One of the features of Fallout 4 is the construction of your own settlement or fortified stronghold in a post-apocalyptic world. Previously, we talked about the places where you can find a workshop and what requirements you will have to fulfill in order to get it at your disposal.

To switch to construction mode, you must press and hold the [V] key; a menu will open in which you can see the status of the settlement. And the most important thing is to start building objects, as well as dismantle anything broken or unnecessary. When you point at an object, it may be highlighted in yellow or green. All buildings (houses, fences, etc.), furniture (beds, drawers, refrigerators, etc.), highlighted in yellow, are only suitable for disassembly for materials. Whereas with green illumination, you can not only disassemble the object, but also move it: either to another place, or move it to a workshop for subsequent installation within a given settlement. The settlement area around the workshop is shown as a green “fence”, inside of which you can create almost anything (the restrictions will be discussed below). If you leave the construction zone for more than 5 seconds, the workshop menu will close.

Most settlements are associated with Minuteman quests and consist of helping the residents of the Commonwealth find a safe place where there will be water, food and a place to sleep.

Key indicators of each settlement:
People - the number of residents in the village;
Food - the amount of food produced in the village;
Water - the amount of water produced in the village;
Energy - electricity generated in the village;
Protection - an indicator of the security of the village;
Places - the number of sleeping places for settlers;
Happiness is a general indicator of the emotional state of the residents of a settlement.

Let's look at each indicator in more detail.


The number of settlers determines the amount of water and food, as well as sleeping places, that must be built to meet their needs. In turn, residents will grow crops, work at the garbage collection station and in shops, and protect the territory. To increase the number of residents in a particular locality, you can build a recruitment beacon. Also, some characters found in the open world can be convinced to join one of the settlements. Don’t forget about the possibility of resettlement: while in the workshop menu, look at the resettler, press the R key (with the standard layout) and select your destination. Thus, it is possible to populate the newly reclaimed area with residents from settlements with radio beacons. Similarly, residents can be assigned to harvesting, guard posts, garbage collection stations, shops, and artillery duty. Namely: select a settler, press the [E] key, then look at the object of interest and press the [E] key again.
The maximum number of residents in a settlement is 10 plus your charisma. With a charisma level of 4, for example, a maximum of 14 people is reached. Once this population size is reached, new settlers will stop moving in.
By talking with settlers, you can receive a new task, learn about problems (for example, lack of food or beds), listen to gossip, or exchange items. During the exchange, you can pick up existing items or put the best weapons and armor in your interlocutor’s inventory. For the settler to start using them, you need to press the [T] key. It is worth noting that weapons and armor do not affect the security rating of a settlement, but well-armed settlers will be more effective in battle.
Settlers will sometimes collect weapons that are freely available, and may also commandeer power armor (which contains a nuclear unit). If you find the culprit, talk to him and ask him to return the items. To avoid such situations, you need to store weapons in boxes, and power armor without batteries.
If you have 6 points invested in charisma, then you can take the “Local Leader” ability, which will allow you to organize supply lines between your settlements. In the workshop menu, you need to select a settler, press the [Q] key and select any other settlement with which you want to establish supplies. Two settlements connected by a supply line can share food, water and building materials located in the workshop.

It is important!
There are characters to whom certain orders cannot be given: usually these are named NPCs or companions. Ordinary settlers obey unconditionally.


The food rating reflected in the workshop menu shows the amount of food produced in a given settlement. Optimally, the amount of food should match the number of settlers; with a lower value, the residents will be unhappy, which will negatively affect the happiness rating. You can make one of the settlements a food farm, where most of the inhabitants will work in the fields, and establish supply lines with other settlements.
To increase the amount of food, it is enough to plant one of the crops (watermelon, razor grass, corn, carrots, mutafruit, toshka, pumpkin) and appoint a responsible resident who will collect it. Plants can only be placed on the ground! All plants give 0.5 food rating, with the exception of mutafruit - 1. Each settler can process 6 units of food, i.e. 6 mutafruits or 12 any other plants. Not only assigned workers, but also the player himself can collect the fruits, and the resulting harvest is used to plant new crops, sell, produce various items, or they can simply be eaten.
Brahmins often appear in settlements where there is plenty of food. To prevent them from wandering around or in the settlement itself, you need to build a feeding trough for the Brahmins.
All crops can be damaged during enemy raids. To restore damaged crops, and therefore the food rating, you can use the workshop menu.


