The seed market has become dependent

Russia provides itself with seeds for many grains, but the rest largely has to be imported

Less money - worse quality

Agricultural producers purchase elite Russian seeds largely due to the fact that they are subsidized, says Alexander Malko. This support measure was provided for in the previous state program for agricultural development and is retained in the current one. According to the National Report of the Ministry of Agriculture on its implementation last year, 578.3 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget in this area. versus RUB 608.2 million. in 2013. This reimbursed 8% of the cost of purchasing elite seeds and allowed them to sow 7.2% of the country’s total sown area. The figure was almost three times less than a year earlier.

Import substitution takes time

In December 2014, the government made additions to the state agricultural development program: by 2020, the share of domestically produced seeds for major agricultural crops should be at least 75%. However, this goal was first declared back in 2011: then the Ministry of Agriculture developed the Strategy for the Development of Selection and Seed Production until 2020. True, the document was never adopted.

“And what do we see now? The changes made to the state program provide for a final self-sufficiency in seeds of 75% by 2020. However, no interim results are listed by year,” noted Mikael Nanushyan, a member of the board of directors of the Association of Agricultural Producers of the Lipetsk Region, at a meeting of the All-Russian popular front. - That is, we will not be able to draw conclusions about whether the program is being implemented; we can only wait for the cherished 2020 to come. But it will not give any guarantees, because the program’s target indicators can be adjusted in any direction along the way.”

It is, of course, possible to replace many imported seeds with Russian ones; it is only a matter of time, investment and expediency, argues Alexander Grazhdankin. “Seed production, its volume and especially its quality primarily depend on climatic conditions. Therefore, breeding companies for many agricultural crops have long identified the optimal regions for seed production,” he says. In his opinion, in Russia there are also regions with competitive advantage for the production of seeds of a particular agricultural crop. Nevertheless, Grazhdankin believes that it is hardly realistic to completely abandon imports or significantly reduce their share in the next five years.

“Of course, you can raise customs duties, close the border and start urgently investing in seed production, but such quick actions will not lead to anything good,” he continues. - Similar examples are known from other countries: agricultural producers will suffer first of all, since they will be deprived of choice, access to new technologies, and hence increased yields. It’s unlikely that business is ready for this.” But Nikolai Artyushchenko thinks that the prospects for reducing imports are very good: the joint work of agricultural producers and the authorities will influence the seed market and significantly develop it.

For this year's spring sowing, farmers purchased approximately 42 billion rubles worth of imported seeds. Dependence on foreign genetics for some agricultural crops exceeds 90%. It is possible to replace foreign seed with Russian seed, but this requires time and investment in science, the creation and modernization of production enterprises.

According to the National Report on the progress and results of the implementation of the state agricultural development program in 2014, the volume of the seed market amounted to 42 billion rubles, which is 4 billion rubles. more than in 2013. The share of imported seeds of sugar beets, sunflowers, corn and vegetables approached 18 billion rubles. According to the Russian Agricultural Center, in 2015 the total cost of sown seeds amounted to 226.6 billion rubles. Including spring sowing, it was estimated at approximately 172 billion rubles, of which almost 42 billion rubles. accounted for foreign products, according to the report of the Ministry of Agriculture from the All-Russian Agronomic Meeting. Russia’s dependence on foreign seed for some agricultural crops exceeds 90%, which is a serious threat to the country’s food independence, the department notes.

The market depends on the crops

Russia's total need for seeds reaches 10 million tons per year, including 3.3-3.5 million tons of winter crops and 6.3-6.5 million tons of spring crops, says Alexander Malko, director of the Russian Agricultural Center. According to him, domestically selected varieties occupy a dominant position in the crops of grains and legumes (winter and spring wheat, oats, winter barley and rye, triticale, millet, buckwheat, rice). “The risk group - agricultural crops in the production of which varieties and hybrids of foreign selection have a steady tendency to expand - is under our special control,” he says. “These include sugar beets, corn, sunflowers, vegetables, and malting barley.” The share of imports of their seeds is 30% or more.

For sugar beet seeds, the dependence on imports is the most significant - 90-95% of the market is occupied by foreign products, notes Alexander Grazhdankin, commercial director for Central and Eastern Europe at Betasid. The indicator is based on this high level, since at one time the widely distributed seeds of Soviet selection (Russian and Ukrainian) lost their positions and now do not play a significant role in the market. Ten years ago, the share of Russian seeds was about 15%, but over the past five to six years it has decreased to a minimum, he comments.

