About four thousand years ago, the Chinese horoscope appeared. According to him, chronology was divided into twelve annual cycles and five elements or elements.

A change of animal signs took place, each bearing the name of the animal and the name of its patronizing element. Let's say: the year of the Metal Rabbit or the year of the Earth Ox.

Chinese chronology

The full cycle of the calendar was 12 cycles × 5 elements, and a total of 60 years. The elements or elements changed every two years in a strict order: Wood, followed by Fire, then Earth, Metal, Water... To understand the principle of changing elements, let’s practice the definition.

Let's take the one who preceded him by
Let's look at the twelve-year cycle, drawn in the form of a circle with animal figures depicted.

Two years under the sign of Earth - 2008 and 2009 (Earth Ox) - are replaced by two years under the sign of Metal - 2010 (Metal Tiger) and 2011 (Metal Rabbit).

The difference between the predators, the Dragon and the Tiger, and the herbivores, the Sheep and the Rabbit, is immediately visible - these animals are incompatible. The other signs are also different: the Snake and the Monkey are smart and cunning, and the Horse and the Bull are hard workers.

Elemental properties

Positive qualities of "wood" signs: people under the influence of Wood are sociable, practical, resourceful, compassionate.

Negative traits: intolerant, forgetful, immoderate in desires, touchy, angry, not satisfied with life.

Positive element of Fire: such people are dynamic, impetuous, energetic, courageous, noble, passionate and loyal.

Negative traits of Fire: reckless, stubborn, ambitious, intolerant, demanding, immoderate in desires.

Earth element: fair, practical, logical, peace-loving, hardy, objective.

Negative traits: slow, stubborn, withdrawn, focused on personal problems.

Element of Metal, positive features: determined, stable, dreamy, lucky, romantic.

Negative traits: tough, straightforward, stubborn, impetuous.

Positive traits of Water: generous, insightful, artistic, able to sympathize, conflict-free, loyal, compliant, soft, balanced.

Negative properties: passive, suspicious, emotionally excitable, subject to mood swings, flighty, suggestible, dependent.

There are different tigers: yellow, white, red...

If 2009 is the year of the Earth element, then 2010 is the year of which animal? The answer is simple: Metal Tiger. This means that there are also earth, fire, wood and water tigers. Depending on the element. That is, a tiger born under the sign of Earth and a tiger born under the sign of Fire - these will be two different types.

King of Beasts—Tiger

The horoscope of this animal speaks for itself. The tiger is royalty among other animals. These are careerists who will always strive for power. It doesn’t matter that not everyone will achieve the highest positions. Middle management positions are also an achievement. They love jobs where they can move up the ranks quickly.

Tiger Warrior

Their lot is military uniform and battles with anyone and anything: the elements, enemies, criminals, diseases. Tigers are among the police, military, paramedics and firefighters. They make revolutions and move the masses behind them. Tigers are conflicted and stubborn, but selfless and capable of heroic deeds in the name of people. Tigers are one of those who can overthrow legitimate authorities and disrupt centuries-old orders.

They love extreme sports and can be both delinquents and commanders. The Tiger horoscope is deprived of a quiet life, but these are people strong will and strong character, capable of feats.

Friendly, fair, although quick-tempered, these are common traits of those born in the year of the Tiger. The characteristic is quite positive. Their friends respect them and listen to their opinions.

What is written on the Tiger's paw?

The life of a Tiger, as a rule, is devoid of serenity and peace. This is the fate of a warrior and a fighter. The problems that arise in life: material, housing, love and family - everything has to be solved by the Tiger. Tigers can be close to Horse, Dog and Dragon. He must avoid the smart and cunning Snake and Monkey and beware of the Bull, who is stronger than the Tiger and can always attack his eternal enemy. If an Ox and a Tiger are in the same house, then the Tiger always needs to leave quietly, “in English,” in order to avoid conflicts. The Cat has the same hostility towards the Tiger - they will never get along. So he says Eastern horoscope. The Year of the Tiger is a chance for the brave and enterprising.

Tiger affairs

Tiger and Rat. An alliance is possible if the Rat begins to lie and dissemble less, and the Tiger becomes less stubborn. Although this will require incredible efforts for him, because this main characteristic born in the year of the Tiger.

Tiger with Bull. Marriage and friendship are impossible. Complete incompatibility. It’s the same in business - their joint ventures collapse and bankruptcy await.

Marriage is not desirable. Everyone strives for power. There will be constant conflicts. Friendship is possible.

Tiger with Dragon. A very good union of strong signs. The dragon is reasonable and wise; they complement each other perfectly. The Dragon is the head, and the Tiger is the work.

Tiger with Horse. Normal relationship. And in marriage, and in friendship, and in business.

Tiger with Goat. Marriage with a Goat is undesirable and even dangerous. An angry Tiger is capable of eating the poor Goat during quarrels. Friendship and business are possible.

Tiger with Monkey. Marriage is unlikely. There may be friendship, but for now it remains only friendship! Business is possible. The cunning of the Monkey and the strength of the Tiger will combine the efforts of both and make the common cause successful.

