Winter signs for children.

By folk beliefs Beauty Winter arrives on a pinto horse. Getting off his horse, Winter begins his magic: he forges frosts, covers rivers and lakes with ice bridges, pours snow from one sleeve and frost from the other. Winter's voice is young and clear, and ice glistens in her eyes. The future harvest, and therefore the entire next year.

Signs of winter weather.

Signs of the winter weather were something like modern weather reports, helping the prudent owner prepare the farm for the cold on time and survive the winter without damage. That is why signs indicating the imminent onset of frost were especially important. Signs indicating the size of the future harvest helped plan how much of what supplies should be prepared for the next winter.

  • Frosts should be expected if the wind is humming in the chimney and the smoke from the chimney is standing in a column.
  • If a cat hides its nose under its paw and lies down close to the stove, it is getting colder.
  • If you hear a crackling sound in the forest, then the frosts will last a long time. Cold weather They also foreshadow logs burning with a bang in the oven.
  • If tits scream in the morning, it means increased frost.
  • A rich harvest of rowan foreshadows a harsh winter.
  • If there is heavy snow at the beginning of winter, then there will be heavy rain at the beginning of summer.
  • If December turns out to be snowy and cold, then the harvest will be good.
  • If in December the snow drifts close to the fences, then the summer will be bad, but if there is a gap left, then expect a big harvest.
  • If thunder rumbles in winter, severe frosts will soon be expected.
  • If smoke comes out of the chimney in a column, it will get colder.
  • If on the first day of February the sky is dotted with many stars, then the cold will continue for a long time.
  • If the sky is clear on the first day of February, then spring will be early.
  • If the winter is snowless and harsh, then the summer will be dry and hot.
  • If winter is warm, then summer will be cold.
  • The more snow on the fields, the larger the harvest will be.
  • By the 15th day of February they judge how soon to expect spring. If it snows on this day, then spring will not come soon.
  • If the sun shines on Tatyana’s day (January 25), early spring and the early arrival of birds, if snow is blowing - for a rainy summer.
  • If strong winds blow at the beginning of winter, then the beginning of spring will be slushy.
  • If a cat in the house stands up on its hind legs and starts scratching the walls, then you should expect a blizzard.
  • If the snow begins to stick to the trees, then you need to wait for warmer weather.
  • If the most severe frosts fall on Epiphany week, then the year will be fruitful.

Even the youngest kindergarteners will be interested in learning about winter signs, as well as autumn, spring and summer signs, and learning how to use them. For easier perception, the signs of winter for kids can be put into poetic form.

You can also keep a nature diary and write down all the signs in it so as not to forget, and then compare whether they match.

Winter- an amazing time of year. All the children are looking forward to it, to receive a long-awaited gift under the Christmas tree, to have fun sledding, skiing, skating, making snowmen, and playing snowballs. In winter, nature sleeps, gently wrapped in a blanket of snow. Winter is a girl with character: she can scare you with severe frosts, ice, cold winds or snowstorms. There is a saying about this time of year: “The sun shines, but does not warm.” There are also many folk signs of winter that help predict what summer will be like, what weather to expect in the coming days, and what natural phenomenon to prepare for.

Signs about the weather in winter

  • Warm winter leads to cold summer.
  • Dry and cold winter leads to dry and hot summer.
  • Snowy winter means a long spring and rainy summer.
  • Heavy snowfalls at the beginning of winter - to heavy rains at the beginning of summer.
  • If the most severe frosts of the entire winter occur on the Epiphany holiday, then the year will be fruitful.
  • Many large icicles mean a good harvest of vegetables.
  • Thunder in winter - to strong winds and frost, lightning - to a storm.
  • The moon with its horns up means frost.
  • Smoke spreads across the ground in calm weather, the moon has a slightly reddish tint - similar to snow.
  • If the clouds move against the wind, expect snow.
  • A foggy circle near the sun means a blizzard.
  • Fluffy frost on trees and bushes - it will be a sunny day.
  • If there is heavy snow at night or early in the morning with a light wind, clear, sunny weather will set in during the day.
  • Clouds are moving quickly - good weather.
  • Snow pellets are a sign of an imminent thaw.
  • Big snowflakes are falling - a thaw.
  • When it's cold, water appears on the ice - a thaw will come soon.

