What does a Japanese keyboard look like and how to write on it?

The Japanese keyboard looks just like most of the keyboards you sit at
It doesn’t have a hundred thousand million keys with radicals and dashes of hieroglyphs, and typing on it is no more difficult than on the one you’re used to, because Japanese words, no matter how scary they look and no matter how sophisticated hieroglyphs are depicted, consist of syllables that can be written in Latin.

Therefore, if we happen to type something in Japanese, we switch to the Japanese layout and then write like this (I’ll show you with a simple example);
- type, for example, in Latin letters ka, after which this syllable turns into , written in hiragana. Following it we type, for example, the syllable sa;
- the syllable sa also becomes Japanese , then we press the space bar, and as a result, the hieroglyph is substituted in place of the typed text kasa, and translated as “umbrella”. Along with the “umbrella”, other options appear in the drop-down menu kasa;

By pressing the spacebar or using the arrows on the keyboard, select the desired option. If a hieroglyph is not needed, but a word written in katakana or hiragana is needed, we ignore the replacement and write further what is needed. This is how words, phrases, sentences, and so on are written...

Or, for example, let’s take a more familiar word:
- dial ko,
- n,
- dial ni,
- wa.
And we get “konnichiwa” - “hello!”:

Moreover, you can turn your keyboard into Japanese. To do this, you need to select “Options...” in the lower right corner of the screen or where your language bar is displayed and, by clicking the “Add” button, check the Japanese language box in the list that appears. After these procedures, the keyboard layout will change not only to Latin-Russian, but also to Japanese, and the buttons to language bar At the bottom you can, for example, set the alphabet - katakana or hiragana. And so on.

Prohibitions for Japanese women are divided into two types: it’s simply impossible and it’s impossible because it’s embarrassing. When the second type of prohibition is violated, the poor girl is overcome by suicidal thoughts. A Japanese woman will never think “I’d rather be ashamed, but I’ll stop the terrible situation.” Shame for her under no circumstances could be better.

It's a shame to take a bite

It is embarrassing to be seen chewing or showing your teeth while biting. In many cases, Japanese women get around this taboo by covering the lower part of their face with their fist while eating in a cafe. But if a guy invited her on a date to some hamburger shop (and this is quite popular), then until recently the girl could only drown out the rumbling in her stomach with some kind of drink while her counterpart was thoroughly enjoying lunch.

Fortunately, a few years ago, one of the chains of hamburger cafes made it possible to take a special napkin. Not only does it cover her face while eating, she also shows the lower part of a woman's face with a slight smile. Sales of hamburgers immediately took off, because now girls started eating them too.

But, by the way, it is not forbidden for girls to moo with pleasure and slurp while eating. On the contrary, it shows respect for the one who treats you to dinner: it’s so delicious!

Speaking of food, until recently it was unthinkable for a girl to take food in her hand. Such behavior was shameless only for a man. But eating hamburgers with a knife and fork is a little strange, so society has recognized the need to take them into the hand, even for a girl. The main thing is that no one sees how she bites him.

Her body is her shame

For Japanese of both sexes, it is unacceptable to bare their breasts, so a girl’s body, open below the collarbones and above the waist, can only be seen in pictures, cartoons and photographs, costumes from which no Japanese girl can repeat in her mind.

At the same time, T-shirts and blouses with such a neckline are often sold that Russian tourists They don’t understand how they can be worn. It's simple: over another T-shirt. The neckline should show that under one beautiful garment you have other beautiful clothes. This custom dates back to the time when all Japanese wore kimonos.

But bare legs do not bother anyone, so the length of the skirts of quite decent girls amazes the European imagination.

The Japanese are often considered to lack modesty in many physical displays. But this definitely doesn’t apply to girls. It would be a shame if someone realized that the girl entered the toilet stall for what the stall was intended for. To hide the purpose of the visit, the girls used to constantly flush the water - creating a noise curtain. Now, in order to save fresh water, public toilets Installed devices that reproduce the sound of water - just press a button. The same button can be found on some home toilets.