The water rating, similar to the food rating, shows the amount of water produced in the settlement. One resident consumes one unit of water, and its total amount must correspond to the number of settlers. Supply lines make it possible to replenish the lack of H2O in other populated areas. There is no need to assign workers to water-producing structures. Water treatment plants require an electrical connection and should only be located in water. Whereas a water column is more (less?) demanding on the installation site and does not require electricity, but produces much less water.
Like crops, columns and installations can be damaged by enemy raids. Use the workshop menu to repair them.


The energy rating displays the amount of electricity generated in a settlement. Most devices require sufficient electricity to connect and function. This rating does not in any way affect the happiness of the settlers.
The generator and the device are connected to each other by a wire: key. This will require 1 copper. Any device that is connected using wires is used as a power line support. The total number of devices is limited only by the power of the generator.
During enemy raids, generators very often become targets. If you use turrets and traps to protect your settlement, you should take care of the generators by placing them in protected areas. If the generator is still damaged, use the workshop menu to repair it.


The security rating is the totality of all protective facilities in the settlement. In order for settlers to feel under reliable protection, it is necessary to have a minimum rating equal to the number of inhabitants. If the defense value is less than the number of settlers, this will negatively affect their happiness and increase the chances of constant raids on the settlement.
The cheapest defensive facilities are security posts; their construction requires steel and wood, and these materials are always found in large quantities. They can be inserted into the fence that will surround the settlement, or simply placed anywhere in the settlement. One resident can keep order at 3 security posts, i.e. it will generate 6 defense points. Even if we have materials for more powerful security structures, we should not neglect the posts: they will provide good cover in the event of an enemy attack. Moreover, they cannot be broken.
In each settlement you can build an artillery piece (after completing the Minutemen quest “Old Guns”). It increases the defense rating by 6 points, and also improves coverage for artillery support. It requires one settler to function. Weapons also cannot be damaged during attacks.
Turrets, unlike guard posts and guns, are fully automated and do not require human resources. They continuously hunt down and attack opponents. If you have enough materials, then turrets are the easiest way to increase the defense rating of a settlement. The more powerful the turret, the more rare resources are needed to produce it, but the costs will be more than recouped by the defense rating. During enemy attacks, turrets can be damaged; to repair them, you should use the workshop menu.
Traps break every time they are triggered and can also damage settlers within their range. To increase the protection rating, traps must be in good condition and connected to the mains. To control the triggering of traps, you need to install a switch between the device and the power source. Laser traps will be activated when the laser is blocked. In order to avoid accidental triggering, you need to connect the terminal to the power supply and select the item to respond only to enemy targets in the control of optical sensors.
Maintaining a high defense rating will reduce enemy raids, but settlements may be attacked from time to time. By enclosing the settlement with fences or other objects, you can direct attackers straight towards turrets and traps. It's a good idea to place your fast travel target in a safe location so that you don't get caught in the crossfire while fast moving.


The bed rating displays the number of available beds in the settlement. Their number must be no less than the number of residents. Lack of sleeping space reduces happiness levels.
The workshop menu contains several types of beds, a mattress and a sleeping bag, but they all perform the same function. You can tell each settler which bed to sleep in, but this is not necessary.
All sleeping areas should be placed under a roof to keep the settlers happy.


The happiness rating shows the overall satisfaction of residents. A high level of happiness has a positive effect on food production, waste collection, and performance at a waste recycling station.
The best way to maintain a high level of happiness is to meet the basic needs of residents. Ensure there is enough food, water and beds for all settlers, and ensure that the defense rating is equal to or greater than the population. Actively helping residents also increases your happiness rating. Watch the settlement through pip-boy, listen to messages on Radio Liberty. Help repel raids on your settlements and complete all tasks offered by the settlers.

Over the course of a couple of days, I ran an experiment in Fallout 4 that completely changes the experience of the game. At the beginning the user plays differently than later. When the world map is unknown, you have to carefully examine it yourself, but as you study it, quick movements between locations are increasingly used. There's no doubt that the vast majority of gamers do the same. Doesn't this detract from the enjoyment and experience of the game?

