He gained fame and glory as a holy righteous man during his lifetime. It is surprising that this man did not have clergy, however, from an early age he was awarded the honor of seeing the Mother of God with his own eyes.

The icons of St. Seraphim of Sarov are a living reminder of his spiritual feat and the gifts that he received from the Holy Spirit and used for the benefit of people.

In Orthodox Christianity, icons of Seraphim of Sarov have not so much a decorative function as they enable a believer to concentrate all his thoughts on prayer and communication with God and the saints. After all, human nature is very weak, and he can easily be distracted by foreign objects.

Life of Saint Seraphim

Speaking about the iconographic image of St. Seraphim, it is important to know who this saint was and what his earthly life and spiritual feat were like.

Venerable Seraphim was born more than two centuries ago into a wealthy merchant family living in Kursk. At birth the boy received the name Prokhor. The family was left without a father when the boy was very young. He absorbed all the brightest and kindest things that was in his soul from his mother. Prokhor, as a child, was honored with the appearance of the Mother of God, and his entire life passed under her patronage and protection. At the age of 17, the young man received a blessing from the pious old woman and went to the Sarov hermitage to obey.

A few years later, the young man took monastic vows under the name Seraphim.

In 1807, the monk Seraphim received God's blessing for the feat of silence and for this purpose retired to hermitage in the forest. He spent three years in the forest, after which he returned to the monastery, but continued to avoid meeting people.

Then Seraphim began to receive both the monastic brethren and lay pilgrims throughout the day. He hugged and kissed everyone who came to him with the words “Christ is Risen” and anointed them with oil from the lamp.

Throughout his life, Seraphim carried with him a reverent attitude towards Mother of God. It was always in his cell. It was near this image during prayer that the monk Seraphim went to the Lord.

Towards the end of his life, the old man’s legs hurt greatly, but at the same time, his heart’s joy and peace did not leave him for a minute. Before his death, he again had the honor of beholding the Queen of Heaven. She told the elder that he would soon be taken to heaven with her. After this, the venerable elder prepared a grave for himself and gave his final orders. The elder did not experience fear in the face of death, but perceived it as an opportunity to be in the heavenly abode next to the Lord.

Since the elder knew about the day of his death in advance, he managed to say goodbye to all his acquaintances and give them his last instructions. He bequeathed his favorite icon “Tenderness” to the sisters of the Diveyevo Monastery. The elder even gave money to the abbess of the monastery so that a “cell for the Lady” could be prepared there.

Miracles created through the prayer of Seraphim

It is not possible to list all the miracles that the Heavenly Father performed through the prayer of Elder Seraphim. News of miracles performed appear again and again.

  1. The first time such a miracle happened was when young Prokhor fell from a high church bell tower. After that, he rose to his feet and there were no injuries on him. And at the age of 10, Prokhor was healed by the Mother of God, who appeared to him in a dream, from a serious incurable illness.
  2. While he was married in the monastery, Prokhor suddenly fell ill with dropsy. His body was swollen. After Communion of the Holy Gifts, the Mother of God appeared to the young man, touched his leg with her staff and healed him.
  3. The Monk Seraphim pointed out to his brother the exact day of his death 48 years before this event.
  4. One day a deacon arrived at the Sarov monastery, and the day before he had falsely accused another clergyman of unseemly acts. When the deacon came to the holy elder, he drove him away, seeing the deception and slander against the innocent. After this, for three years the sinner could not serve in church - his tongue began to go numb. This continued until he admitted to the slander and repented.
  5. Even animals listened to the Venerable Seraphim. One of the monks, who lived in the monastery at the same time as Seraphim, told how Seraphim sat on a log and fed breadcrumbs to a huge bear standing in front of him. Out of fear, the monk hid behind a tree and watched as wild animal left the Monk Seraphim into the forest. When the animal left, Seraphim asked the monk Peter not to reveal what he had seen to anyone until Seraphim’s death.
  6. In 1825, the venerable elder, while on the banks of the Sarovka River, saw the Mother of God and the holy apostles John and Peter. The Most Pure Virgin struck the ground with her staff and a fountain of water began to flow from there. Then she ordered the construction of the Diveyevo monastery in this place. Father Seraphim brought the necessary tools from the monastery and dug a well with his own hands for 2 weeks. Subsequently, the water from this well began to bring people miraculous healings from various ailments.
  7. The Venerable Elder Seraphim possessed the great gift of clairvoyance. Very often he received letters and knew about their contents without even opening the envelope. Many such unopened letters were subsequently found from him.
  8. There are witnesses to how the elder ascended above the ground during prayer. However, he demanded that this be kept secret until his death.

Through Seraphim’s prayers, health was repeatedly restored even to terminally ill patients. These miracles are far from the only ones performed by the elder due to his great faith and spiritual purity. Even after the death of the saint, his icon helps people find health and courage in difficult times, strengthens the spirit and flesh those who offer sincere prayer.