A young Japanese woman will die of shame and if anyone guesses that she is menstruating. If you think that Russian girls are shy about the same thing, then try to imagine how a Russian girl is thinking about locking herself in her room forever just because someone figured out what day of her cycle it is.

Be modest, even more modest

Japanese girl You can't beat guys. Not with anything. Many prefer to interpret this as special delicacy towards men. However, the daughters of European employees of Japanese companies faced the fact that they were insulted for a long time or even beaten by a crowd just because they allowed themselves to defeat a boy at some regional judo competition.

IN Japanese There are several forms of language, from the simple and simply polite to the incredibly polite. A girl can afford to speak a simple form of the language only with her friends, and it’s not a fact that she will allow it. In addition, only in anime can you find different intonations among heroines. If a girl does not speak in a special girlish intonation - which sounds a little guilty to the Russian ear - the meaning of her words may not even be understood. But, most likely, they will be considered a rude person with bad manners, and this is very shameful.

It’s embarrassing to confess your love, to kiss a guy even on the cheek, to let him hug you in public, or even to hold his hand on the street.

And all this because it’s a shame to draw men’s attention to yourself. Yes, girls wear bright makeup and dress revealingly, but they do this, first of all, under the pressure of youth fashion, not following which is social death. So all these miniskirts are for girlfriends. If a man gives a girl even a modest compliment (“what a cute hairstyle!”) or publicly gives the bride a bouquet of flowers, he will make her feel very uncomfortable.

For the same reason, it is shameful to try to knock down a pervert who feels a girl under her skirt or even takes pictures of her underwear. After all, it’s admitting out loud that you’ve attracted a man’s attention! As if a young girl ever needed to attract a man's attention on purpose...

Luckily, Lately More and more girls are finding the strength to be outraged by perverts out loud or come to the aid of other girls.

Europeans don't understand

Many people know that girls cannot wear tights to school - only knee socks and socks. But in schools there is a ban on bright color hair. Does this seem quite normal? But for the Japanese, bright is even an ordinary light brown hair, and there is a known case when a high school student was subjected to insults from teachers at school, despite the fact that she proved that light brown was her natural hair color. You can't be so provocative! Urgently repaint it black!

It’s a shame to ask for help, no matter how desperately you need it, not to shave your arms, not to have time to say hello before a man or guy, to receive a gift and not give back approximately the same amount, to accidentally sweat. But progress does not stand still and girls have a certain amount of freedom. For example, there is no longer any shame in getting married after twenty-five years.

Many people with European appearance often joke that “all Asians look alike!” Is it true? Let's try to understand how the Chinese differ from the Japanese. A list of all the most striking features and differences is especially for you in our article!

Ethnic certificate

If we compare China and Japan, it is easy to notice that the first, mainland state occupies a large area and boasts a rich multinational composition of the indigenous population. At the same time, many Chinese nationalities have their own characteristics of appearance. Representatives of some of them do not at all resemble the Chinese as Russians and Europeans imagine them to be. For this reason, it is difficult to determine the average phenotype and any standard. After all, among the representatives of the small ones there are people similar to Tajiks and similar to Mongols.

It would seem that things should be much simpler in Japan, an island state occupying a small area. But this is not entirely true; modern Japanese can differ significantly from each other in appearance. The reason for this is the immigration of residents from neighboring countries to the Land of the Rising Sun. So how do the Japanese differ from the Chinese in appearance? If you look closely, there are still a number of differences.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul!

According to Europeans, the most striking sign of the Asian type of appearance is narrow. Among the Chinese, this feature is most pronounced. Japanese eyes are larger and often protruding. The Chinese are more likely than the Japanese to have a single eyelid. This feature is also found among residents of Japan, but much less frequently. Very often, Chinese eyebrows have a raised outer edge. For this reason, the eyes visually appear even narrower. It is worth noting that the hair and eyes of representatives of both nations are almost always dark shades.

