I get asked this question regularly. Lately, it has become less common, but nevertheless, there is always someone who is sure that these are all fairy tales, “informational stuffing” aimed at inciting false patriotism and the revival of imperial consciousness.

Forced preface.

The thing is, I don’t “believe” in Tartary. I know". “Knowing” and “believing” are concepts that, in fact, are diametrically opposed. Faith is a religious category; it implies a person’s lack of ability, desire, or need to think. It is much easier for believers not to think, but to believe in what educators, teachers, priests and professors teach.

For them there is a single criterion of truth - degree and rank. If they told NASA, O-O-O.... Well, everyone there knows how it really is. If a professor or academician said so, then yes!!! No one will give such a degree to someone who doesn’t know how to do it correctly!

“Knowing” is completely different. This is the ability to record, accumulate, systematize, analyze, draw conclusions, and make decisions. Agree, the difference is significant. Believers are like a flock of sheep that follow the shepherd, and Knowers themselves are either shepherds or independent creators.

So here it is. I don't want to believe, so I prefer to know. This is extremely difficult, after decades of following the path that the Soviet education system put us on. But it is necessary. We have reached the point where false scientific theories are not only useless, but also deadly. The preaching of Darwin, Newton, Einstein, Pavlov, Freud, and other “pillars of science” leads humanity to dullness, and, as a result of general degradation, to the self-destruction of humanity.

And now about why Tartaria is not a “stuffing”.

I myself was too lazy, and it was a pity for my own time to prove to all the “learned skeptics” that I was right regarding the question of the existence or non-existence of Great Tartaria. After all, I have been busy with this issue for many years, and in various articles I described in detail not only the geography, forms government system, and government, but also customs, traditions, right down to heraldry and genealogies of the Rulers.

Therefore, I will cite Alexander Ali’s article without cuts huan_de_vsad "Topography of Tartary":

A certain William Guthrie in the mid-18th century published a book in which he verbally described the state of Tartaria and its parts, and also described in plain text a brief history of this state.

It's so everyday. No conspiracy of the Masons or other aliens.

Part of Great Tartary was conquered by the Russians (Muscovites) at the end of the 15th century. In the 16th century, the Manchus were cut off from Tartaria. In general, they pulled it out little by little from different sides. And by the middle of the 18th century, only memories and three parts remained from the huge state: Great, Independent and Chinese Tartary.

Just think about it. How advantageously Tartaria was located - access to all the seas of the planet, through the richest countries.

Everything roughly matches Witsen's 1717 map. Tobolsk is already on the border with Russia.

Those. The answer to the question why they hide from us in history lessons about the state of Tartary is perhaps simple to the point of disgrace.
There is probably no special intention here to hide historical roots our people. It seems that the reason is banal: there was a war to exterminate the peoples of Tartary. And the Muscovites exterminated the original settlers, i.e. "Tartarians" The remaining population of Tartary was herded into reservations, following the model of what was done in America. Those. who cares to know what the story is modern Russia built on the enormous blood of foreign people?

Our history, on the contrary, is imbued with the Tatar-Mongol yoke in order to evoke a feeling of injustice and pity in our descendants. That we were kept locked up for 300 years, but we still survived. But it was different - there are many books about this (Fomenko at least) on alternative history. Many LiveJournals described many details. The Muscovites (i.e. we) burned Tartary with napalm and it is Tartary that deserves the feeling of injustice.

This is where some falsification and confusion of historical facts comes from. The history of Tartary and the Muscovites is mixed together under a single sauce, presented as a single history of one state - Russia. And everything was in the same regime as it was with the USA. The invaders (Muscovites) displaced the indigenous population (Tartarus) and are trying to forget. In the USA these are Indian reservations; in ours we have the indigenous peoples of the north. Complete analogy. The United States doesn’t particularly remember how the indigenous population was slaughtered, and the history of Russia doesn’t particularly want to remember.
After all, it turns out that great Russia, in fact, did not create anything of its own, but used other people’s achievements, based on the works of Great Tartary.

What am I getting at? This distortion of our history was created for only one reason - it’s easier to govern your people this way. Create a myth about the exclusivity and antiquity of your people - and their pride will do the rest. This is how we live, led by our rulers, who actively use this matrix. But who leads our rulers is another question, of a Western direction.

I will also provide you with some historical mystery information.

Just recently, a few years ago, the word “Tartaria” was completely unknown to the vast majority of Russian residents. Now many copies have already been broken in disputes, many films have been made about the falsification of history, etc.

Have you ever heard of such a country?

Here is such a version.

Back in the 19th century, both in Russia and in Europe, the memory of Tartaria was alive, many people knew about it. The following fact serves as indirect confirmation of this. In the middle of the 19th century, European capitals were fascinated by the brilliant Russian aristocrat Varvara Dmitrievna Rimskaya-Korsakova, whose beauty and wit made Napoleon III's wife, Empress Eugene, green with envy. The brilliant Russian was called “Venus from Tartarus.”

For the first time, Tartaria was openly reported on the Russian-language Internet Nikolay Levashov in the second part of his article “The Silenced History of Russia,” published on Sovetnik in July 2004. Here's what he wrote then:

“...In the same British encyclopedia, the Russian Empire, better known as (Great Tartary) , call the territory east of the Don, at the latitude of Samara to the Ural Mountains and the entire territory east of the Ural Mountains to Pacific Ocean in Asian:

“TARTARY, a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north and west: this is called Great Tartary. The Tartars who lie south of Muscovy and Siberia, are those of Astracan, Circassia, and Dagistan, located north-west of the Caspian-sea; the Calmuc Tartars, who lie between Siberia and the Caspian-sea; the Usbec Tartars and Moguls, who lie north of Persia and India; and lastly, those of Tibet, who lie north-west of China".

(Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. III, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887.)

Translation:“Tartaria, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west, which is called. Tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan, living in the northwest of the Caspian Sea are called Kalmyk Tartars and who occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek Tartars and Mongols, who live north of Persia and India, and, finally, Tibetans, living northwest of China").

(Encyclopedia Britannica, first edition, Volume 3, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887).

Encyclopedia Britannica, first edition, Volume 3, Edinburgh, 1771.

Title page of the first Encyclopedia Britannica Brittanica, 1771 edition

Article about Tartary in the first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica 1771

Map of Europe from the first, not yet corrected, edition of Brittanica (1771), which shows the largest country in the world - Great Tartaria

Map of Tartary in the third volume of the first edition of Brittanica, 1771.

“As follows from the Encyclopaedia Britannica of 1771, there was a huge country Tartary, whose provinces had different sizes. The largest province of this empire was called Great Tartary and covered the lands of Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia and the Far East. In the southeast it was adjacent to Chinese Tartary (WITHhinese Tartary) [please do not confuse with China (China) ]. In the south of Great Tartary there was the so-called Independent Tartary (Independent Tartary) [Middle Asia]. Tibetan Tartaria (Tibet) was located northwest of China and southwest of Chinese Tartary. Mongol Tartary was located in northern India (Mogul Empire) (modern Pakistan). Uzbek Tartaria (Bukaria) was sandwiched between Independent Tartary in the north; Chinese Tartary in the northeast; Tibetan Tartary in the southeast; Mongol Tartary in the south and Persia (Persia) in the South-West. In Europe there were also several Tartaries: Muscovy or Moscow Tartary (Muscovite Tartary) , Kuban Tartaria (Kuban Tartars) and Little Tartaria (Little Tartary) .

What Tartary means was discussed above and, as follows from the meaning of this word, it has nothing to do with modern Tatars, just as the Mongol Empire has nothing to do with modern Mongolia. Mongol Tartaria (Mogul Empire) is located on the site of modern Pakistan, while modern Mongolia is located in the north of modern China or between Great Tartary and Chinese Tartary.”

Information about Great Tartary is also preserved in the 6-volume Spanish encyclopedia Diccionario Geografico Universal 1795 publication, and, already in a slightly modified form, in later editions of Spanish encyclopedias.

Title page of the Spanish Universal Gazetteer, 1795

Article about Tartary in the Spanish Universal Geographical Directory, 1795.

(Anthony Jenkinson) (Muscovy Company)

(Jodocus Hondius, 1563-1612)

Well, now maps of Great Tartaria from different times and countries. Almost all maps are clickable 2000-4000 px

The fact that Europeans were very aware of the existence of various Tartaries is also evidenced by numerous medieval geographical maps. One of the first such maps is the map of Russia, Muscovy and Tartaria, compiled by the English diplomat Anthony Jenkinson (Anthony Jenkinson) , who was the first plenipotentiary ambassador of England to Muscovy from 1557 to 1571, and also a representative of the Moscow company (Muscovy Company) - an English trading company founded by London merchants in 1555. Jenkinson was the first Western European traveler to describe the coast of the Caspian Sea and Central Asia during his expedition to Bukhara in 1558-1560. The result of these observations was not only official reports, but also the most detailed map at that time of areas that were practically inaccessible to Europeans until that time.