The canonization and discovery of the relics of the Venerable Elder Seraphim of Sarov took place on August 1, 1903. He was solemnly transferred to the shrine on his birthday.

On this day, more than 300 thousand people gathered in the city of Sarov for the celebration. All-night funeral services were held at the Sarov monastery. Before canonization was performed procession to the Sarov monastery from the Diveyevo monastery. Throughout this procession, sacred chants were performed. Along the way, the procession stopped at chapels where litias were celebrated.

The second religious procession came out to meet the relics. After the meeting, the united religious procession moved towards Sarov. In the evening of the same day, St. Seraphim of Sarov glorified as a saint.

After that there was the coffin with the relics of the holy elder was opened. At this time, everyone knelt down, including the emperor himself. According to historians, this holiday was one of the most solemn in Rus'. The instructions of the reverend elder were voiced. Some of them were written down with his own hand, while others were heard and written down from the saint by other people. The relics of the saint rest in the Sarov desert.

Soon after the canonization it was printed and released "Conversation about goals Christian life» . This conversation took place shortly before the saint’s dormition.

History of the icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov

Already some time after the Dormition of the Venerable Father Seraphim, it was written the first icon dedicated to him. Since the holy elder was distinguished throughout his life by mercy and a righteous lifestyle, he became a shining example to all generations of Orthodox Christians.

The very first icons began to appear after 1833, when the reverend elder reposed. In 1903, after the canonization of the reverend father, on the initiative of Emperor Nicholas, a series of new icons were painted. These included largest in size.

In these images the venerable elder is depicted waist-deep or in full height. The right hand of Saint Seraphim is raised up, and his fingers are crossed. With such a gesture the saint seems to overshadow everyone sign of the cross everyone looking at the icon. In his left hand Seraphim holds a cross.

What can you pray for in front of the Seraphim icon?

The Monk Seraphim acquired the gift of working miracles during his lifetime. The people revered him as a saint and very often turned to him for advice and support on a wide variety of everyday and spiritual issues. That is why it is very useful to offer prayers in front of an icon or the relics of a holy elder at a moment when some misfortune has overtaken you, you are experiencing despair and loss of strength.

Most grave sins Saint Seraphim called ours and sorrow. Therefore, in order to get rid of these misfortunes, you can make a prayer request to the icon. This will help you gain strength and joy in life.

The miraculous capabilities of the holy icon are directly related to the lifetime abilities of St. Seraphim. Anyone can contact the icon, as it has many different sides applications.

In what cases should one pray to Seraphim of Sarov?

  1. During his earthly life, the venerable elder told those who came to him that very it is important to be tolerant of others and at the same time remain demanding of one’s own personality. He called people believe in yourself and never give up. Thus, you can offer a prayer to this saint when you need strength and self-confidence to solve all your pressing problems.
  2. The icon of Seraphim of Sarov “Tenderness” will help everyone who turns to it to find themselves and their purpose, pacify our emotional experiences and find peace and strength of spirit. The icon helps to find inner harmony and balance between external material world and the internal state of a person. In these cases, the holy elder will become your spiritual mentor and comforter.
  3. It is very useful to offer prayers in front of the icon of Seraphim of Sarov to people who have serious problems with health. The Monk Seraphim possessed the gift of healing the sick during his lifetime. Turning to the icon will help you get rid of not only physical, but also mental ailments.
  4. There are many cases when a prayer appeal to the icon of St. Seraphim helped single girls find their betrothed and get married successfully. For family people, this icon will help establish a warm atmosphere in the home and preserve the love and warmth of a married relationship for a long time.
  5. Another important area of ​​our earthly life in which we can ask Seraphim for help is business. First of all, we are talking about trade. However, in this case, it is very important to remember that you need to ask not for material well-being for yourself, but blessings for good endeavors that can benefit people.

How to pray to the venerable elder

The Holy Scriptures teach that in order to receive help from our heavenly Father and the saints, one should offer prayers with a pure heart and soul. If you have any secret or obvious selfish motives, your prayer may not achieve its goal.

  1. It would be best to come to the temple with a pure soul, light a candle and read a prayer in front of the holy image. In addition, you can purchase an icon and several candles in the temple, and then pray at home.
  2. When offering prayers, one should remember that it would be more correct to pray not based on the “specialization” of one or another heavenly patron, but believing in the unshakable power of God, which is endowed with every icon or.
  3. However, there are still traditions of praying to saints based on real events their lives. If we are talking about reverend elder Seraphim, all his life he was constantly busy with some kind of useful work for the benefit of others. In his opinion, in this way one can get closer to the Heavenly Father.
  4. The saint bequeathed to people to rejoice in what they have and to be grateful to God. In addition, he taught never to give up and never give up, to do more and talk less. It is on the basis of these instructions that we need to offer our prayers before the icon of Seraphim, ask him for spiritual support, so as not to succumb to temptation and receive strength and wisdom in difficult situation.
  5. St. Seraphim helps to find peace during mental tossing. These prayers help to find harmony and peace of mind.

