms can be deadly, edible, magical, incredibly beautiful, and also completely unremarkable. In this article we will look at the most unusual mushrooms. Photos with titles will also be presented.

Panellus stipticus (panellus)

This common species is native to Europe, Australia, North America and Asia. These unusual mushrooms grow in groups on stumps, logs and tree trunks, especially on birch, beech and oak trees.

Lactarius indigo (blue milkweed)

A fairly common type of mushroom that grows in eastern North America, in addition to Asia and Central America. It grows on the ground in coniferous and deciduous forests. Fresh mushrooms are dark blue in color, while old mushrooms are pale blue. The milk that these unusual mushrooms secrete if they are broken or cut also The cap reaches 15 cm in diameter, the stem is up to 8 cm in height, and up to 2.5 cm in thickness. The mushroom is edible. It is sold in the markets of Mexico, China and Guatemala.

Tremella mesenterica (orange tremella)

This mushroom grows more often on dead trees, as well as on their fallen branches. The orange-yellow gelatinous body has a sinuous surface that becomes slippery and sticky when it rains. These unusual mushrooms grow in cracks in the bark and appear when it rains. After the rain passes, it dries, turning into a shriveled mass or thin film that can be reborn again from moisture. It is widespread in mixed forests, in tropical and temperate regions, including Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, South and The mushroom can be used as food, but it is tasteless.

Clavaria zollingeri (pale brown clavaria)

This is a common type. These unusual mushrooms have a pinkish-lilac or purple tube-shaped body that grows up to 10 cm high and up to 7 cm wide. The tips of the thin and fragile branches are mostly brownish and rounded. This is a saprobic species that absorbs nutrients during the breakdown of organic matter. Mainly grows on the ground.

Rhodotus palmatus (rhodotus)

Considering the most unusual mushrooms in the world, one cannot help but mention this. It is the only member of the Physalacriaceae family. Not very common. It is collected in North Africa, eastern North America and Europe, where its numbers are falling very rapidly. It mainly grows on logs and stumps of hard, rotting trees. Mature individuals are distinguished by their characteristic “vein-like” surface and pinkish color.

Geastrum saccatum (starwort)

It grows on rotting trees in Europe and North America. Mushroom pickers consider it unfit for food due to its bitter taste. This is a common species, with peak collections occurring in August. It is believed that the hole, located on the outer layer of its body, is star-shaped due to the collection of calcium oxalate that occurs just before it opens. This mushroom in Brazil was called the “star of the earth.”

Aseroe rubra (sea anemone)

The sea anemone is quite common and well recognized due to its shape. starfish and yours unpleasant odor rotten. Grows on the forest floor in gardens, resembles a bright red star, covered with brown mucus on top, and has a stalk white. Attracts flies to itself.

Polyporus squamosus (scaly polypore)

These unusually shaped mushrooms are a widespread species that grows in Europe, Australia, North America and Asia. They cause white rot on trees. "Dryad Saddle" is its alternative name, which refers to the dryads from Greek mythology who could ride these mushrooms.

Clavulinopsis corallinorosacea (coral mushroom)

Amanita caesarea (Caesar mushroom)

These are very unusual edible mushrooms, native to North America and Southern Europe. They were first described in 1772 by Giovanni Antonio Scopoli. The mushroom has a bright orange cap, spore-bearing yellow plates and a stalk. The ancient Romans loved it very much, calling it “boletus”.

Lycoperdon umbrinum (brown puffball)

This type of mushroom grows in North America, Europe and China. He doesn't have an open cap. Spores arise inside it, in an elastic spherical body. The spores, when mature, form a glebe in the center of the body, which has a characteristic texture and color.

Mycena interrupta (mycena)

When examining the most unusual mushrooms, one cannot fail to mention mycena. It grows in New Zealand, New Caledonia, Australia and Chile. reaches a diameter of 2 cm. It is colored bright blue. At the moment when the mushrooms appear, they have a spherical shape, and as they ripen they expand. The hats feel slippery and sticky.

Morchella conica (conical morel)

These are unusual edible mushrooms that resemble a honeycomb at the top. They consist of a network of wavy strips with small cavities between them. The conical morel is highly valued by gourmets, especially in French cuisine. It is very popular among mushroom pickers because of its pleasant taste.

Xanthoria elegans (elegant xanthoria)

This mushroom grows exclusively on stones, not far from rodent burrows or bird perches. It is a lichen in nature. It is one of the earliest lichens used in dating rock surfaces. It grows very slowly (0.5 mm per year), after 10 years its growth slows down even more.

