The female body is a mystery even to the woman herself. Constant mood swings even over trifles, especially with PMS, resentment or, on the contrary, bursts of good mood are indicators of a special emotional world in which a woman is the Queen. Everything seemed fine: there was a job, there was a husband, and the children were a joy, but still something was missing. What exactly? Women share their recommendations, and we, in turn, collect them into a single list called: useful tips for women. Let's consider those things without which the female body cannot function harmoniously.

  1. Masculine energy.

A man and a woman simply cannot live without each other, and if this happens, then it is clearly not good. And it’s not even about sex, although without satisfaction a woman feels even worse. The point is to receive support and love from the stronger sex, because it’s not for nothing that they are “strong”. To support, envelop with tenderness and care, so that the woman believes in true protection and calms down. Masculine energy lives in the simple performance of a man’s duties (hammering, painting, repairing, lifting, moving) and in relation to a woman. If your significant other does not know this, enlighten him unobtrusively so that he knows what is necessary for the happiness of his beloved. Useful advice for a woman says: a woman feels bad without a man to the same extent as a man feels bad without a woman.

  1. Positive in everything

The feminine principle draws its strength from the emotional sphere, and this has been proven by many scientists; we just have to believe and accept it, and understand what to do with it. But the share of positive emotions must be replenished every day. Jokes, pranks, humorous programs, a favorite pastime that gives a positive attitude. The more a woman smiles, the healthier she will be. Although a positive attitude towards everyone is just as important for men.

  1. Women's Affairs

The division of household chores has been going on for a very long time. It is a woman's lot to do laundry, ironing, and washing dishes. And some activities can interest and give pleasure: playing, shopping, knitting or embroidering, making crafts, creating jewelry or clothing accessories, drawing, playing music or just listening, dancing.

  1. Friendship and gossip

Men speak with wariness and even contempt about “women’s gossip” and get-togethers. Women need so little: chat with friends, gossip, exchange information, discuss useful tips for women in their circle or occupation (for example, for mothers). Truth is born in communication, and it doesn’t matter who said it.

Weekly physical exercise and a properly selected diet will allow you to look fit and athletic, so that your skin glows with health and your smile is in a good mood. You don’t need a lot, spend just 30 minutes every other day on physical exercise, and your whole life will become brighter. It is important for a woman to maintain a slim figure, so you should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, juices, and salads. Porridge for lunch with boiled meat. Limit your coffee intake and get rid of bad habits. For sweets, you should choose natural chocolate and dried fruits.

  1. Kindness above all

First of all, a woman is a mother, kindness and tenderness. Without kindness, the female body does not receive a dose of virtue. What you can do: knit a scarf and hat for your nephew, help your elderly neighbor clean the house or cook dinner.

  1. Discharge

Negativity accumulates every day, mood drops, and the outlook on life turns from optimistic to angry. Let go of everything negative and evil, relax, scream into your pillow about your indignation, or climb to the highest point in the city early in the morning and scream, see, everything will go away. More useful tips for a woman: don’t hold a grudge, don’t be offended, learn to forgive even the most difficult things and misdeeds of others. You cannot accumulate resentment in your soul, because as a result, all the negativity will want to break out and ruin your life at the most inopportune moment.

  1. Solitude and meditation

Each person needs to have their own corner, which will become a refuge, a haven where you can retire and think, indulge in relaxation and rest. Maybe for one person it will be an ordinary place in a favorite cafe, but for someone else it will be necessary to plunge into peace and tranquility in the bath or near the water, so that the murmuring of a stream will calm you down.

We women are given advice often and often. Today I want to give you some advice, I don’t really want to bore you, my dears, with a lot of advice, so there are only four of them for now...

Life is tough for everyone, and being a woman doesn't make things any better or easier for us. The fact is that people often judge by first impression, external data, especially women. Some of you may disagree with me, saying that I am too pessimistic about this situation. Well, I'm just stating a fact, and in life I try to be an optimist.

Very often you probably hear people say that a woman is fat even if she is a little chubby. But you rarely hear people talking about a person and his qualities.

