Eastern mudra for attracting money is a special method of working with a person’s energy potential, using the folding of the fingers together. Let's talk about the meaning of the ancient mudras and how to use them correctly.

The concept of mudras came to us from ancient Eastern teachings. They outline the thoughts of initiates that there are many special points on a person’s hands that are directly related to the energetic state of the aura.

By influencing these points in a certain way, you can influence the aura and achieve the desired goals. We will analyze the most effective mudras for wealth, attracting money and prosperity.

Way out of the financial crisis

The “Start” mudra is used in cases where a person is in a completely hopeless financial situation. If you have a lot of debts, loans, and your income does not cover all your needs, use this technique to urgently attract money and financial luck into your life.

It is especially worth noting that the energy of mudras works provided that you sincerely believe in it. magical power. So don't hesitate, just take action.

What do we have to do:

  • Stand up and clasp your hands together as shown in the picture
  • After folding your fingers in the right way, lower your eyelids and concentrate on the process of breathing. Inhalations and exhalations should be slow, deep, very measured and calm.
  • Then begin visualization: imagine how a strong energy support is formed in your body. Look what she looks like? Every person has this different images: large energy ball, glowing sword or something else
  • Imagine how this support helps you, supports you, helps you get out of financial difficulties and sets you up for a wave of financial success and influence

Repeat the meditation with the beginning mudra for a week. This is best done in the early morning hours before sunrise.

Financial breakthrough

The next mudra is called “balancing”. It is used in cases where, in principle, everything is favorable for you, but you lack luck and luck. Let's say you work hard and hard, but your pay leaves much to be desired.

If you do nothing, but prefer to just wait for money to fall from the sky, mudra will not help - choose other options.


  • Stand up and place your palms together as shown in the picture.
  • Close your eyes and begin to breathe rhythmically, quickly and deeply. At this time, strive to direct all your internal energy to the base of the spine in the lower back
  • Then visualize how coins and bills appear in your hands. There are a lot of them. Mentally fill your hands folded with mudra completely. And then spend all your money without a trace

This meditation should be done daily for a week. It is very important to do this in the first minutes after waking up, when your consciousness is most receptive.

This technique will help you fill up with energy and enter the cash flow funnel. Thanks to this, the Universe will send you luck, luck and many new opportunities to strengthen your financial position.

Constantly raising money

This mudra is aimed at the long term: you will not receive the required amount immediately, but in the future your income has every chance of increasing and becoming stable.

Raise your arms to your chest, palms facing you. Take the position shown in the figure.

Then relax, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Try to imagine that you have as much money as you need for a comfortable and easy life. “Catch” this state and remember it.

Meditation using the mudra of “acceptance” should be done for five minutes daily. At least forty days.

Watch a video about using mudras to attract money:

Emergency money raising

Use this technique if you urgently need a specific amount of money to achieve a goal. For example, tomorrow you need to make a loan payment, but you have no idea where to get the required amount.

What to do:

  • Place your palms straight in front of you as shown in the image
  • Close your eyes, take a deep breath and bring all your attention to your solar plexus. Imagine what comes from there powerful beam energy and light
  • While concentrating, mentally ask the Universe for the required amount. Imagine this money and place it at the location of the energy beam

This practice should be done in the morning as soon as you wake up.

  • Remember to monitor your thoughts at all times. Get rid of any negative attitudes. Using mudras, you will increase your energy potential. But by continuing to think that money is evil or by committing dishonest acts, you will reduce beneficial effect to zero
  • Practice meditation with mudras regularly. A one-time use will give minimal effect, but constant use will lead to colossal life changes.
  • Learn to let go of extraneous thoughts from your head and concentrate on your breathing. This is necessary to enter the correct meditative state, most suitable for the use of mudras.

If you sincerely believe in the magical power of mudra, the Universe will certainly give you a chance to get the required amount of money. The source may be completely unexpected. Just remove the restrictions in your subconscious that scream at you that money doesn’t come easy, and believe in your enormous energy potential.

You can get out of the crisis in five minutes, and you don’t have to take out a bank loan or make Herculean efforts. You can fulfill your desire with the help of internal forces, and the correct movement of your hands will open the path to success.

Money rules the world, and success is an integral part of modern values. To everyone's dreams of beautiful life destined to come true. To do this, you just need to believe in yourself and step towards your dream. Among the many effective practices aimed at attracting money, wealth mudras are considered the best. With their help, you can gain not only material wealth, but also internal wealth. Mudras relieve stress, relieve fatigue, help gain inner strength and peace of mind.

