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Mysterious murders at the Hinterkaifeck farm

In 1922, the mysterious murder of six people committed in the small village of Hinterkaifeck shocked the whole of Germany. And not only because the murders were committed with horrific cruelty.

All the circumstances surrounding this crime were very strange, even mystical, and to this day it remains unsolved.

More than 100 people were questioned during the investigation, but no one was ever arrested. Not a single motive that could somehow explain what happened was identified either.

The maid who worked in the house ran away six months ago, claiming that there were ghosts there. New girl arrived just a few hours before the murder.

Apparently, the intruder had been on the farm for at least several days - someone was feeding the cows and eating in the kitchen. In addition, neighbors saw smoke coming from the chimney over the weekend. The photo shows the body of one of the dead, found in a barn.

Phoenix Lights

The so-called “Phoenix Lights” are several flying objects that were observed by more than 1,000 people on the night of Thursday, March 13, 1997: in the skies over the states of Arizona and Nevada in the United States and over the state of Sonora in Mexico.

Actually, two strange events happened that night: a triangular formation of luminous objects that moved across the sky, and several motionless lights hovering over the city of Phoenix. However, the latest US Air Force recognized the lights from the A-10 Warthog aircraft - it turned out that at that time military exercises were taking place in southwest Arizona.

Astronaut from Solway Firth

In 1964, the family of Briton Jim Templeton was walking near the Solway Firth. The head of the family decided to take a Kodak photograph of his five-year-old daughter. The Templetons assured that there was no one else in these swampy places except them. And when the photographs were developed, one of them revealed a strange figure peeking out from behind the girl’s back. The analysis showed that the photograph had not been subject to any changes.

Falling body

The Cooper family just moved into their new house in Texas. In honor of the housewarming it was laid out festive table, at the same time we decided to take some family photos. And when the photographs were developed, a strange figure was revealed on them - it seemed that someone’s body was either hanging or falling from the ceiling. Of course, the Coopers didn’t see anything like this during filming.

Too many hands

Four guys were fooling around, taking pictures in the yard. When the film was developed, it turned out that out of nowhere one extra hand appeared on it (peeking out from behind the back of a guy in a black T-shirt).

"Battle of Los Angeles"

This photograph was published in the Los Angeles Times on February 26, 1942. To this day, conspiracy theorists and ufologists refer to it as evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth. They claim that the photo clearly shows that the beams of the searchlights are falling on the alien flying ship. However, as it turned out, the photo for publication was heavily retouched - this is a standard procedure that almost all published black and white photographs were subjected to for greater effect.

The incident itself, captured in the photo, was called a “misunderstanding” by authorities. The Americans had just survived the Japanese attack, and in general the tension was incredible. Therefore, the military got excited and opened fire on the object, which, most likely, was a harmless weather balloon.

Lights of Hessdalen

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study mysterious phenomenon, called "The Lights of Hessdalen".

Björn Hauge took this photo one clear night using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object should consist of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of the “Lights of Hessdalen”. Scientists are still scratching their heads as to what it could be.

Time Traveler

This photo was taken in 1941 during the opening ceremony of the South Forks Bridge. The public's attention was attracted by a young man whom many considered a "time traveler" - due to his modern hairstyle, zip-up sweater, printed T-shirt, fashionable glasses and point-and-shoot camera. The whole outfit is clearly not from the 40s. On the left, highlighted in red is a camera that was actually in use at that time.

9/11 attack - South Tower woman

In these two photographs, a woman can be seen standing on the edge of the hole left in the South Tower after a plane crashed into the building. Her name is Edna Clinton and, not surprisingly, she ended up on the list of survivors. How she managed this is beyond comprehension, considering everything that happened in that part of the building.

Skunk monkey

In 2000, a woman who wished to remain anonymous took two photographs mysterious creature and sent it to the Sarasota County (Florida) Sheriff. The photographs were accompanied by a letter in which the woman assured that she had taken the photograph strange creature in the backyard of your house. The creature came to her house three nights in a row and stole the apples left on the terrace.

UFO in the painting “Madonna with Saint Giovannino”

The painting “Madonna with Saint Giovannino” belongs to the brush of Domenico Ghirlandai (1449-1494) and is currently in the collection of Palazzo Vecchio, Florence. A mysterious flying object and a man watching it are clearly visible above Mary's right shoulder.

Incident at Lake Falcon

Another meeting with an alleged extraterrestrial civilization occurred at Lake Falcon on May 20, 1967.

