Knowledgeable people say: if you apply the appropriate rituals, conspiracies and rules of fortune telling, then you can o look into the future, see a dream that will definitely come true.

Dreams can promise favorable events (luck, an influx of money, marriage and the birth of a child) or troubles, illness and death.

A prophetic dream is a final verdict or one of many options for fate. Do you need to unconditionally believe the prediction you receive, or can you still manage your life despite any forecasts?

When prophetic dreams come true

In a dream, the soul leaves its body and wanders, connected to it by an invisible thread. If the soul flies to the other world, a prophetic dream may occur.

If she flew away not far from the body, then the dreams are physical (empty): dreams about what worries you. This is what the Old Believer healer Maria Semyonovna Fedorovskaya thinks.

Moreover, the pictures seen by the soul in the other world are not easy to understand, because it manifests itself in a completely different way. The images that are familiar to us in encrypted form are also called upon to help us with this. Each symbol has a specific meaning, knowing which you can understand your dream.

The period of fulfillment of prophetic dreams is up to ten years or more.

It inevitably comes true, so it is important to understand it correctly. In such dreams, a person can see Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints, dead or alive, but far away, close, unclean. It happens that the dreamer himself visits the dead.

Dreams and visions are always filled with special meaning. For these dreams, the time and day when they were dreamed are not relevant, they are true. Unpleasant dream you can throw it away or take other measures to prevent it from coming true. Everything is meaningless: the prophecy will be fulfilled. Dreams and visions can be false or true.

Fortune telling dreams always come true if you wish for something before going to bed, using special words and rituals.

Dreams-signs literally don't come true. To understand these dreams, you need to know the dream language, which consists of traditional puns and symbols.

Empty (bodily) dreams never come true. They reflect the dreamer’s daily reality, his memories, experiences, and so on. Nightmares are bodily dreams. Do not expect blows from fate, if you saw a nightmare in a dream, discard disturbing thoughts, drink water and go back to sleep.

Infants under one year old they have prophetic dreams showing the rest of their lives. It is believed that the angels amuse the one who laughs.

When we have prophetic dreams

Prophetic dreams are rare and in certain days(except for visions), what should be taken into account so as not to rack your brains over solving symbols that are not destined to come true.

Prophetic dreams are most likely during the Holy Week, starting from January 7 (Christmas) and until January 19 (Epiphany): the deceased who came in a dream tell us our future fate.

During the holy week, people are waylaid by devilry. According to Maria Semyonovna, at this time she has freedom: Jesus has already been born, but has not yet been baptized. Therefore, evil spirits take the most active part in fortune-telling at Christmas time: they tell the truth, but they will take their payment for it, since they do nothing for free.

The healer calls on everyone who tells fortunes at Christmas time to repent.

At any religious holiday you may have a prophetic dream, but it must come true before noon (lunch) of that day. In the old days they used to say: “Holiday sleep - before lunch.”

Third day of every month also expect prophetic dreams, and on the night of the twenty-fifth you will have an empty dream.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday always predict fate. Friday is considered a special day: Good Friday crucified Jesus Christ. It is believed that important things should not be started on Friday, lest they turn into failure.

Dreams that occur on “temporary Fridays” are filled with special meaning and accuracy of prediction; they are also called Great or nominal.

Good (nominal) Fridays:

1st – first week of Lent.

3rd - on the eve of Palm Week.

4th – on the eve of the Ascension.

5th - on the eve of Trinity.

Named Fridays are called because each has a name due to a specific event described in Old Testament: Uspenskaya, Blagoveshchenskaya, Epiphany. Every Friday also carries a special blessing:

“Whoever fasts on the first Friday will be saved from unexpected death.”

Other days of the week.

On the night from Sunday to Monday you can make a wish for sleep. Expect both prophetic and empty dreams.

From Monday to Tuesday - empty dreams (bodily dreams).

From Tuesday to Wednesday - dreams can come true.

From Wednesday to Thursday - empty (bodily) dreams occur.

From Thursday to Friday - come true (up to three years).

From Friday to Saturday - bodily dreams occur.

From Saturday to Sunday - the dream can come true before lunch.

