A knife is not only a bladed weapon, but also an excellent item for decorating the body. This is exactly what those who dare to depict it on their skin think. The knife can be depicted in company with bloody drops, a heart, or ribbons. This changes the meaning of the tattoo. Despite the fact that such an image is considered typically masculine, due to the aggressiveness of the weapon, fragile girls are also stabbed with a knife.

History of knives

Knives have been known to people since Paleolithic times. The first weapon was made from stone, which was sharpened different ways. Later, thanks to the development of metal mining and processing, the blade began to be made of bronze, copper, and in some countries, gold. And only in the so-called Iron Age came the realization that a blade made of this metal was better and stronger.

Currently, knife blades are preferably made from steel called “carbon.” Tools are also made from cobalt or titanium alloy. Knives intended for not particularly hard objects, such as bread, can be made of copper or annealed iron. A knife tattoo, the photo of which reflects the essence of this bladed weapon, can depict a product made of various metals.

Colored tattoo of a knife on the forearm with vegetables inside

Knife classification

Despite the fact that the knife seems to modern man something ordinary and everyday exists a large number of its varieties:

  • Folding knives, fixed blade knives, removable blade knives, skeleton knives. As it becomes clear, this classification takes into account the design of the weapon itself. While the first types are familiar to many, not everyone knows about the skeletal ones. This is a type of knife whose blade and handle are made of a single piece of metal, without seams or joints. In order not to injure your hand, the part of the metal where the handle is supposed to be located is wrapped with tape, adhesive tape, or wire;
  • According to their intended purpose, knives are also divided into groups: weapons, tourist, kitchen, universal and others (or special). The latter include surgical knives.

Tattoo: knife stuck in hand

Did you know? Many countries have their own specific types of knives, which have special names. For example, in Germany there was a knife called a serbosek. It was designed for massacre Serbs. And the traditional knife for hunting in this country is called the Bavarian Nikker. A knife tattoo, the meaning of which is ambiguous, often depicts a machete - a well-known type of knife for chopping wood Latin America. And in Japan there is a whole group of Sashimi bocho knives, whose purpose is to thinly slice fish for the dish of the same name.

Knife tattoo with flowers

Meaning of knife tattoo

This type of tattoo has many meanings:

  • loneliness. A person whose destiny is to remain away from others prefers a knife tattoo, the sketch of which does not contain many elements. Also, such an image can speak of betrayal;
  • freedom and strength. In this meaning, a knife tattoo is presented by young men. Can be reinforced with a pattern of wings, sky, stars;
  • romance. Heart, lace - all this adds softness even to such a tattoo;
  • perseverance and willpower. The image of a knife, like any type of weapon, is a reflection of strength, courage, and the ability to withstand the blows of fate;
  • revenge. People who are going to harm someone, start a blood feud, can also apply such an image;
  • power or the desire for it. Another meaning of this tattoo symbolizes a person who loves to command and order.

Knife on the forearm in the form of a realistic tattoo

Various knife tattoo combinations

Depending on what else is depicted in the sketch, the meaning of the tattoo changes. For example, a knife and blood flowing from the blade is determination, the desire to act instantly, without fear of consequences. A person who chooses such a combination is not afraid to go against others and proclaim his own rules. At the same time, the owner of such a tattoo will not betray his loved ones. And a sketch that combines a knife can serve as a powerful amulet against evil thoughts and unpleasant situations. A tattoo combining meat and edged weapons can mean resentment, unwillingness to forgive, and a tendency to take revenge. And the well-known combination with a knife pierced through the heart speaks of betrayal from a loved one.

Tattoo of a knife with a snake under the skin

The tattoo with a heart and a knife was made by me back in college. Then it seemed to me that everyone should know that I had been betrayed. But everything passes, and the feelings have become dull. Now I'm happy. And the image is still with me, as a reminder that if not for betrayal, I would never have met myself better man! the tattoo helped me a lot.

Alexandra, Simferopol.

Knife tattoo on the human body

Tattoo knife: several varieties

Many people, when choosing an image for a tattoo, later change their minds. For example, when planning to depict a knife, they find a sketch that contains a dagger or sword. Unlike a knife, these types of weapons are considered more aggressive, related to war and defense.

This is interesting. The sword is actively used in army tattoos. For example, a shield and this type of weapon are depicted on the skin of border guards or

The art of tattooing (tattooing) is a language system where each part of the applied design is a kind of letter, or rather a hieroglyph that carries some meaning. The owner of the tattoo, when planning to apply a tattoo on the body, thinks about its meaning as a whole and its individual parts, so that another knowledgeable person by looking at him, he could learn a lot about his fate and character. There are many examples of how, thanks to the language of tattoos, people found like-minded people and started friendships or love relationships with them.

