In this article we will look at how to arrange leasing at Otkritie Bank. Let's find out what leasing programs are available for business representatives and what benefits can be obtained from cooperation with the bank. We have prepared for you the procedure for submitting an online leasing application and collected customer reviews.

About company

Otkritie FC is an independent financial institution with a diversified management structure that finances key business areas: investment, corporate and retail.

Otkritie Bank was founded in the early 90s. It was created after the merger of several large institutions operating in the financial market. Today Otkritie is part of a large financial corporation, providing a range of services to individuals and legal entities. There are about three hundred branches throughout the country, located in one hundred cities of the country.

Leasing conditions at Otkritie Bank

Enterprises and individual entrepreneurs can lease transport and industrial equipment. Leasing provides an opportunity to reduce tax payments and significantly simplify the scheme accounting. The bank calculates depreciation, pays taxes and keeps records of fixed assets.

Conditions of leasing programs:


The bank offers to use leaseback - a type of financing in which the seller of the property is also the lessee. Activation of the program can change the structure of the balance sheet of a client of a financial institution in terms of increasing working capital.

Leaseback is characterized by simplified requirements for the borrower, large amounts of investment, as well as flexible payments taking into account the characteristics of the business and its seasonality.

Joint program with Europlan

Otkritie Bank and the Europlan company have prepared a joint program that allows you to purchase vehicles on lease on favorable terms. The client receives exclusive discounts from car manufacturers and dealers, and can also apply for a VAT refund.

Program rates:

Under the proposed conditions, the client bears a minimum of costs for the purchase of vehicles, because the increase in price leaves from 0%.

Funding decisions are made quickly. The required package of documents does not include bank statements and financial statements.

How to apply for leasing

To submit an application on the bank’s website, you need to register with your full name. and addresses Email. Next you need to fill out the fields regarding your business.

Submit your application for consideration and wait for a call from a bank representative who will announce the further procedure in case of preliminary approval of the leasing. You need to provide a package of documents to the bank office, agree on the terms of the transaction and sign the agreement. After making an advance payment, you will be able to use the leased object.

Advantages of leasing at Otkritie Bank

Using leasing from Otkritie Bank, you receive the following advantages:

  • Saving working capital - there is no need to pay the full cost of the property.
  • More flexible terms of the agreement than within the framework of a loan.
  • The level of liquidity and financial reporting does not decrease.
  • Lack of collateral.
  • Exemption from registration of acquired property, accounting and other actions related to ownership.
  • Optimization of payments and the possibility of tax planning.
  • There is no need to pay property tax.
  • After the agreement expires, the property is purchased at a minimum cost.

Leasing company contacts

Legal address: 115114, Moscow, st. Letnikovskaya, 2, building 4.

Leasing is a process by which people can pay for a car, equipment (for temporary use) or other item for a certain period of time. At the end of this contract period, the lessee is usually able to purchase the goods, with the amount of money previously paid. Leasing is a popular option for many people around the world. To start a leasing business you need to do:

How to open a leasing company

Do some market research. If you are interested in starting a leasing company, the first task is to research the leasing market in your area. The success of existing businesses may indicate particularly strong demand for a certain range of leasing items in your area.

There are a number of online market research resources that can be easily found using search engines. These services have extensive databases. Decide what will be rented. If you have worked at a car dealership, it will help to have useful knowledge about the car market.

Research expenses. Study future expenses for utilities, rent, salaries, computer office equipment and much more.

Drawing up a business plan. Has a clear business plan important when starting a leasing company, especially if the entrepreneur plans to borrow money. The business plan must clearly indicate what items are planned to be rented and brief analysis competitive market. It is extremely important to have a clear and well-developed financial plan that are realistic and achievable.

Note to readers: If you are interested in refilling cartridges or repairing office equipment, be sure to visit the Irvine company website. I am sure you will be satisfied with the quality of services provided and affordable prices!

Review legal requirements. There are financial laws, labor laws, marketing laws, privacy laws, and much more. It is necessary to consider all of them as the company opens. A lawyer will be able to advise on legal and regulatory issues.

Register your business with local tax authorities. Every business must be registered with the tax authorities.

Create the physical infrastructure of your business. A leasing business will require a strong physical infrastructure to meet the needs of its customers. Depending on what the business specializes in, you will need space to store your leasing equipment, as well as office space to conduct business.

Personnel and vehicles will be required to deliver the items that are rented. Purchasing vehicles or equipment in bulk will reduce unit costs and potentially increase profits on each leasing agreement. Try to find ways to reduce the cost of purchasing inventory.

Develop your business's online presence. The website will be the first point of contact for potential clients. Using web analytics will allow you to get a clearer picture of how the site works in practice.

Use of branding. Promotion of your services depends on the funds invested in advertising and brand creation. Create a bright logo that would attract a potential client. Companies often hire design specialists to create a logo and promote a brand.

Financial and operational leasing is actively entering business life. A business plan for a leasing company will allow you to start a promising type of business.

After all, many entrepreneurs, not being able to purchase any equipment they need for production, are forced to turn to banks for help, trying to get a loan. This is often difficult.

