Returning from the parade ground, Second Lieutenant Romashov thought: “I won’t go today: I can’t bother people every day.” Every day he sat with the Nikolaevs until midnight, but in the evening of the next day he again went to this cozy house.

“I have received a letter from your lady,” reported Gainan, a Cheremis who was sincerely attached to Romashov. The letter was from Raisa Alexandrovna Peterson, with whom they dirtyly and boringly (and for quite a long time) deceived her husband. The cloying smell of her perfume and the vulgarly playful tone of the letter caused unbearable disgust. Half an hour later, embarrassed and annoyed with himself, he knocked on the Nikolaevs’ door. Vladimir Yefimitch was busy. For two years in a row he had failed his exams for the academy, and Alexandra Petrovna, Shurochka, did everything to ensure that his last chance (he was only allowed to enter up to three times) was not missed. Helping her husband prepare, Shurochka had already mastered the entire program (only ballistics was not given), but Volodya moved very slowly.

With Romochka (that’s what she called Romashov), Shurochka began to discuss a newspaper article about fights recently allowed in the army. She sees them as a necessity that is severe for Russian conditions. Otherwise, officers like Archakovsky or a drunkard like Nazansky will not emerge among officers. Romashov did not agree to include Nazansky in this company, who said that the ability to love, like talent, is not given to everyone. Once this man was rejected by Shurochka, and her husband hated the lieutenant.

This time Romashov stayed near Shurochka until they said it was time to sleep.

At the next regimental ball, Romashov plucked up the courage to tell his mistress that it was all over. Peterson's wife vowed revenge. And soon Nikolaev began to receive anonymous letters with hints about the special relationship between the second lieutenant and his wife. However, there were plenty of ill-wishers besides her. Romashov did not allow the non-commissioned officers to fight and strongly objected to the “dentists” from among the officers, and promised Captain Sliva that he would file a report against him if he allowed him to beat the soldiers.

The authorities were also dissatisfied with Romashov. In addition, money was getting worse, and the bartender would no longer even lend cigarettes. My soul felt bad because of the feeling of boredom, the meaninglessness of the service and loneliness.

At the end of April, Romashov received a note from Alexandra Petrovna. It reminded of their common name day (Tsarina Alexandra and her faithful knight George). Having borrowed money from Lieutenant Colonel Rafalsky, Romashov bought perfume and at five o’clock was already at the Nikolaevs’. The picnic turned out to be noisy. Romashov sat next to Shurochka, almost did not listen to Osadchy’s rantings, toasts and flat jokes of the officers, experiencing a strange state similar to a dream. His hand sometimes touched Shurochka’s hand, but neither he nor she looked at each other. Nikolaev seemed unhappy. After the feast, Romashov wandered into the grove. Footsteps were heard from behind. It was Shurochka coming. They sat down on the grass. “I’m in love with you today,” she admitted. She saw Romochka in a dream, and she really wanted to see him. He began to kiss her dress: “Sasha... I love you...” She admitted that she was worried about his closeness, but why was he so pathetic. They have common thoughts and desires, but she must refuse him. Shurochka stood up: let's go, they'll miss us. On the way, she suddenly asked him not to visit them anymore: her husband was besieged by anonymous letters.

A review took place in mid-May. The corps commander toured the companies lined up on the parade ground, looked at how they marched, how they performed rifle techniques and reformed to repel unexpected cavalry attacks - and was dissatisfied. Only the fifth company of Captain Stelkovsky, where they were not tortured with shagistics and did not steal from the common cauldron, deserved praise.

The worst thing happened during the ceremonial march. Even at the beginning of the review, Romashov seemed to be caught up in some kind of joyful wave, as if he felt like a particle of some formidable force. And now, walking ahead of his half-company, he felt himself an object of general admiration. Screams from behind made him turn around and turn pale. The formation was mixed up - and precisely because he, Second Lieutenant Romashov, having ascended in his dreams to the skies, all this time was shifting from the center of the ranks to the right flank. Instead of delight, he suffered public shame. To this was added an explanation with Nikolaev, who demanded that everything be done to stop the flow of anonymous letters, and also not to visit their house.

Going over what had happened in his memory, Romashov quietly walked to the railway track and in the darkness saw soldier Khlebnikov, the subject of bullying and ridicule in the company. "Did you want to kill yourself?" - he asked Khlebnikov, and the soldier, choking with sobs, said that they were beating him, laughing, the platoon commander was extorting money, and where to get it. And he is unable to teach: he has suffered from a hernia since childhood.

Romashov suddenly found his grief so trivial that he hugged Khlebnikov and started talking about the need to endure. From that time on, he understood: faceless companies and regiments consist of such Khlebnikovs, suffering from their grief and having their own destiny.

The forced distance from officer society allowed me to focus on my thoughts and find joy in the very process of the birth of a thought. Romashov saw more and more clearly that there were only three worthy callings: science, art and free physical labor.

