A well-constructed conversation during a phone call is the key to a good result. Perhaps the potential client will not agree to buy the product immediately and from your company, but he will remember the friendly attitude and professionalism of the specialist. Therefore, in order to leave the most favorable impression on the client, it is necessary to adhere to rules that seem simple at first glance. Why at first glance - now we will try to explain.

Incoming call response speed

Do not force the caller to listen to the dial tone; answer after the third time at most. This best option. It is also not recommended to answer after the first call: the interlocutor may have the mistaken opinion that you have no clients, and all you do is sit by the phone waiting for a miracle.

Voice intonation

A lot depends on the tone in which you communicate with your interlocutor. A person who has no knowledge or experience in the field of your company’s activities can bombard you with a huge number of, in your opinion, elementary questions. In this case, many employees have irritated notes in their voices. Contrary to the general belief that telephone communication can hide this, the interlocutor easily recognizes such intonation, and the desire to communicate with you further, as well as to cooperate with your organization, disappears completely. Be patient, that’s why you’re a professional, to answer all your potential clients’ questions.

Speakerphone and call hold

If you need clarification on a question, ask the other person to wait and turn off the microphone. Every program (if the call is made through a computer) and every telephone has such a function. There is absolutely no need for the client to listen to what is going on with you. Firstly, information constituting a trade secret may reach him, and secondly, he should not hear personal communication between employees who may not mince words. Speakerphone will also not improve the quality of your conversation. Annoying extraneous noise and poor audibility will not have a positive effect on the conversation.

Predicting what the other person might say

It’s good if you have a conversation script in front of your eyes. It’s even better if, in addition to the obligatory remarks from a company employee, it contains possible responses from a potential client to them. Having worked through possible objections several times, subsequently the correct answers will come on an intuitive level, and, sensing doubt in the interlocutor’s voice, you will already know how to dispel it.


Here already we're talking about about your competence as a specialist. You must have a reasoned and accurate answer ready for any client question.

Open-minded attitude

If your potential client is entity, it is unlikely that when you first call you will immediately get to the management. Most likely, either the secretary or another ordinary employee will answer you. But it is he who will make the first impression of you and convey all the relevant information to the person responsible for making decisions. And how exactly he presents it will determine in the future whether you will have a new client or not.

Ethics of communication

In addition to the basic rules of communication with a potential client, there is such a thing as ethics. He is treated no less simple recommendations, as in the previous case.


If you have the opportunity to call a person by name, be sure to use it. The client appreciates individual treatment, this gives him the appearance that he stands out from the general flow of potential buyers. Wishing a person good day (depending on when exactly you are calling) also encourages mutual communication.


The caller needs to know if he got there. Just like when making an outgoing call, you must immediately indicate where exactly you are calling from. It would be optimal to name the organization and introduce yourself by name, so that the interlocutor’s imagination personalizes you, and does not paint him a picture of an incubator.


It would be correct if at the beginning of the conversation you inquire whether it is convenient for your interlocutor to speak. If you do not do this, be prepared for the fact that in the middle of your fiery speech he may interrupt you and say that he is busy. It’s good if you manage to call him again after some time, but even in this case the entire script will have to be repeated again.


Be sure to check before hanging up to see if the other person has any questions. If everything is clear to him, wish him “all the best” or “ good day"and feel free to end the conversation.

Stages of communication with the client

The stages of communicating with a client over the phone are standard. Much here depends on the specifics of the service or product offered:

  • Greeting and making the client feel welcome. The more correctly you start a conversation, the more chances you will have to continue it.
  • Specifying the purpose of the call. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an outgoing or incoming call, you need to find out or identify the main issue around which the communication will be built.
  • Presentation of a product or service. Focus your interlocutor's attention on the advantages and unique features of your offer.
  • Work with objections. A stage that can almost never be avoided. To properly handle objections, entire trainings and scripts are compiled and conducted, so it’s good if you have a cheat sheet at hand.
  • Make a deal. This stage is the goal of most outbound calls. Leading to him is the best result of your communication with the client.
  • Parting. Intonation during farewell also plays a significant role. If successful, there is no need to show excessive cheerfulness, this way you will let the client know that this is only what was expected of him. His vivid imagination will instantly picture you sitting near the phone and cheerfully rubbing your hands. End the conversation in the same tone in which you started it.

Features of psychology

Before you try to sell a product or offer a service to a client over the phone, put yourself in their shoes. How interesting will your offer be to him? What benefit will he get if he agrees to it? What doubts may the client have during the conversation?