But there is one sign that helps you understand that the hair of Chinese residents is coarser and more unruly. The Japanese, on the other hand, have softer and silkier hair.

Characteristic facial features

An inexplicable fact is that the Japanese have thinner bones than the Chinese. For this reason, the physique itself is usually more fragile, and the figure is somewhat more graceful. Moreover, the head of the Japanese is larger than that of the Chinese. Residents of Japan have a more elongated oval face. Characteristic- protruding nose, while the Chinese often have a flattened one. Chinese people have wider faces, with emphasized cheekbones and sometimes larger cheeks.

Residents of China are noticeably distinguished from the Japanese by their darker skin, which often has a yellowish tint. In Japan, a bleached face is considered the highest chic. At the same time, local residents have quite light skin.

What is the visual difference between a Chinese and a Japanese? A popular joke is that the people of Japan look like fish. The Chinese are often compared to kittens. This comparison may be quite abstract, but many people agree with it.

Makeup secrets and beauty concepts

The concepts of beauty and aesthetics between the Japanese and the Chinese differ markedly. In China, many women spend too little time taking care of themselves and their appearance. In many provinces of this country you can see, for example, a lady in pajamas or loungewear on the street. The appearance of Chinese men can also often be described by mentioning a lack of desire for neatness.

The Japanese, on the contrary, are too sensitive to personal hygiene and cleanliness in general. You will never see a representative of this nation in public place with unwashed hair or dirty nails. Japanese women love to emphasize the whiteness of their faces by choosing the lightest foundations.

Women in China are much more likely than in Japan to dye their hair unnatural colors. Another trick of Chinese women is the use of special stickers and glue to create a “European” double eyelid. When it comes to makeup, the natural and modest version is the most popular in Japan. In China, fashionistas often choose bright shades of lipsticks and eye shadows.

Japanese and Chinese physique

It is believed that the average Japanese person is taller than a Chinese person, up to 10 centimeters. The natives of Japan have a more proportional physique. There are very few overweight people in the Land of the Rising Sun. As for the Chinese, by nature they are often short or average in height and have a thin build. However, in last years There are increasing cases of obesity in China.

Chinese women for the most part can boast of being very beautiful and slender legs. But Japanese women have problems with this. Interestingly, despite the natural curvature of their legs, many Japanese women enjoy wearing leg warmers and high socks.

Fashion style

How does a Chinese differ from a Japanese in appearance? Residents of Japan often wear clothes from world-famous European brands. At the same time, they look elegant and attractive in it. But in China, cheap clothes are more popular. The Chinese choose fakes of branded items, often combining colors and fabric textures in the most unimaginable way. China also has its own “fashionistas” - most often they are young girls and women. Most of all they love clothes and accessories with an abundance of sparkles, rhinestones and beads. Representatives of the fair sex from Japan do not dress this way.

The appearance of the Japanese is often characterized as modest and elegant. In this country, few locals wear clothes made from fabrics with large patterns or bright prints, while in China such things are quite popular. Tracksuits are quite popular among Chinese men. Many people choose them as casual wear. In Japan, it is customary to have separate clothing for each occasion and activity. It is unlikely that you will ever see a Japanese person in a tracksuit somewhere outside the fitness center.

Behavior and decorum

The Japanese and Chinese even have differences in their communication styles. Japanese people speak clearly and quite quietly. Their culture includes an abundance of subtle polite gestures. Expressing their respect, representatives of a given nation nod approvingly (symbolic bow). If you observe from the outside the communication of a group of Japanese, you will be amazed at their politeness and calmness. In Japan, it is generally not customary to raise your voice in a public place and interrupt your interlocutor.

