The world's largest snake is said to have been found in the jungles of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. This is a python whose length is 14.85 meters and weighs a mind-boggling 447 kg - like half a car!

After the reptile was caught, they decided to send it to the reserve, where they even gave it a name - Guihua. The python becomes especially scary when it opens its huge jaw, into which not only a person can fit, but also a medium-sized pet, for example, a sheep or even a cow!

Reticulated python (12.2 m)

Supposedly, the reticulated python is the most big snake on Earth after the python mentioned above, whose length reaches almost 15 meters. Typically, the length of individuals does not exceed 8 meters in length, but much larger specimens have been recorded.

You can meet the reticulated python in the south and southeast of Asia in countries such as Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia... It lives in tropical forests, less often - on mountain slopes. It climbs trees quite well, although it prefers to be on the ground. Loves to swim, sometimes found even in open seas. It does not avoid humans, so local residents often see such a “guest” in their areas.

Giant anaconda (11.43 m)

The average length of most individuals does not exceed 9 meters, however, there is official confirmation that a snake was once caught whose length reached a length of 11.43 m. Alas, it did not survive to this day. The most famous anaconda today lives in the New York Zoological Society - its length is as much as 9 meters and its weight is 130 kg.

Anaconda inhabits the tropical part South America. The number of reptiles cannot be estimated due to the inaccessibility of their main habitats. However, scientists agree that there is no need to worry about the anaconda.

In captivity they live very little, only up to 8-10 years. In nature, the life expectancy of anacondas is several times higher.

Dark tiger python(9.15 m)

The maximum length of the dark tiger python is 9.15 m. This specimen has been dead for a long time. The other, now kept in captivity, reaches a length of 8.2 m. Its weight is 183 kilograms.

It lives in Asian countries, and also began to develop in the state of Florida, USA (it got there unintentionally). The python is an excellent tree climber, but prefers to crawl on the ground - it weighs too much. Active mainly at night. Spends several cold months of the year in a state of rest, without moving at all. Feeds on small mammals and birds.

Indian python (6 m)

This species can be found in countries such as Pakistan, Nepal, India, Bangladesh and Bhutan. In nature, this reptile usually lives in forests or on rocky slopes located near water. During the day it prefers to lie down in shelters, for example, crevices or caves, but at night it begins to hunt small animals, the size of which can be compared, say, with our cat. However, sometimes it attacks much larger animals, for example, jackals.

The color of the snake is brownish or pale gray. The head is triangular and arrow-shaped. Males are slightly different from females - they have a slight thickening on the tail, and it is also slightly longer.

The lifespan of individuals is about 20-25 years. Puberty occurs in the third or fourth year after birth. As for the offspring, three months after mating, the female lays eggs in a nest (up to 50 at a time), wraps herself around it and incubates the eggs. Interestingly, at this time she does not eat, but only drinks. After 2-3 months, offspring are born.

As for the population, it is invariably decreasing. This is due to the fact that pythons are hunted for their skin, which is used to make bags, wallets, shoes, belts, and so on. In addition, some peoples consider this animal to be healing and use it in folk medicine.

King cobra (5.6 m)

The length of the king cobra is about 4 meters, but there are individuals much larger. They live in southern Asia, hide in caves and burrows, and occasionally crawl into trees. They stick to one territory, although there are known cases when cobras moved several tens of kilometers.

They like to raise the front part of their body and can even move in this position. When two cobras meet, one will always try to touch the top of the other's head, thereby showing its superiority. The second one bows its head in response to this and crawls away.

The king cobra is very often found near a person, since the snake’s main food - rodents - is often located near him.

Common boa constrictor (5.5 m)

The common boa constrictor is distributed throughout Central and South America, as well as the Lesser Antilles. The average length of most boa constrictors is about 4 meters, females are larger than males.

Black Mamba(4.5 m)

The black mamba is one of the most dangerous snakes, which is only found in Africa. Most individuals have a dark color along with a greenish abdomen. The snake got its name because of the internal cavity of the mouth, which resembles a coffin in shape and is painted black.

Considered the most fast snake in the world, since it can reach speeds of up to 20 km per hour. That is why it prefers not to wait for its prey somewhere in the bushes, but rather pursues it. The poison is very toxic. If a mamba bites into a person’s finger, he can die within a few hours, and if in the genital area, then almost instantly.