In middle and large organizations The practice of conducting psychological training is widespread. This helps remove the barrier that many people have when making an outgoing call. Cold calling is an extremely thankless job. Most of them end in refusal, and the employee forms the opinion that this type of activity is not suitable for him. Therefore, for the most part psychological trainings aimed at employee development. If the operator feels comfortable when making a call, the conversation will go easier and in an atmosphere of greater ease than if he simply reads the script from the sheet, afraid to insert an extra word.

Be that as it may, putting yourself in the client's shoes means understanding his situation. In this case, it will be easier to explain to a potential buyer why your offer is most beneficial for him. Ordinary persuasion will not bring results; you need arguments and the ability to confirm them. Only in this way can you dispel your interlocutor’s doubts about the obligatory future acquisition.

What skills are needed for communication?

First of all, in order to be able to communicate with a client on the phone, communication skills are very important. Following them, an equally important point is stress resistance. It is not always the case that there is an intelligent person on the other end of the line who can politely refuse your offer. Sometimes the interlocutor may rudely say that he does not need your services or goods. You need to be prepared for this from the beginning and under no circumstances take this manner of communication personally.

The ability to quickly assess the situation also plays an important role in the process of telephone communication with a client. If interest slips into your interlocutor’s intonation, you can additionally (or instead) offer him to purchase related products. Sometimes it is the presence of an additional offer that plays a key role in making a positive decision.

And keep in mind that the one who called is the first to end the conversation (hangs up). Our recommendations in addition

  • Sincerely appreciate every call you receive
  • Call clients by name if possible
  • Create importance of the interlocutor (even artificially)
  • Maintain composure in all situations and be patient
  • Try to control the conversation based on emotionality with the help of guiding questions (comments)

Despite the apparent simplicity of the above rules, not many call managers know and follow them fully. We hope that our article will help correct this situation.

Telephone service standards.


Can you imagine a modern business without telephone conversations?! It's like riding a horse-drawn cart to your destination with fast cars whizzing by. Thanks to the telephone, many types of communications are carried out in business: orders are given, conferences are held, purchases are made, deals are concluded, etc. That is why so many publications in specialized and business literature are devoted to the art of telephone conversations. As promised, we continue the topic of successful telephone conversations with clients.

Today we will talk about the basic rules of etiquette telephone conversation, which determine the effectiveness of conversations with clients on the phone. These are the little secrets of the great culture of telephone conversations. “Sometimes, during a telephone conversation, one word is enough to change the customer’s attitude towards your company for the worse.”

Telephone communication standard

SOS, I don’t know what to say on the phone! It can be difficult to find a way out of an unusual situation: you may be insulted on the phone, put in a dead end, or asked a question to which you do not know the answer. What should the operator do in such situations? Show ingenuity, imagination, and react quickly. The first thing you need to do is apologize. Our goal is to please the client, so we must do everything to reassure him.
Further, depending on the situation: this can be “withholding” (if you do not know the answer to a question or you have been misled), or resolving the conflict by offering all possible solutions, or ending the conversation. For example, if you are insulted, you can use the following phrase: “I will have to interrupt the conversation if the dialogue continues in this direction.”

Rules for communicating with clients by phone

If, by the nature of your activity, one of the most important departments of your company is a call center, where communication with clients takes place over the phone, you simply need to study the rules for communicating with clients by phone and train call center employees to do this. A call center worker, that is, an operator, usually represents the company. And at the first stage of communication, the client forms a first impression of the company.

After all, clients prefer to hear a friendly, polite and competent interlocutor on the other end of the line. Often it is the operator who can attract or repel customers. Signs of a qualified and unskilled worker In principle, good telephone manners are considered to be tact, restraint, respectful communication with clients, and friendliness, while rudeness, arrogance, self-confidence, and illiterate speech are considered bad manners.

All call centers: prices, services, reviews, addresses

How to end a conversation with a client Despite the “buzz” of many business coaches and marketers today, the ability to end a conversation with a client on time is valued by people more than polite communication or telephone etiquette. Endless practice of objections and importunity tires a person so much that sometimes he just wants to hear “Did I answer all your questions?” "Goodbye!" This article did not list even one-tenth of the complete set of rules of telephone etiquette, however, even these few tips will help you become a professional call center operator. Find out more about what other skills you can gain by working in a call center.
Many years will pass, you will change jobs, achieve new heights in other areas, but telephone etiquette will remain your professional trait, acquired while working in the contact center industry.

Telephone etiquette when communicating with clients

Recording and listening to your conversations with clients will help you improve your negotiation techniques. When a client calls... The client who gets through may not identify himself, but immediately begins to explain his problem. Therefore, it is necessary to tactfully ask: “Excuse me, what is your name?”, “What organization are you from?”, “Please tell me your phone number?” The rules for communicating over the phone with clients are based on the fact that you should only convey accurate information if you have the necessary data. A client who does not wait for a clear answer will no longer contact your organization. Sometimes you have to deal with an angry or nervous client. It is better to listen to his complaint and not interrupt. He will be capable of constructive dialogue only when he speaks out. When you hear an insult, you must hang up.