Therefore, using leasing will be a good option for them. This means that this type of business will be in great demand.

It should be borne in mind that financial leasing involves the transfer of ownership of the leased asset after payment of its cost through periodic payments. Operating leasing involves returning the leased asset to the lessor at the end of the contract.

Ways of implementation

To start operating a leasing company, free funds are required. If the owner of a leasing company does not have his own funds or they are insufficient, then he should seek help from a bank that will help with financing.

In this case, you will have to share your income with the bank. But if there is no other way out, then you will have to take such a step. In this case, you need a carefully developed business plan for the leasing company, which will consist of several sections:

  • including the general concept of the leasing company
  • description of the services provided and their types
  • conducting large-scale marketing research
  • detailed plan production activities companies
  • organizational form companies and approaches to company management
  • size authorized capital and financial justification for the company's activities
  • risks and proposed solutions

In the work of a leasing company, insurance is widely used for all concluded transactions. Since this is one of the main ways to protect the company from possible loss, damage or destruction of the subject of the leasing transaction.

A less expensive way to create a leasing company will be to use the help of banks or large financial groups. In this case, the leasing company will act as a structural division of the financial owner.

Leasing companies are created by manufacturing plants, as well as sellers of industrial products. There are still very few pure leasing companies that operate on their own finances.

Evgeny Smirnov

# Business plans

Business plan for opening a leasing company

In all regions of Russia, the majority of leasing transactions are for motor vehicles and special equipment; all other categories of property are far behind and with a large lag. In the future, the market will develop towards real estate and industrial equipment.

Article navigation

  • Business plan for a leasing company
  • How to open a leasing company from scratch
  • How to lease property
  • How to sell leasing correctly
  • Conclusion

Leasing is not a business that you can enter without having a lot of capital, knowledge and experience. But the leasing market continues to grow in 2019, the demand for such services is quite high, so the topic is of increasing interest. But let’s say right away: if you don’t have tens (and even hundreds) of millions of rubles, then you won’t be able to get into this business. The reasons are simple, but to do this you need to understand how leasing companies work.

In leasing operations, one company transfers its property to another for temporary use. But this is not a rental transaction; it implies a gradual purchase of the property. To put it simply, leasing companies engage in lending, but not in the form in which banks do it. The conditions may be such that such a transaction will be much cheaper than a bank loan.

The objects of leasing are any property, but usually we're talking about about quite expensive (that's why we immediately said that it requires very large starting investments). Usually this:

  • cars;
  • production equipment;
  • buildings and constructions.

The practical meaning of leasing is that the recipient can use the property immediately and pay for it later. Sometimes the first payments can begin even after six months; all these points are discussed separately and are quite acceptable. The main advantage of such transactions is that both parties usually benefit. Leasing companies sell property and receive more profit (even if not immediately); recipients can quickly expand or start a business without having a lot of capital.

As a type of service, leasing appeared in Russia not so long ago, but quickly gained popularity. It is no secret that domestic companies are often limited in funds, and bank loans are very expensive. All this has become fertile ground for the development of this service in Russia.

The trends in leasing development in Russia are such that more and more companies prefer such transactions rather than bank loans. The risks for them become significantly lower. If there are problems with the business, the company can usually return the property and not pay for it in full. Unlike loans, which must be repaid in full.

Business plan for a leasing company

The amount of starting capital depends on the chosen direction, but various work schemes are possible here. For example, a leasing company receives an order for equipment, but this does not mean that it is already in stock. For a specific transaction, equipment is purchased and leased. This is a common option for organizing a business in Russia, which minimizes risks.

In a business plan, it is necessary to take into account many points; special attention should be paid to the sales market and competitors (these are not necessarily leasing companies). There are a lot of nuances, let's give just one example.

The company decided to engage in leasing of agricultural machinery. But I didn’t take into account that there are support programs in the region Agriculture, thanks to which enterprises in this industry receive not only cheap loans, but also subsidies from the state. As a result, leasing will be significantly more expensive for them.

For this reason, SWOT analysis is often given the highest attention when developing a business plan for a leasing company. Financial aspects are relatively easy to calculate, but obstacles, as in the example, are not always obvious and lie on the surface. You can download an example of a business plan for a leasing company here:

Download sample

How to open a leasing company from scratch

The specifics of the business involve registering only an LLC. OKVED codes: 77.1 and 77.3. You will definitely need office space, as well as others, depending on the chosen leasing direction. This could be a warehouse, a parking lot, etc. A good website needs to be developed.

From the staff even for small company you will need:

  • lawyer;
  • customer service managers;
  • security officer;
  • accountant.

In practice, fixed rates are set for everyone except customer service managers. salaries. A bonus system is always effective for salespeople, which involves receiving a percentage of transactions. A security officer is needed to check the companies that have contacted you. Fraud in this area, although not too common, does occur.

You definitely shouldn’t skimp on a lawyer; his responsibilities will include drawing up leasing agreements. And this is one of the most important parts of this business, mistakes in which are completely unacceptable. Any controversial situations should be interpreted in favor of the leasing company.