It should be noted, however, that Orthodox teaching does not recommend giving saints and icons the ability to help with strictly specific requests. After all, the most important thing that is required when offering prayer is sincere faith and openness of the soul.

You can offer prayers to the holy elder Seraphim of Sarov not only for yourself, but also for our family and friends. You can even pray for your enemies.

The Venerable Elder Seraphim, during his lifetime, acquired the glory of a saint, although he did not have church rank, and from an early age he was honored to see the Queen of Heaven herself. The icons of Seraphim of Sarov remind of his monastic feat, of the spiritual gifts that he was awarded by the Holy Spirit.

The story of Saint Seraphim

Images in Orthodoxy do not have a purely decorative function. They help believers direct all their thoughts and spiritual forces to prayer, because a person is weak and his thoughts are easily distracted. To understand well the significance of the icon of Seraphim of Sarov, you need to familiarize yourself with his life.

More than two hundred years ago in Kursk, a son, Prokhor, appeared in the family of a wealthy merchant. Having lost his father early, the boy absorbed all the good things his mother taught him. Having received a visit from the Mother of God at an early age, Prokhor spent his entire life under her protection. With the blessing of the pious old woman, at the age of 17 the young man went to obedience in the Sarov Hermitage. A few years later he became a monk, receiving the name Seraphim when he was tonsured.

In 1807, the Lord blessed the monk for the feat of silence, for which he went into the forest. Three years later he returned to the monastery, where he tried not to meet anyone. Then he began to receive both the brethren and pilgrims. He hugged and kissed everyone with the words “Christ is Risen.”

He carried his special relationship with the Mother of God throughout his entire life - he was in his cell, he anointed those who came with oil from the lamp. Near this image the elder went to the Lord, standing in prayer. By that time, his legs were already hurting badly, but his heart’s joy did not leave him. Shortly before his death, he was honored with the appearance of the Queen of Heaven, who promised to soon take him to her place. The elder even prepared his own grave and made his final orders.

Possessing the gift of foresight, he knew about his impending death, said goodbye to his acquaintances, and gave final instructions. But he was not afraid of death, but rejoiced in it as an opportunity to unite with the Lord in his heavenly homeland. The saint bequeathed the image, his beloved icon, to the sisters of the Diveyevo monastery. He even gave funds to the abbess to prepare a “cell for the Lady.”

What does the Diveyevo icon look like?

The icon of “Tenderness” of Seraphim of Sarov, according to legend, was found by him in the forest, where he often went to pray, where he also had a cell, and in a thicket he performed his feat of prayer on a stone.

The size of the image is 50x70 cm, it was written on an oblong board at the end of the 18th century. The Virgin Mary is depicted with her head bowed, her arms crossed on her chest. The eyes are filled with reflection on the upcoming miracle. After all, the image shows the Virgin Mary after the Annunciation, when she learned about her destiny - to become the mother of Christ.

The description of the icon found by Seraphim of Sarov resembles similar images of the Mother of God, only this one has a radiance around its head and the inscription - “Rejoice, Unbrided Bride” - the words that the youth Mary heard from the Angel. The Virgin Mary's traditional scarlet robes are topped with a white scarf, which is adorned with a star, as are the shoulders.

The icon of “Tenderness” of Seraphim of Sarov has deep theological significance. The appearance of the young blooming maiden completely coincides with her inner world. Even in sorrows, of which she suffered many, Saint Mary remained patient, kind to everyone, and always found something to be grateful to God for.

Her main qualities were hard work, restraint in judgment and words, her voice remained quiet and even - in everything, and in her thoughts she was also the embodiment of purity. Anger never distorted her beautiful face, and the desire to please the Lord occupied all her thoughts. Having found a similar soul in a young boy, the Queen of Heaven took him into her care, which the Monk Seraphim never made her regret, trusting her entire life in the Holy Scriptures, spending it in prayers and labors.

It is this image that often appears on icons depicting Elder Seraphim himself. The meaning is clear - such images, using artistic means, describe scenes from the life of the monk. The image of “Tenderness” of Seraphim of Sarov is kept in the Partyarchy and is taken out for veneration every year.

How does prayer to the holy priest help?

Prayer requests to saints are a pious tradition. They are based on lives - what the saint was known for during his lifetime is what believers ask for for themselves even after they go to heaven. How does the icon of Seraphim of Sarov help?

  • Overcome strong temptations.
  • Find the strength within yourself to cope with difficulties.
  • Soothes mental anguish, helps to find peace.
  • Find spiritual enlightenment.
  • Returns you to the right spiritual path.
  • It pacifies pride.

