In this article we will look at signs about cleaning and simply signs about what you can and cannot do at night.

Each time of day carries its own energy and strength, each hour has its own purpose, and if you use it correctly, you can bypass various negative situations and not bring trouble upon yourself. It is believed that day is a time of light and goodness, but night is the beginning of mysticism and danger. Therefore, many things cannot be done after sunset. Including house cleaning. In this article we will discuss the topic of cleaning the house in the evening.

Is it possible to clean and wash the floors in a house or apartment in the evening, at night and at night: folk signs

Of course, the interpretation of this sign can be different, because this sign passed down from generation to generation, and each housewife interprets the sign in her own way. Some believe that by washing the floors at night, you can “wash” happiness and prosperity from the family in this way.

Washing floors at night and evening time, calls upon evil spirits, which attracts a number of troubles. This could be an illness of one of the family members, financial problems, as well as quarrels and a breakup with a loved one. Quarrels can especially arise at the domestic level.

Daytime carries positive energy, so things need to be done at this time of day. Night time can adversely affect any actions, and because... Washing the floors is the last point of cleaning, so it is better to do it during the day. If you take out the trash at night or clear your house of it, then all your well-being may fall into the wrong hands.

There are many folk signs that are associated specifically with washing floors, for example:

  • You cannot wash or sweep the floors “on the road” when one of your relatives is traveling on a long journey. This sign is valid until this person arrives at the appointed point. According to this sign, it is possible in this way to cause the traveler to not reach the desired place.
  • You cannot sweep trash from the house over the threshold, because... You can sweep away all the well-being and happiness from your home.
  • If you want your guests to have... good impression about you, and remains for a long time, immediately after they leave there is no need to wash or sweep the floors.
  • On the contrary, if an unwanted guest or your enemy comes to the house, then you should clean up immediately after his arrival, and most importantly, “sweep out” the negativity that this person brought.
  • In order to maintain wealth in your house or apartment, you don’t need to sweep with different brooms or wash the floor with different mops.
  • After the death of a person there is no need to wash or sweep the floor in home, minimum 9 days. This is considered the same as sending a person on a journey.
  • Cleaning floors, sweeping or washing is considered a sin if done on a great church holiday, such as the Annunciation or St. Fedorin's day.

IMPORTANT: In ancient times, it was believed that cleaning the house in the evening and at night meant attracting poverty and misery to the house. IN daytime, in place of the cleaned space comes happiness and prosperity, but after sunset, this place is filled with evil spirits. Also, you should not bring in trash or give anything at night, especially bread and salt, because these are symbols of prosperity and goodness. If you take these products out, you can bring poverty upon yourself.

There are many interesting signs associated with the house or dwelling in which you live. For example, you cannot sweep or wash the floors away from the threshold rather than towards it. It brings financial independence into your home. You should not start wet cleaning on Sunday. This means that there will be no money in the house and is considered a sin.

Our great-grandmothers believed that if you wash the floor at night, you will attract bad luck, lose love and money. Despite the fact that it is the 21st century, many of these signs actually affect our lives, in many ways, we do not even understand what is the reason that we are experiencing an unfavorable period, for example, a decline in income, or quarrels with family and friends . Everything we do affects our daily lives in some way.

Of course, it is considered bad luck to leave dirty house for the night. This means showing disrespect for the brownie. By nightfall you need to have time to wash the dishes, take out the trash and mop or sweep the floor. Then in such a house not only will cleanliness and order reign, but the owners will always have money and live in complete understanding and harmony.

A family that “respects the brownie” will avoid troubles, and favorable energy will fill the home space. But if you anger a brownie, he can do mischief and bring sorrow and even illness into the house. Cleaning at night is considered a bad omen; our ancestors considered even the process of sweeping or washing the floors to be a kind of ritual of invitation evil spirits and energy. It’s up to you to believe in such signs or not, but such, sometimes even stupid, superstitions bring variety to our lives and a piece of faith that has come to us since ancient times.