At the end of May, a soldier in Osadchy’s company hanged himself. After this incident, continuous drinking began. First they drank in the congregation, then they moved to Shleifersha. This is where a scandal broke out. Bek-Agamalov rushed with a saber at those present (“Everyone get out of here!”), and then his anger turned to one of the young ladies, who called him a fool. Romashov grabbed his hand: “Bek, you won’t hit a woman, you’ll be ashamed all your life.”

The revelry in the regiment continued. Romashov found Osadchy and Nikolaev at the meeting. The latter pretended not to notice him. There was singing all around. When silence finally reigned, Osadchy suddenly began a funeral service for the suicide, interspersing it with dirty curses. Romashov was overcome with rage: “I won’t allow it! Keep quiet!” In response, for some reason, Nikolaev, his face distorted with anger, shouted to him: “You yourself are a disgrace to the regiment! You and the various Nazanskys!” “What does Nazansky have to do with this?

Or do you have reasons to be dissatisfied with him?" Nikolaev swung, but Romashov managed to throw the rest of the beer in his face.

On the eve of the meeting of the officers' court of honor, Nikolaev asked the enemy not to mention the name of his wife and anonymous letters. As one would expect, the court determined that the quarrel could not be ended by reconciliation.

Romashov spent most of the day before the fight with Nazansky, who convinced him not to shoot. Life is an amazing and unique phenomenon. Is he really so committed to the military class, does he really believe in the supposed higher meaning of the army order so much that he is ready to risk his very existence?

In the evening, Romashov found Shurochka at his home. She began to say that she had spent years building her husband’s career. If Romochka refuses to fight for the sake of love for her, then there will still be something dubious about it and Volodya will almost certainly not be allowed to take the exam. They must certainly shoot, but not one of them must be wounded. The husband knows and agrees. Saying goodbye, she threw her arms behind his neck: “We won’t see each other again. So we won’t be afraid of anything... One time... let’s take our happiness...” - and pressed her hot lips to his mouth.

In an official report to the regimental commander, Staff Captain Dietz reported the details of the duel between Lieutenant Nikolaev and Second Lieutenant Romashov. When, on command, the opponents went towards each other, Lieutenant Nikolaev wounded the second lieutenant in the right with a shot fired top part stomach, and he died seven minutes later from internal hemorrhage. The report was accompanied by the testimony of the junior doctor Mr. Znoiko.

Year of publication of the book: 1905

Alexander Kuprin’s story “The Duel” is considered by many to be one of the most significant works in the author’s work. It is thanks to such works that Kuprin occupies a high place in our history. The writer dedicated his story to , whom he considered his teacher. And he received high marks from him for this work. The story "The Duel" was filmed six times different names. The last one dates back to 2014.

The plot of the story “The Duel” briefly

In Kuprin’s story “The Duel” you can read about the young second lieutenant Georgy Alekseevich Romashov. He had recently graduated from college and was now finishing his evening classes with the sixth company. The junior officers gathered together and talked about the stupidity of these activities. Their conversation was interrupted by the appearance of the Circassian Bek-Agamalov. Even cavalrymen could envy his ability to ride a horse. He then told the news that the commander demands that the officers cut down scarecrows. This caused a heated discussion about the relevance of this skill in modern warfare, but then everyone unanimously decided to try it. Romashov was never good at this. And this time he fell flat on his face again, not only missing the scarecrow, but also ripping the skin off his finger. But Bek-Agamalov successfully demolished half of the scarecrow. Meanwhile, the regiment commander appeared. He was clearly not in the mood and first a soldier from Romashov’s company fell under the hot hand, and then the second lieutenant himself. As a result, Romashov received four days of house arrest, and his captain Sliva received a reprimand.

After the parade ground was empty, Georgy Alekseevich felt his loneliness. On the way home, he was wondering where to go in the evening. The city was small and the only decent place was the station, where a lot of people gathered when the Prussian train arrived. But he felt sorry for him, and remembering how a beautiful first-class passenger laughed at him not so long ago, he decided that there was nothing to do at the station today. The whole way home was filled with dreams of how he would learn and how he would give orders to Colonel Shulgovich. He was so lost in dreams that he ran and waved his arms.

At home, he was again occupied with thoughts about where to go in the evening. Lately he often spent evenings in the house of Lieutenant Vladimir Efimovich Nikolaev. But today he firmly decided not to go there. This decision was changed by a letter from Raisa Alexandrovna Peterson, with whom he had long been having an affair behind her husband’s back. The woman hinted that they had not seen each other for a week, and today her husband would not be at home. After reading the letter, Romashev decided to go to the Nikolaevs again. And if they came from the Petersons, he told his orderly Gainana to answer that the owner didn’t know.

