Conflict prevention is an activity aimed at preventing their occurrence and destructive influence on one or another party, one or another element of the social system, that is, influencing subjects or environmental factors that in the future may become a source of conflict. Such activity represents the active intervention of a managing subject in the real process of social relations of people, in their interaction in various spheres of life. Conflict prevention presupposes the manager’s ability to foresee and predict the course of events in the organization.

Prevention methods affecting subjective and objective relationships in the organization (and causes of conflicts):

– creating a strong organizational culture based on social justice and solidarity;

– creation of a coherent system of social partnership in the organization;

– strict compliance with the laws and regulations of the organization;

– developing a culture of behavior among staff, respect for individual rights, mutual trust, and mutual tolerance;

– accounting psychological characteristics employees, their mutual sympathies when forming work groups and choosing a leadership style;

– creation of a personnel motivation system taking into account the preferences of each employee.

Conflict prevention involves timely actions to prevent possible conflicts: eliminating the real subject of the conflict; engaging a disinterested person as an arbitrator; willingness to submit to his decision; the desire to make one of the conflicting parties abandon the subject of the conflict in favor of the other.

Conflict prevention is the daily activity of managers to form a cohesive labor collective and timely resolution of production issues. The personnel management service performs the functions of diagnosing the moral and psychological climate in the team, selecting employees taking into account their psychological properties and qualities, studying the social needs of employees and developing a system of personnel motivation, maintaining organizational culture, etc.

If it was not possible to prevent the conflict, it is necessary to conduct a socio-psychological diagnosis of all parties and elements of the conflict and choose the most appropriate way and method of resolving it.

4. Ways to resolve conflicts.

There are several effective ways managing a conflict situation. They can be divided into two categories:



One should not consider the cause of conflicts to be a simple difference in characters, although, of course, it can become the only reason conflict situation, but in general this is just one of the factors. You need to start by analyzing the actual causes and then apply the appropriate methodology.

Structural methods.

Clarification of job requirements.

This is one of the best management techniques to prevent dysfunctional conflict. It is necessary to clarify what results are expected from each employee and department. Parameters such as the level of results to be achieved, who provides and who receives various information, the system of authority and responsibility, and clearly defined policies, procedures and rules should be mentioned here. Moreover, the leader does not clarify these issues for himself, but conveys them to his subordinates so that they understand what is expected of them in a given situation.

Coordination and integration mechanisms.

This is another method of managing a conflict situation. One of the most common mechanisms is the chain of commands. Establishing a hierarchy of authority streamlines the interaction of people, decision making and information flows within the organization. If two or more subordinates disagree on any issue, the conflict can be avoided by turning to a common superior, asking him to make a decision. The principle of unity of command facilitates the use of hierarchy to manage a conflict situation, since the subordinate knows whose decisions he must implement.

Equally useful are integration tools such as cross-functional teams, task forces, and interdepartmental meetings. For example, when in one of the companies there was a conflict between interdependent departments - the sales department and the production department - an intermediate service was organized to coordinate the volume of orders and sales.

Organization-wide comprehensive goals.

Effective implementation of these goals requires the joint efforts of two or more employees, departments, or groups. The idea behind this technique is to direct the efforts of all participants to achieve a common goal. The Apple computer company always discloses the content of complex organization-wide goals in order to achieve greater coherence in the activities of all personnel. An equally striking example is the McDonalds company, which has a network of inexpensive fast-food restaurants around the world. From the very beginning of the construction of this empire, management paid attention not only to prices, quality and market share. It believed (and, we must assume, still believes) that it was truly providing a service to people with limited means, and this “social mission” gave greater weight to welfare goals. Cooks and servers working under the McDonald's banner find it easier to meet strict standards in the context of helping the community.

Reward system structure.

Rewards can be used as a method of conflict management, influencing people to avoid dysfunctional consequences. People who contribute to the achievement of organization-wide integrated goals, help other groups in the organization and try to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner should be rewarded with gratitude, bonuses, recognition or promotions. It is equally important that the reward system does not reward unconstructive behavior by individuals or groups.

The systematic, coordinated use of reward systems to reward those who contribute to the achievement of organization-wide goals helps people understand how they should act in a conflict situation in a manner consistent with management's desires.

Interpersonal styles of conflict resolution.


This style implies that a person is trying to avoid conflict. His position is not to get into situations that provoke the emergence of contradictions, not to enter into a discussion of issues that are fraught with disagreement. Then you won’t have to get into an excited state, even if you are working on solving a problem.


With this style, the person is convinced that there is no point in getting angry because “we are all one happy team and we shouldn’t rock the boat.” Such a “smoother” tries not to let out the signs of conflict, appealing to the need for solidarity. But at the same time, you can forget about the problem underlying the conflict. The result may be peace and quiet, but the problem will remain, which will eventually lead to an “explosion” sooner or later.


Within this style, attempts to force people to accept their point of view at any cost prevail. Anyone who tries to do this is not interested in the opinions of others, usually behaves aggressively, and uses power through coercion to influence others. This style can be effective where the leader has great power over subordinates, but it can suppress the initiative of subordinates and creates a greater likelihood that the wrong decision will be made, since only one point of view is presented. It may cause resentment, especially among younger and more educated personnel.


This style is characterized by accepting the other side's point of view, but only to some extent. The ability to compromise is highly valued in management situations, as it minimizes ill will, which often makes it possible to quickly resolve a conflict to the satisfaction of both parties. However, using a compromise at an early stage of a conflict that has arisen over an important issue can reduce the time it takes to find an alternative.


1. Conflict prevention as an element of conflict management

2. The human factor as a parameter for optimizing the interaction between specialists and clients of social services

3. Psychological methods of conflict prevention in the course of social work

4. Practical examples from life




Prevention of conflicts is more important than the ability to resolve them constructively, because it is better if a possible conflict is diagnosed in advance, which means it will not happen at all, or will be resolved as soon as possible. In addition, prevention requires less effort, time and money. Conflict prevention activities are very diverse and, in addition, multi-level.

Likewise, according to experts, preventing a possible conflict is of primary importance compared to resolving an already existing confrontation.

The object of this abstract work is conflict, the subject is conflict prevention. The subject of conflict management in our case is a social work specialist. Conflict prevention is associated with the ability of the subject of management (social worker) to generalize the available theoretical and practical data, to apply the acquired knowledge in the course of preventing a possible confrontation. According to experts, conflict prevention is a type of management activity aimed at early recognition, elimination or weakening of conflict-generating factors. Prevention will limit the possibility of their occurrence or negative development in the future. It is conflict prevention that eliminates the possibility of negative and destructive conflict situations unfolding.

