If you happen to give birth to a kitten in a dream, you will receive unpleasant news that will greatly upset you. However, do not rush to believe the information received. It may be provocative in nature and aim to misinform you about the real state of affairs.

Separately, we consider the circumstance when a cat gave birth to a kitten in a dream, but the woman has to feed it and behave as if she were its mother. This may indicate that in reality she has ill-wishers. They hide behind the guise of friends, but in reality they seek to harm the dreamer or force him to solve his own problems through manipulation. You also need to pay attention to the fact that those people who belong to the very close circle(friends, relatives).

For every woman, childbirth is a moment of renewal, cleansing and a transition to a new stage in life. In any case, this is a serious test that leaves an imprint on the girl’s life. The result of childbirth in reality is a child, which is an adequate reward for all the work and trials. But in a dream, this process may not end at all as planned. Often girls dream that they become the mother of a small defenseless creature - a kitten.

Many women are tormented by the question of why they dream of giving birth to a kitten. This vision often visits the fair sex. It is directly related to those endeavors that are present in their lives at the present time. Often they are a warning about the discrepancy between expectations and the real state of affairs.

Dream interpreters believe that those women who have a gentle character and are not able to make a strong-willed effort to achieve heights in their profession or personal life can also give birth to a kitten in a dream. You need to reconsider your position in life and show maximum initiative.

It’s quite unusual to dream about giving birth to a kitten. Here you need to proceed from who the owner of the dream is. If a pregnant woman dreams of this, then in reality trouble and failure may happen. But this does not concern the unborn baby, but rather some matter for which she had high hopes. If the kitten comes out of the cat, but you need to feed it, then you have enemies under a friendly guise.

It is also a manifestation of character. Usually such girls are too soft and weak and cannot achieve in their career if they need to use force and be rude. If a girl is glad that she gave birth to a furball, then this is either an expectation of good news, or an unusual turn.

According to Miller's dream book, if a woman gives birth to a kitten in a dream, then troubles await her, for which she herself will be to blame. She shouldn’t do nasty things to people, because they might find out about it and take cruel revenge. Sometimes dreams with similar plots are seen by those who cannot see easy way in life. They are constantly looking for adventures, and then find themselves in very unenviable situations. You need to consult with other people, they will be able to show you the right path that will lead to happiness with minimal moral and material losses.

If a virgin dreamed that she gave birth to a kitten at night, then she will have problems with her lover. He will suspect her of infidelity. The dreamer should not flirt with all the guys she knows. Her behavior may be misunderstood. It is better to try to avoid meeting with them and appear in public in the company of your lover, then unpleasant gossip will not circulate around the sleeping woman.

According to the everyday dream book, the birth of a kitten in a woman’s dream foreshadows her having troubles around the house. Perhaps guests will come to her unexpectedly, as a result of which the dreamer will have to pay attention to them and cook a lot. There is a possibility that the mother-in-law will want to live with her husband in her house for some time. The sleeping woman will have a hard time, since her relative will constantly harass her with nagging and comments with or without reason.

If a married lady gave birth to a gray kitten in a dream, then in reality her husband will find out about her affairs. He will be very angry and may even beat the dreamer. She should more carefully hide her adventures to the left, otherwise she risks losing her life, because her husband has a tough temper and is quick to take revenge.

The dream book gives different interpretations if you happen to give birth to triplets in a dream. For example, if a woman who is not expecting a child saw such a dream, then she will soon become rich. But every cloud has a silver lining: having a fat wallet, she will be unhappy in love.

Sometimes the subconscious brings us strange associations with the surrounding reality, and therefore, first of all, we need to compare the birth of any animal with the situation existing in reality. Giving birth to a kitten in a dream is a good symbol, foreshadowing life-affirming news.

A dream is interpreted a little differently, where it was dreamed that the mother gave birth to a child of a certain gender. If the newborn was a boy, then there will be harmony in your personal life, and if a pretty girl was born, then a new addition to your family awaits you.

On the contrary, if a girl dreamed that she gave birth ahead of schedule, then the dream book foretells her the birth of a baby exactly forty weeks after conception. Moreover, delivery will be as painless as possible, and the baby will be born healthy and will delight the mother with its development.

I dreamed that I gave birth to several kittens (like 3), we were in the same apartment, my girlfriends came, I want to feed them and go for a walk, because my boyfriend left and didn’t help me with them... and I don’t want to deal with them either , also with these kittens, my cats are at home (as in real life) very unpleasant feeling of confusion and the fact that my martyr didn’t help me but just ran for a walk

But not in all cases the birth of kittens is a symbol of good news and contacts. If a cat gives birth to dead kittens, you will be disappointed, or an unpleasant person will offend you. Also analyze your business activity to understand where the trouble might come from.

If in your dream a cat gave birth to a large number of cute kittens, then in real life you can expect many joyful surprises. The dream can also foreshadow new acquaintances, parties and entertainment.

Surprises and good news may await you if you dreamed that a cat gave birth to a large number of beautiful fluffy kittens. It can also mean meeting new nice people, meeting old friends and having fun parties.

Watching in a dream the birth of a furry pet or participating in the process of the birth of a new life yourself is an exciting event that can raise many questions after waking up. To obtain the most accurate interpretation of such a night vision, you should take into account the number of kittens born, the appearance and behavior of the cat, the place of birth, and the gender of the dreamer.

Why do you dream about a giving birth cat?

In popular dream books you can find the following interpretations of the birth of kittens:

  1. Vanga. Pets giving birth warn of imminent difficulties. Due to your own inattention, you will miss a small problem, which can cause irreversible, negative consequences. You should be careful at work, as envious colleagues may become more active, which will lead to dismissal or a reduction in salary.
  2. Loff. A cat giving birth symbolizes problems in your relationship with your significant other. Try to show more trust and attention towards your loved one - this will help avoid separation. Such a dream may indicate the appearance of a rival or rival - in order to keep your soulmate close to you, diversify your intimate life and expand your circle of common interests.
  3. Miller. Giving birth to a cat means deterioration in the well-being of the dreamer or one of the relatives. A lambing pet may indicate unpleasant actions that will subsequently harm only a sleeping person.