Tartary is also in the solid world Mercator-Hondius Atlas of the early 17th century. Jodocus Hondius (Jodocus Hondius, 1563-1612) - a Flemish engraver, cartographer and publisher of atlases and maps in 1604 bought printed forms of Mercator’s world atlas, added about forty of his own maps to the atlas and published an expanded edition in 1606 under the authorship of Mercator, and indicated himself as the publisher.

The main population of this vast space were nomadic and semi-nomadic Turkic and Mongolian peoples, collectively known at that time to Europeans as “Tatars.” Until the middle of the 17th century. Europeans knew little about Manchuria and its inhabitants, but when the Manchus conquered China in the 1640s, the Jesuits there also classified them as Tatars.

The main religion of the peoples of Tartaria in the early period was Tengrism, in late Islam (the majority of Turkic peoples) and Buddhism (the majority Mongolian peoples). Some peoples professed Christianity (especially the Nestorian persuasion).

The first state formation throughout the territory of Great Tartary was the Turkic Kaganate. After the collapse of the unified Khaganate, states existed on the territory of Tartaria at different times: Western Turkic Khaganate, Eastern Turkic Khaganate, Kimak Khaganate, Khazar Khaganate, Volga Bulgaria, etc.

At the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th centuries, the entire territory of Tartaria was again united by Genghis Khan and his descendants. This state entity is known as the Mongol Empire. As a result of the division of the Mongol Empire into uluses, arose in the western part of Tartary centralized state Golden Horde(Ulus Jochi). A single Tatar language developed on the territory of the Golden Horde.

In Russian, instead of the word "Tartaria", the word "Tataria" was more often used. (The ethnonym “Tatars” has a fairly ancient history). Russians traditionally continued to call the majority of Turkic-speaking peoples living on the territory of the former Golden Horde Tatars.

After the collapse of the Golden Horde, several states existed on its former territory at different times, the most significant of which are: the Great Horde, the Kazan Khanate, the Crimean Khanate, the Siberian Khanate, the Nogai Horde, the Astrakhan Khanate, the Kazakh Khanate.

As a result of the transition of many Turkic peoples to a sedentary lifestyle and their isolation in separate states, the formation of ethnic groups occurred: Crimean Tatars, Kazan Tatars, Siberian Tatars, Astrakhan Tatars, Abakan Tatars.

From the beginning of the 16th century, states on the territory of Tartary began to fall into vassal dependence on the Russian state. In 1552, Ivan the Terrible captured the Kazan Khanate, and in 1556 - the Astrakhan Khanate. TO end of the 19th century century, most of the territory once called “Tartaria” became part of the Russian Empire.

Manchuria, Mongolia, Dzungaria (the “Tatar” part of East Turkestan) and Tibet by the middle of the 18th century. everyone came under the rule of the Manchu (that is, for Europeans of the 17th century, the “Tatar” Qing dynasty); these territories (especially Mongolia and Manchuria) were often known to Europeans as "Chinese Tartary".

Currently, the name Tataria is assigned to the Republic of Tatarstan (in Soviet time Tatar ASSR).

Map Asia from the first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica

Copy cards Asia from the Atlas of 1754 (taken from the Slavic-Aryan Vedas

one of the oldest maps mentioning Tartary

French map Asia 1692 and map Asia and Scythia (Scythia et Tartaria Asiatica) 1697.

Map Tartaria or "Empire of the Great Khan". Compiled by Heinrich Hondius

Map of Tartaria (fragment). Guillaume Delisle, 1706. The map shows three Tatars: Moscow, Free and Chinese.

Ethnographic map Remezova.

Map Great Tartaria 1706.

This is the most unique map was published in Antwerp in 1584. Much of the information provided on map associated with the journey of Marco Polo in 1275-1291. Map of Tartary (Siberia) by Abraham Ortelius

Russia by map Antony Jenkinson 1562 Engraving by Frans Hogenberg

Tartary, 1814.

Tartary De Lisle 1706

Not earlier than 1705

Blau Publishing House - Map Tartaria. Amsterdam, 1640-70

Map Tartaria Jodocus Hondius

Abraham Ortelius (Abraham Ortelius, 1527-1598) - Flemish cartographer, compiled the world's first geographical atlas, consisting of 53 large format maps with detailed explanatory geographical texts, which was printed in Antwerp on May 20, 1570. The atlas was named Theater Orbis Terrarum(lat. Spectacle of the globe) and reflected the state of geographical knowledge at that point in time.

The Atlas "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" (Latin: Spectacle of the Globe) - the world's first geographical atlas, consisting of 53 large format maps with detailed explanatory geographical texts, was compiled by the Flemish cartographer, Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598). It was printed in Antwerp on May 20, 1570 and reflected the state of geographical knowledge at that time.

Tartary appears on both the Dutch map of Asia of 1595 and on the 1626 map of John Speed (John Speed, 1552-1629) English historian and cartographer who published the world's first British cartographic atlas of the world, "Review of the World's Most Famous Places" (A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World) . Please note that on many maps the Chinese wall is clearly visible, and China itself is located behind it, and before it was the territory of Chinese Tartaria (WITHhinese Tartary) .

Tartary on the Dutch map of Asia 1595

Clickable 5000 px

Image of the earth's globe (author's right - assoc. Kartair). Mid 18th century Copper engraving. Conformal transverse azimuthal projection

And here is the last map, which still has a similar name. It dates back to 1786.

From the series “Kryon from Russia”


via Sergei Kanashevsky

TARTARIA - the history of a disappeared state

Z Hello, my dears! I am Kryon from the Magnetic Service.The time has come in our series of messages to return to the topic of the history of human civilization. There are many “blank spots” on the “map” of your Historical Reality - important facts, which are unknown to modern official science. Modern people are already quite well aware of some “blind spots”. However, the modern scientific establishment is in no hurry to recognize them as reliable facts, not wanting to change the picture of the world that has developed over the past centuries.

Among such historical facts not recognized by official science is the existence ancient state- Tartary. They actively started talking about it at the end of the last century. And now books are written and films are made about Tartaria. But Tartaria has still not received official recognition on the “historical map”.

“Kryon! So, Tartary still existed? But when and where? I will answer these questions.


Tartaria originated in Siberia. A little less than five thousand years ago, people came here and began to actively explore the Siberian region. The climate of Siberia in those days was significantly different from today. It was much warmer here than now: the air temperature in summer reached 40 degrees, in winter it rarely dropped below zero. Snow was rare. Full-flowing rivers teeming with fish. Forests full of game. Fertile land on which many types of plants could grow. This is how Siberia was in those days, very suitable for life.

4823 years ago an important event took place. A large detachment of people came to the territory where the city of Tyumen is now located and began to build a settlement on the banks of the river. It might surprise you that those people weren't some kind of savages? However, this is true. Those who came to Siberia had good knowledge in the field of construction of buildings, roads, and various economic structures. In just a few years, a fairly large settlement was built. The builders used not forest or trees as a building material (as one might assume), but an artificially created material, which can be compared with modern brick. In other words, the ancient architects created certain building blocks, from which houses for living, buildings for general meetings. Fortress walls were also erected, because the settlement was a large, well-fortified fortress. When the construction of the fortified city was almost completed, there were almost ten thousand people in the city.

Are you wondering who these people who came to the territory of Siberia are? They belonged to different races. Among the builders of the fortified city were people with different colors skin: dark, red and light. Despite the differences in appearance, all these people not only lived among themselves in peace and harmony, but also acted very harmoniously and in concert. AS IF WE AGREED IN ADVANCE WHAT AND HOW TO DO (KRYON'S SMILE).

I will remind you, my dears, that people 4823 years ago could not use the achievements of the scientists of ancient Egypt, Greece or Rome. These human cultures did not yet exist at that time. There were no great countries in Asia then - for example, the Chinese Empire. However, the people who came to Siberia had certain skills and abilities. Moreover, they had scientific knowledge. Because Siberians built not only residential buildings, public buildings and fortress walls. They even created an observatory! Performed complex astronomical calculations. In addition, they created a rather complex water supply and drainage system. Water flowed from the river through pipes made of stone and wood to each residential building. Here, in special tanks carved out of stone, it was heated. In other words, the ancient Siberians used hot and cold water - just as the inhabitants of modern houses and apartments use it.

Residents named the newly built fortified city SUTRAMTA-KATARUS. Or simply abbreviated: KATARUS. Translated into modern language, this meant: “A place for joint action in the outside world.” That is, initially the people who built KATARUS recognized that they were building a city that would serve some kind of unification. Moreover, for the people who built Katharus, this world was “external”. This means, as you understand, there was some mysterious “inner” world from which they came.