Further in the summary of Kuprin’s “Duel” you will learn how, approaching the Nikolaevs’ house, he saw Alexandra Petrovna Nikolaeva in the window. He admired her for a long time, hoping that she was talking so sweetly about him. Then he finally decided to go into the house. Vladimir Efimovich was busy preparing to enter the military academy. Shurochka actively helped him with this and even invented her own method. And she did it even better than her husband. The only thing she was not good at was ballistics, which was cluttered with many formulas. At Shurochka’s suggestion, the conversation came down to fights, which were allowed again. The girl condemned this decision and considered it barbaric. At the same time, in her opinion, duels were needed among officers. So, for example, she would have gladly killed Nazansky for introducing Romashov to vodka. In parting, she even said that instead of Nazansky’s company, it would be better for Georgy Alekseevich to come to their house.

The next day was not fun for the main character of the story “The Duel” Kuprin. He was under house arrest and could not take part in the fuss associated with the review. In general, all the officers in the unit tried to avoid work and were more preoccupied with their financial problems. Often at the expense of soldiers' money. But before the show, everyone seemed to come to life. But Romashov had time to think. For example, why does his orderly buy him cigarettes with his own money? Even the barman won’t lend him a loan for a year. And only the Nikolaevs’ visit brightened up this day. The next day he was stunned by the adjutant's visit. The regiment commander demanded him to come to him. Romashov quickly got dressed and arrived at Shulgovich’s. First, the colonel began to shout at him that Romashov was drinking a lot and would soon go downhill. But then I saw in the eyes of the main character that one more word and it could become the last straw. After that, he cooled down a little and even invited him to dinner. They talked a lot and turned out to be fellow countrymen from Penza. Only Romashov was from Narovchatsky district, and Shulgovich from Insarsky. During lunch, the colonel made many comments to Romashov about the cutlery, which embarrassed him.

Subsequent events in Kuprin’s story “The Duel” take place at the ball. In the first years, Romashov loved this action, but then he realized that the ladies went to the ball in the same dresses, and they did not know how to use their blush at all. And the atmosphere of the holiday was too pompous. During the ball, he tried in every possible way to avoid meeting Raisa Peterson, but this failed. During their dance, he decided to break off the relationship. This caused a storm of emotions and promises of revenge. Moreover, in this she could count on her husband, who, as you know, loved his wife very much. And more than once he was noticed for meanness in his service against his wife’s former favorites.

Then we rushed gray everyday life. There was drilling of soldiers, training and preparation for the review. Romashov ruined his relationship with Sliva by reprimanding him about the cruel treatment of soldiers, and in the meantime he fell deeper and deeper into debt. Therefore, when on April 23 he received an invitation to a picnic in honor of Shurochka’s day, he realized that he had no money for a gift. I had to borrow ten rubles. But when Romashov was already approaching the Nikolaevs’ house, something in Shurochka’s letter alerted him. He had already completely decided to pass, but Shurochka came out to meet him personally. This stopped his flight. The picnic was not so much fun as it was noisy. Romashov kept trying to find out from Shurochka why she was so unusual today and why her husband was so cold towards him. But the girl still eluded the answer. Only when it was getting light Romashov moved further into the forest. Shurochka slid behind him. Main character confessed his love to her, and Shurochka admitted that she was also attracted to him. But you can’t call it love – it’s more like pity. But despite this, they can no longer meet. After all, her husband receives anonymous messages about their alleged relationship. Therefore, Shurochka asks Romashov not to come to their house anymore.

Further in Kuprin’s work “The Duel” you can read about how on the first of May the entire regiment marched to the camp. The camp was two miles from the city. Soldiers and junior officers lived there. All except the sixth company, whose barracks were completely run down. In the camp the drill only intensified. Only the fifth company, commanded by Captain Stelkovsky, broke out of this rhythm. He didn’t yell at his soldiers, didn’t hit them, and they looked well-fed. But his discipline was ironclad. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that on the parade ground on May fifteenth it was his company that earned the general’s praise. But Romashov, as always, made a mistake. During the march, he became so proud of himself that he knocked the whole company out of rhythm. As a result, it turned out to be a herd, and the second lieutenant himself received a severe reprimand, seven days in the guardhouse and the requirement to write an application for transfer to another company.

All this could not but leave a deep mark on the vulnerable soul of the protagonist of the story “The Duel.” He was walking home alone when Nikolaev met him on the railway line. Vladimir Efimovich did not hide the fact that he was waiting for Romashov. They didn't say hello, but went straight to the point. Nikolaev told his former friend about anonymous notes and rumors spread by some unknown person. All this spoiled his wife's reputation. Romashov agreed that this was unacceptable and promised to try to stop it. In addition, the main character promised never to visit the Nikolaevs’ house again. After that, Romashov wandered around the city all evening and only a few pictures remained in his memory. He woke up again on the railway track. By this time, he was increasingly visited by thoughts of suicide. Strangely enough, soldier Khlebnikov prevented this. He was one of the weakest soldiers, who was always beaten by officers and ordinary soldiers. Apparently he also had thoughts of suicide. Subsequently, Romashov invited him to his place and found out everything about his unhappy life. After that, he firmly decided, having served his three mandatory years, to go into the reserves. He even began to think about his profession. But the more he thought, the more convinced he was that for a person there are only three types of activity - science, art and physical labor. And literature, like the main character, fascinated him most of all.