1. Make sure you receive , for women it is 7-8 hours.

Believe it or not, sleep can lead to unexpected weight gain. This is already an established fact, even if you do not eat a large amount of food, but nevertheless you gain weight. You will also tend to make unhealthy food choices and have less preference for healthy foods.

Needless to say, when you overeat, you will gain weight.

2. Be happy.

Yes, I already said that life is tough. But this does not mean that you now need to frown every day! Learn to be happy. When you are happy, you will feel less stressed. This way, you won't fall into the traps of overeating and junk food.

And guess what? A happy woman is also a beautiful and attractive woman! Don't you also want an attractive lady? Don't you want to be a lady that will make men fall at your feet?

3. Exercises.

Of course, if you want to, exercise is very important. If you're already doing them, that's great! If not, then at least start with exercise every day.

Or at least try to do something you can choose for yourself 3 times a week. The benefits are enormous.

First, you will be healthier and you will notice an increase in your energy levels. You don’t get tired, and it will be so easy to overcome all life’s surprises. You may also lose weight if you are overweight. An added benefit is that you will become a more confident and attractive woman as a result.

4. Diet.

Unfortunately? I'm just talking about diets. Please don't misunderstand me! When I say, I mean not to starve at all. I'm just talking about a link to healthy eating and diet balance. Make sure you eliminate junk food from your diet, or at least minimize it. Make sure you eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. Make sure you regularly get all the essential and beneficial nutrients your body needs.

If you add up all these 4 useful tips for women in practice, you will be able to keep yourself slim and fit. You won't have any problems wearing your favorite dress whenever you want and you won't have to go on a grueling diet for a week.

Being a woman is not an easy task. No offense to men, but every day the beautiful half of humanity has to cope with a huge number of incredibly difficult tasks that men have never even dreamed of. - it seems simple, but try it! Especially when you need to hurry and do several things at the same time, which women also excel at.

That's why the proposed life hacks so entertaining, they will bring improvement and organization into your life. Lost hairpins, sloppy makeup and weird stains will be a thing of the past. These recommendations are very serious and effective!

  1. Attach a magnetic strip in the bathroom and attach hairpins and hairpins to it, so they won’t get lost.
  2. Socks and a hair dryer are a great combination to stretch new shoes in just a couple of minutes.
  3. Throw frozen grapes into a glass, then the white wine will quickly cool and remain undiluted.
  4. Using hot glue, attach a bunch of wine corks to the board - you'll get a fun decorative element, and you'll no longer have corks lying around.
  5. The hooks that hold the curtain in the bathroom can be used perfectly as a hanger for bags.
  6. The plastic containers that spoons and forks are usually placed in seem to be made for storing and hanging decorations in!
  7. Here's how to easily and beautifully fit unruly jeans into boot tops.
  8. By painting your keys with nail polish of different colors, you will definitely not mix them up.
  9. Baking soda in small packets is a great air freshener.
  10. To avoid staining the skin on your fingers with rings, paint the inside of the jewelry with a clear varnish.
  11. Using a plastic straw can save the chain from getting tangled.
  12. Dry wrapping paper helps remove stains left by deodorant.
  13. The mascara brush will become velvety and straightened again after immersion in hot water.
  14. A magnetic board is a cool idea for storing makeup products, see for yourself.
  15. For convenient storage of scarves, hang them on a hanger, tying them in a knot.
  16. The shower stand can be adapted to store various things in the bathroom, for example, a hair dryer.
  17. Pumice professionally copes with cleaning coats from rolled fabric.
  18. Panty hangers are also convenient for unusual shoe storage.
  19. To make a heating pad with your own hands, just pour buckwheat or rice into a sock and warm it in the microwave.
  20. You will never go wrong with your bra size if you check that your two fingers fit freely between the back strap and your body.
  21. Hair curlers are great for smoothing out small wrinkles in clothes.
  22. Editorial “So Simple!”

    This is a real creative laboratory! A team of true like-minded people, each an expert in their field, united by a common goal: to help people. We create materials that are truly worth sharing, and our beloved readers serve as a source of inexhaustible inspiration for us!

Every woman wants to look good. To do this you need very little - not to be lazy.

Do you think that the world's super models were well versed in fashion from birth, and did not have skin problems in adolescence? Not at all!