All these are spiritual needs, which the holy elder urged to constantly take care of through reading Holy Scripture and repeating at least a few prayers. Known prayer rule, which he compiled for those who do not find time to read everything according to the church charter. It contains in a capacious form all the truths necessary for salvation; by praying to it every day you can achieve great spiritual growth.

Of course, many people need help in life’s circumstances; most often people remember God and the saints when they themselves are sick or someone close to them is suffering. You can also pray with a similar problem at the icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov. In what cases can you ask for help?

  • If a girl wants to get married successfully.
  • When spouses quarrel.
  • Need help with trading matters.
  • For healing from any bodily ailments.

A story from the life of St. Seraphim

During his life, the monk was distinguished by rare patience, which he called “spiritual chains,” through which believers can acquire the Holy Spirit, which Father Seraphim showed with his life. While still quite a young man, he was attacked by robbers, to whom the demon inspired that the old man had something to profit from in his cell. They hit the monk on the head with an axe, he did not resist and came to the monastery barely alive.

Lying on the bed, surrounded by doctors, the monk was honored with the appearance of the Mother of God (of which there were 12 in total during his life), she healed his mortal wounds. Very soon Father Seraphim rose to his feet and was able to perform his usual obediences. True, since then the priest has become bent and aged - many days of suffering from terrible wounds have taken their toll.

The attackers were found and identified, but the monk strictly forbade them to be punished, otherwise promising to leave the monastery. The Lord himself punished the attackers - they suffered from a fire, after which they confessed to the saint. He forgave them and taught them in the faith.

From this incident one can judge what kind heart The saint had it even during his earthly life, full of hardships and disappointments. Anyone can come to the icon of Seraphim of Sarov, his prayer will be heard. To ask for help from a saint, you must have firm faith, no doubt. And to know that the Almighty works miracles, and not the icon itself and not even the saints.

One should approach a saint as if he were alive, because God has no dead. The Holy Fathers remain near the throne of the Most High in prayer, intercede for the sinful world, there is no request that they would consider unimportant.

Reverend Sylvester - Pope

The memory of this ancient Christian saint falls on the same day as that of St. Seraphim (January 15), so they are sometimes confused. Purely outwardly, Saint Sylvester and Seraphim of Sarov are not very similar; their icons are different. How to determine what the difference is? St. Sylvester was the Pope of Rome, therefore he is depicted in the vestments of a bishop, with the Gospel in his hands. Father Seraphim is depicted in a black cassock, often in a bent position.

Although they do look similar in age - both have gray beards. They lived to old age and peacefully gave up their souls to God. Although St. Sylvester lived much earlier - in the 1st century. AD Then the persecution began for a new Christian faith, the saint was even arrested, but the Lord gave him a long life in service. Defending the faithful confession from many heresies, the monk led the Church for more than twenty years.

Famous images of the Diveyevo elder

The most revered icon of Seraphim of Sarov is the one that was painted in the Diveyevo monastery. The basis was a portrait made during the life of the saint. The elder is depicted in the image frontally, waist-deep, with his right hand resting on his heart. An epitrachelion is put on the monk's cloak, as if he is preparing to receive the confession of a sinner. His gaze is calm and directed directly at the person praying.

During the years of persecution of the Church, the icon, which immediately became famous for its healings, was kept by a pious woman who protected it for more than 40 years. And only after the revival of the monastery in 1992, the image returned to where it was painted. Thousands of believers again had the opportunity to seek healing near him.

A similar image exists in another version: the icon depicts Seraphim of Sarov in full growth, the description differs in that the hands are crossed, and the Diveyevo monastery is visible behind. The vestment is the same, only on right hand rosary beads are visible - every monk has them, it is customary to read prayers to the Mother of God using them.

Where to pray to Father Seraphim

The veneration of the saint is so great that his image is in almost every Orthodox church. But there is especially Famous places, where pilgrims flock.

  1. Seraphim-Diveevo Convent, where the relics of the saint rest.
  2. Danilov Monastery - here is an image with parts of a mantle, a piece of stone on which the saint prayed for a thousand days.
  3. Near the Expocentre (Krasnopresnenskaya embankment in Moscow), a temple in the name of the saint was recently consecrated, where you can venerate the icon with relics.
  4. Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Znamenie” (Pereyaslavskaya Sloboda) - an image with a piece of the saint’s coffin.
  5. Elokhovsky Epiphany Cathedral- icon of Seraphim of Sarov.

But sometimes, if prayers are not answered, people wonder - why did God leave me? Then you should think about whether what you are asking will really do any good? If the answer does not come, or something else is given instead of what was expected, we must remember that the Lord does everything for good.

