In 2014 it didn’t work out a large number of indie games in the genre "horror". Often projects that were developed by a small group of people manage to gain recognition, leaving behind games from larger companies. Game series "Silent Hill" has fallen into obvious decline, and now they are trying to save it Hideo Kojima together with Guillermo Del Toro. Project « Resident Evil» also changed, turning into a third-person shooter and losing all the elements of the genre "horror". Today we will talk about one wonderful game that has won the hearts of a large number of fans. The project does not have beautiful graphics or an intricate plot, but the state of anxious anticipation and anxiety is perfectly realized. Meet Five Night At Freddy's!


The game takes place in the eighties, when cozy pizzerias were very common Freddy Fazbear Pizza. Unfortunately, the past of one of these eateries is shrouded in a dark and bloody shroud. Main character - security guard who needs quick money will have to work only five days. In the establishment itself, GG learns that it was unique in its time, since there were robots in the pizzeria animatronics, who entertained the young visitors in every possible way. It would seem, what could go wrong? On the first day of duty, the guard learns one of the terrible secrets of the pizzeria, an animatronic bitten one of the children during the next holiday. Since then, robots have been prohibited from moving during the day, but are allowed to move at night so that they can servos not rusted, and the guard must monitor the movement of unusual artists.


Freddy Fazbear. An animatronic in the form of a large teddy bear, the main antagonist of the game. Wears an elegant black top hat and bow tie. He likes to hide in dark places and makes a characteristic laugh when approaching the security room. Before the attack, it turns on a melody, giving the player one last opportunity to hold out for a short period of time. Bonnie The Bunny. An active animatronic that resembles a large purple rabbit. Attacks every night, walks only on the left side and can block doors. It is not clear what motivates him, but it is he who will constantly make attempts to kill the guard. Chica The Chicken. A large yellow chicken wearing an apron with the words "Let's Eat" written on it. Walks slowly and only right side Every time he visits the kitchen, he rattles various utensils. Foxy The Pirate. Perhaps he is to blame for the incident at the holiday. Looks like a big fox with a hook for a hand and a pirate eye patch. Runs only on the left side. Doesn't like being ignored, so Foxy activates if the player doesn't watch him for a long time.


Almost always security guard sitting in his office and looking at the monitor, which is connected to the camera system in the pizzeria. Animatronics most often they move when no one is looking at them, but it will not be possible to keep the entire eatery under supervision; even for the most cunning players the game has many surprises in store. For example, the camera may fail as a result, main character will lose visibility for a short period of time. In addition, the game has a restriction that does not allow the constant use of electronic devices. Unfortunately, the employer saves on electricity, so its supply is very limited. The main character can look down both passages, shine flashlights, or simply close them, but everything you do wastes precious electricity. Based on this, the player should act thoughtfully, predicting the behavior of each robot. If the main character lets someone into your office, the animatronic will scream horribly and kill the guard. Simple screamer and a tense atmosphere of anxiety can greatly fray the nerves.


The advantages of the game include the perfectly conveyed atmosphere of restless anticipation. A late-night pizzeria can truly instill fear in an unprepared player. Special attention the universe deserves. It would seem that this is a simple indie game from one person, but after the release of the second part of the game, rumors about the game, its hidden characters and events still do not subside on many forums. Of the minuses, only one can be identified as significant – graphics. Unfortunately, the game was created on an engine for 2D quests, due to this circumstance the picture is not the best, but it copes with its task.


The game is great, if you are hungry for horror stories and horror, then the project may hook you. Outlast has already left the competition, and the ninth part Silent Hills will be in development until 2016. Five Night At Freddy's can bring a lot of pleasure to connoisseurs of the genre. for the site

Keywords: five nights at freddy's,ios,android,description,review,five nights at freddy's,horror,freddy fazbear pizza,animatronics,freddy fazbear,bonnie the bunny,chica the chicken,foxy the pirate

The story is this: on June 13, news about the creation of an unusual survival horror called Five Nights at Freddy's was published on Steam Greenlight. After the trailer was released, the public became interested in the game, and after the demo version was released, the game short time gained popularity.

The game involves sitting on a chair, you need to watch Freddy Faz's pizzeria during the night shift. The whole trick is that the animatronics (robot dolls that entertain the visitors of this pizzeria) are trying, without realizing it, to kill the security guard. Each animatronic consists of two parts: an endoskeleton (skeleton with muscles and brain) and a frame (skin). Freddy Faz's pizzeria rules state that endoskeletons without a frame are not allowed in the pizzeria. So, animatronics consider a crowd of people during the day to be people, and a lonely person at night is considered an endoskeleton without a frame. The guard (the main character) might have survived if the frame had not been too cramped. A person cannot fit into the frame, so the animatronics forcibly try to push the ENTIRE person into the frame. The victim becomes a mutilated piece of minced meat. It is pointless to use force against animatronics, since they are the size more than a person and weigh more than a person.

Now about the story. A security guard must work five days on the night shift to get paid for his work. Every night, a voice recorder is played of a man who worked as a security guard before the main character. He reports that in 1987, an incident occurs with one of the animatronics and a visitor to the pizzeria. The animatronic bit through the frontal lobe of a person, after which the number of visitors sharply decreased and Freddy Faz's pizzeria began to experience financial problems. Money became so scarce that the management of the pizzeria decided to save electricity.

Now about the animatronics. The animatronics have such a system that their movable springs are blocked if they remain motionless for a long time, so they are left in the on mode at night. It was easier for the pizzeria to hire a security guard than to hire a specialist who could fix the animatronics. A security guard was needed and Mike Schmidt responded to an ad in the newspaper and decided to work as a night watchman at Freddy Faz's pizzeria. The man on the voice recording explains that animatronics are capable of killing a person, so the main character needs to be careful. On the fourth night, the person’s recording is interrupted by the animatronic’s scream. From this we can conclude that the previous guard died. The main character survives safely, gets paid for five nights, then works part-time on the sixth night and is fired on the seventh night.

This is where the story ends. However, the pizzeria has a secret history, which can be discovered if you explore the pizzeria itself a little more carefully. In one of the rooms (or corridors) there is a poster saying that children are disappearing in the pizzeria.

