What is the deepest sea in the world? After all, there are a huge variety of different seas on Earth. But the deepest sea in the world is the Coral Sea. This is the Pacific Ocean, which is located between the coasts of several countries - New Caledonia, Australia and New Guinea. The total area of ​​the deepest sea on Earth is 4,068 thousand square kilometers. The deepest place in the sea is 9,174 meters, and the average volume of its water is 11,470 thousand cubic kilometers.

The deepest and clearest sea gets its name from the abundance of coral reefs and islands that make navigation difficult. In this sea there are such islands as Tregross, Chesterfield, Willis, Bampton. The most famous reef, which is located in the deepest sea on the planet, is the Great Barrier Reef. This reef is considered the largest reef in the world. It is worth noting that the islands listed above are not inhabited. And on Willis Island there is a weather station.

The bottom of the deepest sea on earth is highly dissected. Currents can form a cyclonic gyre. The water temperature of the deepest sea in the south reaches 19 degrees Celsius, and in summer it warms up to 24 degrees. The salinity of the sea is estimated at 34.5-35.5%. Found in the sea a large number of sharks and flying fish. Since 1969, the territory of the deepest sea in the world began to belong to Australia and belongs to Canberra. In 1942, a naval battle took place on this sea between Japanese and Allied naval forces. This battle prevented the capture of Port Moresby by Japan. The main seaports are: Port Moresby (New Guinea), Cairns (Australia) and Noumea (New Caledonia).

But Russia is washed by as many as 12 seas. But which sea is considered the deepest? The deepest sea in Russia is the Bering Sea. The sea was named after Vitus Bering, who was the first to explore this body of water. Before this, the sea was given such names as Kamchatka, Bobrovoye, but Beringovo still took root. The deepest sea in Russia is located in the northern part of the country and, like the previous deepest sea in the world, belongs to the Pacific Ocean. It is in this sea that a section of the border between Russia and the United States passes.

The deepest sea in Russia has big size. Its area is 2,315 thousand square kilometers. But the main feature of the sea is its depth. The deepest place in the sea has a depth of 4,151 meters, while the average depth of the sea is 1,612 meters. It is worth noting that the Bering Sea does not even make it into the top ten deepest seas in the world. It is worth noting that the Black Sea is also included in the list of the deepest seas in the world. The deepest point of the Black Sea reaches 2,000 meters. And the officially registered deepest place in the Black Sea is a depth of 2,211 meters. The deepest depression in the sea is the Yalta depression.

The Caspian Sea is also included in the list of the deepest seas in the world. The deepest point of the Caspian Sea reaches 1000 meters. Wikipedia gives 12 names for the deepest seas of Russia. Among the deepest seas washing Russia are the Bering Sea, the Laptev Sea, the Baltic Sea and others.

The sea for me is a piece of heaven. I love sitting on a deserted sandy beach and listen to the sound of the surf. I visited the Black and Mediterranean Seas. And I want to say that each of them has its own character. Black is stormy and irrepressible. Mediterranean - warm and calm. I can only judge this by the coastline, but I think I'm not mistaken. Perhaps somewhere down there Poseidon really floats and grins at man’s attempts to master the depths of the water. And if he lives somewhere, then only in the Philippine Sea.

Which sea is the deepest

Philippine Sea located at Philippine archipelago V Pacific Ocean. It's surrounded many islands most of which are Japanese territory. This is where the most deep sea trench - Philippine. Her depth amounts to 10265 m. A depth himself seas on average is 4 km, whereas, for example, the Sea of ​​Azov has only 14 m.
Only Mariana Trenchdeeper beyond the Philippine depression, but it is located beyond the sea and refers to oceanic territory. He still not studied to end. Only three persons in history they managed hit rock bottom depressions and take samples of living microorganisms and rocks. And one of them was a famous film director - James Cameron.

At the bottom The Philippine Sea is also located volcanoes altitude up to 3000 m. Undersea world seas, still not studied to end, due to the enormous depth. Live here:

  • sea ​​turtles;
  • dolphins;
  • swordfish;
  • tiger and gray sharks.
  • whales.