Subsequently, Katharus became the center of a great state, uniting several peoples who lived not only in Siberia. This state was called Tartary. But, to be more precise, the name of the state sounded something like this: TARTOARIA. Which meant: “The center from which the inner Sun purposefully transmits energy to the outer world.” In other words, TARTOARIA became the country from which the inner, spiritual world rushed into the outer world.

Employees of the Light! It is very important for you to know about Tartoaria because it has become the most important center for the development of modern human civilization - along with Sumer, Egypt and other islands of civilized human society. Knowledge about Tartoaria will help answer the question of HOW THE MODERN HUMAN CIVILIZATION, which is just over five thousand years old, APPEARED.

Official science usually associates the emergence of a modern civilized society with the birth of the Sumerian state. Your researchers, talking about the Sumerian civilization, acknowledge the fact that people came to the territory of Mesopotamia from nowhere, and that the Sumerian civilization began to develop very rapidly. AS WELL AS SOMEONE HAS ALREADY PREPARED ITS DEVELOPMENT! However, they also do not know where people came from to the territory of Egypt, very quickly beginning to build a civilized society, and at the same time using a certain base of knowledge and skills. It is not difficult to understand that the arrival of people both in Mesopotamia and in the territory of ancient African Egypt occurred in a fairly short period. Everything happened somehow SUDDENLY. Scientists are very afraid of this word “suddenly”. Because they deny the existence of Higher Powers that could prepare the birth of modern human civilization. From point of view modern science, everything happened gradually, slowly. But in reality everything was different.

People came to Sumer, and to Egypt, and to Siberia precisely when it was provided for by the Plan of the Great Experiment, and this Coming was carried out under the leadership of the Family of Light, the authors of the Great Experiment. It was when the Earth, this world, were ready to accept them. And now - very important information: the people who came to your world at that very appointed time did not come as children of this world. And in general - not like children. THEY CAME IMMEDIATELY AS ADULTS! The first people who came to Sumer, to Egypt, to Siberia were born in another world! THEIR BODIES WERE SPECIALLY PREPARED FOR COMING INTO THIS WORLD.

I ask you to treat this information with understanding now. Most of those reading these lines are trained Lightworkers! But even those less prepared already know about the existence of repositories of the HUMAN GENE POOL. You have been informed more than once that the bodies of people in a state of somadhi (samadhi) are stored in so-called “special caves”. The bodies of the first people, with whom modern human civilization began, were also stored in special conditions, in special underground “storages” in a state of somadhi. At the right moment, when your space-time continuum was transferred to the required vibrational frequency, when the surface of the planet became ready to accept new people for the completion of the final stage of the Great Experiment, specially prepared Souls incarnated into the bodies of people. They had the necessary knowledge and experience of life in your fourth-dimensional world. The main thing: many of those first people who came into this world knew that they were participants in the Experiment, were aware of their mission, and had the necessary knowledge and skills to give rise to a new civilization - modern humanity.

It was precisely these people who were the ten thousand people who built the city of KATARUS, which later became the capital of the unusual state of TARTOARIA. The builders of Catharus themselves were also very unusual people. Their unusualness was that Souls moved into the bodies of adults. At the same time, these people had a vivid memory of their past lives, they possessed skills and abilities that were in the arsenal of ancient civilizations - quite developed and powerful, from your point of view. The inhabitants of the ancient city began to be called KATARUS, which translated from the Proto-Russian language meant: “People outside world, united by the energy of the sacred Fire."

Yes, the sacred Fire really burned in the hearts of the Catharus. They came into this world with a great desire to fulfill their mission - at all costs. And no obstacles frightened them.

At the initial stage, the Catharus needed to gain a foothold in the territory allotted to them and build a fortified city. When the city was built, people... did not stay in it, but headed to another place, which was located about three hundred kilometers southwest of Catharus. Here our heroes began to build another city, much like Catharus. The builders named this village Atomus. But the new inhabitants of Siberia did not stay in Atomus either. They continued their journey across Siberia, building one city after another. As a result, nine cities were built. Catharus was in the center, and eight cities were built around it.

All cities were located in a certain order and at a strictly defined distance from each other. Here is a map of the cities:

Roads were built between cities. But it was possible to get from each city to another by water. Each settlement was built on the river. Near the settlement, ancient builders built river ports. In these ports there were very elegant boats decorated with marvelous designs - with sails and oars.

So, the Catharuses, whose number reached ten thousand people, built nine cities. But the question is - why? After all, each city could shelter up to several tens of thousands of people! That is, even one city would be enough for the Catharus to live! It is not difficult to guess that our mysterious builders erected cities not only to live in them themselves. They created these settlements for others! They knew that some other people would live here! The construction of cities around Catharus continued for more than eighty years. During this time, the number of Catharus increased, many children were born to them. The number of Siberian settlers reached almost one hundred thousand people. That is, it has increased tenfold! But none of the first people who set foot on the territory of Siberia died or perished! Every single one of the founders of ancient Catharus remained alive!!!

They always remembered their great mission and waited for the day when the time would come to begin the second stage of the Plan according to which they acted! This day came when the last of the nine, the northeastern city of GRUNDEVILLE, took its rightful place among the others.

It was then that the elders of the Catharus gathered the Council and announced the Great March to the South.

What kind of trip were you planning? What were his goals? Maybe the Catharus were preparing for a war of conquest? Perhaps their goal was to capture some treasures located there in the South? No, no and no, my dears! The Catharuses, as you already understood, were not aggressive people. They did not accept war and violence - in any form. They were builders of the new, Creators in their essence. Perfume of the Higher World embodied in the physical bodies of people to begin the final phase of the Great Experiment, which lasted on planet Earth for FIVE MILLION YEARS!

All those ten thousand people who were not born in this world went on a campaign to the South. Ten thousand people are the founders of KATARUS. They set out on foot, taking with them only meager provisions. Because plants served as food for the catharuses, and clean water flowing in streams and rivers served as drinks. The trip to the south lasted 299 days; the Catharus traveled for almost a year. Along the way, they often set up a camp, lived in it for some time, performing some mysterious sacred services, holding magical rituals, communicating with Heaven, the Higher Worlds.

Employees of the Light! It is appropriate for you to understand that our heroes performed planetary Light Work during their campaign. This included the activation of the planetary Crystalline Grid and the creation of portals for conducting special energies to the planet, for their “anchoring”. This work, in fact, is now well known to you, my Sunny Ones.

And finally, the Catharus expedition entered the territory ancient india. Many of our travelers had tears in their eyes at this. After all, they returned to the sacred land, where they had lived more than one incarnation before! But now the territory of India was not inhabited. THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE LIVING HUMAN SOUL ON IT AT THAT TIME, as the Catharus believed. However, there were no living intelligent people in most territories at that time. Are you surprised? Many Lightworkers know why there were very few people on the planet back then. The answer is in your deep memory, it is stored in your Sacred Hearts...

The truth is this. A little over five thousand years ago, THE LIFE OF HUMAN CIVILIZATION WAS INTERRUPTED. The change of magnetic poles, the rotation of the angle of inclination of the Earth's Axis, the change in the basic vibrational frequency of your space-time continuum and other important events on the planet led to the fact that the life of human civilization WAS INTERRUPTED! What does it mean - “interrupted”? This means that most of the people who lived before died, that is, the Souls left the physical bodies of people, and these bodies were destroyed as a result of the fact that the living conditions on the planet changed radically. But here's what's important for you to know! Not all bodies were destroyed! Many bodies, as I have already told you more than once, were stored in special underground storage facilities - in a state of somadhi. People came to these storage facilities in advance and performed... A SPECIAL ASCENSION. Ascension in this case is a process when a person’s soul makes a voluntary decision to leave for the Higher World. Why are we talking about a SPECIAL ASCENSION? Yes, because, when performing the Ascension, souls left their bodies in special underground Vaults in the state of SOMADHI (an example of the state of somadhi is the body of Khambolama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov, who ascended, leaving his body incorruptible: his living body is still kept in one of the churches of Buryatia. And this phenomenon is studied and cannot be explained in any way by modern scientists. But they cannot explain this, in particular, because until now official science has not recognized the fact of the Ascension, which is spoken of in many religions of the world - note by S.K.).

Employees of the Light! Of course, you already realized that the Catharus came to the South to perform an unusual ceremony. They had to bring MANY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE out of the state of somadhi! And then take them to the territory of Siberia and resettle them in newly built cities.

So, the Catharuses came to Indian territory. It was planned to carry out a special Light Work here, and then head to the Himalayas and find special underground storage facilities.

But here, in India, an unexpected meeting took place that changed the plans of the Catharus expedition.