The mysticism is that the inscription on the poster can change. The poster says that five children were killed by a man who dressed up as an animatronic (how did he get there?). The police found the perpetrator, but did not find the children's bodies. Later, visitors to the pizzeria began to notice that the animatronics began to smell terribly, and a liquid very similar to blood began to flow from the eye holes. The US Health Administration noticed violations of sanitary standards. The pizzeria was in danger of closing. As a result, the management of the pizzeria was unable to find a buyer and the pizzeria had to be closed for a while.

Now let's talk about Five Nights at Freddy's 2. Fans of the game were very happy that a sequel to the first part would be released. They thought so. In fact, Five Nights at Freddy's 2 is a prequel and without a careful study of the facts it seems that the second part It's still a sequel.

In the second part everything starts the same as in the first part. Jeremy Fizgerald gets a job as a security guard. One of the pizzeria workers contacts him by phone every night and also tells him that the work involves the risk of dying at the hands of animatronics, who also see the security guard as an endoskeleton without a frame. To protect himself from the animatronics, the guard is provided with a Freddy mask, just in case. On the fourth night, the phone guy says that some kind of investigation into the pizzeria is ongoing and that Fazbear Entertainment completely denies any wrongdoing. Someone hacks the animatronics' facial recognition system, after which the animatronics are friendly towards children (as before), but react hostile towards adults. The fact that the animatronics' program does not include killing people does not mean that they are not capable of it. On the fifth night, the phone guy reports that the pizzeria is in isolation, and someone needs to guard the pizzeria. On the sixth night, the phone guy says the pizzeria is closing for the time being. Someone was using a spare yellow suit in a wing of the building.

This is where the story ends, but look at the check date at the end of the fifth night.

1987 Exactly the year mentioned in the first part. The second part of the game does not mention Incident 87 anywhere, so the question arises: is the second part a sequel or a prequel?

Evidence that Five Nights at Freddy's 2 is a prequel

1. The telephone guy in the second part has the same voice as the voice recorder in the first. In the first part, he presumably dies, and in the second part he reports that after that week he himself will work as a security guard. This is the same person.

2. The date on the check is 12/11/1987, and the next check after the sixth night is dated 13/11/1987. The date on checks is written as follows: month-day-year. By the way, November 13 in 1987 just falls on a Friday, which is why the sixth night is so difficult. Incident 87 is never mentioned in the game.

3. In the first part it is explained that the animatronics cannot walk on their own during the day (only at night) after Incident 87, while in the second part they can walk at least all the time.

4. The previous cafe was called "Family Dinner with Freddy", while in the first part the main character works at "Freddy Phase's Pizza"

5. The phone guy tells Jeremy Fizgerald that there was another security guard working before Jeremy who was transferred to the day shift. He either worked at the same pizzeria where Jeremy works or at Freddy's Family Dinner.

6. There is a version that incident 87 occurred the day after the seventh night. The phone guy on the sixth night says that "...we have another event planned for tomorrow, a birthday. You will be wearing your uniform on the day shift while being around the animatronics. Make sure they don't hurt anyone, okay?" ". This version immediately disappears after the end of the sixth night, but another version follows from this: in the newspaper next to the receipt it is written that a week after opening the pizzeria will close, and the new animatronics will be dismantled for spare parts. The head of Fazbear Entertainment says that someday they will open the pizzeria again, only with a smaller budget. In the first part of the pizzeria there was just not enough money, so the management had to save energy.

7. If the game is a sequel, then the old animatronics are the animatronics from the first part of the game. But the old animatronics differ in their appearance from the animatronics from the first part.

Example: compare the bear from the first part with the bear from the second.

8. There is a chance that after death a mini-game will start in which you need to control the animatronic. The style of the game is somewhat similar to the Atari 2600 games. At a certain interval, a distorted voice announces letters that can be used to form the words "save them", "save him", "help them". When playing as a puppet, you first need to give gifts to the children, and then put them in the animatronic frame.

At the top it will be written "give life". It is known that five children disappeared from the pizzeria. In that mini-game, it becomes clear that four children die at the hands of the puppet, but where did the fifth go? In the other three mini-games, a purple human silhouette appears.

In one mini-game, where playing as Freddy you need to give some kind of cake to children, after a while a purple car comes to the crying child. A purple man emerges from there and turns the crying child gray and motionless. This means that the child has died. In another mini-game, where you also need to control Freddy, while chasing a puppet, a purple man appears on the way, after which the words "you can"t" appear in the corner of the screen. In the third mini-game, you control Foxy and run towards the children, presumably to entertain them.On the third run, the purple man appears in the corner again, and behind the stage there are five corpses.

Evidence that Five Nights at Freddy's 2 could be a sequel

1. There is a logical fallacy when the check says it was issued in November, but the phone guy says the job is summer. From this, a version emerges that the check may have an error in writing the date, perhaps even the year is written incorrectly. However, this may also be a mistake by the game developer himself.

2. On the first night, the phone guy says that "Some people are still wary of the company." This may be an allusion to Freddy Phase's Pizza, where the main character worked in the first part of the game.

3. Also a reference to the pizzeria from the first part is the phone guy's words " may have noticed that there are no doors to close."

Interesting facts not related to the plot

1. In the full cry of the animatronics there is an extraneous voice saying the word "freedom" (freedom). The animatronic's scream itself is a distorted human scream.

2. This is what the puppet model looks like.

3. The main character may be hallucinating.

4. As he moves towards the guard, Tsypa’s beak disappears.

Well, this is the end of my blog, I have told almost everything that can be said about this game. The phone guy's words have been translated from English into Russian. For those who have not played these games, they will not immediately understand what this blog is about.

On the eve of the release of the highly anticipated Five Nights at Freddy's 4, it's time to gather all the facts about this amazing universe. If for some reason you don’t know all the main characters and are confused about the plot, and the information on Wiki seems to be not enough for you, then here is the complete “collected works”. It's time to take a closer look at the history of the cursed animatronics. Let us remind you that Five Nights at Freddy’s 4 will be released on August 8 this year.

First of all, it's worth figuring out who is who in the series. There have been more than 17 characters in Five Nights at Freddy’s over all three parts. I am sure that each of those listed below left the best memories of themselves!


Mike Schmidt

Protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's. Managed to survive a collision with animatronics, but lost his job at the end of the first part of the game.

"Phone Guy"

The security guard who worked the night shift before Mike. Periodically gets in touch to help Mike with advice, relieve tension and shed light on what is happening. In Five Nights at Freddy's 2, I was skeptical until I encountered the curse myself. On the fourth night of the first part he will fall victim to the animatronics. Loves Foxy, but can't stand Puppet. There are suspicions that it is the "Phone Guy" who is the "Purple Guy" or the "Purple Man".

