

At the Bottom The play is mainly not about human destiny, but about a clash of ideas, a dispute about man, about the meaning of life. The main controversy is that better truth and lies. The dispute represents whether it is better to live with one’s problems, with hopelessness, that is, with the truth, or to live in the illusion of a good life. Disputes continued even before Luke’s appearance and after his disappearance. Starting from the beginning of the play, Kvashnya lives with the illusion that she is free, and Nastya lives in dreams of great love.

The play also consists of many disputes between M. Gorky and himself. The debate about truth and lies intensifies with the appearance of Luke. He begins to use lies as an escape from life at the bottom. He begins to inspire hope, in his own words, that is, he tells the Actor about the hospital where he will be cured, and bright Anna afterlife, he begins to find an approach to everyone.

Truth or falsehood is one of the debates that Gorky considers. Gorky's main dispute Gorky views the dispute about truth and lies as a dispute about faith in God and atheism. Thus, under the dispute about truth and lies, he considers, first of all, what is better: faith in God or atheism. He presents Luke as a righteous man of God's will, since he begins to feel sorry for everyone, to console him, and believes that it is necessary to feel sorry for a person. Luke is opposed by Satin, that is, atheism, which believes that feeling sorry for oneself or someone else is pointless, a person is to blame for everything, and that a person with a strong spirit does not need pity. One believes that you need to believe in God, then you will happy life, and the other, on the contrary, that believing in yourself will help you rise from the bottom, that only you yourself can change everything.

If you want to rise from the bottom, believe in yourself and not in God, and living in illusions is the lot of the weak. In other words, Gorky wants to say that Orthodoxy has fizzled out and needs to be replaced by another active religion. In this dispute, he gives all his preference to atheism, that is, the dispute about truth and man in the play consists of a dispute between religion and atheism. What is better: Faith in God or faith in yourself.

Parents, raising their children, teach them that lying is bad. But sometimes situations arise in which you simply cannot do without a slight distortion of the facts.

In a relationship between a man and a woman, both always want to be completely honest with each other, trust, discuss pressing problems, and share experiences. But in reality this does not always happen. In life, people often play a game by calculating their moves in advance, and not only their own.

If you look back and remember several moments in life, you can understand where we left something out, embellished or hid something. So, for example, when getting ready for a date and taking a long time to choose an outfit, eventually being late for the meeting, women deceive men by telling them that, for example, transport was delayed. Or, rushing to the phone, abandoning everything we are doing, we talk, saying that we are not at all distracted. When we are late for work, we lie to our bosses, saying that something happened to the key, when in fact we simply overslept. Such petty lies are also considered a kind of deception, and they are constantly present in our lives. Even justifying our actions with the well-known saying “better the bitter truth than a sweet lie,” we do not relieve ourselves of responsibility. There are, of course, situations that are much more serious. So, for example, having learned that your friend cheated on her husband, you will not go to tell him the truth, because you hope to save the family, and by telling him, you will become enemy number one. You will also become one if the betrayal is discovered. This raises the question: who needs such truth?

Most people deceive others because of differences in their perception of reality. So, for example, if you know how a person will react to a particular situation, you think that it would be right to hide something in order to avoid misunderstandings and an explosion of emotions on his part. An elementary situation: you went to a club with your friends and hid information from your young man so as not to upset him. But if he finds out about this, trouble cannot be avoided.

We also often justify our lies by saying that we don’t want to spoil our relationships with our friends. So, for example, if you don’t really like your friend’s companion, you will never tell her about it openly, since you can offend her with these words, and in the future the relationship can completely deteriorate.

Therefore, a white lie should not always be perceived very negatively. Sometimes there are omissions and interpretations in the description various situations can prevent conflict, save friendships or relationships. This is especially true for women with their fantasies, emotions and inability to initially adequately assess the situation. However, you should be careful not to constantly hide anything from your loved ones.

Sometimes, after all, the truth can be presented in such a way that no one will be offended or upset, if you think everything through well beforehand and formulate your thoughts correctly.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

This is an eternal subject of debate among people, and the majority of people prefer to receive a sweet and pleasant pill, preferring it to an effective but unpleasant medicine. If there was a clear answer, then disputes over this issue would have been completed long ago. It is precisely the fact that there is no and cannot be an unambiguous answer that makes people argue and prove something to each other.