The Chinese communicate completely differently. It is believed that this nation is one of the noisiest among all Asians. Chinese people are quite impulsive. During a conversation, they can shout loudly, actively gesticulate, waving their arms. And it’s better not to even tell them that it’s indecent. The Chinese eyes will express surprise at such a statement, but, most likely, their owner will not even understand his mistake. After all, in this country all residents communicate emotionally.

Language and other features

You can distinguish a Japanese from a Chinese by listening to their speech. To the ear, the Japanese language is perceived as quite harsh, with an abundance of consonants, while in Chinese vowels are much more common. Another one interesting feature The Japanese language is monotonous; it practically does not use intonation and stress.

China and Japan have different traditions and customs, and the mentality of the inhabitants of these countries also differs significantly. The Chinese are more pragmatic, while the Japanese, on the contrary, are distinguished by their desire for contemplation and philosophy. These features can be observed in all areas of life.

Traditionally in Japan Special attention focused on beauty and rituals. Even a simple meal in this country comes down to admiring the presentation of the dish. The Chinese are not so picky; very often they strive first to satisfy physical needs. Japanese eyes are capable of seeing beauty in small things, which is why representatives of this nation strive for perfection in all its manifestations. The Chinese prefer to think less about aesthetics and higher matters.

1. The Japanese are terribly hard working. They can easily work 18 hours a day without a break for lunch and after that go to a pub for a drink and after 2 hours of sleep go back to work. They can work for 24 hours and then plow 300 km behind the wheel and work there for another 10 hours.
2. The Japanese do not know how to rest; 4 days off in a row is considered a vacation. Taking the 3 weeks per year required by the rules is a waste. Leaving work at the appointed time is also a shame.
3. The Japanese are very rarely muscular in appearance, but they are often physically strong; their muscle mass/physical strength ratio is disturbed
4. Most Japanese blush from alcohol and cannot drink much, although there are amazing exceptions.
5. For some reason, most Japanese people draw and sing well.
6. If a Japanese person has lunch in the office at his desk, then it’s a shame not to continue working while eating.
7. It’s a completely normal thing for a man of about forty to tell his colleagues with joy that he was able to see the panties of a high school girl on the subway today.
8. The Japanese sincerely believe that it is almost impossible to learn their language, so they have great respect for everyone who can at least say hello in Japanese.
9. If you go drinking with the Japanese in an informal setting, and you only know how to say “hello” in their language, then after a while they will start teaching you the words “pissy” and “turd”.
10. There are no stronger curse words in Japanese than “fool” and “idiot.” The power of emotions is expressed through intonation and volume.
11. The Japanese are very honest people - if you forgot your umbrella on the subway, there is a 99 percent chance that it will be returned to you if you contact the lost and found office.
12. Previously, they also returned wallets with money and did not steal at all, but not anymore.
13. The Japanese always follow instructions before last letter and are very confused if there is an error in it.
14. In Japan, oral and anal sex are not considered by law. Sex for money is prohibited, so all prostitutes call for a massage, a wash and a suck. Hickey kisses are part of the paid service.
15. In every big city A monthly magazine-guide to brothels is published. By the way, there is practically no individual entrepreneurship in this area.
16. Whites are usually not allowed into brothels where Japanese women work. Where there are Chinese and Filipino women, it’s easy. 17. Porn is shown in all hotels without exception.
18. To make love, the Japanese go to love hotels with an hourly rate. Love hotels come in different levels, some are simply classy, ​​and are always located either on the outskirts or next to drinking areas
19. The Japanese are very clean - everyone washes themselves every day. In general, the Japanese place personal hygiene in first place. At the same time, many people have a terrible mess at home, but none of their own people just get there, so it’s not visible.