How to lease property

The contract format and other conditions depend on each specific company and the specifics of the property. Any non-consumable things, with the exception of natural objects, can be leased objects. Under a standard agreement, the recipient of the property receives it for rent and has the right to purchase it after the end of the agreement or at another time, if this is agreed separately.

Accounting and tax accounting have their own characteristics, since in this case the transaction is considered as a lease, and not as a sale of property. There are a lot of nuances, so any company always has not only a full-time accountant, but also a lawyer with the appropriate profile.

Property insurance can be considered prerequisite, and it is usually carried out at the expense of the lessee, but in fact the agreement with the insurance company is concluded by the lessor, who acts as the owner of the property. Note that insurance is not mandatory, but in practice almost all companies resort to it. In this way they minimize possible risks. Tariffs depend on the type of property.

How to sell leasing correctly

Leasing as a business is still new to Russia. Many companies have already developed their own experience, but they share it extremely rarely. However, based on some available data and global experience, it is possible to draw a number of conclusions that will help a new leasing company successfully enter the market.

We can talk at length about marketing strategy, advertising campaigns, and customer service, but the fundamental factor for success is prices. You need to understand that a leasing company is usually forced to work in a price category that is in the interval between the price of simply purchasing property and the cost of a bank loan.

Potential clients need to be explained what their benefits will be, show them specific numbers, and explain all the complex clauses of the contract. In practice, this is exactly the approach that works. Therefore, the requirements for sales managers here are quite high; they require not only standard communication skills and stress resistance, but also an economic education.

It is also interesting that many companies’ prices come close to the cost of a bank loan, and sometimes even exceed it (for example, by imposing additional services like servicing vehicles in your own center). This is worth paying special attention to when researching the market. It is possible that competitors can be bypassed with reasonable and market prices.


In all regions of Russia, the majority of leasing transactions are for motor vehicles and special equipment; all other categories of property are far behind and with a large lag. In the future, the market will develop towards real estate and industrial equipment. Everything is the same as it happened in Western countries.

In our opinion, it is worth paying attention to the small business segment; very large leasing opportunities may be hidden here. In a small business, it is often necessary to buy equipment worth several hundred thousand rubles, and leasing companies often do not work with such amounts, they are not interested. As a result, a novice businessman is forced to apply for expensive bank loans, since he has no other choice. In this segment, competition is low, and demand is very high.

Western business plan for a leasing company

Large leasing enterprises have one drawback: they react too slowly to changes in demand and needs of potential clients. In contrast, small firms survive in the market and begin to generate high profits due to their flexibility, customer focus, automation of business processes, high level services provided and effective management.

According to statistics from the professional association of leasing enterprises, equipment worth $466 billion was purchased in the previous year. 30% of this equipment, totaling $140 billion, was purchased for lease with the option of subsequent purchase.

The situation in the relatively narrow market of such services with the cost of one transaction less than $100,000 is as follows: the volume of the financial leasing segment is over $7.2 billion, and the operating leasing segment is over $772 million. Compared to the situation a year ago, the first segment increased by 16.6%, and the second by 6.6%. The professional body estimates that 34% of total financial leasing involves the purchase and subsequent rental of office equipment (20%), computers (9%) and telecommunications equipment (5%).

Small leasing companies have great success renting computers and other equipment necessary for work to small firms. At the same time, the profits of those enterprises that specialize in medical equipment, instruments, printing equipment, etc., are much lower.

The authors of the business plan are confident that their company has great opportunities for further development, since it can occupy a still empty niche in the regional market. As mentioned above, large corporations are too slow and unable to quickly respond to changes in demand. Negative trends are also observed in the general pricing policy. Due to high competition in the leasing services market, companies have to lower rental prices in order to lure customers away from their direct competitors. This practice is disastrous for the entire business as a whole.

In general, companies operating in this industry can be divided into three groups, depending on their annual revenue levels: leaders with sales exceeding $300 million per year, companies with sales between $150 million and $299 million, and also companies with annual sales of less than $149 million.

The authors of the business plan propose to establish a leasing company that will become a leader in its industry by organizing a partnership of three different enterprises. The company's development strategy is based on three main points (in order of priority):

  • Automated sales process and highly effective data management strategy. Sales will be handled by a team of professionals with extensive experience in this particular area of ​​business. Special attention will focus on financial leasing for both commercial structures and individuals. Most contracts awarded will be for less than $100,000 (average between $5,000 and $25,000). And the average period for which contracts will be concluded will be from 12 to 60 months.
  • Merger or organization joint venture with leasing companies operating in a narrow niche and specializing in the rental of medical/dental, printing equipment, equipment for auto repair shops, industrial machines, etc.
  • Expanding the list of services provided for leasing companies and sellers through commission income.

This business plan provides data on the company's expected profit for the next five years. In addition, it reflects realistic forecasts for the growth of sales volumes of the leasing enterprise with each year of its operation. For comparison, we present a real financial forecast for a five-year period of one company operating in the same field, which over the course of several recent years consistently brings profit.

The success of a company depends 99% on its leaders. Therefore, at the end of the business plan there is detailed information about the founders and managers, each of whom has many years of experience in the field of providing leasing services.