After that incident on the parade ground, Romashov avoided the officers, and indeed any other society. He spent hours thinking or spending hours under Shurochka’s windows. One day he even threw a bouquet at her window. But soon I received a note not to do this again. At the end of May, a soldier in Captain Osadchy’s company hanged himself. This would not be something strange if it did not happen on exactly the same day as a year ago. Romashov had to be present at the autopsy. And soon the captain himself came to him, who was insanely drunk. He practically forced Romashov into one of his drinking parties. When all the officers were already quite drunk, they decided to go to the brothel. There, the insane Bek-Agamalov almost hacked a woman to death. Romashov stopped him. This helped him a little later when drunk company returned to the salon. Here Osadchy sang a funeral song, which caused a scandal. As a result, the drunken Nikolaev began to insult Romashov, who poured the remains of beer in his face and a fight broke out. The main character woke up already in the corner, and Bek-Agamalov was saying something to Nikolaev.

The next morning, the main character of the work “The Duel” by Kuprin received a note demanding that the officers of the Nth Regiment appear before the court. Romashov arrived at six and was asked to wait. Soon Nikolaev left the courtroom. He didn’t say anything, and the main character tried not to notice him. But Nikolaev sat down next to him and, trying so that no one would see this, asked not to talk about the anonymous letters and their debates. Romashov fulfilled his request. He did not tell any of the court officers this. And he ignored all attempts by Captain Peterson to bring up this topic. Already in the evening, the court of officers rendered its verdict - a duel.

You can read Kuprin’s story “The Duel” online on the Top Books website.

The story “The Duel” was first published in 1905. The work belongs to the tradition of neorealist prose in Russian literature. We recommend reading summary"Duel" by chapters. In the work, the author touches on the problem of the relationship between the individual and society, reveals the theme of cruelty in the army, the humiliation of ordinary soldiers by commanders, and exposes the horror and vulgarity of officer society.

Central storyline The story associated with its title is a conflict between two officers, Romashov and Nikolaev, over the wife of the second. Their quarrel led to a duel and the death of the main character. The presented retelling is suitable for preparing for a literature lesson, for reader's diary.

Main characters of the story

Main characters:

  • Georgy Alekseich Romashov – 22 years old, second lieutenant, “ served only the second year in the regiment»; « was of average height, thin», « awkward from great shyness"; dreamy young man.
  • Alexandra Petrovna Nikolaeva (Shurochka) - the woman with whom Romashov was in love; Nikolaev's wife.
  • Vladimir Efimych Nikolaev is a lieutenant, Shurochka’s husband, with whom Romashov fought.

Other characters:

  • Vasily Nilovich Nazansky - an officer, a drunkard, was in love with Alexandra Petrovna.
  • Raisa Aleksandrovna Peterson - “regimental lady”, Romashov’s mistress, wife of Captain Peterson.
  • Shulgovich - regiment commander.

Kuprin "Duel" in abbreviation

Kuprin's fight summary for the reader's diary:

The story takes place in late XIX century. The main character of the story is 21-year-old officer Romashov, who serves in infantry regiment in a provincial town. Kind and timid Romashov feels like a stranger in the army environment, where rudeness and cruelty reign. Every day he hates the service more and more and feels lonely among his colleagues.

Romashov is in love with the wife of his colleague, officer Nikolaev, Shurochka. Shurochka likes Romashov, but she considers him weak and sees him only as a friend. Shurochka’s husband notices Romashov’s love for his wife and becomes increasingly jealous and angry. One day, at a drunken party, a fight breaks out between Romashov and Nikolaev. The court of officers appoints an official duel between them.

Romashov decides to refuse the fight, but Shurochka persuades him to participate: she dreams that her husband (Nikolav) will enter the academy and take her from the remote province to the capital. If the duel is cancelled, Nikolaev will not be accepted into the academy. Shurochka agrees with her husband and Romashov that they both will not shoot at each other - then the duel will take place without casualties.

However, the jealous Nikolaev does not keep his word and shoots Romashov during the duel. Romashov dies from his wound.

Read also: The fairy tale “Elephant” by Kuprin was written in 1907. For a reading diary and preparation for a literature lesson, we recommend reading. This is a wonderful story about how a big and smart elephant, Tommy, came to visit a sick girl, Nadya, and cured her, returning her interest in life.

A short retelling of “The Duel” with quotes

A. Kuprin Duel summary:

Classes in the sixth company are coming to an end. Junior officers begin to compete - who can better cut down a clay effigy with a saber. It’s the turn of the young second lieutenant Grigory Romashov.

He was of average height, thin, and although quite strong for his build, he was awkward due to his great shyness.