The Tiger and the Rooster are clearly incompatible. The Rooster is proud, and the Tiger is vain. The craving of both for power will destroy any of their relationships, be it in love or in business!

Tiger and Dog are compatible in marriage. Friendship is impossible. Business is acceptable in any type of activity except commerce and finance.

Tiger and Pig are good partners for marriage and for simple friendship. The Pig is prudent, careful, and respects the Tiger. Business is also possible if the Tiger values ​​his partner.

Judging by the descriptions above, Tigers are not easy people; on the contrary, they are stubborn and tough, with a wayward character. Life for them is not relaxation and entertainment, but only a tool to achieve a goal, no matter what it will be - good or bad. A complex and impetuous beast, this tiger. The horoscope is just as striped.

Black and white stripes of the year of the Tiger

The characteristics of 2010 (under the sign of the metal Tiger) show that it was a difficult and stressful period for people, associated with instability in all areas. These are economic crises and defaults, accidents and disasters on communication routes, strikes and layoffs at enterprises.

But along with the negativity, this year also brought a share of optimism: for hardworking and conscientious workers, this was a real chance to advance in their careers and occupy worthy positions.

Sometimes they ask: “If we take 2010, what animal qualities are typical for this period?” In general, this year embodied the “revolutionism and reformism” of the Tiger and gave a chance to new businessmen and politicians to rise up and take the reins of government. Other political forces came to power, and new figures on the state Olympus declared themselves loudly. In business life, construction projects of a national scale were actively implemented: the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi was underway and preparations were underway for EURO 2012, both in Russia and in Ukraine.

Ambition and competition, the desire to overtake and lead, to become better and richer than others, slimmer and more beautiful than others - all these aspirations were awakened in people by the turbulent but progressive year of the Tiger. The characteristics of other aspects of human life were approximately the same. There was a struggle for love, power, money and a place in the sun in general.

Thus, the Year of the Tiger gives the young, energetic, and enterprising people a chance to express themselves and take their rightful place in life in our hectic world.

"Royal" Tigers

I.Grozny, Marx, Robespierre, Beethoven, Hegel, D. Donskoy, K. Chapek, Kropotkin, Romain Rolland, Eisenhower, Ho Chi Minh, Charles de Gaulle, Wrangel, Yu. Andropov, M. Suslov - people born in the year Tiger. The list is quite impressive.

Summing up, I would like to try to predict the future using the example of 2010. What animal year according to the eastern calendar will be next, and what, given the influence of the elements, is it expected to be?

Now you already know...

2010 who? 2010 is the year of which animal? - Year of the White Metal Tiger. Tigers can be called real activists. These individuals love movement and can realize themselves by remaining active. Those born in 2010 are doomed to success, as they will crave it at any cost. It is very important for them to set goals and achieve them, but the lack of opportunity to achieve achievements makes them depressed.

Tigers are determined and courageous, and these traits only intensify over the years, as representatives of this sign overcome many obstacles along the path of life. At the same time, insight and prudence White Tiger does not allow him to go ahead, so he will look different ways solutions to the same problem.

A little about symbolism

The main symbol of the White Tiger, born in 2010, is a weapon. The animal itself Ancient China has always been associated with courage and strength. The element Metal endows representatives of the sign with perhaps not the most best qualities– this is stubbornness and pride. Although, in combination with other character traits, this can be a completely harmonious temperament. Metal is also capable of causing fluctuations between creation and destruction.

Tiger and love

White Tigers are contradictory in love, as they are not inclined to compromise. They always try to take a leadership position and dictate their terms, so their chosen ones will have to show wisdom and patience.

Those born in 2010 are prone to hot temper, but it is extremely difficult to accuse them of injustice and selfishness. Relationships with your significant other will be built on approximately such contrasts. Moreover, tiger companions are very reliable and constant in their choice.

Attitude to work

The Metal Tiger is an excellent worker, but he can only prove himself by performing serious tasks. Representatives of this sign need more freedom of action and more creativity, because they do not like to act “the old fashioned way” and are always looking for unusual methods for working.

Astrologers advise Tigers to try themselves in business, this is the only way they can fully realize themselves.

Important aspects

The Tiger's character resembles a volcano and no one knows when this volcano might wake up. Hence the main recommendation for those born in 2010 - practice expressing your feelings before Last straw will overflow the cup.

By balancing their emotions, Metal Tigers will be able not only to manage their lives, but also to acquire such important qualities as patience, wisdom, and diplomacy. Inner peace will also have a positive impact on their worldview: representatives of this sign will stop living in the past and will be able to enjoy every moment of today.

Tiger personalities

In the year of the White Metal Tiger, many were born famous people, including singer Alexander Buinov, TV presenter Boris Burda, actress Katie Baker. But most of all representatives of this sign are among politicians and civil servants. That is, where it is necessary to actively implement reforms.