Winter signs about nature

  • If the crows croak in the whole flock - it means frost, if they sit on the ground - it means thaw, and settle down on the lower branches of trees - wait for the wind.
  • Crows and jackdaws are circling in the air - towards the snow.
  • A crow sits on the top of a tree in the morning and croaks towards the blizzard.
  • In winter, flies begin to fly around the room - a thaw.

The weather for the winter months can be predicted by the amount of crops harvested in the summer and fall. People predict a decrease in temperature and precipitation based on the behavior of animals, insects, birds, as well as the direction of the wind, clouds and celestial bodies.

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Folk signs on winter theme are based on centuries of human observation of natural phenomena and their relationship, and some beliefs have a logical basis.

How to determine the beginning of a cold winter?

Russian folk signs about winter, which will tell you about the weather and help determine the onset of frost, are presented in the table.

For animals and birds
  • Birds circle low in October - a sign of a sharp cold snap.
  • The cat scratches the walls with its paws - cold weather will come soon.
  • The dog has thick fur after molting - for a snowy winter.
  • The cat sleeps all day, curled up - severe frosts are already approaching
By harvest
  • In summer there is a generous harvest of berries - in winter there is a lot of snow.
  • There are a lot of mushrooms in September - for a long and harsh winter
Through the trees
  • If leaf fall begins late, then winter will be severe.
  • If oak and birch are in different time in October they fall off - to the onset of early frosts.
  • There are a lot of berries on the rowan tree - for harsh December.
  • If it starts snowing when all the leaves have not fallen from the trees, it means the onset of severe frosts
By the stars and the moon
  • If the stars shine brightly at night in November, and there is a thin layer of snow on the ground, then it will be fierce December.
  • At night there is a cloudy moon in the sky - the weather will soon change and a sharp cooling will begin
  • A wind blowing from the north in November means a sharp cold snap.
  • Weak wind at the end of autumn - a change in weather conditions
Through the clouds
  • Clouds float low and very slowly in mid-autumn - to severe frosts.
  • If the clouds are moving against the wind, it will soon become much colder and the first snow will fall.
According to everyday phenomena
  • If the kettle makes a loud noise when boiling, then frost will soon begin.
  • Firewood crackles loudly in a fireplace or stove - a sign of severe frost.
  • Strong stove draft and coals in the stove glow brightly - a sharp cold snap

Weather signs for December

Folk signs for December:

  • Dry and sunny December means a meager harvest in June. If the first winter month turns out to be cloudy and cold, the harvest will be rich.
  • No precipitation at the beginning of winter - there will be little rain in the summer.
  • If there is no snow in December and January, then spring will be late.
  • Heavy snow and bitter frost in the first winter month - you can expect a fruitful year.
  • The trees are silver with frost - there will be a lot of oats.

Winter signs for December by day of the month are presented in the table.

1 As is the first day of winter, so will be the first day of spring.
3 If it snows on Proklos, then the first summer days will be rainy
4 If heavy snowfall begins on this day, then the winter months will be snowy
5 There is a lot of frost - for a fruitful July
6 On Mitrofan there will be a north wind and snow - the first week of June will be cold and the summer will be short
7 It’s clear and dry for Catherine - for frosty December
9 The noise from the well on St. George's Day is a sign of bitter frosts in January and February. Still water in a well - the weather in the winter months will be dry and warm
12 It's snowing on Paramona - it will snow for seven days in a row
13 If a magpie hides under the roof and a bullfinch sings, then a blizzard will soon begin
15 Heavy snowfall on this day means spring flood
16 Thick fog and wet snow - to strong gusty winds and heavy snowfalls
17 On Varvara, the sun is shining brightly and the dogs are barking loudly - a thaw
19 Cloudy weather and wind from the south blowing towards Nikolai - it will soon become much warmer
22 A lot of snow and severe frost on this day - to persistent frost
25 If the sun shines brightly on Spiridon, clear weather is predicted for the entire Christmastide period
26 On Eustrata it is sunny and clear - by frosty January
27 Frosty morning on Firsa - February will be very cold and snowy
31 If the day is dry and warm, it means cloudy and wet June. If it's cloudy and snowing, June will be fine

Signs for January

Weather signs for January:

  • Frosty January - hot July.
  • The month of January is warm and clear - spring will be cold and cloudy.
  • Large icicles on the roofs - there will be big harvest vegetables and fruits.
  • The mole crawled out of his hole - to the stormy and cold May.

