It has 7 Sacraments, one of which is Baptism. A person, immersed three times in water with an appeal to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is revived for eternal life. As the Scripture says, he who is not born of the Spirit and water will enter Kingdom of God can not. In the Gospel (Mark 16:16) Christ said that unbelieving people will not be saved and will be condemned. Baptism opens the way to the Kingdom.

How do you prepare for such important event? Are children baptized during Lent? What composition of products should be on the table when celebrating a christening? You will find answers to a number of primary questions in this article.

Church disagreements

The question is, of course, a burning one. Are children baptized during Lent? Or is this time intended for spiritual cleansing? Oddly enough, disagreements exist even among ministers. Representatives of the Kuznetsk and Penza dioceses (Penza region, Issa) declare, for example, that, according to the Charter of the Orthodox Church, fasting should not be performed. In their opinion, this is the time that should be used to prepare for the ceremony. During Lent, public conversations are held for those who decide to accept Christian faith, special prayers are read.

However, the majority of the clergy do not agree with this approach, arguing that baptism, like funeral services, is carried out on any day. Who is right after all? Let's figure it out.

A little history

Initially, baptism was performed on adults. The Sacrament was preceded by repentance and communion. Babies began to be baptized later, after the formation of Christian families. It is impossible to trace the history of baptism in detail, but historians know for sure that in the Councils of Carthage (III century) there were serious disputes regarding the baptism of infants. Some pointed out the need to come to God on their own, while others said that, unfortunately, not every child survives to adulthood and therefore it is necessary to worry about the salvation of his soul soon after birth. In the end it was allowed. Today this is accepted by all Orthodox Christians.

allowed during fasting

Of course, there are some nuances here. It is better to undergo the sacrament of Baptism at an age when a person is aware and understands what is happening. For adults, fasting is indeed a serious preparation, when not only the body, but also the soul is cleansed. Every Christian will first have to confess and receive communion. And if a person has a serious sin, because of which he, then no sacred rite will be able to remove it. This requires sincere repentance. And fasting just gives time to make a voluntary, deliberate decision.

The baby is born “pure” (sinless) and therefore does not require either repentance or fasting. That is why, when asked by parents: “Are children baptized during Lent?” the ministers answer: “Yes!”

This sacrament is performed on any day. Moreover, many try to baptize their child, if not in the first months, then at least in the first year of life. This is how it happened historically. Firstly, earlier infant mortality was much higher, so parents tried to “open the gates” of the Kingdom of Heaven for the baby in advance. On the other hand, the Sacrament gave the power of God - grace. Parents often hoped that the sick child would baptism will go on the mend. All these beliefs have been passed down to us through generations. Baptism in Lent has the same force as on any other day. However, this issue is discussed in advance with the clergyman performing the service. Unfortunately, during Lent, some churches perform baptisms only on Saturdays and Sundays. Most likely, this is due to fairly long services and very short intervals between them. On Sundays, the service is much shorter, so priests can devote more time to other needs.

Now this begs the question...

Is it generally correct to baptize a baby who does not yet have independent faith?

And the doubts are understandable. But don’t the parents who brought their baby to the Temple have faith? Won't they (together with her godparents) begin to vaccinate her from an early age? Of course they do. That’s why they baptize a still unintelligent child according to their own faith. Here, both parents and godparents must understand that this Sacrament places double responsibility on them (both for themselves and for the child).

There is no need to put off baptism. To deprive a child of a great sacrament without special need to please circumstances would be wrong. You can baptize your baby both before forty days and after.

How to prepare for the Sacrament?

To begin with, be sure to go through a public conversation. It is conducted by the temple servants. During this conversation you will be told what the Sacrament is and how to prepare for it. Baptism should not be perceived as some kind of necessary or fashionable rite. You should also not assume that the Sacrament will protect the baby from troubles and illnesses. Baptism will only open the way to the Kingdom of God, and the rest depends on the parents and successors. The number of talks in different temples may vary. Their meaning is to explain the essence of the Sacrament and the foundations of the Orthodox faith.

Public conversations are not an innovation. They began to be carried out in the 2nd century AD. e., and lasted 40 days. Moreover, the future Christian of that time prepared to accept the Sacrament for several months or even years. Nowadays there are usually a couple of classes, although some temples may have more. A public conversation is a mandatory procedure. It is necessary to go through it, regardless of whether children are baptized during Lent or at any other time.

What products should be on the table?

Epiphany is truly a holiday, usually accompanied by a richly laid table. But what if baptism is planned during Lent? The main thing is to understand that this is not a reason for a feast, but a truly joyful event. However, if the parents and guests have a meal after the ceremony, there will be no sin. But only with lean dishes (they can also be cooked deliciously). Moreover, even during Lent, the church charter allows the consumption of wine (of course, in very small quantities). It is always a sin to drink.