A Sphynx cat giving birth indicates a balance between the physical and psychological state of a sleeping person.

Killing a pregnant cat in a dream means successfully coping with all difficulties without visible losses. Seeing a cat lambing means receiving bad news.

Why do you dream that a cat gave birth to kittens?

In many dream books, a cat giving birth or having already given birth symbolizes a quick solution to existing problems, but for a more detailed interpretation, a number of factors are taken into account. A difficult birth in a cat indicates false gossip spread behind the back of a sleeping person.

Appearance of a cat

The color of the cat determines the interpretation of night vision:

  • black - to betrayal of a loved one;
  • white - to sudden mood swings that can lead to problems with management or a long-term conflict with a friend;
  • tricolor - to distance from relatives due to workload, which will cause hidden grievances;
  • gray - to resolve problems on the love front;
  • striped - to mutual understanding with family members and comfort in the home;
  • redhead - ill-wishers will try to ruin the reputation of a sleeping person.

A cat of an unusual color symbolizes positive changes and an unforgettable vacation surrounded by the most dear people.

Appearance of kittens

Interpretation by color:

  • redheads - financial well-being;
  • black - successful completion of long-standing affairs;
  • white - good luck in all areas of life.

Seeing in a dream the birth of kittens of the same color, like the mother, means identifying and eliminating the source of possible troubles in time. If a pet gives birth to offspring with different colors, new problems will soon arise in addition to the existing ones, and it will be quite difficult to cope with them.

Number of kittens

See the birth large quantity kittens and experience anxiety - to a demotion at work, a conflict with management or the loss of a friend. If the process evokes joyful emotions, the sleeping person will soon receive good news and achieve your goal without outside help.

In most dream books, a cat giving birth to one kitten means the successful completion of a work project. Appearance on light of the dead kittens warns that solving new problems will require a lot of strength.

Cat behavior towards kittens

If you dream of a domestic cat that has lambed and licks its newborn offspring, a dark streak in the life of a sleeping person will soon end. The mother eats with appetite - to solve the problem, the dreamer will choose the wrong path, which will cause the situation to worsen.

A pet playing with kittens symbolizes the support of relatives and close friends in all endeavors. If the cat ate the kitten, stop traveling in the near future.

Place and time of action

Interpretation by time of day:

  • at night - to solve the problem through significant financial expenditures;
  • in the morning - to advance up the career ladder;
  • in the afternoon - for a pleasant holiday with your loved one.

The cat gave birth at home - in the near future you can safely carry out your plans - everything will work out without difficulty. The animal lambed in the street - to strong feelings. Don't worry - everything will work out in your favor.

Why do you dream about giving birth to a cat?

To give birth to a cat in a dream means to take an active part in solving problems loved one. If the process causes joy, the dreamer will have good luck in the future, and negative emotions warn of serious difficulties. Catch a newborn kitten - to positive changes in life.

Why does a woman or girl dream about the birth of kittens from a cat?

In dream books for the fairer sex, the image of a lambing cat has the following meanings:

  1. Someone else's pet warns the lady about the deterioration of family relations due to the fault of an ill-wisher. Try to identify the envious person and exclude him from your close circle - this will help avoid conflicts with loved ones.
  2. Watching from the side how a street cat gives birth to kittens means the appearance of a rival. In order not to be left alone, try to add variety to your relationship with your partner, take time to develop your personality, since the lack of common interests can also play into the hands of a homewrecker.
  3. A lambing pet warns a girl about intrigues weaving behind her back, the guy’s infidelity, or false gossip being spread. Ignoring what is happening will cause a deterioration in reputation, isolation or long-term depression.

Expert opinion

Yuna Khatun

Hereditary fortune teller

To drive away a giving birth animal or to pour water on it is to avoid many problems in reality. If you yourself gave birth to kittens in a dream, this hints at a subconscious desire to have a child.

A man dreams

The meaning of giving birth to a cat in night vision for representatives of the stronger sex:

  1. For an adult man, the image of an animal means being surrounded by a lady, through whose fault many troubles arise in his life. It is necessary to identify this person and stop any communication - this will provide an opportunity to meet love and solve accumulated problems.
  2. For a guy in a long-term relationship, the birth of kittens means insincerity on the part of his other half. This girl is in a relationship with the dreamer, pursuing selfish goals.
  3. For married man such a dream prophesies scandals with his wife, which could lead to divorce. Try to find the stumbling block, pay attention to the qualities that you value in your chosen one - this will help save the marriage.

If there are no problems in your relationship with your significant other, then a cat with newborn kittens in a dream may indicate negligent performance of official duties. If a sleeping person does not change his attitude towards work, he will face not only a decrease in income, but also problems with the law.

Even if night vision has a negative interpretation, do not worry - many dreams arise as a result of internal unrest and may not carry any meaning. Try to be less nervous and attach importance to trifles, concentrate on your family and loved ones.

Whether childbirth seems like an ordeal or a long-awaited event, it definitely brings change. According to interpreters, this process, even in a dream, predicts significant metamorphoses in the life, views or character of the dreamer. And sometimes childbirth indicates our inner readiness and desire to transform. But to understand secret games your subconscious should be done without haste, carefully and thoughtfully, otherwise you won’t get into trouble for long. After all, the opinions of dream books are so contradictory!

Why do you dream about childbirth?

The most common interpretation of a dream about childbirth sees it as a symbol of a sharp turn of fate with a “plus” sign. It could be anything: moving to a new the best place residence, a new and more promising job, a new serious relationship. However, dream books would not be dream books if they were content with one single explanation. Each of them has something to add to this interpretation.

  • According to Miller's dream book, a vision of childbirth may be unfavorable for only two categories of people. Young unmarried girl he risks getting a stain on his reputation or finding himself in an ambiguous position, and the man risks being unable to make responsible decisions. But adult married women have nothing to fear. The dream promises them deliverance from troubles, the end of a long-standing confrontation with one of their relatives and the entry into a new bright period of life. For those who dream of getting pregnant, the dream may come in handy.
  • Longo's dream book does not focus on the personality of the dreamer. But he points out: seeing your own birth means finding something very desirable; helping someone in childbirth means meeting obstacles on the way to your cherished goal. But if everything ended well in your dream, you can count on victory in reality.