“Breeding science should not stand still, it should develop and constantly offer new and better solutions to business,” explains Grazhdankin. “The quality of seeds and the productivity of sugar beet hybrids of Western selection have increased significantly over the past 10-15 years, which has made Russian seeds of this agricultural crop uncompetitive.” With a market potential of 1.3 million seed units, Grazhdankin estimates its volume in monetary terms at approximately €100 million.

The dynamics of the seed market depends on the volume of sowing, continues Grazhdankin; sugar beet crops in the past 10 years, according to Rosstat, ranged from 800 thousand hectares to 1.3 thousand hectares. Seed sales correlate with these indicators. In turn, the growth or reduction of sugar beet crops is influenced by the price of sugar. “If it is high, then the demand for seeds increases,” adds Grazhdankin.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, last year the share of imported corn seeds exceeded 43%, the agricultural crop occupied approximately 2.7 million hectares. This year it was sown on 2.8 million hectares; since 2009, the volume has approximately doubled. Nikolai Artyushchenko, director of the Seed Division of the Kuban agricultural holding, notes the increased interest in corn seeds. “This is reflected in the sales dynamics of our hybrids: in 2014, 3.5 thousand tons were sold, while in 2001 we started with 70 tons,” he says. “For each season, sales volumes increased by approximately 1.5 thousand tons.” The last sales season (autumn 2014 - spring 2015) was a landmark for the holding's seed production: in the first three months of this year, 15% more contracts were signed than in the same period in 2014, and by mid-2015 sales volumes increased by more than 30%, compares Artyushchenko.

“The seed production sector in the agricultural holding, on the one hand, is young - we have only been on the market for four years, but on the other hand, we were able to offer the consumer 19 officially registered corn hybrids,” he shares. The holding has been breeding corn hybrids since 2008; today they are grown in all regions of the country where they allow climatic conditions, the top manager clarifies. "Kuban" became the first agricultural company in Russia to organize seed production using a closed technological cycle from selection to sale. In addition to corn, its portfolio includes wheat, barley and sunflower seeds.

According to the observations of Alexander Malko, in addition to corn, last years There is a clear increase in soybean, sunflower and rape seeding. Sunflower this year occupies approximately 7 million hectares compared to 6.9 million hectares in 2014, rapeseed - about 1 million hectares, although last year it was sown on more than 1.2 million hectares. The figure for soybeans has not changed - 2 million hectares. “The main products of our company are sunflower and rapeseed seeds, and high-oleic ones,” says Denis Striga, head of the Seeds business at Dow AgroSciences in Russia. - Demand for high-oleic oil is the number one trend in Europe, but there is no longer enough land there to cultivate high-oleic sunflower. Therefore Russia and Eastern Europe are considered as promising countries where this product can be produced and exported in the form of oil or oilseeds.”

There are domestic ones

While the market for sugar beet, sunflower, and rapeseed seeds is almost completely commercialized, in the segment of winter grains and legumes, farmers buy only about 15% of the seeds sown - mostly elite ones. “The bulk of seeds sown in Russia are products of on-farm seed production,” explains Alexander Malko. For example, the crop production division of the Agro-Belogorye holding grows its own seeds of barley, winter wheat, peas and soybeans. “We produce 1-3 reproductions, regularly update the material, buying the elite,” shares the company’s chief agronomist Oleg Nikitenko. - We have not invested in the purchase of special equipment: for additional processing of seeds we use the same equipment as for commercial grain, but with greater intensity. We also have seed warehouses.”

Oleg Bukin, Deputy General Director for Agriculture of the Talina holding, notes that today the company purchases only Russian seed material - super-elite and elite, selecting suitable varieties according to the area where its lands are located. “We propagate the seeds ourselves, getting the first reproduction. We have a seed plant, which was launched in February 2014, where seeds are sorted and prepared for field work,” he comments. Talina also has elevator capacity to store 14 thousand tons of products.