Except external conditions, contributing to the emergence of conflict, there is a person’s predisposition to conflict behavior, the stressful situation in which he may find himself, and the psychological compatibility/incompatibility of interacting individuals.

1. Conflict prevention as an element of conflict management

Conflicts cannot always be interpreted as a positive or negative phenomenon. At the same time, conflicts that cause irreparable harm to people must be limited or, better yet, prevented. The efforts of both public and state institutions are aimed at preventing conflicts. Foresight possible options development of events creates conditions for effective management of them. Forecasting the occurrence of conflicts is the main prerequisite for effective efforts to prevent them. Forecasting and preventing conflicts are important factors in regulating social contradictions.

Conflict management is a conscious activity carried out at all stages of the emergence, development and completion of a conflict.

Conflict management includes: symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, warning, mitigation, settlement, resolution.

There are also such control influences as suppression, extinction, overcoming, and elimination of conflict.

The concept of "prevention of social conflict"

An important way to manage conflicts is their prevention. Prevention (prophylaxis, prevention, prevention) of a conflict is understood as the process of influencing it at the pre-conflict (latent) stage in order to eliminate the sources of contradictions or their mitigation, localization, suppression, etc. Conflict prevention is a set of measures aimed at overcoming social contradictions in in order to preserve and strengthen the normal state, order in a certain area or society as a whole. Conflict prevention consists in organizing the life activities of subjects of social interaction in such a way that eliminates or minimizes the likelihood of conflicts arising between them.

Conflict prevention is their prevention in the broad sense of the word. The goal of conflict prevention is to create such conditions for the activity and interaction of people that would minimize the likelihood of the emergence or destructive development of contradictions between them. It is much easier to prevent conflicts than to resolve them constructively. Therefore, the problem of constructive conflict resolution, which at first glance seems more important, is actually not so.

Prevention, prophylaxis and conflict prevention are synonymous concepts. They reflect only some features of one and the same phenomenon.

Conflict prevention is traditionally understood as preventing its unwanted development by means of advance measures taken. It consists of influencing the sources and causes of social contradictions that provoke social tension until open confrontation arises, i.e. until opponents realize the significance and fundamental nature of the urgent problems.

As a result of preventive measures, social conflict is either eliminated, i.e. is eliminated completely or partially, or is mitigated, i.e. weakens, becomes more moderate, with less severe consequences, or is localized.

Conditions for preventing social conflict.

Objective social factors for preventing social conflict, according to conflict experts, are:

stability in society, a calming economic, political, ecological environment surrounding a person, material provision for the well-being and reproduction of the family, etc.;

the population's confidence in the future, high level social mobility as a result of favorable living conditions;

equal opportunities in realizing the positive potential of people, in meeting their vital economic, political, social, and spiritual needs;

fair and transparent distribution of material and other benefits;

development of normative procedures for preventing and resolving social contradictions, etc.

If the listed factors are present in society, anti-conflict action is implemented spontaneously with a positive effect, and without specially organized managerial influence on the situation. Otherwise, targeted, systematic anti-crisis work is necessary.

The general logic of preventing social conflict includes, as scientists emphasize, the following interrelated points:

) recognition and identification of contradictions that provoke social conflict as early as possible;

) collection of complete, objective, comprehensive operational information about the essence, sources and causes of the conflict;

) structural-dynamic analysis and diagnostics of the unfolding confrontation;

) conflictological analysis of the totality of resources, technological methods, techniques, means available in reserve, and identification of opportunities for the purpose of mitigating, weakening, suppressing or localizing the confrontation;

) forecasting the development of a conflict situation in order to determine possible options and situations of future confrontation;

) determination of the rules of conflict interaction.

The success of preventive work is determined by a number of prerequisites:

knowledge general principles management social structures;

the level of general theoretical knowledge in conflictology on the essence, types, stages of development of social conflict;

depth of analysis of the conflict situation;

knowledge of technological methods of conflict management (to prevent the conflict from moving into the development stage);

the adequacy of the methods and means used to prevent conflict;

the ability to use psychological mechanisms of influence on conflict participants.

organizational and administrative, based on legislative, regulatory acts, orders, etc.;

economic, conditioned and supported by material incentives, allowing to take into account and satisfy the economic interests of the conflicting parties, etc.;

socio-psychological, related to the formation of certain value guidelines in the worldview and behavior of social groups, etc.

The content of the methods is specified depending on the situation, goals and objectives of management influence on the conflict. Conflict prevention in society as an element of social management is a kind of science and art that requires special knowledge, skills and abilities. On a psychological, individual level, eliminating the causes of the conflict is closely related to the impact on the motivation of the participants and involves the establishment of standards that would block the initial aggressive intentions of the conflicting parties.

A reliable way to prevent conflict is to establish and strengthen cooperation. Conflict experts have developed a number of methods for maintaining and developing cooperation:

agreement, consisting in the fact that a possible enemy is involved in joint activities;

practical empathy, which involves “entering” the position of a partner, understanding his difficulties, expressing sympathy and willingness to help him;

maintaining the partner’s reputation, treating him with respect, although the interests of both partners at a given time diverge;

mutual complementation of partners, which consists in using such features of the future rival that the first subject does not possess;

exclusion of social discrimination, which prohibits emphasizing the differences between cooperation partners, any superiority of one over the other;

non-sharing of merit - this achieves mutual respect, and removes such negative emotions like envy, resentment;

psychological mood;

psychological “stroking”, which means maintaining Have a good mood, positive emotions.

The methods mentioned above for maintaining and strengthening cooperation are, of course, not exhaustive. But everything that can help maintain normal business relations between people, strengthen their mutual trust and respect, “works” against the conflict, prevents its occurrence, and if it does arise, helps resolve it.

Cooperation in order to prevent labor conflicts in enterprises, as a rule, is aimed at “preventing” possible labor conflicts. Conflict prevention activities can be carried out by the participants in social interaction themselves, heads of organizations, psychologists, social workers and social educators - i.e. specialists with specific professional training in the field of conflicts. It can be carried out in four main directions:

) creation of objective conditions that prevent the emergence and destructive development of pre-conflict situations;

) optimization of organizational and managerial conditions for the creation and functioning of organizations (an important objective-subjective prerequisite for preventing conflicts);

) elimination of socio-psychological causes of conflicts;

) blocking personal causes of conflicts.