The table shows signs for January by day of the month.

Day of the monthSigns
1 What is the first day of the New Year, so will the summer months be: slush and thaw - for a damp and rainy summer, sun and frost - for a dry and sultry July
3 It's cold and dry outside - there will be severe frost on Epiphany
6 Starry sky on Christmas Eve - for fine and sunny days
7 Heavy snowfall on Christmas - the year will be fruitful
8 If there is wet snow on this day, then there will be no frost on Epiphany
14 If the south wind blows on Vasily at night, then the summer will be hot
18 Heavy snowfall on Epiphany Christmas Eve- to a good harvest of buckwheat and bread. Blizzard and gusty wind - there will be a lot of honey; the weather on Maslenitsa will be the same
19 The bright moon and stars this night promise stable frosty weather until the end of the month
21 Calm weather on Emelyan - for a warm and sunny August
22 It's a fine day for Philip - a rich harvest of grain crops in the summer months
25 Snowy and cloudy weather for Tatyana promises a cold and stormy summer
28 If clouds are coming towards Pavel from the north, then the thaw will not come soon
29 On Peter's Day the weather is frosty, but there is no snow - July will be very hot, without rain
30 Cloudy weather on Anton - expect strong snowstorms
31 If Afanasyev is a blizzard day, spring will not come soon

Beliefs for February

Signs for February:

  • The rainy month of February means rainy August.
  • Warm and sunny weather in February - in spring it will be cold and damp.

Weather signs for February by day of the month are presented in the table.

Days of the monthSigns
1 On Makaryev's day there is a thaw - towards early spring
2 It's cloudy on Groundhog Day - winter will end soon
3 If the moon shines through the clouds in the night sky, “life will be good”
6 Like Aksinya, like spring
10 Strong wind on Ephraim - summer will be windy and rainy
12 If there is a red moon on the Three Saints, it means a sharp change in weather conditions
15 If it is clear and snowy on Candlemas, then March will be frosty. Drops - to a generous harvest of wheat and flax
18 Frosty Agafya - friendly spring and fine summer
20 Thunder on Luka - to bad haymaking
22 The colder the weather on this day, the warmer it will be in March
26 Thaw in Martiniana - towards a sunny and warm March
27 Good weather on Spring Pointer - to stable frosts in spring
28 If there are a lot of icicles on the roofs on the last day of winter, then spring will be cloudy and long

Beliefs in different regions of Russia

Weather signs vary depending on the region of Russia, since each region has its own characteristics. climatic conditions: in the Krasnodar Territory, winter begins no earlier than January, and in Yakutia - in October. Basic signs in different regions:

  1. 1. In Kuban determine the weather in winter by the behavior of pets: cats lick their paws and do not leave the stove - cold weather will soon come.
  2. 2. In Bashkiria people believe that a cold winter promises early flowering of bird cherry trees and a bountiful summer harvest.
  3. 3. In Ryazan and Moscow regions The climate is practically the same, so the beliefs in these regions are the same: snow-covered St. Nicholas - for a fruitful autumn.
  4. 4. In the Leningrad region It is believed that windy weather on Old New Year's Eve foreshadows the dry summer months, but the apple harvest will be rich.
  5. 5. In Tatarstan The yield is associated with the thickness of the ice on the river: the thicker the ice layer, the more abundant the harvest of vegetables and fruits will be.
  6. 6. In the Urals a thaw in the winter months is associated with stormy summers and poor grain harvests.

This page was created to help children in grades 2-3 who are actively studying the world around them in lessons. this topic, creating projects about the seasons.

For thousands of years, our ancestors observed nature and the weather. From such observations, signs emerged. New observations were passed on from generation to generation and new observations arose, because the life of the people, especially earlier, was inextricably linked with nature and depended on the future harvest.