Romashov didn’t know how to fence even in school, and now he can’t do anything.

Second Lieutenant Romashov spends all evenings until midnight with the Nikolaevs. During the day he promises himself not to go around, not to bother people, but in the evening of the next day he returns to this cozy house.

At home, the Romashovs find a letter from Raisa Alexandrovna Peterson, with whom they are dirty, boring and have been deceiving her husband for quite some time. The cloying smell of Raisa's perfume and the vulgarly playful tone of the letter evoke unbearable disgust in Romashov.

Half an hour later, embarrassed and annoyed with himself, Romashov knocks on the Nikolaevs’ door. Vladimir Efimych Nikolaev is busy. For two years in a row he has been failing his academy exams. You can only apply three times, and his wife Alexandra Petrovna, Shurochka, is doing everything to ensure that the last chance is not missed. Helping her husband prepare, Shurochka has already mastered the entire program; she is only struggling with ballistics, while Volodya is progressing very slowly. Shurochka wants her husband to pass the exams and take her away from this wilderness.

Am I really so uninteresting as a person and ugly as a woman that I should spend my whole life in this slum, in this disgusting place that doesn’t exist anywhere? geographical map!

With Romochka (that’s what she calls Romashov), Shurochka discusses a newspaper article about fights recently allowed in the army. She considers them necessary, otherwise the officers will not breed a cheater or a drunkard like Nazansky. Romashov does not want to enroll Nazansky in this company, who believes that the ability to love, like talent, is not given to everyone. Shurochka once rejected this man, and her husband hates the lieutenant. This time Romashov sits with the Nikolaevs until it’s time to sleep.

At home, another note from Peterson awaits him, in which she threatens Romashov with cruel revenge for his neglect of her. The woman knows where Romashov goes every day and who he is interested in.

At the next regimental ball, Romashov tells his mistress that it’s all over. Peterson's wife swears revenge. Soon Nikolaev begins to receive anonymous letters with hints about the special relationship between the second lieutenant and his wife. Romashov is not sure that Raisa writes anonymous letters. Grigory has plenty of ill-wishers - he does not allow officers to fight, he forbids beating soldiers.

The authorities are also dissatisfied with Romashov. The second lieutenant’s money is getting worse; the bartender no longer even lets him borrow cigarettes. Romashov’s soul is bad due to the feeling of boredom, the meaninglessness of service and loneliness.

At the end of April, Romashov receives a note from Alexandra Petrovna reminding him of their common name day. Having borrowed money from Lieutenant Colonel Rafalsky, Romashov buys perfume and goes to the Nikolaevs. At a noisy picnic, Romashov sits next to Shurochka and experiences a strange state, similar to a dream. His hand sometimes touches Shurochka’s hand, but they don’t look at each other.

He saw that some great, new, feverish feeling was flowing, trembling and asking to come out.

After the feast, Romashov wanders into the grove. Shurochka follows and says that today she is in love with him, and the day before she saw him in a dream. Romashov begins to talk about love. She admits that she is worried about his closeness, they have common thoughts and desires, but she must abandon him. Shurochka doesn’t want them to be missed and goes back. On the way, she asks Romashov not to visit them anymore: her husband is besieged by anonymous letters.

In mid-May, the corps commander tours the companies lined up on the parade ground, looks at their training and remains dissatisfied. Only the fifth company, where soldiers are not tortured with shagistics and are not stolen from the common cauldron, deserves praise.

During the ceremonial march, Romashov feels himself the subject of general admiration. Lost in his daydreaming, he breaks down the formation.

His entire half-company, instead of two straight, slender lines, was an ugly crowd, broken in all directions, crowded together like a flock of sheep.

Instead of delight, he suffers public shame. To this is added an explanation with Nikolaev, demanding to stop the flow of anonymous messages and not to visit their house. Romashov admits that he knows the author of the anonymous letters and promises to preserve Shurochka’s reputation.

Going over what happened in his memory, Romashov unnoticed approaches the railway track and in the darkness sees a soldier who is constantly being bullied in the company. He asks the soldier if he would like to kill himself, and he, choking with sobs, says that they beat him, laugh at him, the platoon commander extorts money, and he is unable to study: he has suffered from a hernia since childhood.

Now his own troubles seem trivial to Romashov. He understands: faceless companies and regiments consist of such soldiers, suffering from their grief and having their own destiny.

From this night, Romashov changes - he often secludes himself and avoids the company of regimental officers.

He has definitely matured, become older and more serious. last days and he himself noticed this by the sad and even calm with which he now treated people and phenomena.

The forced distance from officer society allows Romashov to concentrate on his thoughts. He sees more and more clearly that there are only three worthy callings: science, art and free physical labor.

At the end of May, a soldier in Osadchy’s company hanged himself. After this incident, continuous drinking begins. Romashov finds Nikolaev at the meeting. There is a quarrel between them. Nikolaev swings at Romashov, and he throws the remains of beer in his face.