Why is taking out the trash at night a bad omen?

All beliefs and superstitions have come to us through the centuries with each generation. Our ancestors tied omens to a variety of actions, weather changes, and even the smallest household concerns. There are a number of tips that can protect a person from harm.

  • The most common sign that everyone knows is why you can’t take out the trash at night? It is believed that in this way, a person can take out monetary well-being along with the trash, which promises constant financial problems.
  • Of course, if the house is dirty and there is a lot of garbage, the brownie will definitely be angry and may show his dissatisfaction with various dirty tricks. Things may go missing, there may be minor quarrels in the family, or one of the family members’ health may deteriorate.
  • This sign is very ancient, because people used to believe in the existence of witchcraft and magic, respectively. It was believed that witches, sorcerers and all sorts of dark forces could only come out at night. They can influence a person only with the help of things that belong to this person, so taking out the trash after sunset is dangerous. After all, a witch could take something from your garbage and cause damage or conjure a disease. Especially if there are cut nails or hair in the trash. Here is another sign that has come to us since ancient times.
  • Also, many great-grandfathers believed that garbage symbolizes “dirty laundry”, that is, you should not take your well-being and understanding in the family out of your home.
  • Some people believe that you should leave some of the garbage for your brownie so that he can eat. Of course, it’s hard to believe, but surprisingly, there are quite a lot of supporters of this theory. Also, there is a theory that, on the contrary, if there is garbage in the house, your little brownie may take offense at the careless owners and leave the house for a long time.
  • If you believe in Feng Shui, then cleansing your home of remnants of the past is a necessary ritual. Empty space is filled with new energy of life. But you shouldn’t do this in the evening or at night, because the space you free up is filled with negative energy and it is believed that people take out their money along with the trash.

This sign also applies to those who believe in spirits. When you take out the trash after sunset, this is how your house is attacked evil spirits, and if during the day, then they are kind. But if you leave a full bucket of garbage and leftover food overnight, the spirits that guard your home may get offended and leave.

A few more folk signs about garbage:

  • Previously, when changing houses, they took their garbage with them. This was done so that the well-being that was in the former housing would remain in the new one. If there were problems and misunderstandings in the house, then the garbage was thrown out near the house. But only in the daytime and very carefully so that no one can cause damage.
  • IN church holidays the garbage was not disposed of. This is due to the fact that on such days people devoted everything free time prayers.
  • Mix household waste with food - to monetary loss. But this is no longer a sign, but simply a method of saving, because before people kept animals, and if all the leftover food was thrown away, then food for them had to be purchased separately.

There are various situations, in which you urgently need to take out the trash from the house in the evening. At the same time, you don’t want to take all the prosperity and goodness out of the house along with the waste; you need to say the following words when you take out the trash: “I take everything unnecessary out of the house, but leave prosperity and happiness.”

Of course, there are modern versions of this simple sign:

  • If you take out the trash in the evening, you can end up in unpleasant situations.
  • There are a lot of animals near garbage cans in the city, which may not always be friendly to people, especially if they are very hungry
  • You might meet friends along the way and not complete all the chores you planned
  • Often they take out the trash in the clothes they wear at home; if it’s cold outside, you can easily catch a cold and get sick.

In fact, many signs are not entirely clear today, but millions of people have believed in them for centuries. How to relate to signs is everyone’s business, but if we start from the experience of our ancestors, then it’s worth thinking about the veracity of superstitions.

What not to do at night: signs

Since ancient times, our ancestors were particularly attentive and observant; they could read the most different signs fate and believed in magic and witchcraft. Everyone tried various methods to protect their family and home from evil spirits and negative influence dark forces. Of course, most of the signs seem stupid, but if you look from the other side, families used to be much stronger, and people were believers and disciplined.