How do wealth mudras work?

Mudras have a spiritual meaning: seemingly ordinary hand gymnastics can redirect positive energy into the body. A certain position of the fingers blocks or opens energy channels. In addition, with the help of mudra, a person influences his biofield, precisely activating energy zones on the palms and fingers.

Each finger has a specific energy flow associated with it. The index sign corresponds to the energy of cognition, which gives self-confidence. The energy of the middle finger helps you gain calm and learn to restrain your negative emotions. Nameless is responsible for intuition and mental health. Little finger - creativity. The thumb is your will, strength and intelligence.

Wealth mudra for attracting money and success

If you are forced to look for new sources of income for yourself because there is always not enough money, then this is wise for you. It helps those who are not used to sitting idle, but the doors leading to the world of success seem to be deliberately closed in front of them. Are troubles with money following on your heels, and your strength is gradually declining? You have a blockage of energy channels. You immediately need energy recharge for decisive action. But no one will just give it to you, it needs to be developed internally, and on your own.

This mudra is the basis, because it will begin with it your path to success. It will create an energy reserve to attract money and help get rid of troubles. The mudra will allow you to find solid ground under your feet, instill confidence, and give you the energy of prosperity. As soon as you feel the strength, immediately put it to use. An excess of positive energy can be harmful. You should analyze your condition and readiness for action. If you are ready to change your life for the better, then the mudra of wealth will allow you to gain strength, face your fears, and gain support in life.

Practitioners in the field of esotericism recommend trust your intuition. You will feel a powerful surge of inspiration and increased ambition, but for complete success this is not enough. You will need to catch the Universe as it goes, become more attentive to the little things, and for a while believe in money signs . Opportunities will begin to appear in your life and replace each other at breakneck speed, the main thing is not to lose sight of them.

Technique for performing mudra. Extend your arms forward, bend them at the elbows, fingers should be pointing forward. Bring your palms together at the base. Then you should bend the little finger, ring and middle fingers on both hands. Press them together with pads. The thumbs should touch each other with their sides and keep the direction straight. The index fingers point upward and touch at the phalanges. For three to four minutes you need go into a trance state. Don't think about anything, breathe smoothly. Concentrate on the energy that is generated within you. This mudra must be performed regularly: every three days for a month, several times: in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Don't stop attract money during the period until your financial situation has changed. Be confident and result-oriented. Only under these conditions, using wise wealth, you will feel inspiration and the first progress, and your internal energy will start working for you.

20.03.2019, 05:56

The art of mud has been around for many thousands of years..

Using simple combinations of fingers, a special circulation of energy in the body is ensured, which helps treat diseases and slows down aging.

But few people know that there are mudras that also give power over fate. Until now, information that mudras help to find money was practically inaccessible to anyone.

“from hand to hand” from one of the guardians of the true essence of wise.

They help achieve wealth and financial stability.

You can buy this book by clicking on the link below..

Mudra for “breakthrough” in the material sphere .

Who will need mudra .

“This mudra will help people who have never had financial success in their lives, who are used to barely making ends meet.

Start your practice with this mudra. It is she who will help correct the unfavorable energy structure that programs you for poverty.

If you do not correct this situation with the help of this mudra, then neither the mudra of wealth, nor the mudra of abundance, nor the mudra that attracts money, nor anything else will help you.

Please note: the mudra helps specifically in cases of total monetary bad luck.

If in your life there is a place for both successes and failures, if periods of lack of money are replaced by periods of prosperity, then you do not need this mudra, in this case other mudras will help - depending on your circumstances.

How does mudra work? .

The mudra creates such a powerful energy flow that completely transforms the unfavorable energy configuration that previously set you up for poverty.

Since our internal psychological state is determined by the state of energy, as a result of performing the mudra you will feel stronger and more confident, you will gain the feeling that you are worthy of success, prosperity, and wealth.

How to use mudra .

Mudrunado practice for a week, in the morning immediately after the urge, for

3-5 minutes.

After a week of practice, take a break for a week, and then begin practicing mudra aimed at a more specific goal that is relevant to you.

Description of mudra.