A meeting of the officer's court of honor is scheduled. Nikolaev asks Romashov not to mention his wife and anonymous letters. The court determines that the quarrel cannot be ended by reconciliation.

Romashov spends most of the day before the fight with Nazansky, who convinces him not to shoot. Life is an amazing and unique phenomenon. Is he really so committed to the military class, does he really believe in the supposed higher meaning of the army order so much that he is ready to risk his very existence?

In the evening, Romashov finds Shurochka at his home. She says she spent years building her husband's career. If Romochka refuses to fight for the sake of love for her, then there will still be something dubious about it and Volodya will probably not be allowed to take the exam. They must shoot each other, but not one of them must be wounded. The husband knows and agrees. She hugs his neck and presses her hot lips to his mouth.

And so both of them, and the whole room, and the whole world were immediately filled with some unbearably blissful, sultry delirium.

Some time later, Shurochka leaves forever.

The details of the duel between Lieutenant Nikolaev and Second Lieutenant Romashov are described in the report to the colonel. When, on command, the opponents went to meet each other halfway, Lieutenant Nikolaev wounded the second lieutenant in the upper right abdomen with a shot, and he died seven minutes later from internal hemorrhage. The report is accompanied by the testimony of the junior doctor.

Read also: Story " Garnet bracelet", written in 1910, occupies a significant place in the writer’s work and in Russian literature. To get acquainted with the plot and characters, we suggest reading a summary of Kuprin’s chapter by chapter. It will provide an opportunity to comprehend the work, comprehend the charm and ease of the writer’s language and penetrate into the idea.

Contents of the story “The Duel” by chapters

The Tale of the Duel Kuprin summary:

The sixth company is undergoing training. Colonel Shulgovich, who arrived at the company, scolded Second Lieutenant Romashov for the fact that the soldiers greeted the commander in an inappropriate manner. Romashov began to justify one of the soldiers, and was subjected to house arrest for four days for his insolence.

Romashov increasingly experienced “the painful consciousness of his loneliness and loss among strangers, unfriendly or indifferent people.” Instead of going to the officers' meeting, Grigory went home.

Arriving home, Romashov asked the orderly if there was anyone from Lieutenant Nikolaev, but the answer was negative. Grigory visited the Nikolaevs almost every day for the last three months.

After graduating military school, Romashov thought that while in service he would engage in self-education. However, instead he has a “dirty and boring relationship with a regimental lady,” “and more and more often he is burdened by service, and comrades, and own life».

The orderly brought a letter from Romashov's mistress Raisa. The woman invited him to visit, invited him to a square dance next Saturday. Having torn the letter, Romashov decided “to last time"go to the Nikolaevs.

Alexander Petrovna’s husband, Vladimir Efimych Nikolaev, “had to take the exam for the academy General Staff and spent the whole year persistently, without rest, preparing for it.” This was already the third exam - he had failed the previous two years and the third was the last chance. Shurochka really wanted her husband to do this, since she hated the life they were living now.

When Romashov came to the Nikolaevs, during the conversation Shurochka remembered that officer fights had become legalized. She believed that Russian officers needed duels: “then we won’t have card sharpers and “happy drunks” among the officers, like officer Nazansky.

Leaving the Nikolaevs, Romashov “to spite her” goes to Nazansky. While talking, the men started talking about love. Nazansky believed that love “has its peaks, accessible only to a few out of millions.” Nazansky read Romashov a letter from the woman he loved. Romashov realized that this woman was Alexandra Petrovna. Nazansky also guessed about Grigory’s feelings for Shurochka.

Arriving home, Romashov found a letter from Raisa. She knew that Grigory visited the Nikolaevs every evening and wrote that she would “repay him cruelly.”

Romashov was under house arrest. Shurochka came to him and brought him some pies. Romashov kissed the woman’s hand. In parting, Shurochka said that Grigory was her only friend.

Gregory was taken to the colonel. Shulgovich scolded Romashov because of rumors: they reported that the officer was drinking. After the conversation, the colonel invited Gregory to an officer's lunch. Romashov returned home “feeling lonely, sad, lost in some strange, dark and hostile place.”

Romashov came to the ball at the officers' meeting house. Gradually the ladies began to arrive, and Raisa also arrived. In the expression of her eyes, Romashov saw “some kind of cruel, evil and confident threat.”

The officers discussed duels in the army, their opinions differed - some considered duels stupid, others were of the opinion that an insult could only be washed away with blood.

Romashov, as promised, danced a quadrille with Raisa. During the dance, the woman angrily said that she would not allow her to be treated like this and began to loudly insult Shurochka. Raisa claimed that she sacrificed everything for Romashov: “I did not dare to look into the eyes of my husband, this ideal, wonderful man.” Grigory involuntarily smiled: her numerous novels were known to everyone.

Raisa's husband, Captain Peterson, was a “thin, consumptive man.” He loved his wife madly, so he forgave her all her affairs.