But these girls worked on themselves, sometimes putting in a tremendous amount of work, and still achieved the desired result. Today they are admired!

Thousands of women dream of being like them. But dreaming does not mean being. We draw the first and main conclusion - in order to look good, you need to work, work on your appearance.

With the help of clothes you can significantly change your figure, highlighting its advantages and disadvantages. Of course, you definitely need to be interested in fashion.

But fashion is fashion, and your own style is more important. What is style? Essentially, this is an awareness of how tall you are, what your weight is, what the proportions of your body are, whether you are a brunette or a blonde, and many other factors. Based on them, a woman should understand which things really suit her and which ones do not. A properly formed style can make any girl almost ideal.

But this does not mean at all that once you choose your style, you don't need to change it anymore. Changes are needed - of course, not drastic, but necessary. You should periodically try something new - accessories, shoes, outfits. Changing, a woman remains interesting - this is the most important thing.

In our article you will find interesting advice for women that will help you look just great. So, let's begin….

* If you need to purchase an evening dress for a special occasion, pay attention to dresses made of lightweight material. Chiffon dresses look good. Light and flowing dresses made of such material can perfectly emphasize the dignity of the figure.

* Always choose clothes that fit true to size. If you're a little overweight, don't buy things that are larger than you are. They will not hide your extra pounds; on the contrary, it will visually seem that you are even bigger. But under no circumstances buy things smaller than necessary. Such clothes will not decorate you.

* Pay close attention to the accessories you wear. Choose jewelry that matches your outfit exactly. It is best to wear jewelry made of noble metals such as silver, gold, platinum and so on. If you wear jewelry, it should be of extremely high quality and expensive. No plastic earrings or rings! These tasteless accessories can ruin any look.

* Wear belts only if you have a small waist. Otherwise, the belt will only emphasize your dimensions.

* When choosing clothes, pay attention to the fact that they emphasize your advantages. If you have beautiful breasts, buy dresses and blouses with a neckline. If you have beautiful long legs, allow yourself to wear mini skirts.

* Pay attention to the beautiful scarves and shawls - they can decorate any look. The main thing is to accurately choose the color that suits you.

* Always pay attention to what shoes and what bags are in fashion today. Make your purchases based on this. Shoes and bags should always be combined with each other and be stylish!

* But never, never blindly follow fashion! Buy yourself only those things that will really suit you.

* Don't try to experiment too much or too often with clothes and accessories. Find a middle ground and stick to it.

If you are a fairly tall girl, then the following tips are for you:

* You can safely combine skirts and trousers with open tops.

* You can safely wear bulky belts or belts with large buckles.

* Avoid wearing too short skirts and dresses. They will make your legs look even longer than they are. This isn't always a good thing. It is better to choose a classic skirt length - just below the knee.

* But don’t wear too long skirts or dresses. Maxi length is not for you.

If you have a fairly wide lower body (hips, butt), these tips are for you:

* Try to always choose clothes that will visually slim you.

*Try to wear light on top and dark on bottom. This way you will equalize the proportions - and your wide hips will not be noticeable.

* Do not wear too tight dresses and skirts. They will make your hips look even bigger.

* Dresses made from light fabrics, monochromatic in color, can make a girl visually slimmer.

* Choose clothes that make you feel comfortable. Don't buy things that are larger or smaller.

* Choose jewelry and accessories correctly. Don't add them just like that - they should fit perfectly into the image.

* If you have a beautiful thin waist, wear belts and girdles.

* Add scarves and scarves to your outfits - this will be a real highlight of your look.

* Take care of things correctly, this will extend their service life for a long time.

* Don't buy things rashly. It's better to think it over carefully before making a choice.

* Always have several pairs of shoes and bags on hand that will perfectly match each other. This is the foundation of your wardrobe.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2019 17:49 ()

In the world of perfumes, there are fragrances that are very popular only for a while, and there are those that do not lose their relevance for ten years in a row and women do not change them. These include the famous French perfume Ellipse.

