Hello friends! Who doesn't love fried fish? Yes, the one who doesn’t know how to cook it. Read how to properly fry fish in a frying pan. I have selected several delicious and healthy recipes for you.

River species that are ideal for frying are crucian carp, river trout, pike, perch, river tilapia, catfish or carp. From marine meats, red fish, flounder, pollock, hake, tilapia, cod, whiting are perfect. Marine species They are distinguished by less bonyness, although among the river ones there are not so bony ones. For example, tilapia or catfish. In fact, almost any fish can be fried if you know a few secrets.

Clean and salt

In the store, fish is sold with the head or already prepared in the form of fillets. I like to buy with my head. This way there is a better chance of determining what freshness it is. Let's start with the fact that the product must be thoroughly washed and cleaned.

  1. If the fish is whole, then cut off the head, cut along the belly, and gut it. For convenience, you can help yourself with a tablespoon. How to scrape out the guts, especially the dark film. Remove especially carefully gallbladder. Do not damage it, otherwise the fish will taste bitter.
  2. Cut off the fins with kitchen scissors.
  3. Remove the scales with a well-sharpened knife. We start cleaning from the tail.
  4. It happens that the surface is covered with a layer of mucus. And no matter how you wash it, it remains. Just rub the carcass with salt and wash it again.
  5. You can leave the head in the broth and cook a delicious fish soup.
  6. If you are making fillet, then cut the carcass into pieces about 3 cm. This is easier to do if the fish is slightly frozen. This way the pieces will turn out even and will not move away from the bone. Sprinkle these pieces with salt. But not too much. The golden rule is that it is better to under-salt. Add salt and leave for 10-20 minutes so that the future dish is soaked. For fresh fish, 10 minutes is enough
  7. If the fish is small, it is better to cook it whole. The fins and tail do not need to be trimmed. When fried, they will turn out like chips. Make cross cuts on both sides. Salt the dish and let it brew for 20 minutes. Next, you can put herbs in the belly - dill, cilantro.

And now I’ll tell you a secret: it’s easy to get rid of the strong smell of mud (this is typical for river rocks). To do this, soak the pieces in a solution of milk, salt and ground black pepper. Proportions: ¼ glass of milk, half a teaspoon of salt, add a little pepper. This solution should almost cover all the pieces. After 20 minutes, remove the pieces or drain them in a colander. There is no need to rinse, let the milk drain, or blot the pieces with a napkin. No need to salt anymore. Let everyone add more salt later if it seems too little.

Prepare directly for frying

Any of the following breadings are perfect as a breading for fillets or small pieces:

  • Roll in flour. This is the easiest breading method. Pour flour into a plate, you can add spices and dried herbs for taste. And then roll in the fish pieces. In order not to stain the entire kitchen with flour, inventive housewives pour flour into a bag and send the pieces there. Just shake the bag and the fish is already breaded. And the kitchen will remain clean :)
  • Breaded breadcrumbs work well. They need to be ground to a flour-like state. And here you can add a variety of fillings: cheese, herbs, nuts. The fillet should be salted, peppered, and then rolled in breading.

  • To prevent the juice from leaking out of the fish, batter is perfect. It's being prepared in different ways. The simplest one is to take 2 eggs, flour and herbs. Take any flour - oatmeal, rice or wheat. Break 2 eggs in a bowl and mix with a fork. Then add flour in small portions. You should get something like thick sour cream. Add a little salt, pepper, ground saffron. And roll the pieces in batter. This way the meat will be “sealed” and the juice will not leak out when frying.
  • Another option is to mix 1 egg with 2 tablespoons of milk. First we roll the fish in this egg mixture, and then we need to roll it in flour.

Frying fish

Now that we've cut it up and chosen the breading, let's start frying.