Dreams and visions do not depend on the day of the week, they are always true. If symbols are repeated in a dream, then these dreams are prophetic.

Times of Day

A day's sleep is usually empty (except for dreams) if it reflects the past.

Evening or night sleep can often be empty: the soul barely begins to move away from the body, and bodily images are replaced by prophetic ones. Such a dream is especially difficult to understand.

Morning sleep is the most reliable. The soul has sufficiently moved away from the body, having forgotten the worries of the day, and can see the phenomena of the other world.

To make the dream memorable

Only those dreams that you remember are destined to come true. There are ancient ways to make this difficult task easier:

  • put a stone under your head,
  • In the morning, when you wake up, bite the corner,
  • When you wake up, don’t look at the fire or out the window,
  • sleep on your right side, but not prone (on your stomach).

To make the dream come true

Do not tell your prophetic dream to anyone for 3 days, or better yet, hide it altogether.

To prevent a bad dream from coming true

Forget it quickly. For this:

  • hold yourself by the crown,
  • look at the living flame of a candle, match, lighter or out the window,
  • knock on the window three times,
  • if you wake up in the middle of the night from bad dreams: turn the pillow over, turn the pillowcase and linen inside out. If you want to dream about a person you saw in a dream, quickly turn the pillow over,
  • tell me bad dream before noon a large number of people,
  • hold the iron or wood with your hands and say:
    “Where there is night, there is sleep. Just as a felled tree does not end up on a stump, so that a dream in truth does not end up like that.”
  • opening the tap with cold water, say: “Water, take away all my troubles, all my sorrows,”
  • opening front door, stick your left foot over the threshold and tell the bad dream to go away.
  • addressing the smoke of a cigarette or fire, say: “Where the smoke goes, there goes the dream,”
  • Start your morning with the words: “Rise up a good dream, crack a bad dream,”
  • tell your dream to the stone. Since ancient times, it was customary to transfer danger to a stone: it was placed in front of the house so that an evil glance would “hit” it, so that diseases would remain on it and would not enter the house.

When mentioning a misfortune or illness, knock on a stone and say: “The stone hit.” In ancient conspiracies, diseases and all evil spirits were cast out on a stone (water or mountain). After a funeral or meeting with a funeral procession, you need to touch the stone so that death passes to it.

  • make a Dream Trap, ancient strong amulet. The trap will retain good dreams and neutralize bad ones.

We control fate contrary to received forecasts

KNOWING YOUR DESTINY IN ADVANCE IS A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY, hereditary believes Pechora healer Maria Semenovna Fedorovskaya, whose knowledge belongs to the ancient Old Believer traditions, which for centuries separated truth from lies, good from evil.

Dreams provide an opportunity to look into the future: to see events close (tomorrow, in a week) and distant (in a year, ten years). These events may concern the dreamer personally or people close to him.

In her opinion, when trying to interpret his dreams, a person enters into dialogue with higher powers and increasingly sees prophetic dreams that provoke corresponding actions and emotions. If dreams are interpreted incorrectly, then fate may not go according to the “scenario”.

That's why from time immemorial, the interpretation of dreams has been compared to great art and science, and has been classified as secret knowledge.

In the old days, dream books were compiled with understanding and only dedicated people used them. Nowadays, book shelves are littered with dream books, and the Internet will helpfully “interpret” any dream. As a result, dreams are interpreted illiterately, and a person walks around confused, not suspecting that the interpretation of dreams is taken mostly out of thin air.

Example: an excited woman approached the healer with a request to ward off the misfortune that was promised in a dream the day before. Having learned all the details about the dream, Maria Fedorovskaya interpreted it as empty, which she should forget about, and not fill her head with fears of upcoming troubles.

Taking on faith the wrong interpretations of dreams, and tuning into an alarming wave, a person thereby creates and attracts troubles to himself, programs his destiny.

This woman was lucky, she turned to a knowledgeable person, and not to a charlatan, who would gladly offer his services to remove the damage, generational curse and so on.


You cannot unconditionally take on faith the interpretation of a dream proposed in dream books. When trying to unravel a dream, keep in mind that its meaning depends both on the signs deciphered by dream books and on the personality of the dreamer, his life experience, etc.