Amanita muscaria (red fly agaric)

The famous fly agaric is a psychotropic and poisonous basidiomycete mushroom. A red cap with white dots scattered across it - who hasn't seen a fly agaric? He is considered one of famous mushrooms in the world. Such unusual mushrooms grow in Transbaikalia, as well as throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Although fly agaric is considered poisonous, there are no confirmed cases of poisoning, and in some parts of North America, Asia and Europe it is generally eaten after blanching. It has hallucinogenic properties because it main component- muscimol. Some people in Siberia use it as an entheogen, and in these cultures it has great religious significance.

Gyromitra esculenta (false morel)

They are very similar in appearance to the brain, only brown or dark purple in color. It is also called "beefsteak" because it is a delicacy when cooked correctly. If you do not have the skills to prepare this mushroom, then this dish can be fatal. It is poisonous in its raw form and must be steamed before being used in a recipe.

Trametes versicolor

We continue to study unusual mushrooms, photos with names of which are presented in this article. Trametes multicolored grows everywhere. It grows mainly on the trunks of dead trees and is unique for its bright, colorful stripes. It is not edible in the usual sense, although it is often used in classical Chinese medicine. Not long ago, scientists discovered that the substance contained in this mushroom improves immunity and can also be used as an auxiliary component in the treatment of oncology.

Hericium erinaceus (crested hedgehog)

This mushroom is also called "lion's mane", "beard tooth" and "monkey's head". But at first glance, there are no associations with the mushroom. It grows on trees, and when cooked it is more reminiscent of seafood in texture and color. The mushroom not only has wonderful taste qualities, but is also used in classical Chinese medicine, reducing blood glucose levels and having excellent antioxidant properties.

Entoloma hochstetteri (sky blue mushroom)

Unusual mushrooms, photos of which are in the article, include sky blue in their list. This mushroom lives in India and the forests of New Zealand. It can be poisonous, although its toxicity is poorly understood. The mushroom acquires its distinctive blue color due to the azuline pigment, which is contained in the fruiting body. It is also found in various marine invertebrates.

Chorioactis (devil's cigar)

The star-shaped mushroom, nicknamed the “devil’s cigar,” is considered one of the rarest in the world. It is also known as the “star of Texas” and was found only in the central part of this state, in 2 remote regions of Japan and in the mountains of Nara. If we consider mushrooms of unusual shape, then this one takes its rightful place on the list. It is a cigar-shaped, dark brown capsule that opens into a star shape to release its spores. Amazing fact: This is the only mushroom in the world that produces a whistling sound when releasing its spores.

Mutinus caninus (canine mutinus)

This mushroom is known as mutinus canis. It looks like a forest thin mushroom in the shape of a phallus, has a dark tip. It grows mainly in small groups in deciduous heaps or on wood dust, and can be found in autumn and summer in eastern North America and Europe. This one is unfit for food.

Nidulariaceae (bird's nest)

In this article we looked at the most unusual mushrooms in the world. But we can’t help but mention this species. Bird's nest is a small group of molds that are primarily found in New Zealand. They owe their name to their appearance, which resembles a nest with small bird eggs. This form is used by the fungus to spread its spores - accumulated rainwater under pressure is sprayed along with the spores over a distance of up to 1 meter.

Hydnellum peckii (bleeding tooth)

Such unusual mushrooms of the world grow in the coniferous forests of America and Europe, as well as in the northwestern part Pacific Ocean. They have also recently been spotted in Korea and Iran. The mushroom has a rather frightening appearance - drops of red or pink liquid resembling blood appear from its pores on the velvety white surface.

The mushroom is not poisonous, although there is no need to try it, since it has a bitter taste to repel predators and people. Scientists analyzed this liquid and found that it contains atromentine, a substance that prevents the formation of blood clots and rapid blood clotting.

In this article we looked at the most unusual mushrooms on the planet. Many of them have an amazing and even appetizing appearance. But be extremely careful when eating mushrooms - some of them can cause irreparable harm to your health and can also be fatal.

Many people love picking mushrooms and, despite the fact that some may find it a rather boring activity, mushroom pickers do not think so. In turn, even more of those who love to eat mushrooms are various kinds of gourmets who are ready to shell out tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for a white truffle, and ordinary lovers of “crumbs with mushrooms.”

One way or another, mushrooms have many fans, moreover, the mushrooms themselves are not only “edible” and “inedible”, but a whole family, some species of which can only be seen under a microscope. Today we will present you a selection of the most unusual, interesting and strange mushrooms. Let's show how diverse the mushroom world is, and what interesting things nature does.

The first place, despite its rather standard shape, has the most expensive mushroom in the world, which you briefly mentioned above - white truffle.

