Tests from Ukrainian language

1. All words in the row are not deleted...

A. Zhuri, vikno, metro. V. Dash, vapno, coat.

B. Taxi, studio, bureau. G. Tournai, graphites, wheel.

2. Synonyms are put in a row...

A. Addressee - addressee. B. Bring - bring.

B. Dobry - garniy. G. Garniy - abomination.

3.Phraseological twist fits in line...

A. And the gloom flows like the rushing waters of the Dnieper.

V. Vin cut him through.

B. Human stagnation is like weakness.

G. Vin and becoming like a mountain.

4. Folding is the word...

A. The ledges that appeared on the long, but brilliant sports car of Maria Kovach have begun.

B. Life doesn’t mean anything but brothers...

V. An old shirt, cut by unclean hands, pinched in Chipchin’s heart.

Mr. Sontse stood above his head, like a frying pan, rozed with heat;

Read the text and follow the instructions 5-7 before

(1) Folk costume is not just history. (2) This is beauty and soul and life. (3) At this end of the show, I thought - how can we earn money so that this beauty shines again on our boys and girls? (4) Of course, here is the positive influx created by the Museum of the National Assembly of Ukraine and the appearance of student groups of amateur mystique of the initial foundations of the Ministry of Agrarian Politics. (5) And I think that the Varto would hold a competition at the initial deposits for a hand-made suit, a hanging shirt, a blouse, etc. (6) Then not only my mother’s, but also my girl’s shirt will be embroidered, white and sweet at heart...(For T. Datsenko).

5. Insert the word є in...

And spoken to another.

B the Fourth River.

In the fifth speech.

G Shostomu rechenny.

6. A spelling error was allowed in the word...

A. Creation.

B. Prepared.

V. Vlasnoruch.

G. Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

7. Punctuation was allowed in...

A. To another word.

V. To the fourth river.

B. To the third one.

G. P. to the fifth one.

8. All words are written correctly in a row...

A. Rosy, dry, flexible, don’t fly.

B. Vіddati, bezhurny, pіvєvropi, ineffective.

V. Anykhto, active, pivnap"yat, vegetable-procuring.

G. Rozshirennya, synergetic-usgodzheniy, lisostep.

9. Literuh on the place of the pass you need to write in the following words in a row...

A. Rozgubleniy, be..tooth, ..chepiti, ..hopiti.

B. Ro..bity, dry, ..robiti, ..malyuvati.

V. Ro..kutiy, be..intelligent, ..pitati, ..cunning.

G. Ro..mitiy, be..gluzdiy, ..miti, ..cold.

10. The sub-war letter appears in all the words of the row...

A. Fresh..ty, joy..ty, sub-war, baroque..o.

B. Proud..tu, zardris..tu, youth..tu, intermet..o.

V. Zhovch..yu, wise..tyu, Kerch..yu, bon..a.

G. Latat..I, l..is, navman..I, tone..a.

11. An apostrophe is written in all words of the row...

A. Mavp..yachy, dark..y, holy, dark..y.

B.Duhm..yaniy, med..yaniy, ob..eve, rose..yatriti.

IN.Peat..yanii, Luk..yan, Uzgir..ya, vi..izhjayu.

G. Rutv..yaniy, without..language,flowers,willow..i.

12. Properly use the numeral with the numeral at the river.

A. Three hectares.IN.Write in kilograms.

B.Twenty zoshits. G. Twenty sheep.

13. The shape of the steps and the alignment of the markers is correctly arranged in a row...

A. Brightest, kindest, least, easiest.

B.The most beautiful, the kindest, the sweetest, the least fresh.

IN.Not light, most humble, most prestigious, most delicate.

G. The quietest, the most wonderful, the most intelligent, the most wonderful.

14. All names according to the father’s name in the row are correct..

A. Savich, Mikolayovich, Stepanovna, Igorovna.

B.Savovich, Kostyantinovna, Valerievich, Valentinivna.

IN.Illich, Kuzmich, Viktorovich, Khomich, Oleksandrivna.

G. Illivna, Arsenivna, Svyatoslavovich, Vyacheslavivna.

15.Correctly placing diy forms in a row...

A. Vikon, gryut, prick, know.

B.Prick, pinch, evaluate, vibrate.

IN.To grieve, to grieve,rot,love.

D. Sleeping, rocking, understanding, sweating.

16. The word creation is done grammatically and correctly...

A. According to the plan, after turning around, behind the ears, before sleeping.

B.Not under force, in Ukrainian, through illness, in nutrition.