There are several types of signs:

  • winter signs by which the weather for the near future was determined;
  • signs of winter that determine what spring and summer will be like;
  • and the most important signs of winter predicted what the harvest would be like.

Folk winter signs for schoolchildren

Signs associated with the behavior of animals and birds

A bullfinch chirps under the window in winter - a sign of thaw.

Sparrows hiding in brushwood foreshadow frosts or a blizzard...

A chicken standing on one leg means it’s cold.

Chickens sit on the roost early, which means there will be frost, and the higher she climbs, the lower the temperature will be.

Cat on the stove - cold in the yard.

A cat covers its face with its paw - to a blizzard.

The cat sleeps soundly and for a long time - for warmth.

A cat scratches the floor - to the wind and snowstorm.

Hares stay near housing - in case of frost.

If tits scream in the morning, this means increased frost.

If the dog is lying around, then you should wait for a snowstorm.

If a cat in the house stands up on its hind legs and starts scratching the walls, then you should expect a blizzard.

The friendly chirping of bullfinches and sparrows means a thaw.

Crows croaked as a whole flock - for frost, danced in circles in the sky - for snowfall, sat on the ground - for thaw, settled on the lower branches of trees - wait for the wind.

Crows and jackdaws are circling in the air - towards the snow.

A crow hides its beak under its wing - to the cold.

A crow sits on the top of a tree in the morning and croaks towards the blizzard.

Wolves howl near housing - it means frost.

Folk signs of winter, predicting the weather in spring and summer, as well as the future harvest.

  • Warm winter leads to cold summer.
  • As is the winter, so is the summer, and according to it is the harvest.
  • Dry and cold winter - to dry and hot summer.
  • December is snowy and cold - it will be a fertile year.
  • A lot of snow in winter means a lot of bread.
  • Snowy winter means a long spring and rainy summer.
  • Heavy snowfalls at the beginning of winter lead to heavy rains at the beginning of summer.
  • If the most severe frosts of the entire winter occur on the Epiphany holiday, then the year will be fruitful.
  • If there is a lot of snow at the beginning of winter, it will often rain in the summer.
  • Clear days during Christmas week mean a good harvest.
  • Many large icicles mean a good harvest of vegetables.
  • On Epiphany the ice hole is full - there will be a big spill.
  • On Tatiana's day the sun will shine through - for the early arrival of birds; snow on this day - summer will be rainy.
  • If the snow is dense and wet, there will be a rainy, fruitful summer.
  • If the snow is dry and light, there will be a dry summer.

Folk winter signs about the weather

  • Clear sky means frost.
  • Frequent stars mean warmth and snow, rare stars mean bad weather and blizzards.
  • Snow falls in large flakes - a sign of bad weather and wetness.
  • The north wind blew, but there were no clouds - the frost would strike.
  • Big snowflakes are falling - a thaw
  • Clouds move against the wind - towards the snow.
  • When windows fog up in frosty weather, warming is expected.
  • If the snow begins to stick to the trees, then you need to wait for warmer weather.
  • If there was frost at night, don’t expect snow during the day.
  • If you hear a crackling sound in the forest, then the frosts will last a long time.
  • Smoke from the chimney in a column means frost.
  • Smoke from the chimney spreads to the ground without wind - to the snow.
  • Firewood burns with a bang - it means frost.
  • Firewood in the stove does not light well - it means there will be a thaw.
  • If it snows, it will warm up.
  • In winter, the wind blew from the north - causing great frost.
  • On a frosty day it started to snow - to thaw
  • Large flakes of snow mean a thaw.
  • White clouds in winter mean wind, blue clouds mean warmth.

Winter signs of December

Warm December means a long winter and late cold spring.

Warm weather in December foreshadows a long winter and a late, cold spring.

The northern December wind leads to severe frosts.

Frost in December - for the oat harvest.

If the first snow that fell in December is dense, wet and heavy, then expect rainy weather in the summer, and if it is dry and light, the summer will be dry.

If the clouds float from north to south in December, then the weather will be sunny, and if from south to north, then it will be bad weather.

If December is rainless, expect a long, dry autumn and dry summer.

If in December the snow piles up close to the fences, it will be a bad summer; if there is a gap left, it will be fruitful.