20. For the Japanese, washing means taking a bath; showering is an extreme half-measure.
21. Paradox - no matter how many people there are in the family, everyone takes a bath without changing the water (after taking a shower, though). Often this water is then used for washing.
22. Children, as a rule, take baths at the same time as their parents up to the age of 8, although there are exceptions in both directions.
23. The Japanese love hot springs and public baths
24. In Japanese families, it’s basically normal if an adult brother and sister don’t talk at all and don’t know each other’s phone number. Without quarreling.
25. In Japan, you can go to jail for any amount of any drug.
26. If a Japanese man went to Amsterdam, smoked there, and another Japanese man saw it and reported on him, then the first one will be sent to prison
27. Marijuana grows wild in many places in the mountains; in the fall, in such places, the police often pay attention to cars with non-local license plates
28. Everywhere you can buy pipes and hookahs for smoking marijuana and hashish.
29. Any white person in Japan is an American to the Japanese, then an Englishman or a Frenchman.
30. Japanese has three types of writing.
31. Until recently, mushrooms were not considered a drug and were sold freely
32. The speed limit on highways is 80 km per hour, but everyone drives at 120, because they usually don’t get caught before 120.
33. The minimum fine for speeding is $150, the maximum is prison.
34. Japanese police cannot be bought “on the spot,” but in wild places you can talk them out by pretending to be an idiot.
35. If you are caught for something serious, they have the right to keep you in a pre-trial detention center for 30 days without allowing a lawyer.
36. All Japanese cars on the domestic market, regardless of power, have a speed limiter of 180 or 140 mph and the same speedometer. This is not a law, there is no reason for it. Speedometers up to 320 and speed limiter destroyers are sold freely.
37. The Japanese are crazy about food and are good at it. the main objective the absolute majority when traveling abroad, not to see something, but to eat something and then brag about it
38. 70 percent of TV programs show food
39. The Japanese make awesome documentaries, they have amazing operators
40. The Japanese give money for any occasion - a wedding, a funeral, going to college, a long trip, etc. Giving less than 50 dollars is the height of indecency, usually they give 100
41. If you were given money before traveling, but you didn’t bring anything back as a gift, you’re just shit.
42. You can bring anything as a gift, usually they bring food
43. It is not necessary to bring a gift for the donated amount.
44. On New Year The Japanese gather as a family at their parents' house and eat and watch TV for three days.
45. One Japanese man can eat a WILD amount of food, regardless of the size of his body.
46. ​​There is nothing worse than working on January 1, on this day no one does anything and everything is buried, although lately there has been a tendency for large stores, etc. to ignore this.
47. in Japan you can always and everywhere find a 24-hour store that has EVERYTHING
48. Japan is still the safest country in the world
49. The Japanese are wild naive people and believe almost everything
50. In Japanese cities, all the pubs are usually concentrated in one area
51. If you go out drinking, then staying all night in one place is simply blasphemy; you should definitely go at least at three
52. After a late night of drinking in the city, you're supposed to go out and eat something, usually ramen.
53. Almost no Japanese can say “I love you” to the face of the object of love.
54. Those who can command wild respect from others
55. Japanese people are incredibly shy and easily embarrassed.
56. This applies more to older generations today, but - when a Japanese man proposes, it's normal to say something like "could you make me some soup?" or “can you wash my laundry?” because otherwise they feel embarrassed
57. Most middle-aged and older spouses sleep in separate beds and even, sometimes, rooms.
58. If a hotel has one bed for two, and not two, the Japanese often complain to the administration or travel agency
59. Japan used to be a wildly expensive country. This is no longer the case.
60. 80% of Japanese women start laughing if they are nervous
61. If you decide that you want to be someone’s boy or girl friend, you must officially declare this, something like “please, let’s date!” If you are refused, you are not supposed to make repeated attempts. If this official statement was not made, you are just sex friends without mutual obligations