Prevention of most types of conflicts should be carried out simultaneously in all four areas.

There are objective circumstances that contribute to the prevention of destructive conflicts:

creating favorable conditions for the life of workers in the organization;

fair and transparent distribution of material goods in a team or organization;

development of legal and other regulatory procedures for resolving typical pre-conflict situations;

calming material environment surrounding a person.

There are a number of objective conditions that influence the emergence of conflicts between people. The objective-subjective conditions for conflict prevention include organizational and managerial factors:

situational management conditions (making optimal management decisions and competently assessing the performance of other employees, especially subordinates).

For conflict specialists, the socio-psychological conditions for conflict prevention are also of great interest. They are more easily amenable to managerial influence compared to objective and organizational-managerial prerequisites.

Social interaction is consistent when it is balanced. There are several relationships, basic balances, the conscious or unconscious violation of which can lead to conflicts:

role balance (if a person accepts (internalizes) the role assigned to him, then role conflict does not occur);

balance of interdependence in decisions and actions (every person initially has an inherent desire for freedom and independence);

balance of mutual services (If: a person provided a non-standard service to a colleague, and in return did not receive services of approximately the same value over time, then the balance of services is disturbed);

balance of damage (if a person has suffered significant damage, then he feels a desire to cause retaliatory damage to those people through whose fault he suffered);

balance of self-esteem and external assessment.

Undoubtedly, these and other conditions provided for in the contract help to avoid conflict situations and keep the parties from ill-considered actions.

Methods of regulatory regulation:

informal method (establishes best option everyday behavior);

method of formalization (written or oral recording of norms in order to eliminate the uncertainty of the requirements expressed by the parties and differences in their perception);

localization method ("tying" norms to local characteristics and conditions);

individualization method (differentiation of norms taking into account personal characteristics and resources of people);

information method (explaining the need to comply with standards);

method of advantageous contrast (norms are deliberately raised, and then gradually “lowered” and fixed at a psychologically acceptable level, which is higher than their starting level).

Ultimately, the state of the human body and psyche is influenced by the entire material environment with which it interacts. Consequently, it indirectly affects its conflict potential. Social and psychological methods of conflict prevention are of a more private nature. In the interests of preventing the occurrence of specific conflicts, you can use various techniques, of which there are much more than conditions and methods. Regulatory methods of conflict prevention mean not only the establishment of norms, but also monitoring their compliance. In such cases, the purpose, means and rules of the control itself are indicated.

The human factor as a parameter for optimizing the interaction between specialists and clients of social services

The possibility of productive, conflict-free behavior of a specialist during labor activity determine its individual characteristics. Conflict of a personality is its integral property, reflecting the frequency of entry into interpersonal conflicts. With high levels of conflict, the individual becomes a constant initiator of tense relationships with others, regardless of whether this is preceded by conflict situations.

Personality conflict is caused by:

) psychological factors - temperament, level of aggressiveness, psychological stability, level of aspirations, current emotional condition, character accentuations, etc.;

) socio-psychological factors - social attitudes and values, attitude towards the opponent, communication competence, etc.;

) socio-physiological factors - characteristics of psychosomatic health, living and activity conditions, relaxation opportunities, social environment, general level culture, opportunities to meet needs, etc.

The level of conflict of a personality is influenced by the development of its volitional and intellectual qualities: a) the higher the degree of tension, the higher the level of intrapersonal conflict; b) the more developed a person’s determination, emotional stability, and independence are, the lower the severity of the experience of intrapersonal conflicts; c) such volitional qualities as equanimity and obsession are characteristic of a person with a high level of intrapersonal conflict; d) the development of independence and normative behavior does not have a noticeable effect on intrapersonal conflict; e) people with high intelligence experience intrapersonal conflicts more acutely.

Generally conflicting personalities characterized by a lack of general culture and psychological culture of communication. Participants in conflict interactions who do not have theoretical knowledge of conflict management and practical skills of behavior in conflict often make mistakes when reacting to a conflict situation, which leads to the aggravation of conflict relations.

Also, in order to prevent a conflict, it is necessary to take into account that it may be caused by stressful state person. Although stress is a typical human reaction to a conflict situation, we must not forget that it can itself lead to conflict.

The problem of controlling and preventing stress in professional activity is associated not so much with necessarily dealing with stress, but with competent and responsible stress management and reducing the likelihood of stress developing into distress.

When under stress, it is important to follow several rules:

observe yourself as if from the outside;

look for ways to restrain yourself, for example, take a break from communication;

transfer your energy into another form of activity that is not related to stress (distract yourself);

identify factors that help relieve stress (do what pleases you the most, is good at, captivates).

Methods by which stress is neutralized:

Planning the daily routine and solving work and personal problems.

Physical exercise.


Psychotherapy (performing special exercises to relieve stress).

Meditation and relaxation.

In the process of personal interaction, the fact of the presence or absence of psychological compatibility communicating persons. Psychological compatibility is interpreted as a situation of coincidence among the interacting parties of the main life goals and values, as well as the absence of insoluble contradictions between the parties.

Psychological compatibility is achieved thanks to:

natural property characters, temperaments, as well as common goals and values ​​of individuals;

purposeful work of psychologists and conflict specialists to strengthen the psychological compatibility of team members.

Psychological compatibility can be developed by following certain rules:

know well the characteristics of the people with whom you interact, their character, habits and preferences; show attention to them, interest, find mutual understanding;

be able to determine the required distance in relationships with each individual;

focus on the “rule of diversity” - the more partners have coinciding interests, the less the possibility of conflicts arising between them;

control your behavior, do not focus on your merits, do not demonstrate a sense of superiority over others;

make others feel needed, significant person.

To overcome barriers in communicating with an opponent, you should develop a sense of self-esteem and self-confidence, see behind every inappropriate act of a person a manifestation of his psychological characteristics or, perhaps, serious problems. This approach is ensured by taking into account the human factor in the communication process at the level of personal interaction. The integrated use of psychological methods will help prevent conflict, avoid it, mitigate it, or lead it in a favorable direction.

Psychological methods of conflict prevention in the course of social work

The professional tasks of a social worker are consonant with the ideas of humanistic psychology: a person’s creative potential must be fully realized for the benefit of society. A social worker can help change a client’s victimogenic attitudes, or, on the contrary, provoke their further development. Inappropriate and ill-considered actions of a social worker can cause harm. Prevention of social inhibition lies in the implementation of the psychological principles of the social worker’s activities and his professional position in relation to the client.