Freddy Fazbear

The main mascot of the pizzeria. The friendly-looking Freddy Bear loves dark places, so at night he can be found more often than other animatronics. Several human handprints are visible on his face. Appears in all three Five Nights at Freddy's games in one form or another.


Looks like a purple bunny. He plays in a group and really likes to lead the player by the nose, often just going in and out of the office. Like Chica, Bonnie makes chilling humanoid sounds that let you know she's not just a robot. Bonnie appears in all three Five Nights at Freddy's games.


Yellow chicken in an apron (not a duck, as many people think). If she comes to the office, she will stand there for a while. Like Bonnie, Chica makes scary sounds that hint that the animatronics are something more sinister than just machines. She can be found in all three parts of Five Nights at Freddy's, but in the second she was slightly modified.


Lives in "Pirate Bay" and is there while you are watching him. Of course it looks like a fox. But instead of a right hand, he has a hook and an eye patch, just like pirates - he moves very, very quickly. By the time of the events of the first Five Nights at Freddy's, Pirate's Cove had fallen out of use. Also appears in all three games.

Golden Freddy

The same Freddy Fazbear, but gold color. Appears only when special conditions. No one knows who he is or if he is even real, which makes golden Freddy one of the most mysterious characters in Five Nights at Freddy's.

Jeremy Fitzgerald

The protagonist of Five Nights At Freddy's 2. He worked in a pizzeria for six days, after which he was transferred to the day shift. Unfortunately, something terrible happens that day, and further fate Jeremy remains unknown.

Fritz Smith

Works on the seventh night of Five Nights At Freddy's 2. He is fired immediately after it.

Toy Animatronics

Toy Freddy, Bonnie and Chica are improved versions of the main mascots. They first appear in the second game and, although toy animatronics look much nicer and more harmless than ordinary ones, they are just as dangerous.


Was supposed to be the new Toy Foxy, but the kids really enjoyed taking it apart for parts. Each time, the pizzeria staff reassembled it, but soon they got tired of it. The toy was given the name Mangle (Russian: “Cripple”), and was simply thrown in disassembled form for the children to tear to pieces. There is a fan theory that Mangle was the culprit behind the Bite of '87. First appears in the second part.

Boy with balloons

An animatronic that looks like a chubby boy wearing striped clothes and a propeller cap. In his hands balloon and a sign that says “Balloons” (Russian: “Balls”). It comes through the ventilation and is not capable of killing the player, but it can damage the lighting. He talks and laughs often, making him a creepy addition to the entire Five Nights at Freddy's 2 plush company.


Her long, thin dark body and creepy clown maxi will give you nightmares. "Phone Guy" really dislikes this animatronic. The only way to escape from the Puppet - wind the music box in time. The doll has special inexplicable abilities that set it apart from the rest. The Puppet first appears in the second part of the game.

"Purple Guy"

Appears only in mini-games in the second and third parts of Five Nights at Freddy's. It is believed that it is the “Purple Guy”/“ Purple Man" is behind the kidnapping of children, which is what caused all the fuss. He always smiles, even when he does terrible things, and also holds something in his hands and wears a badge similar to a security guard's badge. He dies in one of the mini-games while trying to hide in Springtrap from the ghosts of children surrounding him. The spring mechanism in the suit fails, tearing it apart.


The main enemy of Five Nights at Freddy's 3. He is a hybrid of a suit and an animatronic. A person can put it on by securing the inside of the suit with special spring locks. It is very dangerous to wear a suit, because any sudden movement or entry of moisture will set the springs into action, which can significantly injure or even kill the person inside. Springtrap is in a malfunctioning state, but he is the only intact animatronic in the Fazbear's Terror attraction. Springtrap is much smarter than the other animatronics and appears to have human intelligence.

"Dude from the Phone"

A replacement for “Phone Guy” from the first part in Five Nights at Freddy’s 3. A rather strange character who is clearly delighted with everything that happened in the pizzeria. Only communicates with the player for a couple of nights, after which old recordings of "Phone Guy" will be played.


These are just hallucinations in the form of animatronics from the first two parts. They first appear in Five Nights at Freddy's 3 and appear as broken and burned animatronics. Since these are just hallucinations, they cannot harm the player, but can distract them long enough for Springtrap to do what he needs.

The plot of Five Nights at Freddy's

Mike Schmidt got a job as a night watchman at the once popular Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria. Now the establishment is experiencing better times- all because of an accident, after which the health department decided to close it. Because business is bad, the pizzeria is strictly conserving electricity. Since the establishment is closed at night, Mike's job is to monitor the expensive and fragile animatronics - automated life-size puppets.

After one of the animatronics attacked someone, the robots are prohibited from moving around the pizzeria during the day. But, to ensure that their mechanisms do not break down due to inactivity, they can roam freely around the premises at night. The animatronic design has a fatal flaw - when the pizzeria is closed, they treat any person as an endoskeleton and try to stuff him into a suit to maintain the illusion of animation for children. Unfortunately, the animatronic costumes are not designed for humans and such “stuffing” will kill them.

The only person Mike has contact with during his shifts is "Phone Guy", from whom messages arrive during the first four nights. He explains the game mechanics and talks about what is happening in the pizzeria. During the fourth night, we realize that the phone guy was attacked by an animatronic while he was recording. On the fifth night, we receive a message with a recording of the meaningless muttering of a demonic voice. According to canon, Mike manages to survive a week in the pizzeria. At the end of the fifth day he receives a check for a small amount. Then a small raise, after which he is fired for damaging robots, unprofessional behavior and bad smell. It may be unfair, but he remained safe and sound.

Additional Information

Animatronics are not allowed to move during the day because one of them bit off the frontal part of someone's head in 1987. "Phone Guy" calls this accident the "Bite of '87." In the east wing of the pizzeria, you can sometimes see newspaper clippings with a story about missing children, around which the game's plot revolves. There are four articles in total.

One describes the disappearance of two children who were lured into the back room of a pizzeria. The culprit was identified via CCTV and caught the next morning, but the children or their bodies were never found. It is known that the maniac was dressed as one of the establishment’s mascots. Another article reports that the number of missing children has reached five. The suspect was captured, but the bodies were again never found. This article also mentions that due to incidents with children, things went wrong at the pizzeria.