One day, while spending the night on the banks of one of the Indian rivers, our heroes saw a flying ship in the sky. It flashed green, red and blue lights. None of the people who came to carry out a special mission in Siberia were warned that they would encounter manifestations of a highly developed civilization. On the contrary, they were told more than once that it was necessary to build civilization anew, that there were no highly developed civilizations and material objects of technological civilizations left on the planet.

And now - a sensation! In a world where the Catharus themselves had to cast the necessary tools from iron, representatives of a civilization that had conquered the sky suddenly appeared. They saw with their own eyes how the ship, having flown several kilometers, landed in the area through which the detachment of Siberians had to pass.

The leader of the Catharus named Yano Veles, having held a Council with his closest assistants, decided to take refuge in the jungle and conduct reconnaissance the next night. It was necessary to find out what was there ahead. Perhaps a base of mysterious, unknown aliens?

The moon, hiding behind the night clouds, helped the catharuses remain invisible. In almost complete darkness, they reached the place where the unknown aircraft had approximately landed. No free space was found where the ship could land. Therefore, we decided to move on. But it was at that moment that the lights of an unknown ship again appeared above the heads of the night travelers. After some time, our heroes heard a splash of water on the river along which their path lay. It seemed as if the aircraft had landed on the water. Less than five minutes had passed before the catharuses reached the river bank. Yes exactly! The strangers' ship was on the river! The green, red and blue lights were flashing! Imagine the surprise of the Catharus when, in the blinking of the lights, they... caught a well-known pattern. The green light was on for a long time, then the red light flashed three times. And after that again - long blue. To say that the Catharus were surprised is to say nothing! This is the sign they used at night. The catharuses had special lanterns equipped to produce precisely these light signals: green, red and blue. “Long green,” three “short reds,” and “long blue” meant the following in signal language: “Everything is calm. We are here". What is this - an accident? Or on the mysterious ship are those who know secret signs catharuses? The strangers seemed to say, “We are friends. We know you."

Yano Veles decided to check: is what is happening an accident, or does the ship’s crew really know the secret signals of the catharuses? He asked his comrade to give a signal with a flashlight: “two short red ones, a long green one, a short blue one.” This meant the question: “Is there danger?” The ship gave three long green signals, which meant: “There is no danger!” There is no doubt left! The mysterious pilots knew the secret language of the Catharus!

Still, the commander decided to exercise caution. He positioned his squad on the shore, deciding to wait until the situation was completely clarified. In the darkness, the catharuses could not clearly see the aircraft, which now served its crew as a swimming craft. The silhouette of a triangle stood out above the surface of the water. Its sides were approximately seven meters in size. Blue, green and red lights were lit at each of the vertices of the triangle.

After some time, the craft separated from the ship. In shape it resembled an ordinary raft. This oval-shaped raft glowed orange. On it, the Catharus were able to see three figures. After some time, the strangers already swam closer. And here they are on the shore, waving their hands in greeting. The meeting between the ship's crew and the catharus has taken place! ABOUT! It was a very warm, friendly meeting! Because representatives of the same Star Trek met, representatives of the same team, who separated for a while.


The ship's crew brought important news to their fellows: the Spiritual Government of the planet reported that plans had changed. Initially, the cities built in Siberia were supposed to be inhabited by the bodies of those people who were in the underground abodes of the Himalayas. However, now the plan has changed. This is what star crew commander Laertis Aine told his fellows:

What we called the Sleeping City appeared on the Reality Map. The Most High Curator of the Experiment made his own adjustments, using the agreed upon right...

Employees of the Light! Do not think that Kryon or the co-author of these lines are writing another fantastic story. I have told you more than once that life itself is much more fantastic than any of your fiction! The Sleeping City, which the Catharus were told about, entered the reality of this world by the will of the Creator. What is the secret of this city? For what purpose did he appear at this point in space-time? Who were its inhabitants? What role did he play in the formation of modern human civilization? Why was he so important to the Grand Experiment that major changes were made to the plan approved by the Galactic Council of the Federation of Free Worlds?

I will be happy to answer these questions, because the time has come to turn to the origins of your modern civilization and pay worthy attention to the concept that we have designated as the Multidimensional Human Genome.


Having said a warm farewell to the envoys of the Higher Worlds, the Catharuses set off south. It was necessary to travel just over three hundred kilometers to reach the foot of the Himalayas. Here, at the mountain range, which is now called Shivalik (this means “Face of Shiva” - Kryon’s note) was the mysterious Sleeping City. These places were known to Yano Veles and his friends from past incarnations.

A few days later, the Catharus reached ancient places where seven sacred rivers irrigate the blessed land of North India. It was here, on the territory called Semirechye, that an unusual, mysterious Artifact, presented to modern humanity by God the Creator of the Universe, took refuge. One morning, the Sleeping City was discovered by special reconnaissance of the Catharus and reported this to the elder priests. Approaching the mysterious place, our heroes might experience some disappointment. Because they did not find any MAJESTIC city. There were no magnificent, grandiose structures that could capture the imagination or surprise. But still, the aliens from the north were surprised! A huge dome of transparent “material” covered the entire “settlement”. Behind this dome, the Catharus saw a huge number of people sitting in the lotus position. The Sleeping City was called such only conditionally. In fact, it was a special storage facility for the bodies of people who were in a state of somadhi!

As soon as one of the cataruses touched the transparent dome, he immediately withdrew his hand. The material was very cold! For a long time, the Siberians examined the bodies of people who were in the Sleeping City. Their skin color was the same. These were people with white skin. But the hair color was different: black, white, chestnut, red... The shape of the eyes differed in shape. The people under the dome were relatively small in height, approximately 1.70 - 1.80 meters. People's bodies are quite muscular.

The Catharuses wanted to go around the dome. But it didn't work out. On one side it was very tightly adjacent to the mountain rock. It seemed as if the transparent material had fused with the stone, taking the shape of a mountain. The dome was a hemisphere with a radius of approximately 12 kilometers. The height of the dome reached 17 meters. In the evening the Catharuses returned to where they began to bypass the Sleeping City. Having found a place where the dome adjoins the rock with its northern part, we decided to set up camp here.

It should be noted that the Catharus carried with them portable dwellings made from bundles of plants prepared in a special way (soaked in a special solution) and woven together. Dwellings can be likened to modern tents. Travelers arranged their homes in the shape known to you as the Maltese cross - this is how they always did it. We prepared a vegetarian dinner from plants, since we did not eat animal meat or fish. When most of the squad went to bed, the priestly elders gathered for a council around a large fire. Even earlier, Yano Veles and his friends were informed that the dome over the Sleeping City would not disappear on its own on the appointed day and hour. It needed to be deactivated. But the representatives of the Spiritual Government of the planet did not say how to do this, because they were not authorized to do this. They were only told to convey that the priests needed to perform the ceremony. Exactly the same as they did when they lived in ancient Lemuria. Each elder had deep memory activated, they had knowledge of some past lives. But they did not remember every life in detail. When the Council was held around the fire, none of the 32 priests remembered the necessary ceremony.

Employees of the Light! It is appropriate for you to know that many ancient civilizations living on the surface of the planet before your current civilization mentally controlled technology, complex structures and apparatus. In Hyperborea, for example, an empire that existed on the territory of Russia during the period 8-7 thousand years ago, many doors opened precisely when people sent them mental impulses in the form of certain symbols. Your modern scientists are already beginning to master this technology. And many of you, dear Workers of Light, will live to see the time when such technologies become a fact of your everyday life.

So, the priests had to figure out exactly how to remove the dome from the Sleeping City. But this task, of course, was not the only one. The Catharuses went to the Himalayas to those ancient special repositories where people were also in a state of somadhi. And the elders had instructions on how to bring EXACTLY THOSE PEOPLE out of the sleep state. But perhaps other instructions were required to revive the people of the Sleeping City? The Catharus priests did not know this. After the Council, it was decided that three priests, Yano Veles and two other elders, would climb into the mountains and retire for in-depth meditation, establishing a connection with their Higher, Divine Self.

In the morning, three priests went to the mountains. The rest waited below, mostly spending their time looking at the people under the dome and traveling along it - back and forth. Three days passed, but the Priests did not return. This is exactly how much time was allocated to the priests for in-depth meditation. On the fourth day, a detachment of Catharus set out in search of their elders. No one was found that day. Then all the other Catharus joined the reconnaissance detachment. And by the evening of the next day something unexpected happened. In the mountains, in one of the gorges, a village of wild people was discovered. Simple dwellings made from plant branches served as a refuge for these people. The savages were warlike, armed with bows and spears. The Catharuses were also not warned about their existence! How could this happen? The Catharus have not yet had an answer...