Useful bitter truth

My opinion is that everything needs and is important to use in its place and for its own purposes. There are cases where the hard truth can help, for example the bitter truth about beer, that it slowly and surely breaks a person’s hormonal background and turns healthy people into feminine men and masculine women. The point is that it is difficult and unpleasant to perceive the bitter truth about certain things.

The bitter truth of life

The bitter truth of life is partly that people are more comfortable within the framework of their own delusions, opinions, philosophies, advertising slogans and public misconceptions. Independence of judgments and reasoning, analysis of information is the lot of 5-10% of the population, who seek truth in any way, understand, read, and are interested (you belong to such a remarkable category, since you came to this blog). The truth of life is difficult to perceive, and then even more difficult to live with. Live and do something, changing the predestination and fate of yourself and others, stop going with the flow with the herd. The truth of life allows you to free your mind from nonsense, but loads it with other things. People who are getting closer to the truth will find it more difficult to perceive all the information coming to them from the outside; they are constantly looking for a catch and are painfully aware of lies. I feel like a light bulb goes on inside me when they start to “rub” me another nonsense. The light is constantly on when watching TV or advertising, when attending public events, when reading newspapers, watching videos from a variety of “”, when attending religious and mystical events. Naturally, I try to avoid sources of outright nonsense or purposeful lies. I gave it away, I don’t have a radio, I only read newspapers on the train. But this did not unload my brains - the topics of thought simply changed. I prefer the hard truth and consider myself an informed optimist.

A sweet lie that everyone loves, but few people benefit from.

Sweet lies have their advantages and benefits, especially for terminally ill people, or people who have reached a complete dead end, people in a state of intensive care procedures, or other critical situations. In such cases, it is very important to have a bit of optimism that allows people to believe in the success of the struggle and resistance. Even if people cannot defeat a stronger opponent or death, they will spend their last hours fighting with faith in their victory. It is more correct and effective to fight until the last moment with confidence in victory than to die in fear of the inevitable. For many people, optimism helps them live for decades if they have serious problems with health, many people have discovered and created successful business where everyone predicted problems and defeat. These are those cases when a share of optimism is important and extremely valuable, and a sweet lie in this version becomes an additional charge to the battery of optimism and the reason for strengthening a person.

If healthy person instilling false but sweet stereotypes from childhood, then when faced with problems or obstacles that should not exist, people break down and become isolated in their problems.

Why is it important to inform people in advance about possible problems and who should be informed?

It is important and necessary to inform students and schoolchildren that they can push their diplomas into a shredder or shove them up their butts. A diploma is not a guarantee of success, just as the absence of a diploma is not a guarantee of problems with employment and business.

It is important to warn girls that appearance is not a guarantee of success in life, just as the absence of breast size 4 is not a guarantee of problems with marriage.

It is important for young people to be taught that their success in life depends on their personal qualities, ability to solve problems, communicate with people and achieve their goals, and not on their level in the “farm” or “counter strike”.

It is important for people with health problems to be given a clear understanding that they must solve all their problems themselves, other people, including doctors, pharmacists, healers, diagnosticians, bioenergy therapists, religious and mystical figures, etc. They only need money and nothing else.

And more such examples can and should be given - when the truth told and accepted by a person in a timely manner can make a person healthier and happier in the future, thanks to the medicine taken on time and the received form of a pill or a kick in the ass to the bitter truth.

In general, my opinion is that there is a time and place for everything. If you want to tell a person the bitter truth, ask yourself and him: is he ready to listen to it? If you are ready, then try to give the person the truth in a form that he is able to digest and accept.

Use the pills of lies and truth as prescribed and everyone will be happy.

/ / / What is better: “sweet lies” or “bitter” truth? (based on Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths”)

What is better “sweet lies” or “bitter truth”? I think everyone will have their own answer to this question. In the play "" Maxim Gorky raises before us the same problem of "sweet lies" and "bitter truth", but does not directly answer the question posed.

It seems to me that for the heroes of the play “At the Bottom” the “sweet lie” turned out to be better than the “bitter truth”, because it gave them hope for a better life.

All of them: Satin, Kleshch, Actor, Bubnov, Nastya themselves wanted to be at the bottom of their lives, they themselves chose their family. Gorky shows them as people deprived of dreams and goals in life. They are simply wasting their lives in a stuffy shelter.