The Kursk holding company “Russian House” also has its own seed plant, commissioned in 2012. The company produces malting barley, corn and sunflower seeds, not only for itself, but also for sale. According to Deputy General Director of the company Alexey Ponomarev, in the segment of grain crops, in particular wheat, you can easily do without foreign products. Although, for example, malting barley has to be imported. The holding also works with foreign seeds of sugar beets, corn, and sunflowers.

Nikolai Artyushchenko is confident that today Russian producers of corn seeds cannot fully meet the needs of the market. “In the future, it will take four to five years to satisfy them by ninety percent,” he suggests.

“Agro-Belogorye”, when choosing corn seeds for grain and sunflower, gives preference to foreign producers of F1 hybrids. “They demonstrate higher yields, their potential is higher,” argues Nikitenko. In the structure of the holding's crop rotation, sunflower and corn occupy about 25%. But for growing early grains and soybeans, mainly domestically produced seeds are used, the specialist continues. In his opinion, the selection of agricultural crops such as barley, winter wheat, and peas is quite developed in our country, which cannot be said about corn and sunflower. However, the holding works with Russian hybrids of silage corn: they produce enough green mass and cobs, and at the same time compare favorably in price with imported analogues, adds Nikitenko.

The domestic system of selection and seed production, formed in the 20th century, successfully functioned and provided Agriculture countries with highly productive varieties and high-quality seeds. “It made it possible to create high-yielding varieties and hybrids. The potential yield of domestic grain varieties exceeds 12 t/ha, corn hybrids - over 12 t/ha, sunflower - up to 4.5 t/ha, soybeans - up to 5 t/ha, potatoes - up to 50 t/ha, sugar beets - up to 75 t/ha,” lists Alexander Malko. “The economic value of domestic varieties is beyond doubt.” At the same time, according to the Ministry of Agriculture for the last ten days of October, this year the average yield of grains and legumes was about 2.4 t/ha, corn - 5 t/ha, sunflower and soybeans - approximately 1.5 t/ha, sugar beets - 38 t/ha.

On average across the country, the potential of existing varieties and hybrids is not being realized: many farmers do not know how to work with them. At the same time, seed companies regularly introduce new products to the market with an even greater heterosis effect and yield potential, said Pavel Tuldyukov, head of the “Seeds” department in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus at Bayer CropScience at the Russian Crop Production-2015/16 conference.

Price is not the main thing

According to market participants, compared to last year, production costs have increased by an average of a third, including seeds that have risen in price by at least 30% (topic continued on page 40). Oleg Nikitenko believes that the rise in prices for imported seeds occurs synchronously with the increase in exchange rates foreign currencies. At the same time, the dynamics of the products of domestic seed growers is not so obvious. “The decisive factor here, as a rule, is the yield and the current cost of commercial grain in the country,” he thinks.

The crisis has prompted many farmers to consider different proposals and calculate savings, notes Nikolai Artyushchenko. According to him, the price of imported corn hybrids per hectare averages 6-9 thousand rubles, the cost of those produced by Kuban does not exceed 3 thousand rubles. “At the same time, the yield indicators - 10 t/ha in grain - are comparable with imported analogues, that is, the economic effect for the agricultural producer reaches 6 thousand rubles/ha,” he calculates.

Imported seeds were and remain an order of magnitude more expensive than Russian ones, Grazhdankin agrees, but the point is not in their cost, but in the increase in yield that farms receive. If we consider sugar beets, then in practice the resulting increase in sugar yield from seeds of foreign genetics is much higher than the savings when purchasing cheap seeds, he says.

Agricultural producers confirm that price is not the main thing. “The difference in price when purchasing seeds is a significant factor, but not a decisive one,” emphasizes Oleg Nikitenko. “Yes, imported seeds can be twice as expensive as domestic ones, but they also show different yields.” According to him, this season has become very indicative. This year, many farms in the Central Black Earth Region switched to Russian corn seeds, Nikitenko knows, and received a yield of, at best, within 80 c/ha. “Those who continued to use imported hybrids harvest about 100 c/ha and above,” he comments.

When working with imported hybrids, the result is almost never worse than declared, and, as a rule, with favorable weather conditions it can be exceeded, continues Nikitenko. However, if you sow domestic seeds of early grains, then the indicators promised by suppliers are also usually achieved. “It’s important to do here right choice based climatic features, which are in dynamics,” he explains. “For example, if earlier in the Belgorod region we worked with seeds of Moscow selection, today we pay attention to the southern ones, since the climate in the region has become hotter and drier.” The conditions of recent years have shown that a scientifically based varietal policy, focused on the results of domestic selection, can reduce the possible negative consequences of weather factors affecting the harvest, adds Alexander Malko.

