At the request of our readers, we have compiled the TOP 20 of the best RPG games of all time, in our opinion. Absolutely all the games on this list were released on PC, which makes them accessible and especially popular. The TOP includes both generally accepted masterpieces of the past and the latest blockbusters from the gaming industry. Go!

21. Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura

The game from the developer Troika game may seem a little more than just Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines with its fantasy races and magic spells, but by inserting significant amount steampunk technology, you'll be on your way to something special.

Arcanum is a tricky beast, with plenty of unbalanced turn-based combat. It's also packed with a compelling story set in a world where magic and technology collide in a non-linear do-what-you-want fashion.

When I first entered the world of Arcanum, almost everyone hated me. I had the intelligence of a baby and could barely hold a conversation, I was an orc and was constantly the victim of fanaticism, I could make a deal with a demon, so everyone thought I was evil. My mechanic Goblin, with his arachnid structures, weapons and sharp tongue, had a much more successful experience. The choices you make when creating your character have significant influence throughout the game, the character's race and background having a tangible impact on his relationships with non-player characters.

More than any other game on this list, Arcanum makes you feel like you're playing a tabletop RPG. Dungeon Masters isn't always fair, and you may be disempowered, but it's still worth it to enjoy the game through character development and how the world reacts to your half-elf demon circus.

20. Shadowrun Returns/Dragonfall

Shadowrun Returns is a welcome relic of the '90s. Based on the classic tabletop role-playing game, it's a neo-noir cyberpunk mystery with lots of magic, fantasy elements and combat that's reminiscent of XCOM. She creates a lot of things and they are all just wonderful. Set in a future land where science and the realm of mysterious struggle coexist and creatures such as elves and trolls walk the streets alongside humans, players find themselves in the guise of a shadow courier, a dark mercenary skilled in espionage.

Career in Shadowrun Returns is a realistic detective story that begins with an investigation into the death of a friend, with the promise of payback, and turns into a story of conspiracy, corrupt police, serial killers and a crazy cult. Without voiceover, the recording carries a story with a twisted sense of humor.

Free-form character building will allow players to create all sorts of unusual species, from spirit casters who can also enter the digital kingdom and fight against computer programs to samurai running around with a bunch of controlled robots. Investing points in charisma also unlocks affinities with different types of people, corporate security, other shadow couriers or street gangs, new streets in your investigation and dialogue options.

While the career path is short and mostly linear, Dragonfall nips this issue in the bud. This is a rich extension with a hub containing many additional missions and a cast of relatable characters with their own motivations and stories. The game comes with a comprehensive editor that contains the prospect of the user creating countless campaigns. Someone has already recreated it old game Shadowrun on SNES, which is also worthy of your attention.

19. Mount & Blade: Warband

The top of the line, Mount & Blade: Warband is an open world fantasy RPG meets medieval simulator that basically means you never have to look at the real world again. Warband immerses players in a giant sandbox where six factions fight each other for supremacy, there is no story, and it leaves it up to the player to decide what they want to do.

Perhaps the showman in you will inspire you to become a master of the spear and a champion of many tournaments, or perhaps your eye for making deals will lead you to the path of a wealthy merchant, and you will use your mountains of gold to finance an army of mercenaries who will protect They will bring you fame or maybe you are just a good-for-nothing scammer, and if so, then the gangster life is for you.

As you travel around the map, you will no doubt find yourself ambushed by enemies, or maybe you will become the one who arranges them, but either way, you will undoubtedly find yourself in a brawl. Skill-based combat that requires fancy footwork, excellent timing and the right weapons to attack with precision in different situations. It's hard to figure out what's going on there, but in the long run it's very useful. You will likely have an army on your side, leading to some particularly large conflicts. She can undergo training, gain experience and be equipped with new equipment, although you will have to pay her a salary.

Warband adds multiplayer and a variety of mods, including some impressive overhauls. This game will easily consume your life if you let it.

18. South Park: The Stick of Truth

Surprisingly, the game South Park manages to be not just great, but also one of best RPGs, which we had the pleasure of playing.

This is South Park in at its best. Oto perfectly recreates the city with a piercing, insightful, and often grotesque satire of gaming and pop culture. Fantasy tropes, the Kardashians, Nazi zombies, Morgan Freeman's mystical powers - they're all there.