Help arrived just in time for Yano Velez and his two friends. The Catharus had to resort to telepathy in order to negotiate with the leaders of the wild people to hand over captives, whom the strange aborigines were ready to... eat. Damis Quano, one of the Catharus elders who negotiated with the tribal leaders, was in no hurry to leave his new acquaintances after the operation to rescue his comrades was completed. He remained sitting by the fire with five savage leaders. Demis really wanted to know: how long has the tribe lived on this mountainous land? Do people remember their ancestors? And if they remember, what exactly?

The speech of wild people was not very coherent. They had difficulty forming sentences. Often only verbs or nouns were used separately. However, the priest’s ability to perceive mental images of living beings helped communication, and Demis soon learned the history of the tribe.

People called their kind COLUMN. The Colons did not remember their ancestors. They didn’t even know how they ended up here in these mountains. They only reported that the rainy season had already repeated eight times since they once woke up in this area and saw the sky above their heads. Colonies knew how to make stone axes, spears and even bows. They knew how to hunt, make a fire and cook food over a fire. But they didn’t know how they learned it. Some knowledge simply lived in them. Eight rainy seasons ago they WOKE UP AND STARTED LIVING. Moreover, some immediately began to build simple dwellings, some went hunting, some began to cook. People remembered what they could do. But they did not remember how they were born, how they came into this world. Demis, who is well-versed in telepathy, was able to look even into the deep memory of one of the leaders, who bore the nickname Big-Horned. The priest found out that Bighorn, before he woke up here in northern India, lived... in a completely different place. Where he lived before, there was a different nature, different vegetation and other animals... It was there that he became famous for hunting big-horned animals - those that were not found in India. Such animals did not exist on this continent at all!

Demis, with the help of individual words of the colons, which he quickly learned, and also with the help of telepathic communication, began to find out what else Chief Bighorn and his friends remember, what else can they do?

Then the leader of the wild people said:


And then Damis realized in an instant that this mysterious MISTA was actually very important. “THE MISTA SHOULD BE PERFORMED NEAR THE SLEEPING CITY!” – this thought manifested itself very clearly in his mind.

It took a whole day to prepare for the MISTA ceremony. The columns came down from the mountains and brought with them... musical instruments. The instruments included not only drums made from dried animal skins. As it turned out, the columns could produce sounds from the strings of special bows. And most importantly, Demis and his friends even raised their eyebrows in surprise - wild people knew how to play instruments like pipes and pipes!

Damis asked the columns to line up in a semicircle near the Sleeping City, which did not cause any surprise among the savages. They are already accustomed to the fact that there are DEAD PEOPLE sitting there, behind the transparent dome. The colons even believed that this was a kind of world of the dead, where they themselves would come after death.

On the eve of the ceremony, the columns lined up in a semicircle near the Sleeping City. Demis asked all the Catharus priests to line up behind them, forming a second semicircle.

And so the columns began a ritual which they called Mista. First the flutes and pipes began to play. Then the strings of drawn bows began to sound. The drums hit... A melody formed in the air. And then the catharuses experienced a feeling of deep amazement! They heard a melody that they themselves often sang. It was the sacred song of their ancient homeland. That homeland, that country where more than one incarnation took place. This Homeland was located in the fields and forests that stretched there, beyond the Teeth of the Dragon (as the Ural Mountains were called in ancient times - Kryon note). This sacred melody was well known to both the Hyperboreans and the Aryans who previously lived in this world... It was also kept in the deep memory of the Catharus...

Tears appeared in the eyes of our heroes. And then, as if by magic, a SYMBOL began to APPEAR in the memory of each of the elder priests. These were different symbols. 32 Priests remembered 32 symbols! Meanwhile, the columns, performing MISTA, moved from singing to dancing. The 64 column people first formed a circle, and then the circle turned into a heart shape. The outlines of the heart began to change, and the figure began to stretch. Gradually the columns stretched into a line, the ends of the lines were twisted into spirals. Then left side those participating in the dance ceremony lined up so that the spiral turned in the other direction. After which the dancers formed a figure resembling the letter “S”. Moreover, the endings of this letter were still twisted into a spiral. For a moment the music died down... Only the dull beats of the drum could be heard. Thirty-two blows sounded... After which there was absolute silence. And immediately those participating in the ceremony formed 8 from the symbol S - “eight”. Intense movement began in it. The columns first walked at a very fast pace, and then ran, making movements along the “eight” corridor. The catharus priests mentally sent their energy into this “eight of infinity.” When the ceremony reached its climax, many saw how a complex structure was formed above the dome of the Sleeping City, the main figure of which was... a flower. It’s like a wonderful Rose has blossomed, opening its beautiful petals! The stem of the flower was similar in size to the trunk of a huge tree! Rings and spirals began to twist around the trunk. Blue, orange, and purple rings surrounded the rose, emitting energy charges. The sky sparkled with hundreds of colorful lights, flashing and then going out. The rose grew and grew... When its petals seemed to reach the sun itself, a bright flash blinded both the cataruses and the colons... Opening their eyes, everyone saw that the dome was no longer there...

But the somadhi people who were under this dome did not see any flashes or lightning. They continued to sleep in an unusual sleep.

Having heartily thanked the colons, the Catharuses allowed them to retire to the mountains. The next day, the priests performed a ceremony known to them, which was supposed to bring people out of the state of somadhi. But the inhabitants of the Sleeping City did not awaken. The spirits of the Higher World did not want to return to their bodies!

Doubt and even disbelief crept into the souls of some Catharus. Maybe it was not worth going here at all and trying to wake up the inhabitants of the Sleeping City? Maybe it was necessary to go to the Himalayas and awaken the bodies of people who were kept there from the state of somadhi?

The cataruses spent nine days near the inhabitants of the sleeping city. Various ceremonies and meditations were performed. But nothing helped. The people's bodies remained motionless.

On the tenth day, an event occurred that changed the situation in a way that no one expected. In the morning, the Catharuses woke up to the sound of someone singing their sacred song very loudly. They quickly left their camp homes to understand what was happening. Maybe these wild columns have come down from the mountains and are repeating their Mysta again? No! These were not columns. Representatives of a completely different race lined up and performed an ancient sacred hymn. Dark-skinned, shorter than the Catharus, with narrow eyes, the aliens smiled cheerfully, good-naturedly when the last words of the song sounded. Then one of the arrivals stepped forward - apparently the leader. And he spoke in an unknown language. The phrases were short, abrupt - not at all like the drawn-out, sing-song speech of the Catharus. Although the guests sang the song at that ancient language, which was well known to our heroes.

Priest Damis Quano again had to use his telepathy skills to enter into dialogue with the dark-haired aliens. It turned out that they came from the East - from the shores of the Great Ocean. Thirty-seven times warmth has replaced cold since the time when the coastal people, called MAYDARS, found themselves in this world. The Maidars remembered that they had lived on the ocean before. But that ocean was completely different... And the inhabitants of that ocean were different... People did not remember how they left one land and came to another. It was as if they had woken up from a dream and CONTINUED to live in this world, preserving, however, the memory of another world - in which it was much warmer, the Sun was warmer, and the waters of the ocean never burned human bodies with their coolness.

The young Maidar said his name: Atunis Adonei - that was the name of his relatives, who revered him as a leader. Atunis Adonay looked like a young man, a very young man, but 37 seasons ago (37 years ago) he looked exactly the same. While the bodies of his other relatives were subject to aging, Atunis's body did not age. The leader of the Maidars himself did not know why this was happening. He only remembered that earlier, in the world in which the Maidars lived before, he, too, was a leader and also did not age.

When asked why the Maidars came here, their leader replied:

“I always knew that when the weather warmed up for the 38th time, we would have to head west. The entire path that needed to be taken was imprinted in my memory. I had not walked this way before... I had not seen these mountains, thickets, rivers... But I knew exactly where and how to go. Apparently, the Creator of Worlds created my memory this way.

“You sang a song in a language you don’t know.” Who taught you the words and melody?

- Nobody. As soon as we came into this world, we already knew this song.

- So you knew that you would meet us sooner or later?

- Yes. I knew. My relatives knew that when we came here, we would meet those with whom we would then live together. We knew that, leaving the shores of the ocean, we would live on a new land.

— Has the Creator of Worlds put something into your memory that you must pass on to us?

“No,” answered Atunis Adonei. – We don’t have to give you anything...


And he turned towards the people of the Sleeping City, who continued to remain motionless.

Atunis Adonei approached one of the “sleeping people” and knelt down next to him. The eyes of a person in a state of somadhi were closed. Maidar looked at them carefully, and then said:

- Look! Eyelids are shaking! These people will wake up soon. Because we brought the Big Man with us!

Damis Quano continued to communicate with Atunis Adonay. Sometimes - telepathically, sometimes - in words, because the roots of some words among the Maidars and Kataruses were common.

- Big man? Who is this, Atunis? Show it to me!