Today, some of these superstitions have come through centuries and generations, and many people still believe in them to this day. There is a huge amount different signs, advice and superstitions, but the most common of them are those associated with the night. This is due to the fact that it is after sunset that all the witches, sorcerers, evil spirits, etc. come out into the street. Darkness has always been associated with mysticism and secrets, which people used to be very afraid of.

So, what not to do at night:

  • The first is to take out the trash and wash or sweep the floors as described above
  • Leave sharp knives on the table. This weapon can be used dark force. And it was believed that this way you could incur a terrible disease on yourself
  • Problems in intimate life may begin in a man who shaved or cut his hair after sunset
  • Giving or borrowing money promises financial instability and loss of funds
  • The brownie will be offended and cause trouble if you leave dirty dishes overnight. You need to treat the brownie with respect, try not to swear or quarrel in the house, and maintain cleanliness and order. After all, a brownie can leave careless owners or do something dirty
  • You can't look in the mirror. Previously people They believed that a mirror is a door to another world, so looking into it after sunset can cause unwanted guests. There are a lot of signs associated with the mirror. Our ancestors also believed that if a young girl often looked in the mirror, she would quickly age

  • Nothing should be given over the threshold, especially in the evening. If you take something out of the house at night, this entails even greater losses. But this sign also applies to daytime, and it came from a long time ago. After all, the ancestors kept the ashes of their relatives on the threshold, so once again there is no need to disturb them, this may anger the spirits. Also, you cannot sit on the threshold - this is a sign of disrespect for the dead
  • If you are out on the evening promenade, you definitely shouldn’t pick up anything at an intersection. It is not advisable to do this during the day, but especially at night. In this way, witches can give away their troubles or cause damage, which a person can pick up completely by accident
  • Before going to bed, at night, it is better to take off your underwear that is drying. It is believed that it is underwear that attracts and absorbs negative energy
  • You should not place various vampire plants (Montera) in the room where you sleep. You may not get enough sleep and end up tired and unhappy
  • You cannot make promises or vows before sunset. It will be impossible to fulfill them
  • It is not advisable to swim in ponds at night, because at this time the merman and mermaids wake up, which can lead to accidents
  • You can't take a steam bath, devils appear there after sunset
  • Knocking on the window of a room at night - it promises trouble
  • If a person wakes up every night at exactly 3 o'clock, this means that someone is casting a spell on him
  • Leaving money on the table in the evening means poverty
  • You can't knit at night - it pleases the devils
  • Meeting a spider in the evening means troubles and worries
  • Do not leave leftover food on the table - it attracts devils and they can finish it
  • Cats sense spirits; if he starts hissing at night, it means he sees evil spirits
  • Break something at night - expect bad news
  • If the icon falls after sunset, expect trouble
  • At night it is better not to touch money, not to count, not to change, not to borrow - then they will stop appearing

Many signs exist to warn a person about impending trouble, but there are also pleasant superstitions that occur at night, for example:

  • If a cat gives birth at night - expect favorable changes, this promises good news and profit
  • The sound of a cricket means that unexpected wealth will fall on you
  • In a new house, you need to bring a black rooster the first night, and a black cat the second. Then the family will live happily and prosperously
  • At night you need to leave money under the mirror, then it will always be found in the house.

The signs and superstitions that our ancestors believed and followed are ambiguous, just like the horoscope and fortune telling. Most people follow traditions and believe in such predictions of the universe, while others categorically consider such signs to be complete nonsense. Believing it or not is a matter for everyone personally, but if it is convenient for you and helps you in life, then why not listen to the advice of our ancestors, which have come down to our times in the form of superstitions and signs.

But if the signs contribute to your bad mood and to some extent frighten, then it is better to take the position of Thomas the unbeliever. But most often we ourselves program our own thinking, which leads to certain consequences. The main thing is not to go too far and treat superstitions with common sense, in order to worry less about various little things, because there are a lot of things to accept, so it is better to believe only in those that are positive in nature, and completely forget about the bad ones.