This is a perfume with a history, a recognizable smell and a bottle.Ellipse is a 1972 perfume by the French perfume house Jacques Fath, a joint production of L'Oreal (France) and SAR par Kachian Takieddine (Syria). They were produced for 12 years. Since 1984, their production was terminated, and not at all due to a lack of consumer demand, but because of disagreements that arose between the partners. In 1979, for some reason, the copyright for Ellipse ended up completely with SAR, a property dispute arose that lasted for several years, then The L'Oreal concern was merging and enlarging, then the war happened in Syria, and as a result, production never resumed.

Now Ellipse is the most expensive vintage perfume in the world; the price of a bottle of authentic products reaches $5,000.

Ellips perfume scent from France it is difficult to confuse with anything else. The aroma has characteristic bitter notes, woody components and green freshness. This is what became the reason for such popularity - something new and completely different.

Description of Ellipse perfume

The smell belongs to the classic chypre family. His character is daring, fresh and a little mysterious.

Top notes: tangerine peel, greens with bergamot, aldehydes.

WITH middle notes: vetiver, nutmeg, rose and jasmine.

Base notes: musk, cedar, oakmoss, pine.

What perfumes are similar to Ellipse?

In search of scents similar to Ellipse perfume, many women even today find bottles with at least a slight similarity. It is difficult to judge whether there are similar fragrances at all, because Ellipse perfume reveals itself differently on every woman, and the moment of individual perception should not be omitted. There is an opinion that Cristalle Chanel perfume is similar to Ellipse. They also have characteristic green notes and have a noble and recognizable aroma.

Some people like Giorgio Armani perfumes - Emporio Armani City Glam created by perfumer Annick Menardo

More than thirty years have passed since the release of the original Ellipse. Attempts were made to create copies in Eastern Europe, but judging by the fact that connoisseurs do not talk about them, they were not successful. A lot of time passed before one person from Russia, driven by the desire to use Ellipse and the reluctance to pay obscene money for it, turned to private perfumer Natalya Svetlaya to create a copy of the fragrance. Natalya, the creator, inspirer and chief perfumer of the EcoParfum brand, five months later created the composition of Passion for the Ellipse. The general impression is that it worked. Not one hundred percent, more voluminous and juicy, but the structure, opening phases and note flow are respected from start to finish.

But everything needs to be checked. You need to smell that same smell. The smell of youth, romance and expensive perfume. Or pay))

Friday, November 23, 2018 16:26 ()

Since ancient times, women have tried to decorate themselves, and one of the popular decorations was the brooch. This accessory was invented back in the Bronze Age and served as a fastener for clothes, since buttons did not yet exist. Over time, the brooch became an indicator of wealth and testified to the status of its owner. Over the years, this product has changed, new trends have appeared and it has played other roles in women's fashion.

Beautiful brooches and jewelry of modern design can be bought in the online store A large selection of products for every taste and a variety of designs will not leave you indifferent and you will certainly want to purchase one or even several pieces of jewelry.

A modern brooch in the world of jewelry for women

Nowadays, hardly anyone fastens clothes with a brooch and it occupies a very specific place - it is a woman's jewelry. With the help of a brooch, ladies emphasize and complement their chosen image, and also attract attention.

You can combine the brooch with such types of clothing as dresses, jackets or ballerinas.

What types of brooches are there?

In fact, there are many types of brooches in costume jewelry and they are conventionally divided into two types:

* Precious products - made of gold or silver and inserted with precious stones.

* Jewelry brooches - made from various alloys and decorated with semi-precious decorative elements (for example, Swarovski crystals).

Each variety has its own advantages. For example, you can wear an inexpensive item every day so as not to attract undue attention, while emphasizing your image. But for festive and official events it would be appropriate to wear a precious brooch in order to emphasize your status.

In accordance with the functional features, the following types of products are distinguished: brooch-needle; pin; clasp; clamp Each of them has its own characteristics, and therefore you can purchase a product of each type and have an addition to all your outfits.

Where can I buy a brooch online

Do you need to buy a beautiful brooch at an affordable price? Visit the catalog of the Zlatovlaska jewelry store. Here you will certainly be able to choose a brooch to match any of your outfits. Making a purchase in the store is very simple - just add the product you like to your cart and place your order. In addition, it is possible to make a purchase directly by phone, which you will find on the store’s website. Products can be delivered by any of the transport companies you choose and you will have to wait no more than two days.