During morning classes, officers discussed punishments for soldiers. Romashov believed that in the army they deliberately “try to maintain rudeness and martinetry in relations between officers.”

During the exercises, Romashov performed techniques on a machine gun. He thought about a phrase said by one of the officers: if you think like Grigory, then you need to leave the service.

In the morning, Romashov received a letter from Shurochka. The woman invited him to a picnic on his name day.

Approaching the Nikolaevs' house, Romashov felt a strange, causeless anxiety. Shurochka joyfully greeted George.

During the picnic, Shurochka seemed especially charming to Romashov. When everyone scattered around the clearing in the evening, Grigory and Alexandra went deeper into the grove. Shurochka admitted that today she is in love with Romashov, but does not love her husband - “he is rude, he is insensitive, indelicate.” She kissed Georgy, but then asked Romashov not to come to them again - her husband was besieged by anonymous letters.

The officers were preparing for the May review “and knew no mercy, they were tired.” Romashov watched as company commanders beat their soldiers with particular cruelty.

When, during the inspection, the arriving commanders toured all the companies, Romashov felt “that these arrogant people live some special, beautiful, inaccessible life for him, higher life" The review was a complete “failure of the regiment” - it revealed “the callous, routine and negligent attitude of the officers towards the service.”

During the final march, Romashov, intoxicated by the music and general excitement, began to daydream and headed to the right, which is why his entire half-company “represented an ugly, broken crowd.” After the incident, everyone made fun of Romashov.

Romashov left the camp and met Nikolaev. Vladimir said that he was waiting for him here on purpose and started talking about Alexandra Petrovna. Nikolaev began to receive “boorish anonymous letters” with gossip about his wife and Romashov. Vladimir demanded that Romashov do everything to stop the spread of gossip.

Romashov “began to withdraw from the company of officers.” Georgy firmly understood that he would not remain in the army and, when the mandatory three years of service were completed, would go into the reserve.

At the end of May, a soldier in the company hanged himself. That evening, the officers drank, joked, and sang songs. At night, already pretty drunk, they went to the women. There was a fight there: a drunk officer began to chop everything with a saber, but Romashov calmed him down.

The officers went to the meeting and continued drinking and having fun. Many of the officers in the regiment were “from the clergy,” unexpectedly one of them started the panakida, and they “served” the whole thing in chorus. Romashov hit the table with his fist, forbidding such singing. The drunken officers began to riot again. Nikolaev, who unexpectedly appeared next to Romashov, said that people like Georgy and Nazansky were a disgrace to the regiment. Romashov hinted at “mysterious reasons” why Nikolaev is dissatisfied with Nazansky. A fight started between them. Romashov shouted that he was challenging Nikolaev to a duel.

In the morning, Romashov was summoned to court. A few days later, the court came to a decision that the quarrel between Nikolaev and Romashov could only be resolved by a duel.

Upset, Romashov went to Nazansky. The officer tried to dissuade Georgy from the duel, believing that Romashov needed to leave the army and not be afraid of life.

When Romashov returned home, he found Shurochka visiting him. She said that although she does not love Vladimir, “she killed part of her soul for him.” She has more pride than her husband - it was she who forced him to try again and again to enter the academy. If Nikolaev refuses the fight, he will not be accepted into the academy. Therefore, they definitely need to shoot tomorrow - none of them will be wounded. Shurochka and Georgy kissed goodbye.

Report to the regiment commander. On June 1, a duel took place between Nikolaev and Romashov. Nikolaev shot first and wounded Romashov in the upper right abdomen. Romashov was no longer able to shoot back. A few minutes later, Romashov died from internal hemorrhage.


“The Duel” is considered the most significant work in Kuprin’s work. Main character story - the young second lieutenant Romashov is portrayed as a romantic, intelligent person with a fine mental organization. It is difficult for him to come to terms with the monotonous, philistine life in a provincial infantry regiment - during his training years, the military seemed to him to be completely different, more noble people.

Realizing that he will not be able to remain in service, Romashov decides to leave the army after three mandatory years. However, an unfortunate combination of circumstances and pressure from Shurochka lead to the sudden death of Georgy. The duel becomes Romashov’s attempt to confront the world and society, but he loses in this confrontation.

This is interesting: The story was written in 1907. The plot is based on the Song of Songs of King Solomon and Old Testament Bible, and the central character of the work was the beautiful Shulamith, the beloved of the wise King Solomon. We recommend reading the summary of “Shulamith” chapter by chapter to better prepare for the literature lesson.

Video summary of Kuprin's fight

In his work, A.I. Kuprin wanted to show the negative side of military service, focusing on the cruelty and violence that reigned in the regiment. A chapter-by-chapter summary of Kuprin’s story “The Duel” will help the reader understand the real reason a conflict broke out between two officers, which ultimately led to dire consequences.