If in December there is a lot of frost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - this is for the harvest.

If December turns out to be snowy and cold, then the harvest will be good.

Folk signs of January

Cold Januarys in a row are rarely repeated.

Early in January the woodpecker begins to knock - by early spring.

Low temperatures in January mean dry and hot weather in July.

Frosty January is a fruitful year.

If it's March in January, be afraid of January in March.

If January is cold, July will be dry and hot, don’t expect mushrooms until autumn.

If the most severe frosts fall on Epiphany week, then the year will be fruitful.

If the echo goes far in January, the frosts get stronger.

If in January there are frequent snowfalls and blizzards, then in July there is frequent rain.

If there are a lot of long, frequent icicles in January, then there will be a bountiful harvest.

If the sun shines on Tatyana’s day (January 25), it means early spring and the early arrival of birds; if it snows, it means a rainy summer.

Folk signs of February

Bright stars in February mean frost, dim stars mean thaw.

The colder the last week of February, the warmer it will be in March.

February fogs - for a rainy year.

February is cold and dry - August is hot.

Warm February means a cold spring, and frosty February means a favorable summer.

Warm February is deceptive: it will be a cold spring with frosts.

By the 15th day of February they judge how soon to expect spring. If it snows on this day, then spring will not come soon.

The beginning of February is fine - expect an early, beautiful spring

If February is cold, it means a favorable summer.

If February turns out to be rainy, then spring and summer can be expected to be the same. A fine February foreshadows drought in the summer.

If the sky is clear on the first day of February, then spring will be early.

If on the first day of February the sky is dotted with many stars, then the cold will continue for a long time.

Rain in February means a wet summer, a dry month means drought.

Thunder in February means strong winds.

There is a lot of frost in February - in summer there will be a lot of dew and a lot of honey.

In early February it is warm and the snow is melting - a mediocre harvest.

At the end of February there are a lot of long icicles - for a long spring.

Snowless February threatens summer drought.

Many hopes were associated with the future harvest, which is why so many winter signs are associated with the coming spring and next summer. Based on what kind of winter it would be, they tried to predict the weather in spring and summer. Many signs have grown into proverbs about winter.

The nature of winter determined the entire next year. Without modern technologies Our ancestors could almost accurately predict the volume of the future harvest or the beginning of a thaw.

For people who lived in ancient times, signs were very important, because at that time there was no meteorological forecast and modern instruments to find out the weather. In the old days, they understood what winter would be like even before it arrived. In the summer, by the number of acorns and rowan berries, they determined how much snow would fall; in the winter, they judged what the summer and harvest would be like.

It is not for nothing that winter is called the most magical of all seasons: these are the expectations associated with the approach of everyone’s favorite holiday - the New Year, these are also children’s favorite pastimes associated with making snowmen, sledding and skiing, this is also a wonderful time for folk signs. Let's dwell on them, especially since for a child, weather signs in winter will be an excellent opportunity to learn as much as possible about Mother Nature.


Winter time is one of the most wonderful times of the year. It combines endless frosts, chilling to the bones, and inconsistent warmth from the rare winter sun. In the old days, people loved to guess on anything and in any way. And winter here is no exception. The ancient signs of winter have kept and still continue to keep the intrigue of the future... What will happen ahead - a quick spring or a long winter? From year to year, from century to century, people asked Mother Nature about this. And, by the way, they recorded their observations in the so-called monthbook.

What is a mesenzolov?

This is a calendar that existed in ancient times. People who lived in Rus' placed in it various information about signs and various church holidays. As we have already said, signs were also written down in the monthbook winter weather. For example, people believed that if the New Year turned out to be bad weather, then the harvest would be good. Another well-known winter sign, once reflected in the month's word, is associated with Tatiana's day: if it is warm on Tatiana (January 25), then expect an early summer, and if there is snow, then expect a damp and cold summer.

Folk signs in winter

Once upon a time, winter signs were something like weather reports. They helped farmers and peasants prepare their farms before the onset of cold weather. This is what made signs foreshadowing the onset of frost so popular in our time. Below are some of the most famous and often come true winter signs.