Compare dreams with real events, which take place in your life or are planned. The same symbol portends different events for a married woman and a girl, a man and a woman, an adult and a child.

Whatever the prophetic dream, it is just a prediction, a warning, one of the options for your destiny, which you: good dream embody in reality, erase the bad from your consciousness.

But this is only possible if you have not guessed the dream. Such fortune-telling always comes true!

What does it mean to see a Dream in a dream (according to the Christian dream book)

Sleep (sleep in a dream) – You can oversleep an important event. Imagine waking up and immediately getting active.

The meaning of the dream about Half-Asleep (from the book by Nina Grishina)

A dream within a dream - Going to bed in a dream is a deception. Seeing yourself asleep in a dream is a great surprise. Seeing someone else sleeping is a call to vigilance. To see a sleeping villain - do not awaken the beast within you.

To see a dream in a dream according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

Sleep - Very bad, because you can go crazy; dreamed of sleeping - an obstacle in business, illness, laziness; sleeping standing is a near misfortune; sleeping on the grass is a joy, a carefree life.

What do Visions symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

Dream – Seeing oneself in a dream. Death. Some aspects of the personality, the individual, for example, conscience or faith, must be awakened. Another, visible to the sleeping person. Symbolic destruction of another, the desire to avoid his influence. Everyone around is sleeping. Stage of individuation and personalization. What I see in my dreams happens. Proscopic dreams may actually be due to the fact that the individual, when something happens, believes that he has already seen it, although in fact this dream either did not happen, or it could be interpreted differently. This means the unconscious desire and desirability of events occurring in the future. An individual can influence the events of the future in such a way that they go exactly in the direction he desires.

To see a dream in a dream in night dreams (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

Sleep - If the sleeper is aware that he is sleeping and dreaming, then he must try to consolidate this state and learn to “order” dreams. That is, before falling asleep, you need to tell yourself what question you would like to receive an answer to in images that you understand. A dream in a dream means your readiness to work with dreams, to practical use information obtained in this way.

We analyze the vision in which the Dream occurred (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti)

Sleep (sleeping in a dream) - Sleeping in a dream is a situation that occurs much more often than one might assume - this image reflects the need for respite, respite, pause when solving any problems.

Psychological analysis of a dream where the State of rest was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist D. Loff)

Sleep, sleep - It often happens that we dream that we are sleeping. But this, in essence, is the real state of the body when we dream about something. However, in a dream, sleeping and resting do not always mean the same thing. The state of sleep is one of the most vulnerable states of the body. At this time, we are defenseless in the face of anxiety: the ability to defend ourselves is limited, not to mention the inability to take care of others. Dreams of this kind either cause a feeling of relief and peace, or a feeling of violence. Important elements interpretations of such a dream are answers to questions about how you wake up and who wakes you up.

What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

What does it mean to dream about Sleep, to sleep - “Oversleep” - to be late, to miss an important event, event. “To fall asleep forever” is death. “sleep and see...” - desire strongly; “go to sleep” - step away from business; “sleep in a deep, uninterrupted sleep” - insensitivity, unconsciousness; “wake up” - “awaken to a new life.”

The meaning of the dream about the Matryoshka Dream (dream book of Black Magic)

Matryoshka dream - An often repeated matryoshka dream - indicates a dead end, incorrect and never-ending spiritual self-knowledge on the path black magic. See separately the matryoshka effect of sleep in the psychoanalyst. sl.

What does a dream with a Dream mean, taking into account the date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why do you dream about uninterrupted sleep - your body requires rest, which you cannot afford.

In the summer, why did you have a continuous dream - to see yourself in a dream sleeping towards death.

In the fall, why did you have a restless dream - a serious, long-term illness.

In winter, why do you have a restless dream - a call for caution.

Sleep is a certain physiological state of the body when it minimizes the reaction to environment and reduces brain activity.

We all know that rest and sleep are good for health, since the body recovers during this time. But did you know that we simply need to dream? This is due to the fact that they help us relax and get rid of nervous tension accumulated during the day. This fact has been substantiated by scientists.

Why do we dream at all? Such ability human body can be explained by the work of the subconscious while the body is resting.