Kuprin fight summary on video:

The sixth company finishes classes and the officers, junior in rank, try to compete to see who can cut down a clay dummy the most dexterously. Second Lieutenant Grigory Romashov begins. He doesn't know the business well, so nothing works out for him. Romashov spends long evenings in the Nikolaevs’ house; this time he promises not to come, but he cannot restrain himself and breaks his promise.

A letter from Raisa Peterson awaits him at home; together they rudely and brazenly deceive her husband. All this bothers Gregory. After some time, Romashov still goes to the Nikolaevs. There he and Shurochka talk about a newspaper article.

The next day, he breaks off all relations with Peterson; the girl is unhappy and threatens to take revenge. After which, Romashov receives anonymous notes containing dirty rumors. And Grigory’s money is tight; the buffet no longer lends money. And also Alexandra Petrovna’s common name day. He buys perfume, again borrowing money for it, and at the holiday he sits next to Shurochka and strokes her leg. Then he goes with her to the grove and talks about love. Everything again does not go as we would like - on the march, Romashov disrupts the formation, in the Nikolaevs’ house he is no longer welcome. While thinking about his troubles, he accidentally stumbles upon a soldier who is being bullied. He asks him about thoughts of killing himself, but he only talks about his troubles.

After this incident, Gregory changes and finds solitude in science and art.

One incident, the suicide of a soldier, prompts Nikolaev’s drinking, he sees Romashov and a fight breaks out between them. Everything goes to court. A duel follows. Shurochka persuades Romashov to a duel in which no one will be wounded, otherwise her husband will not pass the exam.

In a duel, Nikolaev kills Romashov, and Shurochka leaves forever after what happened.

The story teaches readers not to retreat from military duty and not to succumb to vulgarity, because this can end badly - even in a duel. The hero paid for his mistakes.

Read a detailed summary of Kuprin's fight

He is very unsure of his use of the saber and for this reason nothing works for him.

Kuprin says that Romashov likes to visit the Nikolaevs’ house. He is drawn there like a magnet. When Romashov appears at home, he sees a letter from his mistress Peterson. After reading the letter, he becomes disgusted and disgusted.

Thirty minutes pass. The Romashovs are back with the Nikolaevs. Vladimir Nikolaev himself is busy - he is preparing to enter the academy. It is worth noting that the academy gives three attempts for applicants, but Vladimir failed two of them. The wife, Shura Nikolaeva, is trying to do everything to ensure that her husband does the right thing. She dreams of escaping from this wilderness.

Shura and Romashov discuss an article in a newspaper about fights that were recently legalized in the army. Shura believes that this method is effective in eradicating drunkenness and card games among officers. Their conversation concerns the person of officer Nazansky. Shura believes that he is a drunkard, and Romashov, on the contrary, justifies him. It gets late and Romashov leaves the hospitable house of the Nikolaevs.

In the home, Romashov sees another letter from Peterson. The letter speaks of revenge, of jealousy.

Some time later, a ball takes place, during which Romashov tells Peterson about the breakup of their relationship. Her whole nature breathes revenge. She writes anonymous letters with threats and ambiguous hints about his relationship with Shura Nikolaeva. Romashov has many ill-wishers, so he is not completely sure who the author of the anonymous letters really is.

They say that trouble does not come alone. So it is with Romashov. They are dissatisfied with the command. The money has run out, and no one is lending money. The officer's soul becomes gray and sad.

April is almost over. At this moment, Romashov receives a note from Shura Nikolaeva with a reminder of their common name day. Romashov borrows money, buys perfume as a gift and goes to the Nikolaevs. there in noisy company he sits next to the hero of the occasion and feels sympathy for her.

The name day has passed. Afterwards Romashov goes into the grove, and Alexandra follows him and even tells him about her love. But they can't be together...

March. Romashov, lost in daydreaming, shoots down the entire company and suffers great shame. In addition, Vladimir Nikolaev talks to him harshly about anonymous letters and refuses him from the house.

After the conversation, Romashov wanders around the garrison for a long time until he comes across a soldier who is the object of everyone’s ridicule and wants to kill himself. The soldier tells Romashov about his misadventures and then the officer realizes that his troubles are nothing.

After this memorable meeting, Romashov changed and began to avoid the company of officers. May ended with a terrible event - in one of the companies a soldier took his own life. And the officers, including Nikolaev, drink. Romashov is simply infuriated by this.

The officers' court orders a duel between officers. Nazansky tries to dissuade Romashov from the duel. In the evening, Shura comes and asks Romashov not to refuse the fight, because it will cast a shadow on her husband’s future military career.

The fight took place. As a result, Romashov died from a wound to the stomach.

Kuprin’s work teaches that the interaction between an individual and the public mass is always relevant. The main idea of ​​“The Duel” is the writer’s collision with the reality of life.

Picture or drawing Duel

War - this word always evokes only the most difficult, terrible associations. But we are all accustomed to the fact that war is primarily a man’s business - to defend the Motherland, kill enemies, take care and responsibility for the weak.

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