According to Grazhdankin, the devaluation of the ruble affected all market participants: the solvency of farmers decreased. He admits that they have begun to save on seeds, although only slightly. “Agricultural producers understand that even in a favorable year they cannot get a good harvest with bad seeds,” he emphasizes. “Professionals, as a rule, do not save money; they know that they need to invest in high-quality genetics.” To remove currency risks from clients, Betasid began offering part of the contracts in rubles, Grazhdankin adds: if agricultural producers believe in the strengthening of the ruble, then they can conclude a deal in euros, if not, in rubles.

Agro-Belogorye does not change seed suppliers: they meet the needs of regular customers, for example, they develop special offers taking into account currency fluctuations - so that price increases are not too sensitive, Nikitenko shares. In addition, these are partners that have been proven over the years and guarantee the quality of the seed material. “They not only sell, but also provide advisory support and scientific support. We value this cooperation too much to refuse it,” he explains.

Quality issues

A significant risk for agricultural producers seeking to save money is the purchase of low-quality seeds. If an agricultural producer wants to get a harvest and provide protection from external factors - climate or diseases, then the choice of seeds is very important, emphasizes Denis Striga. “If hybrids are produced in violation of technology or in a counterfeit manner, then the risks are very high,” he warns. “And not only agricultural producers, but also breeding companies are at risk: it takes a lot of effort and time to restore their reputation and name, and explain things.”

Oleg Nikitenko admits that the company had one-time cases of supplies of low-quality seeds. “After many years of work, few people manage to avoid this,” he is sure. “But this has never led to any serious negative consequences for us, since with each identified fact, our suppliers immediately respond, agree with the claims and promptly eliminate all problems.”

In general, a 1% drop in the quality of sown grain and leguminous seeds (reduced germination, high contamination) leads to an overconsumption of seed material at the level of 50-100 thousand tons and a shortage of grain yield of up to 1.5 million tons, calculates Alexander Malko. “The use of seeds with poor phytosanitary conditions leads to a shortage of 1.1-1.5 million tons of grain,” he continues. “And general non-compliance and violation of agricultural cultivation technology reduces the yield by 15 million tons.”

State regulation measures and the development of elite seed production in the regions have made it possible to stop negative processes in seed production: since 2007, positive dynamics have been established in improving the quality of winter and spring seeds sown. General level The sowing quality of seeds has increased in all federal districts and regions, Malko notes. “For the 2015 harvest, the main batches of sunflower, corn, and sugar beet seeds were sown with 100% germination,” he adds.

To combat low-quality products, it is first necessary to determine a list of agricultural producers that meet the requirements for growing seed material, suggests Nikolai Artyushchenko. Then you need to analyze and create a list of seed preparation plants that have the technology to carry out the full production cycle. Also, according to him, it is no less important to subsidize from the budgets different levels up to 50% of the costs for the development of the breeding and genetic complex, to finance part of the costs of R&D.

The material, technical and technological base of seed production has not been updated since the 1970s and 80s due to the difficult financial situation of enterprises and the high cost of modern solutions, says Malko. Due to the shortage of lines, plants for calibrating and disinfecting seeds and imperfect equipment, it is not domestic and foreign varieties and hybrids that compete, but seed preparation technologies, he emphasizes. This situation is typical for corn, sunflower, sugar beets, potatoes and vegetables. According to regional agricultural departments, in the near future it is necessary to build at least 110 seed factories, modernize 138 seed preparation complexes and 48 dryers for a total amount of 16.6 billion rubles.

Malko is confident that in order to develop the industry, improve the overall quality of seed material and replace imports, it is necessary to expand state support: increase subsidies for loans for the creation and modernization of seed enterprises, allocate funds for the implementation of regional economically significant seed production programs, re-equip breeding centers, research laboratories, etc. In addition, he considers it necessary to motivate the transfer of the entire cycle of selection and production of foreign varieties and hybrids to Russia. True, Tyuldyukov thinks that this will not be, in the full sense of the word, import substitution: growing foreign varieties in Belgorod is about the same as assembling foreign cars in Kaluga or foreign agricultural machinery in Krasnodar.