The psychological principles of social work include:

the principle of congruence (the unity of the goals, objectives and areas of activity put forward by the social worker related to solving the client’s problems);

the principle of impartiality (an unbiased approach in communicating with the client, the social worker’s lack of personal interest in the results of communication with the client);

the principle of confidentiality (information about social support should be confidential);

the principle of positively oriented activity (the social worker implements in his activities various functions, which determine the level of his professional activity, which, in turn, determines the client’s activity).

An important task The goal that the profession sets for a modern social worker is the desire to return to the client the ability to act independently in any life situation, without the “insurance” of a social worker, which is considered a criterion of professional success. To solve this problem, social workers must have psychological knowledge and possess special technologies for communicating with clients, different social groups (children, family, disabled people, pensioners, etc.), as well as skills for developing activity and independence in their wards.

In the event of life circumstances that threaten to disrupt the optimal process of personal development, its inner world, psychologists advise using the following recommendations:

accept the difficult ones life situations as a given of existence;

form life values and follow them;

be flexible and adaptive;

giving in on small things, do not turn it into a system;

hope for the best developments;

do not be a slave to your desires;

learn to manage yourself;

develop strong-willed qualities;

adjust the hierarchy of roles for yourself;

strive for a high level of personal maturity;

ensure the adequacy of self-esteem;

don’t accumulate problems;

don’t take on everything at once;

don't lie;

do not panic.

A person in need social assistance, quite often perceives himself as a victim of a social situation. The victim complex manifests itself in a decrease or loss of self-esteem, a feeling of inability to take any active action, a feeling of the futility of one’s own efforts, especially in conditions of conflict interaction.

Practical examples from life

Let's study various situations from life, in which data from the theoretical part of our work is also a theoretical justification for the emergence of these situations.

First, let's consider situations with increased conflict of an individual. [p.11] From a friend I heard a story about a friend of hers who had been boxing professionally for several years. This girl has already developed certain self-defense mechanisms. How did she behave in a conflict situation? One day, the girl had a conflict with a bank employee, after which, according to the athlete, she came to her senses when she had already attacked the employee and strangled her. In this situation, we clearly see how an initially high level of conflict does not give a person the right to choose a reaction to a stimulus.

The situation with my friend can serve as an example. Her mother repeatedly used physical punishment in raising her daughter, after which her daughter grew up unbalanced and overly nervous. When communicating with her husband, she often cannot simply resolve everyday problem, but breaks into a scream and becomes offended; for this reason, minor domestic quarrels drag on, while the problem and disagreement could be resolved in a more favorable way. After all, conflicts in our lives are the most drastic and destructive way to eliminate contradictions and an attempt to establish mutual understanding, which often ends in failure. In order for a person with increased conflict to independently prevent an impending confrontation, he needs to calm down, understand for himself what his goal is in relation to to a specific person, and how best to achieve mutually beneficial conditions. In addition, if it becomes clear that a person is susceptible to stress, he should rest more, play sports, and do special psychotherapeutic exercises for relaxation. You need to increase your self-esteem.

Now let's talk about conflicts between employees in large and small enterprises. Before entering the university, I worked for some time at the Kashin Electrical Equipment Plant, so I can imagine the relationships between employees in a team in practice. Initially, there are abnormal working conditions in production, low earnings in relation to the large volumes of work. In departments it is fixed wage, so that completing the amount of work does not affect earnings. Maybe this is why employees are focused not on work, but on the gossip that exists in the team. According to my observations, specialists spent most of their time resting rather than working, so to speak, “hatching” their work time. The conflict arose in the fact that, having been transferred from the workshop to the chief designer’s department, I began to perform work at the specialist level, without having this education. My job was to copy engineers' drawings on tracing paper. This work did not make much sense, given that it would be more efficient to use a computer with a specialized program, which is what I did. Almost all the specialists who had been working in this department for a long time could not learn how to make drawings on a computer, and mine successful work hit them in this direction. They began to file complaints with the Quality Control Department (technical control department) that I was doing work for which I did not have the authority, while the control department rated the work done on the computer very highly, and I did it competently. Let's turn to theory again. Where did the preconditions for this conflict come from? Let us turn to the objective-subjective conditions for preventing conflicts in enterprises. The following were not sold at the plant:

structural and organizational conditions for preventing conflicts (optimizing the structure of the company, on the one hand, as an organization, on the other - as social group);

personal-functional conditions for preventing conflicts (compliance of the employee with the maximum requirements that his position may impose on him);

situational management conditions (making optimal management decisions and competently assessing the performance of other employees, especially subordinates). [page 9]

Also related to the causes of conflict is the lack of an objective social factor in preventing social conflict, such as ensuring equal opportunities in realizing the positive potential of people. Because of these inconsistencies, the reasons for the conflict described above become clear. If the activities of the entire team were aimed at cooperation, then the conflict would not arise, because such methods of establishing cooperation would be used as: consent, practical empathy, mutual complementation of partners, exclusion of social discrimination, non-division of merit. [page 7]

And in conclusion, I would like to consider the concept of psychological compatibility. As mentioned above, psychological compatibility can be developed by following certain rules: [p.13]

It is good to know the characteristics of the people with whom you interact, their character, habits and preferences; show attention to them, interest, find mutual understanding.

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years. This is my first relationship, and during this time I learned for the first time what is called establishing psychological compatibility. At first, when we began to live together, we had a lot of conflicts due to the fact that everyone has their own habits and foundations. Over time, we learned to give in to each other in some things, and previous mistakes, even if they were repeated, no longer developed into conflict. I learned to calmly explain to him why I was offended, what I didn’t like, what I would like from this situation. And I learned to always bring specific examples from our lives, and not just blame him, and asked the same from him.

Be able to determine the required distance in relationships with each individual.

It is clear that when communicating with close people there is a shorter distance, but it should still be there. In a relationship with a partner, common interests appear over time, but my mother always taught me that both partners should have “their own territory” where people can take a break from each other. This is necessary so that the relationship does not become boring. It’s good to be socially active separately from your partner for some time and provide him with this opportunity, and then return to each other and share news. I spend a lot of time at rehearsals at the theater, and my boyfriend goes out with friends. At the initial stage of the relationship, it was difficult to let him go, but over time the level of trust in the relationship has increased, and now we spend quality time both together and separately.

Focus on the “rule of diversity” - the more partners have coinciding interests, the less the possibility of conflicts arising between them.