The third article talks about complaints from the health department regarding animatronics. They give off a foul odor, and their mouths and eyes are stained with blood. One of the visitors even compares them to zombies (and very successfully, in my opinion, but who asked me?). The latest says that after a year of failed attempts to find a buyer, the pizzeria will likely close before the end of the year. So, the tragedy that happened several years ago put an end to the future of the establishment.

Unsolved mysteries

We don't know which animatronic is behind the Bite of '87, but fans for a long time They believed that this was Foxy - the most broken doll of all. The reason for suspicion is his sharp, broken teeth and the fact that the Pirate Bay where he lives is closed. The sign standing there tells us this. But in the second game, Foxy has an alibi, and the suspicions of the fan community fall on Mangle. But these are just theories, and the real fan of the toothy lobotomy remains unknown.

Who is Golden Freddy? If he's just a hallucination of Mike, then why does he appear in other parts of the game? After all, this mysterious bear can even kill the player, which would be very strange if it is not material. Maybe, like the phantoms in the third game, he's just a distraction while the invisible killer does his job? In any case, Golden Freddy is one of the mysteries of the Five Nights at Freddy's series that is not even close to being solved.

Who killed the Phone Guy? In the recording, right before his death, we hear Freddie's bell. However, this only makes him one of the suspects, because the sound we hear before the end of the message is similar to what Chica and Bonnie usually make. In the recording, someone can also be heard knocking on the door, which is what Foxy usually does. It is also unknown what happened to "Phone Guy"'s body. If the animatronics killed him, then they stuffed his body into Freddy Fatsbear's suit. Or maybe Golden Freddy?

The plot of Five Nights At Freddy's 2

The second part is a prequel to the original Five Nights At Freddy's. Its main character is a security guard named Jeremy Fitzgerald. Looks like it's him work week ends with the famous "Bite of '87". Still young and naive, “Phone Guy” calls us again every night to provide support and guidance. He still does not suspect what danger the animatronics pose. After all, their task is simply to entertain children, whom they recognize by sounds.

"Phone Guy" explains that due to the lack of a normal night mode, if the room where the animatronic is located is quiet, he will go in search of the source of any noise. This would not be scary if not for the fact that after the pizzeria closes, they perceive people as animatronics without a suit, and this is against the rules. So, having stumbled upon a would-be security guard, they immediately try to stuff him into Freddy's suit, which, much to the latter's misfortune, is filled with sharp metal parts.

By the way, on the CCTV cameras you can see the animatronics that we encounter in the first part of Five Nights At Freddy’s. They are in poor condition and have not been used for a long time since new models were created. The pizzeria staff tried to improve the old animatronics, but nothing worked, so they were simply left half-assembled.

Hard times have not yet come for the pizzeria, and Jeremy's office has an unlimited supply of energy, but no doors, due to the modern design of the premises. Everything the guard can use for protection: a music box, a flashlight and Freddy Fazbear's head. However, the hero manages to survive all six nights.

However, during the day things don't go so well. During the third night, "Phone Guy" tells us about the nasty rumors that are going around the restaurant. The next day, he mentions an investigation that could force the pizzeria to close for several days. He also thinks that someone broke the animatronics' facial recognition system. They behave well around children, but are quite aggressive around adults.

On the fifth night, "Phone Guy" informs the player that the pizzeria building is isolated, and hints that it has something to do with a previous employee whose position as a daytime security guard became vacant. The phone guy also says that all attempts to contact the owner of the old Fredbear's Family Diner, for which the animatronics were originally purchased, have failed. On his last shift, Jeremy "Phone Guy" is surprised to find him working since the restaurant was supposed to be closed for a while. He says that someone used the loose yellow suit and now all the animatronics are acting strange and tells Jeremy that he will be working the day shift tomorrow at the birthday party. "Phone Guy" will take over the night shifts when the pizzeria reopens.

It is believed that it was during this party that the “Bite of ’87” occurred. We don't know who the victim was, but it is possible that it was Jeremy. We are shown a newspaper in which it is written that the pizzeria will be temporarily closed, new animatronics will be disposed of, and old ones will be repaired for the opening. The canonicity of the seventh night is in question, but if it did exist, then a certain Fritz Smith worked on the night shift, who was immediately fired for causing damage to the animatronics. And for the terrible smell, of course.

Additional Information

Most of the plot hints in the second part come from Death Minigames - 8-bit mini-games that can sometimes be played after death. There are four of them in total, and each one little by little reveals the mystery of the missing children. The first game is called "SAVETHEM". The player controls Freddy Fazbear and follows the Puppet. During this, someone says “SAVE THEM” (Russian: “Save them”). Eventually, "Purple Guy" appears and attacks Freddy.

The next mini-game is called “Give Gifts, Give Life” (Russian: “Give Gifts, Give Life”). This time the player controls the Puppet and his only task is to distribute gifts. This can be done by touching four characters who are most likely the ghosts of the missing children. After the player completes the task, the instructions on the screen will change to “Give life”. You need to touch all the children again, but this time by putting animatronic masks on them. After which Golden Freddy will attack the Puppet, and the body of the fifth child will appear in the middle of the room.

In the third game, Freddy again becomes the protagonist. The game is called “Take Cake To The Children”. There are two babies in the room that turn green when fed and red when hungry. There is a third child standing outside, crying. Soon, a purple car appears, from which "Purple Guy" emerges and kills the third child, who begins to cry even more and eventually turns gray. After this, Freddy's movement speed slows down, and it becomes increasingly difficult for the player to keep the first two children well-fed. When they all turn red, the mini-game ends.

IN last game the player takes on the role of Foxy. You need to leave Pirate's Cove and entertain a group of three children. They look quite happy, but for some reason one of them is sad. If you go back into the Cove and exit again three times, the "Purple Guy" will appear and the children will be dead.

Unsolved mysteries

Who is the "Purple Guy"? We can say with all certainty that it was he who killed the children, but no one knows who he really is and what his motives are. During the first mini-game, we see a badge on his chest and some object in his hands. Maybe it's the day shift security guard? "Phone Guy"? What connects him with the sad child?

Although it turns out that the Puppet resurrected dead children, turning them into animatronics, how and why she did this remains a mystery. The puppet is very different from the other animatronics. What does he even need?

Who was the victim of the "Bite of '87"? Did Jeremy survive? And if he is not the victim, then who was bitten? And in that case, where did he go? All this and much more can be counted among the huge baggage of Five Nights At Freddy’s mysteries.