Bushmaster (3 m)

Bushmaster is the largest representative of the viper family. The length of some individuals reaches 4 meters, weight - no more than 5 kg. It is very rare because it lives in areas where no human has set foot (South America). It prefers damp places, hunts at night, and during the day prefers to rest in the thickets.

It uses rodents, some birds, and other snakes as food. It has special thermolocators that are able to detect any change in temperature when a warm-blooded animal approaches.

Medusa (7.62 m)

But the largest snake living in captivity almost from its birth is the anaconda named Medusa, whose weight is 135 kilograms and body length is 7.62 meters. This, by the way, is a very famous animal - almost all of us could see Medusa in the movie “Anaconda”.

The snake currently lives with its owner Larry Elgar, who feeds it mice (it eats 18 kg of this “food” every week). However, it can easily swallow a person. Larry trains his ward himself. He says that he has heard more than once how anacondas swallow people, but Medusa is not like that, since she has lived in captivity with people for so long that she has long forgotten about her animal instincts.

Moreover, she has become so lazy that the only two things Medusa does is eat and sleep. Sometimes she completely refuses to crawl to her feeding place on her own, so a dozen hefty men have to carry her in their arms on their own.

Pythons are one of the largest reptiles in the world. They belong to the family of false-footed snakes and are related to anacondas and boa constrictors. There are 41 species of these animals in nature.

Green python (Morelia viridis).

home distinguishing feature Pythons are certainly huge in size. On average, the length of most species is 3-6 m, the smallest dwarf python does not exceed 1 m in length, and the size of the largest reticulated python was 10 m with a weight of 100 kg! This snake for a long time bore the title of the largest in the world until an anaconda 11 m long was found. And although pythons lost the palm in size, their appearance still inspires respect and even fear. The body of these snakes is quite massive, but at the same time does not lose the flexibility and mobility necessary for strangling prey.

The motley or short-tailed python (Python curtus) has a very thick but short body.

Pythons are considered to be rather primitive snakes. This is evidenced by such features as the presence of remains of the hind limbs in the form of tiny outgrowths on the sides of the body and the good development of both lungs (in more advanced snakes only the right lung is always developed).

On the upper jaw of pythons there are tiny pits in which thermolocators are located; with their help, pythons find their prey.

This feature makes them similar to rattlesnakes, although these species are not closely related. However, pythons can boast of one ability that is not inherent in reptiles at all - they can regulate their body temperature. True, they still cannot maintain it at a constant level, but they can “warm up” themselves 5-15° above the temperature environment, which is also a lot. Pythons use a special method to warm up. If mammals get warm chemically, then pythons simply contract their torso muscles, and as a result of such “idle” work, heat is released.

The coloring of pythons most often consists of various variations of spots, less often it is monochromatic. In young individuals, the pattern is different from that of adults; it usually consists of stripes, which transform into spots with age. The color of the spots can be very different: in some species dark (black, brown, blue) tones predominate, in others bright (red, orange). Woody species are painted in rich green shades.

The young ringed python (Bothrochilus boa) is contrastingly colored; adults of this species are solid black.

All types of pythons live exclusively in the Old World: Africa, South-East Asia, Australia, the Sunda Islands and New Guinea. This is how they differ from boa constrictors - inhabitants of the New World. Pythons inhabit tropical zone, and prefer forests with high humidity; only a few species inhabit savannas and deserts (for example, the Australian Ramsey's python). In general, these snakes are water-loving, they swim willingly and can sometimes swim long distances between islands of the same archipelago. The largest types of pythons (reticulated, tiger, hieroglyphic) lead a terrestrial lifestyle; they crawl along the ground in search of prey, only occasionally climbing to the lower branches of trees. A number of terrestrial species dig in search of prey forest floor. Finally, there are arboreal species that spend almost their entire lives on the branches, almost never descending to the ground.

All types of pythons are non-venomous and kill their victims only by the force of their own muscles. They wrap their prey in rings around their bodies, strangle them, and then swallow them whole. Interestingly, tree pythons have very long teeth, which allow them to hold their prey suspended while swallowing. The green python, moreover, also lures its victims by moving the tip of its tail, reminiscent of a worm. Small pythons catch mice, rats, rabbits, pheasants, pigeons, parrots, wild chickens and ducks; large individuals hunt monkeys, kangaroos, young wild pigs and deer. Small domestic animals (goats, piglets) can also become their prey. A special position is occupied by the black-headed python, which attacks exclusively snakes and monitor lizards. Since the python itself is non-venomous, in the process of strangulation its victims often bite their enemy. And although among them there are such highly toxic species as the Australian black and tiger snakes, their poison does not affect the python.