And it's all wrapped up in an RPG that draws on many sources, from JRPG-style combat to Western deals open world. There's even a sizable dose of metroidvania exploration. Progress never stops - there's always something new around the corner, be it new combat mechanics or a giant dildo.

South Park is a game where you can dress up your child as a punishing Valkyrie and fight Jack Daniels-slurping hobos or anus-possessed aliens - it's incredible.

17. Deus Ex

More than an FPS/RPG hybrid, Deus Ex more than deserves a place on this list, as even after 13 years it remains a joy to play. It is one of the best games ever released. It's probably a little old-fashioned to sing its praises, since it's been a consistent feature of almost every best PC games list since its release in 2001.

I could spend a lot of energy recalling a dramatic story that interweaves themes of conspiracy, terrorism and transhumanism, with intriguing characters and a believable dystopian future. I could go on and on about the extent of character customization, allowing players to mourn JC Denton's shadow and long cape as a cybernetically enhanced soldier, a professional hacker, or a ghost lurking in the shadows. But what I really want to discuss is the incredible level design.

Each map is a comprehensive sandbox for experimentation. Each combat encounter has the potential to be played in strikingly different ways. Should you actually engage in said fights instead of walking past them? Secret paths, hidden caches, informants waiting to be bribed and confidential information revealing new routes and features that spread out the levels, ensuring that when players discuss their experiences, they seem to be talking about different games.

And it's all so organic. There's usually a strong temptation for developers to clearly highlight the choices that can be made, essentially explaining the mission objectives - where you can go and what you should do, but in Deus Ex this is a surprise to everyone. You don’t know that hacking a computer and reading personal letters will give you a code that allows you to defeat a tough enemy without a fight, and you don’t know that a product hidden within the level will open up a previously invisible, unimaginable route to the mission goal - you you should just go and explore.

Thanks to my bad memory, and all the places I'd never gone, the fights I'd missed, and the people I'd never met before, going back to it a couple of years ago and playing it again felt like it was the first time. I can't wait to play Deus Ex again in a couple of years. But you must do it now.

16. Dark Souls

Dark Souls is a masochistic RPG game. Brutal, merciless combat in a dark, dead land where the words “You're dead” begin to become an old friend, albeit a mocking one, is grueling gaming scum, but endlessly rewarding. Each battle is a puzzle that requires skill, good timing and observation of the enemy's stories. It is exhausting because death is always a missed attack or a misunderstanding of the opponent. But this is what makes every victory a worthy prize, creates the potential for increasing power, and moving on to a new, even more difficult area.

Free form character development and enemy design top level, both in their grotesque appearance and cunning mechanics, which are highly commendable, and in the sense of completion - stemming from survival despite the weirdness that Dark Souls makes worth it, to continue playing, despite constant crashes.

A gratuitously old-fashioned game design philosophy permeates throughout the tense adventure, but it's also equipped with modern complexity and scale. Different weapons and armor completely change the flow of battle and the feel of the character, with a hefty sword and heavy armor covered in armor having a huge, tangible impact on strikes and movement. Hidden throughout the vast, semi-open world are cornucopia trinkets and magic items, rewarding inquisitive players for their risky explorations of long-forgotten tombs and underground cities.

15. Divinity: Original Sin

The latest version of the Divinity series from developer Larian is not just a return to classic RPGs, but a continuation of them. This modern game, but is based on the classic design philosophy of games like Ultima and Baldur's Gate.

From our review of Divinity: Original Sin: “When I play Divinity, I find myself back in my parents' office, happily avoiding homework, as I explore the vast city of Atkatla. I'm overstaying my welcome at my friend's house and chatting with Lord British. And it's not because the game captivates me with nostalgia, but because it can evoke the same feelings: that excitement of doing something crazy and watching it work, the surprise when an inanimate object starts talking to me and sends me into a portal jumping around the world. There is fantasy and excitement there, and these things have become rare values. But Divinity: Original Sin is full of them.”

This is an RPG game that focuses on what the genre could be, rather than what it has become. Where conflict isn't just about fighting, where magic can be used to solve puzzles and control environment, not just for killing enemies, and where simple, non-main quests can be turned into rewarding, huge undertakings.

And it comes with a robust editor so you can create your own adventure, and expand the game's co-op mode so you don't have to wander the world alone. Stopping the evil in him is, after all, a job for friends.

A sequel called Divinity: Original Sin II was launched on Kickstarter.