  1. Place your palms vertically in front of your chest parallel to each other at a distance of 5-7 centimeters.
  2. Close the bases of your palms. The areas where the wrist ends and the palm begins are firmly pressed against each other. Above this area, the palms are directed upward, like a barely blooming flower bud.
  3. Without closing your palms, close the pads of your little fingers and thumbs. The fingers themselves remain straight.
  4. Now round your middle fingers and rest their pads against each other.
  5. The index and ring fingers are open, straight and pointing vertically upward. Thus, your palms are likened to a bowl or basket, framed on both sides by closed straight little fingers and thumbs, and closed in the center by rounded and bent middle fingers.
  6. Close your eyes. Breathe energetically, but freely and measuredly.
  7. Focus on the tailbone area. Imagine that you are firmly connected to the earth.
  8. Imagine that your palms are a bowl that you can fill at will with everything you need and control its contents according to your will.
  9. Stay in this position for several minutes.

Mudra that opens constant access to the source of abundance.

Who will need mudra .

Mudra is necessary primarily for people with an unstable source of income.

Those who often find themselves without work rely on odd jobs. Or works at a permanent job, but with an unstable income. Also for those whose business brings either income or continuous losses, and this situation cannot be leveled out. That is, to all people whose ordinary situation in life is described by the saying “sometimes thick, sometimes empty.”

This mudra will help those who feel that money either loves them or doesn’t love them. When the rise necessarily precedes the fall. When you are afraid of your successes because you know:

Troubles will definitely follow. It’s as if, after success, the damper through which the energy of well-being flowed suddenly closes, and this flow stops, and you find yourself in emptiness.

All this means that you have a distortion of energy. The flow through which monetary energy flows is unstable and periodically chokes, as if it were being blocked by a dam.

It is necessary to remove these congestions, create conditions for a smooth and abundant flow of money energy, and life situation will get better.

How does mudra work? .

Mudra creates a pole of attraction in your life for a constant and stable flow of energy of money and material wealth to you. This does not mean that all the blessings of the world will rain down on you as if from a cornucopia, threatening to shower you and the entire surrounding space with riches. The benefits will come in doses - exactly to the extent that it does not create excesses and discomfort for you, and at the same time allows you to live with dignity and abundance.

The smooth flow of energy of material goods will be stable and constant, it will not be interrupted or choked, it will always and everywhere be absolutely reliable.

In outside world this will be expressed in the fact that new sources of income will begin to open up for you, and previous sources will either level out and stabilize, or will disappear as unnecessary.

You will be able to get a profitable job, or open your own business, or move to a well-paid position.

In addition, unexpected sources of money will open up at the right time, so you will always be sure that if you need money, it will come, sometimes from where you don’t expect it.

This mudra will help you gain peace of mind and financial independence. You will be absolutely confident in the future, you will not have to save and save for a rainy day. Money will come from a source of abundance as needed.

You will become more confident, stronger and calmer, and every day your ability to attract the flow of abundance will increase.

How to use .

The mudra should be performed 2 times a day, in the morning immediately after motivation and in the evening just before bed, for 2-3 minutes, for a week. Then take a break for a week and perform again during the week according to the same scheme.

Description of mudra .

1. Place your hands in front of you, palms up, fingers pointing forward.

2. Place your palms together, cupping them as if you were trying to draw water. The lateral surfaces of the little fingers fit tightly to each other.

3. Connect the pads of the thumb, index and middle fingers on each hand, like

would be a pinch.

4. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and freely.

5. Focus on the bridge of your nose. Imagine that there is a source of bright golden glow at the point between the eyebrows.

6. Set the intention to connect to a constant and inexhaustible source of abundance.

7. Stay in this position for several minutes.

Mudra for success in business: for those who have their own business .

This mudra will help if you have your own business, but something is not going well, and there are no stable

profits, or are haunted by failures, as a result of which you suffer losses.

This mudra will also help that businessman whose business is going well, but still not good enough.

It will also help those who are doing well, but want them to do even better.

A novice businessman, someone who is just about to start his own business without having experience yet, or has experience but lacks sufficient confidence, will also need mudra.

In a word, this is a universal mudra for everyone who does business, regardless of income level, scale of enterprise and experience in this activity.

This mudra cannot harm in any situation. It can be performed not only in case of any problems, but also simply for prevention, in order to stabilize the good results already achieved.

HOW mudra works .

The mudra very gently and smoothly concentrates in your field the energy necessary for success. Conditions are created for the accumulation of this energy - but not passive energy, but ready for action.

This energy also acts very gently, so it will not cause any sharp turns in life - it will only provide the opportunity to smoothly and consistently achieve your goals, moving from success to success without unnecessary stress and shock.

Perform mudra if you want to conduct a win-win business and get maximum benefits.