    If the dream was pleasant to you, it will bring only good things

  • Vanga's dream book also first of all draws attention to the ending of a night dream. If the process of bringing a new person into the world is completed successfully, you are given the chance to be “born again.” Whatever changes in life you are planning to make, go for it, now is the time for them. If something goes wrong, it is better to take a break and try not to make important decisions. You're in trouble.
  • Meneghetti's dream book advises all “virtual women in labor” to be wary and look around more closely. Enormous opportunities open up before you to accomplish something significant, to give life to an idea or plan that has long been nurtured in your soul. But if in a dream you watched the birth from the side, there is a high risk of missing out on the chance given to you. But a man who acted in a dream in a role so uncharacteristic for his gender is most likely a dreamer and dreamer who took on a task beyond his own strength.
  • Loff's dream book focuses on psychology. They say that the dream does not talk about any future events, but only reflects the dreamer’s ardent desire to become a parent or an equally ardent hope that this can be avoided.
  • According to the dream book of Nostradamus, a girl who saw her childbirth in a dream will have to enter into intimate relationships. Unfortunately, the reason for this will not be the first feeling, but the cold calculation of the insidious seducer. Married woman the dream promises exactly what it seems: pregnancy and the birth of a baby. The man is promised new non-trivial sensations and the opportunity to make a not quite ordinary act or discovery. By the way, the opinion of Nostradamus is almost completely shared by the English Dream Book.
  • The French dream book does not go into detail, but simply promises dreamers quiet family happiness and the absence of any significant shocks.
  • Hasse's dream book considers being present at someone else's birth an unpleasant sign, leading to financial losses or depression. Own birth mean: for a seriously ill patient - a threat to life; for a pregnant woman - the birth of a boy; for the traveler - returning home; for a prisoner - release; for everyone in general - an attempt to realize a certain goal set for oneself.
  • Contrary to the beliefs of her predecessors, Tsvetkova’s Dream Interpretation promises a young girl who “dreamed” about giving birth, strong family in future. If a man watched the process of childbirth in a dream, it means that he is trying to cope with his inner fears, and not without success.
  • Freud's dream book is full of romantic predictions. In his opinion, other people's births predict a person will meet the love of his life. Moreover, this will be in every sense a soul mate, sharing the interests, hobbies and even preferences of the dreamer in bed. If a woman dreams of childbirth, during which her husband holds her hand, there is no doubt about his devotion. But if the “hero of the occasion” watched the appearance of his heir from the side, he either does not value his wife too much, or the woman for some reason does not trust him. In any case, not everything is smooth in the relationship.

    A dream in which you managed to help someone else is always good

  • The esoteric dream book calls presence at someone else's birth, and especially active participation in them, a sign of the beginning of a favorable period for correcting old mistakes and making new plans. Think carefully about what you want, set goals, weigh your strengths and take action. If you had to give birth on your own, for a woman this can mean a well-deserved reward and great joy . But for a man, such a dream predicts only disappointments, hinting that he has taken on the wrong business.
  • In general, it is considered a very bad sign for the stronger sex to see oneself in the role of a woman giving birth. In addition to the total disruption of plans, such a dream promises problems in the family for those who like to go “to the left”. Either the wife will suspect something is wrong, or the mistress will show unwanted activity, or the unlucky Stirlitz himself will get caught for nothing.
  • However, a night vision in which she gives birth to a man does not bode well for a woman. Don’t set grandiose goals for yourself these days; you have little chance of bringing them to life.
  • But if a man was next to his wife giving birth, he really loves her, feels a desire to take care of this woman and wants to have children with her.
  • For representatives of both sexes, an unfamiliar woman in labor means the appearance of a new friend. It also indicates a certain event to which the dreamer does not attach of great importance. In vain! It will play an important role in his future life.
  • Was the woman you dreamed about a friend or relative? Dream books almost unanimously predict prosperity for her.
  • For a pregnant woman, a dream about childbirth in 99 cases out of 100 simply means the embodiment of her feelings about the upcoming event. But for those who certainly want to receive some kind of interpretation, this dream is a good sign. Real childbirth will be easy and as painless as possible, and the child will be born a real hero, healthy and strong.
  • Pain experienced in a dream is a warning about failures, and screams are about gossip and slander.

Less commonly, a dream about childbirth is considered a sign of a crossroads at which a person stands. A lot will depend on the decision made these days; think carefully about every step you intend to take. But for elderly woman a dream about childbirth can serve as an indication of an incipient illness.

Interpretation of dreams in which a boy was born

Dads still react violently to the birth of sons today

Our ancestors were sensitive to procreation, so the birth of a son in almost every family became a reason for a great celebration. Apparently, this attitude is so deeply imprinted in people’s heads that even the subconscious does not contradict it. It is no coincidence that a dream about a newborn baby is almost always an excellent sign. She predicts for women:

  • New addition to the family. Both the dreamer herself and one of her closest relatives can become pregnant.
  • A career take-off that will occur as if without effort on the part of the woman, although in fact it will turn out to be well deserved.
  • Financial abundance. This is the most common interpretation; it is considered correct even if you did not see the boy, but you definitely understood that you gave birth to him.
  • If a woman is really pregnant, such a dream promises her an easy birth without the slightest complications.
  • ...And, oddly enough, he predicts the birth of a daughter.

Interpretations for men who managed to independently produce an heir in a dream are vague:

  • On the one hand, like any dream about male childbirth, this one is considered a sign of the dreamer’s inability to take responsibility and promises disappointment.
  • On the other hand, it promises the acquisition of wealth, especially if in a dream the newborn had the ability to speak.
  • Standing up on his feet infant means a major purchase, including an expensive car or a new home.
  • If the boy was born outside the hospital walls, the “new dad” is also predicted to have a pleasant trip.
  • But a son born out of wedlock warns: the dreamer’s reputation will be thoroughly damaged by some of his unseemly actions. However, there is another interpretation that advises a man not to delay his planned task, but to immediately begin to implement it.
  • A sick baby is a symbol of trouble.