A dagger tattoo is a purely masculine symbol. Girls rarely fill themselves with such an image, but there are exceptions.

The main character of the dagger is spiritual or physical fortitude, betrayal or treason. The dispersion of meanings (from pride to betrayal) is the main disadvantage of a tattoo, but it can be easily corrected with additional symbols, for example, a snake for correct reading.

Let's look at the values ​​below.

Dagger tattoo for men

A man is the main wearer of a dagger tattoo. When getting such a tattoo (tattoo), men lay down the following meanings:

  • Treason or betrayal of a loved one is depicted in the form of a heart pierced by a dagger, usually with drops of blood - a symbol of spiritual sediment.
  • A dagger piercing the heart can also mean vindictiveness and cruelty, but this meaning is rarely included in a tattoo and is more often found in prison symbols.
  • An outdated meaning that is worth mentioning is a talisman against robbery. A skull is depicted, next to which there is a dagger.
  • To tell people about their cynicism, they often stuff a dagger with meat. Also more common in prison symbolism.
  • A laughing skull with a blade in its teeth speaks of the owner’s fearlessness and readiness for the most desperate actions. The history of such significance goes straight back to history, when pirates depicted such a symbol on their flags.

The shape of the handle and blade also has its own meaning. A long blade speaks of the spiritual, moral strength of the wearer, and a short (usually wide) blade reflects the physical strength of a person. The cross-shaped handle symbolizes the bridge between our world and the world of the dead.

Dagger tattoo for women

Women rarely tattoo a dagger on their body, but there are always exceptions to the rules. There are no separate meanings for girls, so they often lay down the above-described meanings of betrayal and fortitude. Such a meaning.

In the zone

In the zone, a tattoo, or more accurately, a tattoo, reflects the status and reason for the prisoner’s sentence, as well as the number of his terms of imprisonment and years. They have an important role for the dagger:

  • A dagger entwined with a snake, or piercing the skull, means that its bearer has lived a life of fighting, stealing. More often it is stuffed with the leaders of gangs of thieves and gangs. Thieves in law wear a crown over their heads.
  • A dagger entwined with a thorny rose means that its owner is a murderer who has shed blood for treason, and the person killed may not only be a woman.
  • The rose and dagger depicted on the bars indicate the prisoner's crime - hooliganism.

This is the meaning of this tattoo (tattoo).

VC photojournalist Sergei Vasiliev traveled to more than 40 colonies and prisons, studying and photographing tattoos on the bodies of prisoners.

If you see a naked woman gouged out on the chest of a stranger, this does not mean at all that the owner of this body is a lover of erotica. Depending on the story, he can be a misogynist, a murderer, a peaceful member of society, or a gay man. It's all a matter of interpretation. A naked woman tied to a flaming pillar. The bearer of the tattoo was convicted of murdering a woman. The logs can indicate the length of the punishment.

An executioner with an axe, a half-naked woman, a scaffold: the tattoo is found on people convicted of murdering a relative. The secondary meaning is “death to the traitor.”

A naked woman entwined with a snake, with an apple in her hand, a biblical story about the tempting serpent: “A woman pushed her into committing a crime.”

“Woman Tempter”: (If such a tattoo is on the back, then this is a passive homosexual.)

Depiction of a woman and the devil: “got into the zone because of a woman.”

A naked woman crucified on a cross with the inscription "Amen": an abstract symbol of revenge. The tattoo is observed among thieves' leaders and is applied to the chest or thigh.
Prison bars, rose and dagger: The owner of the tattoo served time for hooliganism in a correctional labor colony.
If a dagger and a rose without bars - “blood for treason.” The head of a girl - “I met my coming of age at VTC.”

A skull pierced by a dagger, a rose, a snake entwining a dagger: a thief’s symbol. A crown over a snake indicates a tattoo of a thieves' authority - a thief in law.

Mermaid at anchor: found among sailors and people serving sentences for rape or indecent assault. Less common in passive homosexuals.

Crossed arrow and key: symbol of an apartment thief - a burglar.

Saber without sheath: the tattoo symbolizes aggressiveness and secret threat. Apply to the forearm and wrist. A saber in a sheath means that the criminal is “tied up.”

Cross with chain: pierced in the upper part of the chest and indicates faith in one’s fate. If the cross is depicted as a suit of clubs, then the owner of the tattoo is a thief.

Genie flying out of a jug: tattoo of drug addicts.

A spider in a web is a tattoo for drug addicts. It may break out on the head under the hair.

A spider without a web means a pickpocket.

Three cards pierced by an arrow: the body sign of card sharpers.

Executioner executing naked women: the tattoo is sometimes accompanied by the abbreviation GOD (was condemned by the state). Symbolizes hatred of laws. The image of a devil has the same meaning.