The plot of Five Nights At Freddy's 3

It's been 30 years since Freddy Fazber's Pizzeria closed. The terrible events that happened here have long passed into the category of rumors and urban legends. Many people began to experience a strange nostalgia for this mystical place. And where there is nostalgia, there is someone who can benefit from it. So meet: Fazbear’s Fright: The Horror Attraction. This is a small, unassuming museum of everything related to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. The attraction should open within a week and the player will play the role of an unnamed night guard. Everything would be in order, except for one thing - a real, intact animatronic was found, and no one even suspects what danger it conceals. His name is Springtrap (English: Springtrap - “spring trap, trap”). He is the only one who can kill the player, but with Springtrap's amazing intelligence this is usually not difficult.

Springtrap was designed as a hybrid suit that can operate autonomously or with a human inside. Its disadvantage is the unreliability of the springs that hold the mechanical parts in order to make room for the human body. If the suit gets wet or otherwise exposed external environment, the springs can snap the animatronic parts back into place, crushing the poor soul inside. Because of this unpleasant feature, Springtrap was never used and was kept in a sealed room in the restaurant. This explains why the organizers of Fazbear's Nightmare found the suit intact. Springtrap is different from most animatronics. He is fast, smart and loves to lead the guard by the nose. Its goal is very clear, and excuses like a failure of the people recognition system are of no use here. The only thing that speaks of his relationship with other animatronics is that he can be distracted by sounds.

“Telephone Guy” has been dead for a long time, but a replacement has been found - “Telephone Dude”. He is a big fan of the legend surrounding Fazbear's Pizzeria, and after a few nights there, he happily invites the player to check out some training tapes that the team of fans who created the attraction managed to find. These recordings were made by the original Phone Guy and more or less explain how Springtrap works and its shortcomings. But we will never know what will happen to the “Dude from the Phone.”

Five Nights At Freddy's 3 has two possible endings - good and bad. After the good one, we see an image of the four heads of the main mascots with dull eyes, which most likely means that the restless spirits controlling the animatronics are now free. A photograph can also be seen indicating Springtrap's possible escape.

The bad ending is similar to the good ending, but there are five heads (the fifth belongs to Golden Freddy) and their eyes glow. Five Nights At Freddy's 4 is coming out soon, and we can assume that the bad ending is canonical, but we'll probably only know that after the game's release.

Additional Information

Mini-games are back! You need to earn a piece of cake in each game to unlock all the children for the “Happiest Day” mini-game, where the fun happens. In it, the ghosts of children surround "Purple Guy" in the secret room of the pizzeria, where he tries to hide from them inside Springtrap. It works at first, but when "Purple Guy" jumps up and starts laughing, the springs snap Springtrap's mechanical insides back into place, killing him. The ghosts of the children disappear, and the remains of the killer remained inside the suit until the events of Five Nights At Freddy's 3. By the way, "Telephone Dude" mentions a second suit, similar to Springtrap, but it is not found in the game. There is a theory that this costume is Golden Freddy.

Unsolved mysteries

At first glance, phantom characters are hallucinations, but maybe everything is not so simple? One of the endings hints that animatronics still exist, but in what form? After all, it was never possible to collect them completely. Are they really just ghosts? Golden Freddy is not in the picture in the good ending. This is a hint that no matter which ending is canonical, the spirit of Golden Freddy will not rest. What makes it different from the rest?

If we accept the fact that the animatronics behave this way because of the spirits that have possessed them, then why do they behave the same way in the second part, even before the killing of children begins? Does the "Purple Guy" have other victims that we don't know about? Could the fire in the attraction not have been caused by faulty wiring, as the newspaper says? Why do Phantoms look burnt even before the fire? Does the main character of the third part have anything to do with what happened to Fazbear's Nightmare? However, the main mystery remains Springtrap. What does he need? Why is he trying to kill the player? If he escaped what will he do next?

What to expect from Five Nights At Freddy's 4?

If we're lucky, Five Nights At Freddy's 4 will shed light on many mysteries, but new ones will certainly be added. Scott Cawthon is well aware of how popular the world and characters he's created are among players, and how much they enjoy guessing where it will all lead. Although our humble attempt to summarize all the facts about Five Nights At Freddy’s turned out to be quite long, we hope that it will help you prepare for the release of the fourth part and will not allow you to get confused in the terrible interweaving of the plot, as well as in seemingly unimportant little things.

  • Save them- playing as Freddy, you need to follow the puppet and approach the child. The mini-game map completely copies the map of the pizzeria premises. Very rarely, a purple person may appear. He will say: “You can’t.” If you put the name of the mini-game together, you get: “You can’t save them.”
  • Give a cake to children- playing as Freddy, you need to distribute cakes to children. It can be seen that a little boy is standing outside the window and crying. After this, a purple car will drive up to the child, a pink man will get out of it and kill the child. Perhaps this child is the Puppet. After that she attacks.
  • Give gifts, give life- playing as a puppet, you need to put animatronic masks on dead children. After this, Golden Freddy's jump scare will appear. A fifth child will appear one moment before the jump scare.
  • Foxy's debut- playing as Foxy, you need to run into the room with the children every time at the signal “Go! Go! Go” and go back behind the curtain. Before the fourth approach, you can see a smiling pink man next to the curtain. During the fourth run, all the children are dead. After that - Foxy's screamer.


  • Jeremy Fitzgerald(eng. Jeremy Fitzgerald) - this is the main character; The character the player controls is a security guard who works the night shift at a pizzeria. After completing five nights he receives a salary, after the sixth night he receives a bonus of 20 and 10 cents and is transferred to the day shift. Lefty.
  • Telephone Man/Guy(English: Phone Guy/Man) - a person who works in the same pizzeria on the day shift. Beginners should listen to his words. Appears in the first three parts of FNaF, but on the fourth night in Five Nights at Freddy's he dies. Since FNaF 2 is a prequel and takes place in 1987 (namely the year of the bite), everything fits: he worked here from the very beginning.
  • Purple Man/Guy(eng. Purple Guy/Man) - found in mini-games. The most mysterious person in the history of Five Nights at Freddy's. In addition to one Purple guy, there is also Pink guy or Pink man(English Pink Guy/Man, who is a killer. He could easily be confused with the Purple Man. Thanks to the novel Silver Eyes, the real name of the Purple Guy is learned - William Afton (English William Afton). " Also known from the Sister Location teaser with a broken animatronic that William Afton will be associated with this game.
  • Fritz Smith/Telephone Guy(eng. Fritz Smith) - a character controlled by the player - a security guard who works only on the seventh night. At the end of the seventh night, he is fired due to hacking a change in the animatronics' program. He may be a telephone man, since on the sixth night he says that tomorrow he will try to change the guard, and on the seventh night no one calls the player.
  • Crying Boy(eng. Crying Child) - a character killed by the Pink Guy (possibly a puppet or the fifth killed child).