When in a dream about a boy, the role of a parent, father or mother is not you yourself, but someone you know, this vision promises a joyful and carefree period for young people, and for older people - a trick prepared by enemies.

I dreamed that a girl was born

Dreams about girls will hint at changes in family and personal life

In dreams everything is always topsy-turvy! So for a pregnant woman, a nightly fantasy about the birth of a daughter predicts the birth of a son. Well, for girls who have not yet planned to have offspring, you can tune in to:

  • Pleasant chores.
  • Amazing events.
  • Unexpected cash receipts. If the dreamer has favorite hobby, it makes sense for her to try to make money with his help, perhaps prosperity will come from here.

If a man has a dream about the birth of his daughter, it is interpreted as a sign of the dreamer’s love for a woman who does not reciprocate.

If you watched the birth of a girl from the sidelines, know that fate has prepared for you a chance to start a romantic relationship that will develop into something more. Maybe their outcome will really be the birth of a daughter?

Were you able to give birth to an animal instead of a child? No problem

Expectant mothers so often dream that they are giving birth to little kittens or puppies - some even manage to “give birth” to octopuses! - that it is difficult to talk about any kind of omen here. Rather, this is a normal phenomenon, reflecting a woman’s subconscious attempts to try on the as yet unknown role of a mother. Moreover, for a brain immersed in sleep, it does not matter in the slightest that the “baby” is covered with fur or has tentacles. The main thing is that it is fragile and requires care!

Mustachioed kids are the same children

However, women who are by no means in interesting position. What's the matter?

  • If you "gave birth" to a cute fluffy kitten or puppy, perhaps you lack toughness in life. Learn to say “no” and stand up for yourself despite pressure.
  • The appearance of a furry baby seemed absolutely natural to you; did you caress him with pleasure or try to feed him? Expect good news and events.
  • However, if the dream caused unpleasant feelings or a baby born in human form turned into an animal, beware of difficulties appearing in your path.
  • The dream about “not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown animal” reveals many secret desires and interests that are boiling inside you. Don’t be afraid to listen to them, even if it seems that your family will laugh at your ideas or judge you for your irrepressible imagination. It's never too late to make your dreams come true!
  • A bad dream is definitely one in which you happen to give birth to a terrifying-looking monster. Check your health, what if your body is trying to warn you about an illness brewing within it?

A person who spent the whole night painfully trying to find out who was born to him, but was unable to do so, is in reality tormented by doubts and fears that he is not yet able to resolve.

What does twin birth mean?

If the birth of a boy or girl separately rarely indicates a bad event, then the birth of twins is a double joy. For a married woman, cheerful, beautiful babies promise complete harmony in the family, the love of her husband and financial stability. It’s even better if in a dream both babies were born easily and painlessly: this means that every undertaking will be easy for the dreamer, and success will follow on her heels. But you shouldn’t be afraid of a dream in which blood stains appeared. It’s just that your luck is so great now that part of it will pass on to one of your blood relatives.

If a girl saw twins in a dream, she is ready for marriage and having children.

For a man, a dream about twins, no matter who gives birth to her, predicts career success and rapid growth in material well-being.

What could such a dream promise other than happiness?

Two sleep options are considered thin:

  • Premature babies. Minor problems will overcome you, but they will be quickly resolved and will not lead to serious adversity.
  • Black babies with white parents. Be careful when communicating with loved ones: your spouse will be overcome by an attack of jealousy or your relatives will judge you for an accidental offense.

If both babies are boys, good news related to work or money awaits you. Two girls predict success in love, and for too tough, career-oriented women they mean displacement life values in the area of ​​family, relatives and arrangement of the family nest.

Neutralization of evil

Dreams about childbirth rarely predict trouble. But even if some dream seriously alarms you, you can get rid of your fears in a matter of minutes.

  • Immediately after waking up, turn your pillow over or look out the window and say, “Where night goes, sleep comes.”
  • Whisper your fears into the stream of water in the sink, imagining how it takes away the painful dream from you, and then wash your face three times.
  • Dissolve a pinch of salt in a glass of water, saying: “As you disappear, so does my dream melt.”
  • Feed the birds bread crumbs. Let them scatter your bad dreams to the wind, and at the same time ask the heavenly office for something pleasant for you. What if the birds manage to exchange their worries for unexpected happiness?
  • If you are a believer, pray or go to church.

Dream books can make any assumptions and guesses, but you will always remain the main interpreter for yourself. Did you enjoy the dream? So he is good. Scared? It makes sense to be more careful for a while. Didn't cause any emotions? Therefore, he will not add either good or bad to your life, no matter what the dream books say.

Why do you dream about giving birth to Kittens in a dream according to the dream book?

According to Felomena’s dream book, giving birth to a kitten means that the business you have begun will face complete collapse. At best, it will move from a standstill, but barely noticeably.

Think about it, maybe you should change something in your plan in order to be less likely to encounter constant difficulties and inconsistencies.

Who gave birth to the kitten?

A woman dreams that she gave birth to a kitten

A woman gave birth to a kitten in a dream - in reality she will have to spend a lot of money, and unplanned. You should carry some money with you so that you can make a surprise purchase.

Dream Interpretation Cat gave birth

Why do you dream about a cat giving birth in a dream according to the dream book?

A cat gave birth to kittens in a dream - expect to receive profit, unexpected income from the outside. It is possible to receive an inheritance or interest on a deposit.

The cat gives birth - you will receive unusual gift. Interesting meetings and exciting pastime await you ahead. If you are delivering a cat, you may meet a friend who is always busy.

How many kittens did a cat give birth to in a dream?

The cat gave birth to many kittens in a dream

Dreaming about a cat giving birth to many kittens is far from the best sign. A series of difficulties will soon begin, the causes of which will lead to ill-wishers. Most likely, it will all start with rumors, evil gossip that can ruin your reputation.