Telephone etiquette rules for a call center

Fortuna Company.

  • Negotiations should be brief. You cannot discuss a transaction or other matter on its merits. To do this, you must schedule a personal meeting.
  • Passing the phone many times during a conversation is bad manners.
  • Negotiations are conducted only with decision makers.
  • The promise to call back should be fulfilled immediately, as soon as the problem is resolved, or within 24 hours.
  • If a specialist is absent from the workplace, it is possible to exchange information with the help of another employee or assistant manager.
  • Recording on an answering machine begins with a greeting, indicating the date and time of the call.

Standard for communicating with customers by phone example

Each component of the greeting can have several variants so that incoming line operators can create a suitable variant. After all, your goal is to start a conversation beautifully and confidently: One of the main rules of the correct greeting for outgoing line operators is to ask the interlocutor if he can give you time at the moment. If it is not convenient for your interlocutor to talk now, you should set a time to call back.

Three key points Please note that call center operator communication standards put forward the following key requirement: construct phrases politely. When addressing a client, you should always use “you”. Its task is to adapt to the pace of the subscriber’s conversation. Here are a few more nuances that the incoming and/or outgoing line operator should take into account: Smile.

Of course, the client cannot see you during the conversation. But he senses the goodwill in your voice.

Home page » telephone etiquette


It is recommended to use speakerphone only as a last resort, and only with the consent of the interlocutor, for example: “Let me switch our conversation to speakerphone so that the marketing director can also take part in the conversation.” 15. Communication with secretaries. If your job involves making calls to organizations, this means that you periodically communicate with the secretaries of these organizations. Today, secretarial positions are occupied by educated and qualified people who are the “face of the company” and optimize the work of their superiors.

Their opinions are listened to and they are valued quite highly as “frontline workers.” Here are some tips for interacting with secretaries:

  • Don't insult, humiliate or underestimate them. These people often have a lot of power. They can become either your supporters or enemies, it all depends on you.

Rules for communicating by phone. example of a business conversation on the phone

  • Information

Collecting documents and materials for conducting a telephone conversation. Determining the purpose of telephone conversations (obtaining information, setting up a meeting). Drawing up a plan for a business conversation and a list of questions to ask.


Choosing a time convenient for the interlocutor.

  • Mood

Having a positive attitude is just as important as planning your negotiations. You can most often hear a smile, fatigue, or negative emotions, which the business partner can attribute to his own account. In order for the voice to be “alive”, it is recommended to conduct telephone conversations while standing and smiling! Rules for communicating on the phone in business

  • At the beginning of a conversation, you cannot use the words: “hello”, “listening”, “speak”.

The first and elementary rule: introduce yourself kindly when answering the call. For example: “Good afternoon. Manager Tatyana.

10 rules of etiquette for telephone conversations with clients

This will help you keep all the basic information before your eyes and not forget everything you were told. 4. Do not use profanity in conversation. Always have a hint with speech modules and good phrases before your eyes. 5. Keep all necessary documents at hand: price lists and detailed description services or products you sell. 6. Try not to confuse the client and overload him with unnecessary information. Your answers should be short and clear. 7. If the client does not express himself clearly, do not hesitate to ask leading questions. Any operator should know how to correctly pose a question. 8. Record a telephone conversation to once again listen to the conversation and make the necessary adjustments for more effective communication. In addition, management may need to clarify some questions regarding your conversation with the client. 9.

Currently, the telephone is the most popular means of communication. It helps reduce the time required to resolve various issues and save money on trips to other cities and countries. Modern business is greatly simplified thanks to telephone conversations, which eliminate the need for lengthy written correspondence in business style, going on long-distance business trips. In addition, the telephone provides the ability to conduct remote negotiations, present important issues and make inquiries.

The success of every enterprise directly depends on the correct conduct of telephone conversations, because it is enough to make one call to create a general impression of the company. If this impression turns out to be negative, it will be impossible to correct the situation. Therefore, it is important to know what constitutes competent business communication over the phone.

What it is?

Business conversation– performing professional tasks or establishing business relationships. Business communication over the phone is a specific process for which you should carefully prepare.

Before making a phone call, there are some basic points to clarify.

  • Is this call really necessary?
  • Is it important to know your partner's answer?
  • Is a personal meeting possible?

Having found out that a telephone conversation is inevitable, you need to tune in to it in advance and remember the rules, the observance of which will help to conduct telephone conversations at a high professional level.