People who are spiritually illiterate often wonder whether it is possible to baptize during Lent, and believe that because of Lent, no sacraments are performed in the church. This opinion is incorrect, although it has certain grounds. Some Sacraments, for example, weddings, are not performed during Lent.

Belongs to the main seven Orthodox Church, which are necessary Orthodox Christian in his spiritual life. It is called baptism because through it the power of God’s grace descends on the person being baptized. Baptism was decreed by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. He ordered the apostles to baptize people: “Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

Only a baptized person has access to all other Sacraments.

These Sacraments include, first of all, Baptism, as a symbol of a person’s entry into the Church. Without it, all the other Sacraments - Confirmation, Repentance (Confession), Communion of the Holy Mysteries, Blessing of Anointing, weddings, are, in fact, impossible. (The Seventh Sacrament is the Priesthood).

The question of whether it is possible to be baptized during Lent usually arises on the eve of fasts, especially multi-day fasts, in particular the 40-day Great Lent, which takes place before Easter.

Young parents who want to comply Orthodox canons, are in doubt whether it is possible to fast, since baptism is supposed to be on the eighth or fortieth day of life, and these days fell precisely during fasting. Of course, any priest will answer, it’s possible to fast; the church performs the Sacrament of baptism all year round.

Some restrictions are possible only on the days of the great, twelfth (twelve main holidays in Orthodoxy) holidays, and then only because of the crowds in churches. Usually priests recommend scheduling another day when there will be fewer parishioners so that the Sacrament can be celebrated in a more relaxed atmosphere.

Also on days of fasting, especially long or strict ones - such as, for example, usually lasting only two weeks - from August 14 to August 28, the day of the Assumption Holy Mother of God- in churches, the Sacraments, including Baptism, are often performed only on Saturdays or Sundays. But this is not a negative answer to the question of whether it is possible to baptize during fasting, but only some limitation associated with the severity of fasting.

Typically fasting, especially Lenten services, last more than four hours, depending on the day. In addition, services are performed daily - both in the morning and in the evening - so that the intervals between them are very short. Baptism is usually performed at the end of the Divine Liturgy, which can end quite late during fasting days. At the same time, both the one who is baptized and everyone who participates in the rite must be present at the Divine Liturgy, both the parents of the baby and the successors, that is, they must necessarily confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries.

Because the Divine Liturgy during the days of Great Lent it is combined with the Vespers Service, and in itself is unusual - it is called the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, it is intended to be served only on Wednesdays and Fridays, unless there are other liturgical instructions, Holy Communion prepared for a week at the proskomedia of the Sunday Divine Service - it can be difficult for an infant to withstand such a long Divine Service.

But such strictness cannot in any way be considered a prohibition in response to the question of whether it is possible to baptize during Lent, but only as a specificity of Lenten Divine services. Therefore, asking if there is certain days, on which one can be baptized is not worth it: just as people are born on any days, so one can be baptized on any days, including fasting.

Having chosen the temple where Baptism will be performed (and in the usual case it is a parish church, that is, one that can be reached on foot in a maximum of half an hour), you must definitely talk with the priest who has the obedience (duty) to baptize converts. He will certainly answer all questions, including telling you whether it is possible to baptize during Lent, what and how to prepare, what to observe and what to refuse, what requirements are imposed on godparents, what their responsibilities are, and so on.

In addition, the priest can remind you of the need Lenten meal during the celebration of Christening.

During the year according to Orthodox calendar there are several posts, and some of them are quite lengthy. And in total fast days occupy about 200 days a year. Is it possible to baptize a child during Lent? Or is it better to postpone this type of Sacrament to a better time?

According to church tradition, a child's baptism should be carried out no earlier than the 40th day after his birth. But every rule has its exceptions, and the Sacrament of Baptism also has them: if the baby was born too weak, then he can be baptized before the due date. Also, the clergyman cannot refuse to baptize the baby before forty days, if such a decision of the parents is conscious and sounds sincere. At the same time, the priest can say “no” if the baby is not yet 8 days old. And this may be the only reason for refusal to perform the ceremony.

Baptism of a child on fast days

If you ask the question “Is it possible to baptize a baby during Lent?” clergyman, then his answer can only be positive. It turns out that in church regulations there is no prohibition on holding the Sacrament of Baptism on fast days. Usually the priests answer that a person who was born cannot choose what day he wants to be born. So it is with the rite of baptism: spiritual birth can take place on any day of the year.

But sometimes priests may offer to postpone the date of the baby’s baptism to another day. This is primarily due to the fact that the rituals of holding services on fasting days and ordinary days are different. For example, services during Lent are too long in time, and the intervals between morning and evening services are short (3-4 hours). Therefore, the priest simply may not have time to carry out the baptism of a child during Lent.