This point in our relationship is more difficult, but I hope that over time we will have more common interests. However, my boyfriend comes to my performances and is always open to listening to me and supporting me.

Control your behavior, do not focus on your merits, do not demonstrate a sense of superiority over others.

In this area, the young man and I do not compete. He is good with computers, plays the guitar, repairs equipment, is an excellent cook, and knows very well English language. I perform on stage, knit toys, try to get the highest grades at university, and am responsible for cleanliness at home. I also know English well, but I don’t worry about being weaker in it. We always support each other and are proud of each other's successes.

Give someone else the opportunity to feel like a necessary, significant person.

This, of course, is the most important thing in a relationship - to understand that you are important to your partner, and to give him a feeling of confidence in this, as well as to celebrate his successes and achievements.

At this point, we looked at several real-life examples and established their relationship with theoretically studied information. The conclusion that can be drawn is that practical cases from life are inextricably linked with the theory of conflict prevention. Such knowledge for a social work specialist will be useful both in work and in personal life.


Results of this work:

The concepts of “conflict management”, “conflict prevention”, “conflict prevention” are considered.

The prerequisites for the success of preventive work, methods of conflict management, methods of maintaining and developing cooperation, methods of normative regulation, psychological methods of conflict prevention, the main directions of professional training in the field of conflict prevention, objective circumstances contributing to the prevention of destructive conflicts, the relationships of social interactions (main balances) have been studied.

The conditions for preventing social conflict have been studied, such as: objective social factors, objective-subjective conditions (organizational and managerial factors).

The factors of personality conflict and the influence on it of the development of its volitional and intellectual qualities have been studied.

Methods of dealing with stress and methods of establishing psychological compatibility have been studied.

In the practical part, real-life situations are considered in connection with the studied theoretical data.

There is always a place for stress and conflict in our lives. And we have the opportunity to prevent or neutralize them. This applies to both personal interactions and work with clients. Knowing methods for preventing conflicts and the causes of their occurrence, a social worker will be able, in the worst case, to resolve an existing conflict, and in the best case, prevent it from developing. But we must also remember that a conflict is not just a problem, but a signal of some differences in the opinions of the conflicting parties. By analyzing these discrepancies, the social work specialist will be able to peacefully resolve the discrepancies, and bring relationships between people, employees or enterprises to the next level. new level maximum in an efficient way.


prevention conflict social

Dedov N.P. Social conflictology: Tutorial for universities / Dedov N.P., Suslova T.F., Sorokina E.G..; Moscow State Social University; Ed. A.V.Morozova; Rec. A.Ya.Antsupov, V.T.Yusov. - M.: Academy, 2002, p. 301-308.

Kilmashkina T.N. Conflictology. Social conflicts: A textbook for university students / Kilmashkina Tatyana Nikolaevna; Rec. S.V. Gushchin and others - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA: Law and Law, 2009, p. 69-79.

Belinskaya A.B. Conflictology in social work: Textbook / Belinskaya Alexandra Borisovna; Rec. S.A. Belicheva, N.F. Basov; Chief editor A.E.Illarionova. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2010, p. 179-204.

Antsupov A.Ya., Shipilov A.I. Dictionary of conflict specialist. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.

Universal English-Russian dictionary. 2011.

Cordwell M. Psychology. A - Z: Dictionary - reference book / Transl. from English K. S. Tkachenko. M.: FAIR PRESS, 2000.

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Conflicts cannot always be interpreted as a positive or negative phenomenon. At the same time, conflicts that cause irreparable harm to people must be limited or, better yet, prevented. The efforts of both public and state institutions are aimed at preventing conflicts. Anticipating possible options for the development of events creates conditions for effective management of them. Forecasting the occurrence of conflicts is the main prerequisite for effective efforts to prevent them. Forecasting and preventing conflicts are important factors in regulating social contradictions.

Features of conflict management are largely determined by their specificity as a complex social phenomenon. An important principle of conflict management is principle of competence.

Conflict management requires compliance with another principle. You can, of course, try to force your opponents to abandon their intentions and prevent them from fighting, but this is not always effective. It is better to still give people the opportunity to defend their interests, but to ensure that they do this through cooperation, compromise, and avoiding confrontation. It is advisable not to radically change the development of events, but to ensure that the form of resolution of the emerging contradiction is constructive and peaceful.

Conflict management- this is a conscious activity carried out at all stages of the emergence, development and completion of the conflict.

Conflict management includes: symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, warning, mitigation, settlement, resolution.

There are also such control influences as suppression, extinction, overcoming, and elimination of conflict.

An important way to manage conflicts is their prevention. Conflict Prevention consists in organizing the life activities of subjects of social interaction in such a way that eliminates or minimizes the likelihood of conflicts arising between them.

Conflict prevention is their prevention in the broad sense of the word. The goal of conflict prevention is to create such conditions for the activity and interaction of people that would minimize the likelihood of the emergence or destructive development of contradictions between them.

It is much easier to prevent conflicts than to resolve them constructively. Therefore, the problem of constructive conflict resolution, which at first glance seems more important, is actually not so.

Preventing conflicts is no less important than the ability to resolve them constructively. It requires less effort, money and time and prevents even those minimal destructive consequences that any constructively resolved conflict has.

The most effective form of conflict prevention is to eliminate its causes. Conflict prevention activities are very diverse and, in addition, are multi-level activities.

On general social level we're talking about on identifying and eliminating major economic, social and political factors that disorganize social and political life.

Distortions in the economy, sharp changes in the level and quality of life of large groups and segments of the population, political unsettlement, disorganization and ineffectiveness of the management system are a constant source of large and small, internal and external conflicts. Preventing them involves the consistent implementation of social, economic, and cultural policies in the interests of the entire society, strengthening law and order and legality, and increasing the spiritual culture of people. Let us conventionally call it “general” or “nationwide” prevention of any negative phenomena in society, including conflict situations.

In order to prevent numerous conflicts that arise in public life, it is necessary to identify and study their causes, which should be facilitated by the development of conflict studies. Every conflict at work, in everyday life, and in the leisure sphere arises for specific reasons and under certain conditions.

On a psychological, individual level, eliminating the causes of the conflict is closely related to the impact on the motivation of the participants and involves putting forward counter-motives that would block the initial aggressive intentions of the conflicting parties. Of particular importance is the prevention of interpersonal criminal conflicts involving violence.