Any options should include the development of domestic selection and seed production as a high-tech, innovative part of biological science and agricultural production, Malko clarifies. “Only in this format will selection be effective and retain its intellectual and competitive advantages in the world,” he summarizes.

Article kindly provided by the editors of the magazine "Agroinvestor"

"Agroinvestor" magazine

The most powerful players in the global seed production market - who are they?

Annual reports of major industry players for 2017 were the primary source of data for the data in this analysis. Monetary values ​​have been converted to dollars using the exchange rate reported on the last day of the fiscal year.

Leaders are familiar and well known to everyone

Since the merger of Dow Agro Sciences and DuPont Pioneer in 2015, restructuring in the global seed industry has continued, with mergers and divestitures becoming the main focus of the seed business. With the closing of the DowDuPont merger, the completion of ChemChina's acquisition of Syngenta in 2017, and Bayer's acquisition of Monsanto on June 7 of this year, the consolidation of the global seed market has come to an end. However, the expected subsequent consolidation will continue for some time.

In 2018, we'll be watching to see who gets the vegetable seed division spun out of Bayer. It could be BASF or KWS. What are the new objectives of the Syngenta acquisition? What changes will new entrant BASF and growing Long Ping High-Tech bring to the creation of a global seed industry? The answers to these questions are ahead.

Breaking down the annual reports of multinational corporations for 2016 and 2017, AgroPages presented a list of the world's 20 largest seed companies.

Top leaders include two American companies - Monsanto and Corteva Agriscience (DowDuPont); 12 European companies, including two German companies - Bayer and KWS; five French companies - Limagrain, Florimond Desprez, RAGT Semences, Euralis Semence and InVivo; one Danish company - DLF; four Dutch companies - Rijk Zwaan, Barenbrug, Enza Zaden and Bejo Zaden; three Chinese companies - Syngenta (ChemChina), Long Ping High-Tech and Beidahuang Kenfeng Seed; two Japanese companies - Sakata Seed and Takii Seed; and one Indian company - Advanta Seeds (UPL).

It can be seen that no company has been able to shake Monsanto's dominant position in the seed industry. In 2017, Monsanto's GMO product sales grew to $10.098 billion, up 9.9% from the previous year. At the same time, Monsanto's leading status as a vegetable seed producer was bolstered by sales reaching $815 million, up 2% year-on-year. Following Bayer's acquisition of Monsanto, Bayer lost almost its entire seed business and sold most of its crop seed business to BASF. It is possible that the vegetable seed business will be sold to BASF.

Following the DowDuPont merger, its new agricultural brand was named Corteva Agriscience. Although part of AgroSciences' assets was sold to Long Ping High-Tech, in 2017, DowDuPont, after the merger, due to its good performance, can achieve seed sales amount close to the total seed sales of DuPont and AgroSciences in 2016. In 2018, Corteva announced a new, multi-channel and multi-target strategy focused on the US market. It's possible that both companies, once they complete their brand consolidation and gain new distribution channels, will further narrow their gap between Monsanto through synergies.

As for Syngenta, the seed business remains the company's priority as before the merger with ChemChina, because ChemChina does not have a seed business. In addition, Syngenta may lose a small amount of its seed business assets as a result of business restructuring. The company says its future focus will be on acquiring high-quality seed assets. The company has now acquired COFCO's Nidera Seed to strengthen its market footprint in Latin America.

The company also acquired US vegetable company Abbott & Cobb to strengthen its position in corn seed, the company's core business. It's worth paying attention to Syngenta's future moves as to how it will take advantage of the Chinese seed market.

In 2017, Long Ping High-Tech and CITIC Agriculture Fund acquired Brazilian corn seed company AgroSciences for $1.1 billion. With strong capital support from CITIC, the company accelerated its globalization process, becoming the largest seed company in China through business consolidation within China.

The company is the ninth largest seed industry in the world by volume. business activity, and for the first time, a Chinese seed company is included in the Global Top 10 list. Long Ping High-Tech recently said it will begin building new seed factories in Brazil next year, increasing production capacity. The plan is to increase its market share from the current 15% to 30% in five years.