- Do not you see? – the leader of the Maidars was surprised. - Look, Big Man is above this mountain. I see it as a big living cloud.

Damis Quano looked in the direction where Atunis was pointing, but saw nothing. At the same time, Katarus felt that the Maidar was telling the truth. And then Damis Quano realized that Atunis Adonay had an ability that the catharus did not have in this life. Demis remembered that more than once in past lives he could see the subtle, Spiritual world, and knew how to see its inhabitants. Now he only HEARED this world. But Atunis Adonei HAS SEEN THIS WORLD.

Damis Quano turned to his higher self with a request to help - at least for a moment to open his Spiritual vision... And so it happened... The curtain between the worlds opened for a second, and the priest saw above the mountain... large cluster FIGURES OF PEOPLE. These were the essences of the Higher World. And these were THOSE WHO SHOULD HAVE INVOLVED INTO THE PHYSICAL BODIES OF THE PEOPLE OF THE SLEEPING CITY.

- Our relatives! Have you come to inhabit these bodies!? – with great excitement, Demis mentally turned to those whom he saw in Heaven.

And then the answer immediately followed:


— The Ceremony of the Sun Rings? – Damis mentally exclaimed in surprise. – But we don’t know her! We don't remember!

- GET STARTED! – Damis thought he heard a very familiar voice. Moments later, the priest realized that the great Spiritual Teacher, who had always led him in his earthly lives, was talking to him.

And then Demis called Yano Veles and the other Catharus priests to tell them what happened. He told his comrades:

- THEY ARE ALREADY HERE! The spirits of the Higher World are ready to incarnate into somadhi bodies! Only... Only... we must perform the ceremony of the Sun Rings. Does anyone remember how to perform it?

Not a single priest remembered how to perform the Sun Rings ceremony.


And then Damis Quano said that it was time to begin, saying that the priests should remember the ceremony as they performed the sacred ritual.

In order to conduct the ceremony of the Solar Rings, the Catharus had to form 32 circles. 16 people stood in each circle, among them there was always one priest. In total, 256 Catharuses took part in the ceremony. They were joined by 48 more Maidars.

The catharuses formed circles next to the “sleeping people.” Maidars joined one of the Katharus rings. They lined up in an intricate chain in two rows. When the Katharuses remembered the necessary words and symbols for the ceremony, first FIRE ENERGY went into the center of the circles, and then into the bodies of the Katharuses. Yes Yes Yes! It was FIRE ENERGY! The energy of cosmic LIFE-GIVING FIRE, which is capable of REVITALIZING BODIES! The Katharuses transferred the energy of the Life-Giving Fire to the Maidars. Then this energy rushed through the bodies of the Maidars to the somadhi man, who was sitting in the lotus position. And then the first man came alive! He opened his eyes, rose to his feet and immediately laid his hands on the head of the one sitting next to him. Then the Life-Giving Fire passed into the body of the second person and revived him! ABOUT!!! It was a majestic picture! If you could watch it from above, from Subtle world, then a feeling of admiration would definitely touch your hearts, my friends!

Waves of Life-Giving Fire in the form of a seven-color rainbow descended in a huge, majestic column inside, into the centers of the circles. From there, the splendor of the Life-Giving Fire spread over the bodies of the Catharus, was transmitted to the Maidars... And then one could see how the heart of each body that woke up from long sleep... And immediately in the hearts of those who woke up, magnificent flowers bloomed, very similar to purple roses. One after another, the people of the Sleeping City rose to their feet...

It took three days to revive all 33 thousand sleeping people.

On the fourth day, the last person awakened from the state of somadhi. This man was the tallest. When he stood up, he was almost two heads taller than everyone else.

And then everyone heard his beautiful, majestic voice.

The tall man declared:

- My friends! I'm glad we're together again! This is a great holiday for all of us. But we cannot celebrate our meeting here and now! We must leave this place. Because those who have no peace in their souls come here. Get ready! Fast!

One important misconception is quite common among many researchers of Great Tartary. It concerns the capital of the country. There is an opinion that the main city of Tartary was Tobolsk. It is not true. Tobolsk was the capital of Siberia and Moscow Tartaria as a whole, and even then not for long. The original and real capital of independent Tartary was the city of Khambalyk, or Hanbalu. What happened to the great Scythian city will be discussed in a series of articles about the capital of Great Tartaria.

The city of Khambalyk, also known as Kambalu, also known as Kanbalu, in the earliest mentions - Khanbalyk, found in ancient European maps several decades after the date of the founding of Tartary. It is often seen that the words “Tartaria” and “Scythia” stand side by side or are meant as synonyms. By the way, as for the date of the founding of Tartary, on one of the maps you can read that Tartary was founded in 1290 on the site of Scythia, although official history indicates the first half of the 13th century as the era of the creation of this state. About the Scythians, the same official historical “science” writes that at that time they no longer existed as a people. They probably went extinct like the dinosaurs (just kidding). Below is a medieval map from approximately the 13th century.

In general, when studying ancient sources and comparing them with modern historiography, it is difficult to resist ironic grins and surprised exclamations like “How?!” Why?! What?!!". This is so, a lyrical digression (it just rolled up).

The capital of Tartary on the maps of contemporaries

So here it is. The capital of Tartaria on ancient maps is located in the large Cathay region, which is east of the Lop desert, also known as the Shamo or Xamo desert, also known as the current Gobi desert. West of the Gobi Desert is the region of KaraKatay, that is, Black Katay (Kalmyks are usually placed in these places). Cathay itself is located next to the Tartar River and the city of the same name, which, in fact, gave the country its name.

In other words, Tartaria is Scythia, which became the center of an Asian federation of small “republics” and tribes. It is interesting that the ancestral lands of the Scythians, whose leaders headed the state, lie in the lands of Gog and Magog, next to the Imaum mountains (in any case, this is the name of the mountains indicated by Western cartographers).

Near these lands you can find the residence city of the great boor (khan); later this point on the map became known as the city of Khambalyk. The invasion of the Tartars, that is, citizens of Tartary and loyal subjects of the great boor, was perceived in the West as that same invasion under the brand. Sometimes the similarity of the words Magog, Moal, Mogol, Mungal, Mongol is noted here. further, as the investigation progresses, we will prove that the city of Khambalyk stood on the territory of modern Mongolia. Therefore, after a while, a second name began to be attributed to the Tartars - “Mongol”. Although, in fact, Mungalia was simply located next to the Cathay region (the city of Khambalyk located there) and had nothing to do with the management of Tartary. And the boor himself was neither a Mongol, nor a Kalmyk, nor a Tibetan. He was neither a Christian nor a Muslim. He, as well as the ruling elite, were Scythians with their non-Abramic religion.

It is important to note here that according to modern research in the field of DNA genealogy under the leadership of Professor, the founder of this scientific direction, the ancestral home of the Aryans (the ancient white people with the “Aryan” haplogroup R1A) is precisely this part of Asia - between Tibet and Turkestan / Turkmenistan. What can be seen from the diagram map:

By the way, a little west and south of the city of Khambalyk on old maps you can see the “Aria” region (ARIA), more precisely, somewhere between modern Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is interesting that the “Kalasha” people with European genetics still live in these mountainous places, and representatives of this nationality associate their origin with the campaign of Alexander the Great (or the Great) in Asia. And yes, indeed, on ancient maps in these places I found as many as three Alexandrias, something like strongholds of the world-famous commander. National women's clothing The pagan Kalash are reminiscent of the Bulgarian-Macedonian, the speech of the people “Kasivo” (self-name) is very similar to the ancient Indian language Sanskrit (in addition, Russian is also similar to it, but not so much). On Fra Mauro's map of 1450, Aria is adjacent to Turkestan.

But let's return to the city of Khambalyk (Khanbal). If you give in to the desire to interpret historical names through the prism Slavic languages, then we can assume that Khan/Khambalyk came from foreigners from “Khan’s ramparts”, “Khan’s meadows”... But we will not fantasize, and let’s see how contemporaries portray this city and what they write about it.

On the same Fra Mauro map of 1450, the city of Khambalyk is the largest in the world, judging by the size of the palaces of the Tartar capital. European cities and provinces seem to us, according to medieval cartographers, negligible compared to Khambalyk. And in general, cities in Asia are depicted as beautiful, with masculine architecture, like palace-fortresses. And Europe is like a union of villages, the outskirts of humanity; cities are like little houses. Perhaps the cartographer had little space at his disposal; after all, Europe is much smaller than Asia. But even in this case, it is unlikely that he would have allowed himself not to note the greatness of the capitals of the medieval kingdoms, the beauty, elegance of their architecture and not to neglect the indication of less significant cities; after all, Fra Mauro was a European. This means that, most likely, it was actually a more developed part of the world.