Spiritual growth is no less important than physical growth. A children's horoscope can become an additional pointer on the path to improving your child's spirit. By studying the child's abilities, understanding and sharing his interests, you will never find yourself in a situation of difficult choice - insist on your will or allow the growing person to go his own way. Your child is your continuation, but is by no means an exact copy of you and, especially, not property. He will have his own life, his own decisions, his own troubles and joys - you cannot live for him, but you must accept him as he is.

In order for little Taurus to feel calm and develop harmoniously, it is very important for a strict and constant adherence to a strict daily routine. The regime should be structured so that physical and intellectual activities alternate equally throughout the day...

Little ones are the most inquisitive children. Therefore, it is very important that parents early childhood created all the conditions to stimulate the development of intelligence of representatives of this sign. The Gemini child wants to know absolutely everything...

The most important thing for little Cancer is a feeling of stability and security. If his parents provide him with these two factors and can surround him with constant care and love, he will grow up very kind and loving child, study diligently and not cause trouble to your parents...

From childhood, this child strives for perfection, to be the best. - a born leader and actor. Therefore, little Leo will also strive to gather spectators around him who will admire him...

Virgos are the neatest and most organized children. The child is always clean, although he loves to dig in the ground, he does everything carefully. Little Virgo will most likely really enjoy gardening with her mother or grandmother...

Children born under the sign are very sociable and need company. They develop much better and faster in children's groups, but an atmosphere in the team that implies mutual cooperation rather than competition will suit them...

Little Scorpios are outwardly the calmest and most secretive children. But inside this child there is always a lot hidden. strong emotions and a whole range of different feelings that can be easily hurt...

Sagittarians are incredibly energetic, active and inquisitive children. These are real fidgets who cannot stand boredom. They are ready to do anything, just not to sit still...

Capricorns are the most responsible children. They always look mature and serious beyond their years, and talk about life almost like wise elders. A sense of duty and responsibility is inherent in this sign from a very early age...

The peculiarity of all Aquarius is that each of them is an absolute individual, original and unique. It is especially difficult to characterize in any way general features children...

Pisces are the most soft-hearted and dreamy children. They are constantly in the clouds. They have a very rich imagination, which needs to be regularly developed from childhood...

Although many people remember the phrase “No fate” from the film “Terminator”, it is possible to predict life path person. All that is needed for this is to understand the child’s character from infancy and a children’s horoscope can help with this. The baby's date of birth is the starting point. After all, at the moment of birth, the stars, the Sun, the Moon converge in a certain way. The horoscope describes the influence of the luminaries on one or another trait of behavior and nature, but at the same time, each person is individual.

A little man is a star by definition, especially for parents. Children's zodiac horoscope, especially for your child, will tell you what exactly to pay attention to in their behavior, will help build relationships between you and, albeit tiny, but already a person. By observing your child, you will learn to distinguish true interest from simple hobby. You will begin to understand what exactly your baby really likes to do, for example, what games to play, what books to read, what things she does just because you ask for it.

A horoscope for kids is something that will help you be not only the parents of your child, but also the best friends, bringing participation and understanding into his life, complementing own experience without imposing it.

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Hardly anyone doubts that people born in different years twelve year cycle eastern calendar, differ from each other. The owner of the year in which they were born endowed them with personality traits unique to him.

These personality traits are a set of qualities that can be either positive or negative. They can help you live or get in the way. You may like them or, on the contrary, cause annoyance. One thing is certain, one should have an idea about them in order to influence them and one’s actions if a person strives to be the master of his destiny.

Below is a general description of one of the symbols of the twelve-year cycle, the animal under whose sign most of 2010 will pass, its name is Tiger. This characteristic is interesting because it allows us to better understand the people born under his influence. As a wise man once said, by knowing yourself and your opponent, you can win the battle before the battle even begins.

Year of the White Tiger

The year 2010 is the third year of the third 12-year cycle in the current 60-year period that began in 1984 according to Chinese lunar calendar. The start date of the new year this time falls on February 14, 2010, and its end on February 2, 2011.
The symbol of 2010 is the Tiger. This year's cosmic element is Metal (color - white).
Below are the corresponding year of the Tiger, their start, end dates and the corresponding cosmic element for each year in the period from 1900 to 2020:

From 02/08/1902 to 01/28/1903 - Water
from 01/26/1914 to 02/13/1915 - Tree
from 02/13/1926 to 02/01/1927 - Fire
from 01/31/1938 to 02/18/1939 - Earth
from 02/17/1950 to 02/05/1951 - Metal
from 02/05/1962 to 01/24/1963 - Water
from 01/23/1974 to 02/10/1975 - Tree
from 02/09/1986 to 01/28/1987 - Fire
from 01/28/1998 to 02/15/1999 - Earth
from 02/14/2010 to 02/02/2011 – Metal

From the table above, it is not difficult to determine that the year preceding 2010, similar in its characteristics, the year of the Tiger with the cosmic element Metal, was 60 years ago and took place from February 17, 1950 to February 2, 1951.

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Tiger

Those born under the sign of the Tiger were those born in 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 ( exact dates see above).