TOP 11-20

You can see in the top a large number of European companies, reflecting the historical strength of the European seed industry, typically represented by the Netherlands and France. The Netherlands' leading position in vegetable seeds is well known internationally, and three of the four companies listed in the top 20 are vegetable seed companies.

The Dutch seed industry can serve as an example for many countries, and the sustainable development of the French seed industry is linked to good climate the country and its wealth of crop varieties, which allows France to occupy a dominant position in the EU and even in the world.

According to statistics, sales of French-produced seeds during the financial year 2014-2015 reached 3.254 billion euros, ranking first among seed-producing countries in the EU. After the war, the French seed industry shifted from a government-driven business model to commercialized business plans, emulating the global seed model operated by multinational corporations since the late 20th century. The commercialized seed production model has significantly increased the competitiveness of the French seed industry. The emphasis placed on the achievements of science and technology, efforts aimed at research and development have borne fruit.


The purpose of this work is to analyze the seed market in the crop growing industry of the Krasnodar region. Effective sales of seed products are becoming a competitive advantage for developing companies. In modern economic conditions, the development of market relations in the grain industry and the seed market has disrupted the selection process and led to a sharp drop in grain production of certain agricultural crops. This was reflected in an increase in the area of ​​grain crops sown with low-quality seeds and seeds of mass reproductions, a reduction in the volume of procurement of varietal seeds in government resources, suspension of variety change and disruption of variety renewal, transition of ordinary farms to providing seeds of their own production. Conclusions are drawn and forecasts for domestic agricultural producers are determined based on the current market dynamics. Landmarks indicated state support industry, to solve the problems of which the Ministry of Agriculture has developed a Strategy for the development of selection and seed production of main agricultural crops until 2020. The need for cooperation between business, educational and agricultural scientific institutions in solving the problem of providing quality seeds to agricultural producers is substantiated.

seed market


variety changer

economic efficiency




competitive advantages

government resources


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In recent years, certain positive trends have emerged in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the country's agricultural sector has not yet overcome the consequences of a systemic and deepening financial crisis; the development and implementation of a set of scientifically based measures aimed at ensuring sustainable development is required. One of the problems in the agricultural sector of the economy remains the seed market.

The development of market relations in the grain industry and the grain market disrupted the selection and seed production process, leading not only to a sharp drop in grain production, but also to a serious situation in seed production. This was reflected in an increase in the area of ​​grain crops sown with substandard seeds and seeds of mass reproductions, a reduction in the volume of procurement of varietal seeds to state resources, the suspension of variety change and disruption of variety renewal, and the transition of ordinary farms to providing seeds of their own production. The material and technical base is obsolete and physically worn out, which does not allow us to fully obtain high-quality seeds; currently, up to 80% of vegetable seeds and sugar beets, up to 60% of corn seeds, up to 50% of potatoes and sunflowers are imported from milestone.

In accordance with the Action Plan to improve control, supervisory and licensing functions and organize the provision of public services provided by federal executive authorities in the field of agriculture, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2010 No. 299-r, and the Law “On Technical Regulation” government bodies do not provide services in the field of “seed and varietal” examination. Currently, any interested person can conduct a “seed and varietal” examination in two independent voluntary seed certification systems “Rosselkhoztsentr” and “SemStandard”, which were created and operate in accordance with the law “On Technical Regulation”. The number of such systems is not limited; in fact, any organization, subject to the requirements of the law “On Technical Regulation,” can create its own certification system; it is advisable that such organizations be self-regulatory organizations of seed producers, which, for example, like the French Federation of Corn and Sorghum Seed Producers (F.N.P.S.M.S. - only a member of this association can produce corn seeds in France), which has been examining the quality of hybrid corn seeds for more than 50 years and unites in its ranks breeders and all producers of corn seeds, could carry out an examination of the quality of seeds and thereby solve problems related to ensuring food security of the country by developing domestic grain production.

The Russian Federation's need for corn seeds? 78 thousand tons. Of 78 thousand tons - 48 thousand tons of domestic seeds. Before 1990, the demand for corn seeds was measured at 120 thousand tons, this decrease was due to a decrease in the number of large cattle. Currently, about 15 thousand tons of imported corn seed material is imported into the Russian Federation. These are representatives of the companies Syngenta, Pioneer, etc. The average price of domestically produced corn seeds is 35-40 rubles/kg, imported ones are 380-400 rubles/kg.