Despite the age of many superstitions, this topic is still relevant today. Many celebrities use various talismans, believe in fortune telling, and this is how they explain their luck in life. Of course, in order to explain many signs, you can start from minimal knowledge of chemistry, physics and other sciences. Therefore, many scientists are opponents of such signs.

Video: What not to do in the evening: signs and superstitions

The ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui will help you organize the space at home and make it harmonious. In order not to attract flows of negative energy into your life, follow the main prohibitions of the teaching, and your home will become a place of restoration vitality and energy.

Space in the house plays its role for each person. In order for you to feel under reliable protection, restore strength and live in complete harmony with yourself and your household, use the recommendations of the teachings of Feng Shui. Knowledge accumulated over centuries will help you get rid of any negativity and fill your living space with streams of positive energy.

10 main feng shui prohibitions:

Ban 1

Avoid hanging mirrors opposite front door. In this way, you prevent the passage of energy flows into your home. Mirrors located in the bedroom have a negative impact on marital life. They can attract rivals and home-wreckers into your relationship. In other rooms, mirrors do not pose a threat, but remember that mirrors with chips and cracks must be disposed of immediately. It is advisable to have a mirror in the house that reflects the person in full height without breaking into fragments.

Ban 2

Never leave a trash can in front of the front door. Any dust, dirt or unnecessary trash poison the energy of space, causing irreparable harm to health and energy protection household members. Get rid of unnecessary things, making room for new useful and beautiful acquisitions that will soon appear in your home.

Ban 3

Repair any broken items you plan to use. Throw away items that cannot be restored without mercy or delay. This will help you get rid of negative energy, attracting happiness and abundance into your life. In addition, broken objects lead to increased quarrels and conflicts. The teachings of Feng Shui say that every faulty thing or object removes a problem from a person’s life by taking it upon himself. Special attention Pay attention to leaking taps and pipes. A constant flow of water is not conducive to a happier home, so any leaks need to be fixed as quickly as possible.

Ban 4

Multi-level floors in the house also serve as a stumbling block for the free circulation of positive energy. Floors of different levels in your home contribute to the fragmentation of fate into pieces, and this can cause failures and troubles in business and personal life.

Ban 5

Try to get rid of sharp corners in your home. Pieces of furniture with protruding corners must be directed so that the tip of the corner is directed into an empty space, and not the place where you are likely to be and rest. Hanging shelves also cause the appearance of negative energy, so it is important to round off their corners or disguise them, for example, with an amulet made of beads and coins.

Ban 6

Bathroom spaces and toilets should be kept clean. Timely cleaning and closed doors will help you maintain coziness and comfort in your home. If you have a pet and have room for it in your bathroom, use built-in doors, but don't leave the doors open.

Ban 7

Ventilate the space in your home. The more often you keep windows and vents open, the more often the energy of your living space is renewed. To avoid becoming victims of colds, ventilate your home while you are away.

Ban 8

Proper organization of your workspace will help you perform your duties much more productively. You need to sit with your back to a solid wall without windows or doors. As a last resort, block the openings to protect your rear from the outflow of energy. Proper arrangement of items on the table will provide you with greater productivity, and the absence of unnecessary items will help you concentrate and not be distracted from your main tasks.

Ban 9

The area adjacent to the house should be as open as possible. Growing trees and cars blocking the passage prevent the flow of positive energy from penetrating into your home. The exception is plantings that fence off the entrance from the roadway. The same applies to the interior door space. Get rid of clutter and put your shoes in a designated place.

Ban 10

Before purchasing a home, evaluate its proximity to other buildings. The best location for the house would be to have a fountain, square or park nearby. A dangerous neighborhood would be a cemetery, a prison and a hospital. These “neighbors” have a huge field of negative energy that can complicate your life.

By changing the space around you, you change your life in better side. Remember that achieving happiness in your own home is not so difficult. All you have to do is follow the suggested recommendations to make your home a place of positive energy!