A reliable way to prevent conflict is to establish and strengthen cooperation. Conflict experts have developed a number of methods for maintaining and developing cooperation:

agreement, consisting in the fact that a possible enemy is involved in joint activities;

practical empathy, which involves “entering” into the position of a partner, understanding his difficulties, expressing sympathy and readiness to help him;

maintaining the partner's reputation, respectful attitude towards him, although the interests of both partners at a given time diverge;

mutual complementation of partners, which consists in using such traits of the future opponent that the first subject does not possess;

exclusion of social discrimination, which prohibits emphasizing the differences between cooperation partners, any superiority of one over the other;

non-sharing of merit - this achieves mutual respect and removes such negative emotions as envy and resentment;

psychological mood;

psychological "stroking" which means maintaining a good mood and positive emotions.

The methods mentioned above for maintaining and strengthening cooperation are, of course, not exhaustive. But everything that can help maintain normal business relations between people, strengthen their mutual trust and respect, “works” against the conflict, prevents its occurrence, and if it does arise, helps resolve it.

Cooperation to prevent labor conflicts in enterprises is usually viewed in terms of social partnership. In a broad sense, it means the harmonization of the interests of various classes, strata, and social groups; in a narrow sense, it means the principle of the relationship between an employer and an employee. Social partnership is based on compromise and mutually beneficial concessions. It is usually aimed at “preventing” possible labor conflicts.

Activities to prevent conflicts can be carried out by the participants in social interaction, heads of organizations, psychologists, social workers and social educators - that is, specialists with specific professional training in the field of conflicts. It can be carried out in four main directions:

1) creation of objective conditions that prevent the emergence and destructive development of pre-conflict situations;

2) optimization of organizational and managerial conditions for the creation and functioning of organizations (an important objective-subjective prerequisite for preventing conflicts);

3) eliminating the socio-psychological causes of conflicts;

4) blocking personal causes of conflicts.

Prevention of most types of conflicts should be carried out simultaneously in all four directions.

There are objective circumstances that contribute to the prevention of destructive conflicts:

creating favorable conditions for the life of workers In the organisation. These primarily include: the financial security of the family; working conditions of the wife and education of the children; the possibility of a person’s self-realization in professional activities; working conditions; relationships developing with subordinates, colleagues, bosses; human health; family relationships; availability of time for proper rest, etc.

Unsettled, unsuccessful, disrespected in the team and society, always driven, a sick person is more conflicted with others equal conditions with a person who does not have these problems;

fair and transparent distribution of material goods in a team or organization. If there were enough material wealth for all workers, then conflicts related to their distribution would apparently still exist, but less frequently. The reason for the continuation of conflicts would be the increasing needs of people and the very distribution system that exists in Russian society. Towards objective conditions of warning interpersonal conflicts refers to a fair and transparent distribution of existing goods. This condition is to a certain extent subjective at the same time. If scarce material goods are distributed among workers, firstly, fairly, and secondly, publicly, in order to eliminate rumors related to the fact that someone was paid more, then the number and severity of conflicts related to the distribution of material benefits would be noticeably reduced ;

development of legal and other regulatory permitting procedures typical pre-conflict situations. An analysis of conflicts in employee relationships showed that there are typical problematic situations of social interaction and typical pre-conflict situations that usually lead to conflict. Constructive resolution of such situations can be ensured by developing regulatory procedures that allow employees to defend their interests without entering into conflict with an opponent;

calming material environment surrounding a person. Factors in the material environment that help reduce the likelihood of conflicts include: convenient layout of working and living spaces, optimal characteristics air environment, illumination, electromagnetic and other indicators, painting the premises in soothing colors, the presence indoor plants, aquariums, equipment for psychological relaxation rooms, absence of irritating noises.

There are a number of objective conditions that influence the emergence of conflicts between people. Ultimately, the state of the human body and psyche is influenced by the entire material environment with which it interacts. Consequently, it indirectly affects its conflict potential.

Objective-subjective conditions for conflict prevention include organizational and managerial factors:

structural and organizational conditions for conflict prevention(optimization of the structure of the company, on the one hand, as an organization, on the other, as a social group. Maximum compliance of the formal and informal structures of the team with the tasks facing it ensures minimization of contradictions arising between structural elements organization, and reduces the likelihood of conflicts between employees);

personal-functional conditions for conflict prevention(compliance of the employee with the maximum requirements that the position held may impose on him);

situational and managerial conditions(making optimal management decisions and competently assessing the performance of other employees, especially subordinates).

For conflict specialists, the socio-psychological conditions for conflict prevention are also of great interest. They are more easily amenable to managerial influence compared to objective and organizational-managerial prerequisites.

At the same time, they have a noticeable impact on the conflict, causing significant changes in the process of development of social contradiction. Socio-psychological conditions for preventing conflicts should be distinguished from socio-psychological methods and techniques for preventing clashes between people.

The first are associated with compliance with the basic subjective-objective laws of social interaction, the violation of which leads to the emergence of contradictions that are resolved through conflicts.

Social and psychological methods of conflict prevention are of a more private nature. In the interests of preventing the occurrence of specific conflicts, you can use various techniques, of which there are much more than conditions and methods. Social interaction is consistent when it is balanced. There are several relationships main balances, conscious or unconscious violation of which can lead to conflicts:

balance of roles(if a person accepts (internalizes) the role assigned to him, then role conflict does not occur);

balance of interdependence in decisions and actions(each person initially has an inherent desire for freedom and independence. Everyone, ideally, strives to do what he wants and when he wants. However, the freedom of each of us cannot be ensured at the expense of the freedom of those with whom we interact. Therefore, if a person considers his dependence on us to be greater than he can admit, this may cause conflict behavior on his part);

balance of mutual services(violation is fraught with tension in relationships between people and possible conflict. If a person provided a non-standard service to a colleague, and in return did not receive services of approximately the same value over time, then the balance of services is upset);

balance of damage(if a person has suffered significant damage, then he feels a desire to cause retaliatory damage to those people through whose fault he suffered. In other words, a person is characterized by a feeling of revenge. Therefore, an important socio-psychological condition for preventing conflicts is not causing damage to others in the process of interacting with them. Causing damage disrupts the balance of interpersonal or intergroup interaction and can become the basis of conflict);

balance of self-esteem and external assessment. In the prevention of conflicts, their regulatory regulation is of great importance. In the United States and many other countries, in order to prevent conflicts, it is customary to include in contracts between companies, as well as individuals, special paragraphs that stipulate the behavior of the parties in the event of disputes. For example: The American Judges Association recommends that when preparing any business contract, there should be: a written exchange of opinions in the event of a disagreement (rather than just oral conversations); engaging an assistant or consultant in case of disagreement; using any attempts to reconcile; ensuring a sufficiently high level of negotiators; establishing several stages of negotiations; determine in advance the arbitrator, as well as the judicial or other procedure for considering the dispute - in case the negotiations fail.