On later maps, Europeans indicate the exact size of the city of Khambalyk (and here you understand why it was drawn so large at that time) - 28 miles in circumference! 28 miles! This is... 45 kilometers! In the Middle Ages!

“Frankfurt played an important role in the Holy Roman Empire. German kings and emperors, starting in 885, were elected in Frankfurt and crowned in Aachen. Since 1562, kings and emperors began to be crowned in Frankfurt and the first king crowned in Frankfurt was Maximilian II...”, Wikipedia tells us.

Have you seen Frankfurt am Main in the 15th century? This is one of the largest German cities. And in general, where on any map before the 16th century is such a country or empire as the Holy Roman indicated? In the process of studying many maps of the Middle Ages, I did not come across a single one with such a state. Only these are the towns, maximum countries like Galia, Polonia, Spain... And on these maps you can also see Chaldea, Babylon and Khazaria (Middle Ages!), but this is a topic for another article.

And this map also shows Moscow, or rather the Kremlin. The signature says that this is Muscovy. And there are also Amazonia, Alana and other cities nearby that, according to modern historical logic, should not be near Muscovy. Moscow in the 15th century is depicted quite “Moscow-style,” so we can assume that most of the architectural structures depicted on the map are close to their real appearance at that time. This map clearly shows us that Muscovy at that time was only a small region within a larger state. It is difficult to believe that this fortress town (like some provincial Frankfurt on the same map) was an independent state; most likely, Muscovy was a small principality, at least in the first half of the 15th century.

Now do you understand how huge the capital city of Tartary was? What a country, what a capital!

Let's remember this important characteristic of Khambalyk - 28 miles in circumference. A little later we will go to where this city most likely stood.

Another one interesting feature Tartary, the Cathay region and the capital Hanbalu/Khambalyk are a constant semantic link to the name of Alexander the Great (the Great). And what older map, the stronger and more obvious the connection between the khan and Alexander the Great. Here is a map from the 14th century (as researchers claim) - the Catalan Atlas. When you look at him, the usual system of knowledge on the history of the world collapses in your head. But we will go to Asia. And what do we see there?

In the very north of the part of Asia known at that time, there is the “Gog and Magog” area, fenced by mountains, where a mummered king rides on a horse, with bearded courtiers in typical medieval Russian hats walking behind. On the fluttering flag there is a winged, tailed creature, obviously a dragon or a griffin (as on the flag of Tartary). To the left of the ruler there is something written about “Gog and Magog,” but what exactly is difficult to make out. The king (apparently the khan himself) holds in his hand a staff with a golden knob, similar to a fleur-de-lis. The Khan and his subjects are of European appearance with light brown hair and beards.

In the neighboring region, also surrounded by mountains, Alexander is depicted - twice. Once he is depicted holding branches with golden leaves-coins in his hands, which fall to the sides. Alexander is surrounded by nobles; one of those praising the name of Alexander can be seen as a priest (based on the headdress typical of Catholic popes). The clothes and hats of the courtiers are rather European. On the right are several monks with halo hairstyles, fashionable at that time among ministers of the Catholic Church.

For the second time, Alexander the Great in the same “cell” area is drawn pointing his finger at the city to some demon. According to the translation made in the article, it is written here that by cunning Alexander locked the Gogs and Magogs here; and for them he ordered the casting of two trumpeters, who even before the 16th century were sometimes depicted on maps somewhere in the mountains near Cathay.

Who knows, maybe it was here that events unknown to us led to the death of the great commander. After all, the people of Gog and Magog began to build an empire, and Alexander disappeared, glorified by the Europeans. Only a few cities and towns remain of his former glory as a conqueror.

By the way, right there, nearby, if you jump over the mountain range, you can find the city of Khanbalech, the inscription “Khanbaleh... Great Khan of Cathay” and the khan himself - a brown-bearded uncle in a golden crown, who holds a staff with “a la fleur-de-lis” . The clothes are loose, the crown is classic. It is curious that the ruler of Cathay (in this case, if we take it literally, so far only Cathay-states) sits on a throne, and not in a lotus position, like the rulers of Turkey (or whatever was there at that time) and Africa. This is what the khan looked like, gentlemen filmmakers, don’t lie to people, don’t portray the khans of Tartarus as narrow-eyed mattresses in leather and skins! And this is far from the only similar image of the khan on maps and in books up to the 18th century.

Here we see that on the map of 1375 (let's try to believe in the correctness of this date) Tartaria has not yet been registered in world politics as a state, but Cathay is. I couldn’t find the word “emperor,” but it is often written that “khan” in the local dialect means “emperor.” And yet we do not find the word “Tartaria” here. Western cartographers of the 16th-17th centuries write that this state was founded by Genghis Khan in 1290 (unfortunately, I can no longer find a map where this date is indicated, but whoever looks for it will definitely find it). It is theoretically possible that in those days the news of the creation of a new state came from Asia to Europe for almost a hundred years. And it is also possible that the real period of the creation of Tartaria is the 14th century, and not the end (and certainly not the first half) of the 13th century, as claimed modern history(she generally likes to make everything ancient).

Thus, we see that the conquest came from Cathay, the country of Gog and Magog, which existed in the time of Alexander the Great (that is, not much earlier than the 11th century AD). The capital of Cathay, the residence of the khan - the city of Khanbaleh (this name is more often found on maps of the 14th-15th centuries) - was located next to the original Chinese lands.

On earlier copies of the maps there is neither Beijing nor, which, as historians say, had been built at that time for more than one century. It's strange why this the greatest building modern times were unknown to Western cartographers. They learn about the Chinese (China, Chin) wall, which was built against the invasion of the Tartars, later. We can see it on maps since about the 16th century. Also, not a single map shows China-China as a great power, as a huge empire. The borders of China-China ran along the Great Wall of China-China, that is, this country was not large. The site where traces of the Tartar capital now lie was later swallowed up by the expanding Chinese state.

But, maintaining the intrigue, we note once again that Hanbalu was a city with palaces, as evidenced by Marco Polo. Let's see what else was in the Cathay region in the 15th century according to Fra Mauro.

Marco Polo about Katai and Khanbalik

And now let’s read what Marco Polo writes about the capital of Tartary, who for many years lived at the court of Kublai Khan, supposedly until the end of the 13th century, which, as we see, is unlikely, given the constant shifts in dates in the modern official history of the world. Most likely, if you believe the medieval authors that Tartary was founded in 1290 by Genghis Khan, then it turns out that his grandson Kublai Khan ruled from approximately the middle of the 14th century, that is, approximately from 1350. Tartary is not yet on the maps of this period, for example, on the Catalan Atlas of 1375. Considering the speed at which information about the East was updated in the West, this is understandable. Most likely, Khubilai and Marco Polo lived later than the period attributed to official history, by about a hundred years.

What does the Venetian Marco Polo write about the capital? Let's not go too deep into this topic. Let us just mention that there was a 12-mile bridge on the approach to the city, 3 thousand buildings for public events were built and operated in Khanbalik, and it is also known that several thousand prostitutes worked in the capital. Marco Polo, in his description of Tartary at that time, also pays attention to the fountain and gardens of Ham, mines of gold and silver, the pavilion of the emperor (Ham), palaces and beautiful places Khanbalik.

In the following parts of the series we will talk about what the city of Khambhala and Shambhala have in common, except for the consonant names, as well as how and why this city disappeared from the generally accepted historical chronicle.

Anastasia Kostash, especially for the Kramola portal

Who is interested in replacing: 1000 years of Russian history with fables about the “great tartar”?!

Yesterday I had friends visiting who puzzled me with an unexpected term.

We do not agree on many views on history, but, in general, this does not interfere. Well, let's bet it's business. Even interesting. But this Tartaria puzzled me. I’m a historian, even though I’m a half-educated one, but I heard the word for the first time. So what does it mean? Let's look at the map:

That's about it. And Wikipedia reports that stupid Western Europeans called Russia this way. Until the 19th century. Tartaria, oh The main source of this shocking information is several English books. Like a children's atlas and a certain encyclopedia Britannica, published in Edinburgh. Pictures in books and drawn maps have also been preserved. Did not have Russian Empire. There was Great Tartaria.

My friends left, and I was left alone with this vile word.

As a rule, I easily accept alternative versions of historical events. I even have a dozen of my own hypotheses relating to a variety of periods, which I independently studied for one reason or another. But everything in me rebelled against Tartary. I went to my favorite site with historical documents to read eyewitnesses. To either come to terms with it already, or to understand what the hell this is all about? Looking ahead, she exhaled. No Tartaria, everything is okay. And now - quote slides.

"The Book of the Knowledge of the World" by John de Galonifontibus, 1404.