Useful tips

Everyone is familiar with the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. It helps you make the space at home harmonious and organize it correctly. To save your home from negative energy, observe the basic prohibitions of the teaching so that your home becomes the place where you restore your strength and energy.

Space in the home is extremely important for emotional health a person, for his sense of security and for living in harmony with his household and with himself. Feng Shui knowledge that has been accumulated over centuries will help you organize it correctly.

Feng Shui rules

Prohibition No. 1

Do not hang a mirror opposite the front door or in the bedroom

This way you can protect your home from unnecessary energy entering. Mirrors in the bedroom have a negative impact on family life. They attract homewreckers into your life. Mirrors in any other room are not dangerous, but it is important to remember that if a chip or crack appears on the mirror, it must be thrown away immediately. It is desirable that the existing mirror reflects the person to his full height, without breaking him into pieces.

Prohibition No. 2

The trash can should not be located opposite the front door

Any unnecessary trash, dust and dirt negatively affect the energy of the space, and the health and energy of all residents suffer. Immediately get rid of old, unnecessary things, make room for beautiful and useful acquisitions that will definitely appear in your home after the old items disappear.

Prohibition No. 3

Do not use or store broken items

Any broken items that you plan to continue using need to be repaired. Throw away what cannot be restored without regret. This way you will get rid of negative energy and attract joy and abundance into your life. Moreover, broken objects lead to quarrels and conflicts.

According to Feng Shui, every faulty item takes away one problem from a person’s life, and by throwing away this thing, a person also throws out the problem. Pay special attention to leaking faucets and pipes. Any leak requires immediate repair, as a constant flow of water does not contribute to increasing the joy in your home.

Prohibition No. 4

Don't make multi-level floors

Floors different levels– this is a real stumbling block for the free flow of positive energy in the house. Such floors split your destiny into parts, which leads to failures and troubles both in your personal life and in business.

Prohibition No. 5

Sharp corners in the house are a danger

Furniture with protruding sharp corners must be placed so that the tip of the corner looks into an empty space, where your resting place will not be located. Think about what to do with hanging shelves, since they are the cause of negative energy. Round and disguise their corners, for example, with some kind of amulet made of coins or beads.

Prohibitions in Feng Shui

Prohibition No. 6

Do not start cleaning the bathroom and toilet

It is more important to maintain cleanliness in these two rooms than others. Close doors and clean promptly to keep your home comfortable. If an animal lives with you in the house, and there is a place for it in the bathroom, then still do not leave the doors open or use built-in doors.

Prohibition No. 7

We must not forget about regular ventilation of premises

The more time the windows and vents in your home are open, the more often energy renewal occurs in the space. And in order to avoid catching a cold, ventilate your home while you are away.

Prohibition No. 8

Don't work in an improperly organized space

It is very important to pay attention proper organization workspace to complete tasks much more efficiently. Make sure you sit with your back to a solid wall that has no doors or windows. As a last resort, block all openings to avoid the outflow of energy. Arrange items on your desk wisely, and the absence of unnecessary items will give you the opportunity to concentrate on important matters without being distracted by nonsense.

Prohibition No. 9

Do not block the area adjacent to the house

The area adjacent to the house should be open to the maximum. Trees and cars that block the passage prevent positive energy from entering your home. The exception is plantings that fence off the entrance to the house from the roadway. The same must be said regarding the space in the corridor. Shoes should be kept in a specially designated place for them, and piled-up items should be disposed of.

Prohibition No. 10

Don't buy a home next to "bad" buildings

The best location for housing is near a fountain, park or square, dangerous neighbors is a prison, a cemetery and a hospital. Such a “neighborhood” carries a huge charge of negative energy, which can have a bad impact on your life as a whole.

Thus, by changing the space of your home, you change your life for the better. Just remember that harmony in the home is easy to achieve, you just need to follow the recommendations to make your home a repository of positive energy.