A certain Stefan Michalak was relaxing in these places and at some point noticed two descending cigar-shaped objects, one of which landed very close. Michalak claims he saw the door open and heard voices coming from inside.

He tried to speak to the aliens in English, but there was no response. Then he tried to get closer, but came across “invisible glass”, which apparently served as protection for the object.

Suddenly, Michalak was surrounded by a cloud of air so hot that his clothes caught fire. The man received serious burns.


This story happened on the evening of February 11, 1988 in the city of Vsevolozhsk. There was a light knock on the window of the house where a woman who was fond of spiritualism lived with her teenage daughter. Looking out, the woman saw no one. I went out onto the porch - no one. And there were no footprints in the snow under the window either.

The woman was surprised, but of great importance didn't give it. And half an hour later there was a bang and part of the glass in the window where the invisible guest was knocking collapsed, forming an almost perfectly round hole.

The next day, at the woman’s request, her Leningrad acquaintance, candidate of technical sciences S.P. Kuzionov, arrived. He examined everything carefully and took several photographs.

When the photograph was developed, the face of a woman appeared on it, peering into the lens. This face seemed unfamiliar to both the housewife and Kuzionov himself.

Real mysticism from real life- absolutely mystical stories...

“As happens in some films... We moved from a new house to a very old one. It was just so convenient for us, for some reason. Mom found a photo of the house on the Internet and immediately “fell in love” with it.

We moved there. We started to get used to it and look around... One day, when we had already started planning a housewarming party, I was terribly shocked. Now I'll tell you why. I went out onto the porch in the evening to admire the stars. About ten minutes later I heard some strange noise (as if someone was moving dishes from one place to another). I came back to look at it. When I approached the kitchen door, I saw something richly white slip out of its doors. I was scared, of course, but I never realized what it was.

Several days passed. We were expecting guests from afar. They were going to spend the night with us and we made a small rearrangement in the room (to make our place more convenient and comfortable for people).

The guests have arrived. I was calm because nothing supernatural was happening anymore. But! The guests told me something completely different. They stayed overnight in the same room (in the same room in which we specially rearranged it). The uncle said that the bed shook and swayed under him. The second uncle assured that the slippers were “rearranged” under the bed by themselves. And my aunt said that she saw a dark shadow sitting on the windowsill.

The guests have left. They hinted that they would never return. However, our family has no plans to leave here. Nobody (except me) believed in these “fairy tales”. Maybe it’s for the better.”

A story of three dreams

"I dreamed interesting dream. More precisely…. Some. But I decided not to “climb” into the dream book in order to accumulate my dreams even more.

The first dream was that a friend said: “I’m pregnant.” I haven’t called this friend for three months. We haven't seen each other again. The second dream was also pleasant. I won the lotto. What have I done? The result of the dreams did not take long to arrive...

I called my friend and she said that her father-in-law had died. This means that pregnancy in a dream “gives birth” to death. And my second dream came true: I won fifty dollars in the lotto.”

Cat mysticism or real fiction

“My husband and I live in the apartment of my grandmother, who died seven years ago. Before we moved here, this apartment was rented out to six different tenants. We have made repairs, but not completely. In short, we settled there... And I started finding strange things in the rooms. Either some scattered pins, or fragments (completely incomprehensible to me). Grandma started dreaming. In the evenings I saw her in several mirrors.

A friend advised me to urgently get a black kitten. We did this immediately. The kitten avoided mirrors. And in the evening, when I passed by them, he would jump on my shoulder and begin to hiss intimidatingly, glancing at the reflection in the mirror. And the kitten does not approach her husband at all. I don't know what this is for. I do not know why. But with a kitten we feel somehow calmer.”

Mystical shell

“My boyfriend died. Died while riding his motorcycle! I don't know how I survived it. And I don’t understand if I survived. I loved him very much. With such force that I went crazy with love! When I found out that he was no more... I thought that I would be taken forever to a psychiatric hospital. A month has passed since his death. Naturally, I grieved no less. I wanted to bring him back to this world. And I was ready to do anything for this.

A classmate gave the address of a magician. I came to him and paid for the session. He whispered something, hummed, squeaked... I observed his behavior and stopped believing in his “power”. I decided to sit until the end of the session. And it’s good that I didn’t leave earlier. Fiol (that was the name of the magician) gave me something in a small box. He told me not to open the box. I should have just put it under my pillow, constantly remembering Igor.