But everything changes with the arrival of old man Luke. He became a kind of catalyst, pushing everyone to action. By showing compassion and comforting them, Luke gave many people hope for a better life. It becomes amazing how very a short time, thanks to warm words, gained a huge influence on the characters in the play. For example, he was able to calm the dying Anna by telling her about better life in the afterlife. The girl dies with a certain hope, with the belief that in the next world she will have a comfortable life, devoid of suffering and deprivation.

The former employee of the Actor Theater did not go unnoticed by Luke. The old man showed him that not everything is lost, that everything can be returned. He also gave him hope for new life. Unfortunately, this was not destined to happen. Hope can be lost as quickly as you gained it.

It seems to me that the Actor committed suicide not through Luke’s fault. This happened due to weakness of spirit and lack of self-confidence. Luke wanted with his compassion to at least somehow brighten up the difficult fate of the heroes of the work. He did not show them the real order of things again, thereby pushing them even further; he would not have changed anything by doing so. Thanks to his “sweet lies,” he wanted to show them that there is a way up, you just have to believe in yourself.

In the play, Gorky shows us his negative attitude towards lies; he does not advise living in dreams and illusions. But, despite this, the words of old man Luke had such an impact because they were “sown” in the soil of the illusions of the main characters.

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Since time immemorial, humanity has lived in a false world, which is such thanks to man. All people lie: from the cleaning lady to the president. How more people They lie, the more they understand that doing so is ugly, but knowing this does not stop them from lying less. Some are in small things, some are larger and larger-scale, but there is not a single one who does not lie. It is believed that lying is a bad, terrible habit that needs to be fought. The one who lied is shamed and scolded. It's funny that the one who shamed yesterday is ashamed himself today. The man is quite a contradictory nature. On the one hand, he considers it an absurd thing to lie, and on the other, no less ugly, to say what he thinks. Although those who are blessed with straightforwardness lie less - they do not take the opportunity to think about what to say, and thus do not have time to come up with a lie. Why is straightforwardness also a vice? Because, as they believe, in this way you can offend a person by telling an unpleasant interlocutor that he is really not attractive. It is believed that it is better to remain silent. But by holding back our words, we nonverbally express sympathy. In this case, it’s still time: isn’t a sweet smile to an unpleasant person a lie? Of course, if you go into more detail into facial expressions and gestures, you can catch what will express your true attitude, but this, alas, is only given to a professional. Is this how people want lies to disappear? One can imagine a world where there is no such thing, and everyone tells each other only the truth. Ugly people or not very smart people will not be flattered about how good and smart they are, and the truth will depress them even more. And if now people are fanatically trying to be like some ideal they themselves invented, then what will happen then? The number of notorious, unhappy, angry people will increase, and as a result, the mentally ill. And if now they think that lies are the cause of many disasters, then in that fantasy world they would have thought so in relation to the truth. Humanity cannot even imagine what negative global proportions the general truth would reach. Now politicians different countries we have to smile at each other and, so as not to offend anyone, a country with a bad economy, low GDP and so on is called “developing”. In a “truthful” world, these countries would be honestly called “underdeveloped” or “wild,” which would cause conflicts and wars: not for lands, oil and other resources, as now; a war would be provoked by human resentment and patriotism - how is it that the American president told the whole world that all other countries are underdeveloped? It’s touching when parents read a lot of books, something like “How to teach a child not to lie.” They probably don’t think that this is a priori impossible. How can a child not learn to lie when he has been lied to since birth? About the fact that if you don’t listen, the old woman will take you away, about Grandfather Frost, finally. And aren’t everyone’s favorite fairy tales about non-existent characters and talking animals a lie? They also lie about how the child was born, saying that it was found in cabbage or brought by a stork. I always wondered why it was the stork that was in the cabbage? Of course, parents are more satisfied with the truth. And instead of the usual: “Mom, I’m at Lyuda’s, we’re teaching math,” it will be easier to hear, “No, why do we need this math. We walk and drink vodka. There are four guys here and they are all so cute.” The parents will calm down and fall asleep serenely - after all, the daughter told the truth! Has anyone ever thought that lying is one of the components of happiness? Especially the one that is called “white lie.” Yes, my beloved lied about being at work, but only so that once again don't worry your wife. Trying to fight lies, people deliberately do not want to eradicate them. After all, it’s simpler, it’s better, one might say it’s more humane. Lying helps when applying for a job, in love relationships and communicating with other people. People do not want to know the whole truth; they prefer to be deceived.

What if men told the truth: Lies versus Truth.

Lies versus Truth part 2. What if women told the truth
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