The sea is located in four climatic zones . There are many resorts and vacation spots. And the sea also gives work Rfishermen and whalers.

coral sea

Second in depth is Coral sea. Its maximum depth amounts to 9140 m. It is located in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Australia. There is a huge amount here coral reefs, among which The largest in the world is the Great Barrier Reef. Among the inhabitants of this sea you can see:

  • sea ​​stars and hedgehogs;
  • turtles;
  • flying fish;
  • many types of crabs, crustaceans and shrimp;
  • tiger and hammerhead sharks.

Seeing the underwater world is the dream of many. But will the sea allow everyone into its waters?

Photos from open sources

The sea is a body of salt water that is connected to one of the five oceans. But some seas are located inside the continent, others are considered part of others, and others are considered a component of the ocean. There are about 90 on our planet sea ​​waters pools that differ in size, shape, depth, and the presence or absence of banks.

The top 10 includes the largest seas in the world by area.

10. Sea of ​​Okhotsk

Okhotsk opens the top ten largest seas in the world with an area of ​​1.6 million square meters. km. and a maximum depth of 4 thousand meters in the Kuril Basin. It washes the shores of Japan and Russia. Previously, the sea was called Kamchatka. They began to call it Okhotsk in honor of the Okhota River, which flows into this sea. Its waters abound with species of valuable fish, such as salmon, chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon and others. The Kuril Islands are located in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

9. Bering Sea

The Bering Sea is the largest in Russia, its total area is 2.3 million square meters. km. Its waters belong to the Pacific Ocean, it washes the shores of the United States and Russia, being the water border between the states. The deepest point of the seabed reaches 4 thousand meters. The sea received its current name in honor of the explorer and navigator Bering, who devoted most of his life to the study of sea waters. In the 13th century, Beringovo was called Bobrovoe or Kamchatka. Practically all year round The sea is covered with ice, but despite this there are about 240 species of fish, among which there are valuable species that are of interest for fishing.

8. Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean is one of the largest seas on the planet. Its area is about 2.5 million square meters. km., and the maximum depth can reach 5 thousand meters in places. The sea washes three parts of the world at once - Africa, Asia and Europe. It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of Gibraltar. An integral part Mediterranean Sea are the Aegean, Adriatic, Ionian and Tyrrhenian. All together they form one big sea. There is a very rich fauna here, numbering about 550 species of fish alone, 70 of which are found only in these waters. The Mediterranean Sea also abounds in sharks and has about 15 species that are dangerous to humans.

7. Caribbean Sea

The Caribbean ranks seventh in the ranking of the largest seas in the world by area. Its size is about 2.7 million square meters. km., and the greatest depth is about 8 thousand meters. It refers to the pool Atlantic Ocean. The sea received its name thanks to the Indian tribe of the Caribs who lived on its coast. The second name of the sea body of water is Antilles. There is a version of scientists that the Caribbean is the source of the largest number of hurricanes in the Western Hemisphere. Natural disasters regularly destroy the buildings of the inhabitants of the islands and the coastline of the basin.

6. Weddell Sea

Weddell ranks sixth on the list of the largest seas in the world. Its area is 2.9 million square meters. km., and the greatest depth reaches almost 7 thousand meters. It is a marginal sea in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, between the western part of the Antarctic Peninsula and Coats Land (east). The Weddell Sea is considered the coldest and cleanest sea in the world. The water here is surprisingly clear. A special feature of Weddella is the fact that the water temperature in it can reach minus 25 degrees, but does not freeze! The local fauna is represented by marine animals such as penguins, seals, whales, etc.

5. Tasman Sea

The Tasman Sea has an area of ​​3.3 million square meters. km and the greatest depth is more than 5 thousand meters. This is one of the largest seas on the planet in terms of area. It is located between New Zealand and Australia. It got its name in honor of the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman. The depth of the sea is about 6 thousand meters, which makes it one of the deepest. The flora and fauna of this sea differs significantly in different areas.

4. Coral Sea

The Coral Sea is in fourth place with an area of ​​4.7 million square meters. km. It belongs to the waters of the Pacific Ocean and is located between the shores of New Guinea, Australia and New Caledonia. The depth of the sea can reach more than 9 thousand meters in some places. The sea has numerous Coral reefs and islands. It is here that the largest reef on the planet is located, called the Great Barrier Reef with a length of 2.5 thousand km. and an area of ​​344 thousand square meters. km., which is larger than the area of ​​Great Britain. The richest underwater flora and fauna is concentrated here.