This black-headed python (Aspidites melanocephalus) decided to dine on a monitor lizard. Like all snakes, it begins to swallow its prey from the head.

In the narrow stomach of the black-headed python, the food is partially compacted, but still the outlines of the victim clearly appear on the “waist” of the well-fed snake.

The largest prey that a python can swallow weighs no more than 20-40 kg. Thus, humans are not among the victims of these snakes, since they are simply not capable of swallowing him. Throughout history, only a few cases of reticulated python attacks on people have been documented (all victims were small in stature); as for other species, they can only show aggression if provoked by humans. After a hearty lunch, a python can go without food for several weeks or months; the maximum duration of a hunger strike known in these reptiles was 1.5 years!

The hieroglyphic or rock python (Python sebae) strangles a pregnant goat, which it waylaid in one of the African pastures.

Pythons usually breed once a year or even less often. The male finds the female by smell and caresses her with the rudiments of her hind limbs (the so-called anal spurs). After mating, he withdraws and does not show the slightest interest in either the chosen one or his offspring. The female lays eggs 3-4 months after mating. Their number is different types varies from 8 to 107. Unlike boas and anacondas, young snakes do not hatch immediately from python eggs; their clutch requires prolonged incubation. All concerns about the offspring fall on the female, who takes amazing care of the future babies. She carefully wraps the laid eggs in the rings of her body and does not leave them for a minute; in extreme heat, she slightly loosens her grip to ventilate the clutch, and when the temperature drops, she begins to shiver in order to warm up her body and warm the eggs. She remains in this position for about 2 months and does not eat anything during this time.

Newborn pythons reach an average length of 40-60 cm and are completely independent. Interestingly, these snakes have been reported to give birth to identical twins. Pythons grow quite quickly: they reach sexual maturity by 3 years, and full development by 4-5.

A young green python differs from adult specimens in its bright lemon color with small red spots.

In zoos, pythons live up to 15-25 years, but in natural conditions The life expectancy of the largest species usually does not exceed 10-15 years. This is due to the fact that in nature these snakes are attacked by other predators. Young individuals can become victims of large birds and even pigs; adult pythons are attacked by leopards and crocodiles. By nature, pythons are not warlike snakes. Noticing danger from afar, they try to crawl away as quickly as possible, but if the enemy takes the python by surprise, it hisses loudly, bites desperately and can inflict rather deep, but not fatal, wounds on its offender. For an outside observer, such a struggle really looks terrifying. In case of danger, the royal python curls up into a tight ball and hides its head in the coils of its body. Despite its simplicity, such protection is very effective, because humans and most animals cannot unclench the muscular rings.

Niramin - Nov 6th, 2016

Pythons are huge snakes that live in the tropical forests of Asia, Africa, and Australia. It is not surprising that they quickly climb trees. They often prefer to settle down near the water, since all pythons are excellent swimmers.

Depending on their distribution area and species, pythons look different. But they are all united by their enormous size, feeding method and reproductive characteristics.

For example, the tiger python, which lives in India, Sri Lanka and the island of Java, has a length of about 6 m, but individual individuals up to 10 m can be found. This python’s head can be red, brown or olive in color. On the back you can see a yellowish pattern in the middle. The tiger python is considered to be one of the most beautiful pythons. However, the most beautiful is the diamondback python, living in Australia and New Guinea. It has a black head with yellow spots, and a dark blue back decorated with shiny bright yellow diamonds. The diamondback python differs from other pythons not only in its beauty, but also in its rather small size. The length of this species of python rarely exceeds 5 m. The diamondback python can most often be found in the circus, as it is easy to tame.

A close relative of the tiger python is the reticulated python, which lives in Indonesia, the Philippine and Moluccas Islands. Its length reaches 9 m. Very similar in appearance On the reticulated python, an inhabitant of Africa is the South African python. In addition, the hieroglyphic python lives in Africa. By its name this huge snake owes to the bizarre pattern on the back, reminiscent of hieroglyphs.

Pythons are non-venomous snakes, but it is difficult to say that they do not pose a danger. Although they do not bite their prey, they wrap themselves around it and literally strangle it in their deadly embrace, immobilizing it and breaking bones in the process. Having dealt with its prey, the python swallows it whole, and then can lie for hours and digest the food.