Features and Standards

The rules for communicating by phone are quite simple and include: the following steps:

  • greetings;
  • performance;
  • clarifying the availability of free time from the interlocutor;
  • description of the essence of the problem in a brief form;
  • questions and answers;
  • ending the conversation.

The culture of telephone negotiations is one of the important components of business communication. The specifics of telephone communication are determined by the factor of remote communication and the use of only one information channel - the auditory one. Therefore, compliance ethical standards regulating telephone communication is an important factor determining the efficiency of the enterprise and the development of relationships with partners.

Business telephone etiquette for outgoing calls includes several rules.

  • Before dialing, you must check that the phone number is correct. In case of an error, do not ask unnecessary questions. It is necessary to apologize to the subscriber, and after the call ends, check the number again and call back.
  • Submission is a must. After the greeting from the interlocutor, you need to respond using greeting words, the name of the company, position and surname of the employee making the call.
  • It is recommended to first draw up a plan that reveals the goal (in the form of a graph/diagram or in text form). It is necessary to have a description of the tasks before your eyes so that you can record their implementation during a telephone conversation. Also, do not forget to note the problems that arose on the way to achieving a particular goal.

  • 3-5 minutes is the average time allotted for a business conversation. If the specified period is not enough, a reasonable solution would be to schedule a personal meeting.
  • You should not disturb people with calls early in the morning, during a lunch break or after the end of the working day.
  • In case of a spontaneous call that was not agreed upon with the partner in advance, prerequisite is to clarify whether the interlocutor has free time and indicate the approximate time required to resolve the caller’s issue. If the interlocutor is busy at the time of the call, you can arrange a different time or schedule a meeting.
  • When concluding a conversation, you need to thank the interlocutor for their time or information received.

When a telephone conversation is interrupted, the person who initiated the call should call back.

Telephone etiquette for incoming calls also includes several important points.

  • You must answer the call no later than the third ring.
  • When responding, you must provide a name or organization. In a large company, it is customary to call a department, not a company.
  • A call made by mistake should be answered politely, clarifying the situation.
  • The materials used for work should be in sight, and the conversation plan should be in front of your eyes.
  • Multiple simultaneous connections should be avoided. Calls should be taken one at a time.
  • When answering a call made to criticize a product/service or the work of an enterprise as a whole, you must try to understand the state of your interlocutor and take some of the responsibility upon yourself.
  • Outside working hours, it is recommended to turn on your answering machine. The message should include relevant information that will be useful to all clients.
  • If the employee being asked is not available, you should offer your assistance in conveying the information to him.

It is possible to highlight general principles carrying out business communication by telephone.

  • It is necessary to prepare in advance for telephone conversations with clients by drawing up a plan with goals, main points, the structure of the upcoming conversation and ways to resolve problems that may arise during the conversation.
  • You need to pick up the phone with your left hand (for left-handers - with your right) after the first or second signal.
  • It is necessary to take into account information related to the subject of the conversation.
  • The subscriber's speech should be smooth and restrained. It is necessary to listen carefully to your partner and not interrupt him during the conversation. It is recommended to reinforce your own participation in the conversation with small remarks.
  • The duration of the telephone conversation should not exceed four to five minutes.

  • If a discussion arises, it is necessary to take control of emerging emotions. Despite the injustice of the statements and the raised tone on the part of the partner, one should be patient and try to calmly resolve the dispute that has arisen.
  • Throughout the conversation, you need to monitor your intonation and tone of voice.
  • It is unacceptable to interrupt a conversation while answering other phone calls. As a last resort, it is necessary to apologize to the subscriber for having to interrupt communication, and only then answer the second call.
  • Be sure to have paper and a pen on the table so that you can write down the necessary information in time.
  • The caller can end the conversation. If you need to end the conversation in the next few minutes, then you should end it politely. It is necessary to apologize to the interlocutor and say goodbye, after thanking him for his attention.

After finishing a business conversation, some time should be devoted to analyzing its style and content, identifying mistakes made in the conversation.


As already noted, business communication over the phone does not require much time. According to the rules, such a telephone conversation can last no more than 4-5 minutes. This is the optimal period of time to resolve all issues.

During business communication over a business telephone, it is necessary to follow the sequence of stages that make up the structure of the call.

  • Greetings using special phrases that correspond to the time of day during which the call is made.
  • Message virtual interlocutor the name and position of the employee making the call, as well as the name of his organization.
  • Information about the interlocutor’s free time.
  • Concise presentation of basic information. At this stage, you need to outline the essence of the problem in one or two phrases.
  • Questions and answers to them. It is necessary to show interest in the interlocutor's questions. Answers to them must be clear and provide reliable information. If the employee who answered the call is not competent in the issue under consideration, you should invite someone to answer the phone who can give an accurate answer.
  • Ending the conversation. The telephone conversation is terminated by its initiator. This can also be done by a senior in position, age and a woman.