Mudra will help you find luck in your business. Your intuition will become sharper, you will calculate the possible benefits in advance and easily avoid all the pitfalls on the path to success.

You will be able to stay ahead of your competitors because you will have a talent for entrepreneurship that they do not have.

You will be able to attract reliable, true professionals, the best partners and employees to your business.

You will find energy that is especially attractive to your clients.

You will have an active life position, passion for your business, a desire for success, and you will easily and easily achieve all your goals.

HOW to use mudra.

For stable, constant success, to prevent failures, it is advisable to perform this mudra regularly according to the following scheme: do it for a week, take a break for a week, do it again for a week, etc.

The number of such cycles may not be limited. Execution time: 2-3 minutes every morning, after waking up, once a day.

Or, if you wish, you can perform mudra only when you especially need success. Then it is performed for two weeks in a row, also once a day, in the morning, after waking up, for 2-3 minutes.

In some difficult situation, when you need to solve problems and you especially need luck, the mudra is performed three times a day (morning, evening and midday) for 3-5 minutes for a week.

Description of mudra .

  1. Place your hands in front of you at level solar plexus. Palms facing up, fingers away from you.
  2. Women: squeeze left hand into a fist. For men: make a fist with your right hand.
  3. With the thumb of the hand clenched into a fist, you need to clasp the remaining fingers so that the nail of the index finger rests on the base of the thumb,

And the pad of the thumb is in the bone between the lower and middle phalanx of the little finger.

4. Bend the ring finger on the second hand so that its pad

rested on the base of the thumb.

5 On the same hand, connect your thumb and little finger into a ring, so that they

The pads closed over the bone of the bent ring finger, but did not

touched her.

6. Connect the remaining free index and middle fingers

side surfaces and straighten.

7. Now connect both hands tightly with the sides of your palms, so

so that the tip of the thumb of the hand connected into a fist is tightly adjacent to the tip of the thumb and little finger of the other hand, closed in a ring.

8. Close your eyes, breathe calmly and measuredly.

9. Focus on the solar plexus area, mentally concentrate the power there.

10. Form a strong intention to succeed in business.

11. Stay in this position for several minutes.

Kubera mudra, which is given below, and given by another author - R. Mohanty, and in which there is no special conditions execution.

Kubera mudra .

This mudra is dedicated to the god of wealth.

INwith it you use three fingers: connecting the tips of the thumb,

index and middle finger.

Bend the other two and hold them in the middle of your palm.

This must be done on both hands.

The three fingers represented here are Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Mars symbolizes strength, Jupiter represents splendor, and Saturn represents focus on the essence.

If these three fingers are connected, accompanying this

by intense meditation, their strength increases.

This mudra serves not only to attract money.

It can be used for a number of specific purposes.

If you really need something, focus on it,

visualize and do kubera mudra.

It is like calling upon renewed strength.

Formulate your desire in words, and if what you desire,

can help you in your activities, ask for it,

expressing exactly what you want.

In this video there is a mudra for urgently attracting money!

There are times when we need a certain amount of money, but there is simply nowhere to get it from! This could be a major purchase, a business trip, family holiday, emergency failure household appliances, money for treatment. Yes, and you just might like some thing in the store that you this moment you have no money. For all ethics and similar cases, there is this mudra! -

There are many different techniques that help manage energy flows. Even in ancient times, people discovered that certain combinations of fingers and meditation can change life, influencing its different aspects. As a result, mudras have appeared that are accessible to everyone.

What are mudras?

Sacred gestures that can change consciousness are usually called mudras. They were used for magical and healing practices in India. , since different combinations are capable of activating energy flows, and they affect different aspects of a person’s life. More often, fingers are represented as five chakras or reflex zones of the body. It is believed that there are six energy channels running through the fingers, which are connected to different organs and systems. By connecting your fingers in combinations you can activate the meridians.

Mudras for all occasions

To benefit from practicing mudras, you must follow a number of important rules.

  1. You can perform different combinations while in any position, as long as it is comfortable. It is best to relax, and this applies to both the body and thoughts.
  2. It is important to get yourself in the right psychological mood before starting the practice.
  3. For a life-saving mudra or any other combination to work, it is necessary to connect your fingers so that no tension is felt.
  4. There should be no discomfort during operation, otherwise you need to stop.
  5. Breathing should be normal so as not to be distracted.
  6. Holding one mudra in most cases does not exceed 5-10 minutes. You can do up to 5-6 repetitions throughout the day.
  7. When performing several poses, it is important to allow at least a couple of minutes between them.
  8. In all the mudras below, the fingers on both hands will be indicated as follows: thumb - 1, index - 2, middle - 3, ring - 4, little finger - 5.