  • Toy Freddy(eng. Toy Freddy) - a toy version of Freddy. Made cuter and thicker than the original version. He has a microphone in his left paw, which makes it clear that he was the vocalist in the group. Appears only in the corridor and in the play area. Active from the first night. In the rest it is inactive. When appearing in front of the player, the light flashes. But there is one strange thing: before the jump scare he doesn’t have eyes, but during the jump scare he does. On the way, he is visible only in the playing area.
  • Toy Bonnie(eng. Toy Bonnie) - a toy version of Bonnie. He blue color, he has red cheeks and green eyes. He is holding a guitar, which makes it clear that he was the guitarist in the group. Active from the first night. Likes to climb into the right ventilation. Goes through celebration rooms 3, 4 and 2 (he is not visible in celebration room 4 on the phone version) and the right ventilation.

When Bonnie is in the right vent, the mask must be put on immediately.

  • Toy Chica(eng. Toy Chica) - a toy version of Chica. She has pink blush, pink shorts, and a more feminine figure. The appearance is much more beautiful than Old Chica. She always walks around with Carl the cupcake in her left hand and even attacks with it. He wears a bib around his neck with the phrase “Let’s party” written on it. As soon as she leaves the stage, her eyes and beak disappear. Active from the first night. Likes to climb into the left ventilation. As soon as you notice it in the left ventilation, you need to immediately put on a mask.
  • Mangle(eng. Mangle) - a toy version of Foxy, although unlike her original, she is female. Every day the children took it apart, but one day the pizzeria employees got tired of assembling it, and they made it into a “Assemble and Disassemble” attraction, which no one used. Active from the second night. It is known that in English language mangle - a verb meaning “to cripple” is also translated as mutilation, which justifies her image. Also, Mangle has no gender in English. Goes through the Prize Corner, Game Area, Main Hall, Corridor, Party Room 2 and the right vent. When the right ventilation is occupied by other animatronics, Mangle goes to party room 1. Mangle travels along the ceilings, walls, getting to the office.
  • Old Freddy(eng. Old Freddy) - a brown bear with a microphone in his left paw, a black bow and two buttons on his chest (you can also notice that he has more teeth than in FNaF 1). Active from the third night, as in FnAf 1. Goes from the room with the disassembled animatronics through the Main Hall, Celebration Room 3 and the Corridor.
  • Old Bonnie(eng. Old Bonnie) - a blue-violet rabbit with a red butterfly on her neck and two black buttons on her chest. He is missing his face (an endoskeleton head with red eyes is visible) and his left arm. Active since the third night.
  • Old Chica(eng. Old Chica) - a yellow chicken (many mistake it for a duck) with a bib on its neck, on which the phrase “Let's Eat” is written - “Let's Eat,” while Toy Chica's bib says “Let's party” ! - "Let's have fun!" Her jaw is broken and her servos are blocked, so her beak is constantly open. The arms are the same story. Also the hands are missing. Active since the third night. Goes through celebration rooms 4 and 2, and into the right ventilation .
  • Old Foxy(eng. Old Foxy) - a fox with an eye patch that is always closed and with a built-in hook instead of his right hand. Looks much worse than Foxy from FNaF 1. Active from the second night. Jumps on the player. Doesn't react to the mask. During Old Foxy's jump scare, you can see endoskeleton parts in his mouth.
  • Boy with Balls(eng. Balloon Boy) - a new character. Looks like a little boy with a helicopter hat. IN right hand holds balloons, and on the left is a sign that says “Balloons!” (Air balloons!). Active from the second night. There is one big oddity: it does not have an endoskeleton, but somehow it can move. Perhaps he is controlled by the child's soul, since when he gets to the office, you can see "gray eyes" in his mouth, but in reality they are just glare. Once he gets into the office and starts laughing, he drains the batteries and the guard is unable to turn on the flashlight. There is also one strange thing: when he gets into the office (this is accompanied by laughter and the flashlight turning off), he attracts Old Foxy with his laughter and there is a high probability that Foxy will kill the player. Also on the third and remaining nights, laughter attracts old Bonnie, who kills the player.
  • Puppet(eng. The Puppet/Marionette) - a new character, is a puppet doll. Sometimes it can take a long time to search for a player or search and generally return to the box (very rarely). Active all nights. On 1 night it is active from 2 AM, all other nights from 12 AM. To prevent the Puppet from killing the player, you need to monitor the timer of the box and gradually wind it up. If the player does not wind up the box for a long time, an orange triangle with an exclamation mark will appear in the lower right corner of the monitor, which means that the box is about to run out and the Puppet will come out of it. If the triangle disappears without winding, another melody will start playing and the Puppet will go towards the office and it will be almost impossible to stop it.
  • Golden Freddy(eng. Golden Freddy) - the golden version of Freddy. Unlike his prototype in Five Nights at Freddy's, he is more shabby here and his eyes do not glow, and wires stick out from different places. Apparently a ghost. You can also see the Endoskeleton in the legs. Appears on the 6th night. There is a 1/100% chance of appearing on the third night. Note: sometimes a bug happens that in the main corridor where Old Foxy stands, a huge flying head of Golden Freddy may appear and after a while a jump scare will appear and the game will crash to the desktop.