Delivering birth to a cat in a dream

If you dreamed that you were giving birth to a cat, the meaning of the dream will depend on the emotional coloring. If you were disgusted by the process, there will be many difficulties on the way to achieving your goal.

If you haven't experienced it negative emotions- expect an addition to the family. If you pick up a kitten, you will be able to catch luck by the tail.

Why do you dream about giving birth to a cat?

A cat in such dreams symbolizes the feminine principle and is often associated with a woman’s worries about the painful state of her body. Also, a dream in which a person gives birth to a cat can serve as a signal that the person is developing extraordinary abilities.

Very often pregnant women give birth to cats in their dreams, due to global changes occurring in their body. And most often these women subsequently give birth to girls. Such a dream can also portend an imminent pregnancy. However, it may well be that giving birth to a cat in a dream means an imminent, not very serious, and short-lived illness.

You should pay attention to the color of the cat's coat. The darker the shade, the more mutual understanding a person has with his subconscious, therefore, there is inner harmony. If the cat is white, this indicates that intuition is inactive at this stage of life, which means that in real life you need to be extremely careful not to be a victim of deception.

If a kitten, or even several kittens, is born, then this indicates that the person is oppressed by some thoughts, perhaps this is an attempt to imagine his unclear future.

It is important, however, not to forget that the cat is not an ordinary creature. Mystical properties have long been attributed to this animal: the ability to clairvoyance and astral travel, For example. It was not without reason that the cat was the totem animal of the Slavic and Scandinavian pagan goddesses.

Giving birth to a cat in a dream may well be a signal indicating the development of some esoteric abilities in a person. It is worth paying attention to your feelings during the events occurring in the dream. If at the birth of a cat there was no pain or fear, and what was happening was taken for granted, then this is a clear sign that your psyche is undergoing transformation in the process of development. Probably, a person becomes more sensitive to the changes taking place in him and his intuition quickly develops at this stage of life.

If the impressions of what was happening in the dream were clearly expressed negative character, this means that a person’s consciousness is not ready to perceive the consequences of such a leap in the development of the true “I”, and as a result, one should expect an internal conflict of the individual.

The interpretation of “why dream of giving birth to a cat” can be negative if the animal shows unfriendliness or aggression towards a person in a dream. In this case, the subconscious indicates that at this stage of his personality development he should not try to comprehend the sacred secrets of the universe. Probably, a passion for mysticism will not only bring no benefit, but, rather, on the contrary, it can disrupt mental balance and cause great harm.

If, on the contrary, there is a negative attitude of a person towards the born cat, then this may signal that the person’s consciousness is resisting the development process and is currently in a state of stagnation. You should trust your subconscious more.

If a cat disappears somewhere after birth, this means that something went wrong in the process of comprehending important life events.

An important role is played by the circumstances under which everything that happens in a dream about the birth of a cat is observed. By putting everything together and assessing your feelings, you can learn to understand the signals sent to a person by the subconscious.

The appearance of a cat, such a mysterious animal, in a dream is in itself symbolic and the interpretation of a dream often cannot do without mysticism. And coupled with such a sacred life act as birth, it certainly promises global transformations of a person’s personality.

Dream Interpretation of the birth of a Kitten

Why do you dream about the birth of a Kitten in a dream according to the dream book?

The birth of kittens means a noticeable improvement in material well-being and prosperity. There is a high probability that earnings will come from the most unexpected source.

Soon, with due prudence and luck, you can get rich. Manage the available resources wisely.

Why dream that a cat gave birth to a kitten?

A dream with a cat and kittens, as well as lambing and other situations, can be interpreted quite differently, both in a positive and negative sense. So, for example, if a cat lies peacefully in a dream with kittens playing, then this dream can be considered a warning about intrigues that have already begun to accumulate around the dreamer.

Here it is worth clarifying another aspect that the sleeper has enough strength to cope with the process itself and its consequences. Kittens fighting near a calm cat can indicate impending disharmony in the mental sphere and on the personal front.

Some dream books interpret the dream of a recently pooped cat busy with feeding and hygiene of her babies as a dream with negative energy, promising a clash with a network of intrigues. The fact that a cat gave birth to a kitten and fiercely protects it, and even attacks the sleeping person because of this, is most often also interpreted from a negative side.

Such a dream warns of the presence of spiteful critics seeking to seize the sleeper’s property and ruin his reputation. If in a dream a cat gave birth to a kitten, and more than one, then you should expect real surprises in the form of new acquaintances, fun and gatherings in a friendly circle.

According to Felomena’s dream book, if a cat lambs right in a dream, then you should rejoice at the imminent family prosperity and the appearance of unexpected income. Aesop's dream book interprets the appearance of a cat with kittens in a dream as a harbinger of problems that will affect relationships with children. In such a case, you should carefully consider what the child says. Perhaps his conversations are full of deception.

In dreams with cats and kittens, you should pay attention to such an aspect as the color of the cat. So, for example, if a cat lambing in a dream is black, then you should beware of betrayals and rivals, as well as information about infidelity and illegitimate children.

If the color of the cat’s fur is white, then you should expect gifts from your loved one, his affection and tenderness. And here financial side reality, in this case, promises concern and will require attention to the transaction process. A red lambing cat will become a symbol of approaching good luck. If in a dream a cat feeds newborn kittens, then reality will require making independent decisions and overcoming problems alone. If you dream about the process of giving birth to kittens, then you should expect news, a welcome meeting or an upcoming visit from relatives.

Interpretations of a dream about a lambing cat, despite all the pleasantness of the situation, can have a diverse interpretation. This means that a person who has dreamed something like this should try to approach information wisely, not panic and not let things take their course.

The smartest thing is to know and do accordingly correct conclusions. Then a cat, even sleeping next to a person, will influence his good and restful sleep, and will not appear in dreams, after which the person will seek interpretations about the meaning of what he saw.

Dream interpretation of giving a kitten

Why do you dream about giving away a Kitten in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream book interprets the distribution of kittens as committing an unseemly act against a friend. Your actions will cause a lot of trouble, you should be more careful.