14. Legend of Grimrock 2

Legend of Grimrock 2 was released relatively recently, but it actually comes from a time when playing an RPG meant you needed a constant stream of graph paper and the patience to draw lots of maps.

It builds on the excellent foundation laid by its impressive predecessor, taking four adventurers within one, large dungeon and giving them an entire incredibly diverse island to explore. There are towers, crypts, dungeons, forests, swamps, beaches and all sorts of fantastic locations that are waiting to be explored. She's huge. So big that I admit I needed the automap a lot more than I did in the previous game. I have so much graph paper.

Hero parties take up one tile and are essentially just their strength and combat abilities, but that's not what they're about. Journey through dark and dank dungeons, intense real-time combat with disgusting, often hulking monsters, the terrible fear you experience when lost in a maze, riddles that sometimes require factual notes - that's what it's about.

Class and race selection has been greatly improved, allowing parties to hold off gun-carrying informers, or farmers who gain experience by eating a variety of foods. Complete nonsense.

13. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

While my love for RPGs stems from Ultima, which is missing from this list due to being outdated, I also love Baldur's Gate from developers Black Isle and BioWare. From the first issues of 1998's Baldur's Gate to 2001's expansion Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, the successive plans, trials and tribulations of adventurers from the rugged Sword Coast to the wealthy city of Atkatla, where magic is at mostly illegal, and beyond to the turbulent kingdom of Tetur.

However, in Baldur's Gate II there are a lot of inaccuracies in the action sequences.

Dungeons and Dragons of the Land of Forgotten Realms is meticulously recreated and filled to the brim with a luxurious setting just waiting to be explored. And what kind of quests are there! Hundreds of hours of saving villages, diving into mines, fighting mad wizards, killing gnolls, and even a trip to the Plains, explored in more detail in Planscape: The Trial, and a deadly adventure into the Underdark.

Baldur's Gate juggles wit and satire with solemnity and significance, drawing players into seemingly simple quests. It's a party of adventurers joining the hero, who of course gets none other than the notorious Ranger Minsk talking to his space hamster Boo. Baldur's Gate II also has the distinction of having one of the best adversaries of any game in John Irenicus, masterfully voiced by top-notch villain stunt double David Warner. Arrogant, powerful and disfigured with a hint of tragedy around him, Irenicus has all the hallmarks of a classic villain, and even though he is not present for most of the game, his influence permeates everything around him.

12. Torchlight II

If you are looking for an action RPG game, then Torchlight II is definitely for you. There's no time for an intriguing plot or interesting characters, they'll only get in the way of the many - and I do mean tons - of loot and the ruthless horde of monsters.

Torchlight II has a frantic pace, seeing its players running across a huge map, killing oceans of enemies, and never stopping to catch their breath (unless you're on a fishing trip). Gold and items explode from fallen enemies in absurd quantities, covering the land in treasures and trinkets. There's always some new trinket to play, some new, colorful armor to show off, or powerful items to purchase, giving the game a constant sense of progression and trapping that will draw you into its world for many hours.

Even though there are only four classes in the game, each of them has three separate skills associated with different fighting styles that completely change the class. One of the Engineers may be very armored tank, who goes into battle with a comically large hammer, while another can stalk enemies from afar with an equally comically big guns. Within each class there are tons of completely different skills, inspiring experiments and multiple playthroughs.

And, of course, everything looks bloody beautiful. It may be a game of robbery and murder, but there's no rule that says the setting can't be bright and colorful. The monster designs are worth emulating, featuring a range of bizarre abominations to kill, and colossal bosses that are both mechanically and visually impressive.

Torchlight II also allows you to travel with your pet. Having good taste, I am never without my faithful bulldog, unless I send him to the stores to sell the loot. Yes, these animals are mercantile specialists. If all of this isn't worth the price of admission, then I don't know what is.

11. Mass Effect 2

Marrying the subgenres of speculative fiction and soap opera, Mass Effect 2 is greatest achievement BioWare in terms of peace, or rather the rise of the Galaxy. The exploration and pseudoscience of Star Trek, the cinematic action of Battlestar Galactica, and the fantasy elements of Star Wars or the wimpy science fiction of the early 20th century are all here and combined expertly.

Humans are newcomers to the galactic community, and they must stir things up to get the elder races to acknowledge the growing threat to their existence. How do they do this? With the help of a temperamental soldier, of course. Commander Shepard is a great character because he's my character. It's impossible to characterize him because for many he is really a she, and instead of being a grizzled, oppressed, glory-hunting hero like he or she was in my game, he or she may be cruel, a racist bastard, or a paragon of virtue , which does not allow anyone to die.