The phrases that end the conversation are words of gratitude for the call and wishes of good luck.

To improve conversation efficiency mobile phone General recommendations should be followed:

  • prepare the necessary correspondence in advance;
  • have a positive attitude towards the conversation;
  • express thoughts clearly while remaining calm;
  • record significant words;
  • avoid monotony by changing the pace of conversation;
  • pause at appropriate points in the conversation;
  • reproduce information to be memorized;
  • do not use harsh language;
  • When receiving a refusal, you should remain friendly and show respect for your interlocutor.

Examples of dialogue

The examples of telephone conversations below will help you understand the essence of business communication. Dialogues clearly show how to talk to a client or business partner on the phone to avoid misunderstandings.

Example of telephone dialogue No. 1.

  • Hotel administrator - Good morning! Hotel “Progress”, reservations department, Olga, I’m listening to you.
  • Guest - Hello! This is Maria Ivanova, a representative of the Skazka company. I would like to make changes to my reservation.
  • A - Yes, of course. What would you like to change?
  • D – Is it possible to change the check-in and check-out dates?
  • A - Yes, of course.
  • D – The period of stay will not be from September 1 to 7, but from September 3 to 10.
  • A – Okay, the reservation has been changed. We are waiting for you at our hotel on September 3.
  • G - Thank you very much. Goodbye!
  • A – All the best to you. Goodbye!

Example of telephone dialogue No. 2.

  • Secretary - Hello. Company "Holiday".
  • Partner - Good afternoon. This is Elena Petrova, a representative of the creative team “Flight of Fantasy”. Can I speak to your director?
  • S - Unfortunately, he is not in the office right now - he is at a meeting. May I help you? Should I give him something?
  • P - Yes, please tell me when he will be there?
  • S - He will return only at three o'clock in the afternoon.
  • P – Thank you, I’ll call you back then. Goodbye!
  • S - Goodbye!

Ethics not only controls business relationship partners in business and establishes connections with competitors, but is also a means proper organization telephone conversation. Compliance with the rules of business communication over the phone, which involves thorough study of each point, ensures effective results and long-term partnerships.

“A conversation on the telephone lies halfway between art and life. This communication is not with a person, but with the image that develops in you when you listen to him” (André Maurois).


Knowledge of the basics of business etiquette and the ability to establish contacts are an integral part of the professional experience of employees. According to statistics, the telephone is actively used to resolve more than 50% of business issues.

Indirect negotiations differ in many ways from direct business communication. Failure to comply with the basics of telephone etiquette leaves an imprint on the image and reputation of any organization. What are the basic rules for communicating on the phone?

5 stages of preparation for telephone conversations

The outcome of telephone conversations largely depends on planning. Productive calls cannot be spontaneous. Preparation and planning of negotiations can be divided into 5 stages.

  • Information
Collecting documents and materials for conducting a telephone conversation.
Determining the purpose of telephone conversations (obtaining information, setting up a meeting).
Drawing up a plan for a business conversation and a list of questions to ask.
  • Time
Choosing a time convenient for the interlocutor.
  • Mood
Having a positive attitude is just as important as planning your negotiations. In the voice you can most often hear a smile, fatigue or negative emotions, which a business partner can attribute to his own account. In order for the voice to be “alive”, it is recommended to conduct telephone conversations while standing and smiling!

Rules for communicating on the phone in business

  • At the beginning of a conversation, you cannot use the words: “hello”, “listening”, “speak”. The first and elementary rule: introduce yourself kindly when answering the call. For example: “Good afternoon. Manager Tatyana. Fortuna Company.
  • Negotiations should be brief. You cannot discuss a transaction or other matter on its merits. To do this, you must schedule a personal meeting.
  • Passing the phone many times during a conversation is bad manners.
  • Negotiations are conducted only with decision makers.
  • The promise to call back should be fulfilled immediately, as soon as the problem is resolved, or within 24 hours.
  • If a specialist is absent from the workplace, it is possible to exchange information with the help of another employee or assistant manager. The content of the message via third parties or to an answering machine must be planned in advance, observing the rules of telephone communication. Ask the secretary to organize the transfer of data and ensure that it reaches the addressee in any case.
  • Recording on an answering machine begins with a greeting, indicating the date and time of the call. After short message words of farewell follow.
  • Telephone calls should not be left unanswered, as any call can help obtain important information or close a deal. Pick up the handset quickly until the third ring.
  • Of course, you cannot answer two phones at the same time.
  1. Negotiate quickly and energetically. Presenting arguments clearly and clearly, answering questions without long pauses or vague phrases.
  2. The pause may, as an exception, last no more than one minute if the specialist is searching for a document. When the interlocutor waits longer, he has every right to hang up.
  3. Politeness is required when calling. Swearing and shouting in any case is a violation of the ethics of telephone communication.
  4. During telephone conversations, it is not recommended to use jargon, colloquial or profanity. It is also not advisable to use terminology that may not be clear to the interlocutor.
  5. You should not cover the handset or microphone with your hand when communicating with colleagues, as the interlocutor will likely hear this conversation.
  6. Forcing a guest or visitor to wait while you are on the phone is a violation of business etiquette. In this case, you need to apologize, state the reason and set a time for a new call.
  7. If the connection fails, when the conversation is interrupted, the person who called dials the number again. When a company representative negotiates with a client, customer or partner, the representative calls back again.
  8. Concluding negotiations, it is worth once again voicing joint agreements and understandings.
  9. The one who called, or the senior in position or age, ends the conversation and says goodbye first.
  10. Sincere words of gratitude are indispensable when ending a conversation. In parting, you can orient your interlocutor towards cooperation: “See you tomorrow” or “Call me in...”.