Prayers to Seraphim of Sarov

First prayer

O wonderful Father Seraphim, great Sarov wonderworker, quick and obedient helper to all who come running to you! During the days of your earthly life, no one left you weary and inconsolable, but everyone was blessed by the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love ceased from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, which multiplied like the stars of heaven: for throughout the ends of our earth you appeared to the people of God and granted them healing. In the same way, we cry out to you: O most quiet and meek servant of God, daring man of prayer to Him, denying no one who calls you, offer up your powerful prayer for us to the Lord of hosts, may He strengthen our power, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is spiritual useful for salvation, may he protect us from the falls of sin and teach us true repentance, so that we can enter into the eternal without stumbling Heavenly Kingdom, where you now shine in unfathomable glory, and there sing with all the saints Life-giving Trinity until the end of time. Amen.

Second prayer

O Reverend Father Seraphim! Lift up for us, servants of God ( names ), your powerful prayer to the Lord of hosts, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect us from the falls of sins and may He teach us true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where you are now in everlasting glory you shine, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever.

Prayer three

O great servant of God, venerable and God-bearing Father Seraphim! Look down from the heavenly glory on us humble and weak, burdened with many sins, your help and consolation to those who ask. Approach us with your mercy and help us to preserve the commandments of the Lord immaculately, to firmly maintain the Orthodox faith, to diligently bring repentance for our sins to God, to gracefully prosper in piety as Christians and to be worthy of your prayerful intercession for us. To her, Holiness of God, hear us praying to you with faith and love and do not despise us who demand your intercession: now and at the hour of our death, help us, and protect us with your prayers from the evil slander of the devil, so that those powers do not possess us, but yes With your help, let us be worthy to inherit the bliss of the abode of paradise. We now place our hope in you, merciful Father: be truly a guide to our salvation and lead us to the unevening Light of eternal life by your God-pleasing intercession at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, may we glorify and sing with all the saints the venerable name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever centuries. Amen.

Many Orthodox Christians are interested in how Saint Seraphim of Sarov helps, prayer, what do they ask the saint for? Appeals to the saint have their own traditions, based on real life facts.

Saint Seraphim was born and raised in the city of Kursk, in an ordinary family, under the name Prokhor. When Seraphim was still a child, his parents built a church in the city. From an early age the boy was familiar with hard work and understood construction and crafts. Miracles appeared in Prokhor's life already in his childhood. One day he fell from the church bell tower and not only did he not break, but moreover, the boy escaped with a couple of abrasions and bruises.

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov: what should you ask for in this saint’s prayer?

This incident aroused the boy's interest in religion. He was named Seraphim in the temple of Saratov, where he went to serve as a priest. Seraphim devoted himself to the Lord and the meaning of his life became the tireless glorification of the Lord and work to help the weak and disadvantaged.

Seraphim of Sarov, canonized as a Saint, is revered by many religions. He had the gift of healing people and seeing the future. On August 1, Orthodox Christians celebrate the discovery of the relics of the Saint.

What do they pray to the Saint for?

IN the afterlife all saints are endowed with some kind of ability to help those who pray to him.

Saint Seraphim fervently wished that people would get rid of envy and malice towards each other. He enjoyed every little thing and encouraged others to do the same.

True believers, who sacredly revere the personality of Seraphim, say prayers in front of his image in order not to lose their guidance in life, not to succumb to temptation and not to fall into sin. By praying, you will be able to overcome your temptation.

A huge number of worshipers ask the saints, first of all, for health. That is why many want to get an answer to the question - what diseases does Saint Seraphim heal?

  • Prayer requests to the Saint in case of illness internal organs. However, in addition to the diseases to which the human body is susceptible, prayer to a saint can also heal spiritual wounds.
  • You can pray to Seraphim even if someone around you has saddened you, your loved ones have gotten sick, or you have simply been overcome by sadness and melancholy.

Sincere prayers to the saints will certainly be heard by them. Many girls could not do without the help of Seraphim of Sarov, whom the saint helped to find their happiness. Just don’t ask a saint to help you take a man from your family. This is a huge sin. You can only ask for a person whom you love very much and cannot imagine your life without..

  • If you, being legally married, want to ask Seraphim of Sarov to strengthen your marital relationship, then you need to pray on your knees in front of the face of the saint with a lit candle. Ideal place The corner of the room will be used to read the prayer, because the light aura lingers there much longer.
  • Praying to a saint can also help business. However, it must be aimed at a charitable cause and be useful to others. Before turning to a saint for help in any matter, you must visit the temple and light a candle. Do a good deed, help your neighbors.

By doing this, you will send a signal to heaven that you are planning to do a good deed. The Orthodox Church tells us that we do not need to pray to any specific saint for some help. The main thing is that your prayer is sincere and comes from the heart, only in this case you will receive what you so fervently ask for.