A dragon flying over a castle: a tattoo found among plunderers of state or collective property, “guild workers.” It also means complete confiscation of property.

Running deer: “I was born free and I will die free.” Applied to the chest and indicates a tendency to escape.

A cowboy with a naked girl on a horse: the picture may be accompanied by the abbreviation OMUT (it’s hard to leave me). It means a penchant for risk and adventure.

A hand in shackles, clutching a knife, also the inscription “PEACE”: “Execution will correct me.” The tattoo is found among deniers, godfathers.

Tiger head or gladiator: tattoo bearers are “bulls” and fighters (persons who inflict physical violence on the orders of a thief in law).

Hands in shackles clutching a cross with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ: symbolizes faith in the brotherhood of thieves, devotion to thieves.

An eagle with a suitcase in its claws: means a guest performer. If a woman is in the clutches, he is convicted of rape.

Rose with thorns: the owner of this is a lesbian.

Violin with bow: passive homosexual. Some musical instruments mean group sex.

Crown with the image of four card suits: “The King of All Stripes” is a homosexual prone to all forms of debauchery.

The number of forced tattoos applied in places of deprivation of liberty includes tattoos made by those who have not paid a gambling debt or those convicted under “dirty” articles - for rape, sodomy, corruption of minors, as well as those convicted of “unseemly” acts in places of deprivation of liberty - snitching, cooperation with the administration, theft from one’s own, and the like. Violent tattoos are usually applied to the back, less often - to the buttocks. After release, the owner of a forced tattoo most often tries to get rid of it: he removes part of the skin or adds new details to the design.

Leg tattoos are typical for deniers. Usually shackles and knee stars are depicted.


ALENKA - and you have to love her like an angel.

GOD - God will forgive sins; was convicted by the state; I'm afraid to stay hungry; I'll rob again.

BOSS - was convicted Soviet Union(or by the Soviet court).

The university is an eternal prisoner of the law; I will die a happy prisoner.

GEESE - wherever I see him, I’ll immediately rape him.

BOTTOM - let it rest a little.

MAPLE - I swear to love her forever.

CAT is a native inhabitant of the prison.

PEACE - shooting will correct me.

SIR - freedom is heaven.

A knife is not only a bladed weapon, but also an excellent item for decorating the body. This is exactly what those who dare to depict it on their skin think. The knife can be depicted in company with bloody drops, a heart, and ribbons. This changes the meaning of the tattoo. Despite the fact that such an image is considered typically masculine, due to the aggressiveness of the weapon, fragile girls are also stabbed with a knife.

Knives have been known to people since Paleolithic times. The first weapons were made of stone, which was sharpened in various ways. Later, thanks to the development of metal mining and processing, the blade began to be made of bronze, copper, and in some countries, gold. And only in the so-called Iron Age came the realization that a blade made of this metal was better and stronger.

Currently, knife blades are preferably made from steel called “carbon.” Tools are also made from cobalt or titanium alloy. Knives intended for not particularly hard objects, such as bread, can be made of copper or annealed iron. A knife tattoo, the photo of which reflects the essence of this bladed weapon, can depict a product made of various metals.

Colored tattoo of a knife on the forearm with vegetables inside

Knife classification

Despite the fact that a knife seems to a modern person to be something ordinary and everyday, there are a large number of its varieties:

  • Folding knives, fixed blade knives, removable blade knives, skeleton knives. As it becomes clear, this classification takes into account the design of the weapon itself. While the first types are familiar to many, not everyone knows about the skeletal ones. This is a type of knife whose blade and handle are made of a single piece of metal, without seams or joints. In order not to injure your hand, the part of the metal where the handle is supposed to be located is wrapped with tape, adhesive tape, or wire;
  • According to their intended purpose, knives are also divided into groups: weapons, tourist, kitchen, universal and others (or special). The latter include surgical knives.

Tattoo: knife stuck in hand

Did you know?Many countries have their own specific types of knives, which have special names. For example, in Germany there was a knife called a serbosek. It was designed for the mass murder of Serbs. And the traditional knife for hunting in this country is called the Bavarian Nikker. The knife tattoo, whose meaning is ambiguous, often depicts a machete, a famous type of chopping knife from Latin America. And in Japan there is a whole group of Sashimi bocho knives, whose purpose is to thinly slice fish for the dish of the same name.

Knife tattoo with flowers

Meaning of knife tattoo

This type of tattoo has many meanings:

  • loneliness. A person whose destiny is to remain away from others prefers a knife tattoo, the sketch of which does not contain many elements. Also, such an image can speak of betrayal;
  • freedom and strength. In this meaning, a knife tattoo is presented by young men. Can be supported by a pattern of wings, sky, stars;
  • romance. Heart, lace - all this adds softness even to such a tattoo;
  • perseverance and willpower. The image of a knife, like any type of weapon, is a reflection of strength, courage, and the ability to withstand the blows of fate;
  • revenge. People who are going to harm someone, start a blood feud, can also apply such an image;
  • power or the desire for it. Another meaning of this tattoo symbolizes a person who loves to command and order.