IN.For help, to make a request, in a hurry, at the entrance

G. Upon investigation, for vaccination, at the right, right.

17. In the great literature it is required to write only the first word in a row..

A. (Oh, organization (Oh, about "ethnic (N, n)ations.

B.(In, in) elika (In, in) medical medicine (suzir "ya).IN.(V, c) upper (S, s) ud (Ukraine). G. (M, Ministry of (K, k) culture (Ukraine).

18. All words must be written with a hyphen in the row...

A. On / mountain, yet / prishov, for / umovi, vikonay / but.

B. Priyshov / still, piv / of Europe, be / what / be, in / Latin.

V. According to / ours, de / not / de, to / the mountain, to / the house. ,

G. According to / our / field, please/ O / plich, yak / not / yak, hvilion/in/Khvilinu.

19. The mate of the mind is lived in the river...

A. When evening comes, the stench will go home.

B. The day was sleepy, and the sky seemed even larger.

V. If you are diligent, then everything is correct.

G. However, we will not go home until the very morning, because our brothers are still guilty.

20.Koma should not be placed in the river (divisional signs are omitted)...

A. The sun has set and the black water has soaked the shadows of the fishing rods.

B. There the grass is blue in golden dew and the girlish mustache of Aphrodite.

V. May our word never die, and may our truth live.

G. Then marvel and realize how many flights there were, and in the end there was a toad.

21.Indicate the row that has a dash (sectional signs are omitted).

A. The thoughtful chestnuts have shed their fluff from the light poplars.

B. I have a lot of sense.

V. The night before, a terrible storm began to roar.

G. Troyanda is not open, the sun burned.

22. It’s not easy to get the word out, since among the options there is a continuation of the wordOut of my son's pride I say about those... please...

A. What do you mean - Ukraine

V. Ale Ukraine at the heart of the country.

B. I will guess the native Ukraine.

G. Bo I am a huge citizen of Ukraine!

    The word in the row is phonetically correctly written (shown in bold on the head of the voice)...

A. [m'is "yats"].

V. [zalieshayets":a] - and closer to e.

B. [g°ol°upka].

G. [anecdote].

    Explain what part of the language you see the word in the river (the number indicates the next word): On the dormouse hump,(I)nearby already (2) a long time ago a neglected antique painting, there is a school, (3)murovana with chervona (4) ignited which targets.

A. Prikmetnik.


V. Prislivnik.

G. Administrator.


25.Get synonyms to phraseological units.



Want Vovkom Viy.

Sell ​​glass windows.

Beak your nose.

I want to bang my head against the wall.

Yak z guski water.

Syoma water on jelly.

Mov church misha.

The language is in Christ's bosom.

Yak poppy for four.

Live with misfortune.

Catch it.

Mov Pilip z hemp.

Hostry in language.






Remove the chips.

Contact us.

Get cooked.


Kartati (to criticize harshly).


26Create grammatically correct word combinations using words indicated by numbers and word forms indicated by letters.

    Take it. A. We are sick.

    Keep an eye out. B. Khvorogo

    Get involved. V. Before girlhood

    Accept. G. As a gift

D. Fate

27. Explain what part of the speech and vision of the word.

Member of Rechennya Rechennya

    Meaning. A. MaterialLet's bring it to our senses.

    Addendum.B.Miwith my sister sat.

    Submit.IN.The stinks are goneto the store.

4. Judgment.G.Lightening The steppe was still dozing with the sun.

D. Marichka loveapple.

28. Explain the type of consecutive speeches at pointing butts.

Type of contractor Butt

    About an hour. A. If you are tired, you will turn around

    Umovi. B. If you sit right away, it’s clear that you’ll give birth

    Meaning.IN.I know if you turn around

    Z"yasuvalne.G.They didn’t come because they were tired

D. I remember the day when we went on an excursion first.


1 - B15 - A

2 - B16 - IN

3 - IN17 - G

4 - A18 - B

5 - B19 - IN

6 - B20 - B

7 - B21 - B

8 - A22 - IN

9 - B23 - IN

10 - G24 - 1-B; 2-B; 3-B; 4-A;

11 - IN25 - 1-B; 2-B; 3-A; 4-G;

12 - B26 - 1-D; 2-B; 3-B; 4-G;

13 - A27 - 1-G; 2-D; 3-B; 4-A;

14 - G28 - 1-A; 2-B; 3-D; 4-B.