In addition to Lent, which precedes Easter, there are three more multi-day fasts:

  • Peter's Fast begins a week after the celebration of Trinity and ends on July 12, the day of Peter and Paul.
  • Assumption Fast - from August 14 to August 27.
  • Nativity Fast - from November 28 to January 6.

If the clergyman refused to baptize a child on a weekday of Lent, then you should not be upset. Usually in such cases, the priest recommends coming on a day off, when the church service is not so long and he has more time to perform the Sacrament of Baptism.

Why do priests sometimes refuse to baptize a child during Lent?

Here it should be remembered that fasting is a time of spiritual cleansing and refusal of fast foods. And the baptism of a baby is a holiday for parents and relatives. And it’s hard to imagine celebrating such an event without a feast and noisy company, which is not welcome during fasting times. This is another reason why the holy father may recommend choosing another, more favorable day for the baptism of a child.

What to do if the priest refuses to baptize the baby during Lent?

In this case, you should act according to the reason for the refusal. If the clergyman refuses, fearing an active celebration on this occasion and thus protecting your family from sin, then you can try to convince the priest by explaining that you and your relatives do not plan to break the traditions of fasting, the dishes will only be lenten, and there will be no alcohol at all, or it will only be in the form of a small amount of red wine.

The tradition of baptism of newborns has existed among Orthodox Christians for a long time. And only a few avoid this ritual. While pregnant, every mother is already mentally preparing for the sacrament of baptism. After all, only through baptism is it possible for a baby to receive God’s protection and become true Christian. Parents also believe that no evil will befall a baptized child, because God’s grace is with him.

The spiritual sacrament is performed at any age. But it was popular among the people that it is better to baptize a child before the start of the year. According to church canons, the rite of baptism is usually carried out only after 40 days after birth. Sometimes the priest can perform the sacrament earlier than usual if the child is very sick or restless. But the most important question parents ask about the baptism of a child during Lent. Is it produced this ritual during these days?

What are the rules for baptism?

Like anyone else church ritual, baptism is carried out following certain rules , they are as follows:

Is a child baptized during Lent?

Priests usually have nothing against baptizing a child during Lent, but it is important to decide on the date of the ceremony. Often priests invite parents to perform the sacrament on a church holiday. Why do they do this? This doubly protects the child from evil forces and gives him health. It is also recommended to perform the ritual on the baby’s birthday.

It is necessary to decide on the choice of date and godparents. Orthodoxy even clearly has criteria by which the choice of mentors for a child is made. You cannot participate in the baptism ceremony:

  • the baby's blood parents;
  • men under 15 years of age and women under 13 years of age;
  • persons living in immorality;
  • irresponsible people who are not capable of fulfilling the duty of the godfather;
  • not Orthodox Christians.

There are also some subtleties that are very important when choosing godparents for a baby. They include:

  1. If, due to some circumstances, parents have not selected godparents for their child, then the church may agree to conduct the sacrament taking into account one godparent.
  2. The number of godchildren for one person does not matter. The main thing is to fulfill the functional requirements assigned to him: the ability to give the godson an understanding of the faith and guide him on the true path.

The ceremony usually involves two parents. But, there are cases when two or even three couples are invited to be godparents for one child. This is not done to mentor the baby, but rather as an enrichment event. Priests do not allow multiple couples to be baptized. This cannot be done according to church traditions.

To avoid confusion for godparents, it is important to know what the entire baptism procedure consists of. It includes:

Is it possible to baptize a child with one godparent?

Many couples are interested in is it possible to take one godfather. The priests do not resist this desire of the parents. But there is one thing required condition, which is prescribed in the sacrament of baptism. And why should it be followed?

When baptizing boys there must be Godfather, and for the girl, on the contrary, godmother. In this case, it is important to choose special people so that you can rely on them and count on their help if necessary. It is better to choose spiritual and chaste people as godparents.

It is important to be aware of the fact that in the absence of baptismal instructors, the church must still baptize the infant, acting as a patron for the child.

Is baptism allowed in a leap year and during Advent?

According to church traditions leap year does not contradict baptism. Rather, people themselves came up with this prejudice, so it is possible to baptize during such a year. During the sacrament, the child approaches the Lord, his soul is cleansed. Therefore, you should not worry about a leap year, and the sooner the baby is baptized, the better.

The Nativity Lent does not have any special restrictions on baptism; on the contrary, it is believed that during this fast the heavens descend a special grace, which will become a blessed shield for the baby. Parental baptism can be performed.

Considering the seriousness of performing the rite of baptism, there is nothing wrong with baptizing a child during Lent or during a leap year. The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing godparents. After all, these people must accompany the child at the moments of his ups and downs, protect him. It is important that the ceremony is carried out on everyone existing rules. And then the child will grow up healthy and happy.