Taboo, or What expressions should be avoided?

Unwanted expression Rules for communicating by phone
"No" This word, especially at the beginning of a sentence, “strains” the interlocutor and complicates mutual understanding. It is advisable to express disagreement correctly. For example, “We will accommodate you and replace the product, but it is no longer possible to return the money.”
"We can not" Refusing a client right away means sending him to competitors. Solution: offer an alternative and pay attention first of all to what is possible.
“Call Back”, “Nobody’s There”, “Everybody’s at Lunch” The potential client will not call again, but will choose the services of another company. Therefore, we need to help him solve the problem or arrange a meeting, invite him to the office, etc.
"You must" These words should be avoided, using softer formulations: “The best thing to do is...”, “It makes sense for you...”
“I don’t know”, “I’m not responsible for this”, “It’s not my fault” Undermines the reputation of the specialist and the organization. If there is a lack of information, it is better to answer: “ Interest Ask. Can I clarify this for you?”
“Wait just a second, I’ll look (find)” Deceiving the client, since it is impossible to get things done in a second. It’s worth telling the truth: “Searching for the necessary information will take 2-3 minutes. Can you wait?
"Am I distracting you?" or “Can I distract you?” Phrases cause negativity and complicate communication. These questions put the caller in an awkward position. Preferred option: “Do you have a minute?” or “Can you talk now?”
Questions “Who am I talking to now?”, “What do you need?” Phrases are unacceptable because they turn negotiations into interrogation and violate the rules of telephone communication.
The question "Why..." The interlocutor may think that you do not trust him.

7 secrets of successful calls

  1. The rules for talking on the phone with clients suggest that effective negotiations take 3-4 minutes.
  2. Posture and intonation are just as important as the information conveyed during a conversation.
  3. How does the interlocutor speak? Fast or slow. Successful managers know how to adapt to the pace of the client’s speech.
  4. It is preferable to replace monosyllabic “yes” and “no” with detailed answers. For example, if a client asks whether you will be there on Friday, you should not only answer “yes”, but also tell them your working hours.
  5. If the conversation has dragged on, then instead of apologizing, it is better to thank the interlocutor. The rules of talking on the phone with clients do not allow an apologetic tone.
  6. Taking notes and notes during telephone conversations in a notepad will help you restore the flow of an important conversation. A business person will not use scraps of paper or calendar sheets for this.
  7. The peculiarity of the phone is that it enhances speech impediments. You need to carefully monitor your diction and pronunciation. Recording and listening to your conversations with clients will help you improve your negotiation techniques.

When a client calls...

The client who gets through may not identify himself, but immediately begins to explain his problem. Therefore, it is necessary to tactfully ask: “Excuse me, what is your name?”, “What organization are you from?”, “Please tell me your phone number?”

The rules for communicating over the phone with clients are based on the fact that you should only convey accurate information if you have the necessary data. A client who does not wait for a clear answer will no longer contact your organization.

Sometimes you have to deal with an angry or nervous client. It is better to listen to his complaint and not interrupt. He will be capable of constructive dialogue only when he speaks out. When you hear an insult, you must hang up.

Making calls in public places or in a meeting

Meetings and business meetings are times when, according to the rules, you should refrain from calling. Live voice is a priority. Negotiations that distract the attention of those present are unacceptable.

Answer call on business meeting or a meeting means showing the interlocutor that you do not value him and the time spent with him, that the person who called is more important.

There are also good reasons, for example, the illness of a relative, a large contract. The rules for communicating by telephone suggest that those present must be notified before the meeting or meeting and the receipt of the call must be coordinated with them. The conversation should be conducted very quickly (no more than 30 seconds), if possible in another office.