The author of the portal decided to play Fallout 4 over the weekend without fast travel. The beginning was made at the Red Rocket truck stop, from where the advance to the south began. There are many locations on the world map, but many interesting places are not marked on it. Along the way, you constantly come across unknown graves, hidden treasures, terminals in abandoned buildings, traveling merchants, mysterious caves. All the time you have to stumble upon randomly generated enemies fighting with each other and with the rest of the world in the wasteland. One area was filled with rabid dogs, and in the middle of their hideout was the corpse of a brutally murdered man. The skeleton lay next to a pile of dog collars and armor. There were no quests or signs associated with this place.

However, the most interesting thing lay ahead - a journey through an abandoned building in the spirit of the Saw films. In the middle of one of the missions, a building with arrows above the doorway came across a building.

Inside the building there were even more arrows, which eventually led into a labyrinth of traps, riddles, rooms full of corpses and enemies. Gradually making our way forward, more and more questions appeared - why is this building here, who built it and how many people did not leave it. The arrows often led to dead ends, sometimes there were question marks instead.

As a result, we managed to reach the top of the parking lot, but the main battle was not destined to take place. Instead, there were two cages with wires, each of which contained a variety of useful items. If you open one cell, the other explodes. Moreover, in the left cell there are 4 nuclear blocks necessary for the operation of power armor.

Such an exciting and sometimes scary journey would have been missed if the decision had not been made not to use fast travel. The building is located between two points marked on the map as cleared.

So my advice is to play Fallout 4 without fast travel. It is not necessary to do this all the time; you can unload garbage in settlements or replenish supplies quickly, but then you can return to the same place and continue on your way. It also doesn't hurt to return to places you've already been. You might have missed something the first time, or something new might have appeared there.

There are people in the game that you can take as companions. If your partner is missing, you can easily find him - just follow our advice.

When traveling through the Commonwealth with a companion, you inevitably encounter a situation where you cannot find your companion. For example, you let your partner go, but forgot which location you sent him to. Or you want to find it, but for some reason it’s not there.

There are three options to find the missing character: build a bell, build a doghouse to search for Dogmeat, or use console commands.

Build a bell

This is the easiest way to find all the companions within one settlement - when you ring the bell, all the characters in your base will gather around it. Including partners.

You can find the bell in the workshop, section “Resources” - “Miscellaneous”. As you can see, to create it you need only 4 units of wood and steel.

If the dog is missing

To never lose your Dog, build a booth for her - the dog will always lie in it or walk nearby. Moreover, there should be only one booth in the settlement in order to know exactly where to look for the shepherd dog. For example, there are several of them, but you only need to leave one.

The construction of a booth is available through the workshop in the “Decoration” - “Miscellaneous” section. To build a dog house you will need three units of wood and one unit of steel.

Using the Console

It happens that you sent a character to a settlement, but forgot which one. But there is no desire to go around them all and build bells there. Or, for example, you accidentally gave your companion the command to wait for you, but you don’t remember where it was. In this case, the console will help (to open it, press the ~ key on the keyboard).

If you cannot find your partner, then know that in Fallout 4 each companion has his own ID by which he can be found.

  1. Kate ID: 00079305
  2. Codsworth ID: 0001ca7d
  3. Curie ID: 00102249
  4. Paladin Dance ID: 0005de4d
  5. Deacon ID: 00045ac9
  6. Dog ID: 0001d162
  7. John Hancock ID: 00022615
  8. Robert McCready ID: 0002a8a7
  9. Nick Valentine ID: 00002f25
  10. Piper ID: 0002f1f
  11. Preston Garvey ID: 0001a4d7
  12. Strongman ID: 0003f2bb
  13. X6-88 ID: 0002e210a

There are two options for using companion IDs, with which you can either move to a partner or move him to you.

player.moveto id- This console command will move the player to the companion. For example:


This plugin allows you to fast travel in Fallout 4 from anywhere under any circumstances, such as fast traveling from interiors, fast traveling in survival mode, etc.