  1. The frying pan should be well heated.
  2. Add simple refined oil. There should be enough of it so that the fish is half immersed in it. Don't worry, it's not much. The dish won't absorb much. But this is the secret to the appearance of an appetizing crust.
  3. Place breaded pieces onto a hot surface. The fish is placed in well-heated oil. This way the breading will be “sealed” better.
  4. If you want to achieve a crispy crust, do not close the lid.
  5. Do not turn the fish over for the first 5-7 minutes. Otherwise the juice will leak out and the crust won’t work. Until it forms below golden crust, do not turn the piece over.
  6. Then carefully lift the fish with a wooden spatula. If it's browned, feel free to turn it over. Fry on the other side for 3-5 minutes.
  7. This dish cooks very quickly. Check readiness like this: pierce a piece with a knife. Is the meat soft and falls off the bones easily? All is ready. How long to fry fish in a frying pan can be determined experimentally. Usually this is from 3 to 10 minutes on each side.

If after frying you still feel that the pieces are too greasy, place the finished pieces on parchment or a paper napkin. I always do this when I fry pancakes or cheesecakes :)

Fried fish recipes

Fried flounder in flour and egg

There are several basic rules on how to properly fry flounder in a frying pan. For medium-sized flounder we take: 2 eggs, half a tsp. salt, juice of half a lemon, black pepper (2-3 turns of the mill), 100 grams of flour.

Trim the tail and fins with scissors, clean the scales and gut them. When gutting fish, do not damage the gallbladder. Otherwise the meat will be bitter. Make 5-6 cuts diagonally on both sides of the carcass. Squeeze half a lemon over the flounder; lemon juice will remove the specific smell. After dipping the carcass in the stirred eggs, roll in flour. After salt and pepper, place it in the pan.

Place the flounder in a heated bowl with the dark side up and the white belly up. Fry over medium heat for 7 minutes. Turn over and cook for another 5 minutes. This way the finished dish will better retain its shape and will not fall apart during frying. The golden crust that forms will help you understand how long to fry the flounder in a frying pan.

Another recipe for fried flounder from Sergei Malakhovsky:

Crucian carp fried in breadcrumbs with onion and egg

Any fisherman will tell you how to properly fry crucian carp in a frying pan. In this recipe we will do without flour. For 5 medium fish, take: 3 medium onions, half a glass of ground breadcrumbs, 3 eggs, sunflower oil for frying, 10 grams of salt.

Prepare crucian carp for frying by gutting, removing the gills, cutting the backs with a fine mesh, rinsing, and wiping dry with a paper towel. Rub the salt in evenly, allowing it to soak in for 5 minutes. Finely chop the onion. Fry it in sunflower oil and leave to cool in the pan, turning off the heat. Mix well raw eggs with fried onions. Heat a dry frying pan over high heat. Dip the fish in the onion and egg mixture, and then roll in breadcrumbs. Fry the crucian carp on both sides. How long to fry crucian carp in a frying pan will be determined by the rosy color of the dish.

Video recipe for fried crucian carp in sour cream

Pollock fried in batter

Sea fish is slightly different in preparation from river fish. This is due to physiological characteristics. If you take them into account, it becomes clear how to properly fry pollock in a frying pan. Sea fish, such as pollock or hake, takes a little longer to prepare than river fish and has a tougher skin.

Ingredients: 700 g pollock fillet, 2 eggs, 150 g flour, 150 g milk, 1 tsp saffron, olive oil; salt and pepper to taste.

Pour the flour into a deep bowl, add salt (half a tsp), pepper and 1 tsp. saffron It gives the finished dish a wonderful appearance and aroma. Mixing everything thoroughly, gradually add milk and then eggs. This kind of liquid batter is better suited for a frying pan. Place the fillet in the batter. Place the pieces of pollock in hot oil, which should be at least 1 cm in the frying pan. How long to fry the pollock in a frying pan can be determined by the hardened and whitened fillet. On average 7-8 minutes on one side if the fish pieces are large. For smaller ones it takes less, just 5 minutes. At this time the batter will turn into a golden crust.

Another version of fried pollock in the video:

Fish is best cooked on a grill pan. There are special grooves on the surface of such a frying pan. Thanks to this, the juice remains inside. Plus, this cookware requires much less oil when cooking. Therefore, the food will be healthier. Read more in the article "

It makes no difference where you got the fish - purchased it at the market or caught it yourself. When fried, any of them will turn out very tasty, but for this you need to know how to cook it in this way.