A person talking on the phone during a private meeting, in a restaurant, at a meeting looks uncultured and stupid.

Business conversation on the phone. Example

Option 1

Head: Satellite Center. Good afternoon.

Secretary: Good afternoon. Union of Consumer Societies. Morozova Marina. I'm calling about a competition.

R: Alexander Petrovich. I'm hearing you.

R: Yes. You can book a conference room with 150 seats.

S: Thank you. This will suit us.

R: Then it will be necessary to send us a letter of guarantee.

S: Okay. Can I send it by mail with a notice?

R: Yes, but it will take three days.

S: It's long.

R: You can send it by courier.

S: So, we’ll do that. Thank you for the information. Goodbye.

R: Goodbye. We look forward to collaborating.

Business conversation on the phone. Example 2

Manager: Hello. I would like to talk with Ivan Sergeevich.

Exhibition Director: Good afternoon. I'm listening to you.

M: This is Vladimir Baluev, manager of the Maxi Stroy company. I am calling regarding negotiations to clarify prices.

D: Very nice. What exactly are you interested in?

M: Has the cost of an exhibition square meter increased?

D: Yes, I grew up. One square meter in the pavilion from September 1 it costs six thousand rubles, and in the open exhibition - three thousand.

M: I see. Thank you for the information.

D: Please. If you have any questions, please call.

M: Thank you. I will contact you if necessary. All the best.

D: Goodbye.


The ability to apply the rules of telephone communication with clients becomes an integral part of the image of any organization. Consumers prefer companies that are pleasant to do business with. Effective business communication is the key to successful transactions, and therefore financial well-being enterprises.

How to start a substantive conversation on the phone Greetings and other politesse are all good, of course, but the most important thing is whether the interlocutor has time for business communication? One of the main rules of a telephone conversation is to clarify whether the person can talk to you in this moment on business? To avoid losing this aspect of telephone etiquette, try to hone it by chatting with friends and relatives. Believe me, they will also love your sympathetic “Can you talk now?” Create the client's mood Don't say “You're worried about...” or “You're worried about...”. Hearing this, your interlocutor may conclude that he has a negative attitude towards himself and his call. What does voice intonation say and how to adapt to your interlocutor? If you are in bad mood or have not had enough sleep, you will sound sluggish, tired or aggressive; if you are saddened by any news, it will be difficult for you to concentrate on the client.

Telephone service standards.

Home Blog Rules of telephone etiquette for a call center Compliance with every rule of telephone etiquette for a call center begins even before the operator hears the first dial tone or picks up the phone. A contact center employee must be able to cope with situations that follow standard and non-standard scenarios.

He must be prepared in advance for the conversation and know all the written and unwritten rules of each stage of the conversation: greetings, resolving the client’s question (if incoming call) or implementation of a task (for an outgoing call), goodbye. What does a greeting consist of? A word can consist of several parts (morphemes): prefix, root, suffix and ending.
Greetings, of course, are not limited to one word. But if you look closely at each part of it, you can see the same morphemes.

Telephone communication standard

Dear colleague! You are the switchboard operator of Hotel X, and therefore you are subject to the following requirements to fulfill job responsibilities. The first stage is greeting. The telephone receiver must be picked up before the third or fourth ring.


When familiarizing an employee with the standard, you can clarify that if he answers after the first call, the guest may get the impression that there are few clients in this hotel and he is the first one to call today. If the phone is picked up after the fourth ring, the guest may not wait and decide that either the hotel has changed the phone number or they were incorrectly informed about the number.

After picking up the phone, you should calmly take a breath and clearly introduce yourself: “Good morning (day, evening, night)! Hotel "X" Further, everything depends on the corporate standards of a particular hotel.

Telephone etiquette rules for a call center

  • Before dialing, you must check that the phone number is correct. In case of an error, do not ask unnecessary questions. It is necessary to apologize to the subscriber, and after the call ends, check the number again and call back.
  • Submission is a must.
    After the greeting from the interlocutor, you need to respond using greeting words, the name of the company, position and surname of the employee making the call.
  • It is recommended to first draw up a plan that reveals the goal (in the form of a graph/diagram or in text form). It is necessary to have a description of the tasks before your eyes so that you can record their implementation during a telephone conversation. Also, do not forget to note the problems that arose on the way to achieving a particular goal.
  • 3-5 minutes is the average time allotted for a business conversation.

Business communication by phone


Therefore, it is important to know what constitutes competent business communication over the phone. What it is? Business communication – performing professional tasks or establishing business relationships.

Business communication over the phone is a specific process for which you should carefully prepare. Before making a phone call, there are some basic points to clarify.