Seraphim of Sarov is very popular among Christians both in the church and outside it. Now Christians pray to this saint in almost every corner of our planet. In turn, Seraphim appreciates this and never refuses his help to those suffering.

By nature, Seraphim was modest. He did not at all consider himself a human savior, even though for many he was one. He said about himself that he was a nobody and had nothing. With all this, his spiritual wealth was so great that in ordinary people no, not even 1/10 of it. The greatest man, the ideal image for any believer.

You can say a prayer to Seraphim of Sarov whenever it is convenient for you, regardless of the time of day.

First prayer for help

How can the prayer of Seraphim of Sarov help?

O wonderful Father Seraphim, great Sarov wonderworker, soon an obedient helper to all who come running to you!

During the days of your earthly life, no one was tired of you or comforted by your departure, but everyone was blessed by the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words.

Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to Heavenly rest, none of your love is simple from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplying like the stars of heaven: for all over the end of our earth you appeared to the people of God and granted them healing.

In the same way, we cry out to you: O most quiet and meek servant of God, daring prayer book to Him, reject no one who calls you!

Offer up your powerful prayer for us to the Lord of hosts, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect us from the falls of sin and may He teach us true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where you now in everlasting glory you shine, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer

O great servant of God, venerable and God-bearing Father Seraphim!

Look down from the glory on high upon us, the humble and weak, burdened with many sins, your help and consolation to those who ask. Reach out to us with your compassion and help us to preserve the commandments of the Lord immaculately, to firmly maintain the Orthodox faith, to diligently offer repentance for our sins to God, to gracefully prosper in piety as Christians and to be worthy of your prayerful intercession for us.

To her, Holy One of God, hear us who pray to you with faith and love, and do not despise us who demand your intercession; now and at the hour of our death, help us and protect us with your prayers from the evil slander of the devil, so that those powers do not possess us, but may we be honored with your help to inherit the bliss of the abode of paradise.

We now place our hope in you, merciful Father, be truly a guide to salvation for us and lead us to the unevening light of eternal life through your God-pleasing intercession at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, so that we glorify and sing with all the saints the venerable Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever centuries. Amen.

The greatest Russian saint, Seraphim of Sarov, was awarded the Almighty gift of insight and the ability to heal for his exploits. He could read people's hearts, past and future. His advice sometimes caused surprise and confusion among parishioners, but if they were carried out accurately, they were convinced that this was the only correct way out. Through his prayers, numerous signs were performed and miraculous healings occurred at his grave. In front of his icon, believers pray for healing of soul and body.

In what situations does Seraphim Sarovsky help?

Seraphim always worked, believing that in this way he would become closer to the Lord. He bequeathed people to become more demanding of themselves and judge others less. The saint taught that you need to rejoice in what you have, not to say, but to do, and not lose faith under any circumstances. For this purpose, people pray in front of the image of Seraphim of Sarov, so as not to succumb to temptation and gain strength to get out of complicated situations.

Saint Seraphim of Sarov helps:

  • Find peace during mental anguish. Reading a prayer helps a person balance his state of mind, establish a balance between the external and internal world. This saint can be called a kind of mentor to lost souls who have lost their direction in life. Prayer will help those praying to cope with pride and despondency.
  • While still alive, the saint treated people from serious illnesses with the help of prayer and water from the holy spring.
  • Prayer addressed to Seraphim helps with damage to internal organs, limbs and many other problems. People are healed in soul and body.
  • With the help of prayers addressed to Saint Seraphim, many girls got married successfully and found long-awaited love. Sincere prayers can change your life in better side. Married couples, in order to maintain a strong, warm relationship, should pray near the face of the saint.
  • Support in trade and business that, in addition to enrichment, is oriented towards charitable purposes.

Before reading the prayer, you must go to church and place a candle near the holy image and pray fervently. When leaving home, take the icon and 3 candles with you, and when you arrive, light them and place them in front of the purchased icon.

Speaking about what Saint Seraphim of Sarov helps with, it is worth mentioning that Orthodox Church believes that it is wrong to endow saints with the ability to help in specific situations. After all, any appeal to the saints will be heard, the main thing is sincerity and deep faith.

To top it off, I would like to add that you can pray to Seraphim of Sarov for yourself, for your loved ones, and even for your enemies.

Published: 2016-10-15, Modified: 2017-07-13,

The Orthodox Church considers Saint Seraphim of Sarov a miracle worker, whom the Lord himself chose for his deeds. Therefore, if you pray to the Saint for intercession, he will definitely help and life will change for the better.

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov

There are known cases when, after praying to the saint, people were healed from insanity, paralysis and serious skin diseases. Some of these stories are recorded in the chronicles of the Diveyevo Monastery.