The process of preparing fried fish of any type is almost the same. The frying pan warms up thoroughly until vegetable oil, poured into it, will not begin to sizzle from droplets of water or a pinch of flour. Fish, cut into portions or left whole, is coated in flour mixed with salt (it is allowed to add pepper and other spices to the flour, to your taste) , and laid out on the hot surface of the frying pan. After a couple of minutes, the carcass is turned over, kept for another minute, and the fire is reduced. Next, continue frying until full readiness.

If you want to get juicy pulp, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. But be careful not to burn the fish. To avoid such troubles, many people prefer to do without a lid.

The complete readiness of the fish will be indicated by the uniform color of the pulp, which is easily separated from the seeds and has lost its transparency.

But let's look at the whole process in more detail.

Preparatory activities

Having decided on the choice of fish, you need to prepare it, all the insides. This event is not very difficult if the fish fins do not prick your fingers. Be careful with internal organs fish - do not crush the gall bladder, which can give the fish pulp a bitter taste. Fish heads, as a rule, are not fried in a pan. They should be separated from the carcasses in advance and used for other purposes, by cooking, for example, fish broth. The fish prepared in this way is washed with water and sprinkled with salt about ten minutes before it hits the hot metal of the frying pan. But this is not a mandatory procedure - you are allowed to salt the flour for breading.

To bread or not?

Breading in flour is the most common option for frying fish in a pan. Due to this, the fish does not stick to the surface of the pan and turns out with a crispy crust. The technology is simple - the fish is laid out on a dish, sprinkled with flour, salted, and mixed.

It is allowed to use breadcrumbs or lezon made from eggs with the addition of water or milk and spices.

Fish is fried in a frying pan and in batter. Many cooks simply pour the batter over the fish and stir it. This frying method requires additional consumption of vegetable oil.

Should you always bread your fish? There is no need for this if the fish has dense flesh. These species can easily include salmon, cod or horse mackerel. They do not bread it even if the fish is to be fried in a frying pan made of steel material with a well-polished bottom.

They also do without breading with fish that has a fairly strong skin and did not intend to remove it before cooking.

There are also a number of folk secrets. To prevent the fish from sticking to the surface during frying, the heated oil is first salted and then fish portions are placed in it. At minimum quantity fatty fish can be grilled without breading.

Features of frying in a pan

The oil layer should be clearly visible to the eye. Before frying fish, it should be heated almost to a boil. It will be better if the fish piece is immersed halfway in oil. It should also be remembered that the features of the technological process for preparing fried fish in most cases depend on the type of product itself.

Do not rush to disturb the fish pieces; wait until a strong, fried crust forms. Otherwise, when turned over to the other side, the fish will “fall apart”, losing its shape. It is best served hot.

Is it possible to speed up the frying process in a pan?

Does your portioned piece of fish have skin on one side? Then,
After frying the flesh, reduce the flame, cover the frying pan, and do not turn the fish over.

Fried fish in a frying pan, but not fully cooked, can be placed in the oven for about fifteen minutes. In this case, pour a hundred grams of water into the frying pan so that your fish does not burn and does not turn out too dry.

We use the grill

It is recommended to fry fish that has a lot of fat. After all, in a frying pan it will most likely lose its attractiveness. But with this method, you should be prepared for one not very pleasant moment - the fish will definitely stick to the grill, and when you remove it, you will not be able to achieve neat pieces. The only way out is to completely clean the metal rods and generously lubricate them with oil.

The fish is pre-prepared in the same way as for frying in a frying pan - cleaned and washed. Large pieces You can cut them so that they do not lose their shape due to the tightening of the skin, rub with spices and salt. Fry on each side for up to ten minutes, if necessary, if the pieces are too large, the time increases. If you don't have the time or desire to clean the grill, wrap each piece of fish in foil before frying.

If you dare to fry sea fish and want to eliminate its inherent odor, pour lemon juice over it and wait a while.