  • Is this call really necessary?
  • Is it important to know your partner's answer?
  • Is a personal meeting possible?

Having found out that a telephone conversation is inevitable, you need to tune in to it in advance and remember the rules, the observance of which will help to conduct telephone conversations at a high professional level.

All call centers: prices, services, reviews, addresses

There is a list of phrases that it is not advisable to use when talking with a client in order to comply with the standards of telephone communication: How to behave in an unusual situation? A conversation with a client does not always proceed according to the planned scenario. Especially when the operator is working on an incoming line.
Sometimes you have to listen to complaints, insults, claims. In such situations, the very first thing to do is to apologize.

The operator's main task is to satisfy the client, so he must do everything to return or direct the conversation in a calm direction. If the customer is angry, the operator should offer possible options solutions to his problem.

At the same time, the contact center employee remains calm and remembers that he is the one in control of the situation.

Telephone etiquette rules

This attitude can cause negative emotions in the client and cause irritation and disappointment. 10 golden rules of communication with a client: from waiting for an answer to asking questions Despite the fact that the work of a call center operator depends on the activities of your company, there are standards for professional communication over the phone that remain unchanged. Let's take a look at some rules for telephone communication with clients: 1.

Try not to keep the client waiting and pick up the phone as soon as possible. The client should feel that his call is expected. 2. Don’t just answer the phone with “Hello.”

When you pick up the phone, say hello, introduce yourself and name the company. Thus, the client will understand from the first minutes of the conversation that he has come to the right place.

3. Always keep a notepad in front of you, in which you can make the necessary notes.

Rules for communicating with clients by phone

If the operator does not have enough information or the answer is not in the knowledge base (it can be configured in Conversation Scripts), then he can use hold. According to etiquette, the operator should ask the interlocutor if he can wait and explain the reason for this action.

When you take a call off hold, you should thank the customer for waiting. According to all rules, the contact center employee cannot end the call first (especially with an incoming call).

But there are exceptions to this rule. For example, if a customer uses profanity, operators can warn him: “If you continue to use profanity, we will be forced to end the conversation.” If the customer does not respond correctly to the alert, the operator can hang up.

Telephone etiquette when communicating with clients

The phrases that end the conversation are words of gratitude for the call and wishes of good luck. To improve the efficiency of a mobile phone conversation, general recommendations should be followed:

  • prepare the necessary correspondence in advance;
  • have a positive attitude towards the conversation;
  • express thoughts clearly while remaining calm;
  • record significant words;
  • avoid monotony by changing the pace of conversation;
  • pause at appropriate points in the conversation;
  • reproduce information to be memorized;
  • do not use harsh language;
  • When receiving a refusal, you should remain friendly and show respect for your interlocutor.

Examples of dialogue The following examples of telephone conversations will help you understand the essence of business communication.

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    Greetings using special phrases that correspond to the time of day during which the call is made.

  • Informing the virtual interlocutor of the name and position of the employee making the call, as well as the name of his organization.
  • Information about the interlocutor’s free time.
  • Concise presentation of basic information. At this stage, you need to outline the essence of the problem in one or two phrases.
  • Questions and answers to them.

    It is necessary to show interest in the interlocutor's questions. Answers to them must be clear and provide reliable information. If the employee who answered the call is not competent in the issue under consideration, you should invite someone to answer the phone who can give an accurate answer.

  • Ending the conversation. The telephone conversation is terminated by its initiator.

Telephone communication standards

You should not try to replace a smile with words in a diminutive or affectionate form. They should not be consumed unnecessarily. Confidence.

Situations vary, but a contact center worker must exude self-confidence. This does not mean that the operator talks down to the client. If a person turns to you asking for help, this means that he has a situation in which only a professional can help. Therefore, the operator’s voice must be professional: confident and even.

Literacy. It's not just a matter of typical mistakes: using the phrase “cheap prices” instead of “low” and so on. This is the absence of Russianisms, Polonisms, and Ukrainianisms in the language, as well as the exclusion of telephone slang from the lexicon.

Call center telephone communication standards

If the specified period is not enough, a reasonable solution would be to schedule a personal meeting.

  • You should not disturb people with calls early in the morning, during a lunch break or after the end of the working day.
  • In the case of a spontaneous call that has not been agreed upon with the partner in advance, a prerequisite is to clarify the interlocutor’s availability of free time and indicate the approximate time required to resolve the caller’s issue. If the interlocutor is busy at the time of the call, you can arrange a different time or schedule a meeting.
  • When concluding a conversation, you need to thank the interlocutor for their time or information received.

When a telephone conversation is interrupted, the person who initiated the call should call back. Telephone etiquette for incoming calls also includes several important points.