I did just that! True, my hands were shaking a little. And lips (from fright), because it had to be done in the dark. I tossed and turned for a long time and couldn’t even take a nap. It’s a pity that you couldn’t take sleeping pills. I didn’t notice how sleep visited me. I dreamed that...

I walk along a narrow path towards a bright light. I walk and hear a declaration of love that Igor continuously whispered to me. I walked, walked, walked... I wanted to stop, but I couldn’t. It was as if my legs themselves were leading me somewhere. My uncontrollable steps quickened.

He said the following:“I'm needed here. I can't go back. Don't forget me, but don't suffer either. There must be someone else next to you. And I will be your angel...”

He disappeared and my eyes opened. I tried to go back - nothing worked. I grabbed the box and opened it. I saw a small gilded shell in it! I will not part with her, as well as with the memories of Igor.”

Beautiful story of an ugly girl

“I have always disliked my appearance. It seemed to me that I was the ugliest girl in the Universe. Many people told me that this was not true, but I didn’t believe it. I hated mirrors. Even in cars! I avoided any mirrors and reflective objects.

I was twenty-two, but I wasn't dating anyone. Guys and men ran away from me the same way I ran away from my own appearance.

I decided to go to Kyiv to distract myself and unwind. I bought a train ticket and went. I looked out the window, listened to pleasant music..... I don’t know what exactly I expected from this trip. But my heart yearned for this city. This one, and not any other!

Time passed quickly on the road. I really regretted that I didn’t have time to enjoy the road as much as I should have. And I couldn’t take any photographs, since the train was moving unbearably fast.

No one was waiting for me at the station. I even envied those I met. I stood at the station for three seconds and headed to the taxi rank to get to the hotel where I had booked a room in advance.

I got into a taxi and heard:“Are you the girl who is insecure about her appearance and who still doesn’t have a soul mate?”

I was surprised, but answered positively. Now I'm married to this man. And how he knows all this about me is still a secret.” He doesn’t want to admit it, he just flatly...

Most horror stories are delusional and clearly border on insanity. No matter how it is: some of them are more than just real. We will tell you about them.


On March 16, 1995, Briton Terry Cottle shot himself in the bathroom of his apartment. A suicide bomber with the words “help me, I’m dying” died right in the arms of his wife Cheryl.

Healthy and well-developed, Cottle shot himself in the head, but his body remained unharmed. In order not to waste such goodness, doctors decided to donate the deceased’s organs. The widow agreed.

Cottle's 33-year-old heart was transplanted into 57-year-old Sonny Graham. The patient recovered and wrote a letter of gratitude to Cheryl. In 1996 they met and Graham felt an incredible attraction to the widow. In 2001 sweet couple started living together, and got married in 2004.

But in 2008, the poor heart stopped beating forever: Sonny, for unknown reasons, also shot himself.


How to make money like a man? Some become businessmen, others go to work in factories, others turn into clerks, slackers or journalists. But Mao Sujiyama outdid everyone: the Japanese artist cut off his manhood and prepared a savory dish from it. Moreover, there were even six crazy people who paid $250 each to eat this nightmare in the presence of 70 witnesses.

Source: worldofwonder.net


In 1976, hospital orderly Allen Showery from Chicago entered the apartment of colleague Teresita Basa without permission. Probably, the guy wanted to clean out the young lady’s home, but when he saw the mistress of the house, Allen had to stab her and burn her so that the woman would not tell anything.

A year later, Remy Chua (another medical colleague) began to see Teresita's corpse wandering through the corridors of the hospital. It wouldn't be so bad if this ghost was just wandering around. So it moved into poor Remy, began to control her like a puppet, speak in Teresita’s voice and told the cops about everything that had happened.

The police, the relatives of the deceased and Remy's family were shocked by what was happening. But the killer was still split. And they put him behind bars.

Source: cinema.fanpage.it

Three-legged guest

It's best not to visit Enfield, Illinois. There lives a three-legged, one and a half meter tall, slippery and hairy monster with short arms. On the evening of April 25, 1973, it attacked little Greg Garrett (though it only took his sneakers), then knocked on Henry McDaniel’s house. The man was shocked by the sight. Therefore, out of fear, he fired three bullets into the unexpected guest. The monster covered 25 meters of McDaniel's yard in three leaps and disappeared.

Sheriff's deputies also encountered the Enfield monster several times. But no one managed to solve it. Some kind of mysticism.

Black Eyes

Brian Bethel is a respected journalist who has built a successful career over a long period of time. Therefore, he does not descend to the level of urban legends. But in the 1990s, the master of the pen started a blog in which he published a strange story.