It is recommended to dry any fish ready for frying with a napkin, removing excess moisture after washing.

To achieve a golden brown crust and avoid burning, fry the fish in a frying pan in a mixture of vegetable and butter.

By placing fish pieces in milk or sour cream for about thirty minutes and then frying it in butter, you will get a more tasty product.

When frying horse mackerel or mackerel in a frying pan, moisten the pieces in beaten eggs. And only after that cover them with flour or crackers.

If the fish is intended for a cold dish, fry it exclusively in vegetable oil.

As you can see, almost anyone can fry fish in a frying pan. Don't be afraid to experiment; fry any fish in a frying pan. Remember that it not only has excellent taste, but is also very healthy.

Fried fish is delicious! But not every one is suitable for frying. And it's all about the meat. If it is not fatty, then the fish will turn out dry. That's why it's better to use moderate-fat and fatty varieties: carp, crucian carp, bream, eel, lamprey, carp, roach. Experts say that river fish is ideal for frying. But is it possible to refuse fried sea bass, mullet or catfish? This is a delicious and “celebration of the belly”!

Preparatory process

Purchased or caught fish must be cleaned of scales, fins, gills, tail, head and giblets removed. The exception is fish such as smelt. There is almost no need to clean it, and many people do not even cut off the head, fins and tail, but fry it whole. Fish slime is removed with salt: the entire carcass is wiped and then washed under running water.

Pay attention to the size of the fish: if it is small, it is fried whole. If it is large, then cut into portions (not too wide and not narrow - about 2.5 cm), without removing the bones, or cut until fillet is obtained. It is not recommended to remove the skin from the fish, otherwise the fish pieces will fall apart during frying (however, it is recommended to “undress” the catfish, which has a thick skin).

From a specific smell river fish There is a way to get rid of it by soaking it in milk
. Add half a teaspoon of salt and a little pepper to it. Fish soaked in this sauce will not fall apart when fried, and its meat will become more tender and soft. After 20 minutes, the fish is removed from the milk and blotted in a paper napkin to remove all excess moisture.

It is also recommended to soak river fish in order to treat it from fresh water, in which various organisms are found, including those harmful to human health. To get rid of this dubious “addition,” the fish carcass is either rubbed with salt or vodka. And marine varieties are already treated with a natural “disinfectant”.

Fish fried in a frying pan

There are at least three ways to fry fish: in a frying pan, deep-fried and grilled. If you are going to bread it, then flour will be suitable for this purpose. Place it on a flat plate, add salt (if you soak it in milk, you don’t need to add salt again), mix flour and salt and roll each piece in this breading. Some make it simpler and more effective. Flour is poured into a plastic bag, fish pieces are placed there and then the bag is “shaken” so that all the fish fall off. This “breading” is useful only once, then the bag needs to be thrown away.

For frying, you should have a separate frying pan - with a thick bottom and only for fish. The pan must be clean and dry. Pour oil onto it and heat it to a temperature of 160-170 degrees. Now you can arrange the pieces of fish. You should not place them close to each other, but leave some distance between them. Then the pieces will not stick, and the crust formed on the fish will not come off when turning over. Fry it until golden brown on both sides. A neat crust “holds” the juice in the fish and prevents the loss of vitamins during frying. As a result, you get a wonderful, healthy and juicy dish.

Some people fry fish by simply salting it thoroughly and peppering it on all sides. But for these purposes it is better to use varieties with “thick” skin: eel, catfish, burbot, bream. If you do without oil at all, then fill a hot frying pan with rock salt and wait until its grains begin to “jump.” Then the salt is removed and the fish is fried until cooked - without oil.

Deep fried fish

Friture is a French word meaning "frying in oil." In other words, deep frying is boiling oil (fat) in which various foods are cooked: potatoes, rice, pieces of chicken, fish, shrimp, donuts.

It is better to fry dense fish in boiling oil: pike perch, hake, sea ​​bass, pollock, blue whiting, mullet. In addition, their “meat” is sticky and will not fall apart during cooking.