- the bathroom should not be located in the center of your home

The center of the house is not the place for the toilet, bathroom and kitchen, places where a lot of dirt collects. When the bathroom is located in the center of the house, bad energy, which we wash off with water, spreads to other rooms, provoking the development of various diseases in household members. If a bathroom located in the center of the house is already a fait accompli, then the only option is to remodel it.

- the bathroom and toilet should not be located opposite the front door

If this is so, then luck will leave the house, and the owners will be constantly haunted by unforeseen expenses, which will certainly complicate the process of saving money for large purchases.

- the bathroom door should not open close to the door to the living room

Try to avoid this, otherwise a restless and nervous atmosphere will be created in the house. If there is a stove on the same line with the toilet, the health of the residents may suffer because of this.

- the toilet should not be located opposite the bedroom

People become more vulnerable during sleep, so at night the influence of negative energy is especially strong. If the head of the bed is in contact with the wall of the bathroom or toilet, then the person sleeping on that bed can become seriously ill.

The ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui will help you organize the space at home and make it harmonious.

In order not to attract flows of negative energy into your life, follow the main prohibitions of the teaching, and your home will become a place for restoring vitality and energy.

Space in the house plays its role for each person. In order for you to feel under reliable protection, restore strength and live in complete harmony with yourself and your household, use the recommendations of the teachings of Feng Shui.

Knowledge accumulated over centuries will help you get rid of any negativity and fill your living space with streams of positive energy.

10 main feng shui prohibitions

Ban 1

Avoid hanging mirrors opposite the front door. In this way, you prevent the passage of energy flows into your home.

Mirrors located in the bedroom have a negative impact on marital life. They can attract rivals and home-wreckers into your relationship. In other rooms, mirrors do not pose a threat, but remember that mirrors with chips and cracks must be disposed of immediately.

It is advisable to have a mirror in the house that reflects a person in full length without breaking into fragments.

Ban 2

Never leave a trash can in front of the front door. Any dust, dirt and unnecessary rubbish poison the energy of the space, causing irreparable harm to the health and energy protection of household members.

Get rid of unnecessary things, making room for new useful and beautiful acquisitions that will soon appear in your home.

Ban 3

Repair any broken items you plan to use. Throw away items that cannot be restored without mercy or delay.

This will help you get rid of negative energy, attracting happiness and abundance into your life. In addition, broken objects lead to increased quarrels and conflicts.

The teachings of Feng Shui say that every faulty thing or object removes a problem from a person’s life by taking it upon himself.

Pay special attention to leaking taps and pipes. A constant flow of water is not conducive to a happier home, so any leaks need to be fixed as quickly as possible.

Ban 4

Multi-level floors in the house also serve as a stumbling block for the free circulation of positive energy.

Floors of different levels in your home contribute to the fragmentation of fate into pieces, and this can cause failures and troubles in business and personal life.

Ban 5

Try to get rid of sharp corners in your home. Pieces of furniture with protruding corners must be directed so that the tip of the corner is directed into an empty space, and not the place where you are likely to be and rest.

Hanging shelves also cause the appearance of negative energy, so it is important to round off their corners or disguise them, for example, with an amulet made of beads and coins.

Ban 6

Bathroom spaces and toilets should be kept clean. Timely cleaning and closed doors will help you maintain coziness and comfort in your home.

If you have a pet and have room for it in your bathroom, use built-in doors, but don't leave the doors open.

Ban 7

Ventilate the space in your home. The more often you keep windows and vents open, the more often the energy of your living space is renewed. To avoid becoming victims of colds, ventilate your home while you are away.

Ban 8

Proper organization of your workspace will help you perform your duties much more productively. You need to sit with your back to a solid wall without windows or doors.

As a last resort, block the openings to protect your rear from the outflow of energy. Proper arrangement of items on the table will provide you with greater productivity, and the absence of unnecessary items will help you concentrate and not be distracted from your main tasks.