62. Breaking up with a boy or girl friend must also be officially announced.
63. Regular visits by a husband to prostitutes were, until recently, a normal and inevitable evil; this applies to young modern Japanese to a much lesser extent.
64. In a family, the wife manages the money (if she does not work), the husband is given a monthly amount from his salary for personal expenses, in the average family it is usually about $300
65. The Japanese believe that if you become sexually aroused, you will the nose will do blood
66. The Japanese believe that if you eat too much chocolate, your nose will bleed.
67. Nosebleeds are funny
68 Japan wastes a HUGE amount of money
69. All Japanese are insured against everything they can.
70. If you are uninsured and get into an accident or hospital, you are screwed.
71. In Japan, you can defer payment of some taxes and compulsory health insurance “for family and economic reasons.” Medical insurance calculated from your income for last year and can reach $500 per month, despite only covering 70% of honey. expenses.
72. Japan has fantastically polite service; after local service, all service personnel anywhere in the world seem rude
73. Japanese people almost never say thank you to cashiers at the supermarket.
74. Cashiers in a supermarket always bow and work only while standing
75. A person from the store staff will never tell you “no” right away, he will either take you around the store looking for something that he obviously doesn’t have, or he will report to a senior person and after a tour of the store, he will say “sorry, we never have this product at all.” "
76. Japan has the slowest McDonald's in the world
77. There are a lot of informers in Japan
78. Most Japanese people criticize Japan
79. Many young Japanese say they want to live abroad and don't want to be Japanese.
80. When abroad, the Japanese always stay in a group
81. In Japan there are a huge number of female fans of football and, for some reason, hockey
82. The Japanese often have complexes about their physique.
83. The Japanese often say in private conversations that China is powerful, and Japan is screwed
84. The Japanese look down on the Chinese and Vietnamese.
85. As we say “why are you like a Chukchi?!”, the Japanese say “what are you, Chinese?”
86. Having a non-Japanese friend is somewhat prestigious, young people brag about it
87. If you speak Japanese well, they will definitely praise you for it and tell everyone that you are actually Japanese with colored contact lenses and dyed hair, this is such a popular joke like
88. Some young Japanese wear colored contacts, usually grey, blue or purple. Looks scary.
89. In Japan, like nowhere else in the world, fashion for anything quickly appears and passes. For example, for a chameleon or a koala, then all things with their image are sold once. Or negative ions, or desalinated water depths of the sea. The boom usually lasts no longer than a year, cannot be explained and is difficult to remember after 3 years, but enormous money is made.
90. In all homes, many hospitals, half of the restaurants, and some offices, you must take off your shoes. Therefore, socks should always be intact.
91. If you take off your shoes, you must turn them around with your toes at the exit, otherwise it is indecent.
92. If you haven’t done this, the owner or staff will do it for you.
93. Immediately after front door There is a place to take off your shoes; stepping there in your socks while trying to pull on your sneakers is terribly indecent, because... dirty
94. The Japanese take off and put on shoes at wild speed
95. The Japanese think that other countries are very scary and dangerous.
96. In Japan, this type of fraud scheme has been popular lately - the phone rings at an old lady’s house, when she approaches her, they say, “It’s me! I have a wild ass with money here! I’m screwed - a scribe!” She responded with “who?” and to her, “Yes, it’s me! You won’t recognize it!! My ass, quickly transfer me 5 thousand money (in dollar equivalent)” And the grandmother transfers the money to the specified account. It just kills me how they manage to believe that this is only possible in Japan.
97. Over the past year, the Japanese Post Office has wasted approximately $4 million, this money was simply “lost”, according to their press release
98. It’s sad, but Japan is being spoiled by foreigners.
99. The Japanese almost never invite guests home. The invitation to “come by sometime” in most cases should be taken solely as a polite turn of phrase.
100. In Japan, most houses and apartments are cold and cramped.