If you don’t have an electric fryer, then you need to prepare heat-resistant, non-enamel and non-aluminum dishes (saucepan or saucepan). Pour in fat/oil - approximately half the volume of the vessel or in a ratio of 4 to 1 to the volume of fish. small fish fried whole, large ones are filleted or cut into thin long pieces. Before loading into oil, the fish is breaded or dipped in batter. You can use 4 layers as breading:

  1. Sifted wheat flour;
  2. Egg lezon - a mixture of beaten egg and milk (water or cream);
  3. Breaded breadcrumbs white bread and wheat flour;
  4. Ice cream again.

The breading process looks like this: the fish is rolled in the first layer (in flour), then lowered into the lezon, breaded in breadcrumbs and flour and released into the lezon again. This creates a dense breading layer.

Batter differs from breading and is a dough-like mass. The basic composition includes flour, eggs, water and salt. Mix two eggs and 0.5 teaspoon and beat a little with a fork, add sifted flour (0.5 cup) to the mixture, mix well to obtain a homogeneous mass. 0.5 cups cold water pour into the mixture last and stir some more. A liquid, creamy dough should form. This is the batter.

It is very tasty to fry fish in beer batter. To do this, take 2 chicken eggs, separate the whites and “forget” about them for a while. And sift flour (1 full glass) into the yolks, add a pinch of fish seasoning and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Shake this whole mass and gradually pour in 1 glass of cold light beer. Whip the whites separately until foamy and add to the beer mixture. Stir until smooth, adding 0.5 teaspoon of salt.

Pieces or fillets of fish are rolled in flour or breaded, and then dipped in batter and quickly deep-fried. The pieces should “float freely” in the oil, so there shouldn’t be too many of them. To find out if the fish is ready, you just need to keep an eye on it: if it is covered with a golden brown crust, you can remove it from the container. The remaining oil must be removed: spread the pieces on a paper napkin so that the excess is absorbed.

You can “finish” the fish in the oven. Then they do this: spend up to 5 minutes on deep frying, 5-7 minutes on the oven.

Grilling fish is also a type of frying. Non-bony varieties with dense meat are suitable: tuna, mackerel, sea bream, pink salmon, salmon. To give the fish a special taste, it is marinated and left for 30 minutes. Without marinade, it is recommended to rub the carcass with vegetable oil, and then it will not stick to the grill grate.

Fish gets a very piquant taste if you first rub it with sugar and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Only then it is salted or marinated: for example, in different types of oil and soy sauce, to which chopped garlic and ground ginger are added, or in lemon juice with garlic. You should not get too carried away with spices and seasonings, otherwise their smell will “outweigh” the smell and taste of fish.

Oil for frying

Only refined oil is suitable for deep-frying fish.
But which one exactly is your choice. You can use canola, safflower, canola, peanut, soy, olive, and only fresh. It should be noted that olive oil has high temperature smoking. However, you will use several times less peanut oil than usual, and it burns less than other types when deep-frying. The only (but significant “minus”) of peanut butter is that it is an allergen.

Fish is also fried in a “mixture” of sunflower and butter. You can use pork fat instead of butter. Some chefs recommend using butter as a “lining” for fish during the frying process, and when it is already browned on one side and turned over on the other. Butter like milk product, removes specific odors. Others advise frying with vegetable oil, but melt the butter and pour it over the finished fish before serving. This culinary “trick” will make the dish more tender and refined.

Before pouring oil into the frying pan, it must be well heated. An acceptable “layer” of oil is 1 cm. Ideally, the fish should be immersed halfway in the oil, but not boiling, but well heated. How can I check this? It’s very simple: if whitish smoke is released, you can start frying. By the way, heavily smoky oil needs to be replaced with “fresh” oil. It is not recommended to fry in the same oil many times: the breading particles will char and can ruin the gorgeous appearance of the dish. Don't skimp on oil!

Some people use margarine or shortening. Little secret: To avoid sticking to the pan, you need to add a little salt to it (the fat).