One evening, Brian was sitting in his car parked in a movie theater parking lot. Several 10-12 year old children approached him. The journalist lowered the window, started looking for a dollar for the kids and even exchanged a few words with them. The children complained that they could not enter the cinema without an invitation, that they were cold and could he invite them into the car. And then Brian saw: in the eyes of his interlocutors there was no white at all, only rabble.

The poor guy instantly closed the window in fear and pressed the gas pedal all the way. His story is far from the only story about strange black-eyed people. Have you already seen such aliens in your area?

Green mysticism

Doris Bither is not the nicest resident of Culver City, California. She drinks constantly and abuses her sons. The woman also knows how to summon spirits. In the late 1970s, several researchers decided to verify the authenticity of her stories for themselves. It all ended with the young lady using spells in her home to actually summon a green silhouette of a man who scared everyone half to death. And one daredevil even lost consciousness.

In 1982, based on Biter’s stories, the horror film “The Entity” was made.

Real life is not only bright and pleasant, it is also scary and creepy, mysterious and unpredictable...

“Was it or not?” - real life story

I would never have believed in something like that if I hadn’t encountered this “similar” thing myself...

I was returning from the kitchen and heard my mother screaming loudly in her sleep. So loud that we calmed her down with our whole family. In the morning they asked me to tell him about the dream - my mother said that she was not ready.

We waited for some time to pass. I returned to the conversation. This time mommy didn’t “resist.”

From her I heard this: “I was lying on the sofa. Dad was sleeping next to me. He suddenly woke up and said that he was very cold. I went to your room to ask you to close the window (you have a habit of keeping it wide open). I opened the door and saw that the closet was completely covered in thick cobwebs. I screamed and turned around to go back... And I felt that I was flying. Only then did I realize that it was a dream. When I flew into the room, I became even more scared. Your grandmother was sitting on the edge of the sofa, next to your dad. Although she died many years ago, she appeared young before me. I always dreamed that I would dream about her. But at that moment I was not happy about our meeting. Grandmother sat and was silent. And I screamed that I didn’t want to die yet. She flew up to dad on the other side and lay down. When I woke up, for a long time I could not understand whether it was a dream at all. Dad confirmed that he was cold! For a long time I was afraid to fall asleep. And at night I don’t go into my room until I wash myself with holy water.”

I still get goosebumps all over my body when I remember this mother’s story. Maybe grandma is bored and wants us to visit her at the cemetery?.. Oh, if it weren’t for the thousands of kilometers that separate us, I would go to see her every week!

“Don’t go for a walk through the cemetery at night!”

Oh, that was a long time ago! I have just - just entered the university... The guy called me and asked if I wanted to go for a walk? Of course, I answered that I wanted to! But the question became about something else: where to go for a walk if you’re tired of all the places? We went through and listed everything we could. And then I joked: “Shall we go and wander around the cemetery?!” I laughed, and in response I heard a serious voice that agreed. It was impossible to refuse, because I did not want to show my cowardice.

Mishka picked me up at eight in the evening. We drank coffee, watched a movie and took a shower together. When it was time to get ready, Misha told me to dress in something black or dark blue. To be honest, I didn’t care what I was wearing. The main thing is to experience a “romantic walk”. It seemed to me that I would definitely not survive it!

We've gathered. We left the house. Misha got behind the wheel, even though I had a license for a long time. Fifteen minutes later we were there. I hesitated for a long time and did not leave the car. My beloved helped me! He offered his hand like a gentleman. If it weren’t for his gentlemanly gesture, I would have stayed in the salon.

Came out. He took my hand. There was a chill everywhere. The cold “came” from his hand. My heart trembled as if from cold. My intuition told me (very persistently) that we should not go anywhere. But my “other half” did not believe in intuition and its existence.

We walked somewhere, past the graves, and were silent. When I felt really creepy, I suggested returning. But there was no answer. I looked towards Mishka. And I saw that he was all transparent, like Casper from the famous old movie. The light of the moon seemed to completely pierce his body. I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t. The lump in my throat prevented me from doing this. I pulled my hand out of his hand. But I saw that everything was fine with his body, that he had become the same. But I couldn’t imagine it! I clearly saw that my beloved’s body was covered with “transparency.”

I can’t say exactly how much time passed, but we headed home. I was just happy that the car started right away. I just know what happens in films and TV series of the “creepy” genre!

I was so cold that I asked Mikhail to turn on the stove. In the summer, can you imagine?! I myself can’t imagine... We drove off. And when the cemetery ended... I again saw how for one moment Misha became invisible and transparent!