There is an entire galaxy to explore, with realistic alien races steeped in knowledge, settlements to escape, smugglers to kill, or desperate cases to complete. But Mass Effect 2 is really focused on preparing for a suicide mission despite the possible benefits. All good company of aliens must be recruited and their loyalty must be won if there is any hope of destroying a threat that most of the galaxy seems to ignore.

Dramatic and artful set-pieces, if not particularly interesting, are the team combat highlighted by BioWare's trademark, excellent dialogue and just wandering around alien locations that are seriously captivating. Suspend your disbelief for ten minutes and you'll find yourself on a sci-fi ride from hell.

In this review, we will analyze the TOP 10 turn-based strategies with tactical elements.

This type of game is distinguished from other turn-based strategies by a clear bias towards tactical actions and the virtual absence of such things as traditional for conventional strategies, such as the construction of buildings and economic development.

10. Laser Squad Nemesis

Nemesis is a continuation of the franchise, released in 2002. So, before us is a classic tactical strategy with step by step system combat, in which players give orders to their units. Each turn the player gives orders to his troops, and can view the expected result of his actions.

Orders from both players are sent to the server and processed simultaneously, and the results of the battle are sent back to the players.

At the same time, the game has a single company and other modes. There are also four races in the game, including a race of aliens who rely on their numbers, a race of aliens with expensive weapons, energy weapons and mind control technology. In the last part, the graphics, of course, were improved. However, you shouldn’t expect any special beauty. They didn’t really bother with the plot at all.

9. Incubation: Time is Running Out

]A hit with a capital H and one of the best turn-based strategy games on PC. The original game was released already in 1997, and in Russia - only in 2005 good translation and voice acting.

According to the plot, people mastered interstellar flights and began to explore other planets solar system to build colonies. The main events take place in the Nostalgia colony. We will have to fight not alone, but as a whole detachment. Initially, 3 fighters and 5 cells are available. Fighters can also interact with objects on the map.

Units have skills such as physical training, skills with light and heavy weapons, engineering and medical skills, as well as leadership abilities. Fighters' skills automatically develop when purchasing weapons and equipment.

Apart from a great single, Incubation It can captivate you with a good multiplayer game. Graphics, sound, as well as AI did not disappoint. The game is a classic and recommended to anyone who wants to remember the old days.

8. Silent Storm

The game was released by a Russian studio Nival in 2003. Silent Storm- a project in a rare combination of tactics, strategy and RPG. The most amazing thing is that all the elements are organically woven into each other and present an organic and inseparable picture.

In the yard, 1943 is the height of the Second World War. Allies and Russian countries organize groups of saboteurs to work behind enemy lines. But in the course of their actions, they find out that there is a third - much more powerful - party in the world. International secret terrorist organization Thor's Hammer. The player controls a special forces squad of six people. You can select a team to suit your taste.

Each side has access to an extensive card index with fighters of six professions - grenadier, soldier, sniper, medic, engineer and intelligence officer.

World Silent Storm is divided into three parts - a global map where you need to select a mission, a base where you fiddling with ammunition, and the missions themselves, which take place in a step-by-step mode. Moreover, the game has an element of nonlinearity. From time to time, forks in the plot arise, so you won’t be able to experience all the missions in one playthrough.

The game is a hot example of what our developers can do when they want. Several awards, including the best strategy of 2002, high marks from the press and a small but very devoted community - the game rightfully deserved everything. Fans of good strategy-tactics with an original plot and a huge variety of ways to play, please do not pass by.

7. Panzer General

Another turn-based strategy that launched a whole series of turn-based games. All actions of the game take place during the Second World War. The main goal is - to capture all points on the map, for example - settlements or airfields. Units in the game are presented different classes, such as infantry, artillery, tanks, self-propelled guns, air defense, fighter and bomber aircraft and navy.

All units have unique properties, so the types of units are characterized by impact strength, defense strength, firing range, ammunition, fuel reserves, and so on.

All this provides wide tactical scope for turning sketchy pictures into a real extravaganza of military operations.

6.Front Mission

Exclusive for Play Station and a truly rare guest for consoles. Tactical strategy about the world of walking mechs - vanzors. They can change spare parts, give different weapons, charge, etc.