Undoubtedly, these and other conditions provided for in the contract help to avoid conflict situations and keep the parties from ill-considered actions. Regulatory methods of conflict prevention mean not only the establishment of norms, but also monitoring their compliance. In such cases, the purpose, means and rules of the control itself are indicated.

There are several methods of regulatory regulation:

informal method(establishes the optimal option for everyday behavior);

formalization method(written or oral recording of norms in order to eliminate the uncertainty of the requirements expressed by the parties and differences in their perception);

localization method(“linking” norms to local characteristics and conditions);

individualization method(differentiation of norms taking into account personal characteristics and resources of people);

information method(explaining the need to comply with standards);

advantageous contrast method(norms are deliberately raised, and then gradually “lowered” and fixed at a psychologically acceptable level, which is higher than their starting level).

In cases where the conflict cannot be prevented, it must be overcome using the most effective technique or method. To resolve conflicts, administrative ones are most often recommended; pedagogical; psychological measures.

Administrative measures. Includes transfers, organizational withdrawals, penalties and punishments.

Since administrative measures are basically like a surgical instrument, they must be used extremely carefully, on a moral basis, and methodically correctly. Otherwise, the conflict will not be resolved, it may even escalate. In conditions of openness and democratization, a leader should take the following as a basis:

any administrative measure must be carried out in full publicity;

the public of the unit must be involved in discussing the conflict situation;

representatives of the team who enjoy the trust of employees must be involved in the resolution of the conflict situation;

During conversations with conflicting people, observe tact and avoid humiliating their self-esteem.

Pedagogical measures. They turn out to be effective in cases where the depth of the conflict is still small. In the studied situation of “office conflict,” pedagogical measures can ensure the creation of a favorable background for involving employees with whom those in conflict interact in the process of normalizing the situation.

The main means of pedagogical measures is the method of persuasion, the purpose of which is to bring a person to the understanding that the conflict has a harmful effect both on the personality of those in conflict and on the moral and psychological climate of the work collective. The success of persuasion depends on the authority of the person who carries out the persuasion and, of course, on his pedagogical skill. In conditions of openness and democratization, this activity becomes significantly more complicated. Those who are being persuaded want to receive not only arguments and facts from the persuader, but also to feel the sincerity of his intentions.

The process of persuasion should be built taking into account the characteristics of the stages of the emergence and progression of disagreements or contradictions between those in conflict. For example, at the stage of a conflict situation, the manager needs to find out the circumstances and essence of the disagreements that have arisen, their cause, and origins. It is necessary to interview team members who can help understand the situation, conduct a conversation with people between whom disagreements have arisen, analyze the real relationships between them, and find out ways of rapprochement. When carrying out work, the leader must take into account the peculiarities of the mental makeup of those in conflict, create conditions for empathy for the situation, and involve opponents in joint socially useful activities. It goes without saying that the leader must carefully prepare for all conversations and meetings with conflicting people every time.

Psychological measures. They are used in all cases of conflict resolution, but they become leading in cases where the conflicting parties themselves are not able to get out of the confrontation, although they wish to do so.

In conflict situations with an average degree of conflict depth, when the interests of individuals or groups collide with each other, there are always several possible tactics of behavior and corresponding options for action leading to the elimination of confrontation.

Activities to create and strengthen living conditions that exclude the possibility of occurrence.

Conflict prevention can be carried out by:

  • subjects wishing protect yourself from the role of an opposing party or an accomplice to the conflict;
  • subjects wishing help others, preventing conflict from arising and knowing in advance that they will not have to play the role of the opposing party.

Effectiveness of Conflict Prevention not so significant, as many would like, which is due to a number of objective and subjective reasons.

Subjective obstacles to conflict prevention lie in the characteristics of a person’s personality and his abilities to possible consequences of your actions. For example, There are people who have the habit of ridding themselves of boredom and the dull monotony of life due to conscious or unconscious provocation of conflicts with others. There is also a type of people who feel discomfort in a normal situation and gravitate towards stressful situations, also provoking their occurrence. Such qualities as the desire to demonstrate superiority, rudeness, boasting, disrespect for people and others in mandatory will create a lot of problems for the individual and will minimize the possibility of preventing conflicts.

Objective obstacles outside interference in a situation fraught with conflict are characterized by diversity.

  1. Firstly, these obstacles are of a socio-psychological nature. People build their relationships on their own; interference from outsiders is often viewed by the parties as undesirable and perceived as obsessive influence.
  2. Secondly, there are moral obstacles. Often, and not without reason, a conflict is viewed as a private matter of the parties. From the standpoint of humanism forcing parties to agree is unethical.
  3. Thirdly, there are legal obstacles. Thus, infringement of an individual’s right to self-determination, forcing one to choose a certain model of behavior (even with the best intentions) may contradict the law and be illegal.

Intervention in a conflict is possible only if it outgrows the framework of personal or group relationships and becomes socially dangerous(significant).

Conflict Prevention Technology

Conflict prevention technology is a set of techniques, methods and means of influencing a pre-conflict situation and participants in interaction.

In general, influencing a situation fraught with conflict is possible in the following directions:

  • remake reality to suit the expectations of interested parties and thereby initially remove the subject of a possible conflict;
  • change your attitude to the problem underlying the contradiction (that is, influence changes in your behavior);
  • change the opponent’s attitude to the problem (that is, influence his consciousness and behavior).

A fairly effective method of changing reality to meet the expectations of the parties and preventing conflicts is maintaining cooperation.

Often, before the conflict begins, the participants in the interaction are in a neutral relationship, and perhaps cooperate with each other. Therefore, it is very important not to destroy the existing, even minimal, cooperation, but to maintain and strengthen the constructiveness of the relationship.

Methods for maintaining and developing cooperation

Consent Method. Its essence lies in: involving a possible enemy in one’s business; in creating conditions that exclude conflicting interests and form common interests.

Method of practical empathy. It involves psychologically “tuning in” to the opponent, “entering” his position, and understanding his difficulties. In practice, this method is expressed in benevolence, the absence of unmotivated hostility and aggressiveness, expression of sympathy and readiness to help the partner.