Dream interpretation kitten black

Why do you dream about a black kitten in a dream?

Usually a cat seen in a dream is considered a symbol of some troubles, especially if it meows loudly. Dreams in which kittens appear are interpreted in a similar way, but in this case one can expect minor troubles that are not capable of radically changing the work that has been started, but at the same time can significantly spoil the mood. A particularly alarming signal are dreams about black kittens, which symbolize not just failures and problems, but the machinations of enemies, gossip, deceit and betrayal. At the same time, you do not know who your main enemy is, and it is possible that you consider him a friend. If you dreamed that the kitten was not only black, but also very thin, then in the near future you will receive bad news regarding one of your friends. A good sign dreams are considered in which you manage to defeat a black kitten - drive it away, throw it out of the room, or even kill it. Such a plot means that you can cope with all troubles.

Dream: giving birth to a kitten. What is this for?


Andrey Gladchenko

It would be possible not to say in public that)) the same cat from whom you will give birth)))

City swallow

Express an idea that will not allow you to live in peace later. Is it worth revealing everything?)


It seems to me that cat people are already in evolutionary coitus with these animals, and will soon call their children “my cat” in the literal sense)) hahaha


March has passed.

Kausaria Gayanova


Childbirth seen in a dream is a symbol of new beginnings, affairs, projects. A kitten means minor troubles. Thus, if you dream of the birth of a kitten, such a dream can be interpreted as a warning about the failures that will accompany the business that has been started.

If you dreamed that you saw a cat giving birth to a kitten, it means that ill-wishers are preparing a trap for you, trying to prevent you from carrying out your plans and implementing your plans.

If in a dream a kitten was born to you, you should think about it: perhaps you are creating problems for yourself, do not see easier ways and do not make any effort to bring the matter to an end with minimal losses.

The plot of the dream in which you are holding a newborn kitten in your arms suggests that your main problem is self-doubt, the inability to make decisions on your own, which is what interferes with the implementation of your plans.

The cat gave birth to a kitten

Dream Interpretation Cat gave birth to a kitten dreamed of why in a dream a cat gave birth to a kitten? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a cat giving birth to a kitten in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Rye

Rye is life. Green rye - life is bad. Rye grows with an ear - a person will live. Ripe rye - you will live somewhere good. Like mowing rye with a scythe, it’s death. As soon as the rye is harvested, you may already die; If you finish the rye - expect death. If a girl dreams that a guy puts a wreath of rye on her, then she will get married. At the same time, you need to remember the guy’s face - he will definitely be the husband. As you dream of rye in a bag, life will be difficult, you will be bitter, crushed by grief, surrounded by poverty. If you dream of rye, then it is good, but if you dream of wheat, then there will be some kind of misfortune. Carrying and threshing rye means marriage. Rye collected from a haystack means a good life. Making cops in half-heaps is life changing. If a stack splits in two in a dream, then half marriage life it will be good and half will be bad. Reaping rye is satisfaction, knitting is great benefit. A lot of rye - a long life.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream - an omen that through clever deception she will be lured into a trap set for her, but her common sense and prudence will ward off troubles from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatens her.

If the kittens are dirty or colorful and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone’s unseemly act.

Seeing kittens means minor troubles and irritations that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop.

Seeing snakes killing kittens in a dream is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will end up harming themselves.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

A bad sign, for a fight, quarrel.

Kittens - to profit.

Caressing a cat means mistrust, doubt.

A cat comes towards you, crosses the road - to a meeting with an enemy, an insincere person.

A caressing cat is unfortunately in the cat's owner's house.

A cat meows hysterically - a request for help that is difficult to fulfill.

Hearing a cat's meow means receiving hypocritical assurances of love.

Hearing a cat meow without seeing it is deception.

A cat bit you or scratched you - slander or insult of its owners against you.

A cat has bitten or scratched someone - to a slight discomfort, to your resentment towards this person.

Catching a cat means opening gossip.

Cat games - to troubles in your personal life, identifying enemies.

A cat fight means worries.

Playing with a cat in a dream means infidelity.

A black cat means evil from an unknown enemy.

A dead cat means the disappearance of a person unpleasant to you.

Seeing a strangled cat means your lifestyle will lead to bad consequences.

To cause harm or pain to a cat is to have a bad conscience.

A man dreamed of a cat - some girl was “hunting” him.

A woman dreamed of a cat - signifies the emergence of a strong rival.

A cat catching a mouse means big profits and wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Kitten - they will try to deceive and outwit you, but common sense and caution will help you avoid trouble.

Dirty, skinny kitten - your ill-wishers want to use you in a dirty and dishonest game.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

A cat in a dream means a minor nuisance at work or problems with your wife. A black cat is dangerous. Try not to take unnecessary risks if you dreamed of a black cat on the night from Monday to Tuesday. If you see such a dream on the night from Friday to Saturday, fate is favorable to you; you will soon receive an unexpectedly large amount of money. A black or white cat crossing the road foreshadows the imminent collapse of plans and hopes. But don’t believe in a dream if you see a bow or collar on an animal. This is an empty dream, a deception dream. A cat lying calmly on the rug means you can relax, your ill-wishers are hiding for a while. A cat jumping out of the bushes, baring its teeth, attacking - don’t expect anything good.

By the way, a black cat (not a cat) was considered one of essential elements ritual of black magic. One has only to remember Baba Yaga with her stupa and black cat... Often magical rituals were not performed precisely because of the lack of such required attribute like this animal. It was believed that the witch herself could turn into a black cat. The black cat is one of the faces of the werewolf sorcerers. Many ancient legends tell how a hero escaped danger by unraveling the trick of a sorcerer or witch. For example, there was such a legend. The witch decided to wipe out the hero from the face of the earth, and in order to find out what he was doing, she turned into a cat. The hero, having unraveled the witch's trick, cut off the cat's right paw. The next day, the villagers saw a local witch without an arm.