We may have noticed more than once that the dream we had spoke about what we were thinking about the day before. Or it can embody our experiences and fears. This is all because during sleep we cannot fully control ourselves, so our emotions take over us.

Have you ever dreamed that you seemed to be watching yourself or even seeing yourself sleeping from the side? In fact, this is a fairly common occurrence.

But those who once had such a dream can say that this is a rather unusual feeling that raises many questions. Because you have a feeling of separation from your body that is not often encountered in everyday life.

Why do we have such dreams and how should we interpret them? Are we afraid of this or should we simply learn to manage such a process?

Interpretation of a dream in a dream

There are a lot of them, let’s focus on a few:

1. Denise Lynn's dream book says that seeing yourself sleeping means that you have traveled to the astral plane. This is the ability of the soul to disconnect from the body and be in space, which is a source of otherworldly forces.

2. If you dream in a dream, this indicates that this dream is lucid. That is, your subconscious mind works and perceives the picture that is displayed to you.

3. The Imperial Dream Book insists that if you have a clear idea in a dream that you are seeing a dream, this means the harmonious dynamics of yin and yang. In other words, this is the interaction of opposites that find a common beginning.

4. If you clearly realize that you are seeing another dream in a dream, then this indicates your ability to control it, and you can easily decipher it after you wake up.

5. Autumn dream book: If you see that you are sleeping soundly, then this indicates that your body is very tired and requires rest.

6. If you dream that you see another person sleeping, it means that you want to get away from their influence on you. Apparently this person has certain forces and emotions that are unpleasant to you and you want to get rid of it.

7. If everyone around you is sleeping and you are not, this indicates your desire for individualization. This is your need to realize yourself, to separate from the “gray” crowd and find yourself.

8. Italian dream book: sleeping in a dream is a desire to postpone a decision or event. Perhaps you are afraid of something and thus want to push back something that needs to be brought to life.

Your options

Why do you have such dreams? Don’t be alarmed, dream books interpret this situation differently. Check them all out possible options and remember that everything can be turned to your advantage.

If you see such dreams, then you have certain abilities. Let's consider which ones:

  • Control unconsciousness. Psychologists believe that this is a normal, adequate state healthy person. So there is nothing to be afraid of.
  • What you see is what will happen. Scientists are inclined to believe that this is a replay of a situation that should happen to you. If you are satisfied with the outcome of the situation, then everything remains so, if not, you can think of it, which in itself will change the outcome.
  • The ability to influence your dreams. People who see such dreams can order them for themselves by thinking about certain things before going to bed.

Such dreams can bring relief, such as crying in your sleep, or, on the contrary, they can leave you feeling anxious, it depends on how you wake up or who wakes you up.

Don't take the things you dream about literally; they usually have an abstract meaning. For example, one person dreamed that he was saving other people’s children. When he woke up, he became afraid that something would happen to his own. But children in this case mean his ideas and thoughts, and salvation is that he will have to fight for them.

Therefore, if in a dream you are separated from your body, this does not have a negative meaning, but means that you can look at the situation from the outside, analyze it, and predict the result you want. Basically, this is a positive property, since you have a clean and clear dream.

Wake up in a dream

One of the dream books decided to look at specific dreams in order to explain why this or that event may be dreamed of, and what it means to wake up in a dream:

1. A man dreamed that something was sneaking up on him, he tried to wake up and went to his neighbor to tell him about what happened to him. This is repeated many times until the person actually wakes up.

The point is that part of the fear and incomprehensible strength is felt precisely from the neighbor. As the dream book explains, some person in life may pose a danger to you.

2. I dream that a man is taking his daughter to school on September 1, and then they start shooting, he falls to the ground and covers his daughter. He wakes up, feels pain in his arm and sees a cast, tells someone about his dream, and then wakes up in reality.

Why could such a strange dream have occurred? This can be interpreted as follows: a man rested his hand in a dream, and this pain was imprinted on his dream.

As these interpretations show, there is nothing wrong with waking up in a dream. You should not take all actions literally; each of them has a certain meaning. One of the most striking examples is to cry in a dream, which means to rejoice and have fun in life. What does crying during a dream promise us?