Non-attacking animatronics

  • Shadow Freddy(eng. Shadow Freddy) - a dark figure of Freddy who may appear in the Workshop instead of Old Bonnie. According to some speculations, he may be one of the Purple Guy's costumes. He has glowing eyes and teeth, and is reminiscent of Golden Freddy in design and pose. Doesn't attack, but it can crash the game if you stare at it for too long. Has a slight purple tint to it, possibly hinting that this is a Purple Man costume. Possibly Purple Freddy from the mini-games of the third part of the game. Also in the pirated version of FNAF 2, if you look at it for a long time, then all the cameras begin to glitch, and you will not be able to see who is coming towards you. The movement of animatronics increases by 20% due to glitches in the camera.
  • Shadow Bonnie(eng. Shadow Bonnie) - a completely black animatronic figure that can appear in the office does not attack. It is a shadow of the toy Bonnie, as it is completely identical in design. Only for some reason the shadow has 4 teeth, and the toy Bonnie has 2. Most likely, the developer decided to remove 2 teeth, since it would look ugly. Also in one of the pirated versions of FNAF 2, Shadow Bonnie turns off the lights in the office, only the buttons and the corridor are visible if you shine a flashlight. Sometimes the appearance of Shadow Bonnie can cause the game to crash.
  • Endoskeleton(English: Endoskeleton) - appears in the “Prize Corner” room if you turn off the intelligence of all animatronics (which is quite logical, since according to the rules of the pizzeria, any endoskeleton left behind must be put in a suit; apparently, it is hiding from the animatronics) and if the box is in this the same room stopped playing and the puppet came out. To do this, you need to quickly raise and lower the tablet. Very rarely appears in the left ventilation shaft, does not attack, chance of appearance is 0.1-100%. Presumably, this is the endoskeleton of Golden Freddy, as this can be seen from his ears and from one fact: when Golden Freddy appears, only a suit separate from the endoskeleton is visible, so this fact is a confirmation that this is a separate endoskeleton without the Golden Freddy suit.
  • Girl with Balls or JJ(eng. Balloon Girl) - can appear under the table in the office with some chance on any night, although this has not been proven (only her face is visible, or rather her eyes and nose). Doesn't attack. When you pick up the tablet it disappears. Many believe that she is the harbinger of the appearance of Balun Boy. Also, given many facts, she is the sister of BB (Balloon Boy). Few are able to notice her, because they are busy scaring away the animatronics, so they simply do not notice her.
  • Paper Buddy(eng. Paper Pal) - initially found in the room “Party Room 4” along with other paper figures. Made from a paper plate. May appear in the office. Does not attack the player. Judging by the game files, he is an animatronic, although this seems unlikely. However, in the third part of the game you can see him in the box. It’s very strange: how did he manage to get into the office for such a thing? a short time and without sounds, if he doesn’t even have an endoskeleton? And all because it has its own artificial intelligence. There is also a version that Old Chica brings him to the office, since quite rarely she appears on the same camera in his place, but the fact that Old Chica brings him cannot be true since Old Chica has no hands; perhaps she covers not only A paper friend, but also Toy Chica, who actually brings him to our office.

Seventh and eighth nights

On the seventh night, the player can choose the intelligence level of the animatronics. Specially created, selected versions are also available:

  • Ladies night(eng. Ladies's night) - female animatronics are active: Old Chica, Toy Chica and Mangle. But sometimes Foxy may appear in the mobile or PC versions, perhaps this is Scott's mistake. After the night has passed, a toy in the form of Chica appears on the table. Difficult night.
  • Foxy Foxy(eng. Foxy Foxy) - active: Foxy and Mangle. After the night has passed, a toy in the form of Foxy appears. The easiest version of the seventh night.
  • New and shiny(eng. New and Shiny) - all new animatronics are active: Balloon Boy, Mangle, Toy Chica, Toy Bonnie, and Toy Freddy. Sometimes Foxy appears. After the night has passed, a figurine in the form of Toy Bonnie appears. A night of average difficulty.
  • Night of the Outcasts(eng. Night of Misfits) - active: Boy with Balls, Mangle, Golden Freddy. Sometimes Foxy appears, most likely this is Scott's mistake. After passing, you get a figurine in the form of a Boy with Balls. This night received this name rather because those animatronics that were either feared or forgotten and broken were active in it. An easy night, but if the player doesn't know how to fight Golden Freddy, medium difficulty.
  • Fazbear Fever(eng. Fazbear Fever) - complex, but still passable test, if you know the tactics of your enemies. All characters are active at difficulty 10. After completing the game, the player receives Freddy's microphone. Difficult night.
  • Golden Freddy(eng. Golden Freddy) - the most difficult test in the game. All characters are as active as possible. After passing, the player receives a Golden Freddy toy on the guard's desk. This night requires maximum concentration and attentiveness, as well as courage and precision. If the player hesitates even for a second, he will die at the hands of animatronics. A very difficult night.
  • 20/20/20/20 - a version of the almost impassable night from the first part. But in the second part this night goes through easier than the first part. Old Freddy, Old Chica, Old Bonnie, Old Foxy are the most active. After passing, the player receives a third star. A night of average difficulty.

The eighth night is most likely secret. If you move your mouse up and down on your computer at night, under the word Continue an inscription may appear Night 8. On this night, only Foxy is active, and if you raise the tablet at least once, it will never go down. It is possible that this night is a dream or a nightmare for the guard.


Five Nights at Freddy's 2 received positive reviews from critics. Omri Petitte from PC Gamer gave Five Nights at Freddy's 2 70 out of 100, adding that he wanted the sequel to have "more intelligence and suspense. I wanted slow walking animatronic suits that would find me and cut my face new and in an interesting way. I wanted the ability to walk. What I got was a horror game that delves deep into deception and cunning, a wonderfully horrifying cocktail of supernatural mysticism and jolts of panicked adrenaline. Pleasure good parts, however, comes with frustrating complexity."

The fascinating story of the animatronic Freddy and his friends appeared in 2014. The multiplatform game gave the world a real scary fairy tale. Despite the large number of soft toys, Scott Cawthon's project was not created for children, and not even for every adult. This is a game for those with nerves of steel.

What are animatronics?

Before diving into the game "5 Nights at Freddy's", the history of the animatronics will be considered literally from the "starting point". It turns out that the heroes of the game are not the author's invention of the developers. In fact, the animatronics technique has existed for a long time and is used as a technique in films, cartoons and, accordingly, in games.

The method allows you to create an object for complex shooting, the production of which would not be possible with time-lapse photography. Thus, a certain number of special effects arise that simulate the movement of body parts. Such filming methods are necessary in order to reduce the cost of creating original image. For example, one example of this technique is the Death Star from the movie " star Wars" Thanks to animatronics, the creators made only a ball with a diameter of 2 meters - the rest appeared due to the use of this method.

A little about the game

In order for the animatronics, whose story began with the first part of the game Five Nights at Freddy’s, to become understandable, you need to plunge into the plot of the game. It so happened that Cawthon’s project brought enormous popularity and became truly fascinating. Therefore, later it was decided to create three more parts of the game.