Dream Interpretation - Cats

Seeing a cat in a dream foretells bad luck, unless you can kill it or drive it out of sight. If a cat rushes at you, you will have enemies who will do anything to denigrate your reputation and deprive you of property. But if you drive the cat away, you will overcome enormous obstacles, and your destiny and reputation will take off.

If you come across a skinny, pitiful and dirty cat, expect bad news: one of your friends is very sick, but if you manage to drive the cat away in a dream, then your friend will recover.

Hearing cats squealing and meowing means that your false friend is doing everything to harm you.

To dream that a cat scratched you means that your enemies will successfully deprive you of part of the profit from a transaction on which you spent a lot of time and effort.

Seeing a pure white cat in a dream means some kind of confusion, uncertainty, which can cause grief and deprivation of wealth.

When a trader sees a cat, he should work with maximum efficiency. Because his competitors are destroying his business ventures. He should do everything possible to succeed.

Seeing a cat and a snake being friendly to each other in a dream means the beginning of a fierce struggle. This means that you are supporting the enemy in order to use him and find out some secret that you believe is related to you. Unsure of the truth of the information received from him. You will refuse them because you are afraid that the details of your intimate life will become the subject of gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Seeing a cat in a dream is unfavorable, even if it is white / a sign of alarming activity of the “premonitory” organs of the soul.

Caressing a cat means mistrust, doubt.

A cat comes towards you, crosses the road - a meeting with an enemy, a false person / adultery, debauchery and bad consequences from them.

A caressing cat (cat) is an insidious temptress (temptress) and her machinations / misfortune in the house of the cat's owner.

She meows hysterically - a request for help that will be difficult to fulfill / your soul, exhausted by various kinds of desires.

Hearing a cat's meow but not seeing it is deception.

To be bitten or scratched by a cat is an illness / slander / evil intrigues or resentment of its owners against you.

To see how this happened to another is to experience a slight discomfort / to be offended by this person.

Catching a cat means discovering the source of gossip.

Cat games - damage from debauchery / reveal the machinations of attackers. Cat fight - mental suffering from contradictory and unbridled aspirations.

Playing with a cat is infidelity.

To see a cat or cat of a frightening or unnatural color - false ideas about oneself, perverted self-knowledge / dissolute personality.

Black cat - evil from an unknown enemy / any evil acting from the outside as a result of weakness and disharmony of mental life / evil spells in the power of which a person is / demonic personality.

The black cat is a personified something: a hole in existence, behaving like a person / a dark double of a person, opposing his self with decisive cruelty.

Dead cat - removal of an unpleasant person.

Suppressed - the bad consequences of your lifestyle, a fatal future.

To cause harm or pain to a cat is to have a bad conscience.

Seeing kittens means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Cat as a symbol

According to Indian myths, a cat is an animal that belongs to the great goddess, the guardian of all newborns.

This goddess is usually depicted riding a cat, which is why in India she is revered as a sacred animal.

According to the beliefs of the ancient Germans, a person who loves cats will be happy in marriage, while one who has an aversion to cats will marry a grumpy and angry woman.

In any case, he will not have children.

In all fairy tales, myths and legends, cats accompany witches, goddesses and fairies.

The cat represents femininity, softness and charm.

However, later (in the Middle Ages) this animal began to be considered a companion of witches, so cats were persecuted.

In dreams, a cat symbolizes feminine attractiveness, magnetism and sensuality.

In Indian mythology, and in fairy tales of different peoples of the world, the forest is the habitat of the creator god.

However, there is another interpretation.

In Vaishnavism and Krishnaism, the world is a “forest of eternal joys,” a place of mystical experience.

Symbols have a similar interpretation in dreams.

Look in any dream book - the forest has many meanings, but we are interested in a different interpretation.

There are many dangers in the forest, however, those who go through it to the end can experience sensual joys, love and desire.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Seeing is failure unless you can kill it or drive it out of sight;
rushes at you - you will have enemies who will do anything to denigrate your reputation and deprive you of property;
drive her away - overcoming enormous obstacles, fate and reputation will take off;
a skinny, pitiful and dirty cat is bad news - one of your friends is very sick, but if you manage to drive the cat away in a dream, then your friend will recover;
hear cats squealing and meowing - your false friend is doing everything to harm you;
a cat scratched you - your enemies will successfully deprive you of part of the profit from a transaction on which you spent a lot of time and effort;
for a young woman - holding a cat or kitten in your arms - you will be involved in some unseemly affairs;
to see a pure white cat - confusion, uncertainty, which can cause grief and deprivation of fortune;
for a merchant - to see a cat - you should work with maximum efficiency, as competitors are destroying your commercial endeavors;
seeing a cat and a snake being friendly towards each other is the beginning of a fierce struggle; you are supporting the enemy in order to use him and discover some secret that has to do with you.
Also see Kitten, Snake, Panther, Dog.

Dream Interpretation - Cats

If you saw a cat in a dream and didn’t drive it away, expect trouble.

If a cat rushes at you and scratches you, enemies will appear who will do anything to tarnish your name and deprive you of your property. But, if you chased the cat away, you will overcome all obstacles.

A skinny, pitiful and dirty cat in a dream is bad news: one of your friends will get sick. If you managed to drive the cat away, your friend will recover.

The squealing and meowing of cats means that your false friend is doing everything to harm you.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is holding a cat or kitten in her arms, then she will be involved in some unseemly deeds.

A pure white cat portends confusion and uncertainty.

Seeing a cat in a dream is not as strange as giving birth to a cat in a dream or giving birth to a kitten yourself. The interpretation of even such strange plots depends on many factors: the color, behavior of the cat, the number of babies, their behavior, and others. Different interpreters interpret Murka’s dream in their own way.

A cat with kittens is a good plot, promising a close solution to the problems. To decipher the degree of luck in reality, you need to remember:

  • color, size of cat, children;
  • number of newborn animals;
  • cat attitude;
  • general situation.

Appearance of a lambing cat

The dreamer has a real enemy, this is why the cat dreams of the birth of kittens. The color of the animal can suggest, identify the enemy, the reasons for his attitude.