Python snakes feed primarily on animal foods. Most of them can easily dine on fairly large animals: goats, sheep and even leopards. They do not refuse rats, mice, birds and even insects. It's interesting that these reptiles can long time do without food at all.

Pythons are oviparous snakes. Unlike many other reptiles, they incubate a clutch of eggs, heating them through muscle contraction until all the offspring are born.

See gallery of photos of pythons:

Photo: Burmese python.

Photo: Python having lunch.

Photo: Diamondback python or carpet snake.

Photo: Reticulated python.

Photo: Dark tiger python.

Photo: Green python.

Photo: Hieroglyphic python.

Photo: Royal python.

Video: Tiger python (lat. Python molurus)

Video: Python

Video: Giant python vs leopard – Nat geo wild

Snakes. Danger and fear. Poison and greatness. People treat snakes very differently. Those who simply adore them and are not afraid to pick them up, some have acquired snakes as their favorite pets. And some experience insurmountable panic at the sight of them. Now there are about 3 thousand species of snakes in the world. Many of them are completely harmless creatures. But now we will look at those creatures that simply amaze with their size and grandeur. This is a ranking of the largest snakes in the world. Make yourself comfortable, because these creatures are unique in their kind. And every person should learn about them.

King cobra - 5th place in the ranking of the largest snakes in the world

This creature, although it occupies last place in our rating, is nevertheless the most poisonous among those characters that we will describe further.

  1. 3-4 meters long
  2. A cobra lives for about 30 years
  3. grows all your life
  4. releases a dose of poison up to 7mm, which kills a person in 15 minutes.

The maximum specimen that has been encountered reaches 5.6 meters. live king cobras only in the tropical forests of South Asia.
This is a creature that primarily eats its own kind. The royal specimen allows itself to eat other snakes. The surprising thing is that a cobra can eat nothing or anyone for almost three months.

What else is different about the king cobra?

She has a kind of hood that reacts to the emotions of the creature. Fear or anger is expressed by the hood tightening. The ribs on the neck help.
What might a cobra be afraid of? The main enemy is the mongoose. He can simply bite through the neck of a cobra at crazy speed. As we have already said, the venom of the royal is considered the most poisonous. Only the venom of the Australian taipan, which does not have such an impressive size, can be compared with it.

Light tiger python is the 4th largest snake in the world

This creature lives in India. Length - 6 meters. What is the difference between a light python and a dark one?

  1. characteristic light spots on the body
  2. some individuals have a red and some have a pink stripe on both sides of the head
  3. is less than 3 meters
  4. long life span - from 20 to 25 years

Typically, the light-colored tiger python does not cause much harm. He can hunt small animals. To give you an idea, no one more sizes They won't harm an ordinary cat. It is extremely rare to find snakes that are capable of catching wild boars in their nets.
These creatures are incredibly beautiful. But there are fewer and fewer of them in the world. The reason for this is the constant production of shoes, belts and other products from their leather.

Dark tiger python or the heaviest snake in the world

This is a snake that is not at all dangerous. Of course, her appearance is very impressive. After all, 9.15 meters of a creature that has no one knows what is on its mind scares almost every person.
We wrote about maximum length individual snake. On average, their length is from 6 to 8 meters. But this is not the only surprising thing. Average weight- 70 kg. In 2005, a record was set: a snake living in the Snake Park of America, nicknamed “Baby,” weighed as much as 183 kg with a length of 8.2 meters.
As a rule, pythons live in swamps, tropical forests, and river valleys.

The python is distinguished by the fact that it swims and dives beautifully. It can spend about half an hour under water.
What is included in the diet of dark tiger pythons?

  1. birds: waterfowl, chickens, pigeons
  2. monkey
  3. Pets
  4. rarely jackals, pythons and leopards.

On average, this species lives 25 years. Females in the snake world are not the weaker sex, but large and massive creatures. Exactly major representatives This species can not only attack its prey, but also swallow it. Very often goats, pigs and not the largest deer fell into such a trap.