3. Arabian Sea

The Arabian opens the three largest seas on the planet. Its area is approximately 4.8 million square meters. km., and the maximum depth is 4 thousand meters. Initially, the sea was called Eritrean. It is part Indian Ocean and washes the shores of the island. Somalia, Maldives, Djibouti, Iran, India and Pakistan. This is where they are located best beaches India for holidays. The world's most important trade routes pass through the sea. In addition, Arabian is one of the saltiest and clean seas peace. The underwater world is rich in vegetation and marine life. Here you can meet rare species animals such as the green sea turtle or hawksbill turtle. The Arabian Sea is considered one of the most popular among ecotourism lovers.

2. Philippine Sea

The Philippine Sea is the largest coastal sea, with an area of ​​approximately 5.7 million square meters. km., and the maximum depth in some places can reach 11 thousand meters. Here is the deepest trench on the planet, which is called Mariana. The sea is located not far from the Philippine archipelago, hence its name. It does not have clear coastal boundaries: it is separated from the ocean by groups of islands: the Philippine Islands, o. Honshu, Kyushu, Ryukyu and about. Taiwan. Philippine waters are inhabited by many species of fish from small to giant. Here, industrial fishing of tuna is carried out, which is considered one of the most valuable marine products.

1. Sargasso Sea

The Sargasso Sea tops the list of the largest seas in the world. Its area reaches 6-7 million square meters. km. and may change depending on sea currents. The uniqueness of this sea is that it has no shores. Its water boundaries are considered to be three ocean currents. The shape of the sea is a large-scale ellipse of light green color. It received this shade from abundant underwater vegetation in the form of algae. Just imagine: about one square meter there are about two tons of underwater plants! This is where the second name came from, which Sargasso received from Columbus - “a jar of algae.” The depth of the sea in some places can reach about 7 thousand meters. average temperature here it ranges from 20 to 28 degrees above zero.

The depths of the sea are mysterious; to this day there remains a lot of unknowns. Despite all the technological progress, the abyss of water remains largely unexplored, and people know little more about them than about space.

It is not surprising that every year it is possible to discover new species of fish and other marine life, and make new discoveries at the bottom and in the water column.

And even regarding the depth of the seas and their deepest points, scientists do not deny that new discoveries can occur at any moment. However, a rating of the deepest seas already exists, and it is worth studying, if only to understand the reason for the lack of knowledge of the abyss of water. After all, diving to such depths is really problematic and unsafe!

Fifth place - Weddell Sea

This sea ranks fifth in depth, its deepest point is at 6820 meters below surface level. It is located near Antarctica, washing its shores, limited to the Antarctic Peninsula. The greatest depth is in the northern part, the southern part of the water area remains relatively shallow. Icebergs roam this sea, and the climate here is not very hospitable.

Fourth place - Caribbean Sea

Despite their small sizes, is an exceptionally deep body of water that lies between South and Central America. Its depth reaches 7090 meters, and the bottom is strewn with treasures - this is exactly what treasure hunters think. In fact, they are close to the truth, because many galleons carrying New World gold sank here, and the place was known for pirate activity. But you should look for jewelry in the lowlands of the seabed, and diving to such depths requires special equipment, which requires a lot of effort and huge investments. And therefore, the mysteries of the Caribbean Sea still excite minds. The Caribbean Sea belongs to the Atlantic Ocean.

Third place - Banda Sea

The Banda Sea has a maximum depth of about 7440 meters. This body of water is located near Indonesia and is famous for its rich natural world. Rare dolphins, jellyfish and octopuses, nautiluses, stingrays, sea ​​snakes, and many other living creatures. This sea belongs to the Pacific Ocean.

Just as the bottom of the Caribbean Sea is hypothetically strewn with jewels, so the bottom of this sea is also full of riches, but only natural ones. After all, the closer to the bottom, the higher the depth, the more rare and unique species you can find.

Second place – Coral Sea

The Coral Sea is also classified as a Pacific Ocean and borders the Philippine Islands. The average depth here is 4 km, which is quite trivial, but there are places with deep-sea depressions. It is also worth pointing out that many scientists “donate” the famous Mariana Trench to this body of water, and not to the Philippine Sea, so its placement in the list of the deepest is quite natural.