Update: 1.4.0
- The plugin is now independent and will work with most game versions from and higher.
- Fixed a bug where the player could not travel fast while carrying too many items.

You can enable fast travel in survival mode.
You can enable fast travel from the interior or independent game world.
You can enable fast travel when enemies are nearby.
You can enable fast travel while the guards are chasing you.
You can enable fast movement when dealing damage to health.
You can enable fast travel when you are carrying too much inventory.
You can enable fast travel while jumping or falling.
You can enable fast travel from places where you can travel to external locations only on a Vertibird.
You can enable fast travel when fast travel is not available from your current location.
You can enable fast travel when fast travel is disabled by script papyrus or in the console.
You can enable/disable all the features listed above in the UnlimitedFastTravel.ini file

Settings in the UnlimitedFastTravel.ini file
;0=disabled, 1=enabled.
;Enabling fast travel in survival mode.
iConditionA=1 or 0
;Enabling fast travel from interior or independent game world.
iConditionB=1 or 0
;Enable fast travel when enemies are nearby.
iConditionC=1 or 0
;Enabling fast travel while guards are chasing you.
iConditionD=1 or 0
;Enabling fast travel when dealing damage to health.
iConditionE=1 or 0
;Enabling fast travel when you are carrying too much stuff.
iConditionF=1 or 0
;Enabling fast travel while jumping or falling.
iConditionG=1 or 0
;Enabling fast travel from places where you can travel to external locations only on a Vertibird.
iConditionH=1 or 0
;Enable fast travel when fast travel is not available from your current location.
iConditionI=1 or 0
;Enabling fast travel when fast travel is disabled by script papyrus or in the console.
iConditionJ=1 or 0

Fallout 4 v1.9.4 and higher
0.4.2 and higher

Installation:(can be done manually or through mod managers)
1. Take all the contents from the Data folder in the archive and place it in the Data folder in the game, confirm merging the folders. Activation of the mod is not required, since there are no .esp files in the mod.
2. Configure the mod functions in the UnlimitedFastTravel.ini file along the path Data/F4SE/Plugins/UnlimitedFastTravel.ini
3. VERY IMPORTANT!!! You need to change the values ​​in the UnlimitedFastTravel.ini file through Notepad++, the encoding when saving changes should be UTF-8 without BOM, if you save the changes not in this encoding, the functions will not work!!! In Notepad++, at the top in the options, look at “Encoding” and make sure that “UTF-8 encoding without BOM” is checked in the list of encodings and save the file.

You most likely hardly use the tilde button and consider it useless. However, in games from Bethesda studio on the Creation engine, this button (~) opens the console, which allows you to adjust the game to your desires. You can give your hero superpowers, create weapons and monsters out of thin air, speed up time, or even beat the game with one press of the Enter button.

You just need to open the console, enter the required command, close the console and check if the command worked. If the tilde (located to the left of the number 1 key) does not work, then try pressing the apostrophe key. This depends on the country in which your keyboard was released.

Finding Item IDs and NPCs

Most of these commands will require you to enter the exact ID number of an item, NPC, location, or faction. If you open the console and click on a character, you will see his ID number. Some commands work on selected characters - that is, on those you clicked on. Sometimes it is difficult to get the ID number you need to display on the screen, and in these cases the Free Camera (tfc) mode will help you. You can also search the web for the commands and ID numbers you need...

help[item name] - Search for items, characters, teams and more. Use the Page Up and Page Down buttons to scroll. Parameter 0 starts an advanced search.

For example: You entered the command “help “attack dog” 0” and it will show you that there is an NPC in the game named attack dog with ID number 000B2BF2. Be sure to use quotation marks if you are entering two or more words.

coc qasmoke- This command will teleport you to a room with boxes containing all the items found in the game. A little surreal, but it allows you to find out the ID numbers of all items. To do this, you need to open the console and click on the item, after which its ID number will be displayed. For example, Dogmeat's real name is 0001d162.