Japan is not only another part of the world, but also a completely different reality. Their own traditions, their own life values, your own style. However, all those images that come to mind when thinking about the Japanese or Google pages for the query “Tokyo street fashion” have little in common with reality.

Blue hair, huge soles, eyes drawn like anime characters - Tokyo has all this, but only representatives of subcultures dress this way. What can we say if the most popular musical performer in the country now is a drawn anime girl who attracts crowds of thousands. There is no point in denying the popularity of subcultures!

Modern Tokyo street style

But the average Tokyo resident still doesn’t look like this.

Japanese women are crazy about everything European, they want to look and dress like Europeans.

Of course, while trying to dress “in the Parisian style,” Japanese women still make their own adjustments and, as a result, look unique and do not lose their own style.

So, what does the style of Tokyo women consist of?


The Japanese cannot imagine life without socks and knee socks. Probably, the image of that same schoolgirl from TV will never leave them alone. Leading European and American fashion houses, knowing the passion of all Japanese for brands and shopping, annually release entire collections of hosiery only for the land of the rising sun.

So, if you're in Tokyo, buy yourself a couple of interesting branded socks. Ralph Lauren has especially cool ones :)

Straight silhouette

Japanese women never choose styles that emphasize sexuality. Therefore, a fitted dress, a slightly lowered shoulder, a shirt neatly tucked into a pencil skirt - this is not very popular on the streets of Tokyo. They prefer geometry to femininity in clothing. Japanese women value accuracy and extreme conciseness.

A straight-cut dress is an indispensable part of any basic wardrobe. Framed with the right accessories and shoes, this item can be appropriate both for a walk with children and for a romantic date.

Branded bags

Queues for boutiques in Paris and in any other city in the world were invented by the Japanese! A bag for a Japanese woman is the basis of her look. It should be expensive, branded, and in no case a fake. Of course, if funds allow, any Japanese woman will be ready to dress in brands from head to toe. The authority of European brands is undeniable for them.

But even the most sophisticated Japanese woman, fully dressed in fashion in the best brands, will remain Japanese. Among the general gloss, some small kawaii will definitely appear (from Japanese - “cute”). You can't live in Tokyo without him.


In fact, it was the Japanese who introduced the fashion for key rings on bags. They carry these things wherever they can attach them. Moreover, sometimes a girl may not have a bag hanging on her shoulder, but a huge keychain. When it comes to choosing keychains, Japanese women's imagination knows no bounds - even the most expensive bag can have a whole brood of cheerful Chiahuahuas with pink tails dangling around it. Sometimes it happens that behind their key chains the bag itself is no longer visible.

In general, the keychain can really be worn not only on keys. This funny and extremely trendy element will add mischief and humor to your image and mood. Just please don't get carried away :-)

Closed arms - open legs

It is rare to see a local girl in Tokyo with her arms open, much less her shoulders. Even in the heat they don’t walk like that. Most often, not only the arms are covered, but also the neck. Japanese women love various collars and cardigans. But under the cardigan - very Short skirt or shorts. Japanese women are not shy about opening their legs.

Here the Japanese are right more than ever. An open top and bottom at the same time may only be appropriate at a resort.

By the way, fun fact. Japanese women are very particular about choosing clothes according to the season. True, here they are guided not by the weather, but by the calendar. If it's March 1st, then you need to put on your shoes. And if the heat is 30 degrees in May, you still can’t wear sandals. The 1st of June will come - and then please (even if it’s pouring rain and cold outside).

Tokyo is a huge metropolis that requires its residents to dress comfortably for movement. The country's order is in many ways very stressful: the working day can start at 8 am and end at 10 pm, in the subway there are people specially trained to pack people into the carriage, in most clubs dancing is prohibited by law... But the soul requires space and its own space! That's why appearance- this is the riot of colors of life and fantasy that Japanese women can convey to others often only through clothes. Considering all this, you even begin to understand why the Japanese love animated series so much.

And yet, you must admit, there is something attractive in the image of the Japanese. And one point that is definitely worth taking note of is to remain yourself, always and everywhere :)

How do you like the Tokyo style? Don't forget to read about the style of the residents in my "Style Around the World" column!