Vanzor battles take place on a miniature map, which is conventionally divided by cells. The player can place four characters of his team on the field, and they are also given the right to make the first move.

The game contains two scenario lines, which are quite noticeably different from each other, which allows you to look at the same political events from different sides, revealing the personalities of the characters in different ways. On some maps we even have to play for different sides barricades The game is quite old, so you can't play it without an emulator.

5. Jagged Alliance

Tactical Series role playing games, the first part of which was released back in 1994. The whole plot revolved around the small island of Metavira, which you had to occupy with mercenary forces during the game. Money for mercenaries had to be obtained through mining and sales medicinal plants, growing on the island.

The graphics are a top view of the graphics card. The game was captivating with a variety of characters - each with their own characteristics that can be developed, a wide choice of weapons and tactics when capturing sectors.

The second part raised the bar even higher, becoming a cult favorite among fans of turn-based tactics. It has managed to acquire a wide number of mods and is still played with a bang.

4. Demiurges

The only one card game, included in our TOP turn-based strategies.

The entire world of the Demiurges consists of ether. Everything around us is their ether. We ourselves will go there from there. Demiurge cards resemble cards from "Heroes"- towers, forts, mines, laboratories, monster caves, enemy castles, scattered resources, artifacts, global spells, and so on.

The enemy, just like you, can attack your castle, and the castle is your breadwinner, so you should not neglect its protection. This is the heart of the game. What could be more exciting than a confrontation between two lords who have taken command of one of the four races in one of a dozen arenas.

Battles in Demiurges have two phases - attack and defense. When attacking, the player casts spells, gives commands to the summoned creatures and chooses who will go on the attack. The enemy begins to defend himself, casting his spells and sending his creatures to intercept. Then comes his attack phase and the player must defend himself.

Victory can be achieved by huge numbers in various ways. As for the economy - a total of 8 are available various types resources - all of them are used only for one purpose - the further purchase of spells, as well as runes that modify spells.

3. X-COM: UFO Defense

The series is known, remembered and loved all over the world. Here we have a classic mixture of turn-based strategy and tactical role-playing game.

The plot is this - unknown people are attacking the Earth, they are superior to earthlings in technology and are much better organized. A project was created to counter the threat X-COM, in which you are called to lead.

The graphics were simply wonderful for their ancient times. A bright world, lots of details, wonderful art - everything is made with love and pleases the eye to this day.

The battles in the game are turn-based, but the tension in the battle did not let go until the very end. On a tactical map, almost the entire environment can be destroyed to the ground if you have enough powerful weapons- this is very cool for a modern game, but for the nineties of the last century - something completely prohibitive.

In addition to the soldiers themselves, you had to manage a network of team bases, control the development of technical innovations based on the goods obtained from the aliens, as well as establish relationships with governments and understand statistical reports.

The result is an excellent game, which has a place not only on a museum shelf, but also in the heart of a gamer.


Those same worms that are sometimes classified as a separate genre of artillery tactical games. The first part appeared back in 1994.

Several generations of the series Worms, offering various combinations of graphical environments and tactical options, have been ported to almost all gaming devices. And there have been a lot of mods that expand the capabilities of the game.

In general, worms have become an integral part of the industry for a long time, which is not surprising - seemingly simple gameplay turned into outright madness, thanks to good humor, high-quality character animation and a spectacular special atmosphere. All this is in Worms.

The game is worth playing again and again, getting a lot of fun from hitting or missing.

1. XCOM: Enemy Unknown

In the 2012 remake, the sophisticated fighter control system underwent noticeable simplifications. However, neither tactics nor strategy have gone away, so it is no less captivating than before. And the fact that it has become more spectacular, player-friendly and intuitive has benefited everyone.

Only one thing has changed in the global map - previously we could build several bases and purchase several landing ships, but now we have both of them strictly in a single copy. Instead of bases now orbital satellites who detect UFOs. By concentrating the action within one base, the developers were able to make it more lively and filled it with interesting characters who communicate and argue with each other. They even introduced a story campaign that challenges the player specific tasks and adds tension. Otherwise, we have before us good old tactics, carefully transferred to Unreal Engine 3 so that the new generation can touch the classics of the genre.