Method of maintaining a partner's reputation. A competitor does not mean an enemy. The enemy may be worthy of respect. The authority and status of the enemy is emphasized own status and authority. In any case, the rules of interpersonal communication require a respectful attitude towards your partner.

Complement method. This method consists of creating a situation where in a joint project it is possible to use certain characteristics, traits of one’s partner that the subject does not possess. By developing and using these traits, you can strengthen mutual relationships and cooperation, avoid many conflicts and win.

Method for eliminating social discrimination. This method is based on the inadmissibility of emphasizing the differences between partners, or any superiority of one over the other.

Merit division method. In conditions of collective work, it is advisable to share the common merits (results) among all participants in the work, even if most of them belong to one person. This method allows you to avoid envy, resentment and other negative aspects that surround and provoke conflict.

Method of psychological tuning. In contrast to the method of practical empathy, it involves a diverse, positive impact on the partner, the basis of which is timely informing the partner about possible or upcoming changes, discussing their consequences, etc.

Method of psychological “stroking”. It consists of constant and consistent activities to maintain a good mood and positive emotions, for which various occasions are used (presentations, anniversaries, etc.). This method allows you to relieve tension, create a feeling of sympathy and thus make it more difficult for conflict to arise.

Development of normative procedures for resolving pre-conflict situations

Adoption of normative mechanisms regulating conflicts and pre-conflict situations with the help of legal, moral, religious, political and other norms.

The effectiveness of this form of conflict prevention largely depends on the attitude of society and government agencies towards existing standards, the sequence of following them.

Normative regulation of conflicts, in contrast to temporary institutions, makes the system more stable. It defines long-term order of development and.

In order to prevent conflicts, it is a widespread practice in many countries to include special clauses in contracts concluded between companies that provide detailed behavior of the parties in the event of disputes.

Writing these conditions in the contract in advance prevents spontaneous conflict and keeps the parties from ill-considered actions.

Conflict prevention is understood as the process of influencing it at the pre-conflict stage in order to eliminate the sources of contradictions or their mitigation, localization, suppression, etc. It consists of influencing the sources and causes of social contradictions that provoke social tension, until open confrontation arises, i.e. e. until opponents realize the significance and fundamental nature of the urgent problems. Prevention of confrontations aims to prevent the development of social confrontations and avoid damage in the form of moral, material, human and other losses.

Thus, prevention, prophylaxis, prevention of conflict interaction presuppose the early organization of the conflict, manipulation of the conditions of the latent period of its development in order to reduce or suppress the undesirable tendencies of this process. As a result, the social conflict is either eliminated, i.e. is eliminated completely or partially, or is mitigated, i.e. weakens, becomes more moderate, with less severe consequences, or is localized.

Objective social factors for preventing social conflict are:

  • - stability in society, a calming economic, political, ecological environment surrounding a person, material provision for the well-being and reproduction of the family, etc.;
  • - confidence of the population in the future, a high level of social mobility as a result of favorable living conditions;
  • - equal opportunities in realizing the positive potential of people, in meeting their vital economic, political, social, and spiritual needs;
  • - fair and transparent distribution of material and other benefits;
  • - development of normative procedures for preventing and resolving social contradictions, etc.

If the listed factors are present in society, anti-conflict action is implemented spontaneously with a positive effect, and without specially organized managerial influence on the situation. Otherwise, targeted, systematic anti-crisis work is necessary.

The general logic of preventing social conflict includes, as T.A. Kilmashkina emphasizes, the following interrelated points:

  • 1. as early as possible (at the stage of emergence) recognition and identification of contradictions that provoke social tension and subsequent confrontation between opponents. It is important for subjects of social management to be able to intuitively perceive an unfavorable situation in an apparently normal environment. Timely detection and recognition of social tension will be helped by such alarming signals as the occurrence of rumors, quarrels, irreconcilable differences, and other unpleasant incidents;
  • 2. collection of complete, objective, comprehensive operational information about the essence, sources and causes of the existing pre-conflict situation, goals, interests, intentions, preferences of the parties capable and ready to enter into confrontation with each other. Timely receipt and efficient use information about the essence, character and participants of the brewing confrontation will make it possible to determine non-confrontational trends in its development;
  • 3. structural-dynamic analysis and diagnostics of the unfolding confrontation;
  • 4. conflictological analysis of the totality of resources, technological methods, techniques, means available in reserve and determining the possibilities of their use in order to mitigate, weaken, suppress or localize the confrontation. The examination should touch upon the goals of the emerging conflict, its power potential, specific tasks, strategies, tactics, scenarios for peaceful and constructive problem solving and minimizing destructive consequences;
  • 5. forecasting the development of a conflict situation in order to determine possible options and situations of future confrontation. The principles of conflict forecasting are: consistency, consistency, continuity, verifiability, alternativeness, profitability, etc.;
  • 6. determination of the rules of conflict interaction. Kilmashkina T.A. Conflictology. Social conflicts. - M.: UNITY-DANA: Law and Law, 2009., p. 77.

Thus, conflict prevention in society as an element of social management is a kind of science and art that requires special knowledge, skills and abilities.

The most common ways to neutralize contradictions as sources social conflicts are:

  • - negotiations, dialogue on controversial issues, exchange of views, the desire to solve problems peacefully on the basis of compromise, consensus (agreement on controversial issue achieved as a result of discussion and rapprochement of positions). The result of the negotiations should be the fulfillment of mutual obligations and agreements;
  • - involvement of the predicted participants in the conflict in joint activities of a political, economic, religious, and other nature (for example, public discussion of reforms state power). An important condition there must be adherence to the principle of fairness when assessing results, achievements, and summing up the results of this activity (preventing deception and fraud);
  • - cooperation, creation of alliances based on the positive potential of opponents, complementing them positive qualities and mitigating deficiencies. Here, trust in relationships, mutual respect between opponents, non-discrimination of the enemy, and preservation of his reputation are updated;
  • - institutionalization, normalization of relations in the context of an ethical framework or legal field. Joint decisions and agreements must not only be based on an objective norm, but also be legitimate, accepted by the social majority.

The main principle of prevention and prevention of social conflicts by means of public administration is the impact on their causes, and not on the result of social contradictions. Eliminating the causes, reasons, and conditions for the emergence of contradictions is the most effective and at the same time complex form of preventing social conflicts in society. At the general social level, we are talking about identifying and eliminating major economic, political, social and other factors that disorganize social and political life.