In market relations in the field of sale of corn seeds, an example is the agricultural consumer cooperative corn calibration plant "Kuban" (Krasnodar Territory, Gulkevichsky district, Kuban village), which unites over 20 agricultural seed enterprises of the Krasnodar Territory and the originators of corn hybrids - scientists from the Krasnodar Research Institute of Agriculture named after. P.P. Lukyanenko and NPO "KOS-MAIS", as well as the Ladoga Corn Calibration Plant, are one of the most technologically equipped seed plants not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Our own high-yielding hybrids "Ladoga" will play main role in the implementation of the seed production development strategy. In 2015, the company plans to increase the share of Ladozhskiye in sales volumes to 100%, double sales volumes (from 2400 to 5000 tons) and increase the company’s share in the Russian market to 7%. As part of the implementation of this strategy, AgroHolding Kuban is increasing the acreage under its own corn hybrids and increasing their production volumes.

In addition, the company plans to gradually increase the capacity of the Ladoga Corn Calibration Plant from 5,000 to 10,000 tons per year, which will expand the product line of corn hybrids of its own selection and improve their quality.

Control over the technology of growing first-generation hybrid corn is ensured by the plant’s agricultural service and the scientists who are the originators of breeding achievements, which guarantees the absolute varietal purity of the offered seeds.

In order to prevent counterfeiting of seeds, a holographic mark with the manufacturer’s trademark, registered and protected in the manner prescribed by law, is applied to each label.

In 2008, 66 thousand tons of corn seeds were used in Russia for spring sowing, of which a quarter (16 thousand tons) were hybrid seeds of foreign selection brought into the country, and a third (21 thousand tons) were seeds produced by Russian corn calibration enterprises. 44% of the seeds sown this year (29 thousand tons) are seeds prepared by farms for their own needs, as well as adulterated seeds, at best second generations, and in the majority - simply from feed corn.

According to experts’ calculations, the use of false seeds reduces the yield from 1 hectare of crops per feed unit by 40%; the absence of milky-wax ripeness in the silage reduces the nutritional value of feed by 35%. In Russia as a whole, fake seeds sown caused damage to the economy of 6 billion rubles in 2008.

The business of seed counterfeiters is determined by the following factors:

Regular feed corn is purchased, processed, painted over with dye and packed into bags. Documents accompanying the goods are obtained when purchasing at least one ton of seeds from real producers. Next, certificates for any hybrids and any volume are copied.

It is very difficult for Rosselkhoznadzor and the Rosselkhozcenter to prevent the massive release of fake seeds onto the country's seed market.

How to protect your farm from the risk of buying low-quality seeds?

First, it is necessary to purchase seeds from companies that have distribution agreements with seed producers.

Secondly, when purchasing seeds using the presented certificates, it is necessary to identify the company - the manufacturer of the seeds and the originator of the hybrid. Contact them by phone so they can confirm the authenticity of the seeds.

Today in Russia, real seeds are produced by less than two dozen enterprises, and the originators of hybrids are those who produce parent forms for the production of first generation corn hybrids - less.

Enterprises that produce guaranteed quality seeds: SSPC "Agrosoyuz Kuban", Krasnodar region; Kuban Corn Hybrids LLC, Krasnodar Territory; LLC NPO "KOS-MAIS", Krasnodar region; LLC SP SSK "Kukuruza" Stavropol region; LLC "Leader", Volgograd region.

Created as part of the implementation of the national project for the development of the agro-industrial complex, the agricultural consumer cooperative unites more than 40 agricultural enterprises of the Krasnodar region producing seed corn, the originator of hybrids - the Krasnodar Research Institute of Agriculture named after. P.P. Lukyanenko and the corn calibration plant.

In the context of the development of the seed market, one of the problems is filling the market with the second generation of seeds. Managers of agricultural enterprises propose solving this problem by creating market operators. For this process, it is necessary to conclude agreements with regional administrations, which will post on the website the reports of seed enterprises and information about the quality of seeds supplied to the region.