Mudras for protection

By performing special combinations, you can protect yourself from bad thoughts and enemies, and if someone sends negativity, then it will certainly return to them. The mudra of protection strengthens spiritual strength and helps generate positive energy. If the enemies are active, then you need to practice every day for 3-5 minutes.

Mudras for attracting love

Regular practice of special combinations helps to strengthen existing relationships. It is recommended to perform mudras a couple of times a day for 10 minutes. During this, it is important to think that what you want has become a reality. The following combinations can be performed:

Mudras for wealth attracting money and prosperity

To cope with financial problems and attract material flow, it is recommended to use special gestures. Before performing mudras to attract money, mentally repeat your goal, and then visualize it in detail.

Mudras for good luck

You can make your life much easier if fortune helps you in life. You can attract her through the following magical gestures:

Mudras for stress

Special gestures activate the movement of energy in the body, which helps fight various mental problems, such as stress and depression. It remains to figure out how to make mudras:

Mudras for health

Thanks to therapeutic gestures, you can not only normalize the functioning of the body, but also improve the energy of the space. Healing mudras help to heal at a distance, the main thing is powerful visualization. It is important to remember that regular practice does not remove the cause of the problem. There are different health mudras, and the following are examples:

Mudras for weight loss

There are many programs that help you lose weight, but they have no scientific basis. These include mudras for weight loss, which trigger important processes in the body.

Mudras for facial rejuvenation

With the help of properly directed energy flows, you can prolong your youth and preserve your beauty for many years. To do this, it is recommended to regularly perform the following mudras:

Mudra for work

There are practices for people who want to open a business, advance in their careers and cope with other problems. Mudra to find a job helps increase income and productivity. You need to practice twice a day for 4-5 minutes. Keep your hands parallel to each other in the center of your upper abdomen. Interlace your fingers so that they look inside your palms. Women should hold their left finger on top, and men should hold their right finger. Without changing position, straighten 3 fingers.

Mudras for fulfillment of desires

Among all existing combinations, the most popular is the gesture that helps to implement cherished wish. Mudra carries energy that gives self-confidence and helps you achieve your goal. It is recommended to repeat it every day, and it is important to meditate, imagining yourself in blooming garden and inhaling the scent of flowers.

  1. First you need to formulate a desire, which should be concise and clear and not contain any negations.
  2. To implement the mudra of wish fulfillment, you need to connect the tips of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd fingers on each hand, and press the 4th and 5th to the palm. The gesture is identical to that used by believers for baptism.
  3. Say your wish out loud three times. It is important to breathe freely.
  4. Repeat the practices 1-2 times a day for several weeks.

Using simple mudras to attract money, you can actually significantly improve your material wealth and attract financial flows. You too can take advantage of this non-standard knowledge of Hindu culture.

In the article:

Mudras for attracting money

Magical gestures will give you the opportunity to achieve prosperity. Using such simple combinations, you will learn to attract wealth into your life, make short-term profits, and get rid of financial problems. Don't ignore this practice and use gestures in difficult situations.

“The Beginning” - will help get out of the crisis

If in the past or present you have started having problems with money, you just can’t get out of a series of troubles, use this one. It is she who will help close the door to the old life, where there are endless hardships and poverty, and open the doors to a new rich world filled with joy and pleasures.

The first task is to bend the third, fourth and fifth fingers (done with both hands). The next step is to place your hands one opposite the other. The first and second fingers should be connected. It is important that the thumbs form a 90 degree angle relative to all the others.

Be relaxed, take a slow breath and exhale the same way. Your task is to visualize energy cocoon, which forms around your body. From now on, you have support, you are filled with unimaginable strength that will help you deal with adversity and get rid of any troubles.

The practice is repeated daily for three days. Spend 10-15 minutes 2 times a day for this combination.

“Balancing” - a breakthrough in material terms

In the financial sector, everything seems to be in order, there are no significant losses, but a rapid upward movement is also not expected? In such a case, you can use this mudra. It will help you not only accumulate wealth very quickly, but also become a real lucky person and hit the jackpot. Hands need to be placed opposite each other.