The deepest sea in the world

The deepest sea in the world is the Philippine Sea. And since two seas have to share the deepest mark on the planet, then the Philippine Sea should rightfully take first place. The lower mark is 9140 meters, and the reservoir again belongs to the Pacific Ocean. The mark falls on the Mariana Trench, which is a trench that goes into the deep layers of the earth's crust. Considering the volcanic activity at the bottom of the reservoir, one should not be surprised at the presence of such an object here. Also at depth it is possible to discover “black smokers” and other objects that demonstrate volcanic activity and create a unique natural world around them. The Mariana Trench is of great interest, dives are carried out in it, but no one has been to its very bottom yet.

Depth of Russian seas

In general, it is the Pacific seas that turn out to be the deepest, and this is especially true for areas near Australia, New Guinea, and the Philippines. Together with the enormous depth, these waters delight with wealth and abundance. natural world, because there are corals, flying fish, and many other exotics that are still being studied by biologists. However Russian seas are not so deep, and they definitely won’t make it into the list of the first five. Only the Bering Sea is worth noting.

This the deepest of the Russian seas, its depth reaches 4151 meters. It is located between Siberia and Alaska, separating two continents, North America and Eurasia. Scientists believe that during the last great glaciations, this sea shallowed, creating an isthmus along which animals could move and people could migrate, populating the continents. A The Sea of ​​Azov does not exceed 15 meters in depth.

Deep waters are fraught with many mysteries that to this day excite the minds of people, causing periodic sensations, even speculation about the presence of intelligent life. And even if humanity will one day be able to fully explore and develop the seas and oceans, this will not happen soon.

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IN modern world You can often meet people who have subordinated their lives to the desire for perfection - perfectionism. For example, it is important to buy not just a car, but the most expensive (beautiful, fast), to conquer not just the peak, but the highest. And so on: make the longest parachute jump, swim across the widest river, kiss the widest beautiful girl- everyone has their own dreams. Where should people go who would like to swim in the largest sea? To leave no doubt, you will have to swim in several seas.

Miracle of nature - Sargasso Sea

The Sargasso Sea is unique a natural phenomenon: This is a sea that has no shores. More precisely, not in the traditional sense. This is a part of the Atlantic Ocean, separated on all sides by currents: the North Atlantic from the north, the North Trade Wind from the south, the Gulf Stream from the west and the Canary from the east. The Sargasso Sea got its name from the name of algae - sargassum, which float in huge quantities in the waters of the sea. There are so many sargassums that Columbus, who first saw the sea, called it “a jar of algae.” Aristotle, who mentioned the Sargasso Sea in his writings much earlier than Columbus, poetically called it “meadows of the ocean.”

Square Sargasso Sea fluctuates between 6-7 million square meters. km is the largest sea in the world.

The Sargasso Sea is a densely populated area: thanks to the accumulation of algae, various shrimps, crabs, Sea Horses, jellyfish, flying fish. There are also traveler crabs and several species of sea turtles. In addition, the Sargasso Sea is a breeding ground for eels.

Philippine Sea

The largest interisland sea is the Philippine Sea. Its area is 5.7 million square meters. km is the largest sea by area. The waters of the Philippine Sea connect the shores of the islands of Taiwan, Luzon, Nampo, Yap, Ryukyu, Mindanao, Palau, Kyushu, Halmahera, and the Mariana Islands.

The bottom topography of the Philippine Sea is remarkable: it consists of numerous underwater mountains, volcanoes, and depressions, including the world's deepest Mariana Trench, which separates the waters of the Philippine Sea from the Pacific Ocean to the east. By the way, due to Mariana Trench The Philippine Sea is the deepest sea in the world: its depth in this place is 11,022 m, although its average depth is 4,108 m. And such a difference between the average and the deepest point allows us to give several answers as to which sea is the deepest . After all, the depth of the Coral Sea is 9174 m.

For comparison, the smallest sea in the world is Marmara. Its area is 10,900 sq. km. On the one hand, the Sea of ​​Marmara connects the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea, and on the other, it separates Europe and Asia. Unfortunately, “smallest” does not mean “smallest.” In the Sea of ​​Marmara, cases of water tremors and tsunamis are not uncommon: over the history of observations, about 300 cases of tremors and 40 tsunamis have been recorded. IN last time The tsunami occurred on August 17, 1999. The height of the wave was 2.5 m and did not lead to serious destructive consequences. However, in 2030 a wave of enormous force is predicted. And the Turkish government should seriously think about possible consequences.

And the shallowest sea in the world is the Azov Sea, its maximum depth is only 15 meters.