In order to turn to the holy elder for help, you must first free yourself from negative thoughts and repent of your previous sins. Then you need to wash your face with water, having crossed it in advance, and read the words:

“Oh, the great miracle worker from Sarov! You provide emergency assistance to everyone. Just as in their earthly days no one left you inconsolable, so now you grant us healing in our sorrows, when God called you to heavenly rest. I ask you to grant me health and help in business. To guide you to spiritual salvation and protect you from sinful falls. Amen. Amen. Amen".

How to pray to a saint for healing

When Seraphim of Sarov lived as a hermit in the forest, he was attacked by robbers and beaten almost to death. While he lay unconscious, he saw the Virgin Mary. She promised that he would survive and gain his gift. After this incident, the righteous man always walked hunched over, but received the ability to heal people.

You need to pray to Seraphim for healing like this:

“Our Father Seraphim! Pray before the Lord for the health of the servant of God and help him to heal, support him in the fight against illness and increase his strength. Help me get rid of suffering and see joy in earthly life! Have mercy, save and preserve!”

How to ask Seraphim of Sarov for help in trading

During his earthly life, Seraphim became famous as a seer who knew in advance the outcome of this or that matter. Therefore, since ancient times they have been praying to him for a successful completion. trading enterprise and that no one should interfere with making a profit.

Before prayer, it is customary to give alms to the poor. It is better to do this near the temple, but if you meet someone in need on the street, you can give him a small amount of money. Then, from your heart, pray:

“Our Holy Father Seraphim! Ask our Lord for forgiveness of my sins and prosperity in my affairs. Protect me from the machinations of enemies and dashing people. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

How to Pray for Love and Marriage

Miracles occur in the personal lives of those who asked Saint Seraphim for help in matters of the heart. Women pray to the saint for a successful marriage and for the preservation of peace and love in the family.

During his lifetime, Father Seraphim knew how to reconcile disputants with one word. People came from afar to seek advice from the holy elder so that he could help restore between loving people understanding.

Until now, turning to the saint can help those who seek to return good feelings to the family. To do this, you need to contact him with the following words:

“Our Holy Father Seraphim! Ask the Lord to forgive our sins and reconcile your servants (names), and also grant us love and family happiness. Amen".

The entire earthly path of the righteous man was filled with miracles and selfless help to people. And after his death, the saint continues to patronize those who need it. We wish you health and peace in your family and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.08.2015 02:00

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Born under the name Prokhor, Saint Seraphim grew up in the simplest family living in the city of Kursk. His parents built a church in the city when Seraphim was still a boy. Miracles began to haunt the boy Prokhor from childhood. One day he fell from the church bell tower, but did not die. And not only did he not fall to death, he was not injured at all. No fractures, just a couple of bruises.

After this incident, Prokhor became interested in studying religion, and a little later he decided to give his life to serving God. Prokhor received his name, by which he became known, in the Saratov region while working as a priest.

Seraphim of Sarov, canonized as a Saint, is respected not only by Christians, but also by other religions. He could heal people and foresee the future. On August 1, the people celebrate the discovery of the relics of the great Russian Saint.

Each Saint in the afterlife has certain skills to help people who pray to him. It's connected with real facts from the life of a saint. Seraphim came from the common people, like most Saints. WITH early childhood he was accustomed to hard work. To construction and crafts.

Working for the good of the family, Seraphim wanted to be closer to God. He wanted people to stop envying each other. He rejoiced in the little things, in what he had, urging everyone to do the same, without losing heart, moving as far forward as possible.

True believers, who sacredly honor the personality of Seraphim, stand before his icon in order not to forget themselves in life, not to succumb to the craving for sin, and to be able to overcome their temptation. Saint Seraphim helps people who are lost in life, looking for their path, helps them find peace of mind. By praying to him, you will cope with your temptation.

Most people ask the Higher Powers for health. For this reason, many are interested in the answer to the question: what diseases do prayers to Seraphim of Sarov help with? As you already know, as a little boy Seraphim helped people, having the gift of healing people from fatal diseases. To perform godly deeds, he used water from holy springs and prayers addressed to God.

After ascending to heaven, Seraphim did not stop helping people. , addressed to the Saint, help with diseases of the internal organs. But Seraphim heals not only the body, he heals the soul from wounds inflicted by other people. You can pray to Seraphim if someone has seriously offended you or if you feel heavy and sad.

As you know, sincere appeals to the Saints will definitely be heard. Seraphim of Sarovsky helped more than one girl in finding family happiness. But do not ask that the Saint helped you take your husband away from your family. It is a sin. You can only ask for a person you truly love.

If you are already married, and turning to the Saint is a request to strengthen the relationship, then you should pray while sitting on your knees near the icon of Seraphim and a lit candle. It is best to pray in the corner of the room so that the light aura lingers much stronger.

Also, prayer to the great Seraphim of Sarov can help support your business. Only your business should be pleasing to God, useful to society and the church. Before turning to a saint for help in this matter, go to church and light a candle. Do something useful, help someone.