General commands

tgm- Good old god mode.

tcl- No obstacles. Walk through walls. Walk on air. Be free.

tfc- Activation of free camera.

tfc 1- The same as the command above, but only with freezing all animations.

tm- Turns menus and user interface on and off. This even turns off the console display. In order to return everything to its place, you need to blindly click on the “tilde” and enter the tm command again.

csb– Resets blood and damage effects.

fov- Switch between first and third person view modes.

set timescale to[insert required number] - Slowing down or speeding up time. The default value here is 16. 1 is real time, 10,000 is an insanely fast day/night cycle. If you decide to speed up time, pay attention to the sky - the sun and moon are literally jumping back and forth.

coc– Teleportation to the desired location.

For example: coc RedRocketExt

Character manipulation

showlooksmenu player 1- Opens the hero customization menu, where you can change the appearance of your character. It is recommended that at this moment the hero's face be strictly in the center of the screen.

player.setrace- Change race (for example, ghoul or mutant). Find the race ID number using the help command, but keep in mind that in most cases the game will simply crash after changing the race.

For example: player.setrace GhoulRace

player.resethealth- Restores health.

setgs fJumpHeightMin[insert desired number] - Increases jumping height. The higher the value, the higher your hero jumps, like the Hulk. But if you haven't turned on god mode, the landing will be fatal.

tdetect- Enemies don't notice you. You can steal everything you see.

player.modav[skill] [number] - Improves the skill by the selected number of points. For example, if you enter “player.modav strength 10”, your strength will increase by 10 points. If there is a terminal in the game that you need to hack, or an NPC that you need to convince, then use this command. And to open perks, the command below will be useful.

player.setav[characteristic name] [number] - Sets a new value for the selected characteristic. Unlike modav, this command allows you to unlock new perks by changing the character's characteristics.

player.setav speedmult[enter the required number] - The number you enter will be a multiplier for your movement speed. If you want to become a real superhero, then use god mode with this and the next command.

player.setlevel[enter number] - Increases your level to the specified level.

player/additem 0000000f[enter number] - Adds the specified number of bottle caps.

player/additem 0000000a[enter number] - Adds the specified number of hairpins.

player.additem[number] - As you already understood from the two previous commands, you can add ANY item to your inventory, knowing its ID number (at the beginning of the article it is written how to find out this number).

Manipulating NPCs

tai- Disables AI, causing all characters to simply stand still with calm faces.

tcai- Disables combat AI. There is peace and tranquility in the game. Incredibly boring peace and quiet.

killall- Kills everyone in the area, except for companions and several plot-important characters. They will simply fall down with injuries, and only your stimulant can return them to normal.

kill[enter ID number] - Kills the creature corresponding to the ID number. If you enter "kill 0017fda3", the feral ghoul on which I tested this function will die, no matter where it is. There is another way: you can click on the NPC with the console open and simply enter kill.

resurrect[enter ID number] - Revives a creature with the entered ID. The command "resurrect 0017fda3" will bring the wild ghoul back to life! He's having an incredible day. You can also click on a dead NPC with the console open and enter the resurrect command. If you resurrect a headless NPC, keep in mind that they will remain headless.

recycle actor- Reboots the character.

setscale[number from 1 to 10] - Makes you or your enemy HUGE. The results can be seen in the screenshot at the beginning of the article.

sexchange- Yes, yes, this is a gender change. Works on anyone, but may have difficulty with unique characters.

getav CA_affinity- Shows the trust level of the current companion.

setav CA_affinity[number] - Sets the companion's trust level to the specified number.

modav CA_affinity[number] – Increases the trust level by the specified number. Personally, I did not notice the effect.

unequipall- The selected NPC loses all of its items.

Faction Commands

player.AddToFaction- Will make you an ally of the faction. If you hover over an NPC and remove the word player from the command, then this character will either become an ally (0) of the selected faction, or join (1) to it.

For example: The command "player.AddToFaction 00028670 1" will make you a member of the bug faction.

player.RemoveFromFaction- Will remove you from the selected faction. If you remove the word player from the command and target an NPC, you will remove him from the faction.

removefromallfactions- Removes the selected character from all factions.

setally- Makes two factions friendly (0) or allies (1).

setenemy-Make two factions neutral (0) or enemies (1).


completeallobjectives- Completes all current tasks in the quest.

resetquest– Restarts the quest.

completequest- Completes the quest.

caqs- Completes each step of the main quest, essentially bringing the story to an end. WARNING: Do not use this command if you do not want plot spoilers.