  • If the wind is humming in the chimneys, and smoke is pouring out of the chimneys, expect frost.
  • The crackling of vegetation in the forest predicts prolonged frosts.
  • A harsh winter is predicted by a bountiful autumn harvest of rowan.
  • Are tits calling loudly in the mornings in December? Frost will come soon.
  • A cold and snowy December indicates a good harvest next year.
  • Signs cold winter are also reflected in the behavior of terrestrial animals, not just birds. If, for example, a cat hides its nose under its paw or lies close to the stove, then expect severe frosts. If a cat in the house stands on its hind legs and scratches the walls with its claws, expect a blizzard. A blizzard is also predicted by a dog lying in the snow. If a horse lies down on the snow, then a thaw is coming.
  • If thunder suddenly strikes in winter, expect cold weather, and if lightning strikes, storms.
  • Suspicious warm winter speaks of a rainy summer.
  • If there is fog on the streets in the morning in winter, a thaw will soon come.
  • Is the snow flying and swirling in flakes? Expect bad weather and wet weather!
  • The sooner the snow falls, the sooner spring will happen.
  • Russian folk signs say: deep and loose snow means a rich harvest. If the snow drifts close to the fences in December, the summer will turn out to be bad. If there is a gap left, then the summer will be fruitful.
  • Is the forest noisy in winter? Wait for the thaw!
  • Frequent winds in December promise a lot of slush in March and April.

Signs in winter by numbers

Weather signs of winter time are based not only on the behavior of living and inanimate nature, but also on the dates of a particular month. Let's consider them too.

  • It is believed that December 1 sets the tone for the rest of the winter. If on this day it stands warm weather, then the winter promises to be warm, if it’s cold, the winter will be fierce, and if it’s changeable, get ready for surprises!
  • If there was frost on December 29, then the cold will last until the bright holiday of the Epiphany.
  • Whatever weather happens on January 1st, so will the first day of summer.
  • If it's warm and clear on January 5th, expect a bountiful harvest this year.
  • If the sun is shining on Tatiana's day (January 25), then the birds will return to their homeland very early, and if it snows, then the coming summer will be cloudy and rainy.
  • Is the sun shining brightly on February 15th? Spring will come soon!

Sun and frost - a wonderful day!

Russian folk signs, one way or another connected with winter time years, were so popular in Rus' that the most space is allocated for them in the folk month. Among them there are also permanent signs. For example, it is difficult to argue with this prediction: December 25 is the so-called solstice. At this time, the sun is a sign of summer, and winter is a sign of frost. Who could argue with that, right?

And it’s true: already at the end of December, the sun begins to rise higher and higher every day, shining and warming up Mother Earth longer and longer. But this in no way prevents the frosts from getting stronger and gaining strength. That is why February is often no less cold than January with its famous Epiphany frosts.

Linguists generally believe that the Belarusian name for February - “lute” - is connected with this. Forecasters, in turn, say that such signs in winter are not just some kind of folk observation, but a whole mystery of our Russian climate: the sun is warming more and more, and winter is getting colder and colder. But there's nothing you can do about it.

Groundhog Day - the most famous winter omen

Groundhog Day is, of course, not an original Russian sign, but only an American one, but it would be unfair not to mention it in this article, because it is the most recognizable winter prediction of the coming of spring around the world! In addition, it came to our country not so long ago as borrowed from Canada: for several recent years February in Russia is not complete without this sign. In winter (February 2), the whole world remembers the groundhog...

What is Groundhog Day?

This is not so much an American folk sign as a traditional winter holiday celebrated in Canada and the USA. Every year on February 2, Americans make observations of a marmot crawling out of its hole. Legend says that if a groundhog, waking up from sleep, does not see its shadow and calmly leaves the hole, then winter will soon recede, giving way to the beautiful spring. To be fair, it should be noted that marmots do not see their shadows only on cloudy days.

If the groundhog, having left the hole, sees its shadow and, frightened by it, hides back in the hole, the Americans will have to endure another 6 weeks of winter. Again, we note that this rodent can see its shadow only if the day of February 2 is initially clear. The most famous meteorologist in America and around the world is, of course, Phil from the town of Punxsutawney in Pennsylvania. This is what they are, these folk signs in winter!