  1. If someone is crying, then this is good news.
  2. Crying bitterly brings relief.
  3. Crying in a dream means feeling pity and compassion for a person, or for what is happening to you. This is the emotional release you need.
  4. Crying brings family joy.

Don’t be afraid to look into your dream book and remember that you can control your dreams, your thoughts, because even when the brain is resting, the subconscious is working.
Author: Margarita Ivanova

Seeing yourself from the outside in a dream means the dreamer’s future plans, which must come true in the near future. If for some people such a dream promises a promotion at work or in the service, then for others - financial stability. You can see yourself from the outside as old, gray, dead, or, on the contrary, beautiful, full of life or pregnant.

When a person watches himself in a drunken state, such a dream usually represents a joyful meeting with an old friend. According to Miller's dream book, seeing yourself as old in a dream very often means a promotion at work. If a person observes himself in a dream during infancy, then one should expect betrayal by a familiar person.

Interpretation of sleep, taking into account details and details

To correctly interpret a dream, a person must remember how he saw himself from the outside in the dream, in what clothes, in what position. Depending on these details, you can predict your future.

If a person dreamed that he saw himself as in ordinary life, then an important event will happen in his life in the near future.

When a young girl has a dream in which she sees herself in a dream beautiful dress, then this means that in real life respect, love and honor await her.

For a lonely girl, seeing herself pregnant in a dream means loss of reputation. When a girl observes her reflection in a dream, it is necessary to carefully analyze it. Only in this case can you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

The dream interpretation of seeing yourself naked, and especially in nature, means that a person needs to retire, to be alone with himself.

For a young girl to see herself beautiful in a dream is a guarantee good attitude people around you, as well as good luck in life.

What does it mean to see yourself pregnant, according to popular dream books?

Very often, young girls are troubled by the question when they see themselves pregnant in a dream. How do famous predictors and soothsayers interpret this dream?

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller’s dream book, seeing yourself pregnant in a dream means unpleasant news, especially when the girl has not yet gotten married. For a married woman, such a dream promises unhappiness in marriage. If a pregnant lady had a dream about her pregnancy, this means that she will have a healthy and happy baby.

Dream Interpretation: seeing yourself from the outside in a dream

The world of dreams is an amazing place where absolutely anything can happen. Often what we dream, we see with our own eyes. At times, we see ourselves in a dream from the outside. Why do you have such a dream? Doesn't it mean the separation of the soul from the body in real life?

What were they like in the dream?

Why dream of seeing yourself from the outside? In reality, we like to look at ourselves from the outside, as a rule, this happens with the help of video recording. In this way, we can understand whether we are behaving correctly and whether we look attractive?

What were we wearing?

If you saw yourself from the outside in a dream

The world of dreams is mysterious. We can see ourselves as a bride in a white dress, a soldier in uniform, a blonde with a beard, a man with a mustache, etc. Any of these visions has its own interpretation.

Be fit in a dream

  • If you dreamed that you were walking in military uniform, then in reality you will act duplicitously. Do something unexpected.
  • For women, being in shape in a dream means meeting a strong, powerful man.
  • Simply trying on the uniform, but not walking around in it, will help you climb the career ladder.
  • For men, seeing themselves in shape speaks of misplaced priorities. You're too nice to me bad people, and those who wish you well are negative.
  • For a man to see himself in uniform at a post in a dream, and there are no people nearby - you should be more confident in yourself and show strength of character.
  • In a dream, you were in a uniform worn by other people - get ready for an unpleasant road associated with sad feelings.
  • The esoteric dream book says a certain form means that you think too stereotypically. Your views are long outdated.

Be dressed in a nice outfit

For a family man, a dream where he is wearing someone else’s shirt means that soon a certain woman will try to seduce him. You can even guess what kind of hairstyle she will have. A light shirt means the girl will be blonde, a colored shirt will be a redhead, and a dark shirt will mean a brunette.


In a dream, a person’s consciousness changes and sometimes produces rather strange images. For example, a bald man may see himself with a chic hairstyle, and a pretty girl may suddenly realize that she has a beard. Or a girl with long hair to the waist, suddenly she sees herself cut. Is there a message in these dreams?