Baptism for many parents - one of important days after the birth of the child. For some it is a tribute to tradition, for others it is simply a ritual. But still, the baptism of a child has a number of subtleties that parents should know. There are a number of misconceptions regarding when to baptize a child. Who to choose as godparents? Is it possible to perform the ritual during a leap year, fasting, or Parent's Saturday? You will learn about this from the article.

The Sacrament of Baptism - the spiritual birth of a child

Why is baby baptism called a sacrament? It is believed that this rite is Divine, because it the Lord himself does it, sending his sacred grace to the baby. And also, the child is given a name, and now he is under the protection of the saint whose name the child was named.

The Sacrament of Baptism itself consists of:

  • Blessing of the oil.
  • Blessing of water for baptism.
  • Anointing blessed oil.
  • Baby immersion V.

After these actions, a prayer is read, and the child, in the face of the Lord, finds spiritual parents who will be responsible for the spiritual upbringing of the child all his life.

At what age should a child be baptized?

The optimal age for Baptism, according to physiological readiness, is 40 days. This age of the child is also important for the mother. Usually by this time the woman has completed her postpartum recovery and can attend church. In many churches, after the baptism ceremony, the mother is invited to special prayer to Mother. It happens when a child needs to be baptized ahead of schedule. The ceremony can be performed, but without her presence.

Often, parents are of the opinion that during the process of the Sacrament of baptism, faith is imposed on the child. And they decide to baptize the child in more This is also permissible. The Church accepts baptism at any age, the main thing is that the person really comes with faith and is ready to renounce an unrighteous life.

Is it possible to baptize a child with one godparent? Is it possible to be godparents married couple? These questions and a number of others constantly interest young parents.

First of all, it is worth understanding that godparents bear huge responsibility for the baby. Therefore, it is worth choosing Orthodox believers. Only such people can give a child proper spiritual education and teach him to be an obedient layman.

There are times when it is not possible to take two godparents. What to do in this case? A child can have one godfather. But there are several nuances. They take a godmother, and there must be a godfather. Only in this case can baptism be considered valid. The whole point is that during the Sacrament, the godfather, who is of the same sex as the godson, reads a prayer of renunciation on his behalf. And, for example, a godfather cannot read a prayer instead of a girl.

As for married couples who want to be godparents. The Church answers unequivocally - no. During the sacrament of Holy Baptism, a spiritual connection appears between the godparents in the face of God. And other relationships, romantic or intimate, are unacceptable. If it so happens that the godparents decide to enter into a relationship, they should abandon it or turn to the bishop for help.

Church also prohibits being godparents:

  • To the monks.
  • People with disabilities mental health.
  • Atheists.
  • People of other religions.
  • Sectarians.
  • To blood parents.
  • Married couples, as well as couples in intimate relationships.
  • Minors and children.

In general, the choice of godfather is entirely up to you. The main thing to remember is that godparents are responsible for the child’s life to the same extent as blood parents.

Preparing for baptism: necessary attributes

Godparents have been chosen, and the baby has reached 40 days of age, you need to start preparing for baptism and purchase all the necessary things.

On what days can and cannot baptize a baby?

Exists erroneous opinion, that during fasting it is strictly forbidden to carry out the Sacrament of baptism. So is a child baptized during Lent and other church fasts?

There are no prohibitions in the church on the days on which a child can or cannot be baptized. Of course, you can baptize as both during Lent and Advent. The only thing parents and godparents may encounter is the busyness of the clergy. If you wish to baptize an infant during Lent, this should be discussed with a representative of your chosen church.

When performing the baptism ceremony in, it is important to remember to adhere to the food intake that is due to fasting. Therefore, you should avoid celebrating christenings at home to avoid consuming forbidden foods and alcohol.

Carry out the Sacrament on the days of Epiphany, Easter, Trinity and others church holidays also allowed. Interestingly, on the day of Epiphany, those wishing to perform the Sacrament a large number of. Therefore, if you have chosen this date, it is worth making an appointment in advance with a church representative.

Parents' Saturday, one of significant days for Orthodox believers. On this day, all deceased relatives and loved ones are remembered. But despite its significance, there is also no prohibition for the baptismal ceremony on this day.

Is it possible to baptize a baby on a leap year? Of course, there are no prerequisites prohibiting perform the Sacrament at this time. Therefore, the ban on baptism during a leap year is more of a superstition. Since ancient times, our ancestors have associated many signs with a leap year that carry a negative connotation. This year, superstitious people refuse to hold weddings, give birth and baptize children. But in the church there is no concept of a leap year, and accordingly it is allowed to baptize a baby during this period.

To summarize, I would like to note that the Sacrament of Baptism is an unforgettable date in a child's life. And when it is better to carry out this ceremony, as well as who to take as godparents - this is a purely personal matter for the parents. The main thing is to approach everything with faith in your soul and reverence for God.