You will only send a signal to heaven that you are going to do something good. Christian church, like the Catholic one, in fact, believes that you should not turn to a specific saint for a specific request. The main thing is to do it sincerely, with a pure soul, then you will get everything you dream of.

Seraphim of Sarov is widely known among all church parishioners. But they also know him outside the church. The story about the miracle boy who remained alive after falling from a bird's eye view spread instantly. Today Orthodox Christians from all over the world pray to the Saint. Seraphim, in turn, appreciates this and does not refuse to help people.

Seraphim dedicated himself to the Lord. The constant glorification of God and work for the sake of the weak and disadvantaged became the meaning of his life.

By nature, Seraphim was modest. He did not consider himself a great savior of people, even though he was one. He said about himself that he was nobody and had nothing. At the same time, he was so spiritually rich that ordinary people, you and me, do not have even a tenth of Seraphim’s spirituality. great person, a true ideal for any Christian.

Seraphim of Sarov is welcome at any time. There are no prohibitions in this regard.

First prayer for help

O wonderful Father Seraphim, great Sarov wonderworker, soon an obedient helper to all who come running to you!

During the days of your earthly life, no one was tired of you or comforted by your departure, but everyone was blessed by the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to Heavenly rest, none of your love is simple from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplying like the stars of heaven: for all over the end of our earth you appeared to the people of God and granted them healing.

In the same way, we cry out to you: O most quiet and meek servant of God, daring prayer book to Him, reject no one who calls you!
Offer up your powerful prayer for us to the Lord of hosts, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect us from the falls of sin and may He teach us true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where you now in everlasting glory you shine, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer

O great servant of God, venerable and God-bearing Father Seraphim!

Look down from the glory on high upon us, the humble and weak, burdened with many sins, your help and consolation to those who ask. Reach out to us with your mercy and help us to immaculately preserve the commandments of the Lord, to firmly maintain the Orthodox faith, to diligently offer repentance for our sins to God, to gracefully prosper in piety as Christians and to be worthy of your prayerful intercession for us.

To her, Holy One of God, hear us who pray to you with faith and love, and do not despise us who demand your intercession; now and at the hour of our death, help us and protect us with your prayers from the evil slander of the devil, so that those powers do not possess us, but may we be honored with your help to inherit the bliss of the abode of paradise. We now place our hope in you, merciful Father, be truly a guide to salvation for us and lead us to the unevening light of eternal life through your God-pleasing intercession at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, so that we glorify and sing with all the saints the venerable Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever centuries. Amen.

Third text

Reverend Father Seraphim, filled with Divine love, unceasing servant of Divine love, beloved of the Mother of Divine Love, hear me, who loves you little and grieves you a lot.

Grant that I too may now be a zealous servant of God-pleasing Love. That kind of love that is long-suffering, does not envy, does not boast, is merciful, is not proud, does not act outrageously, does not seek its own, does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices about others. Pray to Primordial Love, and having served Her love on earth, through your intercession and prayers Mother of God and all the saints I will reach the Kingdom of love and glory and light, and I will fall at the feet of my Master, who gave us the commandment about true love.

Loving Father, do not reject the prayers of the heart that loves you, and beg a loving God for the forgiveness of my sins. Help us to bear each other’s burdens, not to do to others what we don’t want for ourselves, everyone loves, in truth; He loves everything, he has faith in everything, he endures everything, even though he falls away!

This love should be a servant to me and all my relatives, and known ones, and to cover with love, and with a heartfelt song of love, having ended earthly life, begin with it joyfully eternal life in the land of true love. Pray for us, Father, our beloved Father, who loves us! Amen.

Where are the relics of Seraphim of Sarov?

The village of Diveevo is often called the last refuge of the Mother of God. Legends say that all the shrines in this village were created by order of the Queen of Heaven. At first, Alexander’s mother was the conductor of God’s will; after her death, the place went to Seraphim of Sarov. According to, again, the legend, as soon as Seraphim took office, on the very first day he dug the first arshin of the future inheritance of Kanavka.

But she did not separate Seraphim from the village of Diveevo. His relics were left here and still attract believers from all over the world, because they give people good mood and spiritual enlightenment. Being around them allows you to feel the joy of knowing that you are a child of God.

The relics of Seraphim of Sarov were transported through a large number temples and monasteries throughout the country, so that believers who are unable to escape from their cities can touch them. They were returned to Diveevo in 1991. In honor of this, a religious procession was organized near the cathedral, which was led by Alexy II himself, thereby honoring the honor of Saint Seraphim of Sarov.

In 2003, it was one hundred years since Seraphim was canonized. Thousands of believers came to Diveevo to experience healing for themselves and come to the true path. After all, St. Seraphim of Sarov still continues to give people faith and happiness, and also bring them to God’s Temple.