Yes, the word Tataria appears here. Here's how it's described:

Along and around the Black Sea live two small peoples: the Tats and a number of Goths. In their religion they follow the Greeks and use Greek letters. The Goths claim descent from the Scots and speak like the English. They live here along the coast near Caffa, as well as in Tartary or Cumania. In the west, Great Tartary borders with Wallachia, with Russia in the north and stretches all the way to Northern China, in the east it borders with Khorezm and some deserts. The northern neighbors are Russia or Yakhabri, which are steppes. The Black Sea or Tanai Sea is located west of Great Tartary. Our southern neighbors are extremely high mountains the Caucasus or Caspian Mountains, the Baku Sea (this latter is also called the Caspian Sea) and Persia. This country provides settlements for numerous peoples and consists of various provinces, namely: Kumania, Khazaria, Iakhabri, Iukhugur, Kipchaks, Gumat, Blaks, Kumyks and Avars. Many peoples of the northern mountains do not even know their neighbors. Their languages ​​and scripts are as similar as Italian and Spanish.

Everything is ok - Russia is separate, Tataria is separate. True, they later mention some one-eyed giants and dog-headed people, as well as a population speaking Magpie various languages, but the author himself is not sure of this information, because he wrote it down from other people’s words, so we will forgive him for this at least because he wrote the word Russia correctly (In the manuscript: Russia). It's the beginning of the 15th century. Let's move on.


Italians, by the way, have quite a lot to say about Russia. And quite official documents, and in literary texts, such as chivalric romances. Actually, the quote:

When this ambassador was asked about the affairs of these regions and the Russian country and about his most glorious sovereign, he spoke and asserted that the land of Russia is all flat, has a length of at least two thousand miles and a little less in width, and that it is abundantly populated and has many large cities, villages and villages, and that he rode on horseback more than one thousand two hundred miles through populated areas, heading to Italy, and that on other occasions he traveled on horseback more than one thousand five hundred miles and everywhere it is so populated that one village or hamlet is so close located from another, that they go from one to another for fire;

The borders of Russia in the East extend to Tartary and the Caucasus (Cercasso), from the south and partly from the west it is bordered by Lithuania, which is located between Russia, Bohemia and Poland; to the north of Russia stretches, according to him, a large desert plain (paese) and a sea-ocean.

And again - there is Russia, there is Tataria. Everything is in its place. The 15th century ends, the 16th century begins.


Sigismund Herberstein, an Austrian diplomat, is a very painstaking and meticulous comrade. The document is extensive and very detailed. We won’t go into details, let’s read the title-preface:

A very brief description of Russia and Muscovy, which is now its capital. Moreover, a chorography* of the entire Muscovite state (imperium) with mention of some of its neighbors.

[Also included are various] information [about religion and] things that do not agree with our religion.

Finally, it is explained what is the method of receiving ambassadors and treating them.

With the addition of descriptions of two trips to Moscow.


*Chorography - description of the area (from the Greek chora - country and grapho - write), differs from geography, according to one contemporary G., in that it is not limited to the description of lands and their main parts, but “considers separately all places, both big and small." A distinctive feature of Georgian chorography is the combination of geographical, historical, and ethnographic data.

The document, by the way, is terribly interesting. I even added it to my bookmarks so I can read it sometime in my spare time. But I can’t resist giving you one more quote:

About the origin Latin name Russia, called Reissen in German, exist different opinions. Some believe that it was made on behalf of Russ (Russus), brother [or grandson (nephew?) (nepos)] of the Polish (Polonorum, Polln) sovereign Lech (Lech), since this Russ was the sovereign (Landtsfuerst) of the Russians. Others lead it on behalf of the very ancient city of Rus (Russum), not far from Novgorod the Great (Nowogardia magna, Grofineugarten). There are also those who explain this name by the dark complexion (fuscus, braun-schwarz) of the inhabitants. However, the majority believes that “Russia” is a modified name “Roxolania”. The Muscovites themselves, rejecting such opinions as not corresponding to the truth, claim that their country was originally called “Rosseia” (Rosseia), and this name indicates the dispersion and dispersion of its people, because “Rosseya” in Russian means “scatteredness” or "scattering". This opinion is obviously correct, since to this day various peoples live interspersed with the inhabitants of Russia, into which other lands are wedged everywhere, dividing it. From the Holy Scriptures we know that the word “dispersion” is also used by the prophets when they talk about the settlement of nations. However, in this way the name of the Russians can be derived from a Greek or even Chaldean root, for example, from the word “current”, or from the Aramaic Resissaia or Ressaia, which means “splashing”. Likewise, the Jews named both the Gauls and the Umbrians from Gall and Gallim, as well as from Umber, which means streams, rains and floods, in order to thereby indicate that these peoples are troubled people, or a tribe of waters. But whatever the origin of the name “Russia,” this people, speaking the Slavic language, professing the faith of Christ according to the Greek rite, calling themselves Russi in their native language, and called Rhuteni in Latin, multiplied so much that they either drove out those living among them other tribes, or forced them to live in his way, so that they are all now called by the same name “Russians”.

Let’s leave the work of the meticulous Austrian and read what they write next.


This is an accusatory brochure about the horrors of the reign of Ivan the Terrible. City - Frankfurt am Main, author... Some kind of copywriter of those times. Let me remind you, by the way, that we continue to look for Tartary in place of Russia.

I won’t give quotes, because the document is quite lengthy and confusing, it’s fun to read, but it’s better to do it in its entirety; if you’re interested, click on the link in the title. But in any case, in this very unfriendly document, Russia and Tataria are different places. And they are fighting here.

I will refrain from citing quotes from other authors of the 16th century, there are a ton of them, Russia in them is called Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia or, in extreme cases, Muscovy.

But let's move on! Further! Somewhere, a sudden Tartary should have arisen in place of Russia. I must say, I was simply buried under a stream of letters, memoirs, descriptions and other texts written about Russia different foreigners. They tried their best, some loved Russia, others scolded it. The name Muscovy in this century is more common than Russia. But the name Tartary does not appear at all. The Tatars are mentioned, of course, they have not gone away, but somehow without fanaticism. They trade camels and horses there, live as families and nomads in the south. Actually, as it always was.

Quote. So, now I’ll choose one...


Jiri David - Jesuit, writer, traveler. By origin he is Czech, in fact he is some kind of cosmopolitan in general... He writes about the times of the reign of Princess Sophia.

After the solemn embassy that the Most Serene King of Poland sent to the Tsars in 1686, the Muscovites united with the Most August and Serene King of Poland against the common enemy of Christianity. Soon, at the beginning of the next year, in February, they equipped a large army against the Tatars in order to restrain their raids either on the royal or on the Polish lands. They said that this army, composed of Muscovites and Cossacks, contained two hundred thousand people, Prince Golitsyn commanded it by the royal will, and he reached with this army all the way to Samara. Samara is a new small fortified point on the border between Muscovites and Crimean Tatars, recently built and fortified against Tatar raids.

Well, something like that, yes. By this point I already feel the absurdity of my research. Kind of like proof that the crocodile is longer than the green one. Blah, well, couldn’t all these people who lived in different countries and different centuries agree and call Russia a country that was actually Tartary?!

In general, when you type the word Tartaria in a search engine, a lot of “real truth” comes up. This is how it really was! The English children's atlas definitely knows! And the Encyclopedia of Britain, published by the Scots, is the most reliable and widespread source! Fuck us with hundreds of diplomats, travelers, memoirists! Brrr.

When I see some information coming from only ONE source, I immediately suspect not a conspiracy theory, no. Simple malicious intent. History knows many examples when personalities and events were erased from the memory of descendants by deleting them from chronicles and distorting facts. Go figure it out later. Relations between Russia and England were... um... well, pretty strained almost always. Therefore, it is not surprising that a cunning craftsman was found who depicted a world in which there is no Russia. Something like this:

It is unlikely that the British, who called Russia Tartary, were not aware of the real name. Excuse me, it was the 18th century; Russia in those years was neither terra incognita nor a forbidden territory; it was included in all the political and diplomatic games of Europe. So, malicious intent, that's for sure. They took revenge for the visit of Peter I to England. Would you like to read what our young Peter did with the property of Admiral John Benbow? They had a grand party there, so what! There is a very large list of damage and damage, I will not give it in full. So, a funny bit:

In the next room: the calico bed with curtains is stained and torn to shreds, and the large Indian blanket is torn in many places.

14 Dutch wicker chairs all broken and damaged

12 chairs with backs upholstered in draget, badly damaged

In the next room: the bed, upholstered in dark camelot, is badly torn and damaged.

An ordinary stamet blanket is torn and burned in several places.

Ugh. OK. I consider this to be the end of the story about the adventures of foreigners in Russia. And my conscience is calm about this Tartaria. Several hundred people from different countries and eras against the publishers of one encyclopedia and several maps? So I pin a map of Tartary to the wall. Next to the map of Great and Beautiful Russia, surrounded by nomads :).