After a few seconds, he became normal and familiar again. He turned to me (I was sitting in the back seat) and said that we would take a different road. I was surprised. After all, there were very few cars in the city! One or two, probably! But I didn’t try to persuade him to go along the same route. I was glad that our walk was over. My heart was beating somehow restlessly. I chalked it all up to emotions. We drove faster and faster. I asked to slow down, but Mishka said that he really wanted to go home. At the last turn, a truck drove into us.

I woke up in the hospital. I don't know how long I lay there. The worst thing is that Mishenka died! And my intuition warned me! She was giving me a sign! But what could I do with such a stubborn person like Misha?!

He was buried in that same cemetery... I did not go to the funeral, as my condition left much to be desired.

I haven't dated anyone since then. It seems to me that I am cursed by someone and my curse is spreading.

Continuation of scary stories

"Terrible Secrets of the Little House"

Three hundred kilometers from home... It was there that my inheritance in the form of a small house stood and awaited me. I've been meaning to look at him for a long time. Yes, there was no time. And so I found some time and arrived at the place. It so happened that I arrived in the evening. She opened the door. The lock jammed as if it didn’t want to let me into the house. But I still managed to handle the castle. I walked in to the sound of creaking. It was scary, but I managed to cope with it. Five hundred times I regretted that I went alone.

I didn’t like the setting, because everything was covered in dust, dirt and cobwebs. It’s good that water was brought into the house. I quickly found a rag and began to put things in careful order.

Ten minutes into my stay in the house, I heard some noise (very similar to a groan). She turned her head to the window and saw the curtains swaying. The moonlight burned through my eyes. I saw the curtains “flash” again. A mouse ran across the floor. She scared me too. I was scared, but I continued cleaning. Under the table I found a yellowed note. It said this: “get out of here! This is not your territory, but the territory of the dead!” I sold this house and never went anywhere near it again. I don't want to remember all this horror.

In this section we have collected true mystical stories sent by our readers and corrected by moderators before publication. This is the most popular section on the site, because... read stories about mysticism based on real events, like even those people who doubt the existence otherworldly forces and consider stories about everything strange and incomprehensible to be simply coincidences.

If you also have something to tell about this topic, you can do it absolutely free right now.

I am 21 years old and I want to tell you a story that my grandmother told me. This story happened to her about 5 years ago. Grandma is now 69 years old, but at that time she was about 64 years old.

My grandmother was sitting in her house and preparing for an important task, and she is a believer and she prayed to God to help her in this matter. And after the grandmother prayed, she saw in her house near the curtain a woman in white or blue clothes who had come from nowhere. The woman told her not to be afraid that something bad would happen to her, and that she would always be with her. Now the grandmother says that the woman in white clothes, which she saw during prayer in her house, looks like an angel, and she was sent by God to help her.

I work at a college. It’s very interesting here, teenagers are different, with their own character and characteristics.

In one of the groups there was a guy, a tall, handsome man, the grandson of a famous equestrian. It is clear that he had no shortage of female attention. Then he stopped attending classes. Fellow students said that he was seriously ill; it seemed that his intestines had ruptured. Then he took academic leave. After a year or two he recovered. But this was already a different person - thin, sickly and thoughtful. And one day he told this story.

Our family has always owned horses, the men of our family were riders and won prizes many times. Grandfather knew horses very well and taught us the same. On some evenings he forbade members of the household to approach the stable. Growing up, I began to understand that on such nights something was going on in the stable, from there I could hear the clatter of hooves and the neighing of disgruntled horses. The grandfather did not answer any questions.

I have been reading stories from this site for a very long time. Many thanks to the administrator for creating this site. Only here do I find an outlet. Because people who have not encountered something “similar” in life do not believe that there is something invisible and inexplicable from the point of view of science or logic. It’s clear that I can’t share my experiences with them. And sometimes you really want to speak out. Let me make a reservation that my story is not fiction. Someone might just twist it at their temple, why twist it, I’m already used to it.

As a child, I spent a lot of time with my grandmother and for as long as I can remember, she was always haunted by obsessive knocking. If she went to bed, there was a knock at the bedside. If she went to the bathhouse, there was a knock in the corner where she was sitting. If she was cooking something in the kitchen, there was a knock in the kitchen. Granny always knocked menacingly in response and read our Report. For some time the knocking subsided, but then continued again. These knocks were heard not only by my grandmother and I, but also by my brother and my mother.