The USA, EU states, Canada, Australia, traditionally the world's largest importers of grain and food products produced using it, consider grain, including seed material, as a strategically important and constantly renewable product, the possession of which in abundance allows them to in the world market, purposefully pursue their policy of economic and political pressure primarily on developing countries. In connection with this and Russian Federation must have new concept development of foreign trade in seeds. The basis should be the use of seed exports as a constant and powerful incentive to increase the production of high-quality seeds, including in conditions of import substitution.

Bibliographic link

Moiseev A.V., Moiseev V.V. IMPROVING THE SEED MARKET AS AN EFFECTIVE WAY OF APPLYING MARKETING DECISIONS // Fundamental Research. – 2016. – No. 5-2. – P. 391-394;
URL: (access date: 03.25.2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The marketing research agency DISCOVERY Research Group has completed a study of the seed market in Russia.

The global seed market is growing rapidly. If we take into account all crops, then its volume increased from 4 billion dollars in 1975 to 55 billion in 2015, for vegetables, respectively, from 0.7 billion dollars to 15 billion.

The volume of the seed market in Russia in 2017 amounted to 13,728 thousand tons, which is equivalent to $2,682 million. The growth rate of the market volume was 13% of the natural volume of the market and 9% of the value. The largest share of the seed market in Russia in 2017 is occupied by the “WHEAT SEEDS” category. The category's share was 59.5% of the natural market volume and 37% of the value market. The second largest category is “BARLEY SEEDS” with a share of 11.2%. In value terms, second place is occupied by the category “SUNFLOWER SEEDS” with a share of 23.1%.

The production of grain seeds directly depends on the yield of grain crops. In 2017, the total grain harvest in Russia amounted to 134.1 million tons. The leader in grain collection in the country is the Krasnodar Territory - 14,107.4 thousand tons.

According to calculations by DISCOVERY Research Group analysts, the volume of seed production for sowing in Russia in 2017 amounted to 14,486 thousand tons. The growth rate was equal to 12.4% of natural volume. In 2016, this figure was 12,891 thousand tons.

The volume of imports of seeds for sowing to Russia in 2017 amounted to $595,183 thousand. The growth rate was 33.8%. In 2015, the volume of imports amounted to $444,859 thousand. The largest share in the import of grass seeds to Russia in 2017 was occupied by the group “RYEGRASSE SEEDS” (4,100.7 tons). Among legume seeds, only lupine seeds (0.3 tons) were imported to Russia in 2017. The largest share in the import of sesame seeds, safflower, rapeseed, rapeseed and mustard to Russia in 2017 was occupied by the RAPSE SEEDS group. The group's share was 99.8% of the category's natural volume and 99.9% of the category's value volume.

The volume of exports of seeds for sowing from Russia in 2017 amounted to $192,466 thousand. The growth rate was 31.6%. In 2016, the export volume amounted to $146,237 thousand. The largest share in the export of grass seeds from Russia in 2017 was occupied by the LAWN MIXTURE group (439.3 tons). The largest share in the export of legume seeds from Russia in 2017 was occupied by the VIKI SEEDS group (246.5 tons). The largest share in the import of sesame seeds, safflower, rapeseed, rapeseed and mustard to Russia in 2017 was occupied by the RAPSE SEEDS group. The group's share was 99.8% of the category's natural volume and 99.9% of the category's value volume.

The price of seeds consists of several factors. These are huge costs for many years of breeding work, including the activities of a whole team of scientists for many years, as well as for the operation of modern laboratories that allow complex solutions to as soon as possible any breeding tasks.

The key factors determining the demand for grain crops include population size and the level of economic development.

With more detailed information you can check it out by following the link:

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We sell BUCKWHEAT, LENTIL, PEAS SEEDS (variety “Santana”) from the manufacturer to any region of the Russian Federation.1 All documents are available.

The presence of our own production equipment for cleaning and processing seeds, and warehouse complexes allows us to provide the entire production cycle: drying, cleaning, mixing and packaging of our branded grass mixtures.

Demand for products, prices

Wholesale sale of Gala potatoes, caliber 5+, excellent quality, suitable for winter storage, for the market, for public catering. There is also washed Gala for processing, seeds of the 1st reproduction. Certificates available.

We are the official distributor of Basf, Bayer, Syngenta. Seeds, fertilizers, pesticides. On the market for more than 10 years. We present our price list for your reference. Ready for long-term cooperation. Price upon request by email [email protected].