The truffle itself is a marsupial mushroom that grows underground and can be found at a depth of 8 to 10 cm. Sometimes the mushroom is almost on the surface, forming a hummock. Although the most valuable truffles, such as the Périgord truffle or the French black truffle, are edible mushrooms, do not be fooled, as most truffles are not edible and can pose a serious danger to your well-being.

If we talk about white truffle, then it is more than edible, which is why it has gained such popularity. If you decide to look for such a mushroom, then it is best to go to the region of Northern Italy (Piedmont, Tuscany, Romagna), however, it is occasionally found in other places.

The largest white truffle was found in the Italian city of San Miniato and weighed 2.5 kg, and one of the largest expensive truffles was sold for 209 thousand dollars, despite its more modest weight of 750 grams. However, it is not always possible to have time to try this mushroom. For example, in 2004, a white truffle weighing 850 grams was purchased for 28 thousand sterling, but it was not possible to cook anything from it, and the reason was trivial - the mushroom was rotten. Therefore, if you suddenly have the opportunity to try this amazing mushroom, then it is better to immediately contact a professional, and not put it off until “later.”

The second mushroom cannot be called either beautiful or tasty, but strange, interesting or creepy - no problem.

Bleeding tooth is a rather creepy name for a mushroom, but if you look at it even out of the corner of your eye, you will understand why it was given such a name. It can only be found in the forests of North America (I don’t know if this is good or bad - editor’s note), although several specimens were recently found in Korea and Iran.

The mushroom was first introduced to the public back in 1812, which reacted quite violently to the appearance of the mushroom - a white smooth surface through which pink or bright red drops similar to blood appear. The body of the mushroom is hard, similar in density to a cork. Along with its repulsive appearance, a bleeding tooth is also poisonous, so you should not taste it.

However, there is also a spoonful of honey in the ointment. As scientists have found, the liquid formed on the surface of the fungus contains the pigment atromentin, which is an anticoagulant and therefore prevents rapid blood clotting. So it is quite possible to develop an antibiotic based on this liquid.

But, despite its bizarre shape and appearance, it is not only healthy, but also very tasty, at least that’s what those who have tried it say (I didn’t have the chance - editor’s note). The body of the mushroom itself is pear-shaped or, as happens quite often, elongated. The surface is covered with thorny growths, which from afar can be mistaken for “fur,” which is why the mushroom is sometimes confused with some kind of furry unusual animal. That is why it is often popularly referred to as mushroom noodles, lion's mane or monkey's head.

The mushroom lives mainly on oak trunks, less often on beech or birch. Geographically found in the Amur region, Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, northern China, the foothills of the Caucasus and the Crimea. It tastes like shrimp meat.

Here's another mushroom, with a very interesting name– . This mushroom is practically the rarest mushroom on our planet. On this moment Scientists have found them in just a few places on the globe: Texas, in the mountains of Nara and in two remote corners of Japan.

The name of the mushroom is not accidental; until it ripens, it looks quite unremarkable and resembles a dark brown cigar. However, later, when the right moment comes, the top of this cigar opens into a brown star and releases mushroom spores with a whistle. It was not possible to find out anything about the edibility of the mushroom, so if suddenly, by some miracle, you still stumble upon the devil’s cigarette, then it is better to give it to scientists.

It often happens when appearances are deceiving and real beauty is hidden under a rather nondescript shell. However, not in this case.

Sea Anemone Mushroom And Stinking Octopus Horn. The two inhabitants of Australia almost perfectly complement each other, both in their repulsive appearance and in their no less, or even more repulsive, stench. It is interesting that at first, both mushrooms are unremarkable and if you walk past them, you will hardly be able to distinguish an anemone from a whitish toadstool. However, you should wait a little and after a while, instead of an unremarkable mushroom, these representatives of the fungal kingdom appear.

The “transformation” process takes place in just a couple of months. The mushroom cap is divided into several parts, the color changes and the mushroom begins to stretch its tentacles, emitting an unpleasant, to put it mildly, aroma. Actually, the smell of mushrooms is not only a protective agent, but also a bait for flies, which are carriers of spores. Regarding edibility, nothing can be said with complete certainty. The fact is that these mushrooms are not poisonous, but there is hardly anyone who wants to taste them. In addition, it is possible that after you do stuff a piece of mushroom into your mouth, you will remain conscious.

Naturally, this is not the entire list of interesting and strange mushrooms, and this is not surprising, because in the world there are from 1.5 to 5 million various types. However, sooner rather than later, we will present to your attention much more beautiful and pretty mushrooms.