Usually kittens are similar in color to their mother. Color matching does not threaten trouble; you don’t need to draw attention to it. Animals of a different color indicate serious problem in reality. An older animal is considered the main nuisance, newborns are considered consequences and additional problems. The red-haired mother, who gave birth to striped babies, promises a quick solution to financial troubles and some real estate transactions aimed at improving living conditions.

Number of kittens

It is necessary to remember how many animals were born. If the dreamer does not remember the exact number, it is important whether there were many or few of them. If it cannot be reproduced, the vision is empty, meaningless.

One kitten

Why do you dream about giving birth to a cat and one kitten? A good vision promises a final solution to a problem. It is impossible to say exactly how quickly this will happen; one will not cause any more concern.

For a sick person, the vision predicts a speedy recovery. For the unemployed - a good vacancy, for the poor - a well-paid job. A black animal promises a woman dreamer a happy, long-lasting marriage.

Two or three kittens

Why does a cat dream about giving birth to kittens, two or three? The meaning is the same, however, the number of newborns warns: the problem will not be solved on its own, you will have to sweat. Haste is dangerous, you should act thoughtfully: do not buy the first home you come across, do not trust a recent acquaintance.

Four (or more) kittens

Numerous offspring promise a quick solution to unpleasant issues. The more small ones, the sooner good things will happen. Multicolored is a favorable sign; pleasant changes will affect several areas.

Some interpreters consider the vision empty or not promising any phenomenal breakthroughs, although small joys will happen - a banknote found on the street, a pleasant acquaintance.

Cat behavior towards kittens

Solving personal problems requires action, which is what dreams of a cat giving birth mean. A long labor threatens with complex obstacles and will require hard work to achieve the goal.

A mother licks her newborns - a promise of a successful resolution of long-standing affairs and troubles. A favorable coincidence of circumstances, a long-desired relief. A similar plot often visits people who are experiencing a long period of problems, illnesses, failures; it should be interpreted as a need to calm down, take a breath, and distract from the negative. Perhaps a fresh look will correct the problems.

A cat ate newborns - a bad vision. It signals that the decisions made are incorrect; there is a high risk of worsening the situation and leading it to an unregulated state. A white kitty can symbolize useless treatment, which threatens severe complications and harms the condition of the body.

Dead animals foreshadow a problematic, painful resolution of current affairs. The process will bring pain, fatigue, mental exhaustion. Such dreams come to people trying to break off painful love relationships. The death of animals is interpreted as an inevitable break; the heart will become unbearable, but then it will become easier.

Interpretation may vary significantly depending on the cause of death. The blood warns: possible painless exits have been exhausted, concessions will have to be made, and the dreamer will experience severe torment. The situation can be interpreted as a severe addiction, a habit that is harmful to health or financial status (drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction). If in reality there are difficult relationships, it is not possible to restore mutual understanding, the subconscious mind advises you to stop communicating.

Recessed, simply in the water - it’s a difficult choice. A decision put off until later will be even more painful than taking a difficult step now. It is necessary to overcome suffering and cut through the contradiction immediately.

A cat playing with babies promises help from friends and relatives. Miller's dream book offers to accept help; the desire of the one who offered to help the dreamer is absolutely sincere, sincere.

Place and time of action

Some interpreters, for example, Islamic ones, consider the time of the lambing to occur important detail. A clear sense of the moment matters.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book gives proven interpretations of why a cat gave birth to kittens in a dream. A beast giving birth is a harbinger of intrigue and slander against the dreamer. The threat is real, major harm should be feared, the enemy is serious, intending to destroy. To drive away an animal means to ensure victory in reality.

If the dreamer indifferently perceives the lambing happening before his eyes, minor difficulties await him in reality. Ignoring it promises an increase in problems and unpleasant consequences.

The plot takes a sudden turn if the dreamer has to give birth. So, why do you dream about giving birth to a kitten:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • deterioration of health;
  • meanness, betrayal, deception.

Interpreter of the 21st century

The modern dream book has special interpretations of why one dreams of giving birth to a cat. The vision is linked to operational issues. The main decoding concerns career growth - there will be an opportunity to show your competence to your superiors, your career will advance.

For an individual entrepreneur, sleep threatens trouble, so it is not recommended to start new business, you need to focus on current ones. You should be careful financially; partners and sponsors may deceive you.

The vision also asks you to listen to your inner voice. Perhaps this is how intuition is trying to reach the dreamer and help resolve a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The interpretation of dreams with a giving birth cat according to Medea is quite favorable. Even seeing dead kittens is a good sign; the dreamer’s enemies will exterminate themselves.

Animals killed by an unknown person promise a meeting with an important authoritative person; a new acquaintance will offer help in a difficult situation. If in reality there are difficulties of a personal nature, stupid things committed by the dreamer, a bad attitude, the dream foreshadows imminent problems.

Watching lambing, experiencing the joy of a completed birth, signals the subconscious mind about exhaustion of strength and chronic fatigue. The mind and body require rapid rest.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dreaming of pregnant cats is considered bad sign women are threatened with trials and frustration. Usually negativity concerns the opposite sex - partners, lovers, husbands. There is a high risk of betrayal and hypocritical speeches.

After such a dream, young girls need to weigh and think over the words spoken to their chosen one. What he learns can become a weapon in his hands.

For a man, a kitty giving birth predicts problems with the female sex, as well as illnesses of relatives.

There is also general meaning Why do you dream about giving birth to cats and kittens? The dreamer's irresponsibility in reality will result in minor troubles, and a possible breakdown of obligations and agreements. The consequences will come very quickly, and you will have to deal with them yourself.

It should also be mentioned what it means to give birth to a cat in a dream. The vision promises sadness and anxiety. Unmarried young ladies need to take a closer look at their chosen one, perhaps he is deceiving or not telling something important.

List of used literature:

  • Freud Z. Interpretation of dreams. - M.: Contemporary issues, 1913
  • Fromm E. The Forgotten Language: An Introduction to Understanding Dreams, fairy tales and myths. Per. from English - Angarsk: JSC “Format”, 1994.
  • Exegesis of Dreams: European Chronicles of Dreams. - M.: Eksmo, 2002.