The tiger lives by the principle of “action for the sake of action.” A person born under this sign can self-realize only by remaining active. He always achieves success, regardless of whether he leads a righteous life or commits a path full of sin. He even becomes depressed and may even become physically ill if for some reason he is unable to do anything.

The tiger is already born brave and determined. The obstacles he encounters along the way only strengthen these qualities. It is difficult to imagine that the Tiger could give up in front of any obstacle. He is afraid of fire, but doesn't jumping through a flaming hoop prove that the Tiger is able to overcome any of his fears for the sake of action? However, the Tiger is smart enough not to go ahead when there is an opportunity to go around an obstacle. In any case, he will stop at nothing to achieve the desired result.

The tiger is persistent in its aspirations. If he is possessed by some idea, he will work until he achieves success. Sometimes, to carry out his plans, he overcomes unimaginable difficulties, ones that could easily chill many others and force them to abandon the task altogether.

If continuous activity is the main feature of the Tiger, then risk is a characteristic of his occupation. It's hard to say why, but risky actions literally fascinate representatives of this sign. Activities that do not involve danger seem monotonous and boring to the Tiger. He may abandon them in favor of a less significant project, but one that involves continuous drive. The tiger was born for fights, chases, climbing, secrets and other attributes of the life of a successful adventurer. He likes to freeze, to die of thirst, to walk on the razor's edge, to bet every day own life. Among the Tigers there are many racing drivers, travelers, circus performers, as well as spies, bandits, bodyguards and killers.

The tiger never feels safe. If for some reason he is busy with something that does not give him anxiety, he will invent a reason for his own anxiety and will overcome imaginary difficulties. At the same time, he will not care at all that by his actions he plunges everyone around him into anxiety.

Most often, people like Tigers, and over the years, the admiration of others does not fade, but only intensifies. Energetic and magnificent in their continuous movement, Tigers are able to inspire deeper feelings than they themselves deserve. They are always surrounded by crowds of devoted fans. At the same time, they do not care at all about the opinions of others, and they are always ready to insist on their own. Modesty is not their trait, and, as a rule, Tigers always exaggerate their capabilities and abilities.

Tigers are quite capable of altruistic acts. True, provided that these actions are associated with overcoming difficulties. Tigers can act as defenders and promoters of great ideas, because this is how they have the opportunity to best show themselves. They demonstrate their generosity every time the opportunity presents itself.

At the same time, Tigers do not like to show their feelings. They consider this a sign of weakness. Yes, in fact, they are not particularly sensitive. They don't have time. They are constantly busy with business and cannot afford distracted worries.

Tiger is one of the few signs of the twelve-year cycle who experiences problems in romantic terms. Despite the fact that he evokes love from everyone around him, the Tiger himself does not know how to surrender to this feeling. It's all about his irrepressible movement. Love presupposes stability, but this is precisely the quality that the Tiger lacks. His thoughts are constantly occupied with something else. That is why it always seems to his partner that the Tiger is indifferent to him. Actually this is not true. The tiger values ​​love and devotion, but cannot always show it.

Cosmic Element and Sign of the Year

The symbol of the year usually gives general characteristics personality, and the element of the year is responsible for its characteristics. Surprisingly, sometimes belonging to different elements makes people born under the auspices of the same sign completely different. For example, the wooden Tiger is significantly different from its metal counterpart, and the water Tiger is not like both of them.

The elements used in Chinese astrology have approximately the same meaning as the elements of the Western school.

The influence of the element “Metal” on those born in the year of the Tiger

Year of birth: 1950, 2010.

In the year of the “metal” Tiger, those who will celebrate their sixtieth birthday in 2010 were born, and of course, this year’s newborn tiger cubs.

The Metal Tiger is one who is always in a state of pursuit. He rushes through life, not even stopping to take a breath. He doesn't know how to relax. That is why it is not surprising that chronic fatigue is its second manifestation. Everyone born in the years of the Metal Tiger is characterized by constant whining about how bad they feel, how something hurts, or how they want to sleep. It is curious that in response to offers to rest and heal, they, as a rule, burst into a stream of complaints about being busy.

You always want to shake the Metal Tiger and convince him that it is better to be healthy and alive than sick and dead. I wish I knew it would work. Continuous stress, complete with stomach ulcers, are constant companions of Metal Tigers. They should learn to stop in time, since the frantic rhythm not only drives them into the grave, but also seriously interferes with their work and life in general.

Why the Metal Tiger is in such a hurry to complete his life’s journey, he, perhaps, will find it difficult to say himself. He grabs on to a million things and works on them all at once, getting tired and not finishing anything, while a simple sequence of projects with a short rest in between would be much more effective. Undoubtedly, the Metal Tiger is able to accomplish a grandiose work if only it has one. The slightest change in load throws him off track. The Metal Tiger should constantly remind himself that he has never been successful in chasing two birds with one stone.

The Metal Tiger constantly experiences difficulties in life. At the same time, it would be hard to call him a loser. He just takes everything he encounters too seriously. A bit of humor would have made his plight much easier. In reality, the Metal Tiger releases tension with violent outbursts. For this, he is not very well liked in his inner circle. As a rule, only very patient people can be around him, ready to forgive his intemperance for his high efficiency and perseverance in achieving goals.