Ban 9

The area adjacent to the house should be as open as possible. Growing trees and cars blocking the passage prevent the flow of positive energy from penetrating into your home.

The exception is plantings that fence off the entrance from the roadway. The same applies to the interior door space. Get rid of clutter and put your shoes in a designated place.

Ban 10

These “neighbors” have a huge field of negative energy that can complicate your life.

The ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui will help you organize the space at home and make it harmonious. In order not to attract flows of negative energy into your life, follow the main prohibitions of the teaching, and your home will become a place for restoring vitality and energy, writes Daylihoro.

Space in the house plays its role for each person. In order for you to feel under reliable protection, restore strength and live in complete harmony with yourself and your household, use the recommendations of the teachings of Feng Shui. Knowledge accumulated over centuries will help you get rid of any negativity and fill your living space with streams of positive energy.

10 main feng shui prohibitions

Prohibition 1. Avoid hanging mirrors opposite the front door. In this way, you prevent the passage of energy flows into your home. Mirrors located in the bedroom have a negative impact on marital life. They can attract rivals and home-wreckers into your relationship. In other rooms, mirrors do not pose a threat, but remember that mirrors with chips and cracks must be disposed of immediately. It is advisable to have a mirror in the house that reflects a person in full length without breaking into fragments.

Prohibition 2. Never leave a trash can in front of the front door. Any dust, dirt and unnecessary trash poison the energy of the space, causing irreparable harm to the health and energy protection of household members. Get rid of unnecessary things, making room for new useful and beautiful acquisitions that will soon appear in your home.

Prohibition 3. Repair any broken items you plan to use. Throw away items that cannot be restored without mercy or delay. This will help you get rid of negative energy, attracting happiness and abundance into your life. In addition, broken objects lead to increased quarrels and conflicts. The teachings of Feng Shui say that every faulty thing or object removes a problem from a person’s life by taking it upon himself. Pay special attention to leaking taps and pipes. A constant flow of water is not conducive to a happier home, so any leaks need to be fixed as quickly as possible.

Prohibition 4. Multi-level floors in the house also serve as a stumbling block for the free circulation of positive energy. Genders of different levels contribute to the fragmentation of fate into pieces, and this can cause failures and troubles in business and personal life.

Prohibition 5. Try to get rid of sharp corners in the house. Pieces of furniture with protruding corners must be directed so that the tip of the corner is directed into an empty space, and not at your likely location and rest. Hanging shelves also cause the appearance of negative energy, so it is important to round off their corners or disguise them, for example, with an amulet made of beads and coins.

Prohibition 6. Bathroom and toilet areas should be kept clean. Timely cleaning and closed doors will help you maintain coziness and comfort in your home. If you have a pet that has a designated space in the bathroom, use built-in doors, but do not leave the doors open.

Prohibition 7. Ventilate the house. The more often you keep windows and vents open, the more often the energy of your living space is renewed. In order to avoid becoming victims of colds, ventilate the house while you are away.

Prohibition 8. Proper organization of your workspace will help you perform your duties much more productively. You need to sit with your back to a solid wall without windows or doors. As a last resort, block the openings to protect the rear from the outflow of energy. Proper arrangement of items on the table will provide you with greater productivity, and the absence of unnecessary items will help you concentrate and not be distracted from your main tasks.

Prohibition 9. The area adjacent to the house should be as open as possible. Growing trees and cars blocking the passage prevent the flow of positive energy from penetrating into your home. The exception is plantings that fence off the entrance from the roadway. The same applies to the interior door space. Get rid of clutter and put your shoes in a designated place.

Prohibition 10. Before purchasing a home, evaluate its proximity to other buildings. The most successful thing would be to have a fountain, square or park nearby. A dangerous neighborhood would be a cemetery, a prison and a hospital. These “neighbors” have a huge field of negative energy that can complicate your life.

By changing the space around you, you change your life for the better. Remember that achieving happiness in your own home is not so difficult!