Note to the hostess

It is recommended to fry fried fish just before serving. Having laid it out on a plate, pour over the juice released during frying or butter, melted and warm. If the cooking recipe calls for a sauce (tomato, mayonnaise, sour cream), then it needs to be poured into a gravy boat and placed on the table next to the fish - everyone will take as much as they see fit.

TO fried fish served as a side dish: fried potatoes or vegetables (tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, cauliflower, green pea), vegetable salads. Pasta or cereal (except rice) products are bad manners. But salted, pickled cucumbers or mushrooms, a lot of greens, lemons are what you need!

Step 1: Prepare the fillet.

The fish fillet must be thoroughly prepared before frying, but first it must be defrosted. It is best to put the fish in advance, for example, in the evening from the freezer to the refrigerator. But you can also defrost the fish at room temperature in a couple of hours.
Rinse the defrosted fillet under running water. cold water. In order for the fish to turn out crispy, after defrosting and washing it needs to be dried. The easiest way to do this is with disposable paper towels. Simply place the fish pieces on them and blot them, collecting excess moisture.
After the fish fillet has been thawed, washed and dried, cut it into small portions and add salt, rubbing the salt with your fingertips over the entire area of ​​the fillet.

Step 2: Dip the fillet in breading.

To prepare the breading, simply mix flour and fish spices in a suitable-sized dish, keeping in mind that for one glass of flour there is one tablespoon of spices. Use whatever seasoning you prefer.
Dip the fillet pieces into the mixture prepared in this way and sprinkle them well with breading on all sides. Thanks to this, an appetizing crust forms on the surface of the fish, and inside it will be tender and juicy.

Step 3: Fry the fish.

Place the frying pan on the fire and heat the vegetable oil thoroughly until it begins to bubble. Then reduce the heat to medium and start cooking the fish. Place the fillet pieces first in the middle, because this is where the most oil has accumulated, and immediately move them to the edge. The fish should not lie very far from each other, because then the oil will burn, but you should not put them too closely, because then they will not be fried, but stewed and will not turn out as tasty.

Once the fillet is browned on one side, carefully lift it with a metal spatula and turn it over to cook the other side. On average, it takes 7-10 minutes. Once the fish is ready and well cooked, remove it from the heat and proceed to serving.
Important: If you accidentally added too much oil, after cooking, pat the fish fillets dry with disposable paper towels to remove excess fat.

Step 4: Serve the fried fish.

Serve the finished fried fish with boiled rice or mashed potatoes. If desired, you can sprinkle it with freshly squeezed lemon juice or soy sauce. This fish is also very tasty with sour cream and stewed vegetables.
As you have seen, preparing fried fish is not at all difficult, the main thing is to choose a good quality ingredient and stock up great mood. Only then will you get a truly tasty dish.
Bon appetit!

To lightly batter fish, dip it in the egg mixture before dipping it in flour.

Using the same recipe, you can fry not only fillets, but also just portioned pieces of fish.

If you have such an opportunity, try to decorate the finished dish with fresh herbs, for example, dill or parsley.

In this article we will tell you how to fry fish in a frying pan deliciously. This does not require any new skills or unusual products, and the fish will turn out very juicy and incredibly tasty.

Fish prepared according to this recipe always turns out very juicy inside, no matter how dry it is.

The whole secret is in the unusual breading, or rather in eggs and mayonnaise.

How to fry fish in a frying pan deliciously?

  • white sea ​​fish– 600 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 30 ml;
  • flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • spicy salty seafood mixture - taste.

Cooking technology

1. Clean the fish, wash it and cut it into pieces. Salt and sprinkle with lemon juice.

2. Beat the eggs, combining them with the amount of mayonnaise. We will also add a spicy salty mixture for seafood.

3. First roll the fish in flour, and then lower it into the egg mixture.

4. The oil in the frying pan should be well heated by this time. Place the pieces of sea rabbit on the roasting pan and fry on all sides. After frying, be sure to place the fish on a napkin so that it absorbs any remaining fat.

Let's prepare the fish for serving.

Place it on a plate and add, for example, pickled cabbage and herbs.