Connect your little fingers, middle fingers and thumbs. The combination should be located directly in front of the chest. You can close your eyes or look directly at your hands. Start breathing slowly. Mentally concentrate on the energy that comes from your hands. Be filled with it. The exercise is repeated for 7 days immediately after waking up.

If you believe the practitioners, then within a week any “blocking” will be lifted. The gesture will help even if it was pointed at you. After it is removed, you can use protective mudras to prevent possible magical attacks.

"Acceptance" - constant cash flows

Every person wants to realize that poverty will never overtake him, there will always be an opportunity to earn money and live with dignity. You can gain just such confidence by using a special gesture that gives abundance.

Be sure that when regular practice you will have an endless source of funds that will attract profitable projects to you for many years. Place your hands in front of your chest. The palms need to be turned towards you, the little fingers should lean against one another. Place the second and third fingers with the first.

This exercise is performed immediately when you wake up, and in the evening before going to bed. According to practitioners, only 3 minutes is enough to as soon as possible achieve your goal.

Mudra for urgently attracting money

Have you become a victim of circumstances or encountered financial troubles? You suddenly find yourself in need of funds (it doesn’t make sense for what needs), you can use this combination.

Remember, you don’t have to assume that everything will happen in a flash. magic wand, you will not accidentally find a wallet with the required amount under the door. But this gesture will help you find a source of money, a person who can borrow, a part-time job (where you will be able to save the required amount in the shortest possible time). Remember, the practice is only done for one day.

The practice is repeated 5-7 times. Mudras are used according to a certain pattern: while still in bed (as soon as you wake up), several times during the day (break between classes is 3 hours) and before bed. The duration of the practice is from 5 to 15 minutes.

If the amount you need is simply colossal, when you start practicing for the third time, do it for half an hour. Remember, this combination is used only in extreme, special situations. And it is not recommended to use it daily.

Raise your palms to your chest. The tops of the fingers face each other. Important difference: girls right palm is directed downwards, the left is directed upwards, but for guys it’s the other way around. The first and second fingers need to be connected (done on both hands). Place the remaining fingers as far apart as possible. Next, you need to smoothly connect the little finger of your left (right) hand and the ring finger of your right (left).

Place the two “unused” fingers so that they do not touch the others. Breathe smoothly, concentrate on the strength that fills you, and start thinking about how much money you need, what you will spend it on, whether this is really such a necessary purchase.

You must clearly formulate your goal - to obtain a certain amount to achieve a specific goal. After completing the exercise, give yourself some rest and do it again after the specified period of time. Remember, if in fact you do not need emergency financial assistance, but still use this combination, then the desired effect will not happen.

Mudras for attracting money luck

Of course, fortune and finance almost always go hand in hand. Anyone can need luck: a novice businessman, a person who is going to win the lottery, someone who wants to borrow money. For any purpose, you can choose the most optimal, ideally suitable combination.

Mudra helping to borrow

Remember, this gesture is used only if you want to take out a loan, borrow money from a friend. If your goal is to force one of the debtors to return the funds or, on the contrary, to make them forget about your debt, it will not help. You can use the combination exactly two days before the day when you go to a credit office or to an individual who can borrow the required amount.

The combination is repeated throughout the day, from 5 to 7 times a day, the interval between manipulations should be two to three hours. How more money you need to get it, the longer you should practice. Place your palms opposite your chest (right pointing up, left pointing down).

On the right hand: connect the first, fourth and fifth fingers, keep the second and third straight. On the left: bend the second and third fingers completely, hold them first. Keep the fifth finger absolutely straight, the fourth slightly tilted. United fingers right hand touch your left thumb. Then relax, straighten your shoulders, and start breathing correctly.

Inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Stop thinking about problems and discomfort, nothing should bother you. Visualize a situation in which everything worked out for you, and feel these joyful emotions, peace of mind and satisfaction as clearly as possible. You need to repeat the combination until you achieve what you want.

How to protect yourself from unexpected losses?

If Fortune accompanies you, then you obviously will not become a victim of robbers, scammers and suddenly lose your entire fortune. To always be protected from various troubles, people use the gesture of fortune and protection. Sit comfortably, take a position so that your elbows are raised to your chest.

The fingers of both hands point up. Weave them together so that they form a kind of castle. After this, the first fingers must be crossed. Remember, the tops of the fingers of one hand should touch the bones of the base of the fingers of the other.

For girls, the finger of the right hand is on top, for guys it is the other way around. Your task is to imagine that from now on a strong shield protects you from all troubles. It prevents scammers from getting to your wealth, bankruptcy and poverty bypass you.