How do pythons find their prey?
First of all, it is the smell. And the upper labial scutes are equipped with thermal locator pits that help detect prey thanks to thermal radiation. These pythons are also capable of long periods of fasting.
Brave and courageous residents of the southeast are not afraid to keep tiger pythons at home. As the superstitions of those parts say, snakes perfectly rid the house of mice and rats. The snake has a calm character and disposition, and it is simply impossible not to fall in love with its beauty. Therefore, dark tiger pythons are a real find for the best zoo collections. Of course, caring for them is not easy. Here you need to have a large amount of knowledge and extreme calm and composure.
In captivity, pythons feel restless. They require special care and care when caring for them. Therefore, not every zoo employee can handle this mission.

Creature with crocodile eyes

The giant green anaconda is an amazing snake that belongs to the subspecies of boa constrictors. These creatures were once called water boas.

  1. Anaconda length is from 5 to 8 meters
  2. maximum length - 11.43 meters
  3. maximum weight - more than 130 kg
  4. average age - 6 years
  5. maximum age is 28 years.

Yes Yes. This is not a typo at all. Once upon a time, in a terrarium in South America, a green anaconda lived for 28 years.
This is a predatory and dangerous creature that attacks very unexpectedly. The anaconda cunningly lies in wait for its prey, then suddenly attacks.
These snakes live in flowing places of the river, periodically crawling out to bask on the ground under the sun. Sometimes, for the same purpose, the anaconda climbs onto the lower branches of trees. This creature is an excellent swimmer. The strange thing is not that a snake can stay under water for a long time. The paradox is that its nostrils are closed with special valves. During periods of drought, anacondas bury themselves in the mud. Some individuals prefer to fall into torpor. And only when the rains appear again will these individuals return to their normal activities.

The anaconda eats mainly mammals, but in history situations have been recorded when the creature quickly and mercilessly ate a jaguar.
Cannibalism is also inherent in them. Once at the zoo, a green anaconda quickly strangled and then ate a python, which was 3 meters long.
Does the giant anaconda have enemies? In general, no one is afraid of her. Very rarely have there been situations where a jaguar or large caiman managed to eat it. Of course, these prey anacondas were of the smallest size.
Surprising but true. Anaconda extremely rarely attacks humans. Such cases only happened by mistake. If a creature sees a person under water, then it thinks that this is a danger, and only in this case it attacks itself.
The only relevant case occurred in India. A giant anaconda swallowed a boy who was only 13 years old in a matter of seconds.
Surely you have seen films where the anaconda is an eternal predator of people. In life, they prefer to hide away from the human smell.

How do females reproduce? One individual can give birth to even 30 cubs. Babies are born 60 cm long. Interestingly, newborns can swim and even hunt.
The local population of the regions where the anaconda lives eats the meat of these snakes. It is considered incredibly tasty and juicy. That's why residents of South America constantly hunt anacondas. Do you think this is a very dangerous activity? In fact, these hunters have a huge amount of knowledge and experience. Therefore, they are confident that they will never fall into a trap. By the way, no one here catches such snakes alone. Groups of the most experienced and skillful hunters are specially assembled and set out for tasty prey.

The largest snake in the world

This is a reticulated python. It is characterized by:

  1. average length from 4 to 10 meters
  2. life expectancy about 20 years
  3. 100 teeth, including fangs. They are considered non-poisonous.

The python got its name because of its unique color. Light diamond-shaped spots on the back are combined with triangles on the sides. These snakes live in South Asia, mainly on mountain slopes or in tropical forests. Pythons prefer life on land; sometimes they like to climb trees or swim in warm water.
Food preferences:

  1. all kinds of rodents
  2. birds
  3. monkey
  4. Pets.

A reticulated python once ate a 60 kg pig. And once on Borneo, a python almost 7 meters long swallowed a female Malayan bear. These snakes also love to eat bats, which are caught in flight.
As for the record dimensions, there was a reticulated python in the zoo, which reached a size of 12.2 m. This information can be found in numerous sources. But when it came to officially confirming this record, the zoo staff chose to remain silent. Therefore, perhaps the anaconda should be considered the winner in our ranking.
The body structure is also very interesting. The python does not have large bones, its body weight is powerful, just iron muscles. It is thanks to them that a reticulated python can easily strangle a pig or goat. It was once believed that pythons break the bones of their victims. This is actually not true. If pythons broke bones rather than strangling their prey, they could be injured by fragments of the animal's bones.
The reticulated python is not afraid of people. In those parts, pythons can even climb into the chicken coop at night in order to steal their food. People have many chances to hunt pythons, however, it is not clear why no one uses these abilities to this day. There are only three stories in history based on real events how experienced hunters caught reticulated pythons.