Knife on the forearm in the form of a realistic tattoo

Various knife tattoo combinations

Depending on what else is depicted in the sketch, the meaning of the tattoo changes. For example, a knife and blood flowing from the blade is determination, the desire to act instantly, without fear of consequences. A person who chooses such a combination is not afraid to go against others and proclaim his own rules. At the same time, the owner of such a tattoo will not betray his loved ones. A sketch combining a skull and a knife can serve as a powerful amulet against evil thoughts and unpleasant situations. A tattoo combining meat and edged weapons can mean resentment, unwillingness to forgive, and a tendency to take revenge. And the well-known combination with a knife pierced through the heart speaks of betrayal from a loved one.

Tattoo of a knife with a snake under the skin

The tattoo with a heart and a knife was made by me back in college. Then it seemed to me that everyone should know that I had been betrayed. But everything passes, and the feelings have become dull. Now I'm happy. And the image is still with me, as a reminder that if it weren’t for the betrayal, I would never have met the best man! the tattoo helped me a lot.

Alexandra, Simferopol.

Knife tattoo on the human body

Tattoo knife: several varieties

Many people, when choosing an image for a tattoo, later change their minds. For example, when planning to depict a knife, they find a sketch that contains a dagger or sword. Unlike a knife, these types of weapons are considered more aggressive, related to war and defense.

This is interesting. The sword is actively used in army tattoos. For example, a shield and this type of weapon are depicted on the skin of border guards or airborne forces. The shield usually contains data related to the years of service or the unit in which the soldier was located. And the sword carries the meaning of protection, belligerence, and the ability to strike.

Black and white tattoo of a knife in a person's skin on his arm

The dagger used to be considered a symbol of the imminent and inevitable death of enemies. It was inflicted by people who were warlike, but possessed a sense of their own dignity. They will not bring misfortune to others, but it is also dangerous to offend them. The status of the owner of the tattoo is emphasized by the degree of decoration of the dagger hilt. The sword is preferred by simpler people, for whom status is not the main thing.

I got a tattoo with a knife quite recently. The drawing is the simplest, without any curls. I'm happy with everything. I myself am a straightforward person. If something doesn’t suit me, I say it to my face. It seems to me that my tattoo fully reflects this. The image was made using the “old school” technique.

This tattoo is somewhat less popular compared to others, since basically all kinds of variations in the image of knives carry a negative message, hidden problems of a person, depression, negative emotions and feelings: betrayal, internal suffering, loneliness, a depressed state of a person, thirst for revenge and others. However, there are many other meanings that are less sad, such as, for example, precision in actions, long-awaited freedom, achievements, perseverance and determination, dexterity, etc. The meaning of such a tattoo depends on the emotional and spiritual state of a person, the characteristics of his behavior and lifestyle, as well as what to combine this symbol with.

Most often, such a tattoo is done by men, because for them it is a symbol of courage, bravery, and symbolizes persistent willpower. For women, the interpretation of a tattoo in the form of a knife can be different, but it is often used as an image of a tragic fate, inevitability, and various personal problems.

What do knife tattoos mean?

Let's look at some popular knife tattoo combinations:

  • The knife and skull are a symbol of death;
  • Blood dripping from a knife - readiness for active actions, regardless of the tragedy of their consequences;
  • A skull with a knife in its teeth - a person is ready to do anything to achieve his goal
  • A knife stuck in the heart - betrayal, often in love, married life, thirst for revenge, cruelty;
  • Meat and a knife are frequent insults both towards the person who wears such a tattoo, and on his part, rudeness;

Previously, tattoos of this type were applied exclusively in black and white. However, times change and so do people’s tastes. Nowadays it has become popular to perform this tattoo in color, with a variety of unique designs and designs.

For many, the image of knives symbolizes cutting, the destruction of everything negative and bad in life. People sincerely believe that this symbol will become their talisman in life and protect them from problems in the future.

When choosing this tattoo, you should be extremely careful, think through everything down to the smallest detail: design, color, design, combination with other symbols, location, etc. After all, these factors can significantly influence the further interpretation of the tattoo. It is important to choose a knife tattoo that will reflect your inner world and features of your worldview.

The meaning of a knife tattoo on the zone

A tattoo of a knife on the neck means that its owner has stabbed someone; a tattoo of a knife with barbed wire is often found, it means that the prisoner committed crimes in captivity.