The first part only nominally remains the first, but chronologically it goes to the second. Although there is still some debate as to whether the second game is a prequel. But, perhaps, in order not to confuse anyone and figure out where the history of animatronics in the game began, let’s begin the analysis in order. So, the first FNaF tells that the pizzeria “Freddy Fazbear's Pizza” needs a night guard. This position is filled by Mike Schmidt.

He finds voice messages and learns about the night inhabitants - animatronics. No one turns them off at night because they need to move to function. Of course, it is very strange that the owners of the pizzeria hired a security guard, and not a repairman, who could easily solve the problem of the servo drive and its blocking. But, probably, then the point of the game would be lost.

In general, Mike is hired. He is the main character. A pizzeria employee tells the horror story of "Bite 87", which caused an animatronic to bite off the frontal lobe of a boy's brain. Also, these “monsters” should not be seen, otherwise they will identify the person with the endoskeleton and try to put him in the Freddy suit, which will lead to inevitable death.

The second part, as mentioned earlier, became a prequel to the first. This is due to the fact that the story of how the animatronics came to be has two dates. The fact is that in the first chapter this fact dates back to 1994, and in the second part - to 1987.

So, security guard Fitzgerald takes the shift, but after a few days he is transferred to daytime work. Smith appears instead. Many players, and the story itself, point out that it was this man who made notes for Mike from the first part and helped Fitzgerald.

It must be said that the game indicates that before the Bite of 87 incident, the animatronics, whose history had not yet had dire consequences, walked around during the day and played with children. After the tragic incident, they were only allowed to live actively at night. Due to significant losses, the pizzeria had to save even on electricity, so the security guard’s night became more than terrifying.

The third story of FNaF is also interesting. We already know how they became animatronics, and later the developers sent the heroes far into the future - to 2024. A certain Purple Man finds the animatronics and disassembles them. There are the souls of five children - participants in mystical stories, on which the light of truth has never been shed. However, frightening ghosts are hunting the Man, and he hides in the Springtrap costume. Due to overheating, the toy kills him - the spring jumps off and pierces the body. Until this point, the player must complete mini-games, which will determine the ending of Five Nights at Freddy’s.

The fourth part finally sheds light on the story of “Bite 87”, but we will not reveal it in order to maintain the intrigue. The player has a specific goal: 8 mini-games that he must complete together with a little boy. All of them are filled with horror and images of animatronics. In the last part of the game, these creatures become terrible demons. They follow the hero everywhere, so you need to be extremely careful. Each of the images is a child’s sick imagination caused by mental trauma, so it becomes even scarier when you look at a huge bear, rabbit, chicken, fox and other characters.

Creepy and terrible

It is worth noting that the animatronics, whose history lasted since 1987, remained unchanged until the last part. These are the four main characters - Bonnie the rabbit, Chica the chicken, Foxy the fox and Freddy the bear. Throughout all parts, toys appeared in different images. In the latter, they added the nickname “Nightmare” to their names. There was also the famous Golden Freddy - an elusive monster that frightened the guards, and in the third part became a phantom.

In the second section of the game, in addition to the main characters, you can see the Girl with Balls, toy analogues of the characters, the Puppet, the Mangle, etc. In the third part, the heroes become phantoms, except for Bonnie, since he is not present in the game. In addition, the famous Springtrap is added. In the fourth part, all the main characters acquire a terrible appearance and become real demons. Plushtrap and Nightmare immediately appear.

Teddy Bear

The symbol of the game is Freddy Fazbear. He is the main antagonist and the one who can significantly complicate the game. At night, he walks freely around the pizzeria, and if the security guard runs out of energy, he easily goes into his office. He easily puts a person in a suit, after killing the unfortunate person.

The appearance of the bear cub looks terrifying - it is not at all like those teddy bears that children love so much. He has a black bow tie, a top hat, and a microphone in his paw. When following the hero with the help of cameras, it is difficult to see him, since only his frightening eyes are visible.

In the game, the character is quite active, but until three o'clock in the morning he can only be seen on stage. He occasionally glances at the camera, as if watching you. Although, if during this time the player runs out of energy, the bear cub will definitely enter through the right door into the office. In general, the character is very entertaining and has many surprises in store for players.


Bonnie doesn't look like a cute little animal either. He lilac color with long ears and crazy eyes. The character holds a guitar in his hands and has a red bow tie around his neck. This is a pretty active hero. If he moves from room to room, he can turn off the camera, making fun of the guard.

Due to the fact that the rabbit is a restless animatronic, he is the first to try to get to the door. Although on the third night this role is taken away from him by Chica. Despite the fact that all the main animatronics in the third part become phantoms, Bonnie is again not there.


Chica in the game turned out to be quite crazy - she has an orange beak, which is why she is often confused with a duck, purple eyes and a yellow body. The chicken is wearing a bib. This is the safest character, since he appears at the door much less often than others. As each night passes, the animatronics become stronger, faster and more cunning.

little fox

Foxy is a very creepy animatronic who has been hiding behind the curtain since the very first night. He can sit there for quite a long time, but if the player forgets about him or controls him too intrusively, the character will immediately appear at the office. There is a theory that he is behind the curtain because of his unpresentable appearance. That's why he's in daytime hidden from visitors.

Foxy has old, shabby fur, torn in places. For a unique decoration, the fox has a patch over his right eye, and he has a hook in his hand. The image is created quite intimidatingly. When he runs, his jaw swings from side to side. Although, when he is a screamer, his mouth is closed. The character is very interesting and is capable of a lot if you don’t pay attention to him. Some believe that the story of "Bite of 87" is Foxy's fault, although the fourth part refutes this.

Other facts

It turns out that the story of animatronics does not end with the game “Five Nights at Freddy’s”. Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location will be released in the fall of 2016. So far, there are only guesses about the plot of the game and some nuances. Perhaps the events will take place in the Sister pizzeria, located parallel to Freddy's establishment. It is known that new animatronics will appear in the game, mainly of which will be Baby.

The trailer became very intriguing. A theory has emerged that the heroes will not only gain the ability to move body parts, but they will also have facial expressions, which will look very original. You can also see a tunnel in the video, which prompted the emergence of a hypothesis among fans of the game about underground events. In general, Scott Cawthon was able to interest fans of Five Nights at Freddy's. Now they are looking forward to an even more terrifying and panicky game