See yourself with a beard

  • For a woman, seeing herself with a beard is a positive vision. A good man will appear in your life.
  • For a pregnant woman, seeing yourself with a beard means that you will have a son.
  • For a man, seeing himself with a beard means profit and material wealth.

What hairstyle did you have in your dream?

  • Seeing yourself as a blonde is the most positive vision for married women. It means that your spouse is faithful to you and loves only you.
  • Redhead - you will be overcome by temptations, you will have to make a lot of effort not to succumb to them.
  • Brunette - to minor troubles and difficulties on the path of life.

Other interpretations

After night visions, people often ask many questions. For example, why see yourself from the back, or sleeping in a dream?

Seeing yourself from the back is a double symbol. Dream books connect it with the distant future. If your back was beautiful and straight, you will live a happy old age, but if it is hunched, wrinkled, with injuries, you will live in old age in deprivation and illness.

If you saw yourself sleeping

Seeing yourself sleeping - such a vision has many interpretations. The most important of them:

  • you need a break, you are too tired;
  • you have the gift of foresight, and this dream is prophetic.

To be a bride in a dream

Sigmund Freud believed that seeing yourself from the outside as a bride is reconciliation with something or someone. The fact that you were a bride may mean that you will soon make peace with someone important to you. This will happen at a time when a truce seemed impossible.

Why see yourself in the water

Drowning in water, trying to breathe air - you feel dissatisfied with life, you create the rules yourself, which adds to your problems.

It matters what kind of water you were in. If it is transparent and normal, comfortable temperature– this symbolizes your purification. Perhaps you will change your worldview, your train of thought, which will be facilitated by a certain event.

See yourself walking in muddy water– you will become the center of a conflict that is about to break out, and the echoes will poison your life for a long time.

Seeing yourself slipping on steps in the water means there is a high risk of robbery; beware of scammers.

Seeing yourself not in the water itself, but as if floating above it - a lot of troubles will fall on you, but you will cope with them without much effort.

Expert statements on seeing yourself in your dreams from the outside

It is believed that if you dream of such a vision, then you are eager to stand out among the crowd. It doesn’t matter to you exactly how. This can happen due to your abilities, appearance, skills, or simply extraordinary antics.

What popular dream books will say

Not every person can afford to visit a psychoanalyst. There are more affordable way“read” your dreams - dream book.

Miller's Dream Book

  • See yourself strong, healthy, beautiful man- in reality you successful man, and as in family circle, and at work.
  • Seeing yourself old means moving up the career ladder.
  • Becoming a small child - the dream book believes that you will soon encounter betrayal and deception.
  • To be gray means family quarrels, troubles.

Dream book of the 21st century

If you saw yourself as beautiful

If a woman dreams that she sees herself beautiful, slender in a dream, then a new stormy life awaits her. love story. Which will develop into either true love or strong friendship, according to the dream book.

When a woman dreams that she sees herself from the outside, but in the image of a man with a mustache and beard, your business will go uphill. This dream is especially favorable for those women who, for certain reasons, are involved in litigation - you will definitely win the case.

Seeing yourself walking around naked means expecting a pleasant and valuable present.

What does he think? this dream book, seeing yourself from the outside, lying in a coffin - to troubles and sorrows.

Universal dream book

If you dream of watching a video, you are drunk - something will happen that will force you to radically change both your image and your life position.

Why dream that you are bald - to troubles and unforeseen obstacles that will prevent you from bringing your plans to life.

Seeing yourself getting fat means an improvement in your financial condition.

Predictions of the great seer Vanga

It is a pity that the great seer Vanga is not among the living, just as there is no opportunity to ask what a certain night vision means. After all, Vanga had answers to all questions of interest to humanity.

According to Vanga, seeing yourself in the water, floundering in it, resisting - you are wasting your life energy, deliberately shortening your life.

Watching you stand in a stream of water that is pouring on you - Vanga has a cosmic influence. If you cleanse your soul and accept the clues, you will become a great and wise person.

For Vanga, seeing yourself in the mirror in a dream means a quick promotion in your position.

According to Vanga, seeing yourself from the outside, suffering from a terrible disease, means committing a bad act; the hour of reckoning is near.