Of course, snakes choose their activity time when there are fewer people. Therefore, if too large a population lives nearby, pythons hunt at night. IN daytime For days, they prefer a calm, quiet rest in the burrows of other animals or at the foot of trees.
Amazing fact. The reticulated python is the first creature to take up residence near Krakatoa after the 1888 eruption.
Information for lovers of exclusive animals as pets. The reticulated python needs a horizontal tropical terrarium. The required volume is several cubic meters. Pythons are heat-loving creatures. During the day they need temperatures up to 30-33 degrees Celsius, and at night - 25-25 degrees. It is recommended to keep one at a time. It is unlikely that you will be able to find this exclusive snake in your city. The exception is the zoo. And to feed them you need not only to sacrifice other animals, but also to have an impressive amount of wallet. Still, these creatures must live in a comfortable environment, namely in the wild.

Until recently, the reticulated python was considered the second largest snake in the world fauna after.

The reticulated python (Broghammerus reticulatus) is probably the longest snake in the world. The largest individuals of the nominate subspecies can reach a length of 10 m or more. However, individuals with a length of 4-8 m are more common. A record specimen of a reticulated python that lived in one of the zoos, according to unconfirmed data, reached a length of 12.2 m.

The reticulated python from the Philippines, 14 m 85 cm long and weighing 447 kg, which was reported in the media, was actually half that size. Reliably the largest reticulated python kept in captivity is a female over 7.5 m long named “Samantha”, caught in Borneo and died in 2002 at the Bronx Zoo (New York).

Reticulated pythons that live on small islands are significantly smaller than their mainland relatives and pythons from larger islands.

It got its name “reticulated” because of the complex pattern on the body, which includes a chain of light diamond-shaped spots in the middle of the back and triangular, interconnected dark spots with light centers on the sides. The head is light. Scales with a strong rainbow tint.

In the jungle, this reptile is almost impossible to see. The python can move easily and unnoticed between fallen tree trunks and tropical vegetation, and the color combination helps camouflage itself when catching prey.

The reticulated python is widespread in South and Southeast Asia. Pythons are most often found in wet forests and the jungle. This species is one of the best swimmers, so they like to live near rivers and lakes. A few years ago, a reticulated python was also spotted in residential areas of Bangkok.

This large and aggressive snake can pose a certain danger to humans. There are several known cases of reticulated pythons attacking people, some of them fatal. Typically, a python does not attack such large prey as an adult, because it will subsequently not be able to swallow it, but large specimens may be potentially dangerous for children and adolescents. Even though this variety is the longest in the world, it is not heavy. Even a 7 meter python weighs approximately 65-75 kg, which is very little compared to its length.

The longest snake in the world feeds on a variety of vertebrates: monkeys, small ungulates, civets, rodents, birds, and reptiles. Often attacks domestic animals: goats, pigs, dogs and poultry. Common prey can be young pigs and goats weighing up to 10-15 kg. There is a known case in Borneo where a reticulated python 6.95 m long swallowed a female Malayan bear weighing 23 kg, as well as cases of pythons eating pigs weighing more than 60 kg. Sometimes it hunts bats, which it catches right in flight, catching its tail on uneven surfaces on the walls and ceiling of the cave.

To digest prey weighing about 30 kg, a python will need as much as 10 weeks. In most cases, they catch large prey and hide for many weeks until they become hungry again. Since pythons are good hunters, it is not difficult for them to find food.

The female python lays from 10 to 100 eggs, after which she curls up around the clutch, warming and protecting the eggs from predators. Incubation at an optimal temperature of +31-32 °C lasts an average of 88 days. Young pythons are about 60 cm long when hatching.

Many people confuse boas and pythons, but there are big differences between them. First of all, pythons lay eggs and hatch eggs, while boas are ovoviviparous.

Due to the edible meat and valuable leather, it is very a large number of pythons around the world were exterminated before laws to protect them came into force. Nowadays these snakes are often kept in zoos and terrariums. This snake breeds well in captivity, and several color morphs of the reticulated python have been developed and established through selective breeding. The maximum lifespan of a reticulated python in captivity is 21 years.

Scientific classification:
Kingdom: Animals
Type: Chordates
Class: Reptiles
Squad: Scaly
Family: Pythons
Genus: Broghammerus
View: Reticulated python (lat. Broghammerus reticulatus (Schneider, 1801))