Read more about the latest installment in this legendary series in our review of XCOM 2

This page of the website portal contains an extensive list of turn-based strategies with RPG elements. Each turn-based strategy from this catalog has been carefully selected by us, and we are confident that all the games collected here are worth your attention! After reviewing the games in this category, you will definitely find the right game for yourself. Our list of turn-based strategy games with RPG elements combines some of the best and most memorable turn-based strategy games of all time. Games are conveniently divided by dates from 2017 - 2016, and early years. It is also worth paying attention to our TOP 10 turn-based strategies, for which we have selected only best games genre.


The amount of information on games may confuse you, but we have worked through it as much as possible, and you can easily select the game you need by watching videos and screenshots, or by reading the information in detail on the corresponding game page. The OnyxGame website has collected a large number of various game genres and sorted them by games on PC and other platforms. Now you will definitely find only the best computer games for yourself!

In general, the idea of ​​turn-based gameplay came from game process since the last century and has been introduced into many genres. A striking example of this is “Heroes of Might and Magic”, which are literally imbued with this mechanics. The interesting and unobtrusive approach to the game attracted the attention of many gamers, demanding in return judicious and thoughtful decisions made both on the battlefield and beyond. Naturally, today modern projects increase the degree of drive and dynamism as quickly as possible, but there are still fans of such projects that do not require exorbitant speed, evoke a relatively calm gaming atmosphere with melodic music, and have leisurely decision-making and time to calculate the next move. Today we will focus on one of the game genres, which will be turn-based RPGs. As examples, we will give several prominent projects that at one time deserved the highest awards.


You can talk and argue a lot about this, but "Fallout" has always been and will remain a classic of this game genre, or rather its first and second parts. “Fallout 3” is no less popular and successful, it’s just that the developers decided to switch to a fundamentally different gameplay, devoid of turn-based elements. If you want to fully experience what turn-based RPG games are, then the first thing you should do is install “Fallout”. It is its first two parts that have an indescribable atmosphere of turn-based battles.

Of course, there are other basic RPG elements that make up the overall picture of the game. For example, the main character can be dressed and armed with items of varying effectiveness, giving him additional bonuses in battle in the form of life, energy, stability, and so on. In addition, receiving new level As the game progresses, you can spend points to improve certain characteristics of the character, thereby making him stronger. Turn-based RPGs (and any RPGs in general) have one very important distinctive feature from other genres that use the same gameplay system - interesting and varied quests, by completing which the character will receive experience, money and better equipment. This is the main interest of such projects.

Space Rangers 2: Dominators

Turn-based RPGs on PC are represented by another very interesting project, which, by the way, was created by domestic hands. Why was this particular part of the game chosen, and not the first or just the second? In my opinion, this version is the most successful and most complete. But it’s worth saying a few words about the entire “Space Rangers” game series. Firstly, this is a very interesting and versatile project. Here you can find a combination of several game genres at once - turn-based battles, real-time battles (RTS) and text quests (the most delicious highlight of the project).

And the most important thing is that all this managed to get along with each other in some incomprehensible way and, overall, create such a wonderful and interesting project. Few turn-based RPG games can boast such a variety of gameplay. Secondly, the game has its own through which the player is fully acquainted with interactive world while completing tasks, searching for some information, and so on. These turn-based RPGs are of particular value to the genre. Combining in this way many game genres (the main component is still the turn-based mode), the game becomes multifaceted.

Exciting turn-based RPG games are a real paradise for fans of tactical turn-based combat and attacks. Such strategy games focus the player’s attention entirely on his character, who can be developed, improved, and provided with new equipment, that is, it can be improved in accordance with your own preferences.

Depending on the RPG game you choose, you will control either one hero or an entire group of characters. You have to go through incredible online tests, you will defend your lands, modernize your possessions and your people, and attack the enemy. The most interesting long missions and, at first glance, unattainable goals await you. But everything is achievable! After all, it’s worth activating your mind, putting in a little effort, developing the optimal strategy, and all the battles will be a success for you!

Our exciting mini-games will give you a lot of excitement. In deadly battles you will experience real adrenaline, and with every victory you will be filled with inner satisfaction and pride in your professional skills.

This section includes the following list of games:

  • various turn-based battles;
  • strategy games with passing;
  • games of magic cards (card battles);
  • logic games in RPG style, etc.

Our team is constantly looking for and adding interesting free new products to the site that have a unique and addictive plot. Yours good mood- our key to self-improvement. We are pleased to offer you the best games. Here you can play them in full screen, and you can also download them to your PC!