Usually the Metal Tiger does not have enough time for long thoughts on various occasions. That is why he often replaces his opinion with someone else’s and easily abandons it, accepting a more convenient one. this moment point of view. But if the decision has been achieved through one’s own efforts, the Metal Tiger never changes it. He does not do this even when life tries in every possible way to convince him of the fallacy of his conclusions.

The principles on which the Metal Tiger builds his life can make you smile. Those of them that have been hard-earned personal experience, are unshakable, and he strictly adheres to them. But for the most part, they are supplemented by such a motley collection of those picked up along the way, which he also easily refuses, that they can bewilder anyone and become a source of ridicule. But the Metal Tiger is always too busy to attach importance to such trifles.

With all this, the Metal Tiger never deceives and is always friendly to those with whom he communicates. His words can be fully trusted. You can rely on his promises. Despite his incessant busyness, the Metal Tiger willingly provides small services to people from his close circle. This type of personality, with all its contradictions and imperfections, is not without charm. Any of his many fans can say this.

People born in the year of the TIGER:

1950, 2010 - year of the metal tiger

Horoscope Year of the Tiger, especially if it is a metal tiger, is not calm. Those born in the year of the metal tiger persistently pursue their goals. True, the goals themselves can change dramatically and repeatedly during the course of life. A person born in the year of the tiger under the influence of the element of metal is not patient, is easily irritated and even gets angry. His performance is beyond praise. He has a bright and catchy appearance, he is respected and admired.

1962, 2022 - year of the water tiger

Horoscope year of the tiger under the influence of the element of water symbolizes developed imagination and good intuition. The water tiger is prone to creativity, especially literary. By mentality, a person born in the year of the tiger is a researcher and experimenter. This is a deep nature. According to the horoscope, a tiger, especially a water tiger, is able to penetrate into the secrets of the universe, and the flexibility of the mind allows him to build entire theories. Water softens the character of the representative of the year of the Tiger, making him surprisingly indecisive even in simple situations. But in crises, the water tiger knows how to remain calm and self-possessed. He easily gets along with people and gets along with everyone, knows how to find common ground in a conversation, which makes him a good conversationalist and a good speaker.

1974, 2034 - year of the wooden tiger

The Wood Tiger corresponds to the horoscope of the year of the tiger, constantly striving for change. He wants to try himself in different fields, but he doesn’t stay anywhere for long. A person born in the year of the wooden tiger is friendly and very sociable. At the same time, he is prone to depression, especially when he gets tired of monotony and routine. Then he begins to look for where to move, and is sure that in the new place everything will be much better. According to the horoscope, people born in the year of the wooden tiger are active and sociable, they have many friends in different cities and on different continents.

1986, 2046 - year of the fiery tiger

By Chinese horoscope year of the tiger, embraced by the element of fire, prefers action to reflection, which sets him apart from his fellows. He simply rushes into battle, to master new heights, to make new acquaintances - he is always completely absorbed in what attracts him at the moment. Those born in the year of the tiger and the element of fire know how to ignite others and recruit supporters, which makes him a valuable worker in areas where it is necessary to attract people. The horoscope of the year of the fire tiger corresponds to the type of energetic leader who looks at everything positively, is witty and friendly, and enjoys great love from his subordinates and the people around him.

1938, 1998, 2058 - year of the earth tiger

The earth restrains temperament, which is characteristic of the year of the tiger in the horoscope. Those born in the year of the earth tiger are calmer, more reasonable and fair. This tiger always wants to maintain objective judgment and will never attack a person with accusations if he has not collected irrefutable evidence of his guilt. The earth tiger usually does not scatter himself in life, but chooses one thing for himself, which he serves responsibly and seriously. He is good at negotiations, he makes a pleasant impression on people in the right place appearance and a perfectly suspended tongue.


Ludwig Van Beethoven, Agatha Christie, Jon Bon Jovi, James Clavel, Phil Collins, Isidora Duncan, Charles De Gaulle, Dwight David Eisenhower, Frederick Forsyth, Karl Marx; Marco Polo, Suzi Quatro, Lionel Richard. Stevie Wonder, Emilia Brontë, Marilyn Monroe, Arthur Rimbaud, Maximilian Robespierre, Ho Chi Minh, Tiberius, . Georgy Abashidze, Emil Keogh (son), Sergei Lemeshev, Boris Mayorov, Maria Maksakova, Richard Singh, Lydia Smirnova, John Steinbeck, Andre Citroen, Louis De Funes, Francis Goya, Grigory Gurdjieff, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Mohammed, Giulio Mazariki, Vyacheslav Molotov, Admiral Nelson, Niccolo Paganini, Francois Rabelais, Romain Rolland, Maria Stuart, Oscar Wilde.

Children born in the year of the TIGER:

Tiger parents must understand that their child is not like everyone else, standard methods of education will not work here, and the Tiger Cub needs a special approach, but the main thing is to love and “feel” him. The Tiger child has both negative and positive traits in his character, but proper education, you can even turn “cons” into “pros”. The Little Tiger is very independent, energetic, purposeful and generous. This child is confident in himself and his abilities, and if he feels that he is right, then no parental orders, demands or threats of punishment will turn him away from his chosen path. The negative manners of the Tiger include selfishness, hot temper, and sometimes aggressiveness. Tigers are at the same time very open and emotional, and at the same time, from childhood they are already little philosophers, and they have their own worldview. That is why the Tiger child, as a rule, becomes a leader in the company of teenagers; he protects the weak and is irreconcilable with those whose views on life differ from his own views. Baby Tiger is very inquisitive, he loves to explore everything new and unknown. A Tiger girl may be attracted to “boyish” games - cars, pistols and “war games”, and if your Tiger is a boy, then get ready for torn knees and panties. To minimize the loss of money and nerves, try, as early as possible, to introduce your child to active sports, especially those in which there is a spirit of competition, this will help give an outlet to the child’s energy and aggression, which he might otherwise direct towards loved ones . The Tiger may well have an excellent sports career. The main thing is not to limit it physical activity. Tiger children are very ambitious. It is this quality, together with strength of character and remarkable mental abilities, that will allow your Tiger to overcome difficulties. Another trait of Tigers is impatience. If a subject at school seems too difficult for him or relationships at school do not go according to the scenario he would like, the Tiger may abandon his studies. Don’t miss this moment, don’t force him, don’t lecture him, but try to “play” on the child’s pride, teach him not to quit because of the first failure, and your little Tiger will grow into a wonderful, purposeful person. Tiger children are ambitious, and from childhood they strive to conquer the whole world. These qualities allow them to be confident in their strength and actions, leaving no room for doubt. The negative qualities of a Tiger child include impatience. If things don’t go the way he imagined, or something doesn’t work out at school, he will easily give up studying. It is important for parents not to miss such a moment and to interest the Tiger Cub in the upcoming opportunities and prospects. It’s not worth reading the notations - he still doesn’t perceive raised tones, because, based on his tiger nature, he himself knows how to bark, but does not allow himself to do so yet. Try not to let the first failure unsettle him, help him cope with the situation that has arisen - and the Tiger Cub will grow up purposeful, confident and unshakable.


People born in these years are very different from each other, especially in spiritual terms. Some are distinguished by their exceptional positive properties and qualities of character and disposition, others - by negative ones. The first are guided in life by those who are not yet completely forgotten classical concepts about honor and decency; these are knights - brave and courageous people, brave and kind, always ready to take risks for the sake of justice, to protect the weak and infirm. They are principled in their intentions, decisions, actions, even if they contradict common sense. These are real fighters, always ready to sacrifice for the sake of their idea, cause, for the sake of loved one. The world and the public almost always appreciates them. They always attract attention to themselves, it is difficult for them to object, it is difficult to resist their pressure. Their personality traits and behavior, natural power over others create for them natural authority, prestige, and reputation. This is one type of "tigers".
The other is equally bright, but with opposite qualities. Their self-esteem rather resembles excessive vanity. Once you hurt them a little, you won’t be able to stop them. These people are overly self-confident, unbridled, stubborn to the point of obstinacy, sensitive to the point of pain, very hot-tempered and irritable, harsh and rude, and petty. They often come into conflict with colleagues, superiors officials, even with government agencies and departments. Often in this state they make very rash decisions and correct conclusions come too late. They do not like to ask, they only demand and are ready to fight for their rights - until complete victory.
The "tiger", as a rule, is either a revolutionary, or a leader, or a military leader, or an excellent leader. But, like many bosses, he does not always deserve the trust that is or should be given to him. When we hear his tiger roar: “Forward!”, we first need to look around, reflect, before blindly obeying and acting. The fact is that his taste for risk is very great, to the point of recklessness, to unconscious actions, and this can lead to disaster.
They often play cat and mouse with other people's feelings. They cannot obey, but with great pleasure they try to keep others under their will. As a rule, they do not compromise. They may be selfish in small things, but selfless in big things. “Tigers” always strive only forward; they are not stopped by official ranks or the hierarchy of authorities. They oppose conservative forces and bureaucratic officials, against political dogmatism and the philistine mentality.
In general, these are people of extraordinary actions and very exceptional fates, people of unexpected situations.
Since childhood, their presence, their gaiety and good mood have a beneficial effect on the environment - at home and in the yard, at school and college, and then in the work team. True, just as early they begin to look for their first victims in order to sharpen their claws and measure their strength. Those who are not afraid of them make friends with them, paying tribute to their attractive and powerful nature. Often "tigers" go on the run and long distances, although they work best only with short ones. They love speed, speed and of all types of transport they prefer motorcycles, cars and airplanes.
The Tiger strives for everything that has not yet been achieved. He is in eternal search, in eternal restlessness. He also needs to be the center of attention, the ringleader in any society. Where the “tiger” appears, something is already starting to happen, there is already a smell of risk and danger. Recklessness and imprudence, and often tactless behavior give rise to a bunch of enemies. So, for example, he can take his wife away from him on a grand scale. best friend or a friend's best friend, despising all the laws, all the rules of decency existing in a given society, taking everything for granted. He can calmly speak out for justice and a just cause even when he appointed himself as a judge. In the lives of “tigers”, everything may not happen as they initially imagined.
If the first third of life in many cases passes relatively calmly, then the second proceeds more passionately and violently, since problems of all ranks have to be solved - labor, financial, personal relationships, love, marital, family. He will not be spared anything. The last third of life can already bring peace and tranquility (though, if he manages to live up to this time).
Much depends on when the “tiger” was born: at night or during the day. Born at night, especially around midnight, the “tiger” will be free from any traps, and his life will be less stormy compared to the “tiger” who was born after sunrise, especially at noon. This one will be passionate, harsh, exposed to many dangers. In any case, he will never know melancholy or boredom, and will never regret it. And his life, filled with chance and eternal risk, will force him to constantly play with it. Most of these "tigers" are susceptible to premature death (often even violent), although, on the other hand, they are also considered "tigers" of luck.
For eastern peoples, birth in the year of the TIGER is a magnificent sign, personifying the power of the earth, a symbol of the protection of human life.
A “tiger” in the house can get rid of such great misfortunes as thieves, cunning and swindlers, and fire. But, however, if there are two “tigers” in the house, then one of them must necessarily disappear.
The sociable tiger type always needs an audience and applause. He is used to admiring himself, boasting and being arrogant. He loves flattery and praise, showing off and external shine.
The closed type does not have this self-confidence; he needs a stronger partner.
All “tigers” love public spectacles, sports stadiums, the world of art, especially the theater stage and cinema, music and the stage, fashionable clothes. In sports, preference is given to sprint distances, tennis, auto, motorcycle, and bicycle racing.
The most suitable countries for the Tigers are Italy and France, Uganda, Chile and Ecuador.
Many international crises began during the TIGER years - the general strike in England, the Munich Agreement, the outbreak of the Korean War, the crisis in Cyprus, Cuba, and so on.
Precious and semi-precious stones of the year of the TIGER - ruby, hyacinth, diamond, tiger eye garnet.
During the years of the TIGER, dynamite and television were invented, talking about aggressiveness and the art of passing over distance.
The years of the TIGER, of course, will not be calm. Firstly, they themselves already require great vigilance and caution from all living things, and secondly, it is necessary to carefully grasp all possible changes in life, study them, analyze them, and then draw appropriate conclusions and make decisions.
Politically, these years promise big changes, turning points and reshuffles in the future, with sudden and unexpected endings. Strengthening revolutionary movements, increasing the possibility of local wars, natural disasters, disasters, accidents, illnesses.
However, these years will be favorable for noble actions and changes.
For a person born between sunrise and sunset, the sun will be his main protection.

MOUSE during these years she will always feel like she is in a “danger zone,” so let her deal only with what concerns her personally.

VOL also during these years he may feel anxiety, danger, as a result of which he may become angry and become dangerous.

TIGER in these years he will be the real master of the situation. He can do whatever he wants and he will have luck anywhere and everywhere. Let him take on great things, he will be protected from everything bad and evil.

RABBIT Most of all he will hate those changes that disturb his calm way of life.

THE DRAGON He uses these years to distinguish himself in something, to shine in front of society and to be nominated for an award.

SNAKE will clearly feel how tiresome life is, and will learn a certain lesson from this.

HORSE should expect some changes and changes, fractures and rearrangements. As a last resort, she is given the opportunity to take advantage of these years to leave her parental home or separate from her love or marriage partner.

GOAT She will be sad these years because everyone will be busy with all sorts of changes and rearrangements, and they will forget about her.

MONKEY will live these years as a contented spectator or observer, although she herself is clearly convinced of the futility of these actions.

ROOSTER during these years he will feel “out of place.” His difficulties and troubles are that all the changes and changes may be too harsh for him.

DOG will feel that the time has come for self-sacrifice. She will be in her element and waiting for her happiness.

BOAR during these years, he will adapt very skillfully and intelligently to all changes and rearrangements and will generously endure them, looking to the future with faith and hope.



Here an alliance is possible if the “mouse” allows the “tiger” to go into the world of adventure. In addition, the “tiger” must give up his intransigence, and the “mouse” must give up his cunning, cunning and deceit. In this case, they will be able to celebrate not only a golden, but even a diamond wedding. Otherwise, marriage is very problematic. Friendship between them will probably not happen, because the “mouse” is seen as too much of a materialist for the “tiger”. Business relationship can take place if both work honestly and conscientiously, relax together and live together, even go on a spree together after good profits.

TIGER and Ox

Marriage is impossible due to the lack of better options. The "tiger" in the depths of his soul will either fear, or despise, or envy the "ox", but he will not be able to openly oppose him, knowing that in this case the "ox" can simply destroy him. Friendship between them is impossible due to complete incompatibility. Business relationships are also impossible. They will end in bankruptcy, collapse, or even real disaster.


Marriage is not recommended. Agreement between them is only a short-term phenomenon. Everyone will try to dominate the family, the house, and this always ends in discord, breakdown of relationships and inevitable separation. The friendship between them can be simply great. Together they can travel around the whole White light, make a revolution, a coup d'état. But living together? This is impossible!


Better not. Not recommended. Although they understand each other well, after some time the relationship between them will become strained. The “rabbit” can always resist the tiger, but the latter doesn’t really like it. The friendship between them is also very short. The “rabbit” does not take the “tiger” seriously, but the “tiger” cannot get over this. Business relations are very possible, however. They complement each other well, especially the caution of the “rabbit” and the audacity of the “tiger”.


The union is promising and promising. These are two very great forces, and in addition, the “dragon” will be useful to the “tiger” with its prudence and even caution. The friendship between them is strong and rock-solid. They complement each other well in many ways, which brings them both benefit and benefit. The business relationship is great because of the good association of the two strong people. The “dragon” will think for two, and the “tiger” will work.


Here's a joint married life should be avoided like the plague! This will lead to a complete and hopeless misunderstanding of each other. The wisdom of the “snake” is simply not perceived by the “tiger”. In fact, they are incompatible! Friendship between them is also impossible. It's like a dialogue between two wood grouse who cannot hear or understand each other. Business relationships are equally impossible. They can never come to an agreement.


Actually not bad! The “horse” partner, as a rule, fully satisfies the excessive passions of the “tiger”, while simultaneously maintaining independence from him. And since the “tiger” is always very busy, he will not suspect anything. The friendship between them is interesting because when they are together, they argue endlessly, but when apart, one cannot live without the other. Business relationships can be tried! Although at times some difficulties may arise, the overall background should still be favorable and prosperous.


This is very problematic, because in a moment of an angry outburst, the “tiger” can simply “devour” his “goat”. There may be friendship between them; the “tiger” treats the “goat” very tolerantly and condescendingly, although the “goat” itself often shakes and panics in front of him. A business relationship is possible if they both come to an agreement that the “goat” will plan and design all things, and the “tiger” will carry them out.


The prospect is very problematic. Despite the fact that the “monkey” always tries and can charm and seduce the “tiger,” this union is good for him as long as he still needs to look for adventure. Friendship between them is possible, and even not bad, but only as long as it is kept within the bounds of decency, as long as this relationship does not go too far. Business relations will be very promising as long as the “tiger” is careful and prudent in all the tricks of the “monkey”, and the latter respects the strength of the “tiger”.


This has its own problems, because the “tiger” is in many ways superior to the “rooster”, and he, poor thing, simply does not know what to do. Also, the pride of the “rooster” does not fit in with the vanity of the “tiger”. There is a sure-fire power struggle between both partners. Friendship as such does not attract them at all. In my opinion, they have never tried to be friends, they are simply not drawn to it. Business relationships are already definitely doomed to failure. "Tiger" is not a partner for "rooster".


This possible variant. Both of them, sharing the same ideas, together will fight and fight for their implementation, forgetting even about love. Friendship between them is impossible, especially strong and long-lasting. Business relationships can flourish in all areas and areas of cooperation and co-authorship, with the exception of financial and commercial activities.


Their union is actually possible. The “boar” understands and appreciates the “tiger” well; unless the latter tires him too much with his passions, then life together portends peace and tranquility for both. The friendship between them can be strong and long-lasting. They understand each other well and the prudence and caution of the “boar” helps a lot here. Business relationships will largely depend on the nobility and generosity of the "tiger", otherwise these relationships will pose a constant danger to the "boar".


ARIES- this is a “tiger” with an increased reaction to everything external stimuli. Beware of him! He can even break the sound barrier in his jumps.

CALF- This is a “balanced tiger, but only too receptive, even scrupulous.

TWINS- This is the “tiger” of crazy and risky activities, although, for the most part, he achieves success.

CANCER- this “tiger” is a lover of the fireplace and a small fire, preferring moonlit nights and a sedentary lifestyle during the day.

A LION- Isn’t it because he has a “tiger” inside him, he must behave like a “lion” everywhere and everywhere?

VIRGO- This is a “tiger” who reveres realism and the practical side of life above all else. He always sees his life goal and moves inexorably towards it.

SCALES- this “tiger” looks most like a domestic and tamed one. But he will not only be a pleasant conversationalist, but also a very useful companion in all trading matters.

SCORPION- this “tiger” is too complex and too dangerous, from which you can expect anything.

SAGITTARIUS- most similar to a real “tiger”. He can go far, or even too far.

CAPRICORN- this is a sensible “tiger”. He excels at avoiding all traps and other troubles.

AQUARIUS is a smart “tiger” who will always find a balance between thoughts and decisions, actions and deeds.

FISH- also a “tiger”, but sometimes